[adwaita-icon-theme] core: add a few more status icons

commit 720b4c23046368a5ebb963f47349f4fbc01fda6e
Author: Tobias Bernard <tbernard gnome org>
Date:   Thu Jul 15 01:46:35 2021 +0200

    core: add a few more status icons

 .../scalable/status/mail-attachment-symbolic.svg   |   9 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-read-symbolic.svg     |   5 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-unread-symbolic.svg   |   8 +-
 src/symbolic/core.svg                              | 459 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 4 files changed, 474 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-attachment-symbolic.svg 
index 4b4ecfa3..c557c030 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-attachment-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-attachment-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,8 @@
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0c1.236.714 2 2.038 2 3.465h-2c0-.716-.38-1.374-1-1.732a1.996 1.996 0 00-2 0C6.38 2.626 
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-read-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-read-symbolic.svg
index 17332c26..36fa9224 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-read-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-read-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
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000 .032 1 1 0 000 .156v7.844a1 1 0 001 1h12a1 1 0 001-1V7.157a1 1 0 000-.156 1 1 0 00-.218-.656 1 1 0 
00-.032-.031 5.087 5.087 0 00-1.125-2 1 1 0 00-.03-.032L8.624.252a1 1 0 00-.656-.25 1 1 0 00-.094 0zM8 
2.282l4.313 3.532.031.03c. 9.877 3.313 
6.345c.026-.04.035-.087.062-.125.191-.262.319-.414.344-.438l.031-.03zM3 7.376l4.688 3.531.312.22.313-.22L13 
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0.507812 -1.328125 1.40625 -1.328125 2.375 v 6 c 0 1.644531 1.355469 3 3 3 h 10 c 1.644531 0 3 -1.355469 3 -3 
v -6 c 0 -0.96875 -0.503906 -1.867188 -1.328125 -2.375 l -5.285156 -3.25 c -0.425781 -0.261719 -0.90625 
-0.394531 -1.386719 -0.394531 z m 0 2 c 0.117188 0 0.234375 0.035156 0.335938 0.097656 l 5.289062 3.25 c 
0.089844 0.054687 0.164062 0.125 0.222656 0.203125 c -0.042968 0.011719 -0.085937 0.03125 -0.125 0.050781 l 
-5.167968 3.449219 c -0.335938 0.222656 -0.773438 0.222656 -1.109376 0 l -5.167968 -3.449219 c -0.039063 
-0.019531 -0.082032 -0.039062 -0.125 -0.050781 c 0.058594 -0.078125 0.132812 -0.148438 0.222656 -0.203125 l 
5.289062 -3.25 c 0.101563 -0.0625 0.21875 -0.097656 0.335938 -0.097656 z m -6 4.621093 l 4.890625 3.261719 c 
0.671875 0.445313 1.546875 0.445313 2.21875 0 l 4.890625 -3.261719 v 5.398438 c 0 0.5625 -0.4375 1 -1 1 h -10 
c -0.5625 0 -1 -0.4375 -1 -1 z 
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-unread-symbolic.svg 
index b9b39464..c3678efd 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-unread-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/mail-unread-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
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10-1.25-1.562L8 7.719l-4.375-3.5a1 1 0 00-.646-.229z" 
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2.773438 0 l 5.167969 -3.445313 c 0.460937 -0.304687 0.582031 -0.925781 0.277343 -1.386719 c -0.304687 
-0.460937 -0.925781 -0.582031 -1.386719 -0.277343 l -5.167968 3.445312 c -0.171875 0.113281 -0.382813 
0.113281 -0.554688 0 l -5.167968 -3.445312 c -0.222657 -0.148438 -0.492188 -0.199219 -0.75 -0.148438 z m 0 
+        <path d="m 3 2 c -1.644531 0 -3 1.355469 -3 3 v 6 c 0 1.644531 1.355469 3 3 3 h 10 c 1.644531 0 3 
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0.570312 -0.429688 1 -1 1 h -10 c -0.570312 0 -1 -0.429688 -1 -1 v -6 c 0 -0.570312 0.429688 -1 1 -1 z m 0 
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diff --git a/src/symbolic/core.svg b/src/symbolic/core.svg
index 8af6e804..834d77eb 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/core.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/core.svg
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
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@@ -94,6 +94,380 @@
      id="title9167">Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme</title>
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