[devdocsgjs/wip/andyholmes/upstream-merge: 1595/1595] DevDocs: merge changes from upstream

commit dccee3b35ca6d3479f35fad00bcc05a499eaf824
Merge: de9796d9 303f9d42
Author: Andy Holmes <andrew g r holmes gmail com>
Date:   Fri Apr 8 01:20:10 2022 -0700

    DevDocs: merge changes from upstream

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 test/lib/docs/core/scrapers/file_scraper_test.rb   |    4 +-
 test/lib/docs/filters/core/parse_cf_email_test.rb  |   17 +
 views/app.erb                                      |    1 +
 views/index.erb                                    |   29 +-
 views/other.erb                                    |    6 +-
 views/service-worker.js.erb                        |   13 +-
 786 files changed, 19090 insertions(+), 5861 deletions(-)
diff --cc Dockerfile
index beb1d318,ac9a8c21..216386e4
--- a/Dockerfile
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@@ -1,146 -1,25 +1,146 @@@
 -FROM ruby:2.7.5
 +# We bump this each release to fetch the latest stable GIRs
 +FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:36 AS fetch
 +RUN dnf install -y \
 +        NetworkManager-libnm-devel cairo-devel evince-devel folks-devel \
 +        geoclue2-devel geocode-glib-devel glib2-devel \
 +        gnome-bluetooth-libs-devel gnome-online-accounts-devel gnome-shell \
 +        gobject-introspection-devel gom-devel graphene-devel grilo-devel \
 +        gsettings-desktop-schemas-devel gsound-devel gspell-devel \
 +        gstreamer1-{,plugins-base-,plugins-bad-free-}devel gtk{2,3,4}-devel \
 +        gtksourceview{3,4}-devel gupnp-devel gupnp-dlna-devel harfbuzz-devel \
 +        ibus-devel keybinder3-devel libappindicator-gtk3-devel \
 +        libadwaita-devel libappstream-glib-devel libgcab1-devel libgdata-devel \
 +        libgda-devel libgudev-devel libgweather-devel libgxps-devel \
 +        libhandy1-devel libnotify-devel libpeas-devel libportal-devel \
 +        librsvg2-devel libsecret-devel libsoup-devel libsoup3-devel mutter \
 +        pango-devel polkit-devel poppler-glib-devel rest-devel \
 +        telepathy-glib-devel tracker-devel udisks-devel upower-devel \
 +        vte{,291}-devel wireplumber-devel && \
 +    dnf clean all && \
 +    rm -rf /var/cache/yum
 +# We build in fedora:33 for the ruby dependency
 +FROM registry.fedoraproject.org/fedora:33 AS build
 -WORKDIR /devdocs
 +# These are GIRs from the fetch step
 +COPY --from=fetch /usr/share/gir-1.0 /usr/share/gir-1.0
 +COPY --from=fetch /usr/share/gnome-shell /usr/share/gnome-shell
 +COPY --from=fetch /usr/lib64/mutter-10 /usr/lib64/mutter-10
 -RUN apt-get update && \
 -    apt-get -y install git nodejs libcurl4 && \
 -    gem install bundler && \
 -    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
 +# These are extra GIRs we can't install with dnf
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/GnomeBluetooth-1.0.gir /usr/share/gir-1.0/
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/GtkosxApplication-1.0.gir /usr/share/gir-1.0/
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/Tracker-2.0.gir /usr/share/gir-1.0/
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/TrackerControl-2.0.gir /usr/share/gir-1.0/
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/TrackerMiner-2.0.gir /usr/share/gir-1.0/
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-3 /usr/lib64/mutter-3
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-4 /usr/lib64/mutter-4
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-5 /usr/lib64/mutter-5
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-6 /usr/lib64/mutter-6
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-7 /usr/lib64/mutter-7
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-8 /usr/lib64/mutter-8
 +COPY lib/docs/scrapers/gnome/girs/mutter-9 /usr/lib64/mutter-9
 +# Install devdocs dependencies
 +RUN dnf install -y 'dnf-command(builddep)' @development-tools bzip2 gcc-c++ && \
 +    dnf builddep -y ruby && \
 +    dnf install -y ruby rubygem-bundler ruby-devel python3-markdown \
 +                   gobject-introspection-devel && \
 +    dnf clean all && \
 +    rm -rf /var/cache/yum
 +# Install the devdocs application
 +COPY . /opt/devdocs/
 +WORKDIR /opt/devdocs
 +RUN bundle config set --local deployment 'true'
 +RUN bundle install
 -COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock Rakefile /devdocs/
 +# Generate scrapers
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/share/gir-1.0
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-3
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-4
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-5
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-6
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-7
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-8
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-9
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate_all /usr/lib64/mutter-10
 -RUN bundle install --system && \
 -    rm -rf ~/.gem /root/.bundle/cache /usr/local/bundle/cache
 +# Some of the gnome-shell GIRs need extra include paths
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate /usr/share/gnome-shell/Gvc-1.0.gir
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate /usr/share/gnome-shell/Shell-0.1.gir --include /usr/lib64/mutter-10
 +RUN bundle exec thor gir:generate /usr/share/gnome-shell/St-1.0.gir --include /usr/lib64/mutter-10
 -COPY . /devdocs
 +# Build docsets
 +# Intentionally omitted:
 +# dbus10, dbusglib10, fontconfig20, freetype220, gdkpixdata20, gl10, gmodule20,
 +#   libxml220, win3210, xfixes40, xft20, xlib20, xrandr13
 +RUN echo adw1 appindicator301 appstreamglib10 atk10 atspi20 cairo10 \
 +        camel12  dbusmenu04 ebook12 ebookcontacts12 ecal20 edataserver12 \
 +        edataserverui12 evincedocument30 evinceview30 folks07 folksdummy07 \
 +        folkseds07 folkstelepathy07 gcab10 gck1 gcr3 gcrui3 gda50 gdata00 \
 +        gdesktopenums30 gdk20 gdk30 gdk40 gdkpixbuf20 gdkx1120 gdkx1130 \
 +        gdkx1140 gee08 geoclue20 geocodeglib10 gio20 girepository20 glib20 \
 +        gnomebluetooth10 gnomebluetooth30 goa10 gobject20 gom10 graphene10 \
 +        grl03 grlnet03 grlpls03 gsk40 gsound10 gspell1 gssdp12 gst10 \
 +        gstallocators10 gstapp10 gstaudio10 gstbadaudio10 gstbase10 gstcheck10 \
 +        gstcodecs10 gstcontroller10 gstgl10 gstinsertbin10 gstmpegts10 \
 +        gstnet10 gstpbutils10 gstplayer10 gstrtp10 gstrtsp10 gstsdp10 gsttag10 \
 +        gstvideo10 gstvulkan10 gstwebrtc10 gtk20 gtk30 gtk40 \
 +        gtkosxapplication10 gtksource30 gtksource4 gudev10 gupnp12 gupnpdlna20 \
 +        gupnpdlnagst20 gvc10 gweather30 gxps01 handy1 ibus10 javascriptcore40 \
 +        json10 keybinder30 nm10 notify07 pango10 pangocairo10 pangoft210 \
 +        pangoxft10 peas10 peasgtk10 polkit10 polkitagent10 poppler018 rest07 \
 +        restextras07 rsvg20 secret1 shell01 soup24 soup30 soupgnome24 st10 \
 +        telepathyglib012 tracker20 tracker30 trackercontrol20 trackerminer20 \
 +        upowerglib10 vte00 vte291 webkit240 webkit2webextension40 wp04 xdp10 \
 +        cally3 clutter3 clutterx113 cogl3 coglpango3 meta3 \
 +        cally4 clutter4 clutterx114 cogl4 coglpango4 meta4 \
 +        cally5 clutter5 clutterx115 cogl5 coglpango5 meta5 \
 +        cally6 clutter6 clutterx116 cogl6 coglpango6 meta6 \
 +        cally7 clutter7 clutterx117 cogl7 coglpango7 meta7 \
 +        cally8 clutter8 clutterx118 cogl8 coglpango8 meta8 \
 +        cally9 clutter9 cogl9 coglpango9 meta9 \
 +        cally10 clutter10 cogl10 coglpango10 meta10 \
 +        | tr ' ' '\n' | xargs -L1 -P$(nproc) bundle exec thor docs:generate --force
- # We deploy in ruby:2.7.3-alpine for size
 -RUN thor docs:download --all && \
++# We deploy in ruby:2.7.5-alpine for size
 +# Changes from Dockerfile-alpine:
- # - Ruby 2.6.0 -> 2.7.3
++# - Ruby 2.6.0 -> 2.7.5
 +# - Copy from the build-stage image instead of the current dir
 +# - Update bundler CLI usage
 +# - The css and javascript docsets don't resolve and have been removed
 +# - User permission fixes
- FROM docker.io/library/ruby:2.7.3-alpine
++FROM docker.io/library/ruby:2.7.5-alpine
 +WORKDIR /devdocs
 +COPY --from=build /opt/devdocs /devdocs
- RUN apk --update add nodejs build-base libstdc++ gzip git zlib-dev && \
++RUN apk --update add nodejs build-base libstdc++ gzip git zlib-dev libcurl && \
 +    gem install bundler && \
 +    bundle config set system 'true' && \
 +    bundle config set without 'test' && \
 +    bundle install && \
      thor assets:compile && \
 -    rm -rf /tmp
 +    apk del gzip build-base git zlib-dev && \
 +    rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* /tmp ~/.gem /root/.bundle/cache \
 +    /usr/local/bundle/cache /usr/lib/node_modules
 +RUN adduser -D -h /devdocs -s /bin/bash -G root -u 1000 rbuser
 +RUN chmod -R 775 /devdocs
 +RUN chown -R rbuser:root /devdocs
  EXPOSE 9292
 -CMD rackup -o
 +CMD bundle exec rackup -o
diff --cc Gemfile.lock
index 5b91e436,268b87ca..06b2681c
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@@ -117,19 -119,18 +119,19 @@@ GE
        strings (~> 0.1.4)
        tty-screen (~> 0.6)
        tty-which (~> 0.4)
-     tty-screen (0.6.5)
-     tty-which (0.4.0)
+     tty-screen (0.7.0)
+     tty-which (0.4.1)
      typhoeus (1.3.1)
        ethon (>= 0.9.0)
-     tzinfo (1.2.7)
+     tzinfo (1.2.9)
        thread_safe (~> 0.1)
-     uglifier (4.1.20)
+     uglifier (4.2.0)
        execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
-     unicode-display_width (1.4.1)
+     unicode-display_width (1.6.0)
      unicode_utils (1.4.0)
      unix_utils (0.0.15)
 +    xdg (4.2.0)
-     yajl-ruby (1.4.1)
+     yajl-ruby (1.4.2)
diff --cc README.md
index cba762e8,e67b01f3..e0ac5951
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@@ -1,18 -1,4 +1,18 @@@
 +# [DevDocs for GJS](https://gjs-docs.gnome.org) — API documentation browser for the GNOME JavaScript 
 +This is the source code for the website with API documentation for writing GNOME applications in 
JavaScript. It's based on an app called DevDocs, which combines multiple API documentations in a fast, 
organized, and searchable interface.
 +# Contributing
 +- Request missing documentation sets or report APIs that don't work quite the way they're documented, in 
the [issue tracker](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/devdocsgjs/-/issues).
 +- Check out the [code](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/devdocsgjs) and make improvements.
 +- Discuss things in the [chat channel](https://gnome.riot.im/#/room/#_gimpnet_#javascript:gnome.org).
 +The README from the original DevDocs project follows:
- # [DevDocs](https://devdocs.io) — API Documentation Browser [![Build 
+ # [DevDocs](https://devdocs.io) — API Documentation Browser
  DevDocs combines multiple developer documentations in a clean and organized web UI with instant search, 
offline support, mobile version, dark theme, keyboard shortcuts, and more.
diff --cc assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee
index 2b2dc5b6,8f83cbad..b76aa860
--- a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee
+++ b/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee
@@@ -20,20 -20,15 +20,20 @@@ app.templates.aboutPage = -> ""
      <li>Join the <a href="https://gitter.im/FreeCodeCamp/DevDocs";>Gitter</a> chat room
 +  <h2 class="_lined-heading">About the GNOME JavaScript documentation</h2>
 +  <p>Generated using a modified <a 
 +     An experiment demoed at the Developer Experience hackfest 2016.
    <h2 class="_block-heading" id="copyright">Copyright and License</h2>
    <p class="_note">
-     <strong>Copyright 2013&ndash;2019 Thibaut Courouble and <a 
href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/graphs/contributors";>other contributors</a></strong><br>
+     <strong>Copyright 2013&ndash;2021 Thibaut Courouble and <a 
href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/graphs/contributors";>other contributors</a></strong><br>
      This software is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0.<br>
 -    You may obtain a copy of the source code at <a 
 +    You may obtain a copy of the source code at <a 
href="https://github.com/ptomato/devdocs";>github.com/ptomato/devdocs</a> or of the original DevDocs' source 
code at <a href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs";>github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs</a>.<br>
-     For more information, see the <a 
-     and <a href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/blob/master/LICENSE";>LICENSE</a> files.
+     For more information, see the <a 
+     and <a href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs/blob/main/LICENSE";>LICENSE</a> files.
 -  <h2 class="_block-heading" id="plugins">Plugins and Extensions</h2>
 +  <!--h2 class="_block-heading" id="plugins">Plugins and Extensions</h2>
      <li><a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devdocs/mnfehgbmkapmjnhcnbodoamcioleeooe";>Chrome 
web app</a>
      <li><a href="https://github.com/egoist/devdocs-app";>Desktop app</a>
@@@ -57,14 -53,10 +57,14 @@@
    <p><strong>Special thanks to:</strong>
 -    <li><a href="https://sentry.io/";>Sentry</a> and <a 
href="https://get.gaug.es/?utm_source=devdocs&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=sponsorships"; title="Real Time 
Web Analytics">Gauges</a> for offering a free account to DevDocs
 +    <li>Everaldo Canuto, Patrick Griffis, and Dustin Falgout for helping get this site back online
 +    <li><a href="https://nuveo.com.br";>Nuveo</a> for sponsoring the hosting
 +    <!-- The next three don't apply to us, we're not getting sponsored by them.
 +    The C/C++ logo is not used now, but will be later. -->
-     <!--li><a href="https://out.devdocs.io/s/maxcdn";>MaxCDN</a>, <a href="https://sentry.io/";>Sentry</a> 
and <a href="https://get.gaug.es/?utm_source=devdocs&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=sponsorships"; 
title="Real Time Web Analytics">Gauges</a> for offering a free account to DevDocs
++    <!--li><a href="https://sentry.io/";>Sentry</a> and <a 
href="https://get.gaug.es/?utm_source=devdocs&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=sponsorships"; title="Real Time 
Web Analytics">Gauges</a> for offering a free account to DevDocs
      <li><a href="https://out.devdocs.io/s/maxcdn";>MaxCDN</a>, <a 
href="https://out.devdocs.io/s/shopify";>Shopify</a>, <a 
href="https://out.devdocs.io/s/jetbrains";>JetBrains</a> and <a 
href="https://out.devdocs.io/s/code-school";>Code School</a> for sponsoring DevDocs in the past
      <li><a href="https://www.heroku.com";>Heroku</a> and <a href="https://newrelic.com/";>New Relic</a> for 
providing awesome free service
 -    <li><a href="https://www.jeremykratz.com/";>Jeremy Kratz</a> for the C/C++ logo
 +    <li><a href="https://www.jeremykratz.com/";>Jeremy Kratz</a> for the C/C++ logo-->
    <div class="_table">
@@@ -739,99 -942,10 +950,94 @@@ credits = 
      '2008-2017 by Yii Software LLC',
+   ], [
+     'Zig',
+     '2015–2021, Zig contributors',
+     'MIT',
+     'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ziglang/zig/master/LICENSE'
 +# Redefine rather than edit, in order to avoid merge conflicts
 +credits = [
 +  [ 'Cally',
 +    '2008, 2009, 2010 Igalia S.L.',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/cally/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'Champlain',
 +    '2008–2013 libchamplain contributors',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/libchamplain/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'Clutter',
 +    '2006, 2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Intel Corporation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/clutter/stable/'
-   ], [
-     'Clutter Gst',
-     '2006, 2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2009, 2010 Intel Corporation',
-     'GNU FDL 1.1',
-     'https://developer.gnome.org/clutter-gst/stable/'
-   ], [
-     'Clutter GTK',
-     '2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Intel Corporation',
-     'GNU FDL 1.1',
-     'https://developer.gnome.org/clutter-gtk/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'Cogl',
 +    '2008 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2009, 2010 Intel Corporation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/cogl/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'CSS<br>JavaScript',
 +    '2005-2015 Mozilla Developer Network and individual contributors',
 +    'CC BY-SA',
 +    'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/'
 +  ], [
 +    'EvinceDocument<br>EvinceView',
 +    '2007, 2008, 2009 Nickolay V. Shmyrev<br>2008, 2009, 2010 Carlos Garcia Campos<br>2009, 2010 Christian 
 +    'GPL 2',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/libevdocument/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'GdkPixbuf',
 +    '2000 The Free Software Foundation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/gdk-pixbuf/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'GOA',
 +    '2011, 2012 The GOA Authors',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/goa/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'GOM',
 +    '2012 Christian Hergert',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/gom/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'GSSDP',
 +    '2007 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2009, 2010, 2011 Nokia Corporation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/gssdp/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'GUPnP',
 +    '2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2007, 2008 Zeeshan Ali<br>2009, 2010 Nokia Corporation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/gupnp-av/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'JSON-GLib',
 +    '2007, 2008 OpenedHand Ltd<br>2009, 2010, 2011 Intel Corporation',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/json-glib/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'Other generated docs',
 +    'Their respective project',
 +    'Various',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/references'
 +  ], [
 +    'RSVG',
 +    '2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Dom Lachowicz<br>2010 Christian Persch',
 +    'GPL 2',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/rsvg/stable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'VTE',
 +    '2009, 2010 Christian Persch',
 +    'LGPL 2.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/vte/unstable/'
 +  ], [
 +    'Zapojit',
 +    '2012 The Zapojit authors',
 +    'GNU FDL 1.1',
 +    'https://developer.gnome.org/libzapojit/unstable/'
 +  ]
diff --cc assets/javascripts/templates/pages/help_tmpl.coffee
index 2a3e4fe9,53031ff1..2b0c0e26
--- a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/help_tmpl.coffee
+++ b/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/help_tmpl.coffee
@@@ -1,8 -1,8 +1,9 @@@
  app.templates.helpPage = ->
    ctrlKey = if $.isMac() then 'cmd' else 'ctrl'
    navKey = if $.isMac() then 'cmd' else 'alt'
+   arrowScroll = app.settings.get('arrowScroll')
 +  host = 'http://devdocs.baznga.org'
    aliases_one = {}
    aliases_two = {}
    keys = Object.keys(app.models.Entry.ALIASES)
diff --cc assets/javascripts/templates/pages/root_tmpl.coffee.erb
index af3d4f47,77deab0e..0f195910
--- a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/root_tmpl.coffee.erb
+++ b/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/root_tmpl.coffee.erb
@@@ -40,10 -37,9 +40,10 @@@ app.templates.intro = ""
        <li>To search a specific documentation, type its name (or an abbr.), then Tab.
        <li>You can search using your browser's address bar &mdash; <a href="/help#browser_search">learn 
        <li>DevDocs works <a href="/offline">offline</a>, on mobile, and can be installed on <a 
 -      <li>For the latest news, follow <a href="https://twitter.com/DevDocs";>@DevDocs</a>.
        <li>DevDocs is free and <a href="https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/devdocs";>open source</a>.
-           <iframe class="_github-btn" 
allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="100" height="20"></iframe>
+           <object data="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/freeCodeCamp/devdocs.svg?style=social"; 
type="image/svg+xml" aria-hidden="true" height="20"></object>
 +          This is a <a href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/devdocsgjs";>modified version</a>.
 +      <li>If any API documentation is incorrect, please file bugs on this <a 
href="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/devdocsgjs/issues";>issue tracker</a>.
        <li>And if you're new to coding, check out <a href="https://www.freecodecamp.org/";>freeCodeCamp's 
open source curriculum</a>.
      <p>Happy coding!
diff --cc assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss
index 3c47a142,1d5da325..91b753c4
--- a/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss
+++ b/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss
@@@ -56,13 -58,18 +58,19 @@@
 +        'pages/gir',
+         'pages/gnuplot',
+         'pages/groovy',
+         'pages/gtk',
+         'pages/haproxy',
+         'pages/jasmine',
+         'pages/jq',
diff --cc lib/app.rb
index d892b039,43ce2a4e..aaa72bc6
--- a/lib/app.rb
+++ b/lib/app.rb
@@@ -32,8 -30,8 +30,8 @@@ class App < Sinatra::Applicatio
      set :docs_origin, File.join('', docs_prefix)
      set :docs_path, File.join(public_folder, docs_prefix)
      set :docs_manifest_path, File.join(docs_path, 'docs.json')
-     set :default_docs, %w(css dom dom_events html http javascript)
+     set :default_docs, %w(css dom html http javascript)
 -    set :news_path, File.join(root, assets_prefix, 'javascripts', 'news.json')
 +    set :news_path, File.join(root, assets_prefix, 'javascripts', 'gnome_news.json')
      set :csp, false

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