[gtk/wip.win32.fixes: 39/44] GDK/Win32: Remove layered windows usage

commit e30ec313ccf72fd84e74f88ce3dcee4a98cb771d
Author: Chun-wei Fan <fanchunwei src gnome org>
Date:   Thu Nov 5 16:24:40 2020 +0800

    GDK/Win32: Remove layered windows usage
    In GTK4, we are now defaulting to the OpenGL renderer with the Cairo renderer
    only used as a fallback, so there is no point keeping the code paths that use
    layered windows as layered windows do not work well with OpenGL nor Vulkan.

 gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.c  |  86 ++--------------
 gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.h  |  11 +-
 gdk/win32/gdkdrag-win32.c          |   1 -
 gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c        |   9 --
 gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c     |  24 -----
 gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c          |   1 -
 gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.c       | 199 +++----------------------------------
 gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.h       |  21 ----
 gdk/win32/gdkvulkancontext-win32.c |   6 --
 9 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 330 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.c
index 27f8baa36f..a46891d8a4 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.c
@@ -31,46 +31,6 @@
 G_DEFINE_TYPE (GdkWin32CairoContext, gdk_win32_cairo_context, GDK_TYPE_CAIRO_CONTEXT)
-static cairo_surface_t *
-create_cairo_surface_for_layered_window (GdkWin32Surface  *impl,
-                                         int                   width,
-                                         int                   height,
-                                         int                   scale)
-  if (width > impl->dib_width ||
-      height > impl->dib_height)
-    {
-      cairo_surface_t *new_cache;
-      impl->dib_width = MAX (impl->dib_width, MAX (width, 1));
-      impl->dib_height = MAX (impl->dib_height, MAX (height, 1));
-      /* Create larger cache surface, copy old cache surface over it */
-      new_cache = cairo_win32_surface_create_with_dib (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,
-                                                       impl->dib_width,
-                                                       impl->dib_height);
-      if (impl->cache_surface)
-        {
-          cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (new_cache);
-          cairo_set_source_surface (cr, impl->cache_surface, 0, 0);
-          cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
-          cairo_paint (cr);
-          cairo_destroy (cr);
-          cairo_surface_flush (new_cache);
-          cairo_surface_destroy (impl->cache_surface);
-        }
-      impl->cache_surface = new_cache;
-      cairo_surface_set_device_scale (impl->cache_surface,
-                                      scale,
-                                      scale);
-    }
-  return cairo_surface_reference (impl->cache_surface);
 static cairo_surface_t *
 create_cairo_surface_for_surface (GdkSurface *surface,
                                   int         scale)
@@ -114,22 +74,11 @@ gdk_win32_cairo_context_begin_frame (GdkDrawContext *draw_context,
   width = MAX (width, 1);
   height = MAX (height, 1);
-  if (self->layered)
-    self->window_surface = create_cairo_surface_for_layered_window (impl, width, height, scale);
-  else
-    self->window_surface = create_cairo_surface_for_surface (surface, scale);
+  self->window_surface = create_cairo_surface_for_surface (surface, scale);
-  if (self->layered ||
-      !self->double_buffered)
-    {
-      /* Layered windows paint on the window_surface (which is itself
-       * an in-memory cache that the window maintains, since layered windows
-       * do not support incremental redraws.
-       * Non-double-buffered windows paint on the window surface directly
-       * as well.
-       */
-      self->paint_surface = cairo_surface_reference (self->window_surface);
-    }
+  if (!self->double_buffered)
+    /* Non-double-buffered windows paint on the window surface directly */
+    self->paint_surface = cairo_surface_reference (self->window_surface);
       if (width > self->db_width ||
@@ -153,11 +102,10 @@ gdk_win32_cairo_context_begin_frame (GdkDrawContext *draw_context,
   /* Clear the paint region.
-   * For non-double-buffered and for layered rendering we must
-   * clear it, otherwise semi-transparent pixels will "add up"
-   * with each repaint.
-   * For double-buffered rendering we must clear the old pixels
-   * from the DB cache surface that we're going to use as a buffer.
+   * For non-double-buffered rendering we must clear it, otherwise
+   * semi-transparent pixels will "add up" with each repaint.
+   * We must also clear the old pixels from the DB cache surface
+   * that we're going to use as a buffer.
   cr = cairo_create (self->paint_surface);
   cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0, 0, 0, 00);
@@ -184,12 +132,10 @@ gdk_win32_cairo_context_end_frame (GdkDrawContext *draw_context,
    * to be here.
-  /* Layered windows have their own, special copying section
-   * further down. For double-buffered windows we need to blit
+  /* For double-buffered windows we need to blit
    * the DB buffer contents into the window itself.
-  if (!self->layered &&
-      self->double_buffered)
+  if (self->double_buffered)
       cairo_t *cr;
@@ -207,18 +153,6 @@ gdk_win32_cairo_context_end_frame (GdkDrawContext *draw_context,
   cairo_surface_flush (self->window_surface);
-  /* Update layered window, updating its contents, size and position
-   * in one call.
-   */
-  if (self->layered)
-    {
-      RECT client_rect;
-      /* Get the position/size of the window that GDK wants. */
-      _gdk_win32_get_window_client_area_rect (surface, scale, &client_rect);
-      _gdk_win32_update_layered_window_from_cache (surface, &client_rect, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-    }
   g_clear_pointer (&self->paint_surface, cairo_surface_destroy);
   g_clear_pointer (&self->window_surface, cairo_surface_destroy);
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.h b/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.h
index 99fbfd76f9..3fd093c12d 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.h
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkcairocontext-win32.h
@@ -44,10 +44,6 @@ struct _GdkWin32CairoContext
    * code that is unaffected by this flag.
   guint            double_buffered : 1;
-  /* Re-set to the same value as GdkSurfaceImplWin32->layered
-   * every frame (since layeredness can change at runtime).
-   */
-  guint            layered : 1;
   /* The a surface for double-buffering. We keep it
    * around between repaints, and only re-allocate it
@@ -56,12 +52,11 @@ struct _GdkWin32CairoContext
   int              db_width;
   int              db_height;
-  /* Surface for the window DC (in non-layered mode).
-   * A reference of the cache surface (in layered mode). */
+  /* Surface for the window DC */
   cairo_surface_t *window_surface;
   /* A reference to db_surface (when double-buffering).
-   * When not using double-buffering or in layered mode
-   * this is a reference to window_surface.
+   * When not using double-buffering this is a reference
+   * to window_surface.
   cairo_surface_t *paint_surface;
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkdrag-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkdrag-win32.c
index e880543992..df81a73cec 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkdrag-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkdrag-win32.c
@@ -2113,7 +2113,6 @@ gdk_drag_anim_timeout (gpointer data)
        (drag->start_y - drag->util_data.last_y) * t -
   gdk_win32_surface_move (drag->drag_surface, x, y);
-  gdk_win32_surface_set_opacity (drag->drag_surface, 1.0 - f);
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c
index dbdcab2c43..8a03433742 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkevents-win32.c
@@ -1495,15 +1495,6 @@ handle_dpi_changed (GdkSurface *window,
       monitor = gdk_display_get_monitor_at_surface (display, window);
       gdk_monitor_set_scale_factor (monitor, impl->surface_scale);
-      if (impl->layered)
-        {
-          /* We only need to set the cairo surface device scale here ourselves for layered windows */
-          if (impl->cache_surface != NULL)
-            cairo_surface_set_device_scale (impl->cache_surface,
-                                            impl->surface_scale,
-                                            impl->surface_scale);
-        }
   _gdk_win32_adjust_client_rect (window, rect);
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c
index 625b13ff74..c7e7fa3345 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkglcontext-win32.c
@@ -88,19 +88,6 @@ _gdk_win32_gl_context_dispose (GObject *gobject)
-  if (surface != NULL)
-    {
-      GdkWin32Surface *impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface);
-      if (impl->suppress_layered > 0)
-        impl->suppress_layered--;
-      /* If we don't have any surface that forces layered windows off,
-       * trigger update_style_bits() to enable layered windows again
-       */
-      if (impl->suppress_layered == 0)
-        _gdk_win32_surface_update_style_bits (surface);
-    }
   G_OBJECT_CLASS (gdk_win32_gl_context_parent_class)->dispose (gobject);
@@ -1001,17 +988,6 @@ gdk_win32_gl_context_realize (GdkGLContext *context,
   /* set whether we are using GLES */
   gdk_gl_context_set_use_es (context, use_es);
-  /* OpenGL does not work with WS_EX_LAYERED enabled, so we need to
-   * disable WS_EX_LAYERED when we acquire a valid HGLRC
-   */
-  impl->suppress_layered++;
-  /* if this is the first time a GL context is acquired for the surface,
-   * disable layered windows by triggering update_style_bits()
-   */
-  if (impl->suppress_layered == 1)
-    _gdk_win32_surface_update_style_bits (surface);
   /* Ensure that any other context is created with a legacy bit set */
   gdk_gl_context_set_is_legacy (context, legacy_bit);
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c
index 6d4e44cfc7..5d43f4d3a4 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkmain-win32.c
@@ -351,7 +351,6 @@ _gdk_win32_surface_exstyle_to_string (LONG style)
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.c
index 4c6a5067a0..9556ab2618 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.c
@@ -271,7 +271,6 @@ _gdk_win32_adjust_client_rect (GdkSurface *window,
 _gdk_win32_surface_enable_transparency (GdkSurface *window)
-  GdkWin32Surface *impl;
   DWM_BLURBEHIND blur_behind;
   HRGN empty_region;
   HRESULT call_result;
@@ -280,12 +279,6 @@ _gdk_win32_surface_enable_transparency (GdkSurface *window)
   if (window == NULL || GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window) == NULL)
     return FALSE;
-  impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (window);
-  /* layered windows don't need blurbehind for transparency */
-  if (impl->layered)
-    return TRUE;
   if (!gdk_display_is_composited (gdk_surface_get_display (window)))
     return FALSE;
@@ -522,9 +515,6 @@ _gdk_win32_display_create_surface (GdkDisplay     *display,
   surface->width = width;
   surface->height = height;
-  impl->layered = FALSE;
-  impl->layered_opacity = 1.0;
   impl->surface_scale = _gdk_win32_display_get_monitor_scale_factor (display_win32, NULL, NULL, NULL);
   impl->unscaled_width = width * impl->surface_scale;
   impl->unscaled_height = height * impl->surface_scale;
@@ -1746,11 +1736,6 @@ update_single_bit (LONG    *style,
  * Returns TRUE if window has no decorations.
  * Usually it means CSD windows, because GTK
  * calls gdk_surface_set_decorations (window, 0);
- * This is used to decide whether a toplevel should
- * be made layered, thus it
- * only returns TRUE for toplevels (until GTK minimal
- * system requirements are lifted to Windows 8 or newer,
- * because only toplevels can be layered).
 _gdk_win32_surface_lacks_wm_decorations (GdkSurface *window)
@@ -1844,27 +1829,6 @@ _gdk_win32_surface_update_style_bits (GdkSurface *window)
       new_exstyle &= ~WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
-  /* We can get away with using layered windows
-   * only when no decorations are needed. It can mean
-   * CSD or borderless non-CSD windows (tooltips?).
-   *
-   * If this window cannot use layered windows, disable it always.
-   * This currently applies to windows using OpenGL, which
-   * does not work with layered windows.
-   */
-  if (impl->suppress_layered == 0)
-    {
-      if (_gdk_win32_surface_lacks_wm_decorations (window))
-        impl->layered = g_strcmp0 (g_getenv ("GDK_WIN32_LAYERED"), "0") != 0;
-    }
-  else
-    impl->layered = FALSE;
-  if (impl->layered)
-    new_exstyle |= WS_EX_LAYERED;
-  else
-    new_exstyle &= ~WS_EX_LAYERED;
   if (get_effective_window_decorations (window, &decorations))
       all = (decorations & GDK_DECOR_ALL);
@@ -3785,67 +3749,6 @@ gdk_win32_get_window_size_and_position_from_client_rect (GdkSurface *window,
   window_size->cy = window_rect->bottom - window_rect->top;
-_gdk_win32_update_layered_window_from_cache (GdkSurface *surface,
-                                             RECT       *client_rect,
-                                             gboolean    do_move,
-                                             gboolean    do_resize,
-                                             gboolean    do_paint)
-  POINT window_position;
-  SIZE window_size;
-  HDC hdc;
-  SIZE *window_size_ptr;
-  POINT source_point = { 0, 0 };
-  POINT *source_point_ptr;
-  GdkWin32Surface *impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface);
-  gdk_win32_get_window_size_and_position_from_client_rect (surface,
-                                                           client_rect,
-                                                           &window_size,
-                                                           &window_position);
-  blender.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
-  blender.BlendFlags = 0;
-  blender.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA;
-  blender.SourceConstantAlpha = impl->layered_opacity * 255;
-  /* Strictly speaking, we don't need to supply hdc, source_point and
-   * window_size to just move the window. However, without these arguments
-   * the window moves but does not update its contents on Windows 7 when
-   * desktop composition is off. This forces us to provide hdc and
-   * source_point. window_size is here to avoid the function
-   * inexplicably failing with error 317.
-   */
-  hdc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc (impl->cache_surface);
-  window_size_ptr = &window_size;
-  source_point_ptr = &source_point;
-  if (gdk_display_is_composited (gdk_surface_get_display (surface)))
-    {
-      if (!do_paint)
-        hdc = NULL;
-      if (!do_resize)
-        window_size_ptr = NULL;
-      if (!do_move)
-        source_point_ptr = NULL;
-    }
-  /* Don't use UpdateLayeredWindow on minimized windows */
-  if (IsIconic (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface)))
-    API_CALL (SetWindowPos, (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface),
-                             SWP_NOZORDER_SPECIFIED,
-                             window_position.x, window_position.y,
-                             window_size.cx, window_size.cy,
-                             SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOREDRAW));
-  else
-    API_CALL (UpdateLayeredWindow, (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (surface), NULL,
-                                    &window_position, window_size_ptr,
-                                    hdc, source_point_ptr,
-                                    0, &blender, ULW_ALPHA));
 gdk_win32_surface_do_move_resize_drag (GdkSurface *window,
                                       int        x,
@@ -4022,30 +3925,23 @@ gdk_win32_surface_do_move_resize_drag (GdkSurface *window,
            (rect.left != new_rect.left ||
             rect.top != new_rect.top))
+      SIZE window_size;
+      POINT window_position;
       context->native_move_resize_pending = FALSE;
       gdk_surface_request_layout (window);
-      if (impl->layered)
-        {
-          _gdk_win32_update_layered_window_from_cache (window, &new_rect, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          SIZE window_size;
-          POINT window_position;
-          gdk_win32_get_window_size_and_position_from_client_rect (window,
-                                                                   &new_rect,
-                                                                   &window_size,
-                                                                   &window_position);
-          API_CALL (SetWindowPos, (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window),
-                                   SWP_NOZORDER_SPECIFIED,
-                                   window_position.x, window_position.y,
-                                   0, 0,
-                                   SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE));
-        }
+      gdk_win32_get_window_size_and_position_from_client_rect (window,
+                                                              &new_rect,
+                                                              &window_size,
+                                                              &window_position);
+      API_CALL (SetWindowPos, (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window),
+                               SWP_NOZORDER_SPECIFIED,
+                               window_position.x, window_position.y,
+                               0, 0,
+                               SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE));
   if (context->op == GDK_WIN32_DRAGOP_RESIZE ||
@@ -4313,61 +4209,6 @@ gdk_win32_surface_lookup_for_display (GdkDisplay *display,
   return (GdkSurface*) gdk_win32_handle_table_lookup (anid);
-gdk_win32_surface_set_opacity (GdkSurface *window,
-                               double      opacity)
-  LONG exstyle;
-  typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PFN_SetLayeredWindowAttributes) (HWND, COLORREF, BYTE, DWORD);
-  PFN_SetLayeredWindowAttributes setLayeredWindowAttributes = NULL;
-  GdkWin32Surface *impl;
-  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_SURFACE (window));
-  if (GDK_SURFACE_DESTROYED (window))
-    return;
-  if (opacity < 0)
-    opacity = 0;
-  else if (opacity > 1)
-    opacity = 1;
-  impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (window);
-  if (impl->layered)
-    {
-      if (impl->layered_opacity != opacity)
-        {
-          RECT window_rect;
-          impl->layered_opacity = opacity;
-          _gdk_win32_get_window_client_area_rect (window, impl->surface_scale, &window_rect);
-          _gdk_win32_update_layered_window_from_cache (window, &window_rect, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
-        }
-      return;
-    }
-  exstyle = GetWindowLong (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window), GWL_EXSTYLE);
-  if (!(exstyle & WS_EX_LAYERED))
-    SetWindowLong (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window),
-                   GWL_EXSTYLE,
-                   exstyle | WS_EX_LAYERED);
-  setLayeredWindowAttributes =
-    (PFN_SetLayeredWindowAttributes)GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle ("user32.dll"), 
-  if (setLayeredWindowAttributes)
-    {
-      API_CALL (setLayeredWindowAttributes, (GDK_SURFACE_HWND (window),
-                                            0,
-                                            opacity * 0xff,
-                                            LWA_ALPHA));
-    }
 gdk_win32_surface_is_win32 (GdkSurface *window)
@@ -4447,9 +4288,6 @@ GtkShowWindow (GdkSurface *window,
       if (IsWindowVisible (hwnd))
-      if ((WS_EX_LAYERED & GetWindowLongPtr (hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)) != WS_EX_LAYERED)
-        break;
       /* Window was hidden, will be shown. Erase it, GDK will repaint soon,
        * but not soon enough, so it's possible to see old content before
        * the next redraw, unless we erase the window first.
@@ -5185,7 +5023,6 @@ gdk_win32_surface_apply_queued_move_resize (GdkSurface *surface,
 gdk_win32_surface_handle_queued_move_resize (GdkDrawContext *draw_context)
-  GdkWin32CairoContext *cairo_ctx = NULL;
   GdkSurface *surface;
   GdkWin32Surface *impl;
   int scale;
@@ -5195,15 +5032,9 @@ gdk_win32_surface_handle_queued_move_resize (GdkDrawContext *draw_context)
   impl = GDK_WIN32_SURFACE (surface);
   scale = gdk_surface_get_scale_factor (surface);
-  if (GDK_IS_WIN32_CAIRO_CONTEXT (draw_context))
-    {
-      cairo_ctx = GDK_WIN32_CAIRO_CONTEXT (draw_context);
-      cairo_ctx->layered = impl->layered;
-    }
   gdk_win32_surface_get_queued_window_rect (surface, scale, &queued_window_rect);
-  /* Apply queued resizes for non-double-buffered and non-layered windows
+  /* Apply queued resizes for non-double-buffered windows
    * before painting them (we paint on the window DC directly,
    * it must have the right size).
    * Due to some poorly-undetstood issue delayed
@@ -5211,7 +5042,7 @@ gdk_win32_surface_handle_queued_move_resize (GdkDrawContext *draw_context)
    * artefacts, so these are also resized before we paint.
   if (impl->drag_move_resize_context.native_move_resize_pending &&
-      (cairo_ctx == NULL || !cairo_ctx->layered))
+      !GDK_IS_WIN32_CAIRO_CONTEXT (draw_context))
       impl->drag_move_resize_context.native_move_resize_pending = FALSE;
       gdk_win32_surface_apply_queued_move_resize (surface, queued_window_rect);
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.h b/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.h
index 5f45eb7662..7d429d8b63 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.h
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdksurface-win32.h
@@ -277,13 +277,6 @@ struct _GdkWin32Surface
   guint zero_margins : 1;
   guint inhibit_configure : 1;
-  /* Set to TRUE if window is using true layered mode adjustments
-   * via UpdateLayeredWindow().
-   * Layered windows that get SetLayeredWindowAttributes() called
-   * on them are not true layered windows.
-   */
-  guint layered : 1;
   /* If TRUE, the @temp_styles is set to the styles that were temporarily
    * added to this window.
@@ -309,12 +302,6 @@ struct _GdkWin32Surface
   int              dib_width;
   int              dib_height;
-  /* If the client wants uniformly-transparent window,
-   * we remember the opacity value here and apply it
-   * during UpdateLayredWindow() call, for layered windows.
-   */
-  double           layered_opacity;
   HDC              hdc;
   int              hdc_count;
   HBITMAP          saved_dc_bitmap; /* Original bitmap for dc */
@@ -340,9 +327,6 @@ struct _GdkWin32Surface
   /* Enable all decorations? */
   gboolean decorate_all;
-  /* No. of windows to force layered windows off */
-  guint suppress_layered;
   /* Temporary styles that this window got for the purpose of
    * handling WM_SYSMENU.
    * They are removed at the first opportunity (usually WM_INITMENU).
@@ -375,11 +359,6 @@ int   _gdk_win32_surface_get_scale_factor    (GdkSurface *window);
 void  _gdk_win32_get_window_client_area_rect (GdkSurface *window,
                                               int         scale,
                                               RECT       *rect);
-void  _gdk_win32_update_layered_window_from_cache (GdkSurface *window,
-                                                   RECT       *client_rect,
-                                                   gboolean    do_move,
-                                                   gboolean    do_resize,
-                                                   gboolean    do_paint);
 void gdk_win32_surface_move (GdkSurface *surface,
                              int         x,
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkvulkancontext-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkvulkancontext-win32.c
index e0d9ae8473..478299c31e 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkvulkancontext-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkvulkancontext-win32.c
@@ -63,12 +63,6 @@ gdk_win32_vulkan_context_create_surface (GdkVulkanContext *context,
-  if (result == VK_SUCCESS)
-    win32_surface->suppress_layered ++;
-  if (win32_surface->suppress_layered == 1)
-    _gdk_win32_surface_update_style_bits (window);
   return result;

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