[gtk/modern-testsuite: 19/23] ngl: Avoid offscreens in more cases

commit 93323be22a5727ceaea67938e88acf31066f7ee0
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Thu Sep 16 08:05:21 2021 -0400

    ngl: Avoid offscreens in more cases
    We avoid an offscreen if we know the child node
    can 'handle' the transform. Shadow nodes can if their
    child node does - either the child node is a text node
    in which case the shortcuts we take for shadow nodes
    will work fine with the transform (we just render the
    text node offset), or the child is not a text node,
    in which case we render the shadow to an offscreen
    This change makes the label-shadows reftest pass with
    the GL renderer, not by fixing the issue but by avoiding

 gsk/ngl/gsknglrenderjob.c | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/gsk/ngl/gsknglrenderjob.c b/gsk/ngl/gsknglrenderjob.c
index 92d659f976..4cccd89ba5 100644
--- a/gsk/ngl/gsknglrenderjob.c
+++ b/gsk/ngl/gsknglrenderjob.c
@@ -252,6 +252,9 @@ node_supports_transform (const GskRenderNode *node)
       case GSK_TEXT_NODE:
         return TRUE;
+      case GSK_SHADOW_NODE:
+        return node_supports_transform (gsk_shadow_node_get_child (node));
         return node_supports_transform (gsk_transform_node_get_child (node));

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