[gnome-build-meta/abderrahim/40-beta: 4/6] core/dconf-editor.bst: patch to build with latest vala

commit 3454927a2e97eda17fe9db21cd145702d44ece34
Author: Abderrahim Kitouni <akitouni gnome org>
Date:   Tue Feb 16 20:47:20 2021 +0100

    core/dconf-editor.bst: patch to build with latest vala

 elements/core/dconf-editor.bst |   2 +
 files/dconf-editor/17.patch    | 519 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 521 insertions(+)
diff --git a/elements/core/dconf-editor.bst b/elements/core/dconf-editor.bst
index 3bd5f46a..1984a493 100644
--- a/elements/core/dconf-editor.bst
+++ b/elements/core/dconf-editor.bst
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ sources:
 - kind: tar
   url: gnome_downloads:dconf-editor/3.38/dconf-editor-3.38.2.tar.xz
   ref: 1253dad87e6213fbf313ff9ec9dc4358aa1b10261f28072c1dc0e0997b92f835
+- kind: patch
+  path: files/dconf-editor/17.patch
 - freedesktop-sdk.bst:public-stacks/buildsystem-meson.bst
diff --git a/files/dconf-editor/17.patch b/files/dconf-editor/17.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04ddc5c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/dconf-editor/17.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+From fdc90849223649509424bbefe14990de71db2b2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Rico Tzschichholz <ricotz ubuntu com>
+Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2021 13:26:32 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH] Don't alter or try to write GtkChild fields
+See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala/issues/1121
+ editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala  |  4 +--
+ editor/bookmarks-list.vala       |  4 +--
+ editor/bookmarks.vala            | 12 +++----
+ editor/delayed-setting-view.vala | 54 ++++++++++++++++----------------
+ editor/overlayed-list.vala       | 38 +++++++++++-----------
+ editor/pathentry.vala            | 24 +++++++-------
+ editor/registry-list.vala        |  6 ++--
+ editor/registry-search.vala      |  6 ++--
+ editor/registry-view.vala        |  2 +-
+ 9 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala b/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala
+index 54848a5d..0522c37e 100644
+--- a/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala
++++ b/editor/bookmarks-headerbar.vala
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ private abstract class BookmarksHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
+         install_action_entries ();
+         add_bookmarks_revealer              (out bookmarks_revealer,
+-                                             out bookmarks_button,              ref center_box);
++                                             out bookmarks_button,              center_box);
+         connect_bookmarks_signals ();
+         add_bookmarks_controller            (out bookmarks_controller,          ref this);
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ private abstract class BookmarksHeaderBar : BrowserHeaderBar, AdaptativeWidget
+     private Bookmarks           bookmarks_button;
+     private BookmarksController bookmarks_controller;
+-    private static void add_bookmarks_revealer (out Revealer bookmarks_revealer, out Bookmarks 
bookmarks_button, ref Box center_box)
++    private static void add_bookmarks_revealer (out Revealer bookmarks_revealer, out Bookmarks 
bookmarks_button, Box center_box)
+     {
+         bookmarks_revealer = new Revealer ();
+         bookmarks_revealer.transition_type = RevealerTransitionType.SLIDE_LEFT;
+diff --git a/editor/bookmarks-list.vala b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
+index 393973b8..c9280d59 100644
+--- a/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
++++ b/editor/bookmarks-list.vala
+@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ private class BookmarksList : OverlayedList
+     internal bool create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant)
+     {
+-        _create_bookmark_rows (bookmarks_variant, view_mode, ref main_list_store, ref main_list_box, ref 
++        _create_bookmark_rows (bookmarks_variant, view_mode, ref main_list_store, main_list_box, ref 
+         return n_items == 0;
+     }
+-    private static void _create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant, bool view_mode, ref 
GLib.ListStore main_list_store, ref ListBox main_list_box, ref HashTable<string, Bookmark> 
++    private static void _create_bookmark_rows (Variant bookmarks_variant, bool view_mode, ref 
GLib.ListStore main_list_store, ListBox main_list_box, ref HashTable<string, Bookmark> bookmarks_hashtable)
+     {
+         string saved_bookmark_name = "";
+         ListBoxRow? selected_row = main_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+diff --git a/editor/bookmarks.vala b/editor/bookmarks.vala
+index 153af104..d8cea7cc 100644
+--- a/editor/bookmarks.vala
++++ b/editor/bookmarks.vala
+@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
+     construct
+     {
+-        update_switch_label (ViewType.SEARCH, ViewType.FOLDER, ref switch_label); // init text with 
"Bookmark this Location"
++        update_switch_label (ViewType.SEARCH, ViewType.FOLDER, switch_label); // init text with "Bookmark 
this Location"
+         install_action_entries ();
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
+     internal void set_path (ViewType type, string path)
+     {
+-        update_switch_label (current_type, type, ref switch_label);
++        update_switch_label (current_type, type, switch_label);
+         current_path = path;
+         current_type = type;
+@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
+     * * Bookmarks management
+     \*/
+-    private static void update_switch_label (ViewType old_type, ViewType new_type, ref Label switch_label)
++    private static void update_switch_label (ViewType old_type, ViewType new_type, Label switch_label)
+     {
+         if (new_type == ViewType.SEARCH && old_type != ViewType.SEARCH)
+             switch_label.label = bookmark_this_search_text;
+@@ -414,18 +414,18 @@ private class Bookmarks : MenuButton
+         {
+             if (bookmarks_icon.icon_name != "starred-symbolic")
+                 bookmarks_icon.icon_name = "starred-symbolic";
+-            update_switch_state (true, ref bookmarked_switch);
++            update_switch_state (true, bookmarked_switch);
+             bookmarked_switch.set_detailed_action_name ("bookmarks.unbookmark(" + variant.print (true) + 
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             if (bookmarks_icon.icon_name != "non-starred-symbolic")
+                 bookmarks_icon.icon_name = "non-starred-symbolic";
+-            update_switch_state (false, ref bookmarked_switch);
++            update_switch_state (false, bookmarked_switch);
+             bookmarked_switch.set_detailed_action_name ("bookmarks.bookmark(" + variant.print (true) + ")");
+         }
+     }
+-    private static void update_switch_state (bool bookmarked, ref Switch bookmarked_switch)
++    private static void update_switch_state (bool bookmarked, Switch bookmarked_switch)
+     {
+         if (bookmarked == bookmarked_switch.active)
+             return;
+diff --git a/editor/delayed-setting-view.vala b/editor/delayed-setting-view.vala
+index add68525..b1f774ca 100644
+--- a/editor/delayed-setting-view.vala
++++ b/editor/delayed-setting-view.vala
+@@ -41,24 +41,24 @@ private class DelayedSettingView : OverlayedListRow
+         {
+             // at row creation, key is never ghost
+             _update_dconf_key_current_value (key_value,
+-                                         ref key_value_label,
+-                                         ref key_value_default);
++                                             key_value_label,
++                                             key_value_default);
+             _update_dconf_key_planned_value (cool_planned_value,
+-                                         ref planned_value_label,
+-                                         ref planned_value_default);
++                                             planned_value_label,
++                                             planned_value_default);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             _update_gsettings_key_current_value (key_value,
+                                                  has_schema_and_is_default,
+-                                             ref key_value_label,
+-                                             ref key_value_default);
++                                                 key_value_label,
++                                                 key_value_default);
+             _update_gsettings_key_planned_value (cool_planned_value,
+                                                  (!) cool_default_value,
+-                                             ref planned_value_label,
+-                                             ref planned_value_default);
++                                                 planned_value_label,
++                                                 planned_value_default);
+         }
+     }
+@@ -74,23 +74,23 @@ private class DelayedSettingView : OverlayedListRow
+     private static inline void _update_gsettings_key_planned_value (string? cool_planned_value,
+                                                                     string  cool_default_value,
+-                                                                ref Label   planned_value_label,
+-                                                                ref Label   planned_value_default)
++                                                                    Label   planned_value_label,
++                                                                    Label   planned_value_default)
+     {
+         bool is_default = cool_planned_value == null;
+         planned_value_label.label = is_default ? cool_default_value : (!) cool_planned_value;
+-        update_value_default_label (is_default, ref planned_value_default);
++        update_value_default_label (is_default, planned_value_default);
+     }
+     private static inline void _update_dconf_key_planned_value (string? cool_planned_value,
+-                                                            ref Label   planned_value_label,
+-                                                            ref Label   planned_value_default)
++                                                                Label   planned_value_label,
++                                                                Label   planned_value_default)
+     {
+         if (cool_planned_value == null)
+-            update_labels_dconf_key_erased (ref planned_value_label, ref planned_value_default);
++            update_labels_dconf_key_erased (planned_value_label, planned_value_default);
+         else
+             update_labels_dconf_key_values ((!) cool_planned_value,
+-                                            ref planned_value_label, ref planned_value_default);
++                                            planned_value_label, planned_value_default);
+     }
+     /*\
+@@ -99,37 +99,37 @@ private class DelayedSettingView : OverlayedListRow
+     internal void update_gsettings_key_current_value (Variant key_value, bool is_default)
+     {
+-        _update_gsettings_key_current_value (key_value, is_default, ref key_value_label, ref 
++        _update_gsettings_key_current_value (key_value, is_default, key_value_label, key_value_default);
+     }
+     private static void _update_gsettings_key_current_value (Variant key_value,
+                                                              bool    is_default,
+-                                                         ref Label   key_value_label,
+-                                                         ref Label   key_value_default)
++                                                             Label   key_value_label,
++                                                             Label   key_value_default)
+     {
+         key_value_label.label = Key.cool_text_value_from_variant (key_value);
+-        update_value_default_label (is_default, ref key_value_default);
++        update_value_default_label (is_default, key_value_default);
+     }
+     internal void update_dconf_key_current_value (Variant? key_value_or_null)
+     {
+-        _update_dconf_key_current_value (key_value_or_null, ref key_value_label, ref key_value_default);
++        _update_dconf_key_current_value (key_value_or_null, key_value_label, key_value_default);
+     }
+     private static void _update_dconf_key_current_value (Variant? key_value_or_null,
+-                                                     ref Label    key_value_label,
+-                                                     ref Label    key_value_default)
++                                                         Label    key_value_label,
++                                                         Label    key_value_default)
+     {
+         if (key_value_or_null == null)
+-            update_labels_dconf_key_erased (ref key_value_label, ref key_value_default);
++            update_labels_dconf_key_erased (key_value_label, key_value_default);
+         else
+             update_labels_dconf_key_values (Key.cool_text_value_from_variant ((!) key_value_or_null),
+-                                            ref key_value_label, ref key_value_default);
++                                            key_value_label, key_value_default);
+     }
+     /*\
+     * * common utilities
+     \*/
+-    private static void update_labels_dconf_key_erased (ref Label value_label, ref Label value_default)
++    private static void update_labels_dconf_key_erased (Label value_label, Label value_default)
+     {
+         value_label.visible = false;
+         /* Translators: displayed in the list of pending changes (could be an in-window panel, or in the 
popover of the bottom bar); for dconf keys */
+@@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ private class DelayedSettingView : OverlayedListRow
+         value_default.visible = true;
+     }
+-    private static void update_labels_dconf_key_values (string key_value, ref Label value_label, ref Label 
++    private static void update_labels_dconf_key_values (string key_value, Label value_label, Label 
+     {
+         value_default.visible = false;
+         value_label.label = key_value;  // TODO move Key.cool_text_value_from_variant here?
+         value_label.visible = true;
+     }
+-    private static void update_value_default_label (bool is_default, ref Label value_default)
++    private static void update_value_default_label (bool is_default, Label value_default)
+     {
+         if (is_default)
+             /* Translators: displayed in the list of pending changes (could be an in-window panel, or in 
the popover of the bottom bar); for gsettings keys */
+diff --git a/editor/overlayed-list.vala b/editor/overlayed-list.vala
+index 8b0ec51e..bcdfc3a0 100644
+--- a/editor/overlayed-list.vala
++++ b/editor/overlayed-list.vala
+@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal void set_window_size (AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize new_size)
+     {
+         if (!AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize.is_extra_thin (new_size) && 
AdaptativeWidget.WindowSize.is_extra_flat (new_size))
+-            set_horizontal (ref main_context, ref edit_mode_box);
++            set_horizontal (ref main_context, edit_mode_box);
+         else
+-            set_vertical (ref main_context, ref edit_mode_box);
++            set_vertical (ref main_context, edit_mode_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline void set_horizontal (ref StyleContext main_context, ref Box edit_mode_box)
++    private static inline void set_horizontal (ref StyleContext main_context, Box edit_mode_box)
+     {
+         main_context.remove_class ("vertical");
+         edit_mode_box.halign = Align.END;
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+         edit_mode_box.width_request = 160;
+         main_context.add_class ("horizontal");
+     }
+-    private static inline void set_vertical (ref StyleContext main_context, ref Box edit_mode_box)
++    private static inline void set_vertical (ref StyleContext main_context, Box edit_mode_box)
+     {
+         main_context.remove_class ("horizontal");
+         edit_mode_box.halign = Align.CENTER;
+@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal bool next_match ()
+     {
+-        return _next_match (ref main_list_box);
++        return _next_match (main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline bool _next_match (ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline bool _next_match (ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         ListBoxRow? row = main_list_box.get_selected_row ();    // TODO multiple rows and focus-only lists
+         if (row == null)
+@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+         if (row == null)
+         {
+-            _scroll_bottom (ref main_list_box);
++            _scroll_bottom (main_list_box);
+             return false;
+         }
+         main_list_box.select_row ((!) row);
+@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal bool previous_match ()
+     {
+-        return _previous_match (ref main_list_box);
++        return _previous_match (main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline bool _previous_match (ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline bool _previous_match (ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         uint n_items = main_list_box.get_children ().length ();  // FIXME OverlayedList.n_items is 
+         if (n_items == 0)
+@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     protected int [] get_selected_rows_indices ()
+     {
+-        return _get_selected_rows_indices (ref main_list_box);
++        return _get_selected_rows_indices (main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline int [] _get_selected_rows_indices (ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline int [] _get_selected_rows_indices (ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         int [] indices = new int [0];
+         main_list_box.selected_foreach ((_list_box, selected_row) => {
+@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     protected void scroll_top ()
+     {
+-        _scroll_top (ref main_list_box);
++        _scroll_top (main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline void _scroll_top (ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline void _scroll_top (ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         Adjustment adjustment = main_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+         adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_lower ());
+@@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     protected void scroll_bottom ()
+     {
+-        _scroll_bottom (ref main_list_box);
++        _scroll_bottom (main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline void _scroll_bottom (ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline void _scroll_bottom (ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         Adjustment adjustment = main_list_box.get_adjustment ();
+         adjustment.set_value (adjustment.get_upper ());
+@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal bool handle_copy_text (out string copy_text)
+     {
+-        return _handle_copy_text (out copy_text, ref main_list_box);
++        return _handle_copy_text (out copy_text, main_list_box);
+     }
+-    private static inline bool _handle_copy_text (out string copy_text, ref ListBox main_list_box)
++    private static inline bool _handle_copy_text (out string copy_text, ListBox main_list_box)
+     {
+         List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = main_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
+         OverlayedListRow row;
+@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ private abstract class OverlayedList : Overlay, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal SelectionState get_selection_state ()
+     {
+-        return _get_selection_state (ref main_list_box, ref main_list_store);
++        return _get_selection_state (main_list_box, ref main_list_store);
+     }
+-    private static inline SelectionState _get_selection_state (ref ListBox main_list_box, ref 
GLib.ListStore main_list_store)
++    private static inline SelectionState _get_selection_state (ListBox main_list_box, ref GLib.ListStore 
+     {
+         List<weak ListBoxRow> selected_rows = main_list_box.get_selected_rows ();
+         uint n_selected_rows = selected_rows.length ();
+diff --git a/editor/pathentry.vala b/editor/pathentry.vala
+index 5000b21d..5c7efc56 100644
+--- a/editor/pathentry.vala
++++ b/editor/pathentry.vala
+@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ private class PathEntry : Box, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal void entry_grab_focus_without_selecting ()
+     {
+-        _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (ref search_entry);
++        _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (search_entry);
+     }
+-    private static void _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (ref BrowserEntry search_entry)
++    private static void _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (BrowserEntry search_entry)
+     {
+         if (search_entry.text_length != 0)
+         {
+@@ -172,36 +172,36 @@ private class PathEntry : Box, AdaptativeWidget
+         requires (search_changed_handler != 0)
+     {
+         SignalHandler.block (search_entry, search_changed_handler);
+-        _prepare (mode, nullable_search, ref current_path, ref search_entry);
++        _prepare (mode, nullable_search, ref current_path, search_entry);
+         SignalHandler.unblock (search_entry, search_changed_handler);
+     }
+     private static inline void _prepare (SearchMode   mode,
+                                          string?      nullable_search,
+                                      ref string       current_path,
+-                                     ref BrowserEntry search_entry)
++                                         BrowserEntry search_entry)
+     {
+         string search;
+         switch (mode)
+         {
+             case SearchMode.EDIT_PATH_MOVE_END:
+                 search = nullable_search == null ? current_path : (!) nullable_search;
+-                _prepare_move_end (ref search, ref search_entry);
++                _prepare_move_end (ref search, search_entry);
+                 return;
+             case SearchMode.EDIT_PATH_SELECT_ALL:
+                 search = nullable_search == null ? current_path : (!) nullable_search;
+-                _prepare_search (ref search, ref search_entry);
++                _prepare_search (ref search, search_entry);
+                 return;
+             case SearchMode.EDIT_PATH_SELECT_LAST_WORD:
+                 search = current_path;
+-                _prepare_select_last_word (ref search, ref search_entry);
++                _prepare_select_last_word (ref search, search_entry);
+                 return;
+             case SearchMode.SEARCH:
+                 search = "";
+-                _prepare_search (ref search, ref search_entry);
++                _prepare_search (ref search, search_entry);
+                 return;
+             case SearchMode.UNCLEAR:
+@@ -210,19 +210,19 @@ private class PathEntry : Box, AdaptativeWidget
+         }
+     }
+-    private static inline void _prepare_move_end (ref string text, ref BrowserEntry search_entry)
++    private static inline void _prepare_move_end (ref string text, BrowserEntry search_entry)
+     {
+         search_entry.text = text;
+-        _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (ref search_entry);
++        _entry_grab_focus_without_selecting (search_entry);
+     }
+-    private static inline void _prepare_search (ref string text, ref BrowserEntry search_entry)
++    private static inline void _prepare_search (ref string text, BrowserEntry search_entry)
+     {
+         search_entry.text = text;
+         search_entry.grab_focus ();
+     }
+-    private static inline void _prepare_select_last_word (ref string current_path, ref BrowserEntry 
++    private static inline void _prepare_select_last_word (ref string current_path, BrowserEntry 
+     {
+         search_entry.move_cursor (MovementStep.DISPLAY_LINE_ENDS, -1, false);
+         search_entry.text = current_path;
+diff --git a/editor/registry-list.vala b/editor/registry-list.vala
+index 74b7f992..54aa6fa6 100644
+--- a/editor/registry-list.vala
++++ b/editor/registry-list.vala
+@@ -291,9 +291,9 @@ private abstract class RegistryList : Grid, BrowsableView, AdaptativeWidget
+     internal bool handle_copy_text (out string copy_text) // can compile with "private", but is public 1/2
+     {
+-        return _handle_copy_text (out copy_text, ref key_list_box);
++        return _handle_copy_text (out copy_text, key_list_box);
+     }
+-    private bool _handle_copy_text (out string copy_text, ref ListBox key_list_box)
++    private bool _handle_copy_text (out string copy_text, ListBox key_list_box)
+     {
+         ListBoxRow? selected_row = (ListBoxRow?) key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+         if (selected_row == null)
+@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ private abstract class RegistryList : Grid, BrowsableView, AdaptativeWidget
+     * * headers
+     \*/
+-    protected static bool is_first_row (int row_index, ref unowned ListBoxRow? before)
++    protected static bool is_first_row (int row_index, ListBoxRow? before)
+     {
+         bool is_first_row = row_index == 0;
+         if (is_first_row != (before == null))
+diff --git a/editor/registry-search.vala b/editor/registry-search.vala
+index 220583fd..eb8e6f2a 100644
+--- a/editor/registry-search.vala
++++ b/editor/registry-search.vala
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ private class RegistrySearch : RegistryList
+     internal bool handle_alt_copy_text (out string copy_text)
+     {
+-        return _handle_alt_copy_text (out copy_text, ref key_list_box);
++        return _handle_alt_copy_text (out copy_text, key_list_box);
+     }
+     internal void clean ()
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ private class RegistrySearch : RegistryList
+     * * Keyboard calls
+     \*/
+-    private static bool _handle_alt_copy_text (out string copy_text, ref ListBox key_list_box)
++    private static bool _handle_alt_copy_text (out string copy_text, ListBox key_list_box)
+     {
+         ListBoxRow? selected_row = key_list_box.get_selected_row ();
+         if (selected_row == null)
+@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ private class RegistrySearch : RegistryList
+     private void update_row_header (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before)
+     {
+         int row_index = row.get_index ();
+-        if (is_first_row (row_index, ref before))
++        if (is_first_row (row_index, before))
+             return;
+         if (search_is_path_search)
+diff --git a/editor/registry-view.vala b/editor/registry-view.vala
+index e0ff379e..7d9eb1f0 100644
+--- a/editor/registry-view.vala
++++ b/editor/registry-view.vala
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ private class RegistryView : RegistryList
+     private void update_row_header (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before)
+     {
+-        if (is_first_row (row.get_index (), ref before))
++        if (is_first_row (row.get_index (), before))
+             return;
+         update_row_header_with_context (row, (!) before, modifications_handler.model, /* local search 
header */ false);
+     }

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