[gnome-music/wip/jfelder/fix-remove-song-from-playlist: 1/2] grltrackerplaylists: Fix removal of songs from a playlist

commit 100b95b60007a4f921a672788157150e57bbf14c
Author: Jean Felder <jfelder src gnome org>
Date:   Wed Feb 24 18:18:49 2021 +0100

    grltrackerplaylists: Fix removal of songs from a playlist
    When a song is removed from a playlist, the song id is directly used
    to remove the song from the playlist and update it. However, the song
    in the playlist (the entry) is different from the song itself. Hence,
    the song id cannot be used directly.
    The issue is fixed by first retrieving the entry id and then use it to
    remove the song from the playlist.

 gnomemusic/grilowrappers/grltrackerplaylists.py | 151 ++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gnomemusic/grilowrappers/grltrackerplaylists.py b/gnomemusic/grilowrappers/grltrackerplaylists.py
index ccd85b2d0..7a2420abc 100644
--- a/gnomemusic/grilowrappers/grltrackerplaylists.py
+++ b/gnomemusic/grilowrappers/grltrackerplaylists.py
@@ -513,76 +513,123 @@ class Playlist(GObject.GObject):
         :param CoreSong coresong: song to remove
-        def update_cb(conn, res, data):
+        def update_cb(conn, res):
             # FIXME: Check for failure.
-        self._notificationmanager.push_loading()
-        query = """
-            ?entry nfo:listPosition ?position .
+        def entry_retrieved_cb(source, op_id, media, remaining, error):
+            if error:
+                self._log.warning("Error: {}".format(error))
+                return
-        }
-        WHERE {
-            SELECT ?entry
-                   (?old_position - 1) AS ?position
+            if not media:
+                return
+            self._notificationmanager.push_loading()
+            update_query = """
+            INSERT OR REPLACE {
+                ?entry nfo:listPosition ?position .
+            }
             WHERE {
-                ?entry a nfo:MediaFileListEntry ;
-                         nfo:listPosition ?old_position .
-                ?playlist nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
-                FILTER (?old_position > ?removed_position)
-                {
-                    SELECT ?playlist
-                           ?removed_position
-                    WHERE {
-                        ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
-                                  a nfo:MediaList ;
-                                    nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?removed_entry .
-                        ?removed_entry nfo:listPosition ?removed_position .
-                        FILTER (
-                            tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s &&
-                            tracker:id(?removed_entry) = %(song_id)s
-                        )
+                SELECT ?entry
+                       (?old_position - 1) AS ?position
+                WHERE {
+                    ?entry a nfo:MediaFileListEntry ;
+                             nfo:listPosition ?old_position .
+                    ?playlist nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
+                    FILTER (?old_position > ?removed_position)
+                    {
+                        SELECT ?playlist
+                               ?removed_position
+                        WHERE {
+                            ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
+                                      a nfo:MediaList ;
+                                        nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry
+                                        ?removed_entry .
+                            ?removed_entry nfo:listPosition ?removed_position .
+                            FILTER (
+                                tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s &&
+                                tracker:id(?removed_entry) = %(entry_id)s
+                            )
+                        }
+            };
+            INSERT OR REPLACE {
+                ?playlist nfo:entryCounter ?new_counter .
+            }
+            WHERE {
+                SELECT ?playlist
+                       (?counter - 1) AS ?new_counter
+                WHERE {
+                    ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
+                              a nfo:MediaList ;
+                                nfo:entryCounter ?counter .
+                    FILTER (
+                        tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s
+                    )
+                }
+            };
+            DELETE {
+                ?playlist nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
+                ?entry a rdfs:Resource .
-        };
-            ?playlist nfo:entryCounter ?new_counter .
-        }
-        WHERE {
-            SELECT ?playlist
-                   (?counter - 1) AS ?new_counter
             WHERE {
                 ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
                           a nfo:MediaList ;
-                            nfo:entryCounter ?counter .
+                            nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
                 FILTER (
-                    tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s
+                    tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s &&
+                    tracker:id(?entry) = %(entry_id)s
+                )
+            }
+            """.replace("\n", " ").strip() % {
+                "playlist_id": self.props.pl_id,
+                "entry_id": media.get_id()
+            }
+            self._tracker.update_async(update_query, None, update_cb)
+        song_id = coresong.props.media.get_id()
+        entry_query = """
+        SELECT
+            %(media_type)s AS ?type
+            ?entry AS ?id
+            WHERE {
+                ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
+                          a nfo:MediaList ;
+                            nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
+                ?entry a nfo:MediaFileListEntry ;
+                         nfo:entryUrl ?url .
+                SERVICE <dbus:%(miner_fs_busname)s> {
+                    GRAPH tracker:Audio {
+                        SELECT
+                            ?song
+                            ?url
+                        WHERE {
+                            ?song a nmm:MusicPiece ;
+                                  nie:isStoredAs ?url .
+                            FILTER (
+                                %(filter_clause_song)s
+                            )
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                FILTER (
+                    %(filter_clause_pl)s
-        };
-        DELETE {
-            ?playlist nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
-            ?entry a rdfs:Resource .
-        }
-        WHERE {
-            ?playlist a nmm:Playlist ;
-                      a nfo:MediaList ;
-                        nfo:hasMediaFileListEntry ?entry .
-            FILTER (
-                tracker:id(?playlist) = %(playlist_id)s &&
-                tracker:id(?entry) = %(song_id)s
-            )
-        }
         """.replace("\n", " ").strip() % {
-            "playlist_id": self.props.pl_id,
-            "song_id": coresong.props.media.get_id()
+            "media_type": int(Grl.MediaType.AUDIO),
+            "filter_clause_song": "tracker:id(?song) = " + song_id,
+            "filter_clause_pl": "tracker:id(?playlist) = " + self.props.pl_id,
+            "miner_fs_busname": self._tracker_wrapper.props.miner_fs_busname
-        self._tracker.update_async(query, None, update_cb, None)
+        self._source.query(
+            entry_query, [Grl.METADATA_KEY_ID], self._fast_options,
+            entry_retrieved_cb)
     def add_songs(self, coresongs):
         """Adds songs to the playlist

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