[devdocsgjs/main: 820/1867] pony: finish scraper and filters

commit eb82f6024cf25e8c468b5198404b75f7015fe457
Author: Jasper van Merle <jaspervmerle gmail com>
Date:   Wed Aug 14 02:28:43 2019 +0200

    pony: finish scraper and filters

 .../javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee  |   6 +++++
 lib/docs/filters/pony/clean_html.rb                |  15 ++++++++++++
 lib/docs/filters/pony/container.rb                 |   9 -------
 lib/docs/filters/pony/entries.rb                   |  26 +++++++++++++++++++--
 lib/docs/scrapers/pony.rb                          |  19 +++++++++++----
 public/icons/docs/pony/16.png                      | Bin 1979 -> 1360 bytes
 6 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee 
index 07c92ad8..ac86b701 100644
--- a/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee
+++ b/assets/javascripts/templates/pages/about_tmpl.coffee
@@ -568,6 +568,12 @@ credits = [
     'CC BY',
   ], [
+    'Pony',
+    '2016-2018, The Pony Developers & 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.',
+    'BSD',
+    'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ponylang/ponyc/master/LICENSE'
+  ],
+  [
     '1996-2018 The PostgreSQL Global Development Group<br>&copy; 1994 The Regents of the University of 
diff --git a/lib/docs/filters/pony/clean_html.rb b/lib/docs/filters/pony/clean_html.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..665d1048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/docs/filters/pony/clean_html.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+module Docs
+  class Pony
+    class CleanHtmlFilter < Filter
+      def call
+        css('.headerlink').remove
+        css('pre').each do |node|
+          node.content = node.content
+        end
+        doc
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/docs/filters/pony/entries.rb b/lib/docs/filters/pony/entries.rb
index 0dbc81c8..296f2090 100644
--- a/lib/docs/filters/pony/entries.rb
+++ b/lib/docs/filters/pony/entries.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,33 @@ module Docs
   class Pony
     class EntriesFilter < Docs::EntriesFilter
       def get_name
-        context[:html_title].sub(/ - .*/, '')
+        title = context[:html_title].sub(/ - .*/, '').split(' ').last
+        title = "1. #{type}" if title == 'Package'
+        title
       def get_type
-        subpath.split('-')[0][0..-1]
+        subpath.split(/-([^a-z])/)[0][0..-1].sub('-', '/')
+      end
+      def additional_entries
+        return [] if root_page? || name.start_with?("1. ")
+        entries = []
+        css('h3').each do |node|
+          member_name = node.content
+          is_field = member_name.start_with?('let ')
+          member_name = member_name[4..-1] if is_field
+          member_name = member_name.scan(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/)[0][0]
+          member_name += '()' unless is_field
+          entries << ["#{name}.#{member_name}", node['id']]
+        end
+        entries
diff --git a/lib/docs/scrapers/pony.rb b/lib/docs/scrapers/pony.rb
index 5f1bbc04..24df881d 100644
--- a/lib/docs/scrapers/pony.rb
+++ b/lib/docs/scrapers/pony.rb
@@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
 module Docs
   class Pony < UrlScraper
-    self.type = 'pony'
-    self.release = '0.25.0'
+    self.type = 'simple'
+    self.release = '0.30.0'
     self.base_url = 'https://stdlib.ponylang.io/'
+    self.links = {
+      home: 'https://www.ponylang.io/',
+      code: 'https://github.com/ponylang/ponyc'
+    }
-    html_filters.push 'pony/container', 'pony/entries'
+    html_filters.push 'pony/clean_html', 'pony/entries'
     options[:attribution] = <<-HTML
       &copy; 2016-2018, The Pony Developers<br>
       &copy; 2014-2015, Causality Ltd.<br>
-      Licensed under the <a href="https://github.com/ponylang/ponyc/blob/master/LICENSE";>BSD 2-Clause 
+      Licensed under the BSD 2-Clause License.
+    options[:container] = 'article'
     options[:trailing_slash] = false
-    options[:skip_patterns] = [/src/]
+    options[:skip_patterns] = [/src/, /stdlib--index/]
+    def get_latest_version(opts)
+      get_latest_github_release('ponylang', 'ponyc', opts)
+    end
diff --git a/public/icons/docs/pony/16.png b/public/icons/docs/pony/16.png
index daed6509..c5b30dad 100644
Binary files a/public/icons/docs/pony/16.png and b/public/icons/docs/pony/16.png differ

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