[librsvg: 1/8] Start a list of supported SVG features

commit 805778c7b732c706fc0ad49b570c33464543ff00
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Tue Oct 12 21:16:17 2021 -0500

    Start a list of supported SVG features
    Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/merge_requests/605>

 FEATURES.md | 420 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 420 insertions(+)
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new file mode 100644
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+# SVG and CSS features that librsvg supports
+## Attributes supported by all elements
+| Attribute | Notes                                                                               |
+| transform | The `transform` attribute has a different syntax than the CSS `transform` property. |
+|           |                                                                                     |
+| xml:lang  |                                                                                     |
+|           |                                                                                     |
+| xml:space |                                                                                     |
+## Elements and their specific attributes
+FIXME: add global attributes parsed in element.rs, not by specific element implementations
+| Element             | Attributes          | Notes                                                          
+| a                   |                     |                                                                
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     | href                | SVG2                                                           
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| circle              |                     |                                                                
+|                     | cx                  |                                                                
+|                     | cy                  |                                                                
+|                     | r                   |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| clipPath            |                     |                                                                
+|                     | clipPathUnits       |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| defs                |                     |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| ellipse             |                     |                                                                
+|                     | cx                  |                                                                
+|                     | cy                  |                                                                
+|                     | rx                  |                                                                
+|                     | ry                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feBlend             |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | in2                 |                                                                
+|                     | mode                |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feColorMatrix       |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | type                |                                                                
+|                     | values              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feComponentTransfer |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feComposite         |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | in2                 |                                                                
+|                     | operator            |                                                                
+|                     | k1                  |                                                                
+|                     | k2                  |                                                                
+|                     | k3                  |                                                                
+|                     | k4                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feConvolveMatrix    |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | order               |                                                                
+|                     | divisor             |                                                                
+|                     | bias                |                                                                
+|                     | targetX             |                                                                
+|                     | targetY             |                                                                
+|                     | edgeMode            |                                                                
+|                     | kernelMatrix        |                                                                
+|                     | kernelUnitLength    |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAlpha       |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feDiffuseLighting   |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | surfaceScale        |                                                                
+|                     | kernelUnitLength    |                                                                
+|                     | diffuseConstant     |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feDisplacementMap   |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | in2                 |                                                                
+|                     | scale               |                                                                
+|                     | xChannelSelector    |                                                                
+|                     | yChannelSelector    |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feDistantLight      |                     |                                                                
+|                     | azimuth             |                                                                
+|                     | elevation           |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feFuncA             |                     | See "Filter effect feComponentTransfer"                        
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feFuncB             |                     | See "Filter effect feComponentTransfer"                        
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feFuncG             |                     | See "Filter effect feComponentTransfer"                        
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feFuncR             |                     | See "Filter effect feComponentTransfer"                        
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feFlood             |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     |                     | Parameters come from the flood-color and flood-opacity 
properties. |
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feGaussianBlur      |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | stdDeviation        |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feImage             |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     | href                | SVG2                                                           
+|                     | path                | Non-standard; used by old Adobe Illustrator versions.          
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feMerge             |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feMergeNode         |                     |                                                                
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feMorphology        |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | operator            |                                                                
+|                     | radius              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feOffset            |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | dx                  |                                                                
+|                     | dy                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| fePointLight        |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | z                   |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feSpecularLighting  |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     | surfaceScale        |                                                                
+|                     | kernelUnitLength    |                                                                
+|                     | specularConstant    |                                                                
+|                     | specularExponent    |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feSpotLight         |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | z                   |                                                                
+|                     | pointsAtX           |                                                                
+|                     | pointsAtY           |                                                                
+|                     | pointsAtZ           |                                                                
+|                     | specularExponent    |                                                                
+|                     | limitingConeAngle   |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feTile              |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | in                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| feTurbulence        |                     | See "Filter effects"                                           
+|                     | baseFrequency       |                                                                
+|                     | numOctaves          |                                                                
+|                     | seed                |                                                                
+|                     | stitchTiles         |                                                                
+|                     | type                |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| filter              |                     |                                                                
+|                     | filterUnits         |                                                                
+|                     | primitiveUnits      |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| g                   |                     |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| image               |                     |                                                                
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     | href                | SVG2                                                           
+|                     | path                | Non-standard; used by old Adobe Illustrator versions.          
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| line                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x1                  |                                                                
+|                     | y1                  |                                                                
+|                     | x2                  |                                                                
+|                     | y2                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| linearGradient      |                     |                                                                
+|                     | gradientUnits       |                                                                
+|                     | gradientTransform   |                                                                
+|                     | spreadMethod        |                                                                
+|                     | x1                  |                                                                
+|                     | y1                  |                                                                
+|                     | x2                  |                                                                
+|                     | y2                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| marker              |                     |                                                                
+|                     | markerUnits         |                                                                
+|                     | refX                |                                                                
+|                     | refY                |                                                                
+|                     | markerWidth         |                                                                
+|                     | markerHeight        |                                                                
+|                     | orient              |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     | viewBox             |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| mask                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     | maskUnits           |                                                                
+|                     | maskContentUnits    |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| path                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | d                   |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| pattern             |                     |                                                                
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     | href                | SVG2                                                           
+|                     | patternUnits        |                                                                
+|                     | patternContentUnits |                                                                
+|                     | patternTransform    |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     | viewBox             |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| polygon             |                     |                                                                
+|                     | points              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| polyline            |                     |                                                                
+|                     | points              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| radialGradient      |                     |                                                                
+|                     | gradientUnits       |                                                                
+|                     | gradientTransform   |                                                                
+|                     | spreadMethod        |                                                                
+|                     | cx                  |                                                                
+|                     | cy                  |                                                                
+|                     | r                   |                                                                
+|                     | fx                  |                                                                
+|                     | fx                  |                                                                
+|                     | fr                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| rect                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     | rx                  |                                                                
+|                     | ry                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| stop                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | offset              |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| style               |                     |                                                                
+|                     | type                |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| svg                 |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+|                     | viewBox             |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| switch              |                     |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| symbol              |                     |                                                                
+|                     | preserveAspectRatio |                                                                
+|                     | viewBox             |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| text                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | dx                  |                                                                
+|                     | dy                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| tref                |                     |                                                                
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| tspan               |                     |                                                                
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | dx                  |                                                                
+|                     | dy                  |                                                                
+|                     |                     |                                                                
+| use                 |                     |                                                                
+|                     | xlink:href          | Needs xlink namespace                                          
+|                     | href                | SVG2                                                           
+|                     | x                   |                                                                
+|                     | y                   |                                                                
+|                     | width               |                                                                
+|                     | height              |                                                                
+## CSS properties
+| Property | Notes |
+| font     |       |
+| marker   |       |
+| Property                    | Notes                                                  |
+| baseline-shift              |                                                        |
+| clip-path                   |                                                        |
+| clip-rule                   |                                                        |
+| color                       |                                                        |
+| color-interpolation-filters |                                                        |
+| direction                   |                                                        |
+| display                     |                                                        |
+| enable-background           |                                                        |
+| fill                        |                                                        |
+| fill-opacity                |                                                        |
+| fill-rule                   |                                                        |
+| filter                      |                                                        |
+| flood-color                 |                                                        |
+| flood-opacity               |                                                        |
+| font-family                 |                                                        |
+| font-size                   |                                                        |
+| font-stretch                |                                                        |
+| font-style                  |                                                        |
+| font-variant                |                                                        |
+| font-weight                 |                                                        |
+| letter-spacing              |                                                        |
+| lighting-color              |                                                        |
+| line-height                 | Not available as a presentation attribute.             |
+| marker-end                  |                                                        |
+| marker-mid                  |                                                        |
+| marker-start                |                                                        |
+| mask                        |                                                        |
+| mix-blend-mode              | Not available as a presentation attribute.             |
+| opacity                     |                                                        |
+| overflow                    |                                                        |
+| paint-order                 |                                                        |
+| shape-rendering             |                                                        |
+| stop-color                  |                                                        |
+| stop-opacity                |                                                        |
+| stroke                      |                                                        |
+| stroke-dasharray            |                                                        |
+| stroke-dashoffset           |                                                        |
+| stroke-linecap              |                                                        |
+| stroke-linejoin             |                                                        |
+| stroke-miterlimit           |                                                        |
+| stroke-opacity              |                                                        |
+| stroke-width                |                                                        |
+| text-anchor                 |                                                        |
+| text-decoration             |                                                        |
+| text-rendering              |                                                        |
+| transform                   | SVG2; different syntax from the `transform` attribute. |
+| unicode-bidi                |                                                        |
+| visibility                  |                                                        |
+| writing-mode                |                                                        |
+### Filter effects
+The following elements are filter effects:
+* feBlend
+* feColorMatrix
+* feComponentTransfer
+* feComposite
+* feConvolveMatrix
+* feDiffuseLighting
+* feDisplacementMap
+* feFlood
+* feGaussianBlur
+* feImage
+* feMerge
+* feMorphology
+* feOffset
+* feSpecularLighting
+* feTile
+* feTurbulence
+All of them support these attributes:
+| Attribute | Notes |
+| x         |       |
+| y         |       |
+| width     |       |
+| height    |       |
+| result    |       |
+Some filter effect elements take one input in the `in` attribute, and
+some others take two inputs in the `in`, `in2` attributes.  See the
+table of elements above for details.
+### Filter effect feComponentTransfer
+The `feComponentTransfer` element can contain children `feFuncA`,
+`feFuncR`, `feFuncG`, `feFuncB`, and those all support these
+| Attribute   | Notes |
+| type        |       |
+| tableValues |       |
+| slope       |       |
+| intercept   |       |
+| amplitude   |       |
+| exponent    |       |
+| offset      |       |
+# XML features
+FIXME: `<xi:include href= parse= encoding=>`
+FIXME: `<xi:fallback>`
+FIXME: `xml:lang` attribute
+FIXME: `xml:space` attribute
+# Explicitly Unsupported features
+* `flowRoot` element and its children - Inkscape, SVG 1.2 only., #13
+* `glyph-orientation-horizontal` property - SVG1.1 only, removed in SVG2

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