[gnome-music] (15 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/jfelder/new-playertoolbar

The branch 'wip/jfelder/new-playertoolbar' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  8dd7b11... playertoolbar: Display the song info box before the buttons
  a5c0e4c... playertoolbar: Display the buttons above the progress scale
  19daa3c... playertoolbar: Split the time in two parts
  e3822fc... playertoolbar: Increase the width of the play button
  20c9368... playertoolbar: Increase the size of the play and pause imag
  71307ca... playertoolbar: Make the play button circular
  426f24f... playertoolbar: Make the prev and next buttons flat
  bd527a1... playertoolbar: Add some spacing between the control buttons
  f1e4a82... playertoolbar: Add some margin before and after the progres
  ddcf936... playertoolbar: Set the width of the title and artist label
  1764ded... playertoolbar: Improve vertical spacing

Commits added to the branch:

  0cbbe5f... ui/headerbar: Fix indentation (*)
  b72a300... searchheaderbar: Use a GtkSearchEntry instead of GdTaggedEn (*)
  0dae9c1... Remove libgd usage (*)
  0be1cca... Remove libgd subproject (*)
  70988e6... playertoolbar: Display the song info box before the buttons
  316284f... playertoolbar: Display the buttons above the progress scale
  baa5aa9... playertoolbar: Split the time in two parts
  83aebd0... playertoolbar: Increase the width of the play button
  15ff9ff... playertoolbar: Increase the size of the play and pause imag
  e33a6b1... playertoolbar: Make the play button circular
  b8eaec1... playertoolbar: Make the prev and next buttons flat
  269494a... playertoolbar: Add some spacing between the control buttons
  eac33cf... playertoolbar: Center the button controls and the progress 
  df0f3fa... playertoolbar: Set the width of the title and artist label
  f7e0c41... playertoolbar: Improve vertical spacing

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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