[glib: 1/2] docs: Standardize spelling of serializ*

commit 6b867cd474ba073763deb24387ca47eeb0769004
Author: Geyslan G. Bem <geyslan gmail com>
Date:   Fri May 7 08:42:44 2021 -0300

    docs: Standardize spelling of serializ*
    Changes serialis* to serializ*.
    Fixes: #2399
    Signed-off-by: Geyslan G. Bem <geyslan gmail com>

 docs/reference/gio/gsettings.xml         |   4 +-
 docs/reference/glib/gvariant-varargs.xml |   6 +-
 gio/gemblemedicon.c                      |   2 +-
 glib/gvariant-core.c                     | 154 +++++++++++++++----------------
 glib/gvariant-serialiser.c               | 112 +++++++++++-----------
 glib/gvariant-serialiser.h               |   4 +-
 glib/gvariant.c                          |  60 ++++++------
 glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c                  |   4 +-
 glib/gvarianttypeinfo.h                  |   8 +-
 glib/tests/gvariant.c                    |  42 ++++-----
 10 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/reference/gio/gsettings.xml b/docs/reference/gio/gsettings.xml
index d7dc65db6..5f720d6e7 100644
--- a/docs/reference/gio/gsettings.xml
+++ b/docs/reference/gio/gsettings.xml
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ the dconf database.
 Gets the value of <replaceable>KEY</replaceable>.
-The value is printed out as a serialised
+The value is printed out as a serialized
 <link linkend="GVariant"><type>GVariant</type></link>.
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Queries the description of valid values for <replaceable>KEY</replaceable>.
 Sets the value of <replaceable>KEY</replaceable> to
-<replaceable>VALUE</replaceable>. The value is specified as a serialised
+<replaceable>VALUE</replaceable>. The value is specified as a serialized
 <link linkend="GVariant"><type>GVariant</type></link>.
diff --git a/docs/reference/glib/gvariant-varargs.xml b/docs/reference/glib/gvariant-varargs.xml
index cd9002ca5..bab12e31e 100644
--- a/docs/reference/glib/gvariant-varargs.xml
+++ b/docs/reference/glib/gvariant-varargs.xml
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
         Used as a prefix for a GVariant type string (not a prefix for a format string, so 
<literal>&amp;s</literal> is
         a valid format string but <literal>&amp;@s</literal> is not).
-        Denotes that a C pointer to serialised data
+        Denotes that a C pointer to serialized data
         should be used in place of the normal C type.  See
         <link linkend='gvariant-format-strings-pointers'>Pointers</link> below.
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ data = g_variant_new_parsed ("(%o, {'brightness': {'value': <%i>, 'max': <%i>}})
-    The '<code>&amp;</code>' character is used to indicate that serialised data should be directly exchanged 
via a
+    The '<code>&amp;</code>' character is used to indicate that serialized data should be directly exchanged 
via a
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ data = g_variant_new_parsed ("(%o, {'brightness': {'value': <%i>, 'max': <%i>}})
     '<literal>&amp;o</literal>' or '<code>&amp;g</code>').  For
     <link linkend='g-variant-new'><function>g_variant_new()</function></link> this has absolutely no effect. 
 The string
     is collected and duplicated normally.  For <link 
-    it means that instead of creating a newly allocated copy of the string, a pointer to the serialised data 
+    it means that instead of creating a newly allocated copy of the string, a pointer to the serialized data 
     returned.  This pointer should not be freed.  Validity checks are performed to ensure that the string 
data will
     always be properly nul-terminated.
diff --git a/gio/gemblemedicon.c b/gio/gemblemedicon.c
index 42d013dfa..46fb95fbb 100644
--- a/gio/gemblemedicon.c
+++ b/gio/gemblemedicon.c
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ g_emblemed_icon_serialize (GIcon *icon)
       icon_data = g_icon_serialize (node->data);
       if (icon_data)
-          /* We know how emblems serialise, so do a tweak here to
+          /* We know how emblems serialize, so do a tweak here to
            * reduce some of the variant wrapping and redundant storage
            * of 'emblem' over and again...
diff --git a/glib/gvariant-core.c b/glib/gvariant-core.c
index b34ba8d8e..a31d396dd 100644
--- a/glib/gvariant-core.c
+++ b/glib/gvariant-core.c
@@ -81,22 +81,22 @@ struct _GVariant
 /* struct GVariant:
- * There are two primary forms of GVariant instances: "serialised form"
+ * There are two primary forms of GVariant instances: "serialized form"
  * and "tree form".
- * "serialised form": A serialised GVariant instance stores its value in
- *                    the GVariant serialisation format.  All
+ * "serialized form": A serialized GVariant instance stores its value in
+ *                    the GVariant serialization format.  All
  *                    basic-typed instances (ie: non-containers) are in
- *                    serialised format, as are some containers.
+ *                    serialized format, as are some containers.
  * "tree form": Some containers are in "tree form".  In this case,
- *              instead of containing the serialised data for the
+ *              instead of containing the serialized data for the
  *              container, the instance contains an array of pointers to
  *              the child values of the container (thus forming a tree).
  * It is possible for an instance to transition from tree form to
- * serialised form.  This happens, implicitly, if the serialised data is
- * requested (eg: via g_variant_get_data()).  Serialised form instances
+ * serialized form.  This happens, implicitly, if the serialized data is
+ * requested (eg: via g_variant_get_data()).  Serialized form instances
  * never transition into tree form.
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ struct _GVariant
  *            The type_info field never changes during the life of the
  *            instance, so it can be accessed without a lock.
- * size: this is the size of the serialised form for the instance, if it
- *       is known.  If the instance is in serialised form then it is, by
+ * size: this is the size of the serialized form for the instance, if it
+ *       is known.  If the instance is in serialized form then it is, by
  *       definition, known.  If the instance is in tree form then it may
  *       be unknown (in which case it is -1).  It is possible for the
  *       size to be known when in tree form if, for example, the user
@@ -126,33 +126,33 @@ struct _GVariant
  *       that, the size field can be accessed without a lock.
  * contents: a union containing either the information associated with
- *           holding a value in serialised form or holding a value in
+ *           holding a value in serialized form or holding a value in
  *           tree form.
- *   .serialised: Only valid when the instance is in serialised form.
+ *   .serialised: Only valid when the instance is in serialized form.
  *                Since an instance can never transition away from
- *                serialised form, once these fields are set, they will
+ *                serialized form, once these fields are set, they will
  *                never be changed.  It is therefore valid to access
  *                them without holding a lock.
  *     .bytes:  the #GBytes that contains the memory pointed to by
  *              .data, or %NULL if .data is %NULL.  In the event that
- *              the instance was deserialised from another instance,
+ *              the instance was deserialized from another instance,
  *              then the bytes will be shared by both of them.  When
  *              the instance is freed, this reference must be released
  *              with g_bytes_unref().
- *     .data: the serialised data (of size 'size') of the instance.
+ *     .data: the serialized data (of size 'size') of the instance.
  *            This pointer should not be freed or modified in any way.
  *            #GBytes is responsible for memory management.
  *            This pointer may be %NULL in two cases:
- *              - if the serialised size of the instance is 0
+ *              - if the serialized size of the instance is 0
  *              - if the instance is of a fixed-sized type and was
- *                deserialised out of a corrupted container such that
+ *                deserialized out of a corrupted container such that
  *                the container contains too few bytes to point to the
  *                entire proper fixed-size of this instance.  In this
  *                case, 'size' will still be equal to the proper fixed
@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ struct _GVariant
  *   .tree: Only valid when the instance is in tree form.
  *          Note that accesses from other threads could result in
- *          conversion of the instance from tree form to serialised form
+ *          conversion of the instance from tree form to serialized form
  *          at any time.  For this reason, the instance lock must always
  *          be held while performing any operations on 'contents.tree'.
  *     .children: the array of the child instances of this instance.
- *                When the instance is freed (or converted to serialised
+ *                When the instance is freed (or converted to serialized
  *                form) then each child must have g_variant_unref()
  *                called on it and the array must be freed using
  *                g_free().
@@ -183,18 +183,18 @@ struct _GVariant
  *    STATE_LOCKED: the instance lock is held.  This is the bit used by
  *                  g_bit_lock().
- *    STATE_SERIALISED: the instance is in serialised form.  If this
+ *    STATE_SERIALISED: the instance is in serialized form.  If this
  *                      flag is not set then the instance is in tree
  *                      form.
- *    STATE_TRUSTED: for serialised form instances, this means that the
- *                   serialised data is known to be in normal form (ie:
+ *    STATE_TRUSTED: for serialized form instances, this means that the
+ *                   serialized data is known to be in normal form (ie:
  *                   not corrupted).
  *                   For tree form instances, this means that all of the
  *                   child instances in the contents.tree.children array
  *                   are trusted.  This means that if the container is
- *                   serialised then the resulting data will be in
+ *                   serialized then the resulting data will be in
  *                   normal form.
  *                   If this flag is unset it does not imply that the
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ struct _GVariant
  * depth: the depth of the GVariant in a hierarchy of nested containers,
  *        increasing with the level of nesting. The top-most GVariant has depth
  *        zero.  This is used to avoid recursing too deeply and overflowing the
- *        stack when handling deeply nested untrusted serialised GVariants.
+ *        stack when handling deeply nested untrusted serialized GVariants.
 #define STATE_LOCKED     1
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ g_variant_unlock (GVariant *value)
  * @value and frees the array itself.  @value must be in tree form.
  * This is done when freeing a tree-form instance or converting it to
- * serialised form.
+ * serialized form.
  * The current thread must hold the lock on @value.
@@ -267,52 +267,52 @@ g_variant_release_children (GVariant *value)
   g_free (value->contents.tree.children);
-/* This begins the main body of the recursive serialiser.
+/* This begins the main body of the recursive serializer.
- * There are 3 functions here that work as a team with the serialiser to
+ * There are 3 functions here that work as a team with the serializer to
  * get things done.  g_variant_store() has a trivial role, but as a
  * public API function, it has its definition elsewhere.
- * Note that "serialisation" of an instance does not mean that the
- * instance is converted to serialised form -- it means that the
- * serialised form of an instance is written to an external buffer.
+ * Note that "serialization" of an instance does not mean that the
+ * instance is converted to serialized form -- it means that the
+ * serialized form of an instance is written to an external buffer.
  * g_variant_ensure_serialised() (which is not part of this set of
  * functions) is the function that is responsible for converting an
- * instance to serialised form.
+ * instance to serialized form.
  * We are only concerned here with container types since non-container
- * instances are always in serialised form.  For these instances,
- * storing their serialised form merely involves a memcpy().
+ * instances are always in serialized form.  For these instances,
+ * storing their serialized form merely involves a memcpy().
- * Serialisation is a two-step process.  First, the size of the
- * serialised data must be calculated so that an appropriately-sized
+ * Serialization is a two-step process.  First, the size of the
+ * serialized data must be calculated so that an appropriately-sized
  * buffer can be allocated.  Second, the data is written into the
  * buffer.
  * Determining the size:
  *   The process of determining the size is triggered by a call to
  *   g_variant_ensure_size() on a container.  This invokes the
- *   serialiser code to determine the size.  The serialiser is passed
+ *   serializer code to determine the size.  The serializer is passed
  *   g_variant_fill_gvs() as a callback.
- *   g_variant_fill_gvs() is called by the serialiser on each child of
+ *   g_variant_fill_gvs() is called by the serializer on each child of
  *   the container which, in turn, calls g_variant_ensure_size() on
  *   itself and fills in the result of its own size calculation.
- *   The serialiser uses the size information from the children to
+ *   The serializer uses the size information from the children to
  *   calculate the size needed for the entire container.
  * Writing the data:
  *   After the buffer has been allocated, g_variant_serialise() is
- *   called on the container.  This invokes the serialiser code to write
- *   the bytes to the container.  The serialiser is, again, passed
+ *   called on the container.  This invokes the serializer code to write
+ *   the bytes to the container.  The serializer is, again, passed
  *   g_variant_fill_gvs() as a callback.
  *   This time, when g_variant_fill_gvs() is called for each child, the
  *   child is given a pointer to a sub-region of the allocated buffer
  *   where it should write its data.  This is done by calling
- *   g_variant_store().  In the event that the instance is in serialised
- *   form this means a memcpy() of the serialised data into the
+ *   g_variant_store().  In the event that the instance is in serialized
+ *   form this means a memcpy() of the serialized data into the
  *   allocated buffer.  In the event that the instance is in tree form
  *   this means a recursive call back into g_variant_serialise().
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ static void g_variant_fill_gvs (GVariantSerialised *, gpointer);
  * @value: a #GVariant
  * Ensures that the ->size field of @value is filled in properly.  This
- * must be done as a precursor to any serialisation of the value in
+ * must be done as a precursor to any serialization of the value in
  * order to know how large of a buffer is needed to store the data.
  * The current thread must hold the lock on @value.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ g_variant_ensure_size (GVariant *value)
  * @value: a #GVariant
  * @data: an appropriately-sized buffer
- * Serialises @value into @data.  @value must be in tree form.
+ * Serializes @value into @data.  @value must be in tree form.
  * No change is made to @value.
@@ -389,15 +389,15 @@ g_variant_serialise (GVariant *value,
  * @data: a #GVariant instance
  * This is the callback that is passed by a tree-form container instance
- * to the serialiser.  This callback gets called on each child of the
+ * to the serializer.  This callback gets called on each child of the
  * container.  Each child is responsible for performing the following
  * actions:
  *  - reporting its type
- *  - reporting its serialised size (requires knowing the size first)
+ *  - reporting its serialized size (requires knowing the size first)
- *  - possibly storing its serialised form into the provided buffer
+ *  - possibly storing its serialized form into the provided buffer
 static void
 g_variant_fill_gvs (GVariantSerialised *serialised,
@@ -425,18 +425,18 @@ g_variant_fill_gvs (GVariantSerialised *serialised,
     g_variant_store (value, serialised->data);
-/* this ends the main body of the recursive serialiser */
+/* this ends the main body of the recursive serializer */
 /* < private >
  * g_variant_ensure_serialised:
  * @value: a #GVariant
- * Ensures that @value is in serialised form.
+ * Ensures that @value is in serialized form.
  * If @value is in tree form then this function ensures that the
- * serialised size is known and then allocates a buffer of that size and
- * serialises the instance into the buffer.  The 'children' array is
- * then released and the instance is set to serialised form based on the
+ * serialized size is known and then allocates a buffer of that size and
+ * serializes the instance into the buffer.  The 'children' array is
+ * then released and the instance is set to serialized form based on the
  * contents of the buffer.
  * The current thread must hold the lock on @value.
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ g_variant_alloc (const GVariantType *type,
  * @bytes: a #GBytes
  * @trusted: if the contents of @bytes are trusted
- * Constructs a new serialised-mode #GVariant instance.  This is the
- * inner interface for creation of new serialised values that gets
+ * Constructs a new serialized-mode #GVariant instance.  This is the
+ * inner interface for creation of new serialized values that gets
  * called from various functions in gvariant.c.
  * A reference is taken on @bytes.
@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ g_variant_new_from_bytes (const GVariantType *type,
  * @trusted: %TRUE if every child in @children in trusted
  * Constructs a new tree-mode #GVariant instance.  This is the inner
- * interface for creation of new serialised values that gets called from
+ * interface for creation of new serialized values that gets called from
  * various functions in gvariant.c.
  * @children is consumed by this function.  g_free() will be called on
@@ -872,13 +872,13 @@ g_variant_is_floating (GVariant *value)
  * If @value has a fixed-sized type then this function always returned
  * that fixed size.
- * In the case that @value is already in serialised form or the size has
+ * In the case that @value is already in serialized form or the size has
  * already been calculated (ie: this function has been called before)
  * then this function is O(1).  Otherwise, the size is calculated, an
  * operation which is approximately O(n) in the number of values
  * involved.
- * Returns: the serialised size of @value
+ * Returns: the serialized size of @value
  * Since: 2.24
@@ -896,33 +896,33 @@ g_variant_get_size (GVariant *value)
  * g_variant_get_data:
  * @value: a #GVariant instance
- * Returns a pointer to the serialised form of a #GVariant instance.
+ * Returns a pointer to the serialized form of a #GVariant instance.
  * The returned data may not be in fully-normalised form if read from an
  * untrusted source.  The returned data must not be freed; it remains
  * valid for as long as @value exists.
- * If @value is a fixed-sized value that was deserialised from a
- * corrupted serialised container then %NULL may be returned.  In this
+ * If @value is a fixed-sized value that was deserialized from a
+ * corrupted serialized container then %NULL may be returned.  In this
  * case, the proper thing to do is typically to use the appropriate
  * number of nul bytes in place of @value.  If @value is not fixed-sized
  * then %NULL is never returned.
- * In the case that @value is already in serialised form, this function
- * is O(1).  If the value is not already in serialised form,
- * serialisation occurs implicitly and is approximately O(n) in the size
+ * In the case that @value is already in serialized form, this function
+ * is O(1).  If the value is not already in serialized form,
+ * serialization occurs implicitly and is approximately O(n) in the size
  * of the result.
- * To deserialise the data returned by this function, in addition to the
- * serialised data, you must know the type of the #GVariant, and (if the
+ * To deserialize the data returned by this function, in addition to the
+ * serialized data, you must know the type of the #GVariant, and (if the
  * machine might be different) the endianness of the machine that stored
  * it. As a result, file formats or network messages that incorporate
- * serialised #GVariants must include this information either
+ * serialized #GVariants must include this information either
  * implicitly (for instance "the file always contains a
  * %G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT and it is always in little-endian order") or
  * explicitly (by storing the type and/or endianness in addition to the
- * serialised data).
+ * serialized data).
- * Returns: (transfer none): the serialised form of @value, or %NULL
+ * Returns: (transfer none): the serialized form of @value, or %NULL
  * Since: 2.24
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ g_variant_get_data (GVariant *value)
  * g_variant_get_data_as_bytes:
  * @value: a #GVariant
- * Returns a pointer to the serialised form of a #GVariant instance.
+ * Returns a pointer to the serialized form of a #GVariant instance.
  * The semantics of this function are exactly the same as
  * g_variant_get_data(), except that the returned #GBytes holds
  * a reference to the variant data.
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ g_variant_n_children (GVariant *value)
  * Note that values borrowed from the returned child are not guaranteed to
  * still be valid after the child is freed even if you still hold a reference
- * to @value, if @value has not been serialised at the time this function is
+ * to @value, if @value has not been serialized at the time this function is
  * called. To avoid this, you can serialize @value by calling
  * g_variant_get_data() and optionally ignoring the return value.
@@ -1092,8 +1092,8 @@ g_variant_get_child_value (GVariant *value,
     GVariantSerialised s_child;
     GVariant *child;
-    /* get the serialiser to extract the serialised data for the child
-     * from the serialised data for the container
+    /* get the serializer to extract the serialized data for the child
+     * from the serialized data for the container
     s_child = g_variant_serialised_get_child (serialised, index_);
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ g_variant_get_child_value (GVariant *value,
         return g_variant_new_tuple (NULL, 0);
-    /* create a new serialised instance out of it */
+    /* create a new serialized instance out of it */
     child = g_slice_new (GVariant);
     child->type_info = s_child.type_info;
     child->state = (value->state & STATE_TRUSTED) |
@@ -1130,17 +1130,17 @@ g_variant_get_child_value (GVariant *value,
  * g_variant_store:
  * @value: the #GVariant to store
- * @data: (not nullable): the location to store the serialised data at
+ * @data: (not nullable): the location to store the serialized data at
- * Stores the serialised form of @value at @data.  @data should be
+ * Stores the serialized form of @value at @data.  @data should be
  * large enough.  See g_variant_get_size().
  * The stored data is in machine native byte order but may not be in
  * fully-normalised form if read from an untrusted source.  See
  * g_variant_get_normal_form() for a solution.
- * As with g_variant_get_data(), to be able to deserialise the
- * serialised variant successfully, its type and (if the destination
+ * As with g_variant_get_data(), to be able to deserialize the
+ * serialized variant successfully, its type and (if the destination
  * machine might be different) its endianness must also be available.
  * This function is approximately O(n) in the size of @data.
@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@ g_variant_store (GVariant *value,
  * Checks if @value is in normal form.
  * The main reason to do this is to detect if a given chunk of
- * serialised data is in normal form: load the data into a #GVariant
+ * serialized data is in normal form: load the data into a #GVariant
  * using g_variant_new_from_data() and then use this function to
  * check.
diff --git a/glib/gvariant-serialiser.c b/glib/gvariant-serialiser.c
index 06f419fe4..832a8fdc2 100644
--- a/glib/gvariant-serialiser.c
+++ b/glib/gvariant-serialiser.c
@@ -44,26 +44,26 @@
  * container and implements 5 functions for dealing with it:
  *  n_children:
- *    - determines (according to serialised data) how many child values
+ *    - determines (according to serialized data) how many child values
  *      are inside a particular container value.
  *  get_child:
- *    - gets the type of and the serialised data corresponding to a
+ *    - gets the type of and the serialized data corresponding to a
  *      given child value within the container value.
  *  needed_size:
- *    - determines how much space would be required to serialise a
+ *    - determines how much space would be required to serialize a
  *      container of this type, containing the given children so that
- *      buffers can be preallocated before serialising.
+ *      buffers can be preallocated before serializing.
  *  serialise:
- *    - write the serialised data for a container of this type,
+ *    - write the serialized data for a container of this type,
  *      containing the given children, to a buffer.
  *  is_normal:
  *    - check the given data to ensure that it is in normal form.  For a
  *      given set of child values, there is exactly one normal form for
- *      the serialised data of a container.  Other forms are possible
+ *      the serialized data of a container.  Other forms are possible
  *      while maintaining the same children (for example, by inserting
  *      something other than zero bytes as padding) but only one form is
  *      the normal form.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
  * functions and logic to dispatch it to the handler for the appropriate
  * container type code.
- * The second part also contains a routine to byteswap serialised
+ * The second part also contains a routine to byteswap serialized
  * values.  This code makes use of the n_children() and get_child()
  * functions above to do its work so no extra support is needed on a
  * per-container-type basis.
@@ -90,17 +90,17 @@
 /* < private >
  * GVariantSerialised:
  * @type_info: the #GVariantTypeInfo of this value
- * @data: (nullable): the serialised data of this value, or %NULL
+ * @data: (nullable): the serialized data of this value, or %NULL
  * @size: the size of this value
- * A structure representing a GVariant in serialised form.  This
+ * A structure representing a GVariant in serialized form.  This
  * structure is used with #GVariantSerialisedFiller functions and as the
- * primary interface to the serialiser.  See #GVariantSerialisedFiller
+ * primary interface to the serializer.  See #GVariantSerialisedFiller
  * for a description of its use there.
- * When used with the serialiser API functions, the following invariants
+ * When used with the serializer API functions, the following invariants
  * apply to all #GVariantTypeSerialised structures passed to and
- * returned from the serialiser.
+ * returned from the serializer.
  * @type_info must be non-%NULL.
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
  * combination should be as if @data were a pointer to an
  * appropriately-sized zero-filled region.
- * @depth has no restrictions; the depth of a top-level serialised #GVariant is
+ * @depth has no restrictions; the depth of a top-level serialized #GVariant is
  * zero, and it increases for each level of nested child.
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ g_variant_serialised_check (GVariantSerialised serialised)
  * from a partially-complete #GVariantSerialised.
  * The @data parameter passed back to the function is one of the items
- * that was passed to the serialiser in the @children array.  It
+ * that was passed to the serializer in the @children array.  It
  * represents a single child item of the container that is being
- * serialised.  The information filled in to @serialised is the
+ * serialized.  The information filled in to @serialised is the
  * information for this child.
  * If the @type_info field of @serialised is %NULL then the callback
@@ -197,24 +197,24 @@ g_variant_serialised_check (GVariantSerialised serialised)
  * of the child.
  * If the @size field is zero then the callback must fill it in with the
- * required amount of space to store the serialised form of the child.
+ * required amount of space to store the serialized form of the child.
  * If it is non-zero then the callback should assert that it is equal to
  * the needed size of the child.
  * If @data is non-%NULL then it points to a space that is properly
- * aligned for and large enough to store the serialised data of the
- * child.  The callback must store the serialised form of the child at
+ * aligned for and large enough to store the serialized data of the
+ * child.  The callback must store the serialized form of the child at
  * @data.
  * If the child value is another container then the callback will likely
- * recurse back into the serialiser by calling
+ * recurse back into the serializer by calling
  * g_variant_serialiser_needed_size() to determine @size and
  * g_variant_serialiser_serialise() to write to @data.
 /* PART 1: Container types {{{1
- * This section contains the serialiser implementation functions for
+ * This section contains the serializer implementation functions for
  * each container type.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ g_variant_serialised_check (GVariantSerialised serialised)
  * size of the maybe value is zero corresponds to the "Nothing" case and
  * the case where the size of the maybe value is equal to the fixed size
  * of the element type corresponds to the "Just" case; in that case, the
- * serialised data of the child value forms the entire serialised data
+ * serialized data of the child value forms the entire serialized data
  * of the maybe value.
  * In the event that a fixed-sized maybe value is presented with a size
@@ -331,11 +331,11 @@ gvs_fixed_sized_maybe_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
  * either 0 or strictly greater than 0.  The case where the size of the
  * maybe value is zero corresponds to the "Nothing" case and the case
  * where the size of the maybe value is greater than zero corresponds to
- * the "Just" case; in that case, the serialised data of the child value
- * forms the first part of the serialised data of the maybe value and is
+ * the "Just" case; in that case, the serialized data of the child value
+ * forms the first part of the serialized data of the maybe value and is
  * followed by a single zero byte.  This zero byte is always appended,
  * regardless of any zero bytes that may already be at the end of the
- * serialised ata of the child value.
+ * serialized ata of the child value.
 static gsize
@@ -424,8 +424,8 @@ gvs_variable_sized_maybe_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
 /* Fixed-sized Array {{{3
- * For fixed sized arrays, the serialised data is simply a concatenation
- * of the serialised data of each element, in order.  Since fixed-sized
+ * For fixed sized arrays, the serialized data is simply a concatenation
+ * of the serialized data of each element, in order.  Since fixed-sized
  * values always have a fixed size that is a multiple of their alignment
  * requirement no extra padding is required.
@@ -535,35 +535,35 @@ gvs_fixed_sized_array_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
  * record the end point of each element in the array.
  * GVariant works in terms of "offsets".  An offset is a pointer to a
- * boundary between two bytes.  In 4 bytes of serialised data, there
+ * boundary between two bytes.  In 4 bytes of serialized data, there
  * would be 5 possible offsets: one at the start ('0'), one between each
  * pair of adjacent bytes ('1', '2', '3') and one at the end ('4').
  * The numeric value of an offset is an unsigned integer given relative
- * to the start of the serialised data of the array.  Offsets are always
+ * to the start of the serialized data of the array.  Offsets are always
  * stored in little endian byte order and are always only as big as they
- * need to be.  For example, in 255 bytes of serialised data, there are
+ * need to be.  For example, in 255 bytes of serialized data, there are
  * 256 offsets.  All possibilities can be stored in an 8 bit unsigned
- * integer.  In 256 bytes of serialised data, however, there are 257
+ * integer.  In 256 bytes of serialized data, however, there are 257
  * possible offsets so 16 bit integers must be used.  The size of an
  * offset is always a power of 2.
- * The offsets are stored at the end of the serialised data of the
+ * The offsets are stored at the end of the serialized data of the
  * array.  They are simply concatenated on without any particular
  * alignment.  The size of the offsets is included in the size of the
- * serialised data for purposes of determining the size of the offsets.
+ * serialized data for purposes of determining the size of the offsets.
  * This presents a possibly ambiguity; in certain cases, a particular
- * value of array could have two different serialised forms.
+ * value of array could have two different serialized forms.
  * Imagine an array containing a single string of 253 bytes in length
  * (so, 254 bytes including the nul terminator).  Now the offset must be
  * written.  If an 8 bit offset is written, it will bring the size of
- * the array's serialised data to 255 -- which means that the use of an
+ * the array's serialized data to 255 -- which means that the use of an
  * 8 bit offset was valid.  If a 16 bit offset is used then the total
  * size of the array will be 256 -- which means that the use of a 16 bit
  * offset was valid.  Although both of these will be accepted by the
- * deserialiser, only the smaller of the two is considered to be in
- * normal form and that is the one that the serialiser must produce.
+ * deserializer, only the smaller of the two is considered to be in
+ * normal form and that is the one that the serializer must produce.
 /* bytes may be NULL if (size == 0). */
@@ -840,20 +840,20 @@ gvs_variable_sized_array_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
 /* Tuples {{{2
  * Since tuples can contain a mix of variable- and fixed-sized items,
- * they are, in terms of serialisation, a hybrid of variable-sized and
+ * they are, in terms of serialization, a hybrid of variable-sized and
  * fixed-sized arrays.
  * Offsets are only stored for variable-sized items.  Also, since the
  * number of items in a tuple is known from its type, we are able to
- * know exactly how many offsets to expect in the serialised data (and
+ * know exactly how many offsets to expect in the serialized data (and
  * therefore how much space is taken up by the offset array).  This
- * means that we know where the end of the serialised data for the last
+ * means that we know where the end of the serialized data for the last
  * item is -- we can just subtract the size of the offset array from the
  * total size of the tuple.  For this reason, the last item in the tuple
  * doesn't need an offset stored.
  * Tuple offsets are stored in reverse.  This design choice allows
- * iterator-based deserialisers to be more efficient.
+ * iterator-based deserializers to be more efficient.
  * Most of the "heavy lifting" here is handled by the GVariantTypeInfo
  * for the tuple.  See the notes in gvarianttypeinfo.h.
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ gvs_tuple_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
 /* Variants {{{2
- * Variants are stored by storing the serialised data of the child,
+ * Variants are stored by storing the serialized data of the child,
  * followed by a '\0' character, followed by the type string of the
  * child.
@@ -1287,9 +1287,9 @@ gvs_variant_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
-/* PART 2: Serialiser API {{{1
+/* PART 2: Serializer API {{{1
- * This is the implementation of the API of the serialiser as advertised
+ * This is the implementation of the API of the serializer as advertised
  * in gvariant-serialiser.h.
@@ -1338,9 +1338,9 @@ gvs_variant_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
         }                                                       \
-/* Serialiser entry points {{{2
+/* Serializer entry points {{{2
- * These are the functions that are called in order for the serialiser
+ * These are the functions that are called in order for the serializer
  * to do its thing.
@@ -1348,7 +1348,7 @@ gvs_variant_is_normal (GVariantSerialised value)
  * g_variant_serialised_n_children:
  * @serialised: a #GVariantSerialised
- * For serialised data that represents a container value (maybes,
+ * For serialized data that represents a container value (maybes,
  * tuples, arrays, variants), determine how many child items are inside
  * that container.
@@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ g_variant_serialised_n_children (GVariantSerialised serialised)
  * @serialised: a #GVariantSerialised
  * @index_: the index of the child to fetch
- * Extracts a child from a serialised data representing a container
+ * Extracts a child from a serialized data representing a container
  * value.
  * It is an error to call this function with an index out of bounds.
@@ -1421,19 +1421,19 @@ g_variant_serialised_get_child (GVariantSerialised serialised,
  * @children: an array of child items
  * @n_children: the size of @children
- * Writes data in serialised form.
+ * Writes data in serialized form.
  * The type_info field of @serialised must be filled in to type info for
- * the type that we are serialising.
+ * the type that we are serializing.
  * The size field of @serialised must be filled in with the value
  * returned by a previous call to g_variant_serialiser_needed_size().
  * The data field of @serialised must be a pointer to a properly-aligned
- * memory region large enough to serialise into (ie: at least as big as
+ * memory region large enough to serialize into (ie: at least as big as
  * the size field).
- * This function is only resonsible for serialising the top-level
+ * This function is only resonsible for serializing the top-level
  * container.  @gvs_filler is called on each child of the container in
  * order for all of the data of that child to be filled in.
@@ -1457,12 +1457,12 @@ g_variant_serialiser_serialise (GVariantSerialised        serialised,
 /* < private >
  * g_variant_serialiser_needed_size:
- * @type_info: the type to serialise for
+ * @type_info: the type to serialize for
  * @gvs_filler: the filler function
  * @children: an array of child items
  * @n_children: the size of @children
- * Determines how much memory would be needed to serialise this value.
+ * Determines how much memory would be needed to serialize this value.
  * This function is only resonsible for performing calculations for the
  * top-level container.  @gvs_filler is called on each child of the
@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@ g_variant_serialiser_needed_size (GVariantTypeInfo         *type_info,
  * g_variant_serialised_byteswap:
  * @value: a #GVariantSerialised
- * Byte-swap serialised data.  The result of this function is only
+ * Byte-swap serialized data.  The result of this function is only
  * well-defined if the data is in normal form.
@@ -1577,9 +1577,9 @@ g_variant_serialised_byteswap (GVariantSerialised serialised)
  * @serialised: a #GVariantSerialised
  * Determines, recursively if @serialised is in normal form.  There is
- * precisely one normal form of serialised data for each possible value.
+ * precisely one normal form of serialized data for each possible value.
- * It is possible that multiple byte sequences form the serialised data
+ * It is possible that multiple byte sequences form the serialized data
  * for a given value if, for example, the padding bytes are filled in
  * with something other than zeros, but only one form is the normal
  * form.
diff --git a/glib/gvariant-serialiser.h b/glib/gvariant-serialiser.h
index 81343e9ca..859cb7bfe 100644
--- a/glib/gvariant-serialiser.h
+++ b/glib/gvariant-serialiser.h
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ typedef struct
   gsize             depth;  /* same semantics as GVariant.depth */
 } GVariantSerialised;
-/* deserialisation */
+/* deserialization */
 gsize                           g_variant_serialised_n_children         (GVariantSerialised        
 GVariantSerialised              g_variant_serialised_get_child          (GVariantSerialised        container,
                                                                          gsize                     index);
-/* serialisation */
+/* serialization */
 typedef void                  (*GVariantSerialisedFiller)               (GVariantSerialised       
                                                                          gpointer                  data);
diff --git a/glib/gvariant.c b/glib/gvariant.c
index e48dec1ad..a9bb99c64 100644
--- a/glib/gvariant.c
+++ b/glib/gvariant.c
@@ -84,19 +84,19 @@
  * concurrently accessed in any way from any number of threads without
  * problems.
- * #GVariant is heavily optimised for dealing with data in serialised
+ * #GVariant is heavily optimised for dealing with data in serialized
  * form.  It works particularly well with data located in memory-mapped
- * files.  It can perform nearly all deserialisation operations in a
+ * files.  It can perform nearly all deserialization operations in a
  * small constant time, usually touching only a single memory page.
- * Serialised #GVariant data can also be sent over the network.
+ * Serialized #GVariant data can also be sent over the network.
  * #GVariant is largely compatible with D-Bus.  Almost all types of
  * #GVariant instances can be sent over D-Bus.  See #GVariantType for
- * exceptions.  (However, #GVariant's serialisation format is not the same
- * as the serialisation format of a D-Bus message body: use #GDBusMessage,
+ * exceptions.  (However, #GVariant's serialization format is not the same
+ * as the serialization format of a D-Bus message body: use #GDBusMessage,
  * in the gio library, for those.)
- * For space-efficiency, the #GVariant serialisation format does not
+ * For space-efficiency, the #GVariant serialization format does not
  * automatically include the variant's length, type or endianness,
  * which must either be implied from context (such as knowledge that a
  * particular file format always contains a little-endian
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@
  * in the future.
  * The memory allocated by #GVariant can be grouped into 4 broad
- * purposes: memory for serialised data, memory for the type
+ * purposes: memory for serialized data, memory for the type
  * information cache, buffer management memory and memory for the
  * #GVariant structure itself.
- * ## Serialised Data Memory
+ * ## Serialized Data Memory
  * This is the memory that is used for storing GVariant data in
- * serialised form.  This is what would be sent over the network or
+ * serialized form.  This is what would be sent over the network or
  * what would end up on disk, not counting any indicator of the
  * endianness, or of the length or type of the top-level variant.
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
  * As an example, consider a dictionary mapping strings to variants.
  * In the case that the dictionary is empty, 0 bytes are required for
- * the serialisation.
+ * the serialization.
  * If we add an item "width" that maps to the int32 value of 500 then
  * we will use 4 byte to store the int32 (so 6 for the variant
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
  * For each GVariant type that currently exists in the program a type
  * information structure is kept in the type information cache.  The
- * type information structure is required for rapid deserialisation.
+ * type information structure is required for rapid deserialization.
  * Continuing with the above example, if a #GVariant exists with the
  * type "a{sv}" then a type information struct will exist for
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@
  * ## Buffer Management Memory
  * #GVariant uses an internal buffer management structure to deal
- * with the various different possible sources of serialised data
+ * with the various different possible sources of serialized data
  * that it uses.  The buffer is responsible for ensuring that the
  * correct call is made when the data is no longer in use by
  * #GVariant.  This may involve a g_free() or a g_slice_free() or
  * even g_mapped_file_unref().
  * One buffer management structure is used for each chunk of
- * serialised data.  The size of the buffer management structure
+ * serialized data.  The size of the buffer management structure
  * is 4 * (void *).  On 32-bit systems, that's 16 bytes.
  * ## GVariant structure
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
  * #GVariant structures only exist if they are explicitly created
  * with API calls.  For example, if a #GVariant is constructed out of
- * serialised data for the example given above (with the dictionary)
+ * serialized data for the example given above (with the dictionary)
  * then although there are 9 individual values that comprise the
  * entire dictionary (two keys, two values, two variants containing
  * the values, two dictionary entries, plus the dictionary itself),
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
  * If calls are made to start accessing the other values then
  * #GVariant instances will exist for those values only for as long
  * as they are in use (ie: until you call g_variant_unref()).  The
- * type information is shared.  The serialised data and the buffer
- * management structure for that serialised data is shared by the
+ * type information is shared.  The serialized data and the buffer
+ * management structure for that serialized data is shared by the
  * child.
  * ## Summary
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@
  * To put the entire example together, for our dictionary mapping
  * strings to variants (with two entries, as given above), we are
  * using 91 bytes of memory for type information, 29 bytes of memory
- * for the serialised data, 16 bytes for buffer management and 24
+ * for the serialized data, 16 bytes for buffer management and 24
  * bytes for the #GVariant instance, or a total of 160 bytes, plus
  * malloc overhead.  If we were to use g_variant_get_child_value() to
  * access the two dictionary entries, we would use an additional 48
  * bytes.  If we were to have other dictionaries of the same type, we
- * would use more memory for the serialised data and buffer
+ * would use more memory for the serialized data and buffer
  * management for those dictionaries, but the type information would
  * be shared.
@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ g_variant_lookup_value (GVariant           *dictionary,
  * @n_elements: (out): a pointer to the location to store the number of items
  * @element_size: the size of each element
- * Provides access to the serialised data for an array of fixed-sized
+ * Provides access to the serialized data for an array of fixed-sized
  * items.
  * @value must be an array with fixed-sized elements.  Numeric types are
@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ g_variant_lookup_value (GVariant           *dictionary,
  * @element_size must be the size of a single element in the array,
  * as given by the section on
- * [serialized data memory][gvariant-serialised-data-memory].
+ * [serialized data memory][gvariant-serialized-data-memory].
  * In particular, arrays of these fixed-sized types can be interpreted
  * as an array of the given C type, with @element_size set to the size
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ g_variant_lookup_value (GVariant           *dictionary,
  * For example, if calling this function for an array of 32-bit integers,
  * you might say `sizeof(gint32)`. This value isn't used except for the purpose
- * of a double-check that the form of the serialised data matches the caller's
+ * of a double-check that the form of the serialized data matches the caller's
  * expectation.
  * @n_elements, which must be non-%NULL, is set equal to the number of
@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ g_variant_get_fixed_array (GVariant *value,
  * @element_size must be the size of a single element in the array.
  * For example, if calling this function for an array of 32-bit integers,
  * you might say sizeof(gint32). This value isn't used except for the purpose
- * of a double-check that the form of the serialised data matches the caller's
+ * of a double-check that the form of the serialized data matches the caller's
  * expectation.
  * @n_elements must be the length of the @elements array.
@@ -2745,8 +2745,8 @@ g_variant_equal (gconstpointer one,
       g_variant_get_type_info ((GVariant *) two))
     return FALSE;
-  /* if both values are trusted to be in their canonical serialised form
-   * then a simple memcmp() of their serialised data will answer the
+  /* if both values are trusted to be in their canonical serialized form
+   * then a simple memcmp() of their serialized data will answer the
    * question.
    * if not, then this might generate a false negative (since it is
@@ -5793,7 +5793,7 @@ g_variant_iter_loop (GVariantIter *iter,
   return value != NULL;
-/* Serialised data {{{1 */
+/* Serialized data {{{1 */
 static GVariant *
 g_variant_deep_copy (GVariant *value)
@@ -5882,7 +5882,7 @@ g_variant_deep_copy (GVariant *value)
  * #GVariant is created with the same value as @value.
  * It makes sense to call this function if you've received #GVariant
- * data from untrusted sources and you want to ensure your serialised
+ * data from untrusted sources and you want to ensure your serialized
  * output is definitely in normal form.
  * If @value is already in normal form, a new reference will be returned
@@ -5972,13 +5972,13 @@ g_variant_byteswap (GVariant *value)
  * g_variant_new_from_data:
  * @type: a definite #GVariantType
- * @data: (array length=size) (element-type guint8): the serialised data
+ * @data: (array length=size) (element-type guint8): the serialized data
  * @size: the size of @data
  * @trusted: %TRUE if @data is definitely in normal form
  * @notify: (scope async): function to call when @data is no longer needed
  * @user_data: data for @notify
- * Creates a new #GVariant instance from serialised data.
+ * Creates a new #GVariant instance from serialized data.
  * @type is the type of #GVariant instance that will be constructed.
  * The interpretation of @data depends on knowing the type.
@@ -5988,8 +5988,8 @@ g_variant_byteswap (GVariant *value)
  * @user_data.  If the contents of @data change before that time then
  * the result is undefined.
- * If @data is trusted to be serialised data in normal form then
- * @trusted should be %TRUE.  This applies to serialised data created
+ * If @data is trusted to be serialized data in normal form then
+ * @trusted should be %TRUE.  This applies to serialized data created
  * within this process or read from a trusted location on the disk (such
  * as a file installed in /usr/lib alongside your application).  You
  * should set trusted to %FALSE if @data is read from the network, a
diff --git a/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c b/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c
index 087294a09..6fdde8f8e 100644
--- a/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c
+++ b/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
  * GVariantTypeInfo:
  * This structure contains the necessary information to facilitate the
- * serialisation and fast deserialisation of a given type of GVariant
+ * serialization and fast deserialization of a given type of GVariant
  * value.  A GVariant instance holds a pointer to one of these
  * structures to provide for efficient operation.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ typedef struct
 } ArrayInfo;
 /* For 'tuple' and 'dict entry' types, we store extra information for
- * each member -- its type and how to find it inside the serialised data
+ * each member -- its type and how to find it inside the serialized data
  * in O(1) time using 4 variables -- 'i', 'a', 'b', and 'c'.  See the
  * comment on GVariantMemberInfo in gvarianttypeinfo.h.
diff --git a/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.h b/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.h
index 8663e2090..cff0dba6e 100644
--- a/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.h
+++ b/glib/gvarianttypeinfo.h
@@ -40,18 +40,18 @@ typedef struct _GVariantTypeInfo GVariantTypeInfo;
  * corresponding to a given child of a tuple or dictionary entry in a
  * very short constant time.  It contains the typeinfo of the child,
  * along with 4 constants that allow the bounds of the child's
- * serialised data within the container's serialised data to be found
+ * serialized data within the container's serialized data to be found
  * very efficiently.
- * Since dictionary entries are serialised as if they were tuples of 2
+ * Since dictionary entries are serialized as if they were tuples of 2
  * items, the term "tuple" will be used here in the general sense to
  * refer to tuples and dictionary entries.
- *   The serialised data for a tuple contains an array of "offsets" at
+ *   The serialized data for a tuple contains an array of "offsets" at
  *   the end.  There is one "offset" in this array for each
  *   variable-sized item in the tuple (except for the last one).  The
- *   offset points to the end point of that item's serialised data.  The
+ *   offset points to the end point of that item's serialized data.  The
  *   procedure for finding the start point is described below.  An
  *   offset is not needed for the last item because the end point of the
  *   last item is merely the end point of the container itself (after
diff --git a/glib/tests/gvariant.c b/glib/tests/gvariant.c
index 35434cae9..b42ef6855 100644
--- a/glib/tests/gvariant.c
+++ b/glib/tests/gvariant.c
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ check_offsets (GVariantTypeInfo   *info,
               /* and store the offset, just like it would be in the
-               * serialised data.
+               * serialized data.
               last_offset = position;
@@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ test_gvarianttypeinfo (void)
 #define MAX_TUPLE_CHILDREN      128
 /* this function generates a random type such that all characteristics
- * that are "interesting" to the serialiser are tested.
+ * that are "interesting" to the serializer are tested.
  * this basically means:
  *   - test different alignments
@@ -2311,19 +2311,19 @@ test_serialiser_children (void)
   g_test_summary ("Test that getting a child variant before and after "
                   "serialisation of the parent works");
-  /* Construct a variable sized array containing a child which serialises to a
+  /* Construct a variable sized array containing a child which serializes to a
    * zero-length bytestring. */
   child = g_variant_new_maybe (G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT, NULL);
   variant = g_variant_new_array (mv_type, &child, 1);
-  /* Get the child before serialising. */
+  /* Get the child before serializing. */
   child1 = g_variant_get_child_value (variant, 0);
   data1 = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child1);
-  /* Serialise the parent variant. */
+  /* Serialize the parent variant. */
   g_variant_get_data (variant);
-  /* Get the child again after serialising — this uses a different code path. */
+  /* Get the child again after serializing — this uses a different code path. */
   child2 = g_variant_get_child_value (variant, 0);
   data2 = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child2);
@@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ test_fuzz (gdouble *fuzziness)
   /* make an instance */
   tree = tree_instance_new (NULL, 3);
-  /* serialise it */
+  /* serialize it */
   serialise_tree (tree, &serialised);
   g_assert_true (g_variant_serialised_is_normal (serialised));
@@ -2371,17 +2371,17 @@ test_fuzz (gdouble *fuzziness)
-      /* at least one byte in the serialised data has changed.
+      /* at least one byte in the serialized data has changed.
        * this means that at least one of the following is true:
-       *    - the serialised data now represents a different value:
+       *    - the serialized data now represents a different value:
        *        check_tree() will return FALSE
-       *    - the serialised data is in non-normal form:
+       *    - the serialized data is in non-normal form:
        *        g_variant_serialiser_is_normal() will return FALSE
-       * we always do both checks to increase exposure of the serialiser
+       * we always do both checks to increase exposure of the serializer
        * to corrupt data.
       a = g_variant_serialised_is_normal (serialised);
@@ -3743,9 +3743,9 @@ test_gv_byteswap (void)
 # define swapped16(x) x, 0
   /* all kinds of of crazy randomised testing already performed on the
-   * byteswapper in the /gvariant/serialiser/byteswap test and all kinds
-   * of crazy randomised testing performed against the serialiser
-   * normalisation functions in the /gvariant/serialiser/fuzz/ tests.
+   * byteswapper in the /gvariant/serializer/byteswap test and all kinds
+   * of crazy randomised testing performed against the serializer
+   * normalisation functions in the /gvariant/serializer/fuzz/ tests.
    * just test a few simple cases here to make sure they each work
@@ -4755,7 +4755,7 @@ test_gbytes (void)
   g_bytes_unref (bytes2);
   tuple = g_variant_new_parsed ("['foo', 'bar']");
-  bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (tuple); /* force serialisation */
+  bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (tuple); /* force serialization */
   a = g_variant_get_child_value (tuple, 1);
   bytes2 = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (a);
   g_assert_false (g_bytes_equal (bytes, bytes2));
@@ -4898,7 +4898,7 @@ test_normal_checking_tuples (void)
 /* Check that deeply nested variants are not considered in normal form when
- * deserialised from untrusted data.*/
+ * deserialized from untrusted data.*/
 static void
 test_recursion_limits_variant_in_variant (void)
@@ -4914,7 +4914,7 @@ test_recursion_limits_variant_in_variant (void)
   for (i = 0; i < G_VARIANT_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH - 1; i++)
     wrapper_variant = g_variant_new_variant (g_steal_pointer (&wrapper_variant));
-  /* Serialise and deserialise it as untrusted data, to force normalisation. */
+  /* Serialize and deserialize it as untrusted data, to force normalisation. */
   bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (wrapper_variant);
   deserialised_variant = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT,
                                                    bytes, FALSE);
@@ -4935,7 +4935,7 @@ test_recursion_limits_variant_in_variant (void)
   g_variant_unref (deserialised_variant);
-  /* Deserialise it again, but trusted this time. This should succeed. */
+  /* Deserialize it again, but trusted this time. This should succeed. */
   deserialised_variant = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT,
                                                    bytes, TRUE);
   g_assert_nonnull (deserialised_variant);
@@ -4947,7 +4947,7 @@ test_recursion_limits_variant_in_variant (void)
 /* Check that deeply nested arrays are not considered in normal form when
- * deserialised from untrusted data after being wrapped in a variant. This is
+ * deserialized from untrusted data after being wrapped in a variant. This is
  * worth testing, because neither the deeply nested array, nor the variant,
  * have a static #GVariantType which is too deep — only when nested together do
  * they become too deep. */
@@ -4967,7 +4967,7 @@ test_recursion_limits_array_in_variant (void)
   for (i = 0; i < G_VARIANT_MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH - 1; i++)
     child_variant = g_variant_new_array (NULL, &child_variant, 1);
-  /* Serialise and deserialise it as untrusted data, to force normalisation. */
+  /* Serialize and deserialize it as untrusted data, to force normalisation. */
   bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child_variant);
   deserialised_variant = g_variant_new_from_bytes (g_variant_get_type (child_variant),
                                                    bytes, FALSE);
@@ -4988,7 +4988,7 @@ test_recursion_limits_array_in_variant (void)
   g_variant_unref (deserialised_variant);
-  /* Deserialise it again, but trusted this time. This should succeed. */
+  /* Deserialize it again, but trusted this time. This should succeed. */
   deserialised_variant = g_variant_new_from_bytes (G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT,
                                                    bytes, TRUE);
   g_assert_nonnull (deserialised_variant);

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