[foundation-web] Add Alberto as well

commit 19b0e13430a4c37dfed17c3675b78053c817c957
Author: Andrea Veri <averi redhat com>
Date:   Tue Jun 1 00:15:19 2021 +0200

    Add Alberto as well

 foundation.gnome.org/vote/2021/candidates.wml | 28 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)
diff --git a/foundation.gnome.org/vote/2021/candidates.wml b/foundation.gnome.org/vote/2021/candidates.wml
index edc61d2..8f0c2e6 100644
--- a/foundation.gnome.org/vote/2021/candidates.wml
+++ b/foundation.gnome.org/vote/2021/candidates.wml
@@ -126,6 +126,34 @@ I would be honored to serve the GNOME Foundation, leveraging my experiences to h
+        <p>
+            <li><strong>Alberto Ruiz</strong><br />
+                Affiliation: <em>Red Hat</em><br />
+                <blockquote>
+This is a decision I've been seriously thinking about since 2017 but however becoming a dad, switching jobs 
and moving cities has gotten in the way.
+Why do I want to run?
+Mostly out of sense of duty. I think that while being part of the board may not the most rewarding thing to 
do at GNOME  it is an essential function to enable the work of others. I think it is long overdue for me to 
pick up the torch and give it a go.
+What would be my focus?
+The short answer is, wherever I am most useful.
+To be more concrete, here are some of the things I care about:
+I worry a lot about the sustainability of GNOME as a project, I want to make sure our stack is positioned to 
attract more contributors both corporate and individual. I want our community to be a welcoming place to 
everyone so that we keep being excelent to one another. I want our events to have the biggest impact in terms 
of catalysing the efforts of the developers and attracting new talent.
+I also want the foundation to be as transparent as possible and ensure that foundation members and the 
community at large are aware of the impact our staff is having.
+Who are you anyway?
+I've been a GNOME contributor ever since 2004, I started focusing on Python GTK bindings and Windows support 
and then started having impact in other areas. I have never been a rockstar hacker so my code contributions 
are modest, but I have participated in many initiatives within GNOME such as organizing the first Desktop 
Summit, countless hackfests, GUADEC in Manchester. For a long time I was the main Planet GNOME editor and I 
also started our journey towards GitLab (although Carlos Soriano and Andrea Veri deserve praise for most of 
the heavy lifting) a few years after I built the GitHub mirror and noticed all the casual contributions that 
started to happen there.
+I've worked at Sun, Codethink, Canonical, AWS and Red Hat, and most of my jobs have been tightly tied to my 
experience and impact within GNOME, something for which I am forever grateful and for which I try to give 
back to the community in every possible way.
+                </blockquote>
+            </li>
+        </p>
     <h2>Additional Elections-related Information</h2>

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