[gnome-software] (126 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch 1385-version-history-dialog-has-non-rounded-corners

The branch '1385-version-history-dialog-has-non-rounded-corners' was changed in a way that was not a 
fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  4aae39e... gs-app-version-history-dialog: Turn it to HdyWindow descend

Commits added to the branch:

  96e5027... assets: Make the up-to-date picture fit phones (*)
  ad6e01f... gs-screenshot-carousel: Make prev/next buttons circular (*)
  dcbc6d2... gs-details-page: Always show the application source (*)
  e2559d6... flatpak: Change error mapping for some codes to improve err (*)
  fd209f5... Add drop-shadows in status pages using the app's icon (*)
  236507d... gs-app-context-bar: Make sure symbolic icons are used here (*)
  d29ff17... gs-update-dialog: Connect to "back-clicked" signal only for (*)
  312061d... gs-os-update-page: Remove the 'Back' button (*)
  475ed49... gs-update-dialog: Clicking OS Updates generates runtime war (*)
  379cc45... gs-shell: Switch to the overview page only when on the load (*)
  8e6e915... gs-appstream: Change component kind only when can decode it (*)
  23a8715... gs-plugin-appstream: Change app state to installed only whe (*)
  c4e2e2b... fwupd: Add translations for more device categories (*)
  5d3a5e7... gs-description-box: Update button label only when the text  (*)
  82a99de... gs-updates-section: Propagate error for "Update All" update (*)
  66b4544... Add a comment with a reference to a gtk+ merge request (*)
  0344246... gs-plugin-os-release: Use the OS ID rather than NAME in the (*)
  e14b551... Update Chinese (China) translation (*)
  0cae44d... Update Portuguese translation (*)
  500fc73... Update Swedish translation (*)
  bdaffd2... gs-app-context-bar: Improve handling of non-sandboxed appli (*)
  52ad161... Merge branch '1420-app-page-show-more-button-label-glitches (*)
  0feb95e... Merge branch '1450-rpm-app-context' into 'main' (*)
  4ef7d81... Update Brazilian Portuguese translation (*)
  1e06a86... Update Polish translation (*)
  4c79a0e... Updated Spanish translation (*)
  aec9a42... Update Swedish translation (*)
  b95a85d... Updated Czech translation (*)
  26ba4e0... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  ac6612d... Updated Danish translation (*)
  66bee26... gs-overview-page: Inconsistent font for iconless tiles (cat (*)
  c90e4bd... Update Basque translation (*)
  29b1430... Update German translation (*)
  e49fea2... Update Hungarian translation (*)
  60759a5... Update Galician translation (*)
  7a14a8b... Update Indonesian translation (*)
  2d5bca2... Update French translation (*)
  ea22a0f... Update Finnish translation (*)
  3c912a8... Update Finnish translation (*)
  e71665a... Update Korean translation (*)
  244a215... featured: Drop Transmission (*)
  4772c1f... featured: Drop Marker (*)
  60d0d1f... featured: Drop UberWriter (*)
  dee5b38... Update Catalan translation (*)
  08aaf66... Updated Danish translation (*)
  6fb78f8... appstream: Ensure XbSilo monitors are attached to right con (*)
  925f076... Update Portuguese translation (*)
  b395dea... Merge branch '1422-install-uninstall' into 'main' (*)
  23b6795... Update Occitan translation (*)
  278e67d... Update Chinese (China) translation (*)
  a25f1bb... Updated Lithuanian translation (*)
  74ba8a0... Update Occitan translation (*)
  393228a... Update Romanian translation (*)
  8566498... Release version 41.0 (*)
  2d4648a... trivial: Post release version bump (*)
  1397957... Update Belarusian translation (*)
  68d0eb6... Fix broken markup in Belarusian UI translation (*)
  eac9b82... Update Turkish translation (*)
  c50ce88... Update Slovenian translation (*)
  2439895... Update Dutch translation (*)
  fccb69d... Update Friulian translation (*)
  711384d... gs-repo-row: Do not emit "switch-clicked" when the switch i (*)
  ca6e79f... Merge branch 'wip/mcrha/repo-disable' into 'main' (*)
  7950d4b... Merge branch 'drop-featured' into 'main' (*)
  cec19f1... Merge branch '508-os-app-id' into 'main' (*)
  8e5540d... data: Add Circle app Share Preview to list of featured apps (*)
  3252991... Merge branch 'sophie/add-share-preview' into 'main' (*)
  25cde4c... Merge branch '1414-software-recommends-a-reboot-even-if-fwu (*)
  1a00c84... Merge branch '1424-updates-page-clicking-os-updates-generat (*)
  f800420... Merge branch '1413-missing-source-label-after-41-redesign'  (*)
  bf8414a... Merge branch 'wip/mcrha/appstream-misc' into 'main' (*)
  2e2a546... Merge branch '1395-mode-change-from-command-line-does-not-a (*)
  f8116b1... Merge branch '1425-bad-error-message-when-installing-broken (*)
  3db462c... Merge branch 'wip/mcrha/force-symbolic-icons' into 'main' (*)
  7ae5472... Merge branch 'icon-shadow' into 'main' (*)
  69f3304... Merge branch '1375-screenshots-next-prev-buttons-aren-t-cir (*)
  de2d17b... Update Persian translation (*)
  bb3762f... Update Vietnamese translation (*)
  68b955b... appstream: Ensure XbBuilders are constructed in the right c (*)
  03ea59c... gs-page: Use correct action when install/remove repo app (*)
  576f9e6... flatpak: Save also remote's filter on the flatpak-app (*)
  cb80915... flatpak: Store filter and description on a remote app (*)
  a4f8501... flatpak: Match existing and file remote only if it matches  (*)
  dacde32... rpm-ostree: Wait for an ongoing transaction end before runn (*)
  9a1d3e7... Merge branch '1405-rpm-ostree-don-t-show-transaction-in-pro (*)
  a2e923c... Merge branch '1422-followup' into 'main' (*)
  2a94efb... flatpak: Update existing remote from a .flatpakref file (*)
  7f353b3... Merge branch '1453-flathub-repo-misleadingly-considered-pre (*)
  9c9ca9d... Update Croatian translation (*)
  fa45034... data: Add Circle app Commit to featured apps (*)
  ff2a783... Merge branch 'add-commits' into 'main' (*)
  34562bd... Update Slovenian translation (*)
  be38259... Update Friulian translation (*)
  429ec74... gs-repos-dialog: Cannot disable all 3rd-party repositories (*)
  68f17cb... Merge branch 'wip/mcrha/3rd-party-repo-disable' into 'main' (*)
  9ab2047... Update Croatian translation (*)
  44f8f57... Update Hebrew translation (*)
  d0747ba... snap: Fix snap alternatives missing safety information (*)
  a8e7147... Merge branch 'snap-safety' into 'main' (*)
  f8a9380... Update Croatian translation (*)
  9614c85... Set URLs for snaps (*)
  3c3b2db... Update Serbian translation (*)
  0ea56f4... Update Serbian translation (*)
  7d25fa6... Update Vietnamese translation (*)
  f19e267... Merge branch 'snap-app-urls' into 'main' (*)
  fed7233... lib: Extract fedora-third-party code into a single file (*)
  cddd168... gs-overview-page: Use GsFedoraThirdParty (*)
  5ebb456... gs-repos-dialog: Use GsFedoraThirdParty (*)
  6c22778... Merge branch 'wip/mcrha/fedora-third-party-followup-half' i (*)
  bb25be7... flatpak: Do not claim ownership of a wildcard app (*)
  de338c9... gs-appstream: Extend search to provide parent apps for the  (*)
  4d4664f... Update Swedish translation (*)
  1310411... snap: Ignore empty URLs (*)
  2e59970... Merge branch 'snap-empty-url' into 'main' (*)
  b4eaf34... Merge branch '1454-allow-searching-for-extensions' into 'ma (*)
  f3ba78b... Merge branch 'up-to-date' into 'main' (*)
  9465912... Add GsInfoWindow (*)
  0016ab0... Use GsInfoWindow (*)
  624202b... Fix the indentation (*)
  f872b2e... Merge branch 'info-window' into 'main' (*)
  80d8723... Merge branch 'wip/hughsie/fwupd-cats' into 'main' (*)
  09341ac... gs-safety-context-dialog: Highlight when a runtime is End-O (*)
  d429173... Merge branch '1423-gs-overview-page-inconsistent-font-for-i (*)
  688e09f... Merge branch '1335-highlight-when-a-runtime-is-out-of-date' (*)
  b98e081... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  68749a7... gs-app-version-history-dialog: Turn it to GsInfoWindow desc

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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