[librsvg.wiki] Link to issues for SVG2

commit 859248db87dd91ac02736e5ab15f22df01dc9b1c
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jun 15 15:42:56 2021 -0500

    Link to issues for SVG2

 svg2-features.md | 103 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/svg2-features.md b/svg2-features.md
index 590d223..b3afb64 100644
--- a/svg2-features.md
+++ b/svg2-features.md
@@ -1,53 +1,54 @@
 # SVG2 New Features
-| SVG Features             | Name                                                                            
                        | Info / Comments                                                                     
    | Required | Support             |
-| Elements                 | hatch                                                                           
    |          |                     |
-|                          | hatchpath                                                                       
    |          |                     |
-|                          | HTML embedded content elements (video,audio,canvas,iframe)                      
                        | Not supported                                                                       
    |          | Not Planned         |
-|                          | HTML embedded metadata elements (base,link,meta,style,script)                   
    |          | Not Planned         |
-|                          | mesh                                                                            
                        | Part of working draft, not release                                                  
    |          |                     |
-|                          | meshgradient                                                                    
                        | Part of working draft, not release, supported by cairo                              
    |          |                     |
-|                          | meshrow                                                                         
    |          |                     |
-|                          | meshpatch                                                                       
    |          |                     |
-|                          | solidcolor                                                                      
    |          |                     |
-|                          | stop                                                                            
                        | Gradient stop                                                                       
    |          |                     |
-| Attributes               | tabindex                                                                        
    |          | Not Planned         |
-|                          | role                                                                            
                        | Accessibility                                                                       
    |          | Not Planned         |
-|                          | href                                                                            
                        | replacement for xlink:href                                                          
    |          | Supported           |
-|                          | lang                                                                            
                        | replacement for xml:lang                                                            
    |          | Not Yet Implemented |
-|                          | fr                                                                              
                        | on radialGradient                                                                   
    |          | Supported           |
-|                          | refX and refY                                                                   
                        | on symbol element supports more precise placement in maps and data charts           
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | x,y,width,height                                                                
                        | on symbol (as presentation attribute)                                               
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | pathLength                                                                      
                        | on all basic shapes                                                                 
    | X        |                     |
-| Style Properties         | isolation                                                                       
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | mix-blend-mode                                                                  
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | paint-order                                                                     
                        | control stroke, fill, and marker drawing order                                      
    |          | Supported           |
-|                          | solid-color                                                                     
    |          |                     |
-|                          | solid-opacity                                                                   
    |          |                     |
-|                          | transform                                                                       
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | transform-origin                                                                
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | transform-box                                                                   
    | X        |                     |
-|                          | z-index                                                                         
                        | on all elements, define how SVG creaates stacking contexts                          
    |          | Not yet; only in draft |
-| Geometric Attributes     | x,y,width,height                                                                
                        | on svg, rect, image, foreignObject,use,symbol                                       
    |          | NYI                 |
-| that can be specified    | cx,cy                                                                           
                        | on ellipse and circle                                                               
    |          | NYI                 |
-| as style properties      | r                                                                               
                        | on circle                                                                           
    |          | NYI                 |
-|                          | rx,ry                                                                           
                        | ellipse and rect                                                                    
    |          | NYI                 |
-|                          | d                                                                               
                        | on path                                                                             
    |          | NYI                 |
-| New values for existing  | context-fill                                                                    
                        | for fill and stroke                                                                 
    |          | #618                |
-| properties or attributes | context-stroke                                                                  
                        | for fill and stroke                                                                 
    |          | #618                |
-|                          | child and child(_n_0 references                                                 
                        | instead of url() for paint servers and markers                                      
    |          | Not planned         |
-|                          | auto-start-reverse                                                              
                        | for orient attribute of marker element                                              
    |          | #484                |
-|                          | miter-clip                                                                      
                        | for stroke-linejoin  for a more aesthetically pleasing line join shape              
    |          | NYI                 |
-|                          | arcs                                                                            
                        | for stroke-linejoin  for a more aesthetically pleasing line join shape              
    |          | NYI                 |
-|                          | auto                                                                            
                        | for rx and ry                                                                       
    |          | NYI                 |
-|                          | left, middle, center                                                            
                        | keywords for refX and refY attributes                                               
    |          | NYI                 |
-| new path features        | allow closepath commands ‘Z’ and ‘z’ to fill in missing ‘path data’ from 
previous commands              |                                                                              
           |          | ?                   |
-|                          | Added bearing path commands ‘B’ and ‘b’ to ‘path data’                          
    |          | Draft only          |
-|                          | Define a canonical equivalent path for all basic shapes (used in stroke dashing 
and marker positioning) |                                                                                     
    |          | Already supported?  |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
-|                          |                                                                                 
    |          |                     |
+| SVG Features             | Name                                                                            
                        | Info / Comments                                                           | 
Required | Support                |
+| Elements                 | hatch                                                                           
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | hatchpath                                                                       
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | HTML embedded content elements (video,audio,canvas,iframe)                      
                        | Not supported                                                             |         
 | Not Planned            |
+|                          | HTML embedded metadata elements (base,link,meta,style,script)                   
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Not Planned            |
+|                          | mesh                                                                            
                        | Part of working draft, not release                                        |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | meshgradient                                                                    
                        | Part of working draft, not release, supported by cairo                    |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | meshrow                                                                         
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | meshpatch                                                                       
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | solidcolor                                                                      
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | stop                                                                            
                        | Gradient stop                                                             |         
 | What about it?         |
+| Attributes               | tabindex                                                                        
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Not Planned            |
+|                          | role                                                                            
                        | Accessibility                                                             |         
 | Not Planned            |
+|                          | href                                                                            
                        | replacement for xlink:href                                                |         
 | Supported              |
+|                          | lang                                                                            
                        | replacement for xml:lang                                                  |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | fr                                                                              
                        | on radialGradient                                                         |         
 | Supported              |
+|                          | refX and refY                                                                   
                        | on symbol element supports more precise placement in maps and data charts | X       
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | x,y,width,height                                                                
                        | on symbol (as presentation attribute)                                     | X       
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | pathLength                                                                      
                        | on all basic shapes                                                       | X       
 | #748                   |
+| Style Properties         | isolation                                                                       
                        |                                                                           | X       
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | mix-blend-mode                                                                  
                        |                                                                           | X       
 | Supported              |
+|                          | paint-order                                                                     
                        | control stroke, fill, and marker drawing order                            |         
 | Supported              |
+|                          | solid-color                                                                     
                        |                                                                           |         
 | [Spec removed][rem1]   |
+|                          | solid-opacity                                                                   
                        |                                                                           |         
 | [Spec removed][rem1]   |
+|                          | transform                                                                       
                        |                                                                           | X       
 | #754                   |
+|                          | transform-origin                                                                
                        |                                                                           | X       
 | #685                   |
+|                          | transform-box                                                                   
                        |                                                                           | X       
 | #754, needs issue?     |
+|                          | z-index                                                                         
                        | on all elements, define how SVG creaates stacking contexts                |         
 | Not yet; only in draft |
+| Geometric Attributes     | x,y,width,height                                                                
                        | on svg, rect, image, foreignObject,use,symbol                             |         
 | NYI                    |
+| that can be specified    | cx,cy                                                                           
                        | on ellipse and circle                                                     |         
 | NYI                    |
+| as style properties      | r                                                                               
                        | on circle                                                                 |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | rx,ry                                                                           
                        | ellipse and rect                                                          |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | d                                                                               
                        | on path                                                                   |         
 | NYI                    |
+| New values for existing  | context-fill                                                                    
                        | for fill and stroke                                                       |         
 | #618                   |
+| properties or attributes | context-stroke                                                                  
                        | for fill and stroke                                                       |         
 | #618                   |
+|                          | child and child(_n_0 references                                                 
                        | instead of url() for paint servers and markers                            |         
 | Not planned            |
+|                          | auto-start-reverse                                                              
                        | for orient attribute of marker element                                    |         
 | #484                   |
+|                          | miter-clip                                                                      
                        | for stroke-linejoin  for a more aesthetically pleasing line join shape    |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | arcs                                                                            
                        | for stroke-linejoin  for a more aesthetically pleasing line join shape    |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | auto                                                                            
                        | for rx and ry                                                             |         
 | NYI                    |
+|                          | left, middle, center                                                            
                        | keywords for refX and refY attributes                                     |         
 | NYI                    |
+| new path features        | allow closepath commands ‘Z’ and ‘z’ to fill in missing ‘path data’ from 
previous commands              |                                                                           |  
        | ?                      |
+|                          | Added bearing path commands ‘B’ and ‘b’ to ‘path data’                          
                        |                                                                           |         
 | Draft only             |
+|                          | Define a canonical equivalent path for all basic shapes (used in stroke dashing 
and marker positioning) |                                                                           |         
 | Already supported?     |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+|                          |                                                                                 
                        |                                                                           |         
 |                        |
+[rem1]: https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/449

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