[gnome-software] (8 commits) ...Merge branch '1587-updates-glitchy-empty-list' into 'main'

Summary of changes:

  a525979... gs-app-row: Unmapped row does not hide (*)
  4af1453... gs-app-row: Avoid piling GtkRevealer-s in the row (*)
  839b931... gs-app-row: Hide the row when the unreveal is finished (*)
  d81b8b4... gs-app-row: Add comment for gs_app_row_unreveal() (*)
  5850781... gs-updates-section: Use gtk_widget_get_ancestor() (*)
  0a36f5e... gs-installed-page: Unify unreveal of an app row (*)
  381fe52... gs-updates-section: Flip function call order in _unreveal_r (*)
  4ee8a2b... Merge branch '1587-updates-glitchy-empty-list' into 'main'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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