[devdocsgjs/main: 668/1867] Merge pull request #1022 from jmerle/service-worker

commit 6138f05bd7e6124f79d4536454d8f3af4e55e410
Merge: 22d78b5e 876d9a44
Author: Jasper van Merle <jaspervmerle gmail com>
Date:   Fri Jul 19 22:59:39 2019 +0200

    Merge pull request #1022 from jmerle/service-worker
    Replace the App Cache with a Service Worker

 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 Dockerfile                                         |   1 +
 Dockerfile-alpine                                  |   1 +
 README.md                                          |  10 +--
 assets/javascripts/app/app.coffee                  |  14 ++--
 assets/javascripts/app/appcache.coffee             |  42 -----------
 assets/javascripts/app/config.coffee.erb           |   2 +
 assets/javascripts/app/serviceworker.coffee        |  49 +++++++++++++
 assets/javascripts/app/settings.coffee             |  30 ++++++++
 assets/javascripts/app/update_checker.coffee       |   6 +-
 assets/javascripts/templates/error_tmpl.coffee     |  10 +--
 .../templates/pages/offline_tmpl.coffee            |  13 +++-
 .../templates/pages/root_tmpl.coffee.erb           |   2 +-
 assets/javascripts/views/content/entry_page.coffee |   2 +-
 .../javascripts/views/content/settings_page.coffee |  12 +--
 assets/javascripts/views/layout/resizer.coffee     |  11 +--
 assets/javascripts/views/layout/settings.coffee    |  10 +--
 docs/maintainers.md                                |   2 +-
 lib/app.rb                                         |  52 ++++++++-----
 public/images/webapp-icon-192.png                  | Bin 0 -> 32187 bytes
 public/manifest.json                               |   6 ++
 test/app_test.rb                                   |  81 ---------------------
 views/app.erb                                      |  14 +---
 views/index.erb                                    |   5 +-
 views/manifest.erb                                 |  14 ----
 views/other.erb                                    |   5 +-
 views/service-worker.js.erb                        |  49 +++++++++++++
 views/unsupported.erb                              |   6 +-
 28 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 232 deletions(-)
diff --cc docs/maintainers.md
index 48d50b81,8f1554fa..da7e910e
--- a/docs/maintainers.md
+++ b/docs/maintainers.md
@@@ -81,9 -82,9 +81,9 @@@ In addition to the [publicly-documente
  ## Deploying DevDocs
 -Once docs have been uploaded via `thor docs:upload` (if applicable), deploying DevDocs is as simple as 
running `git push heroku master`. See [Heroku's documentation](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/git) for 
more information.
 +Once docs have been uploaded via `thor docs:upload` (if applicable), you can push to the DevDocs master 
branch (or merge the PR containing the updates). If the Travis build succeeds, the Heroku application will be 
deployed automatically.
- - If you're deploying documentation updates, verify that the documentations work properly once the deploy 
is done (you will need to reload [devdocs.io](https://devdocs.io/) a couple times for the application cache 
to update and the new version to load).
+ - If you're deploying documentation updates, verify that the documentations work properly once the deploy 
is done. Keep in mind that you'll need to wait a few seconds for the service worker to finish caching the new 
assets. You should see a "DevDocs has been updated" notification appear when the caching is done, after which 
you need to refresh the page to see the changes.
  - If you're deploying frontend changes, monitor [Sentry](https://sentry.io/devdocs/devdocs-js/) for new JS 
errors once the deploy is done.
  - If you're deploying server changes, monitor New Relic (accessible through [the Heroku 
dashboard](https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/devdocs)) for Ruby exceptions and throughput or response time 
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