[gimp-web] Fix linking issues in old posts. Fix for #234

commit 2b6fd318ce5fa630c98aa3c90b59bc9117939c97
Author: nmat <nmat users noreply github com>
Date:   Tue Jul 20 14:48:51 2021 +0200

    Fix linking issues in old posts. Fix for #234

 content/news/2015/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md                   | 12 ++++++------
 content/news/2015/2015-12-31 2015-report.md                  |  8 ++++----
 content/news/2016/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md             |  2 +-
 content/news/2016/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md             |  2 +-
 .../news/2017/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md   |  8 ++++----
 .../2017/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md     |  6 +++---
 6 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/news/2015/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md b/content/news/2015/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md
index a84c67f5..03bfbf09 100644
--- a/content/news/2015/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md        
+++ b/content/news/2015/2015-11-26 GIMP 2.9.2.md        
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ While a few advanced features of GEGL such as non-destructive editing are planne
 Additionally, native support for PNG, TIFF, PSD, and FITS files in GIMP has been upgraded to read and write 
16/32bit per color channel data.
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-openexr-32bit-float-mode.jpg' alt='32bit float OpenEXR file 
in GIMP' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-openexr-32bit-float-mode.jpg' alt='32bit float OpenEXR 
file in GIMP' />
 <figcaption>GIMP loads simple <strong>32bit float OpenEXR</strong> files and automatically switches to the 
respective precision mode (featuring a Cornell box reference file).</figcaption>
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ GIMP 2.9.2 also introduced two new tools that we consider mostly complete:
 * **Warp Transform**, implemented by Michael Muré, replaces the old iWarp plugin and provides its features 
in a tool that works directly on images, without a preview window.
 <!-- <figure>
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-unified-transform.jpg' alt='Unified Transform tool' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-unified-transform.jpg' alt='Unified Transform tool' />
 <figcaption>The <strong>Unified Transform</strong> tool allows to rotate, skew, scale, and change 
perspective all in one go.</figcaption>
 </figure> -->
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ We have also improved several existing tools:
 * **Foreground** Select tool can finally make subpixel selections in complex cases such as strays of hair on 
textured background. Two new masking methods for that were added by Jan Rüegg and Daniel Sabo, and the user 
interface was updated by Michael Natterer.
 <!-- <figure>
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-blend-tool-handles.jpg' alt='Blend tool handles' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-blend-tool-handles.jpg' alt='Blend tool handles' />
 <figcaption>The **Blend** tool now allows tweaking position of start/end handles, as well fill options 
before applying the fill.</figcaption>
 </figure> -->
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ The color management plugin has been replaced with completely new code by Michae
 GIMP now uses LittleCMS v2 which minimizes color fidelity loss during conversions between 8, 16, 32, and 
64bit per channel data, and provides support for ICC v4 color profiles.
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-icc-metadata.png' alt='Displaying ICC color profiles 
metadata' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-icc-metadata.png' alt='Displaying ICC color profiles 
metadata' />
 <figcaption>Displaying ICC color profiles metadata</figcaption>
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Contributors are Rupert Weber, Jörn Meier, Massimo Valentini, Elle Stone, Thoma
 GIMP 2.9.2 features an experimental dialog to view Exif, XMP, and IPTC metadata—something that we've been 
meaning to provide photographers for quite a while. It doesn't yet support adding or editing existing 
metadata—this will be addressed at a later stage of development.
 <!-- <figure>
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-metadata-viewer.png' alt='Metadata viewer' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-metadata-viewer.png' alt='Metadata viewer' />
 <figcaption>Experimental built-in Exif/XMP/IPTC metadata viewer in GIMP. Use <tt>Image-&gt;Image 
Metadata</tt> command to pen it.</figcaption>
 </figure> -->
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ To help interested users test experimental features, we added a new _Playground_
 _Behaviour_, another new page in the _Preferences_ dialog, helps configuring default snapping in normal and 
fullscreen modes.
-<img src='{filename}images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-behaviour-page.png' alt='Behaviour page in the Preferences 
dialog' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/gimp-2-9-2/2015-11-27-behaviour-page.png' alt='Behaviour page in the 
Preferences dialog' />
 <figcaption><em>Behaviour</em> page in the <em>Preferences</em> dialog</figcaption>
diff --git a/content/news/2015/2015-12-31 2015-report.md b/content/news/2015/2015-12-31 2015-report.md
index 7bb0a4e3..ee306afc 100644
--- a/content/news/2015/2015-12-31 2015-report.md       
+++ b/content/news/2015/2015-12-31 2015-report.md       
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ Another development focus was on painting features. As requested by people using
 In early 2015, Michael Natterer added a quick first version of _MyPaint Brush_ tool that used 
[MyPaint's](http://mypaint.org/) brush engine available separately. Daniel Sabo, Alexia, and Jehan Pagès 
revisited this mini-project in December and vastly improved it by making its performance comparable to GIMP's 
own brush engine and adding support for smoothing brush strokes. Michael also made it possible to tag and 
filter MyPaint brushes. The tool is now very stable enough and will be enabled by default in future releases 
of GIMP.
-<img src='{filename}./images/2015-report/2015-12-31-mypaint-brush.jpg' alt='MyPaint Brush tool in action' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/2015-report/2015-12-31-mypaint-brush.jpg' alt='MyPaint Brush tool in action' 
 <figcaption>MyPaint Brush tool in action. Painting courtesy by Alexia</figcaption>
 Additionally, Michael Natterer added canvas flipping that nicely complements canvas rotation and is intended 
to help painters evaluate their work mirrored horizontally or vertically without having to undo the 
transformation. Thanks to Simon Budig you can map shortcuts to various commands related to both canvas 
rotation and flipping to speed up your workflow.
-<img src='{filename}./images/2015-report/2015-12-31-rotate-flip.jpg' alt='Rotating and flipping the canvas' 
+<img src='{static}/news/images/2015-report/2015-12-31-rotate-flip.jpg' alt='Rotating and flipping the 
canvas' />
 <figcaption>Rotating and flipping the canvas. Painting courtesy by Evelyne Schulz</figcaption>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ We also improved support for various file formats:
 * Joao S. O. Bueno implemented exporting and loading group layers in OpenRaster files—a new feature in 
upcoming MyPaint 1.2.0.
-<img src='{filename}./images/2015-report/2015-12-31-pfm-processing.jpg' alt='Adjusting exposure of a 32-bit 
float PFM file' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/2015-report/2015-12-31-pfm-processing.jpg' alt='Adjusting exposure of a 
32-bit float PFM file' />
 <figcaption>Adjusting exposure of a 32-bit float PFM file</figcaption>
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Benoit Touchette, Michael Natterer, and Jehan Pagès added the ability to switch
 Benoit Touchette also added an experimental dark theme that should work better for people who work on 
hi-color images. GIMP also ships a negative version of the symbolic icon theme to go with the dark theme.
-<img src='{filename}./images/2015-report/2015-12-31-dark-theme.jpg' alt='Editing a photo in GIMP with a dark 
theme enabled' />
+<img src='{static}/news/images/2015-report/2015-12-31-dark-theme.jpg' alt='Editing a photo in GIMP with a 
dark theme enabled' />
 <figcaption>Editing a photo in GIMP with a dark theme enabled. Photo courtesy by Pat David</figcaption>
diff --git a/content/news/2016/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md b/content/news/2016/2016-05-05 Tutorials 
index 0fa5a8a3..51574005 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md  
+++ b/content/news/2016/2016-05-05 Tutorials Revamp.md  
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Speaking of tutorials, [Elle Stone][] has just [published a new tutorial][tut] o
 [tut]: /tutorials/Tone_Mapping_Using_GIMP_Levels/
 alt='GEGL Exposure'>
 alt='GEGL Exposure'>
 The GEGL <i>Exposure</i> dialog.
diff --git a/content/news/2016/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md b/content/news/2016/2016-07-02 Texas Linux 
index 2d299071..5941ed32 100644
--- a/content/news/2016/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md  
+++ b/content/news/2016/2016-07-02 Texas Linux Fest.md  
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Summary: If you happen to be anywhere near Austin, TX next weekend (July 8-9) th
 If you happen to be anywhere near Austin, TX next weekend (July 8-9) then mosey on down to [Texas Linux Fest 
2016][txlf] and meet some of your friendly neighborhood GIMP crew!
-<img src='{filename}./images/2016-TXLF/TXLF-header-fs8.png' alt='Texas Linux Fest'>
+<img src='{static}/news/images/2016-TXLF/TXLF-header-fs8.png' alt='Texas Linux Fest'>
 [Akkana Peck][akk-web] and [Pat David][pat-web] will be hosting a photowalk from 0900-1100 on Friday, July 
8<sup>th</sup> (first day of the meeting) to socialize, talk photography, and capture some images for their 
workshop sessions later that same day. Pat will be talking about various Free Software photography tools and 
using them to create high quality results. Akkana will focus on using GIMP as a primary photo editing tool.
diff --git a/content/news/2017/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md 
index e6949d9f..3a8a45d9 100644
--- a/content/news/2017/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
+++ b/content/news/2017/2017-03-01_Mitch-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ This interview was held on Friday, February 3, 2017 at around 3AM in front of a
 With us were several team members, including Michael Schumacher (schumaml (S)) and Øyvind Kolås (pippin 
(P)), who also asked questions.
-<img src="{filename}images/mitch-interview/mitch-interview-950w.jpg" alt='Mitch, the man, the myth, the 
legend' width='950' height='566'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/mitch-interview/mitch-interview-950w.jpg" alt='Mitch, the man, the myth, the 
legend' width='950' height='566'>
 Mitch.  The man.  The myth.  The legend.<br>
 The reason your commit probably got reverted.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ _J: Me? It's fun._
 **M:** It's fun yes but sometimes it's not fun and you do it anyway.
-<img src="{filename}images/mitch-interview/Montserrat_Pano_Gimpheros_Wilberheads.jpg" alt='GIMPers at 
Montserrat, España' width='950' height='343'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/mitch-interview/Montserrat_Pano_Gimpheros_Wilberheads.jpg" alt='GIMPers at 
Montserrat, España' width='950' height='343'>
 GIMPers at Montserrat.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ _J: Do you code under the influence?_
 <a href='https://xkcd.com/323/' title='Apple uses automated schnapps IVs.'>
-<img src='{filename}images/ballmer_peak.png' alt='XKCD Ballmer Peak' width='652' height='592'>
+<img src='{static}/news/images/ballmer_peak.png' alt='XKCD Ballmer Peak' width='652' height='592'>
 Obligatory <a href='https://xkcd.com/323/' title='Apple uses automated schnapps IVs.'>XKCD</a>, by Randall 
Munroe (<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/' title='Creative Commons 
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License'>Creative Commons By-NC 2.5</a>).
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ _*: Thanks for the interview._
 **M:** You are welcome!
-<img src="{filename}images/mitch-interview/mitch-coding.jpg" alt='Mitch at work' width='650' height='650'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/mitch-interview/mitch-coding.jpg" alt='Mitch at work' width='650' 
 <small>Images in this post are courtesy of antenne and used by permission (<a class='cc' 
href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/' title='Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 
diff --git a/content/news/2017/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md 
index 303861ea..d5bb98ae 100644
--- a/content/news/2017/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
+++ b/content/news/2017/2017-05-15_Schumaml-interview-WilberWeek2017.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This interview was held on Saturday, February 4, 2017, at about 12:27 AM in fron
 [Wilber Week]: /news/2017/01/18/wilberweek-2017-announced/
-<img src="{filename}images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-interview-950w.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-bearing 
GIMP office manager' width='950' height='566'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-interview-950w.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the 
tie-bearing GIMP office manager' width='950' height='566'>
 Schumaml, GIMP administrator (<small>photo by antenne used by permission (<a class='cc' 
href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/' title='Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ I've been called the tie-wearing GIMP office manager and I even got a t-shirt wi
 [Libre Graphics Meeting 2012]: https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2012/
-<img src="{filename}images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-twom-480x702.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-wearing GIMP 
office manager' width='480' height='702'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-twom-480x702.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-wearing 
GIMP office manager' width='480' height='702'>
 Schumaml, the tie-wearing GIMP office manager (<small><a 
href='https://www.flickr.com/photos/the_houz/8663090451/in/album-72157633284677024/' title='Photo of Schumaml 
by houz'>photo by houz</a> (<a class='cc' href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/' 
title='Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International'>cba</a>)</small>).
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Since then, a lot has changed: I believe in [Free Software][]. I believe softwar
-<img src="{filename}images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-lgm2014-800w.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-bearing GIMP 
office manager' width='800' height='459'>
+<img src="{static}/news/images/schumaml-interview/schumaml-lgm2014-800w.jpg" alt='Schumaml, the tie-bearing 
GIMP office manager' width='800' height='459'>
 <em>Not</em> the Formula One driver. (<small>Photo by Pat David (<a class='cc' 
href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/' title='Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 

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