[librsvg] Created tag 2.51.4

The signed tag '2.51.4' was created.

Tagger: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date: 1625880072 -0500

    Tag for version 2.51.4

Changes since the last tag '2.51.3':

Bilal Elmoussaoui (15):
      Update gtk-rs crates to 0.14.0
      use re-exported ffi
      use prelude for traits
      update per subclassing changes
      drop get_ prefix from glib APIs getters
      ToGlib was renamed to IntoGlib
      add cairo::Error to RenderingError
      constructors are no longer prefixed with new_
      update per cairo changes
      rsvg-convert: use the new win32 io streams APIs
      c-api: update per subclassing changes
      update per cairo/gio api changes
      tests/examples: update per api changes
      benches: update per api changes
      c-api: import ffi types instead of using full path

Chun-wei Fan (5):
      rsvg-convert.rs: Fix building on Windows
      Cargo.toml: Make some more packages optional on Windows
      win32: Bring back the librsvg.symbols
      NMake Makefiles: Fix and revamp
      win32: Update README.txt

Federico Mena Quintero (52):
      lib.rs: links to doc items by name
      property_macros.rs: links to doc items by name
      aspect_ratio.rs: links to doc items by name
      c_api/handle.rs: links to doc items by name
      c_api/mod.rs: links to doc items by name
      c_api/sizing.rs: links to doc items by name
      element.rs: links to doc items by name
      src/filter_func.rs: links to doc items by name
      href.rs: links to doc items by name
      length.rs: links to doc items by name
      node.rs: links to doc items by name
      paint_server.rs: links to doc items by name
      path_builder.rs: links to doc items by name
      properties.rs: links to doc items by name
      property_defs.rs: links to doc items by name
      viewbox.rs: links to doc items by name
      glib::get_language_names -> glib::language_names
      Unwrap the Cairo calls in the tests
      ImageSurface::set_as_source_surface - return errors from cr.set_source_surface
      SavedCr::new - return the error from cr.save
      Handle two easy error cases from paint / paint_with_alpha
      Return errors from set_gradient
      Handle cairo errors in draw_text_span
      Handle cairo errors in paint_surface
      Handle cairo errors from fill() and stroke()
      ImageSurface::draw is now generic on the error type
      Handle cairo errors when creating a mask
      Ignore cairo errors when SavedCr is dropped
      C API test for the sizes of structs and GType information
      Fix return value
      Fix a mut self that was explicitly typed
      New test for drawing to a non-image surface in the Rust tests
      (#758): Panic when rendering with masks or opacity to a non-image surface
      (#757): Hack (?) to fix type inference on 32-bit builds
      RELEASING.md - Instructions for making gitlab releases
      Add test for context-stroke in markers
      (#759) - Replace SavedCr again - use a with_saved_cr() function
      Rename test
      draw_text_span: do the transforms the same way for each of the clipping/fill/stroke cases
      Add test for paint-order for text elements
      Merge branch 'madds-image-auto-length' into 'master'
      rsvg-convert: test that unsupported units yield the correct error message
      rsvg-convert: Test error message for invalid lengths
      rsvg-convert: Test that the export-id option indeed accepts ids with a # prefix
      rsvg-convert: Test that invalid language tags yield an error for --accept-language
      Iri does not need to implement Default
      Test when an image element has no href attribute
      rsvg-convert: Tests for invalid zoom factors
      Merge branch 'test-coverage' into 'master'
      Update NEWS
      Bump version to 2.51.4
      Update to predicates 2.0.0 to dedup

Madds H (5):
      (#618) Implement context-fill and context-stroke
      Add tools dir with Docker test scripts This allows someone to use docker to run the librsvg check suite 
with choice of 3 OS images, opensuse, fedora, or debian
      (#760) Resolve both context_fill and context_stroke Also implement test for swapped context_fill and 
stroke ie fill="context_stroke"
      (#727) Implement paint-order for text
      (#747) Add "auto" for image element width/height

Marge Bot (12):
      Merge branch 'doc-links-by-name' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'bilelmoussaoui/bump-to-future-gtk-rs' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'non-image-surface-without-filters' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'explicit-zero-type' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'release-instructions' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'context-fill-stroke' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'madds-docker-tests' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'context-fill-stroke-tests' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'with-saved-cr' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'madds-text-paint-order' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'master.msvc' into 'master'
      Merge branch 'prepare-release' into 'master'

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