[gegl] paint-select: refactor colors models

commit e53e6603732e02968ebc325d93ff94e5456529b8
Author: Thomas Manni <thomas manni free fr>
Date:   Sun Jan 10 11:23:01 2021 +0100

    paint-select: refactor colors models
    Currently, 3-dimensional histograms with 64 bins per channel are used to
    modelize colors of foreground and background. It will be replaced by
    mixture of gaussians in the final implementation. This commit prepares
    the replacement.
    Also fix potential segfault for out of gamut colors.

 operations/workshop/external/paint-select.cc | 602 ++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 354 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
diff --git a/operations/workshop/external/paint-select.cc b/operations/workshop/external/paint-select.cc
index 8827dd2e4..e4d85a90f 100644
--- a/operations/workshop/external/paint-select.cc
+++ b/operations/workshop/external/paint-select.cc
@@ -67,8 +67,16 @@ typedef int node_id;
 typedef struct
-  gfloat bins[N_BINS][N_BINS][N_BINS];
-} Histogram;
+  gfloat  rgb[3];
+  gint    x;
+  gint    y;
+} ColorsSample;
+typedef struct
+  GArray  *samples;
+  gfloat   bins[N_BINS][N_BINS][N_BINS];
+} ColorsModel;
 typedef enum
@@ -93,16 +101,182 @@ typedef struct
   node_id     *nodes;       /* nodes map */
   GraphType   *graph;       /* maxflow::graph */
+} PaintSelect;
+typedef struct
+  ColorsModel  *fg_colors;
+  ColorsModel  *bg_colors;
+} PaintSelectPrivate;
-  gfloat      *fg_samples;
-  gint         n_fg_samples;
-  Histogram    fg_hist;
-  gfloat      *bg_samples;
-  gint         n_bg_samples;
-  Histogram    bg_hist;
-} PaintSelect;
+/* colors model */
+static ColorsModel *
+colors_model_new_global (gfloat  *pixels,
+                         gfloat  *mask,
+                         gint     width,
+                         gint     height,
+                         gfloat   mask_value)
+  ColorsModel *model = g_slice_new0 (ColorsModel);
+  GRand  *gr = g_rand_new_with_seed (0);
+  gint    i = 0;
+  model->samples = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (ColorsSample), N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES);
+  while (i < N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES)
+    {
+      ColorsSample  sample;
+      gint          m_offset;
+      sample.x = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, width);
+      sample.y = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, height);
+      m_offset = sample.x + sample.y * width;
+      if (mask[m_offset] == mask_value)
+        {
+          gint p_offset = m_offset * 3;
+          gint b1, b2, b3;
+          sample.rgb[0] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset], 0.f, 1.f);
+          sample.rgb[1] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset+1], 0.f, 1.f);
+          sample.rgb[2] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset+2], 0.f, 1.f);
+          b1 = (gint) (sample.rgb[0] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          b2 = (gint) (sample.rgb[1] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          b3 = (gint) (sample.rgb[2] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          model->bins[b1][b2][b3]++;
+          g_array_append_val (model->samples, sample);
+          i++;
+        }
+    }
+  g_rand_free (gr);
+  return model;
+static void
+colors_model_update_global (ColorsModel  *model,
+                            gfloat       *pixels,
+                            gfloat       *mask,
+                            gint          width,
+                            gint          height,
+                            gfloat        mask_value)
+  GRand  *gr = g_rand_new_with_seed (0);
+  guint   i;
+  for (i = 0; i < model->samples->len; i++)
+    {
+      ColorsSample  *sample = &g_array_index (model->samples, ColorsSample, i);
+      gint           m_offset = sample->x + sample->y * width;
+      if (mask[m_offset] != mask_value)
+        {
+          gboolean changed = FALSE;
+          gint b1, b2, b3;
+          b1 = (gint) (sample->rgb[0] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          b2 = (gint) (sample->rgb[1] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          b3 = (gint) (sample->rgb[2] * (N_BINS - 1));
+          model->bins[b1][b2][b3]--;
+          while (! changed)
+            {
+              sample->x = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, width);
+              sample->y = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, height);
+              m_offset = sample->x + sample->y * width;
+              if (mask[m_offset] == mask_value)
+                {
+                  gint p_offset = m_offset * 3;
+                  sample->rgb[0] = pixels[p_offset];
+                  sample->rgb[1] = pixels[p_offset+1];
+                  sample->rgb[2] = pixels[p_offset+2];
+                  b1 = (gint) (CLAMP(sample->rgb[0], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+                  b2 = (gint) (CLAMP(sample->rgb[1], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+                  b3 = (gint) (CLAMP(sample->rgb[2], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+                  model->bins[b1][b2][b3]++;
+                  changed = TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  g_rand_free (gr);
+static ColorsModel *
+colors_model_new_local (gfloat         *pixels,
+                        gfloat         *mask,
+                        gfloat         *scribbles,
+                        gint            width,
+                        gint            height,
+                        GeglRectangle  *region,
+                        gfloat          mask_value,
+                        gfloat          scribble_value)
+  gint  x, y;
+  ColorsModel *model = g_slice_new0 (ColorsModel);
+  model->samples = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (ColorsSample), N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES);
+  for (y = region->y; y < region->y + region->height; y++)
+    {
+      for (x = region->x; x < region->x + region->width; x++)
+        {
+          gint offset = x + y * width;
+          if (scribbles[offset] == scribble_value ||
+              mask[offset] == mask_value)
+            {
+              ColorsSample  sample;
+              gint b1, b2, b3;
+              gint p_offset = offset * 3;
+              sample.x = x;
+              sample.y = y;
+              sample.rgb[0] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset], 0.f, 1.f);
+              sample.rgb[1] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset+1], 0.f, 1.f);
+              sample.rgb[2] = CLAMP (pixels[p_offset+2], 0.f, 1.f);
+              b1 = (gint) (sample.rgb[0] * (N_BINS - 1));
+              b2 = (gint) (sample.rgb[1] * (N_BINS - 1));
+              b3 = (gint) (sample.rgb[2] * (N_BINS - 1));
+              model->bins[b1][b2][b3]++;
+              g_array_append_val (model->samples, sample);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  return model;
+static void
+colors_model_free (ColorsModel  *model)
+  if (model->samples)
+    g_array_free (model->samples, TRUE);
+  g_slice_free (ColorsModel, model);
+static gfloat
+colors_model_get_likelyhood (ColorsModel  *model,
+                             gfloat       *color)
+  gint b1 = (gint) (CLAMP(color[0], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+  gint b2 = (gint) (CLAMP(color[1], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+  gint b3 = (gint) (CLAMP(color[2], 0.f, 1.f) * (N_BINS - 1));
+  return model->bins[b1][b2][b3] / (gfloat) model->samples->len;
 static inline gfloat
 pixels_distance (gfloat  *p1,
@@ -113,6 +287,8 @@ pixels_distance (gfloat  *p1,
                 POW2(p1[2] - p2[2]));
+/* fluctuations removal */
 static void
 push_segment (GQueue *segment_queue,
               gint    y,
@@ -222,6 +398,79 @@ find_contiguous_segment (PaintSelect  *ps,
   return TRUE;
+static void
+paint_select_remove_fluctuations (PaintSelect  *ps,
+                                  gfloat       *diff_mask,
+                                  gint          x,
+                                  gint          y)
+  gint                 old_y;
+  gint                 start, end;
+  gint                 new_start, new_end;
+  GQueue              *segment_queue;
+  /* mask buffer will hold the result and need to be clean first */
+  memset (ps->mask, 0.f, sizeof (gfloat) * ps->n_pixels);
+  segment_queue = g_queue_new ();
+  push_segment (segment_queue,
+                y, /* dummy values: */ -1, 0, 0,
+                y, x - 1, x + 1);
+  do
+    {
+      pop_segment (segment_queue,
+                   &y, &old_y, &start, &end);
+      for (x = start + 1; x < end; x++)
+        {
+          gfloat val = ps->mask[x + y * ps->width];
+          if (val != 0.f)
+            {
+              /* If the current pixel is selected, then we've already visited
+               * the next pixel.  (Note that we assume that the maximal image
+               * width is sufficiently low that `x` won't overflow.)
+               */
+              x++;
+              continue;
+            }
+          if (! find_contiguous_segment (ps, diff_mask,
+                                         x, y,
+                                         &new_start, &new_end))
+            continue;
+          /* We can skip directly to `new_end + 1` on the next iteration, since
+           * we've just selected all pixels in the range `[x, new_end)`, and
+           * the pixel at `new_end` is above threshold.  (Note that we assume
+           * that the maximal image width is sufficiently low that `x` won't
+           * overflow.)
+           */
+          x = new_end;
+          if (y + 1 < ps->height)
+            {
+              push_segment (segment_queue,
+                            y, old_y, start, end,
+                            y + 1, new_start, new_end);
+            }
+          if (y - 1 >= 0)
+            {
+              push_segment (segment_queue,
+                            y, old_y, start, end,
+                            y - 1, new_start, new_end);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  while (! g_queue_is_empty (segment_queue));
+  g_queue_free (segment_queue);
 static void
 paint_select_init_buffers (PaintSelect  *ps,
                            GeglBuffer   *mask,
@@ -244,9 +493,6 @@ paint_select_init_buffers (PaintSelect  *ps,
   ps->v_costs   = (gfloat *)  gegl_malloc (sizeof (gfloat) * ps->width * (ps->height - 1));
   ps->nodes     = (node_id *) gegl_malloc (sizeof (node_id) * ps->n_pixels);
-  ps->fg_samples = NULL;
-  ps->bg_samples = NULL;
   gegl_buffer_get (mask, NULL, 1.0, babl_format (SELECTION_FORMAT),
                    ps->mask, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
@@ -267,8 +513,6 @@ paint_select_free_buffers (PaintSelect  *ps)
   gegl_free (ps->colors);
   gegl_free (ps->h_costs);
   gegl_free (ps->v_costs);
-  g_free (ps->fg_samples);
-  g_free (ps->bg_samples);
 static void
@@ -439,168 +683,34 @@ paint_select_get_local_region (PaintSelect  *ps,
   return region;
-static void
-paint_select_init_local_samples (PaintSelect    *ps,
-                                 GeglRectangle  *region)
-  gint    *n_samples;
-  gfloat **samples;
-  gfloat   scribble_val;
-  gfloat   mask_val;
-  gint     x, y, i;
-  if (ps->mode == GEGL_PAINT_SELECT_MODE_ADD)
-    {
-      n_samples    = &ps->n_fg_samples;
-      samples      = &ps->fg_samples;
-      scribble_val = FG_SCRIBBLE;
-      mask_val     = FG_MASK;
-      g_printerr ("local samples are foreground\n");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      n_samples    = &ps->n_bg_samples;
-      samples      = &ps->bg_samples;
-      scribble_val = BG_SCRIBBLE;
-      mask_val     = BG_MASK;
-      g_printerr ("local samples are background\n");
-    }
-  *n_samples = 0;
-  for (y = region->y; y < region->y + region->height; y++)
-    {
-      for (x = region->x; x < region->x + region->width; x++)
-        {
-          gint off = x + y * ps->width;
-          if (ps->scribbles[off] == scribble_val ||
-              ps->mask[off] == mask_val)
-            {
-              *n_samples += 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  *samples = g_new (gfloat, *n_samples * 3);
-  i = 0;
-  for (y = region->y; y < region->y + region->height; y++)
-    {
-      for (x = region->x; x < region->x + region->width; x++)
-        {
-          gint off = x + y * ps->width;
-          if (ps->scribbles[off] == scribble_val ||
-              ps->mask[off] == mask_val)
-            {
-              gint coff = off * 3;
-              (*samples)[i*3]   = ps->colors[coff];
-              (*samples)[i*3+1] = ps->colors[coff+1];
-              (*samples)[i*3+2] = ps->colors[coff+2];
-              i++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-static void
-paint_select_init_global_samples (PaintSelect  *ps)
-  gint    *n_samples;
-  gfloat **samples;
-  gfloat   mask_val;
-  GRand   *gr;
-  gint i = 0;
-  gr = g_rand_new_with_seed (0);
-    {
-      n_samples = &ps->n_fg_samples;
-      samples   = &ps->fg_samples;
-      mask_val  = FG_MASK;
-      g_printerr ("global samples are foreground\n");
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      n_samples = &ps->n_bg_samples;
-      samples   = &ps->bg_samples;
-      mask_val  = BG_MASK;
-      g_printerr ("global samples are background\n");
-    }
-  *n_samples = N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES;
-  *samples = g_new (gfloat, N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES * 3);
-  while (i < N_GLOBAL_SAMPLES)
-    {
-      gint x = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, ps->width);
-      gint y = g_rand_int_range (gr, 0, ps->height);
-      gint off = x + y * ps->width;
-      if (ps->mask[off] == mask_val)
-        {
-          gint coff = off * 3;
-          (*samples)[i*3]   = ps->colors[coff];
-          (*samples)[i*3+1] = ps->colors[coff+1];
-          (*samples)[i*3+2] = ps->colors[coff+2];
-          i++;
-        }
-    }
-static void
-paint_select_init_fg_bg_models (PaintSelect  *ps)
-  gint n;
-  gfloat increment = 1.f / (gfloat) ps->n_fg_samples;
-  memset (&ps->fg_hist, 0.f, sizeof (Histogram));
-  for (n = 0; n < ps->n_fg_samples; n++)
-    {
-      gfloat *sample = ps->fg_samples + n * 3;
-      gint    b1 = (gint) (sample[0] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      gint    b2 = (gint) (sample[1] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      gint    b3 = (gint) (sample[2] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      ps->fg_hist.bins[b1][b2][b3] += increment;
-    }
-  memset (&ps->bg_hist, 0.f, sizeof (Histogram));
-  increment = 1.f / (gfloat) ps->n_bg_samples;
-  for (n = 0; n < ps->n_bg_samples; n++)
-    {
-      gfloat *sample = ps->bg_samples + n * 3;
-      gint    b1 = (gint) (sample[0] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      gint    b2 = (gint) (sample[1] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      gint    b3 = (gint) (sample[2] * (N_BINS - 1));
-      ps->bg_hist.bins[b1][b2][b3] += increment;
-    }
 /* SOURCE terminal is foreground (selected pixels)
  * SINK terminal is background (unselected pixels)
 static void
-paint_select_init_graph_nodes_and_tlinks (PaintSelect  *ps)
+paint_select_init_graph_nodes_and_tlinks (PaintSelect  *ps,
+                                          ColorsModel  *local_colors,
+                                          ColorsModel  *global_colors)
   gfloat          node_mask;
   ConstraintType  boundary;
+  ColorsModel    *source_model;
+  ColorsModel    *sink_model;
   gint            x, y;
   if (ps->mode == GEGL_PAINT_SELECT_MODE_ADD)
-      node_mask  = BG_MASK;
-      boundary   = HARD_SOURCE;
+      node_mask    = BG_MASK;
+      boundary     = HARD_SOURCE;
+      source_model = global_colors;
+      sink_model   = local_colors;
       node_mask  = FG_MASK;
       boundary   = HARD_SINK;
+      source_model = local_colors;
+      sink_model   = global_colors;
   for (y = 0; y < ps->height; y++)
@@ -659,12 +769,9 @@ paint_select_init_graph_nodes_and_tlinks (PaintSelect  *ps)
                   gint coff = off * 3;
-                  gint b1 = (gint) (ps->colors[coff]   * (N_BINS - 1));
-                  gint b2 = (gint) (ps->colors[coff+1] * (N_BINS - 1));
-                  gint b3 = (gint) (ps->colors[coff+2] * (N_BINS - 1));
-                  sink_weight   = - logf (ps->fg_hist.bins[b1][b2][b3] + 0.0001f);
-                  source_weight = - logf (ps->bg_hist.bins[b1][b2][b3] + 0.0001f);
+                  sink_weight   = - logf (colors_model_get_likelyhood (sink_model, ps->colors + coff) + 
+                  source_weight = - logf (colors_model_get_likelyhood (source_model, ps->colors + coff) + 
               if (source_weight < 0)
@@ -752,78 +859,7 @@ paint_select_compute_diff_mask (PaintSelect  *ps)
   return diff;
-static void
-paint_select_remove_fluctuations (PaintSelect  *ps,
-                                  gfloat       *diff_mask,
-                                  gint          x,
-                                  gint          y)
-  gint                 old_y;
-  gint                 start, end;
-  gint                 new_start, new_end;
-  GQueue              *segment_queue;
-  /* mask buffer will hold the result and need to be clean first */
-  memset (ps->mask, 0.f, sizeof (gfloat) * ps->n_pixels);
-  segment_queue = g_queue_new ();
-  push_segment (segment_queue,
-                y, /* dummy values: */ -1, 0, 0,
-                y, x - 1, x + 1);
-  do
-    {
-      pop_segment (segment_queue,
-                   &y, &old_y, &start, &end);
-      for (x = start + 1; x < end; x++)
-        {
-          gfloat val = ps->mask[x + y * ps->width];
-          if (val != 0.f)
-            {
-              /* If the current pixel is selected, then we've already visited
-               * the next pixel.  (Note that we assume that the maximal image
-               * width is sufficiently low that `x` won't overflow.)
-               */
-              x++;
-              continue;
-            }
-          if (! find_contiguous_segment (ps, diff_mask,
-                                         x, y,
-                                         &new_start, &new_end))
-            continue;
-          /* We can skip directly to `new_end + 1` on the next iteration, since
-           * we've just selected all pixels in the range `[x, new_end)`, and
-           * the pixel at `new_end` is above threshold.  (Note that we assume
-           * that the maximal image width is sufficiently low that `x` won't
-           * overflow.)
-           */
-          x = new_end;
-          if (y + 1 < ps->height)
-            {
-              push_segment (segment_queue,
-                            y, old_y, start, end,
-                            y + 1, new_start, new_end);
-            }
-          if (y - 1 >= 0)
-            {
-              push_segment (segment_queue,
-                            y, old_y, start, end,
-                            y - 1, new_start, new_end);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  while (! g_queue_is_empty (segment_queue));
-  g_queue_free (segment_queue);
+/* GEGL operation */
 static void
 prepare (GeglOperation *operation)
@@ -862,8 +898,8 @@ process (GeglOperation       *operation,
          gint                 level)
   GeglProperties  *o = GEGL_PROPERTIES (operation);
-  PaintSelect  ps;
-  gfloat       flow;
+  PaintSelect   ps;
+  gfloat        flow;
   GeglRectangle region;
   gint          x, y;
@@ -887,29 +923,73 @@ process (GeglOperation       *operation,
   if (! gegl_rectangle_is_empty (&region) &&
       ! gegl_rectangle_is_infinite_plane (&region))
-      gfloat  *diff;
+      PaintSelectPrivate *priv = (PaintSelectPrivate *) o->user_data;
+      ColorsModel        *local_colors;
+      ColorsModel        *global_colors;
+      gfloat             *diff;
-      /* retrieve colors samples and init histograms */
+      if (! priv)
+        {
+          priv = g_slice_new (PaintSelectPrivate);
+          priv->fg_colors = NULL;
+          priv->bg_colors = NULL;
+          o->user_data    = priv;
+        }
-      paint_select_init_local_samples (&ps, &region);
-      paint_select_init_global_samples (&ps);
+      if (o->mode == GEGL_PAINT_SELECT_MODE_ADD)
+        {
+          if (! priv->bg_colors)
+            {
+              priv->bg_colors = colors_model_new_global (ps.colors, ps.mask,
+                                                         ps.width, ps.height,
+                                                         BG_MASK);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              colors_model_update_global (priv->bg_colors,
+                                          ps.colors, ps.mask,
+                                          ps.width, ps.height,
+                                          BG_MASK);
+            }
-      g_printerr ("n fg samples: %d\n", ps.n_fg_samples);
-      g_printerr ("n bg samples: %d\n", ps.n_bg_samples);
+          global_colors = priv->bg_colors;
+          local_colors = colors_model_new_local (ps.colors, ps.mask, ps.scribbles,
+                                                 ps.width, ps.height,
+                                                 &region,
+                                                 FG_MASK, FG_SCRIBBLE);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (! priv->fg_colors)
+            {
+              priv->fg_colors = colors_model_new_global (ps.colors, ps.mask,
+                                                         ps.width, ps.height,
+                                                         FG_MASK);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              colors_model_update_global (priv->fg_colors,
+                                          ps.colors, ps.mask,
+                                          ps.width, ps.height,
+                                          FG_MASK);
+            }
-      paint_select_init_fg_bg_models (&ps);
+          global_colors = priv->fg_colors;
+          local_colors = colors_model_new_local (ps.colors, ps.mask, ps.scribbles,
+                                                 ps.width, ps.height,
+                                                 &region,
+                                                 BG_MASK, BG_SCRIBBLE);
+        }
       /* init graph */
       paint_select_compute_adjacent_costs (&ps);
-      g_printerr ("mean adjacent costs: %f\n", ps.mean_costs);
-      paint_select_init_graph_nodes_and_tlinks (&ps);
+      paint_select_init_graph_nodes_and_tlinks (&ps, local_colors, global_colors);
       paint_select_init_graph_nlinks (&ps);
       /* compute maxflow/mincut */
       flow = ps.graph->maxflow();
-      g_printerr ("flow: %f\n", flow);
       /* compute difference between original mask and graphcut result.
        * then remove fluctuations */
@@ -922,6 +1002,7 @@ process (GeglOperation       *operation,
                        ps.mask, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE);
       gegl_free (diff);
+      colors_model_free (local_colors);
   paint_select_free_buffers (&ps);
@@ -929,15 +1010,40 @@ process (GeglOperation       *operation,
   return TRUE;
+static void
+finalize (GObject *object)
+  GeglProperties *o = GEGL_PROPERTIES (object);
+  if (o->user_data)
+    {
+      PaintSelectPrivate *priv = (PaintSelectPrivate *) o->user_data;
+      if (priv->fg_colors)
+        colors_model_free (priv->fg_colors);
+      if (priv->bg_colors)
+        colors_model_free (priv->bg_colors);
+      g_slice_free (PaintSelectPrivate, o->user_data);
+      o->user_data = NULL;
+    }
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (gegl_op_parent_class)->finalize (object);
 static void
 gegl_op_class_init (GeglOpClass *klass)
+  GObjectClass                *object_class;
   GeglOperationClass          *operation_class;
   GeglOperationComposer3Class *composer_class;
+  object_class    = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
   operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass);
   composer_class  = GEGL_OPERATION_COMPOSER3_CLASS (klass);
+  object_class->finalize                     = finalize;
   operation_class->get_cached_region         = get_cached_region;
   operation_class->prepare                   = prepare;
   operation_class->threaded                  = FALSE;

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