[chronojump] RunEncoder export C# code

commit 9ada38803805fe3926b655adbb4e577be69b31c5
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Wed Mar 3 11:42:52 2021 +0100

    RunEncoder export C# code

 glade/app1.glade                  |  56 ++++++
 src/forceSensor.cs                |   1 +
 src/gui/app1/runEncoder.cs        |   2 +-
 src/gui/app1/runEncoderAnalyze.cs |  24 +++
 src/runEncoder.cs                 | 405 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/util.cs                       |   7 +
 6 files changed, 480 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glade/app1.glade b/glade/app1.glade
index b7942309..f46b95c4 100644
--- a/glade/app1.glade
+++ b/glade/app1.glade
@@ -26709,6 +26709,62 @@ Concentric</property>
                                                             <property name="position">1</property>
+                                                            <child>
+                                                            <widget class="GtkButton" 
+                                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
+                                                            <signal name="clicked" 
handler="on_button_run_encoder_export_current_session_clicked" swapped="no"/>
+                                                            <child>
+                                                            <widget class="GtkHBox" id="hbox182">
+                                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="spacing">6</property>
+                                                            <child>
+                                                            <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label111">
+                                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="label">Export</property>
+                                                            </widget>
+                                                            <packing>
+                                                            <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="position">0</property>
+                                                            </packing>
+                                                            </child>
+                                                            <child>
+                                                            <widget class="GtkImage" 
+                                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                                                            <property 
+                                                            </widget>
+                                                            <packing>
+                                                            <property name="expand">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="fill">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="position">1</property>
+                                                            </packing>
+                                                            </child>
+                                                            <child>
+                                                            <widget class="GtkImage" 
+                                                            <property name="visible">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="can_focus">False</property>
+                                                            <property 
+                                                            </widget>
+                                                            <packing>
+                                                            <property name="expand">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="fill">True</property>
+                                                            <property name="position">2</property>
+                                                            </packing>
+                                                            </child>
+                                                            </widget>
+                                                            </child>
+                                                            </widget>
+                                                            <packing>
+                                                            <property name="expand">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="fill">False</property>
+                                                            <property name="position">2</property>
+                                                            </packing>
+                                                            </child>
                                                             <property name="expand">False</property>
diff --git a/src/forceSensor.cs b/src/forceSensor.cs
index 9cf8caa8..7df09d43 100644
--- a/src/forceSensor.cs
+++ b/src/forceSensor.cs
@@ -1568,6 +1568,7 @@ public class ForceSensorGraphAB
+//this class creates the rows of each force sensor AB for the csv input multi that is read by R
 public class ForceSensorGraphABExport: ForceSensorGraphAB
        public string fullURL;
diff --git a/src/gui/app1/runEncoder.cs b/src/gui/app1/runEncoder.cs
index 5feae744..c939e9fd 100644
--- a/src/gui/app1/runEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/gui/app1/runEncoder.cs
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
-               reg.CallR(imageWidth, imageHeight);
+               reg.CallR(imageWidth, imageHeight, true);
                DateTime runEncoderGraphStarted = DateTime.Now;
                //TODO: check better if png is saved and have a cancel button
diff --git a/src/gui/app1/runEncoderAnalyze.cs b/src/gui/app1/runEncoderAnalyze.cs
index aa0022c3..46987ab4 100644
--- a/src/gui/app1/runEncoderAnalyze.cs
+++ b/src/gui/app1/runEncoderAnalyze.cs
@@ -235,4 +235,28 @@ public partial class ChronoJumpWindow
                string myString = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Saved to {0}"), exportFileName);
                new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.INFO, myString);
+       RunEncoderExport runEncoderExport;
+       private void on_button_run_encoder_export_current_session_clicked (object o, EventArgs args)
+       {
+               runEncoderExport = new RunEncoderExport (
+                               true, //includeImages   //TODO
+                               UtilAll.IsWindows(),
+                               -1,                     //all persons
+                               currentSession.UniqueID,
+                               preferences.runEncoderMinAccel,
+                               preferences.CSVExportDecimalSeparatorChar      //decimalIsPointAtExport 
+                               );
+               //runEncoderExport.Start(selectedFileName); //file or folder
+               runEncoderExport.Start("runEncoderExport.csv"); //file or folder
+               //TODO: continue with cancel stuff, ...
+       }
diff --git a/src/runEncoder.cs b/src/runEncoder.cs
index d2921cbc..19f320b9 100644
--- a/src/runEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/runEncoder.cs
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
 using System;
 using System.IO;               //for detect OS //TextWriter
+using System.Collections; //ArrayList
 using System.Collections.Generic; //List<T>
+using System.Threading;
 using Mono.Unix;
 public class RunEncoder
@@ -172,6 +174,9 @@ public class RunEncoder
        public static string GetScript() {
                return System.IO.Path.Combine(UtilEncoder.GetSprintPath(), "sprintEncoder.R");
+       public static string GetCSVInputMulti() {
+               return Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "cj_race_analyzer_input_multi.csv");
+       }
        //this contains only Pulses;Time(useconds);Force(N)
        public static string GetCSVFileName() {
                return Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "cj_race_analyzer_data.csv");
@@ -208,6 +213,10 @@ public class RunEncoder
                get { return uniqueID; }
                set { uniqueID = value; }
+       public int PersonID
+       {
+               get { return personID; }
+       }
        public int ExerciseID
                get { return exerciseID; }
@@ -401,6 +410,299 @@ public class RunEncoderCSV
+public class RunEncoderExport
+       public Gtk.Button Button_done;
+       //passed variables
+       /*
+       private Gtk.Notebook notebook;
+       private Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar;
+       private Gtk.Label labelResult;
+       */
+       private bool includeImages;
+       private string exportURL; //folder or .csv depending on includeImages
+       private bool isWindows;
+       private int personID; // -1: all
+       private int sessionID;
+       private double startAccel;
+       private bool plotRawAccel;
+       private bool plotFittedAccel;
+       private bool plotRawForce;
+       private bool plotFittedForce;
+       private bool plotRawPower;
+       private bool plotFittedPower;
+       private char exportDecimalSeparator;
+       private static Thread thread;
+       private static bool cancel;
+       private static bool noData;
+       private static bool cannotCopy;
+       private static string messageToProgressbar;
+       private List<RunEncoder> re_l;
+       ArrayList personSession_l;
+       private ArrayList reEx_l;
+       private int imageWidth = 900; //nothing is displayed, remove when R script has been adapted
+       private int imageHeight = 600; //nothing is displayed, remove when R script has been adapted
+       //constructor
+       public RunEncoderExport (
+//                     Gtk.Notebook notebook,
+//                     Gtk.ProgressBar progressbar,
+//                     Gtk.Label labelResult,
+                       bool includeImages,
+                       bool isWindows,
+                       int personID,
+                       int sessionID,
+                       double startAccel,
+                       bool plotRawAccel, bool plotFittedAccel,
+                       bool plotRawForce, bool plotFittedForce,
+                       bool plotRawPower, bool plotFittedPower,
+                       char exportDecimalSeparator
+                       )
+       {
+//             this.notebook = notebook;
+//             this.progressbar = progressbar;
+//             this.labelResult = labelResult;
+               this.includeImages = includeImages;
+               this.isWindows = isWindows;
+               this.personID = personID;
+               this.sessionID = sessionID;
+               this.startAccel = startAccel;
+               this.plotRawAccel = plotRawAccel;
+               this.plotFittedAccel = plotFittedAccel;
+               this.plotRawForce = plotRawForce;
+               this.plotFittedForce = plotFittedForce;
+               this.plotRawPower = plotRawPower;
+               this.plotFittedPower = plotFittedPower;
+               this.exportDecimalSeparator = exportDecimalSeparator;
+               Button_done = new Gtk.Button();
+       }
+       ///public method
+       public void Start(string exportURL)
+       {
+               this.exportURL = exportURL;
+               cancel = false;
+               noData = false;
+               cannotCopy = false;
+//             progressbar.Fraction = 0;
+               messageToProgressbar = "";
+//             notebook.CurrentPage = 1;
+               //create progressbar and graph files dirs or delete their contents
+               createOrEmptyDir(Util.GetRunEncoderTempProgressDir());
+               createOrEmptyDir(Util.GetRunEncoderTempGraphsDir());
+               thread = new Thread (new ThreadStart (runEncoderExportDo));
+               GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (pulseRunEncoderExportGTK));
+               thread.Start();
+       }
+       private void createOrEmptyDir(string dir)
+       {
+               if( ! Directory.Exists(dir))
+                       Directory.CreateDirectory (dir);
+               else {
+                       DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
+                       foreach (FileInfo file in dirInfo.GetFiles())
+                               file.Delete();
+               }
+       }
+       public void Cancel()
+       {
+               cancel = true;
+       }
+       private bool pulseRunEncoderExportGTK ()
+       {
+               if(! thread.IsAlive || cancel)
+               {
+                       LogB.Information("pulseRunEncoderExportGTK ending here");
+                       LogB.ThreadEnded();
+                       //Button_done.Click();
+                       return false;
+               }
+               Thread.Sleep (100);
+               return true;
+       }
+       private void runEncoderExportDo()
+       {
+               getData();
+               if(re_l.Count == 0)
+               {
+                       LogB.Information("There's no data");
+                       noData = true;
+                       return;
+               }
+               processRunEncoderSets();
+       }
+       private void getData ()
+       {
+               re_l = SqliteRunEncoder.Select(false, -1, personID, sessionID);
+               personSession_l = SqlitePersonSession.SelectCurrentSessionPersons(sessionID, true);
+               reEx_l = SqliteRunEncoderExercise.Select (false, -1, false);
+       }
+       private bool processRunEncoderSets ()
+       {
+               Person p = new Person();
+               PersonSession ps = new PersonSession();
+               List<RunEncoderGraphExport> rege_l = new List<RunEncoderGraphExport>();
+               int count = 1;
+               foreach(RunEncoder re in re_l)
+               {
+                       // 1) checks
+                       //check fs is ok
+                       if(re == null || ! Util.FileExists(re.FullURL))
+                               continue;
+                       //check fs has data
+                       List<string> contents = Util.ReadFileAsStringList(re.FullURL);
+                       if(contents.Count < 3)
+                       {
+                               //new DialogMessage(Constants.MessageTypes.WARNING, Constants.FileEmptyStr());
+                               //return;
+                               continue;
+                       }
+                       // 2) get the person
+                       bool found = false;
+                       foreach(PersonAndPS paps in personSession_l)
+                       {
+                               if(paps.p.UniqueID == re.PersonID)
+                               {
+                                       p = paps.p;
+                                       ps = paps.ps;
+                                       found = true;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if(! found)
+                               continue;
+                       // 3) get the exercise
+                       found = false;
+                       RunEncoderExercise reEx = new RunEncoderExercise();
+                       foreach(RunEncoderExercise reExTemp in reEx_l)
+                               if(reExTemp.UniqueID == re.ExerciseID)
+                               {
+                                       reEx = reExTemp;
+                                       found = true;
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                       if(! found)
+                               continue;
+                       // 4) create the export row
+                       string title = Util.ChangeSpaceAndMinusForUnderscore(p.Name) + "-" +
+                               Util.ChangeSpaceAndMinusForUnderscore(reEx.Name);
+                       RunEncoderGraphExport rege = new RunEncoderGraphExport (
+                                       re.FullURL,
+                                       ps.Weight, ps.Height,
+                                       re.Device,
+                                       re.Temperature, re.Distance,
+                                       reEx, title, re.DateTimePublic,
+                                       re.Comments
+                                       );
+                       rege_l.Add(rege);
+               }
+               // call the graph
+               if(rege_l.Count > 0)
+               {
+                       RunEncoderGraph reg = new RunEncoderGraph(
+                                       startAccel,
+                                       plotRawAccel, plotFittedAccel,
+                                       plotRawForce, plotFittedForce,
+                                       plotRawPower, plotFittedPower,
+                                       //triggerList,
+                                       rege_l,
+                                       exportDecimalSeparator,
+                                       includeImages
+                                       );
+                       bool success = reg.CallR(imageWidth -5, imageHeight -5, false);
+               }
+               return true;
+       }
+//this class creates the rows of each force sensor AB for the csv input multi that is read by R
+public class RunEncoderGraphExport
+       private string fullURL;
+       private double mass;
+       private double personHeight;
+       private RunEncoder.Devices device;
+       private double tempC;
+       private int testLength;
+       private RunEncoderExercise rex;
+       private string title;
+       private string datetime;
+       private string comments;
+       public RunEncoderGraphExport(
+                       string fullURL,
+                       double mass, double personHeight,
+                       RunEncoder.Devices device,
+                       double tempC, int testLength,
+                       RunEncoderExercise rex, string title, string datetime,
+                       string comments)
+       {
+               this.fullURL = fullURL; //filename
+               this.mass = mass;
+               this.personHeight = personHeight;
+               this.device = device;
+               this.tempC = tempC;
+               this.testLength = testLength;
+               this.rex = rex;
+               this.title = title;
+               this.datetime = datetime;
+               this.comments = comments;
+       }
+       public string ToCSVRowOnExport()
+       {
+               return fullURL + ";" +
+                       Util.ConvertToPoint(mass) + ";" +
+                       Util.ConvertToPoint(personHeight / 100.0) + ";" + //in meters
+                       device.ToString() + ";" +
+                       Util.ConvertToPoint(tempC) + ";" +
+                       testLength.ToString() + ";" +
+                       rex.SegmentMeters.ToString() + ";" +
+                       title + ";" +
+                       datetime + ";" +
+                       Util.RemoveChar(comments, ';');  //TODO: check this really removes
+       }
+       public static string PrintCSVHeaderOnExport()
+       {
+               return "fullURL;mass;personHeight;device;tempC;testLength;" +
+                       "splitLength;" + //segmentMeters on C#, splitLength on R
+                       "title;datetime;comments";
+       }
 public class RunEncoderGraph
        private int testLength;
@@ -419,8 +721,11 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
        private bool plotRawPower;
        private bool plotFittedPower;
        private TriggerList triggerList;
+       private char exportDecimalSeparator;
+       private bool includeImagesOnExport;
-       public RunEncoderGraph(int testLength, double mass, double personHeight, double tempC, 
RunEncoder.Devices device,
+       private void assignGenericParams(
+                       int testLength, double mass, double personHeight, double tempC, RunEncoder.Devices 
                        RunEncoderExercise rex,
                        string title, string datetime, double startAccel,
                        bool plotRawAccel, bool plotFittedAccel,
@@ -446,14 +751,65 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
                this.triggerList = triggerList;
-       public bool CallR(int graphWidth, int graphHeight)
+       //constructor for 1 set
+       public RunEncoderGraph(
+                       int testLength, double mass, double personHeight, double tempC, RunEncoder.Devices 
+                       RunEncoderExercise rex,
+                       string title, string datetime, double startAccel,
+                       bool plotRawAccel, bool plotFittedAccel,
+                       bool plotRawForce, bool plotFittedForce,
+                       bool plotRawPower, bool plotFittedPower,
+                       TriggerList triggerList)
+       {
+               assignGenericParams(
+                               testLength, mass, personHeight, tempC, device,
+                               rex,
+                               title, datetime, startAccel,
+                               plotRawAccel, plotFittedAccel,
+                               plotRawForce, plotFittedForce,
+                               plotRawPower, plotFittedPower,
+                               triggerList);
+               this.exportDecimalSeparator = '.'; //TODO
+               this.includeImagesOnExport = false;
+       }
+       //constructor for export (many sets of possible different persons)
+       public RunEncoderGraph(
+                       double startAccel,
+                       bool plotRawAccel, bool plotFittedAccel,
+                       bool plotRawForce, bool plotFittedForce,
+                       bool plotRawPower, bool plotFittedPower,
+                       //TriggerList triggerList,
+                       List<RunEncoderGraphExport> rege_l,
+                       char exportDecimalSeparator,
+                       bool includeImagesOnExport
+                       )
+       {
+               assignGenericParams(
+                               0, 0, 0, 0, RunEncoder.Devices.MANUAL, //TODO do not pass to assignParams
+                               new RunEncoderExercise(), //TODO do not pass to assignParams
+                               "----", "----", startAccel, //TODO do not pass to assignParams
+                               plotRawAccel, plotFittedAccel,
+                               plotRawForce, plotFittedForce,
+                               plotRawPower, plotFittedPower,
+                               new TriggerList() //TODO do not pass to assignParams
+                               );
+               this.exportDecimalSeparator = exportDecimalSeparator;
+               this.includeImagesOnExport = includeImagesOnExport;
+               writeMultipleFilesCSV(rege_l);
+       }
+       public bool CallR(int graphWidth, int graphHeight, bool singleOrMultiple)
                LogB.Information("\nrunEncoder CallR ----->");
-               writeOptionsFile(graphWidth, graphHeight);
+               writeOptionsFile(graphWidth, graphHeight, singleOrMultiple);
                return ExecuteProcess.CallR(RunEncoder.GetScript());
-       private void writeOptionsFile(int graphWidth, int graphHeight)
+       private void writeOptionsFile(int graphWidth, int graphHeight, bool singleOrMultiple)
                string scriptsPath = UtilEncoder.GetSprintPath();
@@ -464,18 +820,18 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
                string scriptOptions =
                        "#scriptsPath\n" +              UtilEncoder.GetScriptsPath() + "\n" +
-                       "#filename\n" +                 RunEncoder.GetCSVFileName() + "\n" +
-                       "#mass\n" +                     Util.ConvertToPoint(mass) + "\n" +
-                       "#personHeight\n" +             Util.ConvertToPoint(personHeight / 100.0) + "\n" + 
//send it in meters
-                       "#tempC\n" +                    tempC + "\n" +
-                       "#testLength\n" +               testLength.ToString() + "\n" +
+                       "#filename\n" +                 RunEncoder.GetCSVFileName() + "\n" +    //unused on 
+                       "#mass\n" +                     Util.ConvertToPoint(mass) + "\n" +      //unused on 
+                       "#personHeight\n" +             Util.ConvertToPoint(personHeight / 100.0) + "\n" +    
  //unused on multiple  //send it in meters
+                       "#tempC\n" +                    tempC + "\n" +  //unused on multiple
+                       "#testLength\n" +               testLength.ToString() + "\n" +  //unused on multiple
                        "#os\n" +                       UtilEncoder.OperatingSystemForRGraphs() + "\n" +
                        "#graphWidth\n" +               graphWidth.ToString() + "\n" +
                        "#graphHeight\n" +              graphHeight.ToString() + "\n" +
-                       "#device\n" +                   device.ToString() + "\n" +
-                       "#segmentMeters\n" +            rex.SegmentMeters + "\n" +
-                       "#title\n" +                    title + "\n" +
-                       "#datetime\n" +                 datetime + "\n" +
+                       "#device\n" +                   device.ToString() + "\n" + //unused on multiple
+                       "#segmentMeters\n" +            rex.SegmentMeters + "\n" + //unused on multiple
+                       "#title\n" +                    title + "\n" +          //unused on multiple
+                       "#datetime\n" +                 datetime + "\n" +       //unused on multiple
                        "#startAccel\n" +               Util.ConvertToPoint(startAccel) + "\n" +
                        "#plotRawAccel\n" +             Util.BoolToRBool(plotRawAccel) + "\n" +
                        "#plotFittedAccel\n" +          Util.BoolToRBool(plotFittedAccel) + "\n" +
@@ -484,7 +840,10 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
                        "#plotRawPower\n" +             Util.BoolToRBool(plotRawPower) + "\n" +
                        "#plotFittedPower\n" +          Util.BoolToRBool(plotFittedPower) + "\n" +
                        printTriggers(TriggerList.Type3.ON) + "\n" +
-                       printTriggers(TriggerList.Type3.OFF);
+                       printTriggers(TriggerList.Type3.OFF) + "\n" +
+                       "#singleOrMultiple\n" +         Util.BoolToRBool(singleOrMultiple) + "\n" +
+                       "#decimalCharAtExport\n" +      exportDecimalSeparator + "\n" +
+                       "#includeImagesOnExport\n" +    Util.BoolToRBool(includeImagesOnExport) + "\n";
                TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(Path.GetTempPath() + "Roptions.txt");
@@ -494,6 +853,24 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
+       private void writeMultipleFilesCSV(List<RunEncoderGraphExport> rege_l)
+       {
+               LogB.Information("writeMultipleFilesCSV start");
+               TextWriter writer = File.CreateText(RunEncoder.GetCSVInputMulti());
+               //write header
+               writer.WriteLine(RunEncoderGraphExport.PrintCSVHeaderOnExport());
+               //write fsgAB_l for
+               foreach(RunEncoderGraphExport rege in rege_l)
+                       writer.WriteLine(rege.ToCSVRowOnExport());
+               writer.Flush();
+               writer.Close();
+               ((IDisposable)writer).Dispose();
+               LogB.Information("writeMultipleFilesCSV end");
+       }
        private string printTriggers(TriggerList.Type3 type3)
                return triggerList.ToRCurvesString(type3);
diff --git a/src/util.cs b/src/util.cs
index 79d3ff1f..342c9f4e 100644
--- a/src/util.cs
+++ b/src/util.cs
@@ -1115,6 +1115,13 @@ public class Util
+       public static string GetRunEncoderTempProgressDir() {
+               return Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "chronojump_race_analyzer_progress");
+       }
+       public static string GetRunEncoderTempGraphsDir() {
+               return Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "chronojump_race_analyzer_graphs");
+       }
         * <--------------- end of force sensor suff

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