[gtk] (478 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch ebassi/gidocgen

The branch 'ebassi/gidocgen' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  62b7bd8... Rename base version argument in run-docker.sh
  3d08c9f... ci: Update the reference job
  3b147e5... ci: Update the CI image for docs building
  b7b1841... ci: Update the fedora-docs Docker image
  3cd434a... Add gi-docgen as a subproject
  15e4155... Generate GTK API reference(s) with gi-docgen
  8cd165c... docs: Add metadata preamble to GTK's content files
  6aaa782... docs: Start porting GtkConstraintLayout to the new doc form
  2247871... docs: De-indent GtkRecentInfo.get_applications() return val
  2abe63a... doc: Port GtkConstraint to the new format
  2f88856... docs: Begin porting GtkWidget to the new format
  5f47ff7... docs: Use new link syntax
  7f30544... docs: Move the gtkmain section to its own document
  1ad9a3f... docs: Move gdkcairo section to an external file
  cd47efc... docs: Rename GdkTexture section
  967e1ba... docs: Split GdkDrag and GdkDrop sections
  42d55bf... docs: Move detached sections into their own content file
  d42eb4d... docs: Fix up the style of the X11 content file
  bf09b43... docs: Drop gtk-doc files
  b05e6af... build: Quiet down gi-docgen
  af4e18b... docs: Port GtkAboutDialog to the new syntax
  4ea4e79... docs: Start porting GtkImage to the new style
  57a9290... docs: Show summary in the namespace index
  c252c51... docs: Clean up the first paragraph for various symbols
  898b872... docs: Remove the last few remaining '+' from GTK
  3c5c761... docs: Bring the widget gallery back
  f048836... label: Convert docs
  77bcca9... aboutdialog: tweak the docs
  9ebca20... spinner: Convert docs
  c337591... levelbar: Convert docs
  9db2fde... progressbar: Convert docs
  4aebe12... infobar: Convert docs
  7ca443d... statusbar: Convert docs
  7b6660e... docs: Update the "Getting Started" page
  e91304e... docs: Generate the DevHelp file for our namespaces
  dfdbcc0... infobar: Convert docs
  b8a7fe2... scrollbar: Convert docs
  24ebd78... calendar: Convert docs
  05c4715... separator: Convert docs
  ce8b130... image: Convert docs
  bac5f2b... scale: Convert docs
  b53150b... picture: Convert docs
  36cd790... textview: Convert docs
  2f4050f... drawingarea: Convert docs
  135b7f7... glarea: Convert docs
  28380b7... video: Convert docs
  59b5d65... building: Minor tweaks
  e7b13bb... docs: Tweak the actions overview
  9e27658... docs: Tweak css properties section
  ef8fdbf... docs: Tweak drawing model overview
  806a4a0... docs: Tweak input overview
  44ac580... docs: Tweak running chapter
  05aa4af... docs: Tweak a11y section
  e777e38... docs: Tweak Wayland section
  04d41d9... docs: Tweaks Windows section
  7c188d5... docs: Tweak X11 section
  594d5d3... docs: Improve gsk docs
  29a5a91... docs: Move GdkEvent docs inline
  11a0042... docs: Rework the gdk docs
  1b1d8e5... docs: Add some links to the pango chapter
  61ad9bc... gdk: Some more tweaks of the docs
  c7c5596... docs: Brush up the Wayland backend docs
  60c9ff8... docs: Add separate toml files for gdk backends
  86ce2dc... docs: Add backend links to the gdk docs
  0fce01d... docs: Fix up the 3-to-4 migration guide
  01e8958... docs: Fix the annotation for GtkTextView:justification
  34d0d56... button: Convert docs
  bf35460... togglebutton: Convert docs
  3404142... wayland: Fix a link
  8f0b4aa... docs: Improve the togglebutton image
  7dc10a4... linkbutton: Convert docs
  7d7f5da... docs: Split images for check and radio buttons
  ad8099d... checkbutton: Convert docs
  83426f9... menubutton: Convert docs
  e93e17f... docs: Fix the MenuButton direction property links
  72ef098... docs: Fix copy-paste error in GdkDevice
  c6050e2... docs: Fix value annotation
  a914433... docs: Fix typos
  00d4329... docs: Remove duplicate documentation stanzas
  7ddc7bd... combobox: Convert docs
  c0dfcf1... comboboxtext: Convert docs
  dd79691... lockbutton: Convert docs
  e9d4a80... appchooserbutton: Convert docs
  c340f56... dropdown: Convert docs
  2c36afe... colorbutton: Convert docs
  fc5889e... fontbutton: Convert docs
  b1c9877... volumebutton: Convert docs
  dd974d7... switch: Convert docs
  6ae45f1... entry: Convert docs
  fd549aa... widget: Convert docs
  32f6b86... accessible: Convert docs
  f0e1bef... buildable: Convert docs
  88fb482... constrainttarget: Convert docs
  d60cd16... editablelabel: Convert docs
  da9c7d2... passwordentry: Convert docs
  b9c5d8f... searchentry: Convert docs
  02a24d7... spinbutton: Convert docs
  abc32f7... docs: Fix property annotation
  79dcd31... application: Convert docs
  582a36f... csssection: Update docs syntax
  96dec69... Box GtkExpressionWatch
  cb4f23e... expression: Update docs format
  d2f9668... treeview: Update the description format
  34f8bd0... treemodel: Update the description format
  b203ee4... Hide GtkTextBTree's typedef
  affa4d8... Hide GtkSettingsValue
  f7d7c08... constraint: Port to the new docs format
  6b80d44... docs: Update the documentation style guide
  fa0f3a0... label: Add property annotations
  7d4e395... spinner: Add property annotations
  51b2da2... levelbar: Add property annotations
  41f2aa8... progressbar: Add property annotations
  4006c3a... infobar: Add property annotations
  fcfcb3d... statusbar: Remove SECTION
  853c439... applaunchcontext: Add property annotations
  13ec0cd... clipboard: Add property annotations
  9fefbb9... contentprovider: Add property annotations
  d4a62f6... cursor: Add property annotations
  ece9384... device: Add property annotations
  cefd5d0... devicetool: Add property annotations
  50acd9e... display: Add property annotations
  4fa11a4... displaymanager: Add property annotations
  117bb1e... drag: Add property annotations
  0a47c86... drawcontext: Add property annotations
  7d1a120... drop: Add property annotations
  6d77860... glcontext: Add property annotations
  6534bd5... monitor: Add property annotations
  968cf4b... popup: Add property annotations
  9d7f538... seat: Add property annotations
  cb290a7... surface: Add property annotations
  045a766... texture: Add property annotations
  52e353d... toplevel: Add property annotations
  ef6cc32... visual index: Reorder some widgets
  c60eda9... accessible: Annotate properties
  b534f97... claendar: Add property annotations
  97a51b0... drawingarea: Add property annotations
  a568628... glarea: Add property annotations
  52ee828... image: Add property annotations
  325f525... infobar: Add property annotations
  e3d9024... orientable: Add property annotations
  9b6265e... picture: Add property annotations
  ac571c5... scale: Add property annotations
  cde383c... scrollbar: Add property annotations
  dee408c... separator: Add property annotations
  b4ef87e... textview: Add property annotations
  fe146a3... video: Add property annotations
  2feec9c... widget: Add property annotations
  420fa26... docs: Remove stray backtick
  ccbdb63... glshader: Add property annotations
  eff5b7e... gskrenderer: Add property annotations
  5e9498e... rendernode: Add property annotations
  e3a94b8... gskroundedrect: Convert docs
  a08a58c... gsktransform: Convert docs
  d25a8b0... bitset: Convert docs
  5aed71d... button: Add property annotations
  bd85c6e... entry: Add property annotations
  17b968c... scale: Add property annotations
  e3deccd... flowbow: Mark private fields as private
  766e4eb... Mark padding fields as private
  0be4018... entry: Add property annotations
  e7f11a6... editable: Convert docs
  d1e6aa4... searchentry: Minor docs tweaks
  4fa41e3... entry: Minor docs fixes
  8a4a260... togglebutton: Add property annotations
  df77f17... checkbutton: Add property annotations
  cdc3ef0... linkbutton: Add property annotations
  59120ee... passwordentry: Add property annotations
  5e31e9f... combobox: Add property annotations
  8383bb3... editablelabel: Add property annotations
  d2406c0... lockbutton: Add property annotations
  746f396... menubutton: Add property annotations
  3d61e11... spinbutton: Add property annotations
  ad80014... switch: Add property annotations
  86f8574... fontbutton: Add property annotations
  7304399... dropdown: Add property annotations
  57e604b... colorbutton: Add property annotations
  b7d0856... appchooserbutton: Add property annotations
  124e2b3... box: Convert docs
  5f01933... centerbox: Convert docs
  3c47fb8... expander: Convert docs
  f849971... grid: Convert docs
  9c9da05... messagedialog: Convert docs
  a7c5fe0... scrolledwindow: Convert docs
  2340f1f... viewport: Convert docs
  a811e05... scrollable: Convert docs
  d8e53bd... window: Convert docs
  a79cc97... docs: Add dialogs to the gallery
  b0dd484... dialog: Convert docs
  aea9d23... aboutdialog: Improve example image
  6255146... aboutdialog: Add property annotations
  3fa7ec8... frame: Convert docs
  562c197... assistant: Convert docs
  2794e3b... colorbutton: Small doc tweaks
  8c7fd5c... colorchooserdialog: Convert docs
  e8eb863... colorchooserwidget: Convert docs
  d39afde... colorchooser: Convert docs
  e2ff058... paned: Convert docs
  3d85b7e... actionbar: Convert docs
  79e50d2... colorchooserdialog: Fixup
  d423089... searchbar: Convert docs
  dc63477... filechooser: Convert docs
  f1c1b96... filechooserdialog: Convert docs
  dac55d1... filechoosernative: Convert docs
  d22512a... fontchooser: Convert docs
  e69d88d... fontchooserdialog: Convert docs
  cc544ea... fontchooserwidget: Convert docs
  4125f8e... nativedialog: Convert docs
  fde3035... Add some more widgets to the gallery
  fa0ed14... appchooser: Convert docs
  c92fbb7... appchooserdialog: Convert docs
  7078371... appchooserwidget: Convert docs
  57d4f7e... headerbar: Convert docs
  df3b72d... popover: Convert docs
  12c823d... range: Convert docs
  26aed4d... shortcutswindow: Convert docs
  9d6f5ee... windowcontrols: Convert docs
  a993f22... mediacontrols: Convert docs
  c15a594... emojichooser: Convert docs
  d0f5363... native: Convert docs
  7468b01... popovermenu: Convert docs
  db2e28c... popovermenubar: Convert docs
  a7f43e8... shortcutmanager: Convert docs
  21e5ac8... adjustment:  Convert docs
  ec658d8... filter: Add sections for AnyFilter and EveryFilter
  39752fd... layoutmanager: Convert docs
  e4eb94d... pagesetup: Convert docs
  a5aa95e... pagesetupdialog: Convert docs
  21e6113... printcontext: Convert docs
  2183c35... printer: Convert docs
  516eb74... printjob: Convert docs
  8389872... printeroperation: Convert docs
  e0fbb08... printsettings: Convert docs
  17f5069... printunixdialog: Convert docs
  78370d4... printoperationpreview: Convert docs
  627b486... root: Convert docs
  6c58cec... shortcutmanager: Convert docs
  4e8985c... windowhandle: Convert docs
  c82f705... Include low-level printing in the gir
  f26b0b3... aboutdialog: Small docs tweak
  4f9a20c... actionable: Convert docs
  c737ed7... adjustment: Small docs tweak
  9267b8b... application: Tweak docs
  2149b0d... applicationwindow: Convert docs
  8935f63... aspectframe: Convert docs
  ccbc573... assistant: Small doc tweak
  f0b6f31... binlayout: Convert docs
  88f6994... bookmarklist: Convert docs
  11dc075... boolfilter: Convert docs
  f68c4fc... boxlayout: Convert docs
  378f3ac... builder: Convert docs
  cf97ac3... builderscope: Convert docs
  68ecdd1... builderlistitemfactory: Convert docs
  c4867c7... signallistitemfactory: Convert docs
  b4d772a... listitemfactory: Convert docs
  10fd1c2... overlay: Convert docs
  e5e89ae... centerlayout: Convert docs
  412629f... gridlayout: Convert docs
  a198b96... headerbar: Add example image
  776cde2... levelbar: Docs tweaks
  93263e5... notebook: Convert docs
  c15e245... pagesetupdialog: Add an example image
  2edc9b0... multifilter: Docs tweaks.
  1b1edea... printdialog: Add an example image
  3d08536... overlaylayout: Convert docs
  317269f... stack: Convert docs
  f5a237d... stacksidebar: Convert docs
  4a4057e... stackswitcher: Convert docs
  6ef123b... stringfilter: Convert docs
  d6e14cc... contentprovider: Convert some more markup
  0739c5a... atcontext: Convert docs
  cab34d8... button: Small docs tweak
  c8c2cc8... calendar: Use markdown for css tree
  c30e7cd... centerbox: Small docs tweak
  c64fa9e... checkbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  40842ed... colorbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  2d787c0... combobox: Use markdown for css tree
  8e54a31... comboboxtext: Use markdown for css tree
  4d9aa10... dropdown: Small doc tweak
  2a953f4... editablelabel: Use markdown for css tree
  90220ae... emojichooser: Use markdown for css tree
  d86f2ac... entry: Use markdown for css tree
  ea3e4fc... expander: Use markdown for css tree
  18dc428... fontbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  89b5046... frame: Use markdown for css tree
  4138102... headerbar: Use markdown for css tree
  de945e4... image: Small doc tweak
  4bcbdfb... label: Use markdown for css tree
  903c7cb... menubutton: Put images in a table
  0ede88f... cursor: Use a table for cursor names
  b95fa02... paned: Use markdown for css tree
  b9910d2... passwordentry: Use markdown for css tree
  b7206af... popover: Use markdown for css tree
  4c7e085... popovermenubar: Use markdown for css tree
  13a7df1... progressbar: Use markdown for css tree
  588eb93... scale: Use markdown for css tree
  18c8081... scalebutton: Convert docs
  4762bcf... scrollbar: Use markdown for css tree
  b529b6f... searchbar: Use markdown for css tree
  241bbbf... searchentry: Use markdown for css tree
  1c8c185... spinbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  379717a... stringlist: Convert docs
  90cf2cc... switch: Use markdown for css tree
  2db3289... textview: Use markdown for css tree
  10d8462... window: Use markdown for css tree
  3a32bac... windowcontrols: Use markdown for css tree
  8887814... docs: Remove anchors from list overview
  8422e2a... columnview: Convert docs
  ca823a9... columnviewcolumn: Convert docs
  e8fd097... Constraint: Tweak docs
  913b77f... constraintguide: Convert docs
  e029390... constraintlayout: Convert docs
  3896814... customfilter: Convert docs
  65ce59a... cssprovider: Convert docs
  852b597... customlayout: Convert docs
  2ba5e71... customsorter: Convert docs
  a5a0e5c... directorylist: Convert docs
  bf068e5... dragicon: Convert docs
  93bb08b... dragsource: Convert docs
  3551dcb... dropcontrollermotion: Convert docs
  0438e1e... entrybuffer: Convert docs
  ef68bc7... enums: Tweak docs
  22c4114... expression: Tweak docs
  79a344b... filterlistmodel: Convert docs
  5cda8e2... fixed: Convert docs
  cd40d35... fixedlayout: Convert docs
  f33f09c... gridview: Convert docs
  9f5a0cd... listitem: Convert docs
  665d6e3... listview: Convert docs
  6944098... multisorter: Tweak docs
  f88166f... numericsorter: Convert docs
  7c007ff... revealer: Convert docs
  d01f909... sorter: Convert docs
  faa9c4a... sortlistmodel: Convert docs
  9fb4983... stringsorter: Convert docs
  37ae710... stylecontext: Convert docs
  f4ccae2... styleprovider: Convert docs
  e871f91... text: Convert docs
  b6c2ec2... textbuffer: Convert docs
  746d3f7... textchild: Convert docs
  b86c628... textiter: Convert docs
  e6a7c62... textmark: Convert docs
  c41def7... texttagtable: Convert docs
  45f5064... textview: Convert docs
  619560f... texttag: Convert docs
  4dbf7b2... treelistrowsorter: Convert docs
  cdc3f63... windowcontrols: Tweak docs
  26ea95a... csslocation: Tweak docs
  d1c5492... csssection: Tweak docs
  52c1a0d... accessible: Tweak docs
  942c03b... border: Tweak docs
  b1cc48b... builder: Tweak docs
  e5e6f8d... dragicon: Tweak docs
  7cb0b99... dragsource: Tweak docs
  0fbdb70... droptarget: Convert docs
  515d2b8... droptargetasync: Convert docs
  e3b311c... editable: Tweak docs
  56f401d... entrycompletion: Convert docs
  6c94c4a... eventcontroller: Convert docs
  74a17e6... spinner: Tweak docs
  1eb6fe3... expander: Tweak docs
  4eca26a... eventcontrollerfocus: Convert docs
  3d7fef3... eventcontrollerkey: Convert docs
  dbe3570... eventcontrollerlegacy: Convert docs
  df16038... eventcontrollermotion: Convert docs
  86236b9... eventcontrollerscroll: Convert docs
  64eabf2... filefilter: Convert docs
  8b6e428... flattenlistmodel: Convert docs
  651de44... flowbox: Convert docs
  5fbb651... gesture: Convert docs
  fda6ff1... icontheme: Convert docs
  3cc3c0b... gestureclick: Convert docs
  c56edbd... infobar: Tweak docs
  27c7ebb... gesturedrag: Convert docs
  d9946e3... gesturelongpress: Convert docs
  084c9cc... listbase: Tweak docs
  0b32596... stringlist: Add docs to GtkStringObject
  f71cacf... viewport: Tweak docs
  c67a90a... version: Tweak docs
  30c3d13... propertylookuplistmodel: Remove SECTION
  9ad3f28... gesturepan: Convert docs
  187d7a9... mediastream: Convert docs
  e3c0f69... mediafile: Convert docs
  bac3999... gesturezoom: Convert docs
  f8b9db4... padcontroller: Convert docs
  df5ad99... gesturerotate: Convert docs
  7ff0fba... overlaylayout: Add docs for GtkOverlayLayoutChild
  718afe2... scrollable: Tweak docs
  361a34c... maplistmodel: Convert docs
  1e0d7b8... gesturesingle: Convert docs
  6da445d... slicelistmodel: Convert docs
  1c571eb... singleselection: Convert docs
  4ca38f3... widgetpaintable: Convert docs
  caa16a2... imcontext: Convert docs
  f017846... gesturestylus: Convert docs
  abbd21a... papersize: Convert docs
  ca4eb31... gestureswipe: Convert docs
  28ad399... imcontextsimple: Convert docs
  0c40e57... immulticontext: Convert docs
  168f6b1... selectionfiltermodel: Convert docs
  a8fe874... noselection: Convert docs
  9164ebd... listlistmodel: Remove SECTION
  618cef7... multiselection: Convert docs
  3304076... selectionmodel: Convert docs
  3c1ce53... shortcuttrigger: Tweak docs
  5e563db... treeexpander: Convert docs
  1655a30... treelistmodel: Convert docs
  90bb7bb... filechooserwidget: Convert docs
  416b24a... modelbutton: Remove SECTION
  c2ea97b... placessidebar: Remove SECTION
  e5c0520... placesview: Remove SECTION
  c3db685... scrollbar: Tweak docs
  085c24e... accelgroup: Convert docs
  196d4e3... bloomfilter: Drop the SECTION
  2100577... cssdataurl: Drop SECTION
  0dd8fd2... accessiblevalue: Drop SECTION
  fd708a0... actionmuxer: Drop SECTION
  9a95b32... actionobservable: Drop SECTION
  0f67834... actionobserver: Drop SECTION
  f483327... cellarea: Add a summary
  6f8be8e... cellareabox: Add a summary
  be8dc94... cellareacontext: Add a summary
  f70ccd5... celllayout: Add a summary
  e540e31... cellrenderer: Add a summary
  7cc3fb4... cellrendereraccel: Add a summary
  4ac104e... cellrenderercombo: Add a summary
  48e6433... celleditable: Add a summary
  6985c7c... cellrendererpixbuf: Add a summary
  ff88256... cellrendererprogress: Add a summary
  cdfcbf6... cellrendererspin: Add a summary
  62d0a0b... cellrendererspinner: Add a summary
  75d0ec2... cellrenderertext: Add a summary
  2e23455... cellrenderertoggle: Add a summary
  0c7fbbd... cellview: Add a summary
  82fd479... constraintsolver: Remove SECTION
  4c7e93f... iconview: Add a summary
  b1c0fc8... listbox: Convert docs
  54819b4... windowgroup: Convert docs
  318e6fa... treeview: Add a summary
  51f62f6... treeviewcolumn: Add a summary
  9a24531... liststore: Add a summary
  1a5ecf0... treestore: Add a summary
  db13fe6... treednd: Add summaries
  126ff46... treemodel: Add a summary
  9f6d822... treemodelfilter: Add a summary
  dddec04... treemodelsort: Add a summary
  cd37fde... treeselection: Add a summary
  d5a88ee... treesortable: Add a summary
  ea14cb5... menutracker: Remove SECTION
  59c6ea5... menutrackeritem: Remove SECTION
  d29dbbd... mountoperation: Convert docs
  43e84b2... recentmanager: Convert docs
  ee8939f... settings: Convert docs
  39d06a0... tooltip: Convert docs
  144b82c... snapshot: Convert docs
  ed3bc0f... testutils: Convert docs
  17d1bd4... sizegroup: Convert docs
  a39479a... shortcut: Convert docs
  ee927df... shortcutaction: Convert docs
  52dd156... shortcutcontroller: Convert docs
  0e69672... shortcutlabel: Convert docs
  6cd4c4e... shortcuttrigger: Convert docs
  64a5d5a... widget: Fix up some links
  7baff12... text: Fix some copy-paste mishap
  ef251f2... label: Fix some external links
  5e60d4b... docs: Show class hierarchy in the API references
  2ea64b4... Handle static inline GtkOrdering function
  4d84a8f... build: Add a GIR dependency to PangoCairo
  ca3739d... build: Add missing variable definition
  4e4c9ae... Small updates to the coding and documentation style

Commits added to the branch:

  11d6f2d... Adwaita: Regular focus ring for sidebar rows (*)
  8e7e821... Flatpak: Update build manifests (*)
  08f3618... Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/sidebar-focus' into 'master' (*)
  0942e86... Adwaita: Use transparent black for window border in dark to (*)
  7357120... Merge branch 'wip/jimmac/fix-flatpak-build' into 'master' (*)
  2228181... Merge branch 'wip/exalm/window-shadow-dark-4' into 'master' (*)
  ae1a950... flatpak: Fix the gtk4-demo build (*)
  82f40a9... searchentry: Typo fix (*)
  3aa89ef... Merge branch 'matthiasc/for-master' into 'master' (*)
  47061e6... Rename base version argument in run-docker.sh
  c7f9c55... ci: Update the reference job
  b42bf23... ci: Update the CI image for docs building
  bbdada6... ci: Update the fedora-docs Docker image
  c894423... Add gi-docgen as a subproject
  67b61ef... Generate GTK API reference(s) with gi-docgen
  174b7bb... docs: Add metadata preamble to GTK's content files
  4ec7d6e... docs: Start porting GtkConstraintLayout to the new doc form
  2b9f804... docs: De-indent GtkRecentInfo.get_applications() return val
  f3f544d... doc: Port GtkConstraint to the new format
  227e8e7... docs: Begin porting GtkWidget to the new format
  31fbd8e... docs: Use new link syntax
  b4da569... docs: Move the gtkmain section to its own document
  189f0b3... docs: Move gdkcairo section to an external file
  fde5c01... docs: Rename GdkTexture section
  e26ade6... docs: Split GdkDrag and GdkDrop sections
  6e30f89... docs: Move detached sections into their own content file
  673e290... docs: Fix up the style of the X11 content file
  0896ffa... docs: Drop gtk-doc files
  e7e7a86... build: Quiet down gi-docgen
  afdb2e5... docs: Port GtkAboutDialog to the new syntax
  a18989b... docs: Start porting GtkImage to the new style
  f635a31... docs: Show summary in the namespace index
  8dd280c... docs: Clean up the first paragraph for various symbols
  b803642... docs: Remove the last few remaining '+' from GTK
  521e562... docs: Bring the widget gallery back
  f7cc590... label: Convert docs
  e56ed1a... aboutdialog: tweak the docs
  f6c9a5f... spinner: Convert docs
  4d3de7a... levelbar: Convert docs
  21390cc... progressbar: Convert docs
  5cfd4e9... infobar: Convert docs
  b577fe5... statusbar: Convert docs
  318f054... docs: Update the "Getting Started" page
  ec074f8... docs: Generate the DevHelp file for our namespaces
  e3ce621... infobar: Convert docs
  ceedc3c... scrollbar: Convert docs
  cf764e7... calendar: Convert docs
  67eb8b0... separator: Convert docs
  74c850b... image: Convert docs
  2e5663e... scale: Convert docs
  0ce1726... picture: Convert docs
  2353222... textview: Convert docs
  af5eaf5... drawingarea: Convert docs
  2c0886b... glarea: Convert docs
  c0848e5... video: Convert docs
  60ad402... building: Minor tweaks
  fedc93c... docs: Tweak the actions overview
  c96383f... docs: Tweak css properties section
  02a261b... docs: Tweak drawing model overview
  93bfefa... docs: Tweak input overview
  a47cd00... docs: Tweak running chapter
  962f648... docs: Tweak a11y section
  c61ab24... docs: Tweak Wayland section
  3bd6a02... docs: Tweaks Windows section
  7bc2282... docs: Tweak X11 section
  6475b9a... docs: Improve gsk docs
  08f6871... docs: Move GdkEvent docs inline
  a62c2da... docs: Rework the gdk docs
  7f1f2d6... docs: Add some links to the pango chapter
  7dd5ac7... gdk: Some more tweaks of the docs
  b0c19de... docs: Brush up the Wayland backend docs
  369595f... docs: Add separate toml files for gdk backends
  9e9d257... docs: Add backend links to the gdk docs
  cc0754c... docs: Fix up the 3-to-4 migration guide
  0b9e224... docs: Fix the annotation for GtkTextView:justification
  5ae1fad... button: Convert docs
  a2d921d... togglebutton: Convert docs
  53cf61d... wayland: Fix a link
  9ba5908... docs: Improve the togglebutton image
  b3740c2... linkbutton: Convert docs
  1a78363... docs: Split images for check and radio buttons
  5d734b7... checkbutton: Convert docs
  a513ae3... menubutton: Convert docs
  6a69c6c... docs: Fix the MenuButton direction property links
  5027d73... docs: Fix copy-paste error in GdkDevice
  0d6059b... docs: Fix value annotation
  635054a... docs: Fix typos
  626d2e9... docs: Remove duplicate documentation stanzas
  e7d020b... combobox: Convert docs
  261a498... comboboxtext: Convert docs
  156446d... lockbutton: Convert docs
  b7f25f3... appchooserbutton: Convert docs
  2540236... dropdown: Convert docs
  79771a0... colorbutton: Convert docs
  67c7c81... fontbutton: Convert docs
  bd37899... volumebutton: Convert docs
  3153185... switch: Convert docs
  4c1de3a... entry: Convert docs
  9a2b602... widget: Convert docs
  2b7c405... accessible: Convert docs
  e5a8c96... buildable: Convert docs
  a67d2df... constrainttarget: Convert docs
  ba885d1... editablelabel: Convert docs
  8febedc... passwordentry: Convert docs
  72587f9... searchentry: Convert docs
  102f1a5... spinbutton: Convert docs
  29ad77b... docs: Fix property annotation
  8725799... application: Convert docs
  547bcf7... csssection: Update docs syntax
  846d3e2... Box GtkExpressionWatch
  978d1f2... expression: Update docs format
  0d70420... treeview: Update the description format
  4b721f3... treemodel: Update the description format
  690019b... Hide GtkTextBTree's typedef
  8fcc141... Hide GtkSettingsValue
  04a012c... constraint: Port to the new docs format
  201e83e... docs: Update the documentation style guide
  286f5eb... label: Add property annotations
  e721011... spinner: Add property annotations
  f95e7d5... levelbar: Add property annotations
  470131f... progressbar: Add property annotations
  bc99fe2... infobar: Add property annotations
  969ef89... statusbar: Remove SECTION
  40afb7f... applaunchcontext: Add property annotations
  64ed3c9... clipboard: Add property annotations
  9e94227... contentprovider: Add property annotations
  92f8483... cursor: Add property annotations
  ce1b904... device: Add property annotations
  f324095... devicetool: Add property annotations
  2797693... display: Add property annotations
  6408ce0... displaymanager: Add property annotations
  12b90d2... drag: Add property annotations
  ccab691... drawcontext: Add property annotations
  69460cd... drop: Add property annotations
  54f497c... glcontext: Add property annotations
  bb8522f... monitor: Add property annotations
  0366c52... popup: Add property annotations
  a166faa... seat: Add property annotations
  7948b12... surface: Add property annotations
  92bf8dd... texture: Add property annotations
  02480bf... toplevel: Add property annotations
  e0df790... visual index: Reorder some widgets
  0bbb6d9... accessible: Annotate properties
  a4488e2... claendar: Add property annotations
  049463b... drawingarea: Add property annotations
  91de11a... glarea: Add property annotations
  f976015... image: Add property annotations
  d97f182... infobar: Add property annotations
  4a0047a... orientable: Add property annotations
  accbb55... picture: Add property annotations
  0a2c608... scale: Add property annotations
  6f1b889... scrollbar: Add property annotations
  9203b29... separator: Add property annotations
  a9590cb... textview: Add property annotations
  22390f2... video: Add property annotations
  a96445a... widget: Add property annotations
  a1cbaeb... docs: Remove stray backtick
  cec0dfe... glshader: Add property annotations
  b58c6b0... gskrenderer: Add property annotations
  7869259... rendernode: Add property annotations
  d7f0124... gskroundedrect: Convert docs
  94e2c89... gsktransform: Convert docs
  880e36e... bitset: Convert docs
  c964362... button: Add property annotations
  c7d6de7... entry: Add property annotations
  b6696f7... scale: Add property annotations
  feda946... flowbow: Mark private fields as private
  2091cc6... Mark padding fields as private
  807196b... entry: Add property annotations
  d0ec7d9... editable: Convert docs
  6f8d5bd... searchentry: Minor docs tweaks
  df2b767... entry: Minor docs fixes
  5684f12... togglebutton: Add property annotations
  e9d3e2b... checkbutton: Add property annotations
  2e2f03d... linkbutton: Add property annotations
  b167a07... passwordentry: Add property annotations
  0dac81a... combobox: Add property annotations
  6e95202... editablelabel: Add property annotations
  a0f2077... lockbutton: Add property annotations
  f64d97f... menubutton: Add property annotations
  d25a125... spinbutton: Add property annotations
  9b92b1d... switch: Add property annotations
  b6951ce... fontbutton: Add property annotations
  be69713... dropdown: Add property annotations
  4449b81... colorbutton: Add property annotations
  fd5f829... appchooserbutton: Add property annotations
  042af11... box: Convert docs
  d83c88a... centerbox: Convert docs
  eb3a28a... expander: Convert docs
  622b5f3... grid: Convert docs
  d7b43ae... messagedialog: Convert docs
  e8f4785... scrolledwindow: Convert docs
  4f4e396... viewport: Convert docs
  ecaef94... scrollable: Convert docs
  0e158f2... window: Convert docs
  36b1492... docs: Add dialogs to the gallery
  02d63cc... dialog: Convert docs
  86bbc34... aboutdialog: Improve example image
  a6374ba... aboutdialog: Add property annotations
  b80da31... frame: Convert docs
  99930eb... assistant: Convert docs
  4410144... colorbutton: Small doc tweaks
  9171c08... colorchooserdialog: Convert docs
  6bdfd06... colorchooserwidget: Convert docs
  87fa32f... colorchooser: Convert docs
  6eda760... paned: Convert docs
  f262547... actionbar: Convert docs
  50ae315... colorchooserdialog: Fixup
  2f334f2... searchbar: Convert docs
  811c868... filechooser: Convert docs
  9f46ed4... filechooserdialog: Convert docs
  7326135... filechoosernative: Convert docs
  49abc89... fontchooser: Convert docs
  1f21ff7... fontchooserdialog: Convert docs
  72cbbd3... fontchooserwidget: Convert docs
  5012e27... nativedialog: Convert docs
  067d7c6... Add some more widgets to the gallery
  2ffe745... appchooser: Convert docs
  38b9bc4... appchooserdialog: Convert docs
  8fc37b9... appchooserwidget: Convert docs
  d2aa670... headerbar: Convert docs
  ee7e9dc... popover: Convert docs
  2c6b26c... range: Convert docs
  66b3e3d... shortcutswindow: Convert docs
  011c4c0... windowcontrols: Convert docs
  a7a3c27... mediacontrols: Convert docs
  c9a4183... emojichooser: Convert docs
  444a32e... native: Convert docs
  fa7affd... popovermenu: Convert docs
  c7a410e... popovermenubar: Convert docs
  2708a16... shortcutmanager: Convert docs
  a28d5df... adjustment:  Convert docs
  f01d10b... filter: Add sections for AnyFilter and EveryFilter
  c09ea7a... layoutmanager: Convert docs
  c992674... pagesetup: Convert docs
  2a90b2c... pagesetupdialog: Convert docs
  4f77aa6... printcontext: Convert docs
  c200639... printer: Convert docs
  6c8cbf9... printjob: Convert docs
  99c1a92... printeroperation: Convert docs
  f14ad02... printsettings: Convert docs
  5ce6f1b... printunixdialog: Convert docs
  8c2c960... printoperationpreview: Convert docs
  b4d2d07... root: Convert docs
  434398d... shortcutmanager: Convert docs
  8653d36... windowhandle: Convert docs
  c770b56... Include low-level printing in the gir
  aed6802... aboutdialog: Small docs tweak
  56bb4c8... actionable: Convert docs
  d91f15f... adjustment: Small docs tweak
  e222341... application: Tweak docs
  2d1dba9... applicationwindow: Convert docs
  805532f... aspectframe: Convert docs
  27a283e... assistant: Small doc tweak
  e4fd704... binlayout: Convert docs
  87785e9... bookmarklist: Convert docs
  3e6203d... boolfilter: Convert docs
  a59d904... boxlayout: Convert docs
  560f5ea... builder: Convert docs
  547f99f... builderscope: Convert docs
  a3111e1... builderlistitemfactory: Convert docs
  182d375... signallistitemfactory: Convert docs
  4eac93c... listitemfactory: Convert docs
  8dc76d1... overlay: Convert docs
  c7e3406... centerlayout: Convert docs
  1d1d1d5... gridlayout: Convert docs
  d4d82b0... headerbar: Add example image
  53817d3... levelbar: Docs tweaks
  ff65e21... notebook: Convert docs
  3521717... pagesetupdialog: Add an example image
  8c2d140... multifilter: Docs tweaks.
  299a362... printdialog: Add an example image
  527a325... overlaylayout: Convert docs
  a8c432f... stack: Convert docs
  4b2808d... stacksidebar: Convert docs
  bcbc80a... stackswitcher: Convert docs
  35d5497... stringfilter: Convert docs
  a6de9c8... contentprovider: Convert some more markup
  cff2aaf... atcontext: Convert docs
  0e6557e... button: Small docs tweak
  40503aa... calendar: Use markdown for css tree
  e1daac3... centerbox: Small docs tweak
  c227a9f... checkbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  6608739... colorbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  8447183... combobox: Use markdown for css tree
  20337ce... comboboxtext: Use markdown for css tree
  6343d3d... dropdown: Small doc tweak
  c58be38... editablelabel: Use markdown for css tree
  d0b1ee6... emojichooser: Use markdown for css tree
  0525cc2... entry: Use markdown for css tree
  c8b9b4c... expander: Use markdown for css tree
  0e4e3a1... fontbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  5e1f7bf... frame: Use markdown for css tree
  ad68811... headerbar: Use markdown for css tree
  4363145... image: Small doc tweak
  3d62351... label: Use markdown for css tree
  b9b126c... menubutton: Put images in a table
  092e4d5... cursor: Use a table for cursor names
  616f0b4... paned: Use markdown for css tree
  3c4bc1d... passwordentry: Use markdown for css tree
  1b011c9... popover: Use markdown for css tree
  a6f9388... popovermenubar: Use markdown for css tree
  671bcef... progressbar: Use markdown for css tree
  96c1bd8... scale: Use markdown for css tree
  f31c659... scalebutton: Convert docs
  bd5aedc... scrollbar: Use markdown for css tree
  8fcf7d0... searchbar: Use markdown for css tree
  5e70ffc... searchentry: Use markdown for css tree
  0bf9326... spinbutton: Use markdown for css tree
  efd23f0... stringlist: Convert docs
  5e09f0f... switch: Use markdown for css tree
  fdec51f... textview: Use markdown for css tree
  fb5feff... window: Use markdown for css tree
  c35613b... windowcontrols: Use markdown for css tree
  053ca1d... docs: Remove anchors from list overview
  9145dbe... columnview: Convert docs
  b662307... columnviewcolumn: Convert docs
  6bc3f40... Constraint: Tweak docs
  1e0d675... constraintguide: Convert docs
  441a7e6... constraintlayout: Convert docs
  3551b98... customfilter: Convert docs
  779cec0... cssprovider: Convert docs
  dfc1f46... customlayout: Convert docs
  bb29145... customsorter: Convert docs
  6b03ad6... directorylist: Convert docs
  449fe1a... dragicon: Convert docs
  0c0f13d... dragsource: Convert docs
  0f6762b... dropcontrollermotion: Convert docs
  32f848c... entrybuffer: Convert docs
  9e9ac9c... enums: Tweak docs
  b5e4893... expression: Tweak docs
  16c8e10... filterlistmodel: Convert docs
  555fe3b... fixed: Convert docs
  d172bfc... fixedlayout: Convert docs
  984d017... gridview: Convert docs
  4ad8ca7... listitem: Convert docs
  667affa... listview: Convert docs
  ce5d3cd... multisorter: Tweak docs
  0bb05a3... numericsorter: Convert docs
  b76ead0... revealer: Convert docs
  e3d22df... sorter: Convert docs
  0b94c63... sortlistmodel: Convert docs
  9da205a... stringsorter: Convert docs
  56ba64d... stylecontext: Convert docs
  25db76e... styleprovider: Convert docs
  9dd11f4... text: Convert docs
  c1571ea... textbuffer: Convert docs
  6c70f9b... textchild: Convert docs
  e77e7bf... textiter: Convert docs
  ec11840... textmark: Convert docs
  78fc9df... texttagtable: Convert docs
  60de092... textview: Convert docs
  7d4d7dd... texttag: Convert docs
  af18cef... treelistrowsorter: Convert docs
  8ad9b59... windowcontrols: Tweak docs
  e415e55... csslocation: Tweak docs
  a7de19c... csssection: Tweak docs
  8a6e96e... accessible: Tweak docs
  92d55ab... border: Tweak docs
  03e89bd... builder: Tweak docs
  c1e5ccc... dragicon: Tweak docs
  f905675... dragsource: Tweak docs
  a7e2b62... droptarget: Convert docs
  e9c452a... droptargetasync: Convert docs
  fa3f62a... editable: Tweak docs
  c729e60... entrycompletion: Convert docs
  51695a2... eventcontroller: Convert docs
  a361740... spinner: Tweak docs
  6ed954f... expander: Tweak docs
  828946a... eventcontrollerfocus: Convert docs
  5ea29fd... eventcontrollerkey: Convert docs
  6599b8d... eventcontrollerlegacy: Convert docs
  2286055... eventcontrollermotion: Convert docs
  d75f2ca... eventcontrollerscroll: Convert docs
  57fdc94... filefilter: Convert docs
  51ed3c6... flattenlistmodel: Convert docs
  1127b2c... flowbox: Convert docs
  22998eb... gesture: Convert docs
  6adddd3... icontheme: Convert docs
  dadcb3f... gestureclick: Convert docs
  4718deb... infobar: Tweak docs
  7e3c769... gesturedrag: Convert docs
  608fba0... gesturelongpress: Convert docs
  0114dc2... listbase: Tweak docs
  d5a85d9... stringlist: Add docs to GtkStringObject
  db39abf... viewport: Tweak docs
  41d9292... version: Tweak docs
  9aca6a4... propertylookuplistmodel: Remove SECTION
  bd907ff... gesturepan: Convert docs
  31c54c6... mediastream: Convert docs
  173fb45... mediafile: Convert docs
  f3c04e5... gesturezoom: Convert docs
  7250299... padcontroller: Convert docs
  fb105b7... gesturerotate: Convert docs
  81061bd... overlaylayout: Add docs for GtkOverlayLayoutChild
  80a021d... scrollable: Tweak docs
  5033201... maplistmodel: Convert docs
  b7cf176... gesturesingle: Convert docs
  37bdc9a... slicelistmodel: Convert docs
  8e95455... singleselection: Convert docs
  5ee9d92... widgetpaintable: Convert docs
  6632000... imcontext: Convert docs
  8a69505... gesturestylus: Convert docs
  40e2a85... papersize: Convert docs
  f6c3d0c... gestureswipe: Convert docs
  dc8afc4... imcontextsimple: Convert docs
  a3fa922... immulticontext: Convert docs
  a94968e... selectionfiltermodel: Convert docs
  6582671... noselection: Convert docs
  f3c0601... listlistmodel: Remove SECTION
  a2489dc... multiselection: Convert docs
  b552945... selectionmodel: Convert docs
  3dd1122... shortcuttrigger: Tweak docs
  4933901... treeexpander: Convert docs
  6529120... treelistmodel: Convert docs
  5fbcfe4... filechooserwidget: Convert docs
  f9531c2... modelbutton: Remove SECTION
  6f19b7b... placessidebar: Remove SECTION
  a7fcec8... placesview: Remove SECTION
  be5e8ba... scrollbar: Tweak docs
  bb16c66... accelgroup: Convert docs
  4e3cc7b... bloomfilter: Drop the SECTION
  f1e1f07... cssdataurl: Drop SECTION
  0cb072c... accessiblevalue: Drop SECTION
  e1ea267... actionmuxer: Drop SECTION
  4940f08... actionobservable: Drop SECTION
  31b60e4... actionobserver: Drop SECTION
  c345326... cellarea: Add a summary
  5d3b157... cellareabox: Add a summary
  124f9e4... cellareacontext: Add a summary
  7b18f11... celllayout: Add a summary
  bd67c24... cellrenderer: Add a summary
  b92f664... cellrendereraccel: Add a summary
  b5a2742... cellrenderercombo: Add a summary
  c588522... celleditable: Add a summary
  835ca1b... cellrendererpixbuf: Add a summary
  c187734... cellrendererprogress: Add a summary
  1bc73ba... cellrendererspin: Add a summary
  ac6e5b1... cellrendererspinner: Add a summary
  8b88a75... cellrenderertext: Add a summary
  01cb305... cellrenderertoggle: Add a summary
  28863f2... cellview: Add a summary
  2ea6f13... constraintsolver: Remove SECTION
  ae0ae96... iconview: Add a summary
  b23eeef... listbox: Convert docs
  5cd923e... windowgroup: Convert docs
  c8e98f6... treeview: Add a summary
  c27827e... treeviewcolumn: Add a summary
  29a4743... liststore: Add a summary
  a32e24a... treestore: Add a summary
  9721068... treednd: Add summaries
  e5aaa34... treemodel: Add a summary
  e5d12c8... treemodelfilter: Add a summary
  02df5fb... treemodelsort: Add a summary
  af9c549... treeselection: Add a summary
  8edd835... treesortable: Add a summary
  611bcc5... menutracker: Remove SECTION
  35db9e1... menutrackeritem: Remove SECTION
  05b8144... mountoperation: Convert docs
  f35aded... recentmanager: Convert docs
  b265e6a... settings: Convert docs
  7583616... tooltip: Convert docs
  36a1f24... snapshot: Convert docs
  af5ed3b... testutils: Convert docs
  201a502... sizegroup: Convert docs
  d780742... shortcut: Convert docs
  c1b108c... shortcutaction: Convert docs
  5186712... shortcutcontroller: Convert docs
  c95b1a8... shortcutlabel: Convert docs
  f7f13b2... shortcuttrigger: Convert docs
  1940717... widget: Fix up some links
  3c8945a... text: Fix some copy-paste mishap
  951931d... label: Fix some external links
  9d16e87... docs: Show class hierarchy in the API references
  7a51770... Handle static inline GtkOrdering function
  8dbacad... build: Add a GIR dependency to PangoCairo
  c8d9879... build: Add missing variable definition
  d5a8102... Small updates to the coding and documentation style

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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