[pango/word-break-hyphens: 2/2] layout: Don't insert hyphens at word boundaries

commit d476d2a944500f8553a2c1d1054df37363f47460
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Sat May 8 15:09:45 2021 -0400

    layout: Don't insert hyphens at word boundaries
    We only want to insert hyphens when we are breaking
    inside a word.
    Update affected tests (hyphen-or-not shows up in the
    analysis flags in the output of test-layout).
    Fixes: #558

 pango/pango-layout.c           | 3 +++
 tests/layouts/valid-4.expected | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pango/pango-layout.c b/pango/pango-layout.c
index fa499ef3..e847e789 100644
--- a/pango/pango-layout.c
+++ b/pango/pango-layout.c
@@ -3611,6 +3611,9 @@ break_needs_hyphen (PangoLayout    *layout,
   if (state->log_widths_offset + pos == 0)
     return FALSE;
+  if (layout->log_attrs[state->start_offset + pos].is_line_break)
+    return FALSE;
   if (state->need_hyphen[state->log_widths_offset + pos - 1])
     return TRUE;
diff --git a/tests/layouts/valid-4.expected b/tests/layouts/valid-4.expected
index 66796cb5..2534b6fc 100644
--- a/tests/layouts/valid-4.expected
+++ b/tests/layouts/valid-4.expected
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ i=6, index=152, paragraph-start=1, dir=ltr ''
 --- runs
-i=1, index=0, chars=30, level=0, gravity=south, flags=4, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'This 
paragraph should ac­tual­'
+i=1, index=0, chars=30, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'This 
paragraph should ac­tual­'
 i=2, index=32, no run, line end
 i=3, index=32, chars=31, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'ly 
have multiple lines, unlike '
 i=4, index=63, no run, line end
-i=5, index=63, chars=29, level=0, gravity=south, flags=4, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'all 
the other wannabe äöü pa­'
+i=5, index=63, chars=29, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'all 
the other wannabe äöü pa­'
 i=6, index=96, no run, line end
 i=7, index=96, chars=27, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 
'ra­graph tests in this ugh '
 i=8, index=124, no run, line end

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