[gtk] (94 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch wip/chergert/glproto

The branch 'wip/chergert/glproto' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  958cc77... stub out prototype bits for different GL renderer design
  24e76cb... add clear helper
  8be32f3... setup texture library frame ends
  bf5b19b... setup modelview stack
  fb73d91... start bringing over some of the modelview bits
  7da328d... cleanup offset handling
  e8c4224... transform can be null
  8d761c1... add renderer to test utils
  2998973... break job into a prepare and render phase
  7a593a9... add execute func
  6313d64... setup command queue before libraries
  889a87d... add viewport hook
  ad6c173... stub out job render a bit
  d13075a... check clip before visiting node
  227d42d... always keep a node in the all_queue
  6a05194... start on more memory friendly version of command queue
  0c156da... reset arrays on end frame
  4788fba... ensure clear call is done inside of frame begin/end
  44a5a5e... sketch out some real basics for drawing
  423b77b... apply framebuffer from clear command
  a051a23... use shorts for WxH of viewport within batch
  02472a8... use union to make batch size smaller
  32a1814... handle initial state for uniform info
  399b108... only setup viewport uniform if location is > -1
  87cf266... mark queue as in draw
  a46a10d... viewport is changed now
  580119c... give more information about uniform failure
  594f37e... always allocate some space
  1577075... wrap matrix setter
  38a9585... add some precondition checks
  0ad780c... cache commonly used location at known offset
  c039042... setup matrix uniform for modelview
  586d12f... fix batch tail ordering
  2e2df8d... check max texture size when starting a frame
  cdb4b83... only set viewport once
  9ca26f6... DRY viewport change
  59a7055... change program for draw batches
  27f7227... cleanup style, more asserts
  80ed92f... set initial state to FALSE
  56ab523... more assertions
  5b38126... fix alignment of uniform sizes
  10d788e... remove extra bind sets
  206a35b... style cleanup
  ee6ca8e... start with scissor disabled
  1669a8d... use bitfields instead of flags
  1e699af... mark some costly things as unlikely
  0035925... better naming
  27c8cd9... detach shader before deleting
  fd8bf73... use array instead of hashtable
  6298540... only change framebuffer if non-zero
  85a49f9... some cleanup
  d15bad8... fix shader suffix
  1164c3f... add some debug helpers
  34b738e... use aUv not vUv
  2e8f881... be safer about clearing things even if we error
  5eef5ee... setup clip for color node
  9a22efe... setup clip rect as part of starting draw
  d9d7eee... make program uniform setting passthrough
  67652a3... implement linear gradient node
  7d292a7... cleanup
  ebb76cd... remove helpers
  db62591... extract out of jump table
  1038a7b... stub out fallback
  4b940e6... bring over transform check
  820c18a... stub out simple transform nodes
  ef1f3c6... start on clipping
  ff3e0d0... fix program
  9c74698... start on basic rounded clip
  de71623... clear uniform state to zero when expanding
  a804b03... start on border node
  6b8ddc7... add renderer to node-editor
  06505e7... ensure we've loaded max texture size
  15d9633... make current before deleting program

Commits added to the branch:

  0d2ea14... types: fix various use of volatile in type registration (*)
  f22ec06... Fix the Vulkan header check for VK_RESULT_RANGE_SIZE (*)
  3344bca... gdk/wayland/surface: Expose gdk_wayland_surface_get_wl_egl_ (*)
  108933b... Merge branch 'wip/chergert/volatile-fixes' into 'master' (*)
  34ffdc6... gl: Fix implicit leaking of shader object (*)
  1758f88... Merge branch 'ebassi/issue-3522' into 'master' (*)
  6c09832... Merge branch 'xndcn/fix-shader' into 'master' (*)
  0d54d73... Fix menu item alignment with submenus (*)
  2336120... message dialog: use title style only if there is secondary  (*)
  02ba9bc... Merge branch 'fix-menu-alignment' into 'master' (*)
  5fe4334... Merge branch 'mcatanzaro/#3509' into 'master' (*)
  878b34f... gtk4-encode-symbolic: Add debug output (*)
  224c267... Merge branch 'gtk_egl_wayland' into 'master' (*)
  b5fe434... Revert "Merge branch 'gtk_egl_wayland' into 'master'" (*)
  d5963ad... Merge branch 'revert-224c2674' into 'master' (*)
  4ad5e77... macos: do not crash in mojave (*)
  378bd9f... Merge branch 'macos-mojave' into 'master' (*)
  d888402... macos: ensure GdkMacosWindow in surface discovery (*)
  bdde41e... Merge branch 'encode-symbolic-debug' into 'master' (*)
  b5938fa... Update Ukrainian translation (*)
  75a2976... Merge branch 'wip/chergert/fix-macos-window-check' into 'ma (*)
  e21ecaf... stub out prototype bits for different GL renderer design
  1344830... add clear helper
  351174d... setup texture library frame ends
  d75ec14... setup modelview stack
  a094d65... start bringing over some of the modelview bits
  6490d0e... cleanup offset handling
  b5d33d5... transform can be null
  2dcdd71... add renderer to test utils
  41532c1... break job into a prepare and render phase
  d53b0ab... add execute func
  39c06b5... setup command queue before libraries
  033f68e... add viewport hook
  4c1c2e1... stub out job render a bit
  04828e7... check clip before visiting node
  8338695... always keep a node in the all_queue
  739937c... start on more memory friendly version of command queue
  79a4e28... reset arrays on end frame
  d561a24... ensure clear call is done inside of frame begin/end
  3b6a2cf... sketch out some real basics for drawing
  0eb0033... apply framebuffer from clear command
  fde03b9... use shorts for WxH of viewport within batch
  f8ed784... use union to make batch size smaller
  af4b9f3... handle initial state for uniform info
  688bcd6... only setup viewport uniform if location is > -1
  0ac59de... mark queue as in draw
  ce3d56d... viewport is changed now
  308734c... give more information about uniform failure
  3519718... always allocate some space
  739217c... wrap matrix setter
  fd1d445... add some precondition checks
  53ea9d4... cache commonly used location at known offset
  cf3d00e... setup matrix uniform for modelview
  6615822... fix batch tail ordering
  b9231f0... check max texture size when starting a frame
  665244e... only set viewport once
  8faba59... DRY viewport change
  b5b8017... change program for draw batches
  bc9512b... cleanup style, more asserts
  29472bc... set initial state to FALSE
  cb149ce... more assertions
  b953b74... fix alignment of uniform sizes
  f673609... remove extra bind sets
  26d9e9d... style cleanup
  2b78f5f... start with scissor disabled
  c08bba9... use bitfields instead of flags
  29ca961... mark some costly things as unlikely
  bca85e2... better naming
  053c845... detach shader before deleting
  c45057d... use array instead of hashtable
  c718186... only change framebuffer if non-zero
  ed5e213... some cleanup
  b85494a... fix shader suffix
  a0bb8cb... add some debug helpers
  61d75a9... use aUv not vUv
  7b339ad... be safer about clearing things even if we error
  e2209b7... setup clip for color node
  4368783... setup clip rect as part of starting draw
  3518fc8... make program uniform setting passthrough
  8e47c4c... implement linear gradient node
  08d36f6... cleanup
  6fb25f0... remove helpers
  9d927c9... extract out of jump table
  e8c4bdb... stub out fallback
  8625a94... bring over transform check
  c79380c... stub out simple transform nodes
  2551c79... start on clipping
  155508e... fix program
  f79fa58... start on basic rounded clip
  bd107ae... clear uniform state to zero when expanding
  6de1a63... start on border node
  644eec3... add renderer to node-editor
  b9aebb3... ensure we've loaded max texture size
  3cb2713... make current before deleting program

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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