[librsvg/cargo-c-msvc: 1/3] NMake Makefiles: Update for cargo-c usage

commit 0c95ce402711212fc5857952b7e35c91ced63f5f
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Fri Jul 9 12:38:50 2021 +0800

    NMake Makefiles: Update for cargo-c usage
    This updates the Visual Studio build files to build librsvg after it has
    been updated to use cargo-c to build the C libraries, and, as a
    side-effect, static builds are now supported as well at the same time.
    As a convenience, we still provide rsvg-2.0-vsXX.dll resulting from the
    builds for people that aren't able to re-link their applications against
    rsvg-2.dll (the DLL file name that results from the cargo-c updates),
    but a warning message is shown upon 'install' that people are advised to
    re-compile their applications if possible, since rsvg-2.0.lib now links
    to rsvg-2.dll.

 win32/Makefile.vc           |  2 +-
 win32/build-rules-msvc.mak  | 30 ++++++++++++------------------
 win32/config-msvc.mak.in    |  4 ++--
 win32/create-lists-msvc.mak |  9 ---------
 win32/generate-msvc.mak     | 14 ++------------
 win32/install-msvc.mak      | 21 ++++++++++++++++-----
 win32/pc_base.py            | 13 ++++++++++++-
 win32/rsvg-rust.mak         | 14 +++++++-------
 win32/rsvgpc.py             |  9 +++------
 9 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
diff --git a/win32/Makefile.vc b/win32/Makefile.vc
index 80d27c0a..3f96cfef 100644
--- a/win32/Makefile.vc
+++ b/win32/Makefile.vc
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ VALID_MSC = TRUE
 # Include the Makefile portion to convert the source and header lists
 # into the lists we need for compilation and introspection
-all: $(RSVG_TOOLS) $(EXTRA_TARGETS) build-info-librsvg
+all: $(LIBRSVG_LIB) $(RSVG_TOOLS) $(EXTRA_TARGETS) build-info-librsvg
 # Include the build rules for Rust builds, sources, DLLs and executables
 !include rsvg-rust.mak
diff --git a/win32/build-rules-msvc.mak b/win32/build-rules-msvc.mak
index a1ec221c..7af562df 100644
--- a/win32/build-rules-msvc.mak
+++ b/win32/build-rules-msvc.mak
@@ -13,13 +13,9 @@
 #      $(CC)|$(CXX) $(cflags) /Fo$(destdir) /c @<<
 # $<
 # <<
-       $(CC) $(LIBRSVG_CFLAGS) $(LIBRSVG_INCLUDES) /Fo$(@D)\ /Fd$(@D)\ /c @<<
        @if not exist $(@D)\ mkdir $(@D)
+       @if not exist $(@D)\..\librsvg mkdir $(@D)\..\librsvg
        @if not exist $(@D)\..\librsvg\config.h copy .\config.h.win32 $(@D)\..\librsvg\config.h
        $(CC) $(RSVG_PIXBUF_LOADER_CFLAGS) $(TOOLS_DEP_INCLUDES) /Fo$(@D)\ /Fd$(@D)\ /c @<<
@@ -27,6 +23,7 @@ $<
        @if not exist $(@D)\ mkdir $(@D)
+       @if not exist $(@D)\..\librsvg mkdir $(@D)\..\librsvg
        @if not exist $(@D)\..\librsvg\config.h copy .\config.h.win32 $(@D)\..\librsvg\config.h
        $(CC) $(TEST_CFLAGS) $(LIBRSVG_LOG_DOMAIN) $(TOOLS_DEP_INCLUDES) /Fo$(@D)\ /Fd$(@D)\ /c @<<
@@ -42,16 +39,16 @@ $(LIBRSVG_LIB): $(LIBRSVG_DLL)
 # $(dependent_objects)
 # <<
 #      @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
-       link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBRSVG_DEP_LIBS)        \
-       /implib:$(LIBRSVG_LIB)  \
-       -out:$@ /def:$(LIBRSVG_DEF) @<<
-       @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
+       @copy /b $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB:.dll.lib=.dll) $(OUTDIR)
+       @copy /b $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB:.dll.lib=.dll) $@
+       @copy /b $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB:.dll.lib=.lib) $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-2-static.lib
+       @copy /b $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB) $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-2.0.lib
+       @copy /b $(RUST_OUTDIR)\rsvg_2.pdb $(OUTDIR)
+       @copy /b $(RUST_OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc $(OUTDIR)
        link /DLL $(LDFLAGS) $** $(BASE_DEP_LIBS) /out:$@
        @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;2
@@ -79,7 +76,7 @@ $(rsvg_tests):
        @-if exist $@.manifest mt /manifest $@.manifest /outputresource:$@;1
-$(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).gir: $(LIBRSVG_LIB) $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\Rsvg_2_0_gir_list
+$(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).gir: $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB) $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\Rsvg_2_0_gir_list
        @-echo Generating $@...
        @set PATH=$(BINDIR);$(PATH)
        $(PYTHON) $(G_IR_SCANNER)       \
@@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).gir: $(LIBRSVG_LIB) $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\Rsvg_2_0_gi
        --namespace=Rsvg        \
        --nsversion=2.0 \
        --pkg=pango --extra-library=libxml2     \
-       --library=rsvg-2.0      \
+       --library=$(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB:.dll.lib=.dll)    \
        --add-include-path=$(G_IR_INCLUDEDIR)   \
        --include=GLib-2.0 --include=GObject-2.0        \
        --include=Gio-2.0 --include=cairo-1.0   \
@@ -124,9 +121,6 @@ clean:
        @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-gdk-pixbuf-loader\*.obj
        @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-gdk-pixbuf-loader\*.pdb
        @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\Rsvg_2_0_gir_list
-       @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\*.obj
-       @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\*.pdb
-       @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\_rsvg_dummy.c
        @-del /s /q $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\config.h
        @-rmdir /s /q $(OUTDIR)\output
        @-rmdir /s /q output
diff --git a/win32/config-msvc.mak.in b/win32/config-msvc.mak.in
index 4c42f753..b71b09a3 100644
--- a/win32/config-msvc.mak.in
+++ b/win32/config-msvc.mak.in
@@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ TEST_DEP_LIBS =     \
-RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB = $(OUTDIR)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\librsvg.lib
+RUST_OUTDIR = $(OUTDIR)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)
+RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB = $(RUST_OUTDIR)\rsvg-2.dll.lib
 LIBRSVG_DEP_LIBS =                     \
        $(RSVG_INTERNAL_LIB)            \
@@ -133,7 +134,6 @@ LIBRSVG_DLL_FILENAME = $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER)-vs$(VSVER)
-LIBRSVG_DEF = $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\librsvg.def
 GDK_PIXBUF_SVG_LOADER = $(OUTDIR)\libpixbufloader-svg.dll
diff --git a/win32/create-lists-msvc.mak b/win32/create-lists-msvc.mak
index 97087fdf..6fb7ffc3 100644
--- a/win32/create-lists-msvc.mak
+++ b/win32/create-lists-msvc.mak
@@ -44,15 +44,6 @@ NULL=
 !if [call create-lists.bat footer rsvg_objs.mak]
-!if [call create-lists.bat header rsvg_objs.mak librsvg_OBJS]
-!if [for %c in ($(OUTDIR)\librsvg\_rsvg_dummy.c) do @if "%~xc" == ".c" @call create-lists.bat file 
rsvg_objs.mak ^$(OUTDIR)\librsvg\%~nc.obj]
-!if [call create-lists.bat footer rsvg_objs.mak]
 !if [call create-lists.bat header rsvg_objs.mak rsvg_tests]
diff --git a/win32/generate-msvc.mak b/win32/generate-msvc.mak
index 2acbd65a..fbf4b52b 100644
--- a/win32/generate-msvc.mak
+++ b/win32/generate-msvc.mak
@@ -3,18 +3,8 @@
 # Items in here should not need to be edited unless
 # one is maintaining the NMake build files.
-       @echo Generating dummy source file...
-       @if not exist $(@D)\ mkdir $(@D) 
-       echo static int __rsvg_dummy; > $@
-$(OUTDIR)\librsvg\librsvg.def: .\librsvg.symbols
-       @echo Generating $@...
-       @if not exist $(@D)\ mkdir $(@D) 
-       @echo EXPORTS>$@
-       $(CC) /EP $**>>$@
 # Generate listing file for introspection
 $(OUTDIR)\librsvg\Rsvg_2_0_gir_list: $(librsvg_real_pub_HDRS)
+       @if not exist $(@D)\ mkdir $(@D)
        @if exist $@ del $@
-       @for %%s in ($**) do echo %%s >> $@
+       @for %%s in ($**) do @echo %%s >> $@
diff --git a/win32/install-msvc.mak b/win32/install-msvc.mak
index 0b541bd9..09416830 100644
--- a/win32/install-msvc.mak
+++ b/win32/install-msvc.mak
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ install: all
        @if not exist $(PREFIX)\bin\ mkdir $(PREFIX)\bin
        @if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\2.10.0\loaders\ mkdir 
        @if not exist $(PREFIX)\include\librsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER)\librsvg @mkdir 
-       @for %%x in (dll pdb) do @copy /b $(LIBRSVG_DLL_FILENAME).%%x $(PREFIX)\bin
+       @copy /b $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-2*.dll $(PREFIX)\bin
+       @copy /b $(OUTDIR)\rsvg_2.pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
        @copy /b $(LIBRSVG_LIB) $(PREFIX)\lib
+       @copy /b $(LIBRSVG_LIB:-2.0=-2-static) $(PREFIX)\lib
        @for %%x in (dll pdb) do @copy /b $(OUTDIR)\libpixbufloader-svg.%%x 
        @copy $(OUTDIR)\rsvg-convert.exe $(PREFIX)\bin
        @-copy $(OUTDIR)\rsvg_convert.pdb $(PREFIX)\bin
@@ -21,7 +23,16 @@ install: all
        @if exist $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).gir copy $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).gir 
        @if exist $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).typelib if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\girepository-1.0\ mkdir 
        @if exist $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).typelib copy /b $(OUTDIR)\Rsvg-$(RSVG_API_VER).typelib 
-       @-$(PYTHON) rsvgpc.py --version=$(RSVG_PKG_VERSION) --prefix=$(PREFIX)
-       @if not exist librsvg-2.0.pc echo *** librsvg-2.0.pc is not generated!  Generate it later using 
^$(PYTHON) --version=$(RSVG_PKG_VERSION) --prefix=^$(PREFIX)
-       @if exist librsvg-2.0.pc if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig mkdir $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig
-       @if exist librsvg-2.0.pc move librsvg-2.0.pc $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig
+       @-$(PYTHON) rsvgpc.py --version=$(RSVG_PKG_VERSION) --prefix=$(PREFIX) 
--source=$(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc -o $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc.real
+       @if not exist $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc.real echo *** librsvg-2.0.pc may not contain a ^$prefix that 
matches your build config.  Please check it.
+       @if not exist $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig mkdir $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig
+       @if exist $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc.real copy $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc.real 
+       @if not exist $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc.real copy $(OUTDIR)\librsvg-2.0.pc $(PREFIX)\lib\pkgconfig
+       @echo.
+       @echo ******* WARNING *******
+       @echo People upgrading from librsvg-2.50.x or earlier
+       @echo may want to consider recompiling their application
+       @echo against this build of librsvg, as $(LIBRSVG_DLL)
+       @echo is provided as a convenience and linking against
+       @echo rsvg-2.0.lib will now always link to rsvg-2.dll.
+       @echo ******* WARNING *******
diff --git a/win32/pc_base.py b/win32/pc_base.py
index a65955d8..e6e89363 100644
--- a/win32/pc_base.py
+++ b/win32/pc_base.py
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ class BasePCItems:
         self.libdir = ''
         self.prefix = ''
         self.srcdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-        self.top_srcdir = self.srcdir + os.sep + '..'
+        self.source = ''
+        self.output = ''
         self.version = ''
     def setup(self, argv, parser=None):
@@ -42,14 +43,24 @@ class BasePCItems:
                                   if different from ${prefix}/lib')
         parser.add_argument('--version', help='Version of the package',
+        parser.add_argument('--source', help='Base pc file template',
+                            required=True)
+        parser.add_argument( '-o', '--output', help='Output of processed pc file',
+                            required=True)
         args = parser.parse_args()
         self.version = args.version
+        self.source = args.source
+        self.output = args.output
         # check whether the prefix and exec_prefix are valid
         if not os.path.exists(args.prefix):
             raise SystemExit('Specified prefix \'%s\' is invalid' % args.prefix)
+        # check whether output directory is valid
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.output)):
+            raise SystemExit('Specified path for output \'%s\' is invalid' % self.output)
         # use absolute paths for prefix
         self.prefix = os.path.abspath(args.prefix).replace('\\','/')
diff --git a/win32/rsvg-rust.mak b/win32/rsvg-rust.mak
index 722f1eec..e38afb94 100644
--- a/win32/rsvg-rust.mak
+++ b/win32/rsvg-rust.mak
@@ -100,16 +100,16 @@ build-$(PLAT)-$(CFG).pre.bat:
 build-$(PLAT)-$(CFG)-lib.bat: build-$(PLAT)-$(CFG).pre.bat
        @type $**>$@
-       @echo $(CARGO_CMD) --verbose --lib>>$@
+       @echo $(CARGO_CMD: build = cbuild )>>$@
 build-$(PLAT)-$(CFG)-bin.bat: build-$(PLAT)-$(CFG).pre.bat
        @type $**>$@
-       @echo $(CARGO_CMD) --verbose --bin rsvg-convert>>$@
+       @echo $(CARGO_CMD) --bin rsvg-convert>>$@
-vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\librsvg.lib     \
+vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\rsvg-2.dll.lib  \
        @echo Please do not manually close the command window that pops up...
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\r
        @start "Building the Rust bits for $(PLAT) Windows MSVC Build, please do not close this console 
window..." /wait /i cmd /c $**
        @set PATH=%PATH%;%HOMEPATH%\.cargo\bin
        @set CARGO_TARGET_DIR=win32\vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api
        @set GTK_LIB_DIR=$(LIBDIR);$(LIB)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\l
        @if not "$(PKG_CONFIG)" == "" set PKG_CONFIG=$(PKG_CONFIG)
        @cd ..
-       $(CARGO_CMD) --verbose --lib
+       $(CARGO_CMD: build = cbuild )
        @cd win32
        @set GTK_LIB_DIR=
        @set CARGO_TARGET_DIR=
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ vs$(VSVER)\$(CFG)\$(PLAT)\obj\rsvg_c_api\$(RUST_TARGET)-pc-windows-msvc\$(CFG)\r
        @if not "$(PKG_CONFIG)" == "" set PKG_CONFIG=$(PKG_CONFIG)
        @cd ..
-       $(CARGO_CMD) --verbose --bin $(@B)
+       $(CARGO_CMD) --bin $(@B)
        @cd win32
        @set GTK_LIB_DIR=
        @set CARGO_TARGET_DIR=
diff --git a/win32/rsvgpc.py b/win32/rsvgpc.py
index d913352e..24466345 100644
--- a/win32/rsvgpc.py
+++ b/win32/rsvgpc.py
@@ -18,16 +18,13 @@ def main(argv):
     base_pc = BasePCItems()
-    pkg_replace_items = {'@RSVG_API_MAJOR_VERSION@': rsvg_api_ver,
-                         '@RSVG_API_VERSION@': rsvg_api_ver,
-                         ' cairo': '',
-                         '-lm': '-lcairo'}
+    pkg_replace_items = {'prefix=/usr/local': 'prefix=' + base_pc.prefix}
     # Generate librsvg-$(rsvg_api_ver).pc
-    replace_multi(base_pc.top_srcdir + '/librsvg.pc.in',
-                  base_pc.srcdir + '/librsvg-' + rsvg_api_ver + '.pc',
+    replace_multi(base_pc.source,
+                  base_pc.output,
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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