[polari/master] Replace contents with redirect message

commit 9872158da4b82337e90bb541fd38f243c9c86baa
Author: Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jul 13 23:43:35 2021 +0200

    Replace contents with redirect message
    The default development branch is now `main`. This commit only exists
    on `master` to point people towards that.
    See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/issues/2348 for details.

 .eslintrc.yml                                      |    3 -
 .gitignore                                         |    6 -
 .gitlab-ci.yml                                     |  129 --
 .gitlab-ci/commit-rules.yml                        |   11 -
 AUTHORS                                            |    1 -
 COPYING                                            |  823 -----------
 NEWS                                               | 1160 ---------------
 README.md                                          |   37 +-
 data/Polari.client                                 |   26 -
 data/appdata/meson.build                           |   27 -
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 data/appdata/polari-user-list.png                  |  Bin 153849 -> 0 bytes
 .../hicolor/scalable/apps/org.gnome.Polari.svg     |  409 ------
 .../symbolic/apps/org.gnome.Polari-symbolic.svg    |   28 -
 data/icons/meson.build                             |    1 -
 data/meson.build                                   |   48 -
 ....freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.Polari.service.in |    3 -
 data/org.gnome.Polari.data.gresource.xml           |   22 -
 data/org.gnome.Polari.desktop.in                   |   14 -
 data/org.gnome.Polari.gschema.xml                  |   62 -
 data/org.gnome.Polari.service.in                   |    3 -
 data/resources/application.css                     |  201 ---
 data/resources/connection-details.ui               |  122 --
 data/resources/connection-properties.ui            |   78 -
 data/resources/entry-area.ui                       |  147 --
 data/resources/help-overlay.ui                     |  133 --
 data/resources/initial-setup-window.ui             |  193 ---
 data/resources/join-room-dialog.ui                 |  205 ---
 data/resources/main-window.ui                      |  303 ----
 data/resources/menus.ui                            |   10 -
 data/resources/networks.json                       |  775 ----------
 data/resources/nick-popover.ui                     |   45 -
 data/resources/polari-user-notify-symbolic.svg     |   18 -
 data/resources/room-list-header.ui                 |  182 ---
 data/resources/room-list-row.ui                    |   78 -
 data/resources/server-room-list.ui                 |  122 --
 data/resources/user-details.ui                     |  203 ---
 data/resources/user-popover.ui                     |   86 --
 flatpak/gspell-gettext-fix.patch                   |   48 -
 flatpak/gspell-no-code-coverage.patch              |   64 -
 flatpak/org.gnome.Polari.json                      |  171 ---
 flatpak/tp-change-uniquify.patch                   |   25 -
 flatpak/tpl-drop-intltool.patch                    |  178 ---
 flatpak/tpl-override-basedir.patch                 |   52 -
 flatpak/tpl-python3.patch                          |  799 -----------
 help/C/images/Polari.png                           |  Bin 848 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/images/polari-paste.png                     |  Bin 28675 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/images/polari-screenshot.png                |  Bin 23775 -> 0 bytes
 help/C/index.page                                  |   46 -
 help/C/introduction.page                           |   41 -
 help/C/irc-commands.page                           |   35 -
 help/C/irc-join-room.page                          |   43 -
 help/C/irc-nick-password.page                      |   62 -
 help/C/irc-start-conversation.page                 |   69 -
 help/C/legal.xml                                   |   12 -
 help/C/network-connect.page                        |   66 -
 help/C/overview.page                               |   33 -
 help/C/sharing.page                                |   42 -
 help/LINGUAS                                       |   13 -
 help/ca/ca.po                                      |  572 --------
 help/cs/cs.po                                      |  571 --------
 help/de/de.po                                      |  585 --------
 help/de/images/polari-paste.png                    |  Bin 17470 -> 0 bytes
 help/de/images/polari-screenshot.png               |  Bin 10404 -> 0 bytes
 help/el/el.po                                      |  490 -------
 help/es/es.po                                      |  578 --------
 help/fr/fr.po                                      |  595 --------
 help/hu/hu.po                                      |  585 --------
 help/id/id.po                                      |  569 --------
 help/meson.build                                   |   19 -
 help/nl/nl.po                                      |  376 -----
 help/pl/images/polari-paste.png                    |  Bin 32188 -> 0 bytes
 help/pl/images/polari-screenshot.png               |  Bin 27154 -> 0 bytes
 help/pl/pl.po                                      |  562 --------
 help/pt_BR/pt_BR.po                                |  570 --------
 help/sv/sv.po                                      |  571 --------
 help/uk/uk.po                                      |  586 --------
 lint/eslintrc-gjs.yml                              |  237 ---
 lint/eslintrc-polari.yml                           |   22 -
 logo.png                                           |  Bin 1480 -> 0 bytes
 meson.build                                        |   81 --
 meson/meson-postinstall.sh                         |   13 -
 meson_options.txt                                  |    5 -
 po/LINGUAS                                         |   58 -
 po/POTFILES.in                                     |   33 -
 po/af.po                                           |  952 ------------
 po/ar.po                                           | 1018 -------------
 po/as.po                                           |  502 -------
 po/be.po                                           |  963 -------------
 po/bs.po                                           |  508 -------
 po/ca.po                                           | 1012 -------------
 po/ca valencia po                                  |  981 -------------
 po/ckb.po                                          |  948 ------------
 po/cs.po                                           | 1015 -------------
 po/da.po                                           | 1015 -------------
 po/de.po                                           | 1050 --------------
 po/el.po                                           | 1166 ---------------
 po/en_GB.po                                        | 1078 --------------
 po/eo.po                                           |  980 -------------
 po/es.po                                           | 1146 ---------------
 po/et.po                                           |  950 ------------
 po/eu.po                                           | 1122 ---------------
 po/fa.po                                           | 1093 --------------
 po/fi.po                                           | 1150 ---------------
 po/fr.po                                           | 1045 --------------
 po/fur.po                                          | 1116 ---------------
 po/gl.po                                           | 1132 ---------------
 po/he.po                                           | 1176 ---------------
 po/hr.po                                           | 1034 -------------
 po/hu.po                                           | 1021 -------------
 po/id.po                                           | 1038 --------------
 po/it.po                                           | 1013 -------------
 po/ja.po                                           | 1003 -------------
 po/kk.po                                           | 1050 --------------
 po/ko.po                                           | 1031 -------------
 po/lo.po                                           |  963 -------------
 po/lt.po                                           | 1136 ---------------
 po/lv.po                                           | 1052 --------------
 po/meson.build                                     |    1 -
 po/ml.po                                           |  890 ------------
 po/ms.po                                           |  958 -------------
 po/nb.po                                           | 1006 -------------
 po/ne.po                                           |  932 ------------
 po/nl.po                                           | 1056 --------------
 po/oc.po                                           | 1101 --------------
 po/pa.po                                           |  391 -----
 po/pl.po                                           | 1024 -------------
 po/pt.po                                           | 1075 --------------
 po/pt_BR.po                                        | 1154 ---------------
 po/ro.po                                           | 1113 --------------
 po/ru.po                                           | 1050 --------------
 po/sk.po                                           | 1155 ---------------
 po/sl.po                                           | 1183 ---------------
 po/sr.po                                           | 1159 ---------------
 po/sr latin po                                     | 1087 --------------
 po/sv.po                                           | 1132 ---------------
 po/te.po                                           |  386 -----
 po/tg.po                                           |  490 -------
 po/tr.po                                           | 1121 ---------------
 po/uk.po                                           | 1164 ---------------
 po/vi.po                                           | 1008 -------------
 po/zh_CN.po                                        | 1110 --------------
 po/zh_HK.po                                        |  231 ---
 po/zh_TW.po                                        | 1100 --------------
 polari.doap                                        |   25 -
 src/accountsMonitor.js                             |  320 -----
 src/appNotifications.js                            |  288 ----
 src/application.js                                 |  861 -----------
 src/chatView.js                                    | 1513 --------------------
 src/config.js.in                                   |    4 -
 src/connections.js                                 |  571 --------
 src/entryArea.js                                   |  526 -------
 src/initialSetup.js                                |  145 --
 src/ircParser.js                                   |  333 -----
 src/joinDialog.js                                  |  240 ----
 src/lib/polari-client-factory.c                    |   73 -
 src/lib/polari-client-factory.h                    |   47 -
 src/lib/polari-drag-helper.c                       |   53 -
 src/lib/polari-drag-helper.h                       |   35 -
 src/lib/polari-room.c                              | 1022 -------------
 src/lib/polari-room.h                              |   59 -
 src/lib/polari-tp-autocleanup.h                    |   29 -
 src/lib/polari-util.c                              |  135 --
 src/lib/polari-util.h                              |   31 -
 src/logging.js                                     |   35 -
 src/main.js                                        |   41 -
 src/mainWindow.js                                  |  439 ------
 src/meson.build                                    |  131 --
 src/networksManager.js                             |  115 --
 src/org.gnome.Polari.src.gresource.xml.meson       |    7 -
 src/pasteManager.js                                |  195 ---
 src/polari.c                                       |  118 --
 src/roomList.js                                    |  817 -----------
 src/roomManager.js                                 |  209 ---
 src/roomStack.js                                   |  283 ----
 src/serverRoomManager.js                           |  380 -----
 src/tabCompletion.js                               |  251 ----
 src/telepathyClient.js                             |  742 ----------
 src/tests/meson.build                              |   10 -
 src/tests/test-util.c                              |  251 ----
 src/thumbnailer.js                                 |  225 ---
 src/urlPreview.js                                  |  190 ---
 src/userList.js                                    |  709 ---------
 src/userTracker.js                                 |  429 ------
 src/utils.js                                       |  403 ------
 189 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 85086 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d3ad686e..18748937 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,8 @@
-# ![polari-logo] Polari
+# This branch is deprecated
-Polari is a simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client that is designed to
-integrate seamlessly with the GNOME desktop. You can find additional
-information on its [GNOME project page][project-page].
+All development happens on the main branch. To update your local
+checkout, use the following:
-## Hacking
-The easiest way to build the latest development version of Polari and
-start hacking on the code is to follow the recommended [GNOME guide]
-## Getting in Touch
-Surprise, there is an IRC channel! If you have any questions regarding the
-use or development of Polari, want to discuss design or simply hang out
-with nice folks, please join us in [#polari on irc.gnome.org][irc-channel].
-## How to report bugs
-If you found a problem or have a feature suggestion, please report the
-issue to the GNOME [bug tracking system][bug-tracker].
-## Default branch
-The default development branch is `main`. If you still have a local
-checkout with the old name, use:
 git checkout master
 git branch -m master main
@@ -35,8 +12,6 @@ git branch -u origin/main
 git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/main
-[project-page]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Polari
-[build-instructions]: https://wiki.gnome.org/Newcomers/BuildProject
-[irc-channel]: irc://irc.gnome.org/%23polari
-[bug-tracker]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/polari/issues
-[polari-logo]: logo.png
+This branch is kept around to avoid breaking build tooling that requires a
+pinned commit hash to be on the master branch unless otherwise specified.
+See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/-/issues/2348 for details.

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