[tracker-miners/wip/carlosg/cue-guess: 4/6] tracker-extract: Add CUE "guess" extractor

commit 57a71f902bbb914aa8212d29673448da096f08d6
Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
Date:   Sun Feb 7 16:34:34 2021 +0100

    tracker-extract: Add CUE "guess" extractor
    Besides their regular usage as audio playlists, these files are
    often in combination with "binary data" files (usually, compact disc
    images), some notable cases are (retro)gaming oriented (e.g.
    Playstation game images).
    Add support for these as a metadata extractor, the CUE files start
    as nfo:Software on the tracker:Software graph, the extractor will
    determine whether the information element becomes a nfo:GameImage.
    Only PSX and Turbografx CD images are contemplated here, images
    for other platforms (e.g. Sega CD and Saturn) already have distinct
    mimetypes that are already handled as nfo:GameImage.

 src/tracker-extract/90-disc-generic.rule           |   6 +
 src/tracker-extract/meson.build                    |   4 +
 src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-disc-generic.c | 493 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 503 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/tracker-extract/90-disc-generic.rule b/src/tracker-extract/90-disc-generic.rule
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f220aa4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracker-extract/90-disc-generic.rule
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/tracker-extract/meson.build b/src/tracker-extract/meson.build
index 6513afd92..ebb6b168c 100644
--- a/src/tracker-extract/meson.build
+++ b/src/tracker-extract/meson.build
@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ if libgxps.found()
   modules += [['extract-xps', 'tracker-extract-xps.c', ['10-xps.rule'], [libgxps, 
+if libcue.found()
+  modules += [['extract-disc-generic', 'tracker-extract-disc-generic.c', ['90-disc-generic.rule'], 
 enabled_rule_files = []
 foreach module : modules
diff --git a/src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-disc-generic.c 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3956cf77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tracker-extract/tracker-extract-disc-generic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021, Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ * Author: Carlos Garnacho <carlosg gnome org>
+ */
+#include "config-miners.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <glib/gstdio.h>
+#include <gio/gio.h>
+#include <libcue.h>
+#include <libtracker-miners-common/tracker-file-utils.h>
+#include <libtracker-extract/tracker-extract.h>
+#include "tracker-main.h"
+#include "tracker-extract.h"
+typedef struct {
+       guint8 length;
+       guint8 ext_attr_length;
+       guint8 extent[8];
+       guint8 size[8];
+       guint8 date[7];
+       guint8 flags;
+       guint8 file_unit_size;
+       guint8 interleave;
+       guint8 volume_sequence_number[4];
+       guint8 name_length;
+       guint8 name[0];
+} PsDiscDirectoryRecord;
+typedef struct {
+       guint8 minute;
+       guint8 second;
+       guint8 frame;
+} PsDiscTime;
+typedef struct {
+       guint8 sync[12];
+       guint8 header[12];
+       guint8 content[2048];
+       guint8 crc[280];
+} PsDiscMode1Frame;
+#define PS_DISC_FRAME_SIZE 2352
+#define PS_DISC_TIME_TO_EXTENT(time)     \
+       ((time->minute * 60 + time->second - 2) * PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND + time->frame)
+#define PS_DISC_EXTENT_TO_TIME(extent, time)     \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               gint32 block = GINT32_FROM_LE (*((gint32 *) extent)); \
+               block += 2 * PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND; \
+               (time)->minute = block / (60 * PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND); \
+               block = block - (time)->minute * (60 * PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND); \
+               (time)->second = block / PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND; \
+               (time)->frame = block - (time)->second * PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND; \
+       } G_STMT_END
+#define PS_DISC_TIME_INC(time) \
+       G_STMT_START { \
+               time->frame++; \
+               if (time->frame < PS_DISC_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) { \
+                       time->frame = 0; \
+                       time->second++; \
+                       if (time->second >= 60) { \
+                               time->second = 0; \
+                               time->minute++; \
+                       } \
+               } \
+       } G_STMT_END
+static TrackerResource *
+build_basic_resource (GFile *cue,
+                      GFile *image)
+       TrackerResource *metadata, *child;
+       gchar *uri;
+       metadata = tracker_resource_new (NULL);
+       tracker_resource_add_uri (metadata, "rdf:type", "nfo:GameImage");
+       tracker_resource_set_string (metadata, "nie:mimeType", "application/x-cue");
+       uri = g_file_get_uri (cue);
+       tracker_resource_add_uri (metadata, "nie:isStoredAs", uri);
+       g_free (uri);
+       /* In addition to the cue file, link the information element to the data file */
+       uri = g_file_get_uri (image);
+       child = tracker_resource_new (uri);
+       tracker_resource_add_uri (child, "rdf:type", "nfo:FileDataObject");
+       tracker_resource_set_relation (child, "nie:interpretedAs", metadata);
+       tracker_resource_set_take_relation (metadata, "nie:isStoredAs", child);
+       g_free (uri);
+       return metadata;
+static gboolean
+ps_disc_read_frame (const guchar     *data,
+                    gsize             length,
+                    const PsDiscTime *time,
+                    PsDiscMode1Frame *frame /* out */)
+       gint extent;
+       gsize offset;
+       extent = PS_DISC_TIME_TO_EXTENT (time);
+       if (extent < 0)
+               return FALSE;
+       offset = (gsize) extent * PS_DISC_FRAME_SIZE;
+       if (offset + PS_DISC_FRAME_SIZE > length)
+               return FALSE;
+       *frame = *((PsDiscMode1Frame*) &data[offset]);
+       return TRUE;
+static guint8 *
+ps_disc_read_directory (const guchar *data,
+                        gsize         length,
+                        PsDiscTime   *time /* out */)
+       guint8 *buf;
+       gsize extent, offset;
+       extent = PS_DISC_TIME_TO_EXTENT (time);
+       if (extent < 0)
+               return NULL;
+       offset = extent * PS_DISC_FRAME_SIZE + PS_DISC_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE + 12;
+       if (offset + PS_DISC_FRAME_CONTENT_SIZE > length)
+               return NULL;
+       buf = g_new0 (guint8, 4096);
+       memcpy (buf, &data[offset], PS_DISC_FRAME_CONTENT_SIZE);
+       PS_DISC_TIME_INC (time);
+       extent = PS_DISC_TIME_TO_EXTENT (time);
+       if (extent < 0) {
+               g_free (buf);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       offset = extent * PS_DISC_FRAME_SIZE + PS_DISC_FRAME_HEADER_SIZE + 12;
+       if (offset + PS_DISC_FRAME_CONTENT_SIZE > length) {
+               g_free (buf);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       memcpy (&buf[PS_DISC_FRAME_CONTENT_SIZE], &data[offset], PS_DISC_FRAME_CONTENT_SIZE);
+       return buf;
+static gboolean
+ps_disc_get_file (const guint8 *dir,
+                  gsize         length,
+                  const gchar  *filename,
+                  PsDiscTime   *time /* out */)
+       PsDiscDirectoryRecord *record;
+       gsize pos = 0;
+       while (pos < length) {
+               record = (PsDiscDirectoryRecord *) &dir[pos];
+               if (record->length == 0)
+                       break;
+               pos += record->length;
+               if (record->flags & 0x2) {
+                       /* This is a directory, we only look for files in the root directory though */
+                       continue;
+               }
+               if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (&record->name[0], filename, strlen (filename)) == 0) {
+                       /* File is found */
+                       if (time)
+                               PS_DISC_EXTENT_TO_TIME(record->extent, time);
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+static gboolean
+ps_disc_lookup_executable_filename (const gchar *content,
+                                    const gchar *prefix,
+                                    gsize        buffer_len,
+                                    gchar       *exe_buffer /* out */)
+       const gchar *ptr = content;
+       gint i;
+       if (!ptr || !prefix || strncmp (ptr, prefix, strlen (prefix)) != 0)
+               return FALSE;
+       ptr += strlen (prefix);
+       /* Skip slashes. */
+       while (*ptr == '\\' || *ptr == '/')
+               ptr++;
+       strncpy (exe_buffer, ptr, buffer_len);
+       exe_buffer[buffer_len] = '\0';
+       /* Keep only the first line. */
+       for (i = 0; i < buffer_len; i++) {
+               if (exe_buffer[i] == '\r' || exe_buffer[i] == '\n') {
+                       exe_buffer[i] = '\0';
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+check_is_playstation_image (const guchar *data,
+                            gsize         length)
+       gchar exe_buffer[256] = { 0 };
+       PsDiscDirectoryRecord *record;
+       PsDiscTime time = { 0, 2, 0x10 };
+       guint8 *buf;
+       gchar *ptr;
+       PsDiscMode1Frame frame;
+       if (!ps_disc_read_frame (data, length, &time, &frame))
+               return FALSE;
+       /* Skip head and sub, and go to the root directory record */
+       record = (PsDiscDirectoryRecord *) (frame.content + 156);
+       PS_DISC_EXTENT_TO_TIME (record->extent, &time);
+       buf = ps_disc_read_directory (data, length, &time);
+       if (!buf)
+               return FALSE;
+       /* Check that SYSTEM.CNF exists */
+       if (ps_disc_get_file (buf, 4096, "SYSTEM.CNF;1", &time)) {
+               g_debug ("SYSTEM.CNF found, looking for executable");
+               if (!ps_disc_read_frame (data, length, &time, &frame))
+                       return FALSE;
+               /* Look of "BOOT = cdrom:"  */
+               if (ps_disc_lookup_executable_filename ((gchar *) frame.content,
+                                                       "BOOT = cdrom:",
+                                                       G_N_ELEMENTS (exe_buffer),
+                                                       exe_buffer)) {
+                       g_debug ("Executable '%s' found", exe_buffer);
+                       if (ps_disc_get_file (buf, 4096, exe_buffer, NULL))
+                               return TRUE;
+               }
+               /* Look of "cdrom:" */
+               ptr = strstr ((gchar *) frame.content, "cdrom:");
+               if (ptr &&
+                   ps_disc_lookup_executable_filename ((gchar *) ptr,
+                                                       "cdrom:",
+                                                       G_N_ELEMENTS (exe_buffer),
+                                                       exe_buffer)) {
+                       g_debug ("Executable '%s' found", exe_buffer);
+                       if (ps_disc_get_file (buf, 4096, exe_buffer, NULL))
+                               return TRUE;
+               }
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       /* Look for the default PSX.EXE executable. */
+       if (ps_disc_get_file (buf, 4096, "PSX.EXE;1", NULL)) {
+               g_debug ("PSX.EXE found");
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       /* SYSTEM.CNF and PSX.EXE not found. */
+       return FALSE;
+static GMappedFile *
+try_open_mapped_file (const gchar  *image_path,
+                      GFile        *cue,
+                      GFile       **image,
+                      GError      **error)
+       GMappedFile *mapped_file;
+       gchar *path, *basename, *dirname;
+       /* 1st. Try the image path untouched */
+       mapped_file = g_mapped_file_new (image_path, FALSE, NULL);
+       if (mapped_file) {
+               g_debug ("Found bin file '%s'", image_path);
+               *image = g_file_new_for_path (image_path);
+               return mapped_file;
+       }
+       /* 2nd. Try the image basename, relative to the cue file */
+       basename = g_path_get_basename (image_path);
+       dirname = g_path_get_dirname (g_file_peek_path (cue));
+       path = g_build_filename (dirname, basename, NULL);
+       mapped_file = g_mapped_file_new (path,
+                                        FALSE,
+                                        error);
+       if (mapped_file) {
+               *image = g_file_new_for_path (path);
+               g_debug ("Found bin file '%s'", path);
+       } else {
+               g_debug ("No matching bin file found for '%s'", image_path);
+       }
+       g_free (path);
+       g_free (basename);
+       g_free (dirname);
+       return mapped_file;
+static TrackerResource *
+get_playstation_image_data (const gchar  *image_path,
+                            GFile        *cue,
+                            GError      **error)
+       GMappedFile *mapped_file;
+       GBytes *bytes;
+       const guchar *content;
+       gsize length;
+       TrackerResource *metadata = NULL;
+       GFile *image;
+       mapped_file = try_open_mapped_file (image_path, cue, &image, error);
+       if (!mapped_file)
+               return NULL;
+       bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mapped_file);
+       content = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &length);
+       if (check_is_playstation_image (content, length)) {
+               g_debug ("Image is a Playstation game");
+               metadata = build_basic_resource (cue, image);
+       }
+       g_bytes_unref (bytes);
+       g_mapped_file_unref (mapped_file);
+       g_object_unref (image);
+       return metadata;
+static TrackerResource *
+get_turbografx_image_data (const gchar  *image_path,
+                           GFile        *cue,
+                           GError      **error)
+       GMappedFile *mapped_file;
+       GBytes *bytes;
+       const gchar *content;
+       gsize length;
+       TrackerResource *metadata = NULL;
+       GFile *image;
+       gsize magic_position = 0x81c90;
+       const gchar *magic_string = "PC Engine CD-ROM SYSTEM";
+       gint magic_len = strlen (magic_string);
+       mapped_file = try_open_mapped_file (image_path, cue, &image, error);
+       if (!mapped_file)
+               return NULL;
+       bytes = g_mapped_file_get_bytes (mapped_file);
+       content = g_bytes_get_data (bytes, &length);
+       if (magic_position < length - magic_len &&
+           strncmp (&content[magic_position], magic_string, magic_len) == 0) {
+               g_debug ("Image is a Turbografx game");
+               metadata = build_basic_resource (cue, image);
+       }
+       g_bytes_unref (bytes);
+       g_mapped_file_unref (mapped_file);
+       g_object_unref (image);
+       return metadata;
+tracker_extract_get_metadata (TrackerExtractInfo  *info,
+                              GError             **error)
+       TrackerResource *metadata = NULL;
+       GError *inner_error = NULL;
+       GFile *file;
+       gchar *buffer;
+       Track *track;
+       Cd *cd;
+       file = tracker_extract_info_get_file (info);
+       if (!g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &buffer, NULL, NULL, &inner_error))
+               goto error;
+       cd = cue_parse_string (buffer);
+       if (!cd) {
+               g_set_error (&inner_error,
+                            G_IO_ERROR,
+                            G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA,
+                            "Not a CUE sheet");
+               goto error;
+       }
+       track = cd_get_track (cd, 1);
+       if (!track) {
+               g_set_error (&inner_error,
+                            G_IO_ERROR,
+                            G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA,
+                            "No first track");
+               goto error;
+       }
+       /* Playstation 1 check. One data track either mode1 or mode2 raw */
+       if (track_get_mode (track) == MODE_MODE1_RAW ||
+           track_get_mode (track) == MODE_MODE2_RAW) {
+               g_debug ("Checking whether image is a Playstation game");
+               metadata = get_playstation_image_data (track_get_filename (track),
+                                                      file,
+                                                      &inner_error);
+               if (metadata || inner_error)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       /* Turbografx check. Data is in track 2, must be mode1(-raw) */
+       if (cd_get_ntrack (cd) >= 2) {
+               track = cd_get_track (cd, 2);
+               if (track_get_mode (track) == MODE_MODE1 ||
+                   track_get_mode (track) == MODE_MODE1_RAW) {
+                       g_debug ("Checking whether image is a Turbografx game");
+                       metadata = get_turbografx_image_data (track_get_filename (track),
+                                                             file,
+                                                             &inner_error);
+                       if (metadata || inner_error)
+                               goto out;
+               }
+       }
+       g_debug ("CUE file not recognized");
+       return TRUE;
+       if (metadata) {
+               tracker_extract_info_set_resource (info, metadata);
+               return TRUE;
+       }
+       if (inner_error)
+               g_propagate_error (error, inner_error);
+       return FALSE;

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