[chronojump] ForceSensor capture interpolated path working at same speed than capture
- From: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump] ForceSensor capture interpolated path working at same speed than capture
- Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 08:48:28 +0000 (UTC)
commit 7d653a6ec96865ad4a307d4e40f3c3dfdd7d05cc
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date: Wed May 19 10:48:04 2021 +0200
ForceSensor capture interpolated path working at same speed than capture
src/gui/app1/forceSensor.cs | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
src/utilMath.cs | 6 +-
2 files changed, 109 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/gui/app1/forceSensor.cs b/src/gui/app1/forceSensor.cs
index 234a861c7..ac21eafc2 100644
--- a/src/gui/app1/forceSensor.cs
+++ b/src/gui/app1/forceSensor.cs
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
Gdk.GC pen_gray_force_capture_discont;
Pango.Layout layout_force_text;
Gdk.Colormap colormapForce = Gdk.Colormap.System;
+ private const int interpolatedPathLineWidth = 120;
string forceSensorNotConnectedString =
Catalog.GetString("Force sensor is not detected!") + " " +
@@ -159,7 +161,6 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
spinbutton_force_sensor_export_image_height.Value = preferences.exportGraphHeight;
private void force_graphs_init()
colormapForce = Gdk.Colormap.System;
@@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
pen_blue_light_force_capture_interpolated_feedback = new
pen_blue_light_force_capture_interpolated_feedback.Foreground = UtilGtk.LIGHT_BLUE_PLOTS;
- pen_blue_light_force_capture_interpolated_feedback.SetLineAttributes (40,
Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.NotLast, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
+ pen_blue_light_force_capture_interpolated_feedback.SetLineAttributes
(interpolatedPathLineWidth, Gdk.LineStyle.Solid, Gdk.CapStyle.Round, Gdk.JoinStyle.Round);
//pen_yellow_force_capture = new Gdk.GC(force_capture_drawingarea.GdkWindow);
//pen_yellow_force_capture.Foreground = UtilGtk.YELLOW;
@@ -1080,6 +1081,8 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked -= new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
event_execute_ButtonCancel.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_cancel_clicked);
+// twoListsOfInts = new TwoListsOfInts("times", "positions");
forceCaptureThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(forceSensorCaptureDo));
GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (pulseGTKForceSensorCapture));
@@ -1630,6 +1633,7 @@ LogB.Information(" fs Q ");
LogB.Information(" fs R ");
Thread.Sleep (25);
//LogB.Information(" ForceSensor:"+ forceCaptureThread.ThreadState.ToString());
return true;
@@ -1679,10 +1683,15 @@ LogB.Information(" fs R ");
LogB.Information(" fs P ");
+ private List<double> interYtimes_l; //funciona
+ private List<int> interYinterYs_l; //funciona
+ //private TwoListsOfInts twoListsOfInts;
private void forceSensorCaptureDoRealtimeGraphScroll(int numCaptured, int toDraw, List<Gdk.Point>
LogB.Information(" Graph Scroll ");
- Gdk.Point [] paintPoints = new Gdk.Point[fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount];
+ Gdk.Point [] paintPoints = new Gdk.Point[fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount]; //This size is
because we have done eg. 60 samples, and then scroll started, so plot always 60 samples once scroll is on
+ List<Gdk.Point> paintPointsInterpolate = new List<Gdk.Point>();
int jStart = 0;
int iStart = numCaptured - fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount; //-toDraw
@@ -1701,27 +1710,88 @@ LogB.Information(" fs R ");
- LogB.Information(" fs O ");
- forceSensorDrawInterpolatedFeedback(fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount);
+ double firstTimeForInterpolate = -1;
+ double lastTimeForInterpolate = -1;
//i is related to what has been captured: points
//j is related to what is going to be painted: paintPoints
for(int j = jStart, i = iStart ; i < numCaptured ; i ++, j++)
- LogB.Information(" fs O0 ");
if(points.Count > i && j < fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount) //extra check to
avoid going outside of arrays
LogB.Information(string.Format("i: {0}; j: {1}, paintPointsLength: {2}",
i, j, fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount));
paintPoints[j] = points[i];
- LogB.Information(" fs O1 ");
paintPoints[j].X =
+ if(interpolate_l != null)
+ {
+ if (firstTimeForInterpolate < 0)
+ firstTimeForInterpolate = fscPoints.GetTimeAtCount(i);
//TODO: use this var just in above assignation
+ lastTimeForInterpolate = fscPoints.GetTimeAtCount(i); //TODO: use
this var just in above assignation
+ }
- LogB.Information(" fs O2 ");
+ //LogB.Information(string.Format("firstTimeForInterpolate: {0}, lastTimeForInterpolate: {1}",
+ // firstTimeForInterpolate, lastTimeForInterpolate));
+ if(interpolate_l != null && firstTimeForInterpolate >= 0 && lastTimeForInterpolate >= 0)
+ {
+ double timeCount = firstTimeForInterpolate;
+//LogB.Information(string.Format("at scroll timeCount: {0}", timeCount));
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/10) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 100
(to have 10 interpolated between each master)
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/100) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 10
(to have 100 interpolated between each master)
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/200) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 5
(to have 200 interpolated between each master)
+ // * 1000; //to micros
+ //double timeStep = 12345.679012346; //1000000 / 81 (81Hz)
+ double timeStep = 11111.111111111; //90Hz
+ //from firstTimeForInterpolate to lastTimeForInterpolate, there are this steps
+ double stepsTotal = UtilAll.DivideSafe(lastTimeForInterpolate -
firstTimeForInterpolate, timeStep);
+ int stepsCount = 0;
+ int interY = iStart;
+ if(interYtimes_l != null && interYtimes_l.Count > 0) //funciona
+ {
+ for(int i = 0; i < interYtimes_l.Count; i ++) //funciona
+ if(timeCount < interYtimes_l[i]) //funciona
+ {
+ interY = interYinterYs_l[i]; //funciona
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ interYtimes_l = new List<double>(); //funciona
+ interYinterYs_l = new List<int>(); //funciona
+ //int interpolateAddedCount = 0;
+ do {
+ interYtimes_l.Add(timeCount); //funciona
+ interYinterYs_l.Add(interY); //funciona
+ double stepRatio = UtilAll.DivideSafe(stepsCount, stepsTotal);
+ int xpos = paintPoints[0].X + Convert.ToInt32(stepRatio *
(paintPoints[fscPoints.ScrollStartedAtCount -1].X - paintPoints[0].X));
+ paintPointsInterpolate.Add(new Gdk.Point(xpos,
fscPoints.GetForceInPx(interpolate_l[interY].Y) ));
+ //interpolateAddedCount ++; //debug
+ timeCount += timeStep;
+ interY ++;
+ if(interY >= interpolate_l.Count)
+ interY = 0;
+ stepsCount ++;
+ } while (timeCount < lastTimeForInterpolate);
+ force_capture_pixmap.DrawLines(pen_blue_light_force_capture_interpolated_feedback,
+ //LogB.Information("at scroll, interpolateAddedCount = " +
+ }
force_capture_pixmap.DrawLines(pen_black_force_capture, paintPoints);
- LogB.Information(" fs P ");
int force_capture_allocationXOld;
@@ -2450,39 +2520,45 @@ LogB.Information(" fs R ");
// List<Gdk.Point> paintPointsInterpolate;
// int timeCount;
- private void forceSensorDrawInterpolatedFeedback (int scrollStarted)
+ private void forceSensorDrawInterpolatedFeedback (int startAt)
if(interpolate_l != null)
- /*
- LogB.Information("fscPoints:");
- for(int k = 0; k < fscPoints.Points.Count; k ++)
- LogB.Information(string.Format("{0} ({1},{2})", k, fscPoints.Points[k].X,
+ double timeCount = 0;
+ if(startAt > 0)
+ timeCount = fscPoints.GetTimeAtCount (startAt);
- LogB.Information("paintPointsInterpolate:");
- */
- int timeCount = 0;
-// if(scrollStarted > 0)
-// timeCount = Convert.ToInt32(fscPoints.GetTimeAtCount (scrollStarted));
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/10) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 100
(to have 10 interpolated between each master)
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/100) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 10
(to have 100 interpolated between each master)
+ //int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/200) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 5
(to have 200 interpolated between each master)
+ // * 1000; //to micros
+ //double timeStep = 12345.679012346; //1000000 / 81 (81Hz)
+ double timeStep = 11111.111111111; //90Hz
- int timeStep = (1000 *
repetitiveConditionsWin.GetForceSensorFeedbackPathMasterSeconds/10) //if each 1000 ms, then: advance by 100
(to have 10 interpolated between each master)
- * 1000; //to micros
List<Gdk.Point> paintPointsInterpolate = new List<Gdk.Point>();
- //paintPointsInterpolate = new List<Gdk.Point>();
+ interYtimes_l = new List<double>(); //funciona
+ interYinterYs_l = new List<int>(); //funciona
+ //twoListsOfInts.Reset();
+ //int interpolateAddedCount = 0;
do {
- for(int interY = 0;
- //for(int interY = paintPointsInterpolate.Count;
- //for(int interY = scrollStarted;
+ for(int interY = 0; //TODO: change this to be on phase of interpolate_l (if
there are less points)
interY < interpolate_l.Count && timeCount <
interY ++)
- //LogB.Information("fscPoints.GetLastTime: " +
paintPointsInterpolate.Add(new Gdk.Point(
- fscPoints.GetTimeInPx(timeCount), //note we are not
using interpolate_l[*].X
+ fscPoints.GetTimeInPx(Convert.ToInt32(timeCount)),
//note we are not using interpolate_l[*].X
+ //interpolateAddedCount ++;
+ interYtimes_l.Add(timeCount); //funciona
+ interYinterYs_l.Add(interY); //funciona
+ //twoListsOfInts.Add(timeCount, interY);
timeCount += timeStep;
} while (timeCount < fscPoints.GetLastTime());
@@ -2566,13 +2642,9 @@ LogB.Information(" fs R ");
for(int i = step; i <= absoluteMaxForce ; i += step)
if(maxForce >= i || ForceSensorCapturePoints.DefaultRealHeightG >= i)
- {
forcePaintHLine(fsg, i, false);
- }
if(minForce <= (i * -1) || (ForceSensorCapturePoints.DefaultRealHeightGNeg * -1) <=
(i * -1))
- {
forcePaintHLine(fsg, i *-1, false);
- }
diff --git a/src/utilMath.cs b/src/utilMath.cs
index 5c0688aac..fca801b65 100644
--- a/src/utilMath.cs
+++ b/src/utilMath.cs
@@ -472,7 +472,11 @@ public class InterpolateSignal
//point_l.Count has to be >= 3
for(int i = 0; i < point_l.Count; i ++) //each known point
- for(double j = 0.05; j < 1 ; j += .1) //10 interpolated value for each master (see
timeCount on gui/app1/forceSensor.cs)
+ //for(double j = 0.05; j < 1 ; j += .1) //10 interpolated value for each master (see
timeCount on gui/app1/forceSensor.cs)
+ //for(double j = 0.005; j < 1 ; j += .01) //100 interpolated value for each master
(see timeCount on gui/app1/forceSensor.cs)
+ //for(double j = 0.0025; j < 1 ; j += .005) //200 interpolated value for each master
(see timeCount on gui/app1/forceSensor.cs)
+ //for(double j = 0; j < 1 ; j += .012345679) //81 Hz
+ for(double j = 0; j < 1 ; j += 0.011111111) //90Hz Works perfectly!
if (type == types.COSINE)
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