[gexiv2] gitlab: Update issue template

commit d463e7705bebe3ae646048ffc62338574ed9da94
Author: Jens Georg <mail jensge org>
Date:   Wed Sep 15 23:51:26 2021 +0200

    gitlab: Update issue template
    Mention to compress the image to prevent metadata stripping by gitlab

 .gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md | 5 +++--
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md
index cbecccb..57ea404 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/Bug.md
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
 Steps to reproduce the behavior:
-1. Provide the image/text with which you observed the issue. Images 
-   are usually named PoC.
+1. Provide the image/text with which you observed the issue.
+   When attaching the image, please compress it using
+   Zip or gz or similar to prevent Gitlab from stripping the meta-data.
 2. Provide the exact command to reproduce the issue.
 3. Mention the branch/commit in which you observed the issue (i.e. 
    `master`, `gexiv2-0.12.1`, `commit 6aa98376`)

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