[brasero/wip/carlosg/tracker3: 22/24] Only use fts:rank with FTS searches

commit 3eb5f88bdfe3a900fd53e92d3f501e9e4cf4c507
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Thu Dec 24 13:04:03 2020 +0100

    Only use fts:rank with FTS searches
    This fixes two things:
    - The use of fts:match depends on priv->keywords being set, but
      fts:rank() has undefined behavior if fts:match is not present.
      Its value is returned in the cursor, but fortunately unused,
      so it can go away.
    - Fixes "garbage" being added at the end of the query, concretely
      ") } ORDER BY ... " is appended at the supposed end of the query
      string. Older SPARQL parser implementations would allow garbage
      at the end of its parsing state, I suspect "LIMIT 0 OFFSET 10000"
      was just a mean to push it to that state that it'd allow the
      remaining string, so that is gone too.

 src/brasero-search-tracker.c | 21 +++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/brasero-search-tracker.c b/src/brasero-search-tracker.c
index 94085070..ae1d388a 100644
--- a/src/brasero-search-tracker.c
+++ b/src/brasero-search-tracker.c
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ brasero_search_tracker_query_start_real (BraseroSearchEngine *search,
        priv = BRASERO_SEARCH_TRACKER_PRIVATE (search);
-       query = g_string_new ("SELECT ?file ?url ?mime fts:rank(?file) "        /* Which variables should be 
returned */
+       query = g_string_new ("SELECT ?file ?url ?mime "                        /* Which variables should be 
returned */
                              "WHERE {"                                         /* Start defining the search 
and its scope */
                              "  ?file a nfo:FileDataObject . "                 /* File must be a file (not a 
stream, ...) */
                              "  ?file nie:url ?url . "                         /* Get the url of the file */
@@ -293,21 +293,18 @@ brasero_search_tracker_query_start_real (BraseroSearchEngine *search,
                                 " ) ");
-       if (priv->keywords)
+       if (priv->keywords) {
                g_string_append_printf (query,
                                        "  ?file fts:match \"%s\" ",            /* File must match possible 
keywords */
-       g_string_append (query,
-                        " } "
-                        "ORDER BY ASC(fts:rank(?file)) "
-                        "OFFSET 0 "
-                        "LIMIT 10000");
-       g_string_append (query, ")");
-       g_string_append (query,
-                        "} ORDER BY DESC(?url) DESC(nfo:fileName(?file))");
+               g_string_append (query,
+                                " } "
+                                "ORDER BY ASC(fts:rank(?file))");
+       } else {
+               g_string_append (query,
+                                "} ORDER BY DESC(?url) DESC(nfo:fileName(?file))");
+       }
        tracker_sparql_connection_query_async (priv->connection,

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