[chronojump] Added the arduino code for the LightChro/QuiChro sensor

commit ece456eb69a127c18c92d01af6067cb28d2250b9
Author: Xavier Padullés <testing chronojump org>
Date:   Mon Jun 21 21:09:05 2021 +0200

    Added the arduino code for the LightChro/QuiChro sensor

 arduino/lightChro/terminal/terminal.ino | 327 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 327 insertions(+)
diff --git a/arduino/lightChro/terminal/terminal.ino b/arduino/lightChro/terminal/terminal.ino
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30124bb61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arduino/lightChro/terminal/terminal.ino
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#include <SPI.h>
+#include <nRF24L01.h>
+#include <RF24.h>
+#include <printf.h>
+#include <MsTimer2.h>
+String version = "LightChro-Sensor-1.05";
+// Hardware configuration
+//          pin11 -----  M0
+//          pin12 ----- MSO
+// Arduino  pin13 ----- SCK  NRf24L01
+//          pin A4 ---- CSN
+//          pin A3 ----  CE
+//          3,3v       NRf24L01
+//          GND        NRf24L01
+// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins  (CE & CS)
+// Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins  (CE & CS)
+RF24 radio(10, 9);
+#define red_on digitalWrite(A4,LOW)
+#define green_on digitalWrite(A5,LOW)
+#define blue_on digitalWrite(A3,LOW)
+#define buzzer_on digitalWrite(7,HIGH)
+#define red_off digitalWrite(A4,HIGH)
+#define green_off digitalWrite(A5,HIGH)
+#define blue_off digitalWrite(A3,HIGH)
+#define buzzer_off digitalWrite(7,LOW)
+struct instruction_t
+  byte command;       //The command to be executed
+  short int termNum;  //The terminal number that have to execute the command
+// binary commands: each bit represents RED, GREEN, BLUE, BUZZER, BLINK_RED, BLINK_GREEN, BLINK_BLUE, SENSOR
+// 1 means ON
+// 0 means OFF
+const byte red = 0b10000000;
+const byte green = 0b01000000;
+const byte blue = 0b00100000;
+const byte buzzer = 0b00010000;
+const byte blinkRed = 0b00001000;
+const byte blinkGreen = 0b00000100;
+const byte blinkBlue = 0b00000010;
+const byte sensor = 0b00000001;
+const byte deactivate = 0b00000000;
+struct instruction_t instruction = {.command = deactivate, .termNum = 0};
+int size_instruction = sizeof(instruction);
+struct sample_t
+  bool state;           //State of the sensor
+  short int termNum;    //Terminal number. Configured with the switches.
+  //TODO: treat as a binary to activate each terminal separately
+  unsigned long int elapsedTime;
+struct sample_t sample = {.state = LOW, .termNum = 0, .elapsedTime = 0};
+int sample_size = sizeof(sample); 
+unsigned long time0;  //Time when the command is received
+bool flagint = LOW;   //Interruption flag. Activated when the sensos changes
+// First channel to be used. The 5xswitches control the terminal number and the number to add the baseChannel
+// The channel 125 is used to listen from the terminals. Channels 90-124 are used to send to the terminals
+uint8_t baseChannel = 90;
+bool waitingSensor = false; //Wether the sensor is activated or not
+//Variables to control the blinking of each Color
+bool blinkingRed = false;
+bool blinkingGreen = false;
+bool blinkingBlue = false;
+int blinkPeriod = 75; //Time between two consecutives rising flank of the LED
+const uint64_t pipes[2] = { 0xF0F0F0F0E1LL, 0xF0F0F0F0D2LL }; //Two radio pipes. One for emitting and the 
other for receiving
+void setup(void)
+  //radio.setPALevel (RF24_PA_HIGH); //funcion  que solo se llama una vez si se quiere cambiar de potencia
+  //pot= getPALevel( ); //función que retorna potencia programada
+  Serial.begin(115200);
+  printf_begin();
+  Serial.println(version);
+  radio.begin();
+  //Reading each pin to stablish the terminal number and the listening channel
+  pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);   //Least significant bit
+  pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP);
+  //¡¡¡¡Atention!!!!, the first version of the hardware the pin7 is associated to the buzzer.
+  //Remember to change comment/uncomment depending on the hardware version
+//  pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);   //Most significant bit
+  //¡¡¡¡Atention!!!!, the first version of the hardware the pin7 is associated to the buzzer.
+  //Remember to change comment/uncomment depending on the hardware version
+  for (int pin = 6; pin >= 3; pin--)
+  {
+    sample.termNum = sample.termNum * 2; //Each bit will be multiplied by 2 as much times as his significance
+    if (!digitalRead(pin))
+    {
+      sample.termNum++;
+    }
+  }
+  Serial.print("termNum: ");
+  Serial.println(sample.termNum);
+  //maximum 125 channels. cell phone and wifi uses 2402-2472. Free from channel 73 to channel 125. Each 
channels is 1Mhz separated
+  radio.setChannel(baseChannel + sample.termNum);
+  Serial.println(baseChannel + sample.termNum);
+  radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]);
+  radio.openReadingPipe(1, pipes[0]);
+  //radio.enableDynamicAck();
+  radio.startListening();
+  printf(" Status Radio\n\r");
+  radio.printDetails();
+  Serial.print("Channel set to: ");
+  Serial.println(radio.getChannel());
+  Serial.flush(); //Flushing the buffer serial buffer to avoid spurious data.
+  //Activate interruption service each time the sensor changes state
+  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2), controlint, CHANGE);
+  pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);    //Blue
+  pinMode(A4, OUTPUT);    //Green
+  pinMode(A5, OUTPUT);    //Red
+  pinMode(7, OUTPUT);     //Buzzer
+  pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); //Sensor
+  red_off;
+  green_off;
+  blue_off;
+  noInterrupts();   //Don't watch the sensor state
+void loop(void)
+  if (flagint == HIGH ) //The sensor has changed
+  {
+    sample.elapsedTime = (millis() - time0);
+    flagint = LOW;
+    buzzer_off;
+    red_off;
+    green_off;
+    blue_off;
+    MsTimer2::stop();
+    blinkingRed = false;
+    blinkingGreen = false;
+    blinkingBlue = false;
+//    Serial.println(sample.state);
+    radio.stopListening();
+    radio.setChannel(125);
+//    Serial.print("getChannel = ");
+//    Serial.println(radio.getChannel());
+    delay(10);
+    bool en = radio.write( &sample, sample_size);
+    if (en) {
+      Serial.println("Sent OK");
+    } else {
+      Serial.println("Error sending");
+    }
+//    Serial.print("getChannel = ");
+//    Serial.println(radio.getChannel());
+    buzzer_on;
+    delay(25);
+    buzzer_off;
+    flagint = LOW;
+    waitingSensor = false;
+    radio.setChannel(baseChannel + sample.termNum);
+    radio.startListening();
+//    Serial.println("startListening()");
+//    Serial.print("getChannel = ");
+//    Serial.println(radio.getChannel());
+    delay(10);
+  }
+  while (radio.available())
+  {
+    radio.read(  &instruction, size_instruction);
+    Serial.print("Command received: ");
+    Serial.println(instruction.command);
+    if (instruction.termNum == sample.termNum)
+    {
+      executeCommand(instruction.command);
+    }
+  }
+void controlint()
+  if (waitingSensor == true) {
+    flagint = HIGH;
+    sample.state = digitalRead(2);
+  }
+void executeCommand(byte command)
+  if (command == deactivate) {
+//    Serial.println("deactivating leds and sensor");
+    deactivateAll();
+  } else
+  {
+    red_off;
+    green_off;
+    blue_off;
+    blinkingRed = false;
+    blinkingGreen = false;
+    blinkingBlue = false;
+    MsTimer2::stop();
+    if ((command & red) == red) {
+//      Serial.println("activating RED");
+      red_on;
+    }
+    if ((command & green) == green) {
+      Serial.println("activating GREEN");
+      green_on;
+    }
+    if ((command & blue) == blue) {
+//      Serial.println("activating BLUE");
+      blue_on;
+    }
+    if ((command & buzzer) == buzzer) {
+//      Serial.println("activating BUZZER");
+      buzzer_on;
+    }
+    if ((command & blinkRed) == blinkRed) {
+//      Serial.println("blinking RED");
+      blinkingRed = true;
+      blinkStart(blinkPeriod);
+    }
+    if ((command & blinkGreen) == blinkGreen) {
+//      Serial.println("blinking GREEN");
+      blinkingGreen = true;
+      blinkStart(blinkPeriod);
+    }
+    if ((command & blinkBlue) == blinkBlue) {
+//      Serial.println("blinking BLUE");
+      blinkingBlue = true;
+      blinkStart(blinkPeriod);
+    }
+    if ((command & sensor) == sensor) {
+//      Serial.println("activating sensor");
+      time0 = millis(); //empieza a contar time
+      waitingSensor = true;  //Terminal set to waiting touch/proximity
+      interrupts();
+    }
+  }
+void blinkStart(int period)
+  MsTimer2::set(period / 2, blinkLed);  //A change in the state of the LEDS must occur every period/2 
+  MsTimer2::start();
+  if (blinkingRed) red_on;
+  if (blinkingGreen) green_on;
+  if (blinkingBlue) blue_on;
+//Function that changes the state of the LEDS that should be blinking
+void blinkLed(void)
+  if (blinkingRed) digitalWrite(A4, !digitalRead(A4));
+  if (blinkingGreen) digitalWrite(A5, !digitalRead(A5));
+  if (blinkingBlue) digitalWrite(A3, !digitalRead(A3));
+void deactivateAll(void)
+  MsTimer2::stop();
+  red_off;
+  green_off;
+  blue_off;
+  buzzer_off;
+  waitingSensor = false;
+//For debuging some commands can be received by the Serial port
+void serialEvent()
+  Serial.println("SerialEvent");
+  String inputString = Serial.readString();
+  //Trimming all the characters after the ";" including it
+  String commandString = inputString.substring(0, inputString.lastIndexOf(";"));
+  if ( commandString == "get_channel") {
+    Serial.println(radio.getChannel());
+  } else if (commandString == "get_version"){
+    Serial.println(version);
+  }

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