[geary/mjog/invert-folder-class-hierarchy: 71/72] engine: Remove now unused code in MinimalFolder and ImapDB.Folder

commit 9f1cf1a53745e4fc4595c3f175ab6e4f2ead2676
Author: Michael Gratton <mike vee net>
Date:   Wed Mar 3 21:01:44 2021 +1100

    engine: Remove now unused code in MinimalFolder and ImapDB.Folder

 src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-folder.vala             | 198 ---------------------
 .../imap-engine/imap-engine-minimal-folder.vala    | 181 -------------------
 2 files changed, 379 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-folder.vala b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-folder.vala
index 455271f2f..0653fecb6 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-folder.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-db/imap-db-folder.vala
@@ -510,114 +510,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Folder : BaseObject, Geary.ReferenceSemantics {
         return results;
-    // LoadFlags.OLDEST_TO_NEWEST is ignored.  INCLUDING_ID means including *both* identifiers.
-    // Without this flag, neither are considered as part of the range.
-    public async Gee.List<Geary.Email>? list_email_by_range_async(ImapDB.EmailIdentifier start_id,
-        ImapDB.EmailIdentifier end_id, Geary.Email.Field required_fields, LoadFlags flags, Cancellable? 
-        throws Error {
-        bool including_id = flags.is_all_set(LoadFlags.INCLUDING_ID);
-        // Break up work so all reading isn't done in single transaction that locks up the
-        // database ... first, gather locations of all emails in database
-        Gee.List<LocationIdentifier>? locations = null;
-        yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx) => {
-            // use INCLUDE_MARKED_FOR_REMOVE because this is a ranged list ...
-            // do_results_to_location() will deal with removing EmailIdentifiers if necessary
-            LocationIdentifier? start_location = do_get_location_for_id(cx, start_id,
-                LoadFlags.INCLUDE_MARKED_FOR_REMOVE, cancellable);
-            if (start_location == null)
-                return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-            Imap.UID start_uid = start_location.uid;
-            // see note above about INCLUDE_MARKED_FOR_REMOVE
-            LocationIdentifier? end_location = do_get_location_for_id(cx, end_id,
-                LoadFlags.INCLUDE_MARKED_FOR_REMOVE, cancellable);
-            if (end_location == null)
-                return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-            Imap.UID end_uid = end_location.uid;
-            if (!including_id) {
-                start_uid = start_uid.next(false);
-                end_uid = end_uid.previous(false);
-            }
-            if (!start_uid.is_valid() || !end_uid.is_valid() || start_uid.compare_to(end_uid) > 0)
-                return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-            Db.Statement stmt = cx.prepare("""
-                SELECT message_id, ordering, remove_marker
-                FROM MessageLocationTable
-                WHERE folder_id = ? AND ordering >= ? AND ordering <= ?
-            """);
-            stmt.bind_rowid(0, folder_id);
-            stmt.bind_int64(1, start_uid.value);
-            stmt.bind_int64(2, end_uid.value);
-            locations = do_results_to_locations(stmt.exec(cancellable), int.MAX, flags, cancellable);
-            return Db.TransactionOutcome.SUCCESS;
-        }, cancellable);
-        var results = new Gee.ArrayList<Email>();
-        yield list_email_in_chunks_async(
-            locations, results, required_fields, flags, false, cancellable
-        );
-        return results.is_empty ? null : results;
-    }
-    // LoadFlags.OLDEST_TO_NEWEST is ignored.  INCLUDING_ID means including *both* identifiers.
-    // Without this flag, neither are considered as part of the range.
-    public async Gee.List<Geary.Email>? list_email_by_uid_range_async(Imap.UID start,
-        Imap.UID end, Geary.Email.Field required_fields, LoadFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws Error {
-        bool including_id = flags.is_all_set(LoadFlags.INCLUDING_ID);
-        bool only_incomplete = flags.is_all_set(LoadFlags.ONLY_INCOMPLETE);
-        Imap.UID start_uid = start;
-        Imap.UID end_uid = end;
-        if (!including_id) {
-            start_uid = start_uid.next(false);
-            end_uid = end_uid.previous(false);
-        }
-        if (!start_uid.is_valid() || !end_uid.is_valid() || start_uid.compare_to(end_uid) > 0)
-            return null;
-        // Break up work so all reading isn't done in single transaction that locks up the
-        // database ... first, gather locations of all emails in database
-        Gee.List<LocationIdentifier>? locations = null;
-        yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx) => {
-            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("""
-                SELECT MessageLocationTable.message_id, ordering, remove_marker
-                FROM MessageLocationTable
-            """);
-            sql.append("WHERE folder_id = ? AND ordering >= ? AND ordering <= ? ");
-            Db.Statement stmt = cx.prepare(sql.str);
-            stmt.bind_rowid(0, folder_id);
-            stmt.bind_int64(1, start_uid.value);
-            stmt.bind_int64(2, end_uid.value);
-            locations = do_results_to_locations(stmt.exec(cancellable), int.MAX, flags, cancellable);
-            return Db.TransactionOutcome.SUCCESS;
-        }, cancellable);
-        // remove complete locations (emails with all fields downloaded)
-        if (only_incomplete)
-            locations = yield remove_complete_locations_in_chunks_async(locations, cancellable);
-        var results = new Gee.ArrayList<Email>();
-        yield list_email_in_chunks_async(
-            locations, results, required_fields, flags, false, cancellable
-        );
-        return results.is_empty ? null : results;
-    }
     public async Gee.Set<Email> list_email_by_sparse_id_async(
         Gee.Collection<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> ids,
         Geary.Email.Field required_fields,
@@ -867,22 +759,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Folder : BaseObject, Geary.ReferenceSemantics {
         return id;
-    public async Imap.UID? get_uid_async(ImapDB.EmailIdentifier id, LoadFlags flags,
-        Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
-        // Always look up the UID rather than pull the one from the EmailIdentifier; it could be
-        // for another Folder
-        Imap.UID? uid = null;
-        yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx) => {
-            LocationIdentifier? location = do_get_location_for_id(cx, id, flags, cancellable);
-            if (location != null)
-                uid = location.uid;
-            return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-        }, cancellable);
-        return uid;
-    }
     public async Gee.Set<Imap.UID>? get_uids_async(Gee.Collection<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> ids,
         LoadFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
         // Always look up the UID rather than pull the one from the EmailIdentifier; it could be
@@ -902,22 +778,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Folder : BaseObject, Geary.ReferenceSemantics {
         return (uids.size > 0) ? uids : null;
-    // Returns null if the UID is not found in this Folder.
-    public async ImapDB.EmailIdentifier? get_id_async(Imap.UID uid, LoadFlags flags,
-        Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
-        ImapDB.EmailIdentifier? id = null;
-        yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx) => {
-            LocationIdentifier? location = do_get_location_for_uid(cx, uid, flags,
-                cancellable);
-            if (location != null)
-                id = location.email_id;
-            return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-        }, cancellable);
-        return id;
-    }
     public async Gee.Set<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier>? get_ids_async(Gee.Collection<Imap.UID> uids,
         LoadFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
         Gee.Set<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> ids = new Gee.HashSet<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier>();
@@ -1354,18 +1214,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Folder : BaseObject, Geary.ReferenceSemantics {
         return (removed_ids.size > 0) ? removed_ids : null;
-    // Returns the number of messages marked for removal in this folder
-    public async int get_marked_for_remove_count_async(Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
-        int count = 0;
-        yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx) => {
-            count = do_get_marked_removed_count(cx, cancellable);
-            return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-        }, cancellable);
-        return count;
-    }
     public async Gee.Set<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier>? get_marked_ids_async(Cancellable? cancellable)
         throws Error {
         Gee.Set<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> ids = new Gee.HashSet<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier>();
@@ -1426,52 +1274,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapDB.Folder : BaseObject, Geary.ReferenceSemantics {
         }, cancellable);
-    public async Gee.Map<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier, Geary.Email.Field>? list_email_fields_by_id_async(
-        Gee.Collection<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> ids, LoadFlags flags, Cancellable? cancellable)
-        throws Error {
-        if (ids.size == 0)
-            return null;
-        Gee.HashMap<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier,Geary.Email.Field> map = new Gee.HashMap<
-            ImapDB.EmailIdentifier,Geary.Email.Field>();
-        // Break up the work
-        Gee.List<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> list = new Gee.ArrayList<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier>();
-        Gee.Iterator<ImapDB.EmailIdentifier> iter = ids.iterator();
-        while (iter.next()) {
-            list.add(iter.get());
-            if (list.size < LIST_EMAIL_FIELDS_CHUNK_COUNT && iter.has_next())
-                continue;
-            yield db.exec_transaction_async(Db.TransactionType.RO, (cx, cancellable) => {
-                Gee.List<LocationIdentifier>? locs = do_get_locations_for_ids(cx, ids, flags,
-                    cancellable);
-                if (locs == null || locs.size == 0)
-                    return Db.TransactionOutcome.DONE;
-                Db.Statement fetch_stmt = cx.prepare(
-                    "SELECT fields FROM MessageTable WHERE id = ?");
-                // TODO: Unroll loop
-                foreach (LocationIdentifier location in locs) {
-                    fetch_stmt.reset(Db.ResetScope.CLEAR_BINDINGS);
-                    fetch_stmt.bind_rowid(0, location.message_id);
-                    Db.Result results = fetch_stmt.exec(cancellable);
-                    if (!results.finished)
-                        map.set(location.email_id, (Geary.Email.Field) results.int_at(0));
-                }
-                return Db.TransactionOutcome.SUCCESS;
-            }, cancellable);
-            list.clear();
-        }
-        assert(list.size == 0);
-        return (map.size > 0) ? map : null;
-    }
     public string to_string() {
         return path.to_string();
diff --git a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-minimal-folder.vala 
index e32981c41..c68da83a6 100644
--- a/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-minimal-folder.vala
+++ b/src/engine/imap-engine/imap-engine-minimal-folder.vala
@@ -1120,187 +1120,6 @@ private class Geary.ImapEngine.MinimalFolder : BaseObject,
         yield op.wait_for_ready_async(cancellable);
-    // TODO: A proper public search mechanism; note that this always round-trips to the remote,
-    // doesn't go through the replay queue, and doesn't deal with messages marked for deletion
-    internal async Geary.Email? find_earliest_email_async(DateTime datetime,
-        Geary.EmailIdentifier? before_id, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error {
-        if (before_id != null)
-            check_id("find_earliest_email_async", before_id);
-        Imap.SearchCriteria criteria = new Imap.SearchCriteria();
-        criteria.is_(Imap.SearchCriterion.since_internaldate(new 
-        // if before_id available, only search for messages before it
-        if (before_id != null) {
-            Imap.UID? before_uid = yield local_folder.get_uid_async(
-                (ImapDB.EmailIdentifier) before_id, NONE, cancellable
-            );
-            if (before_uid == null) {
-                throw new EngineError.NOT_FOUND("before_id %s not found in %s", before_id.to_string(),
-                    to_string());
-            }
-            criteria.and(Imap.SearchCriterion.message_set(
-                new Imap.MessageSet.uid_range(new Imap.UID(Imap.UID.MIN), before_uid.previous(true))));
-        }
-        var remote = yield claim_remote_session(cancellable);
-        Gee.SortedSet<Imap.UID>? uids = yield remote.search_async(
-            criteria, cancellable
-        );
-        if (uids == null || uids.size == 0) {
-            return null;
-        }
-        // if the earliest UID is not in the local store, then need to
-        // expand vector to it first
-        ImapDB.EmailIdentifier? first_id = yield this.local_folder.get_id_async(
-            uids.first(), NONE, cancellable
-        );
-        if (first_id == null) {
-            yield expand_vector_internal(
-                remote, uids.first(), 1, OLDEST_TO_NEWEST, cancellable
-            );
-            first_id = yield this.local_folder.get_id_async(
-                uids.first(), NONE, cancellable
-            );
-        }
-        return yield this.local_folder.fetch_email_async(
-            first_id, PROPERTIES, NONE, cancellable
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Expands the owning folder's vector.
-     *
-     * Lists on the remote messages needed to fulfill ImapDB's
-     * requirements from `initial_uid` (inclusive) forward to the
-     * start of the vector if the OLDEST_TO_NEWEST flag is set, else
-     * from `initial_uid` (inclusive) back at most by `count` number
-     * of messages. If `initial_uid` is null, the start or end of the
-     * vector is used, respectively.
-     *
-     * The returned UIDs are those added to the vector, which can then
-     * be examined and added to the messages to be fulfilled if
-     * needed.
-     */
-    internal async void expand_vector_internal(
-        Imap.FolderSession remote,
-        Imap.UID? initial_uid,
-        int count,
-        Folder.ListFlags flags,
-        GLib.Cancellable cancellable
-    ) throws GLib.Error {
-        debug("Expanding vector...");
-        int remote_count = remote.folder.properties.email_total;
-        // include marked for removed in the count in case this is being called while a removal
-        // is in process, in which case don't want to expand vector this moment because the
-        // vector is in flux
-        int local_count = yield this.local_folder.get_email_count_async(
-            INCLUDE_MARKED_FOR_REMOVE, cancellable
-        );
-        // watch out for attempts to expand vector when it's expanded as far as it will go
-        if (local_count >= remote_count) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // Determine low and high position for expansion. The vector
-        // start position is based on the assumption that the vector
-        // end is the same as the remote end.
-        int64 vector_start = (remote_count - local_count + 1);
-        int64 low_pos = -1;
-        int64 high_pos = -1;
-        int64 initial_pos = -1;
-        if (initial_uid != null) {
-            Gee.Map<Imap.UID, Imap.SequenceNumber>? map =
-            // this does an IMAP FETCH, but EXPUNGE responses to that
-            // are forbidden the returned UIDs are likely fine.
-            yield remote.uid_to_position_async(
-                new Imap.MessageSet.uid(initial_uid), cancellable
-            );
-            Imap.SequenceNumber? pos = map.get(initial_uid);
-            if (pos != null) {
-                initial_pos = pos.value;
-            }
-        }
-        // Determine low and high position for expansion
-        if (flags.is_oldest_to_newest()) {
-            low_pos = Imap.SequenceNumber.MIN;
-            if (initial_pos > Imap.SequenceNumber.MIN) {
-                low_pos = initial_pos;
-            }
-            high_pos = vector_start - 1;
-        } else {
-            // Newest to oldest.
-            if (initial_pos <= Imap.SequenceNumber.MIN) {
-                high_pos = remote_count;
-                low_pos = Numeric.int64_floor(
-                    high_pos - count + 1, Imap.SequenceNumber.MIN
-                );
-            } else {
-                high_pos = Numeric.int64_floor(
-                    initial_pos, vector_start - 1
-                );
-                low_pos = Numeric.int64_floor(
-                    initial_pos - (count - 1), Imap.SequenceNumber.MIN
-                );
-            }
-        }
-        if (low_pos > high_pos) {
-            debug("Aborting vector expansion, low_pos=%s > high_pos=%s",
-                  low_pos.to_string(), high_pos.to_string());
-            return;
-        }
-        Imap.MessageSet msg_set = new Imap.MessageSet.range_by_first_last(
-            new Imap.SequenceNumber(low_pos),
-            new Imap.SequenceNumber(high_pos)
-        );
-        int64 actual_count = (high_pos - low_pos) + 1;
-        debug("Performing vector expansion using %s for initial_uid=%s count=%d actual_count=%s 
local_count=%d remote_count=%d oldest_to_newest=%s",
-              msg_set.to_string(),
-              (initial_uid != null) ? initial_uid.to_string() : "(null)", count, actual_count.to_string(),
-              local_count, remote_count, flags.is_oldest_to_newest().to_string());
-        Gee.List<Geary.Email>? list = yield remote.list_email_async(
-            msg_set,
-            this._account.local.required_email_fields,
-            cancellable
-        );
-        var created_ids = new Gee.HashSet<EmailIdentifier>();
-        if (list != null) {
-            Gee.Map<Email, bool>? created_or_merged =
-                yield local_folder.create_or_merge_email_async(
-                    list, true, this.harvester, cancellable
-                );
-            foreach (Email email in created_or_merged.keys) {
-                if (created_or_merged.get(email)) {
-                    created_ids.add(email.id);
-                }
-            }
-            if (!created_ids.is_empty) {
-                if (flags.is_oldest_to_newest()) {
-                    email_inserted(created_ids);
-                } else {
-                    email_appended(created_ids);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        debug("Vector expansion completed (%d new email)", created_ids.size);
-    }
     protected async EmailIdentifier?
         create_email_async(RFC822.Message rfc822,
                            EmailFlags? flags,

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