[sysadmin-bin] Tabs to spaces, indent fixes

commit 978a722a75f97b368f25383d50dea791284055e5
Author: Andrea Veri <averi redhat com>
Date:   Fri Sep 10 11:41:58 2021 +0200

    Tabs to spaces, indent fixes

 git/pre-receive-check-policy | 552 +++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 276 insertions(+), 276 deletions(-)
diff --git a/git/pre-receive-check-policy b/git/pre-receive-check-policy
index a4a752e..088a7cc 100755
--- a/git/pre-receive-check-policy
+++ b/git/pre-receive-check-policy
@@ -25,63 +25,63 @@ check_commit() {
     email="$(git log $commit -1 --pretty=format:%ae)"
     case "$email" in
-       *localhost.localdomain|*\(none\))
-           if ! forced ; then
-               cat <<- EOF >&2
-                       ---
-                       The commits you are trying to push contain the author email
-                       address '$email'. Please configure your
-                       username and email address. See:
-                         https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/AuthorEmail
-                       For instructions about how to do this and how to fix your
-                       existing commits.
-                       ---
-                       EOF
-               exit 1
-           fi
-           ;;
+    *localhost.localdomain|*\(none\))
+        if ! forced ; then
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            ---
+            The commits you are trying to push contain the author email
+            address '$email'. Please configure your
+            username and email address. See:
+              https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/AuthorEmail
+            For instructions about how to do this and how to fix your
+            existing commits.
+            ---
+        EOF
+        exit 1
+        fi
+        ;;
     subject="$(git log $commit -1 --pretty=format:%s)"
     if expr "$subject" : ".*Merge branch.*of.*\(git\|ssh\):" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       if ! forced ; then
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               The commit:
-                               EOF
-           git log $commit -1 >&2
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               Looks like it was produced by typing 'git pull' without the --rebase
-                               option when you had local changes. Running 'git  pull --rebase' now
-                               will fix the problem. Then please try, 'git push' again. Please see:
-                                 https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/ExtraMergeCommits
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-           exit 1
-       fi
+    if ! forced ; then
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            ---
+            The commit:
+        EOF
+        git log $commit -1 >&2
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            Looks like it was produced by typing 'git pull' without the --rebase
+            option when you had local changes. Running 'git  pull --rebase' now
+            will fix the problem. Then please try, 'git push' again. Please see:
+              https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/ExtraMergeCommits
+            ---
+        EOF
+        exit 1
+    fi
     body="$(git log $commit -1 --pretty=format:%b)"
     if expr "$body" : ".*FIXME: need commit message" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       if ! forced ; then
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               The commit:
-                               EOF
-           git log $commit -1 >&2
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               Was created by git-bz from a plain diff. Please edit the commit message
-                               to properly describe the commit using 'git commit --amend' or
-                               (for an older commit) 'git rebase -i'. Then try 'git push' again.
-                               EOF
-           exit 1
+    if ! forced ; then
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            ---
+            The commit:
+            EOF
+        git log $commit -1 >&2
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            Was created by git-bz from a plain diff. Please edit the commit message
+            to properly describe the commit using 'git commit --amend' or
+            (for an older commit) 'git rebase -i'. Then try 'git push' again.
+            EOF
+        exit 1
@@ -94,244 +94,244 @@ check_ref_update() {
     if expr $oldrev : "^0\+$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       change_type=create
+        change_type=create
     if expr $newrev : "^0\+$" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-       if [ x$change_type = xcreate ] ; then
-           # Deleting an invalid ref, allow
-           return 0
-       fi
-       change_type=delete
+        if [ x$change_type = xcreate ] ; then
+            # Deleting an invalid ref, allow
+            return 0
+        fi
+        change_type=delete
     case $refname in
-       refs/heads/*)
-           # Branch update
-           branchname=${refname#refs/heads/}
-            is_wip=false
-            is_protected=false
-            case $branchname in
-                wip/*) is_wip=true ;;
-                gnome-*) is_protected=true ;;
-                gimp-*) is_protected=true ;;
-                "$mainline") is_protected=true ;;
+    refs/heads/*)
+        # Branch update
+        branchname=${refname#refs/heads/}
+        is_wip=false
+        is_protected=false
+        case $branchname in
+            wip/*) is_wip=true ;;
+            gnome-*) is_protected=true ;;
+            gimp-*) is_protected=true ;;
+            "$mainline") is_protected=true ;;
+        esac
+        range=
+        case $change_type in
+        create)
+            if [ "x$branchname" = xHEAD ] ; then
+            cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to push the branch 'HEAD'.
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            range="$newrev"
+            ;;
+        delete)
+            # We really don't like to allow deleting any branch, but
+            # people need to do it to clean up accidentally pushed
+            # branches. Deleting protected branches, however, has no
+            # purpose other than getting around the no-fast-forward
+            # restrictions
+            if [ "$is_protected" = true  ] ; then
+                cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to delete a protected branch.
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        update)
+            range="$oldrev..$newrev"
+            nonfastforward=false
+            if [ "`git merge-base $oldrev $newrev`" != $oldrev ]; then
+                # Non-fast-forward update. Right now we have
+                # receive.denyNonFastforwards in the git configs for
+                # our repositories anyways, but catching it here would
+                # allow overriding without having to change the config
+                # temporarily.
+                if [[ "$is_protected" = true ]]; then
+                    nonfastforward=true
+                fi
+            fi
+            if [ "$nonfastforward" = true ] ; then
+                cat <<- EOF >&2
+                    ---
+                    You are trying to update the branch '$branchname' in a way that is not
+                    a fast-forward update. Please see:
+                        https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/NonFastForward
+                    ---
+                    EOF
+                exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
-           range=
-           case $change_type in
-               create)
-                   if [ "x$branchname" = xHEAD ] ; then
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to push the branch 'HEAD'.
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   range="$newrev"
-                   ;;
-               delete)
-                   # We really don't like to allow deleting any branch, but
-                   # people need to do it to clean up accidentally pushed
-                   # branches. Deleting protected branches, however, has no
-                   # purpose other than getting around the no-fast-forward
-                   # restrictions
-                   if [ "$is_protected" = true  ] ; then
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to delete a protected branch.
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   ;;
-               update)
-                    range="$oldrev..$newrev"
-                    nonfastforward=false
-                    if [ "`git merge-base $oldrev $newrev`" != $oldrev ]; then
-                        # Non-fast-forward update. Right now we have
-                        # receive.denyNonFastforwards in the git configs for
-                        # our repositories anyways, but catching it here would
-                        # allow overriding without having to change the config
-                        # temporarily.
-                       if [[ "$is_protected" = true ]]; then
-                           nonfastforward=true
-                       fi
-                    fi
-                    if [ "$nonfastforward" = true ] ; then
-                        cat <<- EOF >&2
-                       ---
-                       You are trying to update the branch '$branchname' in a way that is not
-                       a fast-forward update. Please see:
-                               https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/NonFastForward
-                       ---
-                               EOF
-                        exit 1
-                    fi
-                    ;;
-            esac
+        # For new commits introduced with this branch update, we want to run some
+        # checks to catch common mistakes.
+        #
+        # Expression here is same as in post-receive-notify-cia; we take
+        # all the branches in the repo, as "^/ref/heads/branchname", other than the
+        # branch we are actualy committing to, and exclude commits already on those
+        # branches from the list of commits between $oldrev and $newrev.
-           # For new commits introduced with this branch update, we want to run some
-           # checks to catch common mistakes.
-           #
-           # Expression here is same as in post-receive-notify-cia; we take
-           # all the branches in the repo, as "^/ref/heads/branchname", other than the
-            # branch we are actualy committing to, and exclude commits already on those
-            # branches from the list of commits between $oldrev and $newrev.
-           if [ -n "$range" ] ; then
-               for merged in $(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --not --branches | \
+        if [ -n "$range" ] ; then
+        for merged in $(git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name --not --branches | \
                     egrep -v "^\^$refname$" | \
-                   git rev-list --reverse --stdin "$range"); do
-                   check_commit $merged
-               done
-           fi
-           ;;
-       refs/tags/*)
-           # Tag update
-           tagname=${refname#refs/tags/}
-           case $change_type in
-               create)
-                   object_type=`git cat-file -t $newrev`
-                   case $object_type in
-                       commit)
-                           # Lightweight tag; we allow an import containing these
-                           # tags, but forbid them in general
-                           if ! forced ; then
-                               cat <<- EOF >&2
-                                       ---
-                                       You are trying to push the lightweight tag '$tagname'. You should 
-                                       make use of a signed (-s) or annotated tag (-a) instead. More details 
-                                         https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/LightweightTags
-                                       ---
-                                       EOF
-                               exit 1
-                           fi
-                           ;;
-                       tag)
-                           # Annotated tag
-                                       if [ "${tagname}" = "HEAD" ]; then
-                                               cat <<- EOF >&2
-                                                       ---
-                                                       You are trying to push a tag named '$tagname'. This 
is not allowed.
-                                                       ---
-                                                       EOF
-                                               exit 1
-                                       fi
-                           ;;
-                       *)
-                           # git is happy to allow tagging random objects, we aren't
-                           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                                               ---
-                                               You are trying to push the tag '$tagname', which points to an 
-                                               of type $object_type. (It should point to a commit or tag 
-                                               ---
-                                               EOF
-                           exit 1
-                           ;;
-                   esac
-                   ;;
-               delete)
-                   # Deleting a tag is probably someone trying to work-around
-                   # not being able to update a tag. Disallowing lightweight
-                   # tags will cut down on accidentally pushing tags called 'list'
-                   # or whatever. An exception to above rule is deleting tag named
+            git rev-list --reverse --stdin "$range"); do
+            check_commit $merged
+        done
+        fi
+        ;;
+    refs/tags/*)
+        # Tag update
+        tagname=${refname#refs/tags/}
+        case $change_type in
+        create)
+            object_type=`git cat-file -t $newrev`
+            case $object_type in
+            commit)
+                # Lightweight tag; we allow an import containing these
+                # tags, but forbid them in general
+                if ! forced ; then
+                cat <<- EOF >&2
+                    ---
+                    You are trying to push the lightweight tag '$tagname'. You should either
+                    make use of a signed (-s) or annotated tag (-a) instead. More details at:
+                      https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/LightweightTags
+                    ---
+                    EOF
+                exit 1
+                fi
+                ;;
+            tag)
+                # Annotated tag
+                if [ "${tagname}" = "HEAD" ]; then
+                    cat <<- EOF >&2
+                    ---
+                    You are trying to push a tag named '$tagname'. This is not allowed.
+                    ---
+                    EOF
+                exit 1
+                fi
+                ;;
+            *)
+                # git is happy to allow tagging random objects, we aren't
+                cat <<- EOF >&2
+                    ---
+                    You are trying to push the tag '$tagname', which points to an object
+                    of type $object_type. (It should point to a commit or tag object.)
+                    ---
+                    EOF
+                exit 1
+                ;;
+            esac
+            ;;
+        delete)
+            # Deleting a tag is probably someone trying to work-around
+            # not being able to update a tag. Disallowing lightweight
+            # tags will cut down on accidentally pushing tags called 'list'
+            # or whatever. An exception to above rule is deleting tag named
             # HEAD. There are some projects which created such tag before 
             # rejecting its creation was added to policy.
-                   if ! forced && [ 'x'"$tagname" != 'xHEAD' ] ; then
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to delete the tag '$tagname'.
-                                 https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/TagUpdates
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   ;;
-               update)
-                   if  ! forced ; then
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to replace the tag '$tagname' with a new tag. Please see:
-                                 https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/TagUpdates
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   ;;
-           esac
-           ;;
-       refs/remotes/*)
-           # Remote tracking branch
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to push the remote tracking branch:
-                                 $refname
-                               to $server.
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-           exit 1
-           ;;
-       refs/notes/*)
-           # notes (addendums to existing commits)
-           notename=${refname#refs/notes/}
-           case $change_type in
-               create)
-                   ;;
-               delete)
-                   if [ "x$notename" = xcommits ] ; then
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to delete the note 'commits'.
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   ;;
-               update)
-                   if [ "`git merge-base $oldrev $newrev`" != $oldrev ] && ! forced ; then
-                       # Non-fast-forward update. Right now we have
-                       # receive.denyNonFastforwards in the git configs for
-                       # our repositories anyways, but catching it here would
-                       # allow overriding without having to change the config
-                       # temporarily.
-                       cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to update the note '$notename' in a way that is not
-                               a fast-forward update. Please see:
-                                 https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/NonFastForward
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-                       exit 1
-                   fi
-                   ;;
-           esac
-           ;;
-       *)
-           # Something else
-           cat <<- EOF >&2
-                               ---
-                               You are trying to push the ref:
-                                 $refname
-                               to $server. This is not a branch or tag.
-                               ---
-                               EOF
-           exit 1
-           ;;
+            if ! forced && [ 'x'"$tagname" != 'xHEAD' ] ; then
+            cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to delete the tag '$tagname'.
+                  https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/TagUpdates
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        update)
+            if  ! forced ; then
+            cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to replace the tag '$tagname' with a new tag. Please see:
+                  https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/TagUpdates
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        esac
+        ;;
+    refs/remotes/*)
+        # Remote tracking branch
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            ---
+            You are trying to push the remote tracking branch:
+              $refname
+            to $server.
+            ---
+            EOF
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+    refs/notes/*)
+        # notes (addendums to existing commits)
+        notename=${refname#refs/notes/}
+        case $change_type in
+        create)
+            ;;
+        delete)
+            if [ "x$notename" = xcommits ] ; then
+            cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to delete the note 'commits'.
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        update)
+            if [ "`git merge-base $oldrev $newrev`" != $oldrev ] && ! forced ; then
+            # Non-fast-forward update. Right now we have
+            # receive.denyNonFastforwards in the git configs for
+            # our repositories anyways, but catching it here would
+            # allow overriding without having to change the config
+            # temporarily.
+            cat <<- EOF >&2
+                ---
+                You are trying to update the note '$notename' in a way that is not
+                a fast-forward update. Please see:
+                  https://wiki.gnome.org/Git/Help/NonFastForward
+                ---
+                EOF
+            exit 1
+            fi
+            ;;
+        esac
+        ;;
+    *)
+        # Something else
+        cat <<- EOF >&2
+            ---
+            You are trying to push the ref:
+              $refname
+            to $server. This is not a branch or tag.
+            ---
+            EOF
+        exit 1
+        ;;
     return 0
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ if [ $# = 3 ] ; then
     check_ref_update $@
     while read oldrev newrev refname; do
-       check_ref_update $oldrev $newrev $refname
+    check_ref_update $oldrev $newrev $refname

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