[sysprof: 1/2] proc: fix capture of mapped pathnames

commit 03652e1a441bb84653ee9eaa20791c2e05f8c787
Author: Florian Will <florian will gmail com>
Date:   Tue Nov 23 13:54:48 2021 +0100

    proc: fix capture of mapped pathnames
    pathnames are listed unescaped in /proc/[pid]/maps, so using %s as the
    conversion specifier cuts pathnames off at space characters. Use %[^\n]
    instead, to read everything until the end of the line.
    Also, the scanf manpage states: "String input conversions store a
    terminating null byte ('\0') to mark the end of the input; the maximum
    field width does not include this terminator". So set the maximum field
    width to 511 instead of 512, to leave one free byte in the buffer for
    the terminating null byte.
    Fixes #70

 src/libsysprof/sysprof-proc-source.c | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/libsysprof/sysprof-proc-source.c b/src/libsysprof/sysprof-proc-source.c
index 2a9b8c61..b59d1d58 100644
--- a/src/libsysprof/sysprof-proc-source.c
+++ b/src/libsysprof/sysprof-proc-source.c
@@ -101,10 +101,14 @@ sysprof_proc_source_populate_maps (SysprofProcSource *self,
       gint r;
       r = sscanf (lines[i],
-                  "%lx-%lx %*15s %lx %*x:%*x %lu %512s",
+                  "%lx-%lx %*15s %lx %*x:%*x %lu %511[^\n]",
                   &start, &end, &offset, &inode, file);
       file [sizeof file - 1] = '\0';
+      /* file has a " (deleted)" suffix if it was deleted from disk */
+      if (g_str_has_suffix (file, " (deleted)"))
+          file [strlen (file) - strlen (" (deleted)")] = '\0';
       if (r != 5)

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