[adwaita-icon-theme] core: add more icons, fix some mis-named ones

commit b264e0d69940f68812f06b797f8a7a6f141ccee2
Author: Tobias Bernard <tbernard gnome org>
Date:   Thu Jul 1 12:51:34 2021 +0200

    core: add more icons, fix some mis-named ones

 Adwaita/scalable/actions/bookmark-new-symbolic.svg |   8 +-
 .../scalable/actions/edit-clear-all-symbolic.svg   |   5 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/folder-new-symbolic.svg   |   1 -
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg      |  10 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-up-symbolic.svg        |  10 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-eject-symbolic.svg  |   8 +-
 .../actions/media-playback-stop-symbolic.svg       |   5 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/view-pin-symbolic.svg     |   8 +-
 .../scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg |  11 +-
 .../scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg    |  12 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/devices/computer-symbolic.svg     |   8 +-
 .../scalable/devices/media-optical-symbolic.svg    |   6 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/devices/phone-symbolic.svg        |   8 +-
 .../scalable/status/dialog-password-symbolic.svg   |   8 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/status/non-starred-symbolic.svg   |   5 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/status/starred-symbolic.svg       |   5 +-
 src/symbolic/core.svg                              | 485 +++++++++++++++++----
 17 files changed, 493 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/bookmark-new-symbolic.svg 
index 6797e023..16f590d9 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/bookmark-new-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/bookmark-new-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
-<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="16" height="16"><g fill="#2e3436"><path d="M5.525 0C4.433 0 
3.61.68 3.295 1.295c-.314.615-.3 1.205-.3 1.205v13.117l5-2.5 5 2.5V11h-2v1.383l-3-1.5-3 
1.5V2.5s.013-.16.081-.295c.069-.134.01-.205.45-.205h4.968c.417 0 
.35.06.418.197s.082.303.082.303V3h2v-.5s.014-.584-.293-1.197C12.394.689 11.577 0 10.494 0z" 
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\ No newline at end of file
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-0.300781 1.207031 -0.300781 1.207031 v 13.117188 l 5 -2.5 l 5 2.5 v -4.617188 h -2 v 1.382812 l -3 -1.5 l -3 
1.5 v -9.882812 s 0.011718 -0.160156 0.078125 -0.292969 c 0.070312 -0.136719 0.011719 -0.207031 0.449219 
-0.207031 h 4.972656 c 0.414062 0 0.347656 0.0625 0.417968 0.199219 c 0.066407 0.132812 0.082032 0.300781 
0.082032 0.300781 v 0.5 h 2 v -0.5 s 0.011718 -0.582031 -0.292969 -1.199219 c -0.308594 -0.613281 -1.125 
-1.300781 -2.207031 -1.300781 z m 0 0" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
+        <path d="m 11 4 v 2 h -2 v 2 h 2 v 2 h 2 v -2 h 2 v -2 h -2 v -2 z m 0 0"/>
+    </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-clear-all-symbolic.svg 
index ee82bbc5..42b99c62 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-clear-all-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-clear-all-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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0.386719 -0.390625 0.386719 -1.023437 0 -1.414062 l -4.5 -4.5 c -0.191406 -0.191407 -0.453125 -0.29687525 
-0.722656 -0.292969 z m -3.585938 5.898438 l 3.136719 3.09375 s 0.5 0.5 0 1 l -0.976562 1.007812 h -5.164063 
l -1.582031 -1.5 l 3.585937 -3.601562 c 0.5 -0.5 1 0 1 0 z m 0 0" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
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6.96875 c 3.855468 0 6.96875 -3.117188 6.96875 -6.96875 s -3.113282 -6.96875 -6.96875 -6.96875 z m -3 3.96875 
h 1 h 0.03125 c 0.253906 0.011719 0.511718 0.128906 0.6875 0.3125 l 1.28125 1.28125 l 1.3125 -1.28125 c 
0.265625 -0.230469 0.449218 -0.304688 0.6875 -0.3125 h 1 v 1 c 0 0.285156 -0.035156 0.550781 -0.25 0.75 l 
-1.28125 1.28125 l 1.25 1.25 c 0.1875 0.1875 0.28125 0.453125 0.28125 0.71875 v 1 h -1 c -0.265625 0 -0.53125 
-0.09375 -0.71875 -0.28125 l -1.28125 -1.28125 l -1.28125 1.28125 c -0.1875 0.1875 -0.453125 0.28125 -0.71875 
0.28125 h -1 v -1 c 0 -0.265625 0.09375 -0.53125 0.28125 -0.71875 l 1.28125 -1.25 l -1.28125 -1.28125 c 
-0.210938 -0.195312 -0.300782 -0.46875 -0.28125 -0.75 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/folder-new-symbolic.svg 
index 1a343551..4362a285 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/folder-new-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/folder-new-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
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0.9375 -1.05468725 1.769531 v 10 s -0.01171875 0.457031 0.23046825 0.949219 c 0.246094 0.488281 0.9375 
1.050781 1.769532 1.050781 h 7 v -2 h -7 v -10 h 4.585937 l 1.707031 1.707031 c 0.1875 0.1875 0.445313 
0.292969 0.707032 0.292969 h 5 v 4 h 2 v -4 s 0.015625 -0.457031 -0.230469 -0.949219 c -0.242187 -0.488281 
-0.933594 -1.050781 -1.769531 -1.050781 h -4.585938 l -1.707031 -1.707031 c -0.1875 -0.1875 -0.441406 
-0.292969 -0.707031 -0.292969 z m 0 0" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg
index a624821d..182018d7 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-down-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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-1.414062 1.414062 l -5.292969 -5.292969 z m 0 0"/>
-        <path d="m 15 11 v 1 h -1 v -1 z m 0 0"/>
-        <path d="m 2 11 v 1 h -1 v -1 z m 0 0"/>
-        <path d="m 3 11 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.445312 -1 -1 s 0.445312 -1 1 -1 s 1 0.445312 1 
1 z m 0 0"/>
-        <path d="m 15 11 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.445312 -1 -1 s 0.445312 -1 1 -1 s 1 0.445312 
1 1 z m 0 0"/>
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-1.414062 -1.414062 l -5.292969 5.292969 z m 0 0"/>
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-1 z m 0 0"/>
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-1 z m 0 0"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-up-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-up-symbolic.svg
index 182018d7..a624821d 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-up-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/go-up-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
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-        <path d="m 2 5 v -1 h -1 v 1 z m 0 0"/>
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-1 z m 0 0"/>
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-1.414062 1.414062 l -5.292969 -5.292969 z m 0 0"/>
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+        <path d="m 2 11 v 1 h -1 v -1 z m 0 0"/>
+        <path d="m 3 11 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.445312 -1 -1 s 0.445312 -1 1 -1 s 1 0.445312 1 
1 z m 0 0"/>
+        <path d="m 15 11 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 -0.445312 -1 -1 s 0.445312 -1 1 -1 s 1 0.445312 
1 1 z m 0 0"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-eject-symbolic.svg 
index b2034e0a..f55ad5cb 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-eject-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-eject-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,7 @@
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d="M7.987 3a1 1 0 00-.692.293l-4 4A1 1 0 004.002 9h8a1 1 0 00.707-1.707l-4-4A1 1 0 007.987 3zm.015 
2.414L9.588 7H6.416zm-5 5.584l-.004 2 1 .002 8 .014 1 .002.004-2-1-.002-8-.014z" 
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4 4z" style="marker:none" overflow="visible"/></g></svg>
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5.601563 c -0.257812 0.265625 -0.398437 0.621094 -0.394531 0.992187 h -0.015625 v 1.398438 h 13.996094 v 
-1.398438 c 0 -0.371093 -0.144531 -0.726562 -0.40625 -0.992187 l -5.597656 -5.601563 c -0.261719 -0.261718 
-0.621094 -0.40625 -0.992188 -0.410156 z m 0 0"/>
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+    </g>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-playback-stop-symbolic.svg 
index f55ad5cb..d27d2698 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-playback-stop-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/media-playback-stop-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
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-1.398438 c 0 -0.371093 -0.144531 -0.726562 -0.40625 -0.992187 l -5.597656 -5.601563 c -0.261719 -0.261718 
-0.621094 -0.40625 -0.992188 -0.410156 z m 0 0"/>
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/view-pin-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/view-pin-symbolic.svg
index b11395bd..c7b660b0 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/view-pin-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/view-pin-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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-0.105469 -0.519531 -0.292969 -0.707031 z m 0 0" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg 
index 63dad8f2..c52ebbfd 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headphones-symbolic.svg
@@ -1 +1,10 @@
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1.945 4.008 2 6.719c.048 2.365.809 4.695 1 5.281h1.526c-1.162-2.292-1.05-5.156-1.05-5.156 0-2.373 2.007-4.313 
4.493-4.313 2.485 0 4.5 1.827 4.492 4.282-.024 1.674-.172 2.658-1.006 
5.187h1.571c.225-.645.974-3.19.974-5.281C14 3.889 11.274 1 7.969 1z"/><path d="M12.012 
9.139c-.948-.278-1.953.294-2.253 1.282l-.675 2.226c-.3.987.224 2.006 1.172 2.283.949.277 1.954-.294 
\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg 
index 2505b0bf..b54e4115 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/audio-headset-symbolic.svg
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