[gnome-music] (11 commits) ...playertoolbar: Improve vertical spacing

Summary of changes:

  f32eb1b... playertoolbar: Display the song info box before the buttons (*)
  df88575... playertoolbar: Display the buttons above the progress scale (*)
  062c920... playertoolbar: Split the time in two parts (*)
  46d1329... playertoolbar: Increase the width of the play button (*)
  938ce72... playertoolbar: Increase the size of the play and pause imag (*)
  116ce2f... playertoolbar: Make the play button circular (*)
  e2b0034... playertoolbar: Make the prev and next buttons flat (*)
  5af11db... playertoolbar: Add some spacing between the control buttons (*)
  f394a43... playertoolbar: Center the button controls and the progress  (*)
  b77006b... playertoolbar: Set the width of the title and artist label (*)
  b3cebe3... playertoolbar: Improve vertical spacing (*)

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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