[moserial] (11 commits) ...Merge branch 'jwillikers/moserial-flatpak-fixes'

Summary of changes:

  cffd4db... git commit -m "Add OARS content rating"
  0950cf1... Fix image link URL in AppStream metadata
  d102875... Fallback to X11
  7b843b3... Restrict access to the documents directory
  81863d5... Add release tags
  3fe2e45... Rely on native FileChooser for accessing files instead of x
  b8827f5... At least allow access to documents
  d2fa497... Bundle lrzsz
  20c75f4... Explicitly specify the branch
  150aeb8... Note the development version of the Flatpak in the desktop 
  a0d2306... Merge branch 'jwillikers/moserial-flatpak-fixes'

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