[gimp-web-devel] (16 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch hugo

The branch 'hugo' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  edfb696... hugo website translation
  265a41b... Merge branch 'gimp-web-devel-hugo' into hugo
  e9b84cd... some more translation
  b3dc449... fixing some urls and gimpcon markdown translation
  04877b5... build advice
  5896aeb... writing a plug in translation
  f830911... pipeline setup
  f4535a6... Merge branch 'hugo' into 'master'
  c75876c... fixing mangled names and adding a build script
  87823fc... Adding 'core' and 'resource' dev sections
  1e420fe... tool for updating API docs
  2157ae0... tool for finding link rot
  10ecc08... Makefile for automated Docker build
  ad23d34... scripts: don't get 2.8 API docs and use 2.10 docs structure
  cbf06dd... TEMP: remove link rot.
  d4ea7c5... Using testing website as base URL.

Commits added to the branch:

  f61258f... Update maintainers. (*)
  ad57970... hugo website translation
  a8193d5... some more translation
  d52799d... fixing some urls and gimpcon markdown translation
  3232bb8... build advice
  7d740f0... writing a plug in translation
  45c9627... pipeline setup
  a682eed... fixing mangled names and adding a build script
  106f169... Adding 'core' and 'resource' dev sections
  0691a0d... tool for updating API docs
  913e749... tool for finding link rot
  5ee565a... Makefile for automated Docker build
  c403cf6... scripts: don't get 2.8 API docs and use 2.10 docs structure
  8e3f5f3... TEMP: remove link rot.
  01b2180... Using testing website as base URL.
  f58365c... Add generated files to gitignore.

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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