[devdocsgjs/main: 898/1867] Relace plugins and extensions list in readme with table

commit e4c65b7220a9832f40a9fd7785325b6ed9f9c0ea
Author: Jasper van Merle <jaspervmerle gmail com>
Date:   Mon Sep 2 02:02:38 2019 +0200

    Relace plugins and extensions list in readme with table

 README.md | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 630142d4..3757f588 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -138,25 +138,28 @@ Contributions are welcome. Please read the [contributing guidelines](./.github/C
 * [Filter Reference](./docs/filter-reference.md)
 * [Maintainers’ Guide](./docs/maintainers.md)
-## Plugins and Extensions
-* [Chrome web app](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devdocs/mnfehgbmkapmjnhcnbodoamcioleeooe)
-* [Ubuntu Touch app](https://uappexplorer.com/app/devdocsunofficial.berkes)
-* [Sublime Text plugin](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/DevDocs)
-* [Atom plugin](https://atom.io/packages/devdocs)
-* [Brackets extension](https://github.com/gruehle/dev-docs-viewer)
-* [Fluid](http://fluidapp.com) for turning DevDocs into a real OS X app
-* [GTK shell / Vim integration](https://github.com/naquad/devdocs-shell)
-* [Emacs lookup](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup)
-* [Alfred Workflow](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs)
-* [Vim search plugin with Devdocs in its defaults](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www) Just set `let 
g:www_shortcut_engines = { 'devdocs': ['Devdocs', '<leader>dd'] }` to have a `:Devdocs` command and a 
`<leader>dd` mapping.
-* [Visual Studio Code plugin](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs ) (1)
-* [Visual Studio Code plugin](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=deibit.devdocs) (2)
-* [Desktop application](https://github.com/egoist/devdocs-desktop)
-* [Doc Browser](https://github.com/qwfy/doc-browser) is a native Linux app that supports DevDocs docsets
-* [GNOME Application](https://github.com/hardpixel/devdocs-desktop) GTK3 application with search integrated 
in headerbar
-* [macOS Application](https://github.com/dteoh/devdocs-macos)
-* [Android Application](https://github.com/Merith-TK/devdocs_webapp_kotlin) is a fully working, advanced 
+## Related software
+Made something cool? Feel free to open a PR to add a new row to this table!
+| Item                                                                                                    | 
Description                                                            | Last commit                          
+| [Chrome web app](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devdocs/mnfehgbmkapmjnhcnbodoamcioleeooe)    | 
Chrome Web App which adds a shortcut to DevDocs apps page.             | N/A                                  
+| [Ubuntu Touch app](https://uappexplorer.com/app/devdocsunofficial.berkes)                               | 
Application for phones running Ubuntu Touch.                           | N/A                                  
+| [Sublime Text plugin](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/DevDocs)                                       | 
Sublime Text plugin to search DevDocs by selection or by input.        | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [Atom plugin](https://atom.io/packages/devdocs)                                                         | 
Atom plugin adding the `doc` command to search DevDocs.                | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [gruehle/dev-docs-viewer](https://github.com/gruehle/dev-docs-viewer)                                   | 
Brackets extension for searching and viewing DevDocs content.          | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [naquad/devdocs-shell](https://github.com/naquad/devdocs-shell)                                         | 
GTK shell with Vim integration.                                        | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [skeeto/devdocs-lookup](https://github.com/skeeto/devdocs-lookup)                                       | 
Quick Emacs API lookup on DevDocs.                                     | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [yannickglt/alfred-devdocs](https://github.com/yannickglt/alfred-devdocs)                               | 
Alfred workflow for DevDocs.                                           | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [waiting-for-dev/vim-www](https://github.com/waiting-for-dev/vim-www)                                   | 
Vim search plugin with DevDocs in its defaults.                        | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [vscode-devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=akfish.vscode-devdocs) | 
VS Code plugin to open and search DevDocs inside VS Code.              | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [devdocs for VS Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=deibit.devdocs)               | 
VS Code plugin to open the browser to search selected text on DevDocs. | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [egoist/devdocs-desktop](https://github.com/egoist/devdocs-desktop)                                     | 
Deprecated cross-platform desktop application for DevDocs.             | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [qwfy/doc-browser](https://github.com/qwfy/doc-browser)                                                 | 
Native Linux app that supports DevDocs docsets.                        | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [hardpixel/devdocs-desktop](https://github.com/hardpixel/devdocs-desktop)                               | 
GTK3 application for DevDocs with search integrated in the headerbar.  | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [dteoh/devdocs-macos](https://github.com/dteoh/devdocs-macos)                                           | 
Native macOS application for DevDocs.                                  | [![Latest GitHub 
+| [Merith-TK/devdocs_webapp_kotlin](https://github.com/Merith-TK/devdocs_webapp_kotlin)                   | 
Android application which shows DevDocs in a webview.                  | [![Latest GitHub 
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