[chronojump/shortsLibrary: 7/7] Optimized time shift calculation in 3 split times

commit 72de4546129511cc1a911a72b76e059110808ba9
Author: Xavier Padullés <testing chronojump org>
Date:   Sat Jan 16 01:42:10 2021 +0100

    Optimized time shift calculation in 3 split times

 r-scripts/sprintPhotocells.R | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/sprintPhotocells.R b/r-scripts/sprintPhotocells.R
index 7a05ce28..3b061858 100644
--- a/r-scripts/sprintPhotocells.R
+++ b/r-scripts/sprintPhotocells.R
@@ -127,39 +127,45 @@ getModelWithOptimalTimeCorrection <- function(splitTimes)
         bestT0 = 0
         currentT0 = bestT0
         if(length(splitTimes$position) == 3){
+                steps = 1
                 model = nls(
                         position ~ Vmax*((time + bestT0) + (1/K)*exp(-K*(time + bestT0))) -Vmax/K, splitTimes
-                        , start = list(K = 1, Vmax = 10)
+                        , start = list(K = 1, Vmax = 8)
                         , control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE))
-                # print("### Without correction ###")
-                # print(model)
+                currentError = summary(model)$sigma
                 minError = 1E6
+                deltaT0 = 0.1
-                #TODO: Use better algorithm for finding optimal correction
-                while( summary(model)$sigma < minError){
-                        bestT0 = currentT0
-                        minError = summary(model)$sigma
-                        print(paste("New minError:", minError))
-                        currentT0 = currentT0 + 0.001
+                #Looking for the T0 until the error increases
+                while(abs(deltaT0) > 0.0001){
+                        while( currentError <= minError){
+                                bestT0 = currentT0
+                                minError = currentError
+                                currentT0 = currentT0 + deltaT0
+                                steps = steps +1
+                                model = nls(
+                                        position ~ Vmax*((time + currentT0) + (1/K)*exp(-K*(time + 
currentT0))) -Vmax/K, splitTimes
+                                        , start = list(K = 1, Vmax = 10)
+                                        , control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE))
+                                currentError = summary(model)$sigma
+                        }
+                        #The error has increased. Inverting the direction and decreasing the deltaT0 size
+                        deltaT0 = - deltaT0/10
+                        currentT0 =  currentT0 + deltaT0
                         model = nls(
                                 position ~ Vmax*((time + currentT0) + (1/K)*exp(-K*(time + currentT0))) 
-Vmax/K, splitTimes
                                 , start = list(K = 1, Vmax = 10)
                                 , control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE))
-                        print(paste("current error:", summary(model)$sigma))
-                        # print(model$model_fit$RSE)
+                        currentError = summary(model)$sigma
+                        minError = currentError
-                currentT0 = currentT0 - 0.001
                 model = nls(
                         position ~ Vmax*((time + bestT0) + (1/K)*exp(-K*(time + bestT0))) -Vmax/K, splitTimes
                         , start = list(K = 1, Vmax = 10)
                         , control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE))
         } else if(length(splitTimes$position) >= 3){
                 model = nls(

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