[gtk/gtk-3-24] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'msvcproj-git' into 'gtk-3-24'

Summary of changes:

  156ae72... Visual Studio: Add .gitignore's (*)
  91985e6... win32/generate-msvc.mak: Add rules to create GDK-Win32 MSVC (*)
  b28f209... win32/generate-msvc.mak: Support generating all GDK project (*)
  d21115c... generate-msvc.mak: Add rules to copy the static VS2010 proj (*)
  07e01fd... config-msvc.mak.in: Regroup items (*)
  36f1cd2... generate-msvc.mak: Support generating libgtk/gailutil proje (*)
  a84e604... win32/generate-msvc.mak: Clean up a bit again (*)
  e767a03... win32: Split out MSVC project generating (*)
  aa90717... win32/gen-version-items.py: Retrieve version info from conf (*)
  1b22c55... win32: Add NMake Makefile to bootstrap projects (*)
  8a999ca... Visual Studio build instructions: Use MarkDown (*)
  6dc2710... README_FEATURES_MSVC.md: Mention about enabling EGL (*)
  bc3770f... README.win32: Mention about (re-)generating project files (*)
  88c17ea... Merge branch 'msvcproj-git' into 'gtk-3-24'

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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