[gimp] app: fix #5153 keyboard shortcuts Shift+[ and ] don't work on most keyboards

commit 42fe8abc98cd7c0a49abc831c74fc9be4d417e04
Author: Jacob Boerema <jgboerema gmail com>
Date:   Mon Jul 26 22:33:23 2021 -0400

    app: fix #5153 keyboard shortcuts Shift+[ and ] don't work on most keyboards
    On most keyboards the [ and ] keys are shared with { and }. Which means
    that if you press Shift+[ you get {. We were using this key combination
    to increase the tool's size by 10 and the other to decrease it by 10.
    However, on all keyboards where these keys share the same physical spot
    on the keyboard, this wasn't working.
    So, let's change the actual keys to do this to { and }.

 app/actions/tools-actions.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/app/actions/tools-actions.c b/app/actions/tools-actions.c
index c3e320d9fc..b78681c16d 100644
--- a/app/actions/tools-actions.c
+++ b/app/actions/tools-actions.c
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ static const GimpEnumActionEntry tools_size_actions[] =
     NULL },
   { "tools-size-decrease-skip", GIMP_ICON_DIALOG_TOOL_OPTIONS,
-    NC_("tools-action", "Tool's Size: Decrease by 10"), "<shift>bracketleft", NULL,
+    NC_("tools-action", "Tool's Size: Decrease by 10"), "braceleft", NULL,
     NULL },
   { "tools-size-increase-skip", GIMP_ICON_DIALOG_TOOL_OPTIONS,
-    NC_("tools-action", "Tool's Size: Increase by 10"), "<shift>bracketright", NULL,
+    NC_("tools-action", "Tool's Size: Increase by 10"), "braceright", NULL,
     NULL },
   { "tools-size-decrease-percent", GIMP_ICON_DIALOG_TOOL_OPTIONS,

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