[librsvg] (30 commits) ...Merge branch 'bilelmoussaoui/bump-to-future-gtk-rs' into 'master'

Summary of changes:

  b17b497... Update gtk-rs crates to 0.14.0
  dd24360... use re-exported ffi
  cb1ad20... use prelude for traits
  b828ce9... update per subclassing changes
  222f4be... drop get_ prefix from glib APIs getters
  1523f40... glib::get_language_names -> glib::language_names
  4e69d29... ToGlib was renamed to IntoGlib
  bed7e1b... add cairo::Error to RenderingError
  d5cb330... constructors are no longer prefixed with new_
  02aab1c... update per cairo changes
  4e0fb67... rsvg-convert: use the new win32 io streams APIs
  953d81f... c-api: update per subclassing changes
  72b67ae... update per cairo/gio api changes
  1d67944... tests/examples: update per api changes
  4cd2665... benches: update per api changes
  fa69023... c-api: import ffi types instead of using full path
  6c22954... Unwrap the Cairo calls in the tests
  6b436ea... ImageSurface::set_as_source_surface - return errors from cr
  b0e4f3f... SavedCr::new - return the error from cr.save
  e9fce2a... Handle two easy error cases from paint / paint_with_alpha
  1079040... Return errors from set_gradient
  a145e56... Handle cairo errors in draw_text_span
  137fdff... Handle cairo errors in paint_surface
  92a9847... Handle cairo errors from fill() and stroke()
  68044cf... ImageSurface::draw is now generic on the error type
  68c435b... Handle cairo errors when creating a mask
  d4dc7f0... Ignore cairo errors when SavedCr is dropped
  3ab3252... C API test for the sizes of structs and GType information
  0120625... Fix return value
  4ceefaf... Merge branch 'bilelmoussaoui/bump-to-future-gtk-rs' into 'm

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