[gtksourceview] (363 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/chergert/vim

The branch 'wip/chergert/vim' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  ea2232e... wip on vim input method
  61d07dc... some slight work on transitions
  294b89d... start on idea for classes for state
  5d690a6... some more ideas for normal handling
  bc4b4c8... fix spacing
  e7ee3e7... more ideas for layered states
  bec6665... fix namespace
  e269b94... start on base state implementation
  f058870... more work on layered state in vim/
  6c516aa... start on the jump tables
  dfc3a51... add numbers for repeat
  162b173... dont allow setting repeat twice
  5301d47... clear on parse failure
  9152527... start on insert w/ literal input
  90383f2... start on insert mode
  a6ac9a7... get some basic plumbing working
  a719c74... move insert back one character when leaving insert mode
  324ece0... few more tweaks on accels and overwrite
  7bd3dbf... stub out a bit of replace mode
  241b0b4... add insert literal state
  7e3396f... use jump table for literal mode
  25c60e7... fix how we get modifier state
  0a18f9c... move to position 0 with ctrl+u in replace mode
  3385ed2... allow insert literal from replace mode
  c8c9069... overwrite character when in replace mode
  ea541ed... add overwrite helper
  697a800... done manager overwrite here
  cc505b2... add view_set helper to avoid constructed
  fd6159b... check type
  386098d... fix enter vfunc on wrong object
  febd555... set overwrite state on enter/restore
  d6887aa... wire up basic command bar
  e59b107... stub motion header
  27b1d3d... start processing cmdbar a bit more
  76cb583... ignore some keyvals
  09370df... start on motion state
  685603d... allow applying motion when leaving state
  7652876... fix typo
  e6d106e... add w and W movements
  90ec8eb... add b and B motion
  daf3b40... add e and E motion
  b5718ec... handle gg ge and gE commands
  a5de31c... work on word movements
  a5e7e91... fix $ motion
  191705c... fix some char motion
  0636ba6... fix b/B
  ff2a617... implement f and F
  2a68315... stub out paragraph/sentence motion
  768b218... implement paragraph movements
  c53657e... improve line motion a bit
  75e84ce... fix the enter motion a bit more
  75adbd5... sentence movements
  803084a... more sentence work
  396cc1a... fix j motion
  653267d... improve backward sentence start
  40743f4... open a test file
  2479c4a... rename restore to resume
  6593bff... scroll insert mark onscreen after motions
  d1b2bb1... half page and line viewport changes
  ae4f663... utils: include top margin in position calculation
  0aa782b... add page movements
  4fec66d... improve full page scroll
  ec7180e... use place cursor onscreen replacement
  37a5b78... improve half page scroll
  78e3419... add zz zt and zb
  aaefd5e... handle z separately
  f91f0a8... wire up command execution
  4301f83... wire up command text as well
  0865d35... start tracking command text
  9d90825... add command text for motions
  104d0fa... add basic example for doing motion + insert
  14d0b54... same for A to append
  0795b1c... put inserts into single undo group
  7599e76... enable undo
  8bccf54... implement undo/redo from normal
  02079b7... clear command text in insert
  322c30a... add none motion
  ab57756... simplify
  e907554... add todo
  c007e1f... add some more movement ctors
  17e9596... add helpers to add prefix/suffix text when entering insert
  8859c6a... make code more readable with va args
  911d108... start on line changes
  9b76f2e... fix replace mode
  d509e3c... group edits into single undo group from replace
  05f723e... setup command bar text
  ef9859a... dont allow going to line end
  3d52bf6... avoid cursor on line ends
  d8b5841... fix ctrl+u twice (or on line with just space)
  4d08119... avoid processing release events as commands
  6f96510... clear parent child pointer upon pop()
  8cedc9b... fix parent type
  974c041... start on delete state
  5ee1ca0... normal implement D
  2d3b7b9... fix D delete/motion
  c284edf... vim doesnt allow repeat for D or C
  f34adf1... move begin/end user action to normal mode suspend/resume
  1ba042b... add forward char ctor
  2de7f29... implement repeat for delete
  5a6e4a4... implement x
  a874443... simplify repeat/count
  85bb027... start on some basic history recording.
  abd3d11... fix motion with insert
  e11e22e... only auto indent if turned on
  69a45bc... add some plumbing to observe keys
  19c0fbb... escape better
  0b3b407... tweak observer label
  137d1af... add some translucency
  062b2f8... reuse count for number instead of field
  7043d79... share code for keyval to string
  0c09318... add selection motion
  ba0289c... add line end w/ \n
  89b8aa6... add set parent helper
  17f476c... work on changes, wrt to numbers like 3S
  f394a0d... use count_set
  7d92d08... use 0 to reset count
  50a0075... fix count iteration
  79062b5... fix end line motion
  fbe5640... keep iters consistent for the future
  e0e7d83... special case line movement to avoid empty line issues
  e08982c... clean c handling, implement cc, implement s
  0436fb7... start on command abstraction
  2ae7a53... add motion suitable for J
  5f8de65... add begin command helper
  0a2915c... implement J
  145bf3c... abstract commands a bit
  193e510... add user action helper
  516aac5... move user actions to where they are used
  a79f285... clean up undo/redo commands
  276fe15... some commands cant have user actions (like undo/redo)
  addb704... symmetry
  40ecbba... fix warning
  554abf7... apply count to command if there is no motion
  d28eee8... cleanup undo/redo handling
  be90aaa... track commands that can repeat
  90c26ee... clean up in dispose
  0acd581... clear before moving cursor
  d202b8f... cleanup struct definition
  59ba599... implement repeat for states that can be repeated with .
  d4e6ff1... add yank command
  abe593c... add registers helper
  20c92a8... cleanup
  99aafe4... clear child during dispose first
  b794632... improve yank/paste
  c60b3a7... move after char for paste after
  ed0cc72... implement P for paste before line
  9afffb2... implement toggle case
  ca4d596... add docs section
  da335ae... add command bar text helper
  437fa1a... add visual stub
  296e52e... add visual to build
  3692d66... add section header
  a2ca214... add since
  d9e9a9d... capture motion for commands when resuming
  c92a820... fix stray <>
  08995f9... improve yank and offset positioning + direction
  fd73b0a... yank with motion
  696770f... counts for movements w/ yank
  8c1071c... move state mods ignoring to vim state
  6a06f46... stub out entering/leaving visual mode
  a46ad47... return that we handled visual transition
  019c6db... stub out some visual bits
  c5d4dbe... allow setting a mark to move
  d7e2e76... start on some motion work for visual-char mode
  15d8b84... scroll cursor mark on screen in visual
  be4b59b... update selection for linewise motions
  deda934... add motion for ctrl+f/b
  8b88634... ctrl e/y in visual mode
  5c0718c... fix jump to line with #G
  0e7fe6a... add API to clone a visual and get bounds (not the selection
  7a209b6... delete proper mark
  7ce0962... create new mark for new visual
  1234caf... allow replaying last visual
  58f4956... implement zz zt and zb in visual mode
  f28858f... add helper to chain motions
  e7bca22... make motions a child of chained motion
  302fecc... start on some repeatable visual+commands
  db6d1e6... clear marks
  35d64d6... incremental work on improving visual replay of commands
  534187d... track motion
  e67b251... fix replaying x with linewise
  dc0ce1d... walk up chain to get view
  d19659c... add event capture API
  e5de10f... do insert event capture from capture vfunc
  e7a9168... implement history without commands
  33a7983... try harder to keep character from moving past end of line
  9a9693b... reset state after repeat
  fedb255... make dollar inclusive
  8f83154... dont apply motion until delete operation
  9c468f0... make dw/dW/de/dE etc work
  c2d8dc7... leave note about linewise inclusivity
  b457860... yank to unmamed register before deleting
  0ef3f3d... add helper to get/set/take value for current register
  17ad6ae... synchronize text history to "." register
  ff223bc... default register is " not empty string
  4c55f37... allow setting register with "<name>
  dd50465... use current register for yank and paste
  8a4310b... add escape hatch for register buffer sizes
  60a4559... add numbered registers
  e1da249... add helper to check for readonly registers
  2d95fbb... dont allow setting readonly register from vim state
  2b138f3... add new helper
  f10521c... allow setting register in visual mode
  60f05ca... allow yanking in visual mode
  aeea667... allow swapping visual modes with v and V
  efd17ce... buffer: keep start and end valid across calls
  02e0444... simplfy
  b8e0bbe... add upcase/downcase commands
  eac24b2... make begin_command like delete
  2337504... add upcase and downcase
  f2e509d... some commands cannot be repeat (:yank)
  644de1c... change case can be repeated
  e0d4828... restrict when cursor moves when leaving visual
  aa4778c... fix warning
  03ce847... add rot13 command
  7271012... extract motion test
  d8a7122... handle g? in visual mode
  d8e3719... give warning about double pushing state
  1c1793b... implement g?<motion> in normal mode
  0f6dc40... make command + motion easier to do going forward
  a1198f0... leave some notes
  a9cfffb... update visual mode cursor visibility
  955cc36... implement c or C to insert from visual mode
  5201a8c... fix boundary check
  4d08422... add char pending
  0da61da... some basic replace mode stuff
  0af035f... add plumbing to stash a visible column
  aa6a6c7... track operations that dont alter visible column
  c065a6a... stash visible column in normal mode
  725dba2... stash visible column in visual mode
  ba30654... track what motions are considered linewise
  b105db3... add select linewise helper
  60f3444... start on linewise selection and :delete command
  d4ce00f... cleanup
  40e7d60... use linewise for delete when applicable
  853f709... simplify motion for things like dd or yy
  24e1820... include \n in yank when necessary
  9ac1b22... d is synonym for x in visual
  a65850a... dont go forward on empty lines
  9eee275... allow special down-1 movement for repeat chars
  c6a9d82... simplify command setup
  69368ef... handle half page movements in visual
  8df14fb... read and write the system clipboard (and emulated primary)
  7efdb01... char-pending cannot do literals
  53d2f55... reuse unescaped helper
  3c92a5f... dont duplicate motion char in command buffer
  ffbfe73... use char pending for capturing in motions
  771d764... avoid swapping iters
  69af7cf... stash/restore cursor positions across visual command
  212d68a... improve command positioning for charwise
  813e008... fix some improper insert with repeat
  a8ea4da... walk upwards to find a command bar text if any
  ca70335... add replace one command
  fc10712... remove dead code
  e0a08ee... improve cursor location w/ replace-one
  460f8fb... use replace-one command from normal mode
  1319f08... fix :delete to not grab extra line
  19d0c2e... cleanup prev line visual column
  ebe7923... avoid begin_delete
  ed85b54... add indent and unindent commands
  bf957b8... add stubs for ci and ca
  f43a877... add <> in visual mode
  5e28cb0... track counts
  9c0f1bd... use delete command
  842e964... use delete command instead of state
  c555aed... remove delete state
  82b0429... implement >> and << in normal mode
  3f094bd... ignore cursor state for indent
  62beffb... place cursor properly for (un)indent
  f293f39... add command stub for gq in visual
  ca46af3... add format signal
  f80556e... add gq{motion} in normal mode
  f77882c... wire up format to vim signal
  0bc894d... add format-text signal on im context
  17cd656... move after command
  d147a02... add set text api for command bar
  26ceef1... wire : to command bar in visual
  b98d821... fix tTfF movements
  9390631... start on some motion iters
  5b0b7ef... start on text objects
  ae84eb7... more work on text objects, with tests this time
  238365f... remove debug code
  9aff99a... improve extending text-object for word/WORD
  47c6420... add more tests
  d9104ec... add start/end helpers for word/WORD
  c9546ae... allow checking for boundary before advancing
  87f673b... enable now passing test
  3b7e395... constness
  cf5b483... add some quote end checks
  6a327d7... allow const, use ends checks for quotes
  4918ea4... add tests for quotes
  f581c14... fix empty line w/ word
  6b5283a... add some checks for blocks
  b4ac44a... add some more tricky word tests
  1fe7f8e... more tests for blocks
  622171c... add some sentence tests and specialize for text-object moti
  8294fc6... leave notes about unclosed blocks
  297155a... allow attaching a text object to insert mode to delete it
  e90fd94... wire up text objects to ci/ca strokes
  5e80d80... simplify code for getting text object
  3650c2f... allow setting text objects on commands
  ebfa614... do text objects for delete
  1aeaec5... add some history to command bar
  f234283... include keypad arrows
  21dfed5... add simple completion for command bar
  d536b5d... add sorted command list so we can parse/filter them
  46a94c6... add missing declaration
  4118906... check editable before some commands
  e000e37... ctrl+c exits insert mode
  5fe0dfe... and replace mode
  ea19d20... walk over opposite braces/brackets/etc
  af06009... cleanup tests
  9c53ba0... improve paragraph text objects
  fd825aa... improve paragaph text object
  7127f5a... fix another paragraph text-object bug
  b112c95... fix another fun paragraph boundary issue
  b40e551... more tests
  720cfc0... allow failing from extend callback
  f93b936... make text failures more readable
  83bb591... improve some odd paragraph text-object cases
  0854109... another test
  dbca0ba... get view through helper
  fbb47dd... invert parent/child state ownership
  8c68b84... improve ownership tracking
  df41bcb... add empty check helper
  0558a6a... add some tests to ensure parent ownership works
  90a0e1c... remove observe-key signal
  94445ef... test commands via vim object
  940a4bd... try harder to release vim states early
  85ca58a... make 2cip work by propagating count to text-object
  e611a20... try to keep cursor over a char when not processing
  0bbd116... remove capture vfunc
  8610433... start adding search movements
  c06023f... track linewise text objects
  f981413... copy deleted text into current register from cip/etc
  4af08ef... switch to visual if we discover a selection
  86107a9... add :nohl to hide search highlight
  08fb05c... store reverse search state at the root
  e8c4858... add nN and reverse them based on # or *
  3795d8f... re highlight when necessary
  ada875d... fix compile on clang
  9f8da93... implement [{ [( ]} ])
  183a1cb... improve movements for braces/parents
  670399d... implement % for matching ()[]{}
  db04403... add a marks object
  20737b6... add wrapper for marks
  5a22d30... fix k at top line
  b2a3f0d... <> are special marks names
  3f0c864... allow setting mark by alpha char
  58bd91b... motion to move to marks
  f448ce7... more mark tweaks
  b844f9f... make c with motion work
  7d58d0e... allow using handle_keypress in some cases for insert
  eaf9b0c... start on some basic input tests
  3ef1a7e... some basic insert test
  6a384f9... couple more tests
  948358d... tests
  ae7de53... more tests
  d5e4be9... incremental commandbar/command work
  02943e3... implement / and ? search with regex

Commits added to the branch:

  3345bb6... Update Friulian translation (*)
  c5f001e... Update Occitan translation (*)
  56cd88f... c.lang: fix typo in __DATE__ macro (*)
  da07f65... wip on vim input method
  4eecf49... some slight work on transitions
  7f79df1... start on idea for classes for state
  12b26ca... some more ideas for normal handling
  0ec3016... fix spacing
  723ed62... more ideas for layered states
  4de23b4... fix namespace
  fdd9ca7... start on base state implementation
  4093186... more work on layered state in vim/
  d6e436b... start on the jump tables
  3424a25... add numbers for repeat
  4b00a4a... dont allow setting repeat twice
  7406ed6... clear on parse failure
  059abf2... start on insert w/ literal input
  e4fdbd1... start on insert mode
  5d5502d... get some basic plumbing working
  b5e5fc2... move insert back one character when leaving insert mode
  165a58a... few more tweaks on accels and overwrite
  b0af215... stub out a bit of replace mode
  7c9514c... add insert literal state
  ace2aa7... use jump table for literal mode
  2d8af4f... fix how we get modifier state
  597f092... move to position 0 with ctrl+u in replace mode
  a1371f6... allow insert literal from replace mode
  e59f5eb... overwrite character when in replace mode
  ef21ca8... add overwrite helper
  c5556b6... done manager overwrite here
  34cae3e... add view_set helper to avoid constructed
  d5831c2... check type
  c34be3d... fix enter vfunc on wrong object
  fba25fb... set overwrite state on enter/restore
  39bdb12... wire up basic command bar
  6812197... stub motion header
  f04295d... start processing cmdbar a bit more
  623e146... ignore some keyvals
  3a7e72c... start on motion state
  4af51e6... allow applying motion when leaving state
  7cc74fa... fix typo
  6310628... add w and W movements
  dd93f5a... add b and B motion
  06d2c0c... add e and E motion
  c67074c... handle gg ge and gE commands
  9721629... work on word movements
  12586c3... fix $ motion
  2b6a2ec... fix some char motion
  59c83fa... fix b/B
  9706f49... implement f and F
  c041d9b... stub out paragraph/sentence motion
  5b56fe5... implement paragraph movements
  f99b607... improve line motion a bit
  494c140... fix the enter motion a bit more
  735db26... sentence movements
  dce8a96... more sentence work
  58dffae... fix j motion
  2d9ac48... improve backward sentence start
  b17fd22... open a test file
  0782c24... rename restore to resume
  4acec7b... scroll insert mark onscreen after motions
  7b67cf7... half page and line viewport changes
  c9a50e9... utils: include top margin in position calculation
  b626126... add page movements
  fb92267... improve full page scroll
  54a0ebf... use place cursor onscreen replacement
  c59fce1... improve half page scroll
  7a39845... add zz zt and zb
  51b51a6... handle z separately
  bf46d8e... wire up command execution
  a318b49... wire up command text as well
  40f1fe7... start tracking command text
  56ede97... add command text for motions
  6b8e113... add basic example for doing motion + insert
  7ac420a... same for A to append
  369da78... put inserts into single undo group
  d3f0522... enable undo
  74579ae... implement undo/redo from normal
  397575b... clear command text in insert
  511a43d... add none motion
  b5819ba... simplify
  540fac2... add todo
  b57b2fc... add some more movement ctors
  2036b14... add helpers to add prefix/suffix text when entering insert
  ca2b4d4... make code more readable with va args
  853e858... start on line changes
  8de31e9... fix replace mode
  8cef48f... group edits into single undo group from replace
  8a53d56... setup command bar text
  4fb2d32... dont allow going to line end
  5eca1e5... avoid cursor on line ends
  fd20740... fix ctrl+u twice (or on line with just space)
  67c9cb5... avoid processing release events as commands
  fec53ef... clear parent child pointer upon pop()
  77f488c... fix parent type
  7cd8d4a... start on delete state
  c253b98... normal implement D
  8e11017... fix D delete/motion
  bf2753c... vim doesnt allow repeat for D or C
  88656a2... move begin/end user action to normal mode suspend/resume
  712179a... add forward char ctor
  c0409da... implement repeat for delete
  9423a99... implement x
  df4b5f6... simplify repeat/count
  5fa8ef2... start on some basic history recording.
  e99a85f... fix motion with insert
  7c4ba84... only auto indent if turned on
  c58f4e2... add some plumbing to observe keys
  e7a5f56... escape better
  e408dc6... tweak observer label
  f01074a... add some translucency
  053fb83... reuse count for number instead of field
  3a6d8ad... share code for keyval to string
  6069a8c... add selection motion
  4cea444... add line end w/ \n
  cff3e95... add set parent helper
  018d376... work on changes, wrt to numbers like 3S
  80e1c02... use count_set
  c07fba7... use 0 to reset count
  8c5e105... fix count iteration
  db98d66... fix end line motion
  9f02c61... keep iters consistent for the future
  15556e0... special case line movement to avoid empty line issues
  474e35b... clean c handling, implement cc, implement s
  cce635e... start on command abstraction
  d2074f8... add motion suitable for J
  a9205c5... add begin command helper
  dc06728... implement J
  be4e65c... abstract commands a bit
  8cacc2b... add user action helper
  fdc4364... move user actions to where they are used
  2a428b6... clean up undo/redo commands
  b2128bd... some commands cant have user actions (like undo/redo)
  e453fbb... symmetry
  2e674db... fix warning
  e84480a... apply count to command if there is no motion
  0f856bc... cleanup undo/redo handling
  1cb5aef... track commands that can repeat
  0104b77... clean up in dispose
  21c8289... clear before moving cursor
  2b2faa7... cleanup struct definition
  bbe4765... implement repeat for states that can be repeated with .
  1092f6b... add yank command
  9889a3e... add registers helper
  65f4d51... cleanup
  6836388... clear child during dispose first
  f5f0828... improve yank/paste
  44803c7... move after char for paste after
  edf0d8a... implement P for paste before line
  d508da0... implement toggle case
  b4cead4... add docs section
  8157209... add command bar text helper
  a6dee82... add visual stub
  f94db1b... add visual to build
  ae2d4ce... add section header
  83c467b... add since
  106a317... capture motion for commands when resuming
  d0ed52f... fix stray <>
  f8de039... improve yank and offset positioning + direction
  833128c... yank with motion
  5413b2b... counts for movements w/ yank
  0d2346f... move state mods ignoring to vim state
  e7b091d... stub out entering/leaving visual mode
  515b915... return that we handled visual transition
  93df2c6... stub out some visual bits
  ee6a0b0... allow setting a mark to move
  d18fc23... start on some motion work for visual-char mode
  3e2a0b1... scroll cursor mark on screen in visual
  551bf96... update selection for linewise motions
  cec69dc... add motion for ctrl+f/b
  eb898a2... ctrl e/y in visual mode
  5bf51f0... fix jump to line with #G
  bd1be4b... add API to clone a visual and get bounds (not the selection
  9ed05c7... delete proper mark
  dc64c71... create new mark for new visual
  d4bd876... allow replaying last visual
  4217f45... implement zz zt and zb in visual mode
  21df53d... add helper to chain motions
  ed0b1bc... make motions a child of chained motion
  8fb32a2... start on some repeatable visual+commands
  eeca097... clear marks
  ff556f8... incremental work on improving visual replay of commands
  725be43... track motion
  70b7d78... fix replaying x with linewise
  e25adaa... walk up chain to get view
  a6e46ce... add event capture API
  8a2f43d... do insert event capture from capture vfunc
  7113baf... implement history without commands
  c621208... try harder to keep character from moving past end of line
  f773df3... reset state after repeat
  ab8e299... make dollar inclusive
  b75c3c2... dont apply motion until delete operation
  e2bf317... make dw/dW/de/dE etc work
  2ff7889... leave note about linewise inclusivity
  0b8ca79... yank to unmamed register before deleting
  9dde4db... add helper to get/set/take value for current register
  bf07128... synchronize text history to "." register
  439549e... default register is " not empty string
  a80a814... allow setting register with "<name>
  2bac513... use current register for yank and paste
  02aa6da... add escape hatch for register buffer sizes
  87b850f... add numbered registers
  5d468e6... add helper to check for readonly registers
  7b1b99c... dont allow setting readonly register from vim state
  cf0420e... add new helper
  84a49fe... allow setting register in visual mode
  2d2409b... allow yanking in visual mode
  f60fd52... allow swapping visual modes with v and V
  2f3ac37... buffer: keep start and end valid across calls
  e2945d4... simplfy
  0fc504e... add upcase/downcase commands
  26a2ed4... make begin_command like delete
  fa68a75... add upcase and downcase
  3dcb6a9... some commands cannot be repeat (:yank)
  e76eb36... change case can be repeated
  08db46d... restrict when cursor moves when leaving visual
  6dddb39... fix warning
  5c22235... add rot13 command
  5bd9a3b... extract motion test
  c17bf39... handle g? in visual mode
  fa622e7... give warning about double pushing state
  a9aac25... implement g?<motion> in normal mode
  944296f... make command + motion easier to do going forward
  dfcbacd... leave some notes
  4ff8320... update visual mode cursor visibility
  8242d5d... implement c or C to insert from visual mode
  7b94a8f... fix boundary check
  1e82a96... add char pending
  493924b... some basic replace mode stuff
  8bfc704... add plumbing to stash a visible column
  2f1db29... track operations that dont alter visible column
  38168bf... stash visible column in normal mode
  d2e7bfb... stash visible column in visual mode
  8f77aec... track what motions are considered linewise
  c068bba... add select linewise helper
  75895c9... start on linewise selection and :delete command
  b0255d2... cleanup
  42c84f9... use linewise for delete when applicable
  d5fef3b... simplify motion for things like dd or yy
  5ddf2e6... include \n in yank when necessary
  55f9191... d is synonym for x in visual
  fcf6b31... dont go forward on empty lines
  44bab45... allow special down-1 movement for repeat chars
  d8d3e60... simplify command setup
  a5e3988... handle half page movements in visual
  00fcba3... read and write the system clipboard (and emulated primary)
  12db00e... char-pending cannot do literals
  1343763... reuse unescaped helper
  85e39a0... dont duplicate motion char in command buffer
  a0c3029... use char pending for capturing in motions
  dbe1009... avoid swapping iters
  f8d7165... stash/restore cursor positions across visual command
  6a04c29... improve command positioning for charwise
  cf34899... fix some improper insert with repeat
  2343d05... walk upwards to find a command bar text if any
  73d1777... add replace one command
  e86e3fe... remove dead code
  a6e2976... improve cursor location w/ replace-one
  8373a96... use replace-one command from normal mode
  2736660... fix :delete to not grab extra line
  c462102... cleanup prev line visual column
  99eaf49... avoid begin_delete
  03b5dfd... add indent and unindent commands
  a5ee552... add stubs for ci and ca
  20a53d0... add <> in visual mode
  def5a1c... track counts
  b3b9772... use delete command
  4ab5af0... use delete command instead of state
  d611952... remove delete state
  1875e0e... implement >> and << in normal mode
  bb60a04... ignore cursor state for indent
  51383ef... place cursor properly for (un)indent
  be1c1db... add command stub for gq in visual
  58503ce... add format signal
  5503f09... add gq{motion} in normal mode
  2f45d73... wire up format to vim signal
  1caf425... add format-text signal on im context
  f446bd2... move after command
  d1f7575... add set text api for command bar
  d2e6d66... wire : to command bar in visual
  332e885... fix tTfF movements
  b7c57a0... start on some motion iters
  1d70263... start on text objects
  df7643d... more work on text objects, with tests this time
  4faf438... remove debug code
  f9741b0... improve extending text-object for word/WORD
  a15679a... add more tests
  ecbe678... add start/end helpers for word/WORD
  ca1b0a2... allow checking for boundary before advancing
  33f6d54... enable now passing test
  28158ad... constness
  8a55cf1... add some quote end checks
  5c8876b... allow const, use ends checks for quotes
  c20503b... add tests for quotes
  6543eee... fix empty line w/ word
  f6c6f49... add some checks for blocks
  5f9c852... add some more tricky word tests
  01093c5... more tests for blocks
  1dd8a62... add some sentence tests and specialize for text-object moti
  f0a0496... leave notes about unclosed blocks
  b96db00... allow attaching a text object to insert mode to delete it
  908c62d... wire up text objects to ci/ca strokes
  5f70115... simplify code for getting text object
  40c4cdc... allow setting text objects on commands
  70d6072... do text objects for delete
  95fb504... add some history to command bar
  3a91ca7... include keypad arrows
  3c07f60... add simple completion for command bar
  225f18b... add sorted command list so we can parse/filter them
  a4c3bdb... add missing declaration
  2ef3115... check editable before some commands
  cb68d82... ctrl+c exits insert mode
  34d0f70... and replace mode
  d09083c... walk over opposite braces/brackets/etc
  725122d... cleanup tests
  0712ecb... improve paragraph text objects
  a9b7ea3... improve paragaph text object
  8c73775... fix another paragraph text-object bug
  2900bc3... fix another fun paragraph boundary issue
  e56007c... more tests
  52b2c8d... allow failing from extend callback
  a08e84f... make text failures more readable
  6331aa6... improve some odd paragraph text-object cases
  cf8656d... another test
  25bd86d... get view through helper
  a746ac7... invert parent/child state ownership
  b956758... improve ownership tracking
  7ef3ad6... add empty check helper
  12d1c62... add some tests to ensure parent ownership works
  d707c1b... remove observe-key signal
  c84a25b... test commands via vim object
  cde05ce... try harder to release vim states early
  4b6b79f... make 2cip work by propagating count to text-object
  0e05ade... try to keep cursor over a char when not processing
  8f390eb... remove capture vfunc
  bea68bb... start adding search movements
  26bde30... track linewise text objects
  e5ba8c7... copy deleted text into current register from cip/etc
  1e5d399... switch to visual if we discover a selection
  91a50e1... add :nohl to hide search highlight
  93df62f... store reverse search state at the root
  f2d56a1... add nN and reverse them based on # or *
  c789ab5... re highlight when necessary
  4f214c1... fix compile on clang
  f32cffc... implement [{ [( ]} ])
  8e8bca5... improve movements for braces/parents
  f5cc970... implement % for matching ()[]{}
  edb89ee... add a marks object
  df70c65... add wrapper for marks
  0a512a0... fix k at top line
  c2b8754... <> are special marks names
  66fa502... allow setting mark by alpha char
  801ae22... motion to move to marks
  9e703a8... more mark tweaks
  5883270... make c with motion work
  2cde21a... allow using handle_keypress in some cases for insert
  cd7c053... start on some basic input tests
  9929758... some basic insert test
  1845f46... couple more tests
  55176ec... tests
  73549f0... more tests
  fe7fd9c... incremental commandbar/command work
  eb1366b... implement / and ? search with regex

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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