[gnome-games/wip/exalm/rebrand: 91/124] retro-simple-type: Move to PlatformRegister

commit 520a48aa74118b84b8299ddbe98a6db094ea6fe0
Author: Alexander Mikhaylenko <alexm gnome org>
Date:   Tue Mar 30 17:17:42 2021 +0500

    retro-simple-type: Move to PlatformRegister
    Now the plugin types can be easily added there as well.

 src/meson.build                      |   2 -
 src/platforms/platform-register.vala | 197 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/retro/retro-simple-type.vala     |  69 ------------
 src/retro/retro-simple-types.vala    |  29 ------
 src/ui/application.vala              |  51 +++------
 5 files changed, 214 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index d2ddbbb7..4964aa65 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -100,8 +100,6 @@ vala_sources = [
-  'retro/retro-simple-type.vala',
-  'retro/retro-simple-types.vala',
diff --git a/src/platforms/platform-register.vala b/src/platforms/platform-register.vala
index c3021109..f4e505f8 100644
--- a/src/platforms/platform-register.vala
+++ b/src/platforms/platform-register.vala
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ private class Games.PlatformRegister : Object {
        private PlatformRegister () {
                platforms = new HashTable<string, Platform> (str_hash, str_equal);
+               init_platforms ();
        public static PlatformRegister get_register () {
@@ -38,4 +40,199 @@ private class Games.PlatformRegister : Object {
        public Platform? get_platform (string id) {
                return platforms[id];
+       private void init_platforms () {
+               var platform = new Platform (
+                       "Amiga",
+                       _("Amiga"),
+                       "application/x-amiga-disk-format",
+                       "amiga"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "Atari2600",
+                       _("Atari 2600"),
+                       "application/x-atari-2600-rom",
+                       "atari-2600"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "Atari7800",
+                       _("Atari 7800"),
+                       "application/x-atari-7800-rom",
+                       "atari-7800"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "AtariLynx",
+                       _("Atari Lynx"),
+                       "application/x-atari-lynx-rom",
+                       "atari-lynx"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "DOOM",
+                       _("DOOM"),
+                       "application/x-doom-wad",
+                       "doom"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "FamicomDiskSystem",
+                       /* translators: only released in eastern Asia */
+                       _("Famicom Disk System"),
+                       "application/x-fds-disk",
+                       "fds"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "GameBoy",
+                       _("Game Boy"),
+                       "application/x-gameboy-rom",
+                       "game-boy"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "GameBoyColor",
+                       _("Game Boy Color"),
+                       "application/x-gameboy-color-rom",
+                       /* The prefix is the same as the Game Boy type for backward compatibility */
+                       "game-boy"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "GameBoyAdvance",
+                       _("Game Boy Advance"),
+                       "application/x-gba-rom",
+                       "game-boy-advance"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "GameGear",
+                       _("Game Gear"),
+                       "application/x-gamegear-rom",
+                       "game-gear"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "MasterSystem",
+                       /* translators: also known as "Sega Mark III" in eastern Asia */
+                       _("Master System"),
+                       "application/x-sms-rom",
+                       "master-system"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "NeoGeoPocket",
+                       _("Neo Geo Pocket"),
+                       "application/x-neo-geo-pocket-rom",
+                       "neo-geo-pocket"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "NeoGeoPocketColor",
+                       _("Neo Geo Pocket Color"),
+                       "application/x-neo-geo-pocket-color-rom",
+                        /* The prefix is the same as the Neo Geo Pocket type for backward compatibility */
+                       "neo-geo-pocket"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "NintendoEntertainmentSystem",
+                       /* translators: known as "Famicom" in eastern Asia */
+                       _("Nintendo Entertainment System"),
+                       "application/x-nes-rom",
+                       "nes"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "Sega32X",
+                       /* translators: known as "Mega Drive 32X", "Mega 32X" or "Super 32X" in other places 
+                       _("Genesis 32X"),
+                       "application/x-genesis-32x-rom",
+                       "mega-drive-32x"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "SegaGenesis",
+                       /* translators: known as "Mega Drive" in most of the world */
+                       _("Sega Genesis"),
+                       "application/x-genesis-rom",
+                       "mega-drive"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "SegaPico",
+                       _("Sega Pico"),
+                       "application/x-sega-pico-rom",
+                       "sega-pico"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "SG1000",
+                       _("SG-1000"),
+                       "application/x-sg1000-rom",
+                       "sg-1000"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem",
+                       /* translators: known as "Super Famicom" in eastern Asia */
+                       _("Super Nintendo Entertainment System"),
+                       "application/vnd.nintendo.snes.rom",
+                       "snes"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "TurboGrafx16",
+                       /* translators: known as "PC Engine" in eastern Asia and France */
+                       _("TurboGrafx-16"),
+                       "application/x-pc-engine-rom",
+                       "pc-engine"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "WiiWare",
+                       _("WiiWare"),
+                       "application/x-wii-wad",
+                       "wii-ware"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "WonderSwan",
+                       _("WonderSwan"),
+                       "application/x-wonderswan-wad",
+                       "wonderswan"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+               platform = new Platform (
+                       "WonderSwanColor",
+                       _("WonderSwan Color"),
+                       "application/x-wonderswan-color-wad",
+                       "wonderswan-color"
+               );
+               add_platform (platform);
+       }
diff --git a/src/ui/application.vala b/src/ui/application.vala
index 7f963841..22991b8b 100644
--- a/src/ui/application.vala
+++ b/src/ui/application.vala
@@ -446,54 +446,37 @@ public class Games.Application : Gtk.Application {
                if (tracker_uri_source != null)
                        game_collection.add_source (tracker_uri_source);
-               var mime_types = new GenericSet<string> (str_hash, str_equal);
                var platform_register = PlatformRegister.get_register ();
-               /* Register simple Libretro-based game types */
-               foreach (var simple_type in RETRO_SIMPLE_TYPES) {
-                       assert (!mime_types.contains (simple_type.mime_type));
-                       if (simple_type.search_mime_type && tracker_uri_source != null) {
-                               mime_types.add (simple_type.mime_type);
-                               var query = new MimeTypeTrackerUriQuery (simple_type.mime_type);
-                               tracker_uri_source.add_query (query);
-                       }
-                       var platform_name = simple_type.get_platform_name ();
-                       var platform = new Platform (simple_type.platform, platform_name, 
simple_type.mime_type, simple_type.prefix);
-                       platform_register.add_platform (platform);
-                       var factory = new UriGameFactory (platform);
-                       game_collection.add_factory (factory);
-               }
                /* Register game types from the plugins */
                var register = PluginRegister.get_register ();
                foreach (var plugin_registrar in register) {
                        try {
                                var plugin = plugin_registrar.get_plugin ();
-                               foreach (var platform in plugin.get_platforms ()) {
+                               foreach (var platform in plugin.get_platforms ())
                                        platform_register.add_platform (platform);
+                       }
+                       catch (Error e) {
+                               debug ("Error: %s", e.message);
+                       }
+               }
-                                       var factory = new UriGameFactory (platform);
-                                       game_collection.add_factory (factory);
+               var mime_types = new GenericSet<string> (str_hash, str_equal);
+               foreach (var platform in PlatformRegister.get_register ().get_all_platforms ()) {
+                       var factory = new UriGameFactory (platform);
+                       game_collection.add_factory (factory);
-                                       if (platform.autodiscovery && tracker_uri_source != null) {
-                                               foreach (var mime_type in platform.get_mime_types ()) {
-                                                       if (mime_types.contains (mime_type))
-                                                               continue;
+                       if (platform.autodiscovery && tracker_uri_source != null) {
+                               foreach (var mime_type in platform.get_mime_types ()) {
+                                       if (mime_types.contains (mime_type))
+                                               continue;
-                                                       mime_types.add (mime_type);
-                                                       var query = new MimeTypeTrackerUriQuery (mime_type);
-                                                       tracker_uri_source.add_query (query);
-                                               }
-                                       }
+                                       mime_types.add (mime_type);
+                                       var query = new MimeTypeTrackerUriQuery (mime_type);
+                                       tracker_uri_source.add_query (query);
-                       catch (Error e) {
-                               debug ("Error: %s", e.message);
-                       }

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