[pango] Created tag 1.48.3

The unsigned tag '1.48.3' was created.

Tagger: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date: 1615502180 -0500


Changes since the last tag '1.48.2':

Bartłomiej Piotrowski (1):
      ci: Don't modify PATH

Chun-wei Fan (1):
      build: Don't build HarfBuzz prematurely

Matthias Clasen (106):
      ci: Temporarily disable macOS CI job as runner is offline
      Merge branch 'disable-macos-ci' into 'master'
      docs: Remove references to gdk_pango_context_get_for_screen
      Revert "ci: Temporarily disable macOS CI job as runner is offline"
      Merge branch 'docs-tweak' into 'master'
      Revert "ci: Temporarily disable macOS CI job as runner is offline"
      Merge branch 'macos-ci2' into 'master'
      Trick g-ir-scanner
      Trick g-ir-scanner some more
      Include version macros in the gir
      Leave pango-version-macros.h out of the gir
      Merge branch 'gir-fixes' into 'master'
      ci: Update Fedora image
      ci: Use the new Fedora image
      Try to fix thai break testcase
      ci: ignore leaks in libxml2
      Merge branch 'ci-fixes' into 'master'
      Fix a corner-case of pango_attr_list_splice
      Use the right FcConfig for FcRenderPrepare
      Use the right FcConfig for FcFontList
      Merge branch 'fix-FcConfig-uses' into 'master'
      fc: Only do filtering by format once
      Use FcFontSetList instead of FcFontList
      Move FcFontMatch and FcFontSort calls to a thread
      Move FcInit call to a thread
      fontconfig: Add some trace marks
      Merge branch 'speed-up-format-filtering' into 'master'
      fc: Fix an ordering issue
      Merge branch 'fontmap-thread-fix' into 'master'
      markup tests: Remove an _
      markup tests: Pass accel_marker='_'
      markup: Fix two bugs
      Merge branch 'fix-attribute-splicing' into 'master'
      markup-parse: Make generating files more convenient
      markup tests: Add tests for parsing accels
      Merge branch 'markup-parse-fixes' into 'master'
      docs: Remove xml formatting from PangoLayout
      docs: Move layout docs into the long description
      docs: Clean up fontmap docs
      docs: Make context section ids match
      docs: Replace lots of vestigial xml markup
      docs: Move PangoRenderer docs to the right file
      docs: Add pango logo
      Add gi-docgen as a subproject
      Add configuration for gi-docgen
      Generate Pango API docs with gi-docgen
      Remove remnants of gtk-doc
      docs: Convert rendering section to pango_rendering.md
      docs: Convert markup and attributes docs to pango_markup.md
      docs: Convert fonts section to pango_fonts.md
      docs: Convert bidi and vertical sections to pango_bidi.md
      docs: Convert the pangocairo section to pango_cairo.md
      docs: Port PangoContext to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoLayout to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoAttribute to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoFont to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoFontMap to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoRenderer to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoItem to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoLanguage to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoTabArray to the new doc format
      docs: Port misc. types to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoCairo apis to the new doc format
      docs: Port PangoFc apis to the new doc format
      Drop some useless things from the gir
      ci: Update the reference job
      Tell gi-docgen to produce index summaries
      docs: Tweak line breaking docs
      docs: Tweak font docs
      docs: Tweak glyphstring docs
      docs: Tweak modules docs
      docs: Tweak attributes docs
      docs: Tweak bidi docs
      docs: Tweak color docs
      docs: Tweak coverage docs
      docs: Tweak context docs
      docs: Tweak direction docs
      docs: Tweak engines docs
      docs: Tweak fontmap docs
      docs: Tweak shaping docs
      docs: Tweak fontset docs
      docs: Tweak layout docs
      docs: Tweak renderer docs
      docs: Tweak script docs
      docs: Tweak gravity docs
      docs: Tweak glyph item docs
      docs: Tweak language docs
      docs: Tweak markup docs
      docs: Tweak matrix docs
      docs: Tweak tabs docs
      docs: Tweak reorder docs
      docs: Tweak utils docs
      docs: Tweak some remaining docs
      pangocairo: Tweak docs
      pangofc: Tweak docs
      pangoft2: Tweak docs
      docs: Convert xft section to pango_xft.md
      docs: Remove no-longer used sections
      Fix various broken links
      docs: Add search and fix crosslinks
      docs: Add variants of the Pango logo
      Update gi-docgen location
      Merge branch 'gi-docs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'hb-dont-fallback-too-early' into 'master'
      Update the release script

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