[gtk/wip/chergert/glproto: 489/493] allow defining more of inlinearray bits

commit a3eec1bdda05af12692826dde3640ba8d597c8ff
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Wed Feb 17 14:32:19 2021 -0800

    allow defining more of inlinearray bits

 gsk/next/gskglcommandqueueprivate.h |  6 +++---
 gsk/next/inlinearray.h              | 42 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gsk/next/gskglcommandqueueprivate.h b/gsk/next/gskglcommandqueueprivate.h
index 63d48a8dbf..f53185abce 100644
--- a/gsk/next/gskglcommandqueueprivate.h
+++ b/gsk/next/gskglcommandqueueprivate.h
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ typedef union _GskGLCommandBatch
 G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (GskGLCommandBatch) == 32);
-DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandBatch, gsk_gl_command_batch_array)
-DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandBind, gsk_gl_command_bind_array)
-DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandUniform, gsk_gl_command_uniform_array)
+DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandBatchArray, gsk_gl_command_batch_array, GskGLCommandBatch)
+DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandBindArray, gsk_gl_command_bind_array, GskGLCommandBind)
+DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY (GskGLCommandUniformArray, gsk_gl_command_uniform_array, GskGLCommandUniform)
 struct _GskGLCommandQueue
diff --git a/gsk/next/inlinearray.h b/gsk/next/inlinearray.h
index 166f8f8e15..98a9255c68 100644
--- a/gsk/next/inlinearray.h
+++ b/gsk/next/inlinearray.h
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 #ifndef __INLINE_ARRAY_H__
 #define __INLINE_ARRAY_H__
-#define DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY(Type, prefix)                           \
-  typedef struct _##Type##Array {                                   \
+#define DEFINE_INLINE_ARRAY(Type, prefix, ElementType)              \
+  typedef struct _##Type {                                          \
     gsize len;                                                      \
     gsize allocated;                                                \
-    Type *items;                                                    \
-  } Type##Array;                                                    \
+    ElementType *items;                                             \
+  } Type;                                                           \
   static inline void                                                \
-  prefix##_init (Type##Array *ar,                                   \
-                 gsize        initial_size)                         \
+  prefix##_init (Type  *ar,                                         \
+                 gsize  initial_size)                               \
   {                                                                 \
     ar->len = 0;                                                    \
     ar->allocated = initial_size ? initial_size : 16;               \
-    ar->items = g_new0 (Type, ar->allocated);                       \
+    ar->items = g_new0 (ElementType, ar->allocated);                \
   }                                                                 \
   static inline void                                                \
-  prefix##_clear (Type##Array *ar)                                  \
+  prefix##_clear (Type *ar)                                         \
   {                                                                 \
     ar->len = 0;                                                    \
     ar->allocated = 0;                                              \
     g_clear_pointer (&ar->items, g_free);                           \
   }                                                                 \
-  static inline Type *                                              \
-  prefix##_head (Type##Array *ar)                                   \
+  static inline ElementType *                                       \
+  prefix##_head (Type *ar)                                          \
   {                                                                 \
     return &ar->items[0];                                           \
   }                                                                 \
-  static inline Type *                                              \
-  prefix##_tail (Type##Array *ar)                                   \
+  static inline ElementType *                                       \
+  prefix##_tail (Type *ar)                                          \
   {                                                                 \
     return &ar->items[ar->len-1];                                   \
   }                                                                 \
-  static inline Type *                                              \
-  prefix##_append (Type##Array *ar)                                 \
+  static inline ElementType *                                       \
+  prefix##_append (Type *ar)                                        \
   {                                                                 \
     if G_UNLIKELY (ar->len == ar->allocated)                        \
       {                                                             \
         ar->allocated *= 2;                                         \
-        ar->items = g_renew (Type, ar->items, ar->allocated);       \
+        ar->items = g_renew (ElementType, ar->items, ar->allocated);\
       }                                                             \
     ar->len++;                                                      \
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
     return prefix##_tail (ar);                                      \
   }                                                                 \
-  static inline Type *                                              \
-  prefix##_append_n (Type##Array *ar,                               \
-                     gsize        n)                                \
+  static inline ElementType *                                       \
+  prefix##_append_n (Type  *ar,                                     \
+                     gsize  n)                                      \
   {                                                                 \
     if G_UNLIKELY ((ar->len + n) > ar->allocated)                   \
       {                                                             \
         while ((ar->len + n) > ar->allocated)                       \
           ar->allocated *= 2;                                       \
-        ar->items = g_renew (Type, ar->items, ar->allocated);       \
+        ar->items = g_renew (ElementType, ar->items, ar->allocated);\
       }                                                             \
     ar->len += n;                                                   \
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
   }                                                                 \
   static inline gsize                                               \
-  prefix##_index_of (Type##Array *ar,                               \
-                     const Type  *element)                          \
+  prefix##_index_of (Type              *ar,                         \
+                     const ElementType *element)                    \
   {                                                                 \
     return element - &ar->items[0];                                 \

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