[gegl/wip/pippin/ctx: 1/2] gegl: add ctx vector renderer

commit 541b5f7b6ab796941efe9a124894a979d5be81b0
Author: Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
Date:   Sat Feb 6 23:47:18 2021 +0100

    gegl: add ctx vector renderer

 gegl/ctx/ctx.c       |    21 +
 gegl/ctx/ctx.h       | 28336 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gegl/ctx/meson.build |     5 +
 gegl/meson.build     |     2 +
 4 files changed, 28364 insertions(+)
diff --git a/gegl/ctx/ctx.c b/gegl/ctx/ctx.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ee99b2267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gegl/ctx/ctx.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <babl/babl.h>
+#define CTX_PARSER               1
+#define CTX_FORMATTER            1
+#define CTX_EVENTS               1
+#define CTX_BITPACK_PACKER       0 // turned of due to asan report
+#define CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE       1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYK          1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CM            1
+#define CTX_RASTERIZER_AA        5
+#define CTX_FORCE_AA             1
+#define CTX_STRINGPOOL_SIZE      10000 // for misc storage with compressed/
+                                       // variable size for each save|restore
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE          0
+#include "ctx.h"
diff --git a/gegl/ctx/ctx.h b/gegl/ctx/ctx.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0aa4a12ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gegl/ctx/ctx.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28336 @@
+ * ctx.h is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * ctx.h is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with ctx; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * 2012, 2015, 2019, 2020 Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
+ *
+ * ctx is a single header 2d vector graphics processing framework.
+ *
+ * To use ctx in a project, do the following:
+ *
+ * #include "ctx.h"
+ *
+ * Ctx does not - yet - contain a minimal default fallback font, so
+ * you probably want to also include a font, and perhaps enable
+ * the cairo or SDL2 optional renderers, a more complete example
+ * could be:
+ *
+ * #include <cairo.h>
+ * #include <SDL.h>
+ * #include "ctx.h"
+ *
+ * The behavior of ctx can be tweaked, and features can be configured, enabled
+ * or disabled with other #defines, see further down in the start of this file
+ * for details.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_H
+#define CTX_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef struct _Ctx            Ctx;
+/* The pixel formats supported as render targets
+ */
+enum _CtxPixelFormat
+typedef enum   _CtxPixelFormat CtxPixelFormat;
+typedef struct _CtxGlyph       CtxGlyph;
+ * ctx_new:
+ *
+ * Create a new drawing context, this context has no pixels but
+ * accumulates commands and can be played back on other ctx
+ * render contexts.
+ */
+Ctx *ctx_new (void);
+ * ctx_new_for_framebuffer:
+ *
+ * Create a new drawing context for a framebuffer, rendering happens
+ * immediately.
+ */
+Ctx *ctx_new_for_framebuffer (void *data,
+                              int   width,
+                              int   height,
+                              int   stride,
+                              CtxPixelFormat pixel_format);
+ * ctx_new_ui:
+ *
+ * Create a new interactive ctx context, might depend on additional
+ * integration.
+ */
+Ctx *ctx_new_ui (int width, int height);
+ * ctx_new_for_drawlist:
+ *
+ * Create a new drawing context for a pre-existing drawlist.
+ */
+Ctx *ctx_new_for_drawlist (void *data, size_t length);
+ * ctx_dirty_rect:
+ *
+ * Query the dirtied bounding box of drawing commands thus far.
+ */
+void  ctx_dirty_rect      (Ctx *ctx, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height);
+ * ctx_free:
+ * @ctx: a ctx context
+ */
+void ctx_free (Ctx *ctx);
+/* clears and resets a context */
+void ctx_reset          (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_begin_path     (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_save           (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_restore        (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_start_group    (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_end_group      (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_clip           (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_identity       (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_rotate         (Ctx *ctx, float x);
+#define CTX_LINE_WIDTH_HAIRLINE -1000.0
+#define CTX_LINE_WIDTH_FAST     -1.0  /* aliased 1px wide line */
+void ctx_miter_limit (Ctx *ctx, float limit);
+void ctx_line_width       (Ctx *ctx, float x);
+void ctx_apply_transform  (Ctx *ctx, float a,  float b,  // hscale, hskew
+                           float c,  float d,  // vskew,  vscale
+                           float e,  float f); // htran,  vtran
+void  ctx_line_dash       (Ctx *ctx, float *dashes, int count);
+void  ctx_font_size       (Ctx *ctx, float x);
+void  ctx_font            (Ctx *ctx, const char *font);
+void  ctx_scale           (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+void  ctx_translate       (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+void  ctx_line_to         (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+void  ctx_move_to         (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+void  ctx_curve_to        (Ctx *ctx, float cx0, float cy0,
+                           float cx1, float cy1,
+                           float x, float y);
+void  ctx_quad_to         (Ctx *ctx, float cx, float cy,
+                           float x, float y);
+void  ctx_arc             (Ctx  *ctx,
+                           float x, float y,
+                           float radius,
+                           float angle1, float angle2,
+                           int   direction);
+void  ctx_arc_to          (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1,
+                           float x2, float y2, float radius);
+void  ctx_rel_arc_to      (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1,
+                           float x2, float y2, float radius);
+void  ctx_rectangle       (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x0, float y0,
+                           float w, float h);
+void  ctx_round_rectangle (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x0, float y0,
+                           float w, float h,
+                           float radius);
+void  ctx_rel_line_to     (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x, float y);
+void  ctx_rel_move_to     (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x, float y);
+void  ctx_rel_curve_to    (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x0, float y0,
+                           float x1, float y1,
+                           float x2, float y2);
+void  ctx_rel_quad_to     (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float cx, float cy,
+                           float x, float y);
+void  ctx_close_path      (Ctx *ctx);
+float ctx_get_font_size   (Ctx *ctx);
+float ctx_get_line_width  (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_width           (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_height          (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_rev             (Ctx *ctx);
+float ctx_x               (Ctx *ctx);
+float ctx_y               (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_current_point   (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y);
+void  ctx_get_transform   (Ctx *ctx, float *a, float *b,
+                           float *c, float *d,
+                           float *e, float *f);
+CtxGlyph *ctx_glyph_allocate (int n_glyphs);
+void gtx_glyph_free       (CtxGlyph *glyphs);
+int  ctx_glyph            (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke);
+void ctx_arc              (Ctx  *ctx,
+                           float x, float y,
+                           float radius,
+                           float angle1, float angle2,
+                           int   direction);
+void ctx_arc_to           (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1,
+                           float x2, float y2, float radius);
+void ctx_quad_to          (Ctx *ctx, float cx, float cy,
+                           float x, float y);
+void ctx_arc              (Ctx  *ctx,
+                           float x, float y,
+                           float radius,
+                           float angle1, float angle2,
+                           int   direction);
+void ctx_arc_to           (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1,
+                           float x2, float y2, float radius);
+void ctx_preserve         (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_fill             (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_stroke           (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_parse            (Ctx *ctx, const char *string);
+void ctx_shadow_rgba      (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_shadow_blur      (Ctx *ctx, float x);
+void ctx_shadow_offset_x  (Ctx *ctx, float x);
+void ctx_shadow_offset_y  (Ctx *ctx, float y);
+void ctx_view_box         (Ctx *ctx,
+                           float x0, float y0,
+                           float w, float h);
+ctx_set_pixel_u8          (Ctx *ctx, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a);
+void  ctx_global_alpha     (Ctx *ctx, float global_alpha);
+float ctx_get_global_alpha (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_named_source (Ctx *ctx, const char *name);
+// followed by a color, gradient or pattern definition
+void ctx_rgba   (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_rgb    (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b);
+void ctx_gray   (Ctx *ctx, float gray);
+void ctx_rgba8  (Ctx *ctx, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a);
+void ctx_drgba  (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_cmyka  (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k, float a);
+void ctx_cmyk   (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k);
+void ctx_dcmyka (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k, float a);
+void ctx_dcmyk  (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k);
+/* there is also getters for colors, by first setting a color in one format and getting
+ * it with another color conversions can be done
+ */
+void ctx_get_rgba   (Ctx *ctx, float *rgba);
+void ctx_get_graya  (Ctx *ctx, float *ya);
+void ctx_get_drgba  (Ctx *ctx, float *drgba);
+void ctx_get_cmyka  (Ctx *ctx, float *cmyka);
+void ctx_get_dcmyka (Ctx *ctx, float *dcmyka);
+int  ctx_in_fill    (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+int  ctx_in_stroke  (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y);
+void ctx_linear_gradient (Ctx *ctx, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1);
+void ctx_radial_gradient (Ctx *ctx, float x0, float y0, float r0,
+                          float x1, float y1, float r1);
+/* XXX should be ctx_gradient_add_stop_rgba */
+void ctx_gradient_add_stop (Ctx *ctx, float pos, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_gradient_add_stop_u8 (Ctx *ctx, float pos, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a);
+ *
+ * return value: the actual id assigned, if id is out of range - or later
+ * when -1 as id will mean auto-assign.
+ */
+int ctx_texture_init (Ctx *ctx,
+                      int id,
+                      int width,
+                      int height,
+                      int stride,
+                      CtxPixelFormat format,
+                      uint8_t *pixels,
+                      void (*freefunc) (void *pixels, void *user_data),
+                      void *user_data);
+int  ctx_texture_load       (Ctx *ctx, int id, const char *path, int *width, int *height);
+void ctx_texture_release    (Ctx *ctx, int id);
+/* sets the paint source to be a texture from the texture bank*/
+void ctx_texture            (Ctx *ctx, int id, float x, float y);
+/* global used to use the textures from a different context, used
+ * by the render threads of fb and sdl backends.
+ */
+void ctx_set_texture_source (Ctx *ctx, Ctx *texture_source);
+void ctx_image_path (Ctx *ctx, const char *path, float x, float y);
+typedef struct _CtxDrawlist CtxDrawlist;
+typedef void (*CtxFullCb) (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, void *data);
+int ctx_pixel_format_bpp        (CtxPixelFormat format);
+int ctx_pixel_format_components (CtxPixelFormat format);
+void _ctx_set_store_clear (Ctx *ctx);
+void _ctx_set_transformation (Ctx *ctx, int transformation);
+Ctx *ctx_hasher_new (int width, int height, int cols, int rows);
+uint8_t *ctx_hasher_get_hash (Ctx *ctx, int col, int row);
+int ctx_utf8_strlen (const char *s);
+#ifdef _BABL_H
+#define CTX_BABL 1
+#define CTX_BABL 0
+/* If cairo.h is included before ctx.h add cairo integration code
+ */
+#ifdef CAIRO_H
+#define CTX_CAIRO 1
+#define CTX_CAIRO 0
+#ifdef SDL_h_
+#define CTX_SDL 1
+#define CTX_SDL 0
+#ifndef CTX_FB
+#if CTX_SDL
+#define CTX_FB 1
+#define CTX_FB 0
+#if CTX_SDL
+#define ctx_mutex_t            SDL_mutex
+#define ctx_create_mutex()     SDL_CreateMutex()
+#define ctx_lock_mutex(a)      SDL_LockMutex(a)
+#define ctx_unlock_mutex(a)    SDL_UnlockMutex(a)
+#define ctx_mutex_t           int
+#define ctx_create_mutex()    NULL
+#define ctx_lock_mutex(a)   
+#define ctx_unlock_mutex(a)  
+/* render the deferred commands of a ctx context to a cairo
+ * context
+ */
+void  ctx_render_cairo  (Ctx *ctx, cairo_t *cr);
+/* create a ctx context that directly renders to the specified
+ * cairo context
+ */
+Ctx * ctx_new_for_cairo (cairo_t *cr);
+/* free with free() */
+char *ctx_render_string (Ctx *ctx, int longform, int *retlen);
+void ctx_render_stream  (Ctx *ctx, FILE *stream, int formatter);
+void ctx_render_ctx     (Ctx *ctx, Ctx *d_ctx);
+void ctx_start_move     (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_add_single      (Ctx *ctx, void *entry);
+uint32_t ctx_utf8_to_unichar (const char *input);
+int      ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (uint32_t  ch, uint8_t  *dest);
+typedef enum
+} CtxFillRule;
+typedef enum
+} CtxCompositingMode;
+typedef enum
+} CtxBlend;
+void ctx_blend_mode (Ctx *ctx, CtxBlend mode);
+typedef enum
+} CtxLineJoin;
+typedef enum
+  CTX_CAP_NONE   = 0,
+  CTX_CAP_ROUND  = 1,
+} CtxLineCap;
+typedef enum
+} CtxTextBaseline;
+typedef enum
+} CtxTextAlign;
+typedef enum
+} CtxTextDirection;
+  uint32_t index;
+  float    x;
+  float    y;
+void ctx_text_align           (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextAlign      align);
+void ctx_text_baseline        (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextBaseline   baseline);
+void ctx_text_direction       (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextDirection  direction);
+void ctx_fill_rule            (Ctx *ctx, CtxFillRule       fill_rule);
+void ctx_line_cap             (Ctx *ctx, CtxLineCap        cap);
+void ctx_line_join            (Ctx *ctx, CtxLineJoin       join);
+void ctx_compositing_mode     (Ctx *ctx, CtxCompositingMode mode);
+int  ctx_set_drawlist     (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length);
+typedef struct _CtxEntry CtxEntry;
+/* we only care about the tight packing for this specific
+ * structx as we do indexing across members in arrays of it,
+ * to make sure its size becomes 9bytes -
+ * the pack pragma is also sufficient on recent gcc versions
+ */
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+  _CtxEntry
+  uint8_t code;
+  union
+  {
+    float    f[2];
+    uint8_t  u8[8];
+    int8_t   s8[8];
+    uint16_t u16[4];
+    int16_t  s16[4];
+    uint32_t u32[2];
+    int32_t  s32[2];
+    uint64_t u64[1]; // unused
+  } data; // 9bytes long, we're favoring compactness and correctness
+  // over performance. By sacrificing float precision, zeroing
+  // first 8bit of f[0] would permit 8bytes long and better
+  // aglinment and cacheline behavior.
+#pragma pack(pop)
+const CtxEntry *ctx_get_drawlist (Ctx *ctx);
+int  ctx_append_drawlist  (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length);
+/* these are only needed for clients rendering text, as all text gets
+ * converted to paths.
+ */
+void  ctx_glyphs        (Ctx        *ctx,
+                         CtxGlyph   *glyphs,
+                         int         n_glyphs);
+void  ctx_glyphs_stroke (Ctx       *ctx,
+                         CtxGlyph   *glyphs,
+                         int         n_glyphs);
+void  ctx_text          (Ctx        *ctx,
+                         const char *string);
+void  ctx_text_stroke   (Ctx        *ctx,
+                         const char *string);
+/* returns the total horizontal advance if string had been rendered */
+float ctx_text_width    (Ctx        *ctx,
+                         const char *string);
+float ctx_glyph_width   (Ctx *ctx, int unichar);
+int   ctx_load_font_ttf (const char *name, const void *ttf_contents, int length);
+enum _CtxModifierState
+  CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_ALT     = (1<<2),
+  CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_DRAG    = (1<<6), // pointer button is down (0 or any)
+typedef enum _CtxModifierState CtxModifierState;
+enum _CtxScrollDirection
+typedef enum _CtxScrollDirection CtxScrollDirection;
+typedef struct _CtxEvent CtxEvent;
+void ctx_set_renderer (Ctx *ctx,
+                       void *renderer);
+void *ctx_get_renderer (Ctx *ctx);
+/* the following API is only available when CTX_EVENTS is defined to 1
+ *
+ * it provides the ability to register callbacks with the current path
+ * that get delivered with transformed coordinates.
+ */
+unsigned long ctx_ticks (void);
+int ctx_is_dirty (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_set_dirty (Ctx *ctx, int dirty);
+float ctx_get_float (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash);
+void ctx_set_float (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, float value);
+unsigned long ctx_ticks (void);
+void ctx_flush (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_set_clipboard (Ctx *ctx, const char *text);
+char *ctx_get_clipboard (Ctx *ctx);
+void _ctx_events_init     (Ctx *ctx);
+typedef struct _CtxRectangle CtxRectangle;
+struct _CtxRectangle {
+  int x;
+  int y;
+  int width;
+  int height;
+void ctx_quit (Ctx *ctx);
+int  ctx_has_quit (Ctx *ctx);
+typedef void (*CtxCb) (CtxEvent *event,
+                       void     *data,
+                       void     *data2);
+typedef void (*CtxDestroyNotify) (void *data);
+enum _CtxEventType {
+  CTX_PRESS          = 1 << 0,
+  CTX_MOTION         = 1 << 1,
+  CTX_RELEASE        = 1 << 2,
+  CTX_ENTER          = 1 << 3,
+  CTX_LEAVE          = 1 << 4,
+  CTX_TAP            = 1 << 5,
+  CTX_TAP_AND_HOLD   = 1 << 6,
+  CTX_DRAG_PRESS     = 1 << 7,
+  CTX_DRAG_MOTION    = 1 << 8,
+  CTX_DRAG_RELEASE   = 1 << 9,
+  CTX_KEY_DOWN       = 1 << 10,
+  CTX_KEY_UP         = 1 << 11,
+  CTX_SCROLL         = 1 << 12,
+  CTX_MESSAGE        = 1 << 13,
+  CTX_DROP           = 1 << 14,
+  CTX_SET_CURSOR= 1 << 15, // used internally
+  /* client should store state - preparing
+                                 * for restart
+                                 */
+typedef enum _CtxEventType CtxEventType;
+struct _CtxEvent {
+  CtxEventType  type;
+  uint32_t time;
+  Ctx     *ctx;
+  int stop_propagate; /* when set - propagation is stopped */
+  CtxModifierState state;
+  int      device_no; /* 0 = left mouse button / virtual focus */
+                      /* 1 = middle mouse button */
+                      /* 2 = right mouse button */
+                      /* 3 = first multi-touch .. (NYI) */
+  float   device_x; /* untransformed (device) coordinates  */
+  float   device_y;
+  /* coordinates; and deltas for motion/drag events in user-coordinates: */
+  float   x;
+  float   y;
+  float   start_x; /* start-coordinates (press) event for drag, */
+  float   start_y; /*    untransformed coordinates */
+  float   prev_x;  /* previous events coordinates */
+  float   prev_y;
+  float   delta_x; /* x - prev_x, redundant - but often useful */
+  float   delta_y; /* y - prev_y, redundant - ..  */
+  unsigned int unicode; /* only valid for key-events */
+  const char *string;   /* as key can be "up" "down" "space" "backspace" "a" "b" "ø" etc .. */
+                        /* this is also where the message is delivered for
+                         * MESSAGE events
+                         *
+                         * and the data for drop events are delivered
+                         */
+  CtxScrollDirection scroll_direction;
+  // would be nice to add the bounding box of the hit-area causing
+  // the event, making for instance scissored enter/leave repaint easier.
+// layer-event "layer"  motion x y device_no 
+void ctx_add_key_binding_full (Ctx *ctx,
+                               const char *key,
+                               const char *action,
+                               const char *label,
+                               CtxCb       cb,
+                               void       *cb_data,
+                               CtxDestroyNotify destroy_notify,
+                               void       *destroy_data);
+void ctx_add_key_binding (Ctx *ctx,
+                          const char *key,
+                          const char *action,
+                          const char *label,
+                          CtxCb cb,
+                          void  *cb_data);
+typedef struct CtxBinding {
+  char *nick;
+  char *command;
+  char *label;
+  CtxCb cb;
+  void *cb_data;
+  CtxDestroyNotify destroy_notify;
+  void  *destroy_data;
+} CtxBinding;
+CtxBinding *ctx_get_bindings (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_clear_bindings     (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_remove_idle        (Ctx *ctx, int handle);
+int   ctx_add_timeout_full   (Ctx *ctx, int ms, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data,
+                              void (*destroy_notify)(void *destroy_data), void *destroy_data);
+int   ctx_add_timeout        (Ctx *ctx, int ms, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data);
+int   ctx_add_idle_full      (Ctx *ctx, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data,
+                              void (*destroy_notify)(void *destroy_data), void *destroy_data);
+int   ctx_add_idle           (Ctx *ctx, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data);
+void ctx_add_hit_region (Ctx *ctx, const char *id);
+void ctx_listen_full (Ctx     *ctx,
+                      float    x,
+                      float    y,
+                      float    width,
+                      float    height,
+                      CtxEventType  types,
+                      CtxCb    cb,
+                      void    *data1,
+                      void    *data2,
+                      void   (*finalize)(void *listen_data, void *listen_data2,
+                                         void *finalize_data),
+                      void    *finalize_data);
+void  ctx_event_stop_propagate (CtxEvent *event);
+void  ctx_listen               (Ctx          *ctx,
+                                CtxEventType  types,
+                                CtxCb         cb,
+                                void*         data1,
+                                void*         data2);
+void  ctx_listen_with_finalize (Ctx          *ctx,
+                                CtxEventType  types,
+                                CtxCb         cb,
+                                void*         data1,
+                                void*         data2,
+                      void   (*finalize)(void *listen_data, void *listen_data2,
+                                         void *finalize_data),
+                      void    *finalize_data);
+void ctx_init (int *argc, char ***argv); // is a no-op but could launch
+                                         // terminal
+CtxEvent *ctx_get_event (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_pointer_is_down (Ctx *ctx, int no);
+float ctx_pointer_x (Ctx *ctx);
+float ctx_pointer_y (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_freeze (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_thaw   (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_events_frozen (Ctx *ctx);
+void  ctx_events_clear_items (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_events_width (Ctx *ctx);
+int   ctx_events_height (Ctx *ctx);
+/* The following functions drive the event delivery, registered callbacks
+ * are called in response to these being called.
+ */
+int ctx_key_press (Ctx *ctx, unsigned int keyval,
+                   const char *string, uint32_t time);
+int ctx_scrolled  (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, CtxScrollDirection scroll_direction, uint32_t time);
+void ctx_incoming_message (Ctx *ctx, const char *message, long time);
+int ctx_pointer_motion    (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time);
+int ctx_pointer_release   (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time);
+int ctx_pointer_press     (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time);
+int ctx_pointer_drop      (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time,
+                           char *string);
+typedef enum
+  CTX_CONT             = '\0', // - contains args from preceding entry
+  CTX_NOP              = ' ', //
+  CTX_DATA             = '(', // size size-in-entries - u32
+  CTX_DATA_REV         = ')', // reverse traversal data marker
+  CTX_SET_RGBA_U8      = '*', // r g b a - u8
+  CTX_NEW_EDGE         = '+', // x0 y0 x1 y1 - s16
+  // set pixel might want a shorter ascii form? or keep it an embedded
+  // only option?
+  CTX_SET_PIXEL        = '-', // 8bit "fast-path" r g b a x y - u8 for rgba, and u16 for x,y
+  /* optimizations that reduce the number of entries used,
+   * not visible outside the drawlist compression, thus
+   * using entries that cannot be used directly as commands
+   * since they would be interpreted as numbers - if values>127
+   * then the embedded font data is harder to escape.
+   */
+  CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4            = '0', // x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4   -- s8
+  CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_CURVE_TO  = '1', // x1 y1 cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y -- s8
+  CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO  = '2', // cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y x1 y1 -- s8
+  CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO  = '3', // cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y x1 y1 -- s8
+  CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X2            = '4', // x1 y1 x2 y2 -- s16
+  CTX_MOVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO       = '5', // x1 y1 x2 y2 -- s16
+  CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO   = '6', // x1 y1 x2 y2 -- s16
+  CTX_FILL_MOVE_TO              = '7', // x y
+  CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_REL_QUAD_TO   = '8', // cx1 x1 cy1 y1 cx1 x2 cy1 y1 -- s8
+  CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_S16           = '9', // cx1 cy1 x y                 - s16
+  // expand with: . : 
+  CTX_FLUSH            = ';',
+  CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH     = '@', // unichar width - u32
+  CTX_ARC_TO           = 'A', // x1 y1 x2 y2 radius
+  CTX_ARC              = 'B', // x y radius angle1 angle2 direction
+  CTX_CURVE_TO         = 'C', // cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y
+  CTX_STROKE           = 'E', //
+  CTX_FILL             = 'F', //
+  CTX_RESTORE          = 'G', //
+  CTX_HOR_LINE_TO      = 'H', // x
+  CTX_BITPIX           = 'I', // x, y, width, height, scale // NYI
+  CTX_ROTATE           = 'J', // radians
+  CTX_COLOR            = 'K', // model, c1 c2 c3 ca - has a variable set of
+  // arguments.
+  CTX_LINE_TO          = 'L', // x y
+  CTX_MOVE_TO          = 'M', // x y
+  CTX_BEGIN_PATH       = 'N', //
+  CTX_SCALE            = 'O', // xscale yscale
+  CTX_NEW_PAGE         = 'P', // - NYI - optional page-size
+  CTX_QUAD_TO          = 'Q', // cx cy x y
+  CTX_VIEW_BOX         = 'R', // x y width height
+  CTX_SMOOTH_TO        = 'S', // cx cy x y
+  CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO       = 'T', // x y
+  CTX_RESET            = 'U', //
+  CTX_VER_LINE_TO      = 'V', // y
+  CTX_APPLY_TRANSFORM  = 'W', // a b c d e f - for set_transform combine with identity
+  CTX_EXIT             = 'X', //
+  CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE  = 'Y', // x y width height radius
+  CTX_CLOSE_PATH2      = 'Z', //
+  CTX_KERNING_PAIR     = '[', // glA glB kerning, glA and glB in u16 kerning in s32
+  CTX_COLOR_SPACE      = ']', // IccSlot  data  data_len,
+                         //    data can be a string with a name,
+                         //    icc data or perhaps our own serialization
+                         //    of profile data
+  CTX_EDGE_FLIPPED     = '`', // x0 y0 x1 y1 - s16
+  CTX_REL_ARC_TO       = 'a', // x1 y1 x2 y2 radius
+  CTX_CLIP             = 'b',
+  CTX_REL_CURVE_TO     = 'c', // cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y
+  CTX_LINE_DASH        = 'd', // dashlen0 [dashlen1 ...]
+  CTX_TRANSLATE        = 'e', // x y
+  CTX_LINEAR_GRADIENT  = 'f', // x1 y1 x2 y2
+  CTX_SAVE             = 'g',
+  CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO  = 'h', // x
+  CTX_TEXTURE          = 'i',
+  CTX_PRESERVE         = 'j', // 
+  CTX_SET_KEY          = 'k', // - used together with another char to identify
+                              //   a key to set
+  CTX_REL_LINE_TO      = 'l', // x y
+  CTX_REL_MOVE_TO      = 'm', // x y
+  CTX_FONT             = 'n', // as used by text parser
+  CTX_RADIAL_GRADIENT  = 'o', // x1 y1 radius1 x2 y2 radius2
+  CTX_GRADIENT_STOP    = 'p', // argument count depends on current color model
+  CTX_REL_QUAD_TO      = 'q', // cx cy x y
+  CTX_RECTANGLE        = 'r', // x y width height
+  CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO    = 's', // cx cy x y
+  CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO   = 't', // x y
+  CTX_TEXT_STROKE      = 'u', // string - utf8 string
+  CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO  = 'v', // y
+  CTX_GLYPH            = 'w', // unichar fontsize
+  CTX_TEXT             = 'x', // string | kern - utf8 data to shape or horizontal kerning amount
+  CTX_IDENTITY         = 'y', //
+  CTX_CLOSE_PATH       = 'z', //
+  CTX_START_GROUP      = '{',
+  CTX_END_GROUP        = '}',
+  CTX_EDGE             = ',',
+  /* though expressed as two chars in serialization we have
+   * dedicated byte commands for the setters to keep the dispatch
+   * simpler. There is no need for these to be human readable thus we go >128
+   *
+   * unused/reserved: D!&<=>?#:.^_=/~%\'"
+   *
+   */
+  CTX_FILL_RULE        = 128, // kr rule - u8, default = CTX_FILLE_RULE_EVEN_ODD
+  CTX_BLEND_MODE       = 129, // kB mode - u8 , default=0
+  CTX_MITER_LIMIT      = 130, // km limit - float, default = 0.0
+  CTX_LINE_JOIN        = 131, // kj join - u8 , default=0
+  CTX_LINE_CAP         = 132, // kc cap - u8, default = 0
+  CTX_LINE_WIDTH       = 133, // kw width, default = 2.0
+  CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA     = 134, // ka alpha - default=1.0
+  CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE = 135, // kc mode - u8 , default=0
+  CTX_FONT_SIZE        = 136, // kf size - float, default=?
+  CTX_TEXT_ALIGN       = 137, // kt align - u8, default = CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_START
+  CTX_TEXT_BASELINE    = 138, // kb baseline - u8, default = CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_ALPHABETIC
+  CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION   = 139, // kd
+  CTX_SHADOW_BLUR      = 140, // ks
+  CTX_SHADOW_COLOR     = 141, // kC
+  CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X  = 142, // kx
+  CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y  = 143, // ky
+  // items marked with % are currently only for the parser
+  // for instance for svg compatibility or simulated/converted color spaces
+  // not the serialization/internal render stream
+} CtxCode;
+#pragma pack(push,1)
+typedef struct _CtxCommand CtxCommand;
+typedef struct _CtxIterator CtxIterator;
+CtxIterator *
+ctx_current_path (Ctx *ctx);
+ctx_path_extents (Ctx *ctx, float *ex1, float *ey1, float *ex2, float *ey2);
+#define CTX_ASSERT               0
+#if CTX_ASSERT==1
+#define ctx_assert(a)  if(!(a)){fprintf(stderr,"%s:%i assertion failed\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);  }
+#define ctx_assert(a)
+int ctx_get_drawlist_count (Ctx *ctx);
+  _CtxCommand
+  union
+  {
+    uint8_t  code;
+    CtxEntry entry;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float scalex;
+      float scaley;
+    } scale;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t cont;
+      uint8_t data[8]; /* ... and continues */
+    } data;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+    } data_rev;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float pad;
+      float pad2;
+      uint8_t code_data;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t code_cont;
+      uint8_t utf8[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } text;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint32_t key_hash;
+      float    pad;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      uint8_t  utf8[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } set;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint32_t pad0;
+      float    pad1;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      uint8_t  utf8[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } get;
+    struct {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint32_t count; /* better than byte_len in code, but needs to then be set   */
+      float    pad1;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t byte_len;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      float    data[2]; /* .. and - possibly continues */
+    } line_dash;
+    struct {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint32_t space_slot;
+      float    pad1;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t data_len;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      uint8_t  data[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } colorspace;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      float    pad;
+      float    pad2;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      uint8_t  utf8[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } text_stroke;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      float    pad;
+      float    pad2;
+      uint8_t  code_data;
+      uint32_t stringlen;
+      uint32_t blocklen;
+      uint8_t  code_cont;
+      uint8_t  utf8[8]; /* .. and continues */
+    } set_font;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float model;
+      float r;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float g;
+      float b;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      float a;
+    } rgba;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float model;
+      float c;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float m;
+      float y;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      float k;
+      float a;
+    } cmyka;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float model;
+      float g;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float a;
+    } graya;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float model;
+      float c0;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float c1;
+      float c2;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      float c3;
+      float c4;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      float c5;
+      float c6;
+      uint8_t pad4;
+      float c7;
+      float c8;
+      uint8_t pad5;
+      float c9;
+      float c10;
+    } set_color;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } rel_move_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } rel_line_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } line_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float cx1;
+      float cy1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float cx2;
+      float cy2;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } rel_curve_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } move_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float cx1;
+      float cy1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float cx2;
+      float cy2;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } curve_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x1;
+      float y1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float r1;
+      float x2;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float y2;
+      float r2;
+    } radial_gradient;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x1;
+      float y1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float x2;
+      float y2;
+    } linear_gradient;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float width;
+      float height;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float radius;
+    } rectangle;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint16_t glyph_before;
+      uint16_t glyph_after;
+       int32_t amount;
+    } kern;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint32_t glyph;
+      uint32_t advance; // * 256
+    } define_glyph;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint8_t rgba[4];
+      uint16_t x;
+      uint16_t y;
+    } set_pixel;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float cx;
+      float cy;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } quad_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float cx;
+      float cy;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+    } rel_quad_to;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x;
+      float y;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float radius;
+      float angle1;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float angle2;
+      float direction;
+    }
+    arc;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float x1;
+      float y1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float x2;
+      float y2;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float radius;
+    }
+    arc_to;
+    /* some format specific generic accesors:  */
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float   x0;
+      float   y0;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float   x1;
+      float   y1;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float   x2;
+      float   y2;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      float   x3;
+      float   y3;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      float   x4;
+      float   y4;
+    } c;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      float   a0;
+      float   a1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      float   a2;
+      float   a3;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      float   a4;
+      float   a5;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      float   a6;
+      float   a7;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      float   a8;
+      float   a9;
+    } f;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint32_t a0;
+      uint32_t a1;
+      uint8_t  pad0;
+      uint32_t a2;
+      uint32_t a3;
+      uint8_t  pad1;
+      uint32_t a4;
+      uint32_t a5;
+      uint8_t  pad2;
+      uint32_t a6;
+      uint32_t a7;
+      uint8_t  pad3;
+      uint32_t a8;
+      uint32_t a9;
+    } u32;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t  code;
+      uint64_t a0;
+      uint8_t  pad0;
+      uint64_t a1;
+      uint8_t  pad1;
+      uint64_t a2;
+      uint8_t  pad2;
+      uint64_t a3;
+      uint8_t  pad3;
+      uint64_t a4;
+    } u64;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      int32_t a0;
+      int32_t a1;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      int32_t a2;
+      int32_t a3;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      int32_t a4;
+      int32_t a5;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      int32_t a6;
+      int32_t a7;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      int32_t a8;
+      int32_t a9;
+    } s32;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      int16_t a0;
+      int16_t a1;
+      int16_t a2;
+      int16_t a3;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      int16_t a4;
+      int16_t a5;
+      int16_t a6;
+      int16_t a7;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      int16_t a8;
+      int16_t a9;
+      int16_t a10;
+      int16_t a11;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      int16_t a12;
+      int16_t a13;
+      int16_t a14;
+      int16_t a15;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      int16_t a16;
+      int16_t a17;
+      int16_t a18;
+      int16_t a19;
+    } s16;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint16_t a0;
+      uint16_t a1;
+      uint16_t a2;
+      uint16_t a3;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      uint16_t a4;
+      uint16_t a5;
+      uint16_t a6;
+      uint16_t a7;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      uint16_t a8;
+      uint16_t a9;
+      uint16_t a10;
+      uint16_t a11;
+      uint8_t pad2;
+      uint16_t a12;
+      uint16_t a13;
+      uint16_t a14;
+      uint16_t a15;
+      uint8_t pad3;
+      uint16_t a16;
+      uint16_t a17;
+      uint16_t a18;
+      uint16_t a19;
+    } u16;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      uint8_t a0;
+      uint8_t a1;
+      uint8_t a2;
+      uint8_t a3;
+      uint8_t a4;
+      uint8_t a5;
+      uint8_t a6;
+      uint8_t a7;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      uint8_t a8;
+      uint8_t a9;
+      uint8_t a10;
+      uint8_t a11;
+      uint8_t a12;
+      uint8_t a13;
+      uint8_t a14;
+      uint8_t a15;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      uint8_t a16;
+      uint8_t a17;
+      uint8_t a18;
+      uint8_t a19;
+      uint8_t a20;
+      uint8_t a21;
+      uint8_t a22;
+      uint8_t a23;
+    } u8;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t code;
+      int8_t a0;
+      int8_t a1;
+      int8_t a2;
+      int8_t a3;
+      int8_t a4;
+      int8_t a5;
+      int8_t a6;
+      int8_t a7;
+      uint8_t pad0;
+      int8_t a8;
+      int8_t a9;
+      int8_t a10;
+      int8_t a11;
+      int8_t a12;
+      int8_t a13;
+      int8_t a14;
+      int8_t a15;
+      uint8_t pad1;
+      int8_t a16;
+      int8_t a17;
+      int8_t a18;
+      int8_t a19;
+      int8_t a20;
+      int8_t a21;
+      int8_t a22;
+      int8_t a23;
+    } s8;
+  };
+  CtxEntry next_entry; // also pads size of CtxCommand slightly.
+typedef struct _CtxImplementation CtxImplementation;
+struct _CtxImplementation
+  void (*process)        (void *renderer, CtxCommand *entry);
+  void (*reset)          (void *renderer);
+  void (*flush)          (void *renderer);
+  char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+  void (*set_clipboard)  (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+  void (*free)           (void *renderer);
+CtxCommand *ctx_iterator_next (CtxIterator *iterator);
+#define ctx_arg_string()  ((char*)&entry[2].data.u8[0])
+/* The above should be public API
+ */
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/* access macros for nth argument of a given type when packed into
+ * an CtxEntry pointer in current code context
+ */
+#define ctx_arg_float(no) entry[(no)>>1].data.f[(no)&1]
+#define ctx_arg_u64(no)   entry[(no)].data.u64[0]
+#define ctx_arg_u32(no)   entry[(no)>>1].data.u32[(no)&1]
+#define ctx_arg_s32(no)   entry[(no)>>1].data.s32[(no)&1]
+#define ctx_arg_u16(no)   entry[(no)>>2].data.u16[(no)&3]
+#define ctx_arg_s16(no)   entry[(no)>>2].data.s16[(no)&3]
+#define ctx_arg_u8(no)    entry[(no)>>3].data.u8[(no)&7]
+#define ctx_arg_s8(no)    entry[(no)>>3].data.s8[(no)&7]
+#define ctx_arg_string()  ((char*)&entry[2].data.u8[0])
+typedef enum
+  CTX_GRAY           = 1,
+  CTX_RGB            = 3,
+  CTX_DRGB           = 4,
+  CTX_CMYK           = 5,
+  CTX_DCMYK          = 6,
+  CTX_LAB            = 7,
+  CTX_LCH            = 8,
+  CTX_GRAYA          = 101,
+  CTX_RGBA           = 103,
+  CTX_DRGBA          = 104,
+  CTX_CMYKA          = 105,
+  CTX_DCMYKA         = 106,
+  CTX_LABA           = 107,
+  CTX_LCHA           = 108,
+  CTX_GRAYA_A        = 201,
+  CTX_RGBA_A         = 203,
+  CTX_RGBA_A_DEVICE  = 204,
+  CTX_CMYKA_A        = 205,
+  CTX_DCMYKA_A       = 206,
+  // RGB  device and  RGB  ?
+} CtxColorModel;
+enum _CtxAntialias
+  CTX_ANTIALIAS_NONE, // non-antialiased
+typedef enum _CtxAntialias CtxAntialias;
+enum _CtxCursor
+typedef enum _CtxCursor CtxCursor;
+/* to be used immediately after a ctx_listen or ctx_listen_full causing the
+ * cursor to change when hovering the listen area.
+ */
+void ctx_listen_set_cursor (Ctx      *ctx,
+                            CtxCursor cursor);
+/* lower level cursor setting that is independent of ctx event handling
+ */
+void         ctx_set_cursor (Ctx *ctx, CtxCursor cursor);
+CtxCursor    ctx_get_cursor (Ctx *ctx);
+void         ctx_set_antialias (Ctx *ctx, CtxAntialias antialias);
+CtxAntialias ctx_get_antialias (Ctx *ctx);
+void         ctx_set_render_threads   (Ctx *ctx, int n_threads);
+int          ctx_get_render_threads   (Ctx *ctx);
+void         ctx_set_hash_cache (Ctx *ctx, int enable_hash_cache);
+int          ctx_get_hash_cache (Ctx *ctx);
+typedef struct _CtxParser CtxParser;
+  CtxParser *ctx_parser_new (
+  Ctx       *ctx,
+  int        width,
+  int        height,
+  float      cell_width,
+  float      cell_height,
+  int        cursor_x,
+  int        cursor_y,
+  int   (*set_prop)(void *prop_data, uint32_t key, const char *data,  int len),
+  int   (*get_prop)(void *prop_Data, const char *key, char **data, int *len),
+  void  *prop_data,
+  void (*exit) (void *exit_data),
+  void *exit_data);
+enum _CtxColorSpace
+typedef enum _CtxColorSpace CtxColorSpace;
+void ctx_colorspace (Ctx           *ctx,
+                     CtxColorSpace  space_slot,
+                     unsigned char *data,
+                     int            data_length);
+ctx_parser_set_size (CtxParser *parser,
+                     int        width,
+                     int        height,
+                     float      cell_width,
+                     float      cell_height);
+void ctx_parser_feed_byte (CtxParser *parser, int byte);
+void ctx_parser_free (CtxParser *parser);
+//#define CTX_CODEC_CHAR '\035'
+//#define CTX_CODEC_CHAR 'a'
+#define CTX_CODEC_CHAR '\077'
+//#define CTX_CODEC_CHAR '^'
+#ifndef assert
+#define assert(a)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#ifndef __CTX_H__
+#define __CTX_H__
+/* mrg - MicroRaptor Gui
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Øyvind Kolås <pippin hodefoting com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_STRING_H
+#define CTX_STRING_H
+typedef struct _CtxString CtxString;
+struct _CtxString
+  char *str;
+  int   length;
+  int   utf8_length;
+  int   allocated_length;
+  int   is_line;
+CtxString   *ctx_string_new_with_size  (const char *initial, int initial_size);
+CtxString   *ctx_string_new            (const char *initial);
+void        ctx_string_free           (CtxString *string, int freealloc);
+const char *ctx_string_get            (CtxString *string);
+uint32_t    ctx_string_get_unichar    (CtxString *string, int pos);
+int         ctx_string_get_length     (CtxString *string);
+void        ctx_string_set            (CtxString *string, const char *new_string);
+void        ctx_string_clear          (CtxString *string);
+void        ctx_string_append_str     (CtxString *string, const char *str);
+void        ctx_string_append_byte    (CtxString *string, char  val);
+void        ctx_string_append_string  (CtxString *string, CtxString *string2);
+void        ctx_string_append_unichar (CtxString *string, unsigned int unichar);
+void        ctx_string_append_data    (CtxString *string, const char *data, int len);
+void        ctx_string_append_utf8char (CtxString *string, const char *str);
+void        ctx_string_append_printf  (CtxString *string, const char *format, ...);
+void        ctx_string_replace_utf8   (CtxString *string, int pos, const char *new_glyph);
+void        ctx_string_insert_utf8    (CtxString *string, int pos, const char *new_glyph);
+void        ctx_string_replace_unichar (CtxString *string, int pos, uint32_t unichar);
+void        ctx_string_remove         (CtxString *string, int pos);
+char       *ctx_strdup_printf         (const char *format, ...);
+#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+ /* Copyright (C) 2020 Øyvind Kolås <pippin gimp org>
+ */
+/* returns the maximum string length including terminating \0 */
+static int ctx_a85enc_len (int input_length)
+  return (input_length / 4 + 1) * 5;
+static int ctx_a85enc (const void *srcp, char *dst, int count)
+  const uint8_t *src = (uint8_t*)srcp;
+  int out_len = 0;
+  int padding = 4-(count % 4);
+  if (padding == 4) padding = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < (count+3)/4; i ++)
+  {
+    uint32_t input = 0;
+    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+    {
+      input = (input << 8);
+      if (i*4+j<=count)
+        input += src[i*4+j];
+    }
+    int divisor = 85 * 85 * 85 * 85;
+    if (input == 0)
+    {
+        dst[out_len++] = 'z';
+    }
+    /* todo: encode 4 spaces as 'y' */
+    else
+    {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
+      {
+        dst[out_len++] = ((input / divisor) % 85) + '!';
+        divisor /= 85;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  out_len -= padding;
+  dst[out_len]=0;
+  return out_len;
+static int ctx_a85dec (const char *src, char *dst, int count)
+  int out_len = 0;
+  uint32_t val = 0;
+  int k = 0;
+  int i = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+  {
+    val *= 85;
+    if (src[i] == '~')
+    {
+      break;
+    }
+    else if (src[i] == 'z')
+    {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+        dst[out_len++] = 0;
+      k = 0;
+    }
+    else if (src[i] == 'y') /* lets support this extension */
+    {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+        dst[out_len++] = 32;
+      k = 0;
+    }
+    else if (src[i] >= '!' && src[i] <= 'u')
+    {
+      val += src[i]-'!';
+      if (k % 5 == 4)
+      {
+         for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+         {
+           dst[out_len++] = (val & (0xff << 24)) >> 24;
+           val <<= 8;
+         }
+         val = 0;
+      }
+      k++;
+    }
+    // we treat all other chars as whitespace
+  }
+  if (src[i] != '~')
+  { 
+    val *= 85;
+  }
+  k = k % 5;
+  if (k)
+  {
+    val += 84;
+    for (int j = k; j < 4; j++)
+    {
+      val *= 85;
+      val += 84;
+    }
+    for (int j = 0; j < k-1; j++)
+    {
+      dst[out_len++] = (val & (0xff << 24)) >> 24;
+      val <<= 8;
+    }
+    val = 0;
+  }
+  dst[out_len] = 0;
+  return out_len;
+#if 0
+static int ctx_a85len (const char *src, int count)
+  int out_len = 0;
+  int k = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+  {
+    if (src[i] == '~')
+      break;
+    else if (src[i] == 'z')
+    {
+      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+        out_len++;
+      k = 0;
+    }
+    else if (src[i] >= '!' && src[i] <= 'u')
+    {
+      if (k % 5 == 4)
+        out_len += 4;
+      k++;
+    }
+    // we treat all other chars as whitespace
+  }
+  k = k % 5;
+  if (k)
+    out_len += k-1;
+  return out_len;
+#ifndef CTX_FONT_ascii
+/* this is a ctx encoded font based on DejaVuSans.ttf */
+/* glyphs covered: 
+ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi
+  jklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  */
+static const struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {uint8_t code; uint32_t a; uint32_t b;}
+{'@', 0x00000020, 0x00002bb0},/*                 x-advance: 43.687500 */
+{'@', 0x00000021, 0x00003719},/*        !        x-advance: 55.097656 */
+{'M', 0x41a5e7f2, 0xc1886037},
+{'0', 0x44000036, 0xbc0000ca},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc2a64f08},
+{'l', 0x4159fc90, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x422fd6c4},
+{'l', 0xbfabcfe0, 0x41bfad86},
+{'l', 0xc12df5b2, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xbfb46710, 0xc1bfad86},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc22fd6c4},
+{'@', 0x00000022, 0x00003f38},/*        "        x-advance: 63.218750 */
+{'M', 0x41c50c07, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4214fe48},
+{'4', 0x0000ffd3, 0xff6c0000},
+{'6', 0x0000002d, 0x00000065},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4214fe48},
+{'l', 0xc1368ce4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc214fe48},
+{'l', 0x41368ce4, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000023, 0x0000732a},/*        #        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x428c8973, 0xc271e113},
+{'0', 0x59ea00b2, 0xa716004e},
+{'m', 0xc12112e8, 0xc218c06d},
+{'0', 0x004e6fe5, 0x002a911c},
+{'0', 0x00536fe5, 0x00a22900},
+{'0', 0x005559ea, 0x00a12900},
+{'0', 0x00d66fe5, 0x00b2911b},
+{'0', 0x00d56fe5, 0x00ac911b},
+{'0', 0x005ed700, 0x00aaa716},
+{'0', 0x0060d700, 0x002b911b},
+{'@', 0x00000024, 0x00005773},/*        $        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x4239c595, 0x41a19c59},
+{'4', 0x0000ffe6, 0xffb00000},
+{'8', 0xfac800e4, 0xeec8fae4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc14149e1},
+{'8', 0x1a37111b, 0x0839081c},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1f4d50c},
+{'8', 0xe0aaf7c5, 0xc1e6e9e6},
+{'8', 0xbc1dd500, 0xe454e71d},
+{'4', 0xffc10000, 0x0000001a},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x417920a8},
+{'8', 0x05300118, 0x0b2d0417},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413beb60},
+{'8', 0xefd3f5ea, 0xf9d0fae9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41e54302},
+{'8', 0x2159093c, 0x421c181c},
+{'8', 0x47e22d00, 0x1ea91ae2},
+{'6', 0x00510000, 0xfee1ffe6},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1dc2258},
+{'8', 0x11d103e1, 0x25f00ef0},
+{'8', 0x230f1700, 0x12300c0f},
+{'m', 0x40d6c3d8, 0x414e2cac},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41e87bb4},
+{'8', 0xed33fc22, 0xda11f211},
+{'8', 0xdbf0e900, 0xecccf3f0},
+{'@', 0x00000025, 0x0000829a},/*        %        x-advance: 130.601562 */
+{'M', 0x42c7dda3, 0xc2306037},
+{'8', 0x13dc00e9, 0x37f313f3},
+{'8', 0x370d2200, 0x1324130d},
+{'8', 0xed230016, 0xc90dec0d},
+{'8', 0xc9f3dd00, 0xecddecf3},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc1086034},
+{'8', 0x1d43002a, 0x4f181d18},
+{'8', 0x4fe73200, 0x1dbd1de8},
+{'8', 0xe3bd00d6, 0xb1e8e3e8},
+{'8', 0xb118ce00, 0xe343e319},
+{'m', 0xc28a8603, 0xc2237d6c},
+{'8', 0x14dc00e9, 0x36f313f3},
+{'8', 0x370d2300, 0x1324130d},
+{'8', 0xed240017, 0xc90ded0d},
+{'8', 0xcaf3de00, 0xecdcecf3},
+{'m', 0x42726a86, 0xc1086038},
+{'l', 0x412bcfe0, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x019fff06, 0x0000ffd6},
+{'6', 0xfe6100fa, 0x0000ff0e},
+{'8', 0x1d43002a, 0x4f191d19},
+{'8', 0x50e73200, 0x1dbd1de8},
+{'8', 0xe3bd00d6, 0xb0e8e3e8},
+{'8', 0xb118cf00, 0xe343e318},
+{'@', 0x00000026, 0x00006b2e},/*        &        x-advance: 107.179688 */
+{'M', 0x4205b0f7, 0xc257920a},
+{'8', 0x2bdd15e8, 0x2df515f5},
+{'8', 0x411c2700, 0x1a471a1c},
+{'8', 0xf82f0019, 0xe729f816},
+{'6', 0xff6fff72, 0xffe20025},
+{'l', 0x42086037, 0x420b98e9},
+{'8', 0xcd18e90f, 0xc70ae508},
+{'l', 0x4147bb40, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x46ef23fd, 0x44da22f3},
+{'4', 0x004c004a, 0x0000ffbd},
+{'l', 0xc1198e98, 0xc11dda33},
+{'8', 0x23c617e5, 0x0bbf0be2},
+{'8', 0xdc9700c0, 0xa2d7dbd7},
+{'8', 0xc011de00, 0xc835e211},
+{'8', 0xdfedf0f4, 0xdffaf0fa},
+{'8', 0xbb1dd500, 0xe64fe61d},
+{'8', 0x042c0016, 0x0e2d0416},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41436fb0},
+{'8', 0xedd4f4e9, 0xfad9faeb},
+{'8', 0x0fd300e4, 0x26ef0eef},
+{'8', 0x1b070d00, 0x26200d08},
+{'@', 0x00000027, 0x000025c9},/*        '        x-advance: 37.785156 */
+{'M', 0x41c50c07, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4214fe48},
+{'l', 0xc1368ce3, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc214fe48},
+{'l', 0x41368ce3, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000028, 0x0000359f},/*        (        x-advance: 53.621094 */
+{'M', 0x422a7844, 0xc2d09732},
+{'q', 0xc10fe480, 0x4176fae0},
+{0, 0xc155b0f6, 0x41f44b9c},
+{'q', 0xc08b98e8, 0x41719c54},
+{0, 0xc08b98e8, 0x41f4d50a},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41780dbe},
+{0, 0x408b98e8, 0x41f5e7f2},
+{'9', 0x003c0011, 0x007a0035},
+{'l', 0xc12bcfe2, 0x00000000},
+{'q', 0xc12112e6, 0xc17c5958},
+{0, 0xc1719c5a, 0xc1f80dbf},
+{'q', 0xc09eed18, 0xc173c224},
+{0, 0xc09eed18, 0xc1f225cc},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc16f768c},
+{0, 0x409eed18, 0xc1f112e6},
+{'q', 0x409eed1c, 0xc172af40},
+{0, 0x41719c5a, 0xc1f80dc0},
+{'l', 0x412bcfe2, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000029, 0x0000359f},/*        )        x-advance: 53.621094 */
+{'M', 0x41301b7d, 0xc2d09732},
+{'l', 0x412bcfe5, 0x00000000},
+{'q', 0x412112e6, 0x417d6c40},
+{0, 0x41708972, 0x41f80dc0},
+{'q', 0x40a112e8, 0x4172af40},
+{0, 0x40a112e8, 0x41f112e6},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41708974},
+{0, 0xc0a112e8, 0x41f225cc},
+{'9', 0x003cffed, 0x007cffc4},
+{'l', 0xc12bcfe5, 0x00000000},
+{'q', 0x410ed19d, 0xc175e7f3},
+{0, 0x41549e11, 0xc1f44b99},
+{'q', 0x408dbeb4, 0xc173c226},
+{0, 0x408dbeb4, 0xc1f5e7f2},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1780dc0},
+{0, 0xc08dbeb4, 0xc1f4d50a},
+{'q', 0xc08b98e8, 0xc1719c58},
+{0, 0xc1549e11, 0xc1f44b9c},
+{'@', 0x0000002a, 0x000044b9},/*        *        x-advance: 68.722656 */
+{'M', 0x42814302, 0xc2a761ef},
+{'0', 0x346034a0, 0xcaa61af1},
+{'0', 0x00e26500, 0x36a69b00},
+{'0', 0xcc60e6f1, 0xe60fcca0},
+{'0', 0x9b00365a, 0x6500001e},
+{'l', 0x41b46716, 0xc159fc90},
+{'l', 0x407920b0, 0x40d49e10},
+{'@', 0x0000002b, 0x0000732a},/*        +        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x427ce2ca, 0xc2ac5957},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x421587ba},
+{'l', 0x421587bc, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce4},
+{'l', 0xc21587bc, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x421587bb},
+{'l', 0xc1346714, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc21587bb},
+{'l', 0xc21587bb, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc1368ce4},
+{'l', 0x421587bb, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc21587ba},
+{'l', 0x41346714, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000002c, 0x00002bb0},/*        ,        x-advance: 43.687500 */
+{'M', 0x4180dbeb, 0xc1886037},
+{'0', 0x2e000038, 0x00de55d4},
+{'l', 0x40b01b7c, 0xc1abcfe4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc138b2b0},
+{'@', 0x0000002d, 0x00003198},/*        -        x-advance: 49.593750 */
+{'M', 0x40d6c3dd, 0xc22c9e11},
+{'l', 0x4210b2af, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41301b7c},
+{'l', 0xc210b2af, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5c00000, 0xc1301b7c},
+{'[', 0x0047002d, 0x00000508},
+{'[', 0x004a002d, 0x000007a6},
+{'[', 0x004f002d, 0x000003d3},
+{'[', 0x0051002d, 0x00000508},
+{'[', 0x006f002d, 0x0000028c},
+{'@', 0x0000002e, 0x00002bb0},/*        .        x-advance: 43.687500 */
+{'M', 0x416b2af4, 0xc1886037},
+{'0', 0x44000038, 0xbc0000c8},
+{'@', 0x0000002f, 0x00002e4f},/*        /        x-advance: 46.308594 */
+{'M', 0x420b98e9, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x41368ce4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc20b98e9, 0x42e1e7f2},
+{'l', 0xc1368ce4, 0xb5800000},
+{'l', 0x420b98e9, 0xc2e1e7f2},
+{'@', 0x00000030, 0x00005773},/*        0        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x422ec3dd, 0xc2b68ce3},
+{'q', 0xc1278448, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc17c5956, 0x41255e80},
+{'q', 0xc0a7844c, 0x41244b98},
+{0, 0xc0a7844c, 0x41f7844c},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41a4d50c},
+{0, 0x40a7844c, 0x41f7844c},
+{'8', 0x293f2915, 0xd73f002a},
+{'q', 0x40a9aa18, 0xc1255e80},
+{0, 0x40a9aa18, 0xc1f7844c},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1a55e80},
+{0, 0xc0a9aa18, 0xc1f7844c},
+{'9', 0xffd7ffec, 0xffd7ffc1},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc12bcfe0},
+{'q', 0x4186c3de, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41cda33a, 0x4155b0f8},
+{'q', 0x410ed198, 0x41549e10},
+{0, 0x410ed198, 0x421aa180},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41ca6a86},
+{0, 0xc10ed198, 0x421aa181},
+{'8', 0x359a35dd, 0xcb9900bd},
+{'q', 0xc10dbeb5, 0xc155b0f8},
+{0, 0xc10dbeb5, 0xc21aa181},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1caf3f8},
+{0, 0x410dbeb5, 0xc21aa180},
+{'q', 0x410ed19c, 0xc155b0f8},
+{0, 0x41ce2cab, 0xc155b0f8},
+{'@', 0x00000031, 0x00005773},/*        1        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x41886037, 0xc1368ce3},
+{'l', 0x41b12e63, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc298e2cb},
+{'0', 0xcf0013a0, 0x0036ed5f},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42b1957a},
+{'l', 0x41b12e64, 0xb6400000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce3},
+{'l', 0xc266df5a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0xc1368ce3},
+{'@', 0x00000032, 0x00005773},/*        2        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x41d301b8, 0xc1368ce3},
+{'l', 0x423d4302, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x002d0000, 0x0000ff02},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0xc1368ce3},
+{'8', 0xab54e11e, 0xbb43cb35},
+{'8', 0xcf24e31a, 0xd90aec0a},
+{'8', 0xcceae100, 0xecc6ecea},
+{'8', 0x08cb00e7, 0x1ac408e4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc15b0f78},
+{'8', 0xed3df320, 0xfa34fa1c},
+{'8', 0x1f63003e, 0x53251f25},
+{'8', 0x2ef71800, 0x34df16f7},
+{'8', 0x2dd607fa, 0x679b25dd},
+{'@', 0x00000033, 0x00005773},/*        3        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x425f1656, 0xc2581b7d},
+{'8', 0x223c0826, 0x40161a16},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x416d50c0},
+{0, 0xc12338b8, 0x41b79fc8},
+{'q', 0xc12338b0, 0x4101eed3},
+{0, 0xc1e7f240, 0x4101eed3},
+{'8', 0xfccc00e7, 0xf1c9fbe6},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc151655e},
+{'8', 0x13310d16, 0x0638061a},
+{'8', 0xec4d0033, 0xc61aec1a},
+{'8', 0xc9e8dd00, 0xecbcece8},
+{'4', 0x0000ffd2, 0xffd40000},
+{'l', 0x41436fae, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xf13d0028, 0xd215f015},
+{'8', 0xd1eae200, 0xf0c2f0eb},
+{'8', 0x04d100ea, 0x0fc804e7},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc14149e0},
+{'8', 0xf439f81e, 0xfc33fc1b},
+{'8', 0x1c61003d, 0x4b231b23},
+{'8', 0x38ed2100, 0x1fca16ed},
+{'@', 0x00000034, 0x00005773},/*        4        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x424fc905, 0xc2b0c74d},
+{'4', 0x00d5ff78, 0x00000088},
+{'6', 0xff2b0000, 0xffd1fff2},
+{'l', 0x41886038, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42829aa2},
+{'0', 0x2d000039, 0x5e0000c7},
+{'l', 0xc157d6c4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1bcfe48},
+{'l', 0xc234f089, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5c00000, 0xc151655c},
+{'l', 0x4226b61e, 0xc27df5b1},
+{'@', 0x00000035, 0x00005773},/*        5        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x416d50c0, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4254e2ca, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x002d0000, 0x0000ff5d},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41c48294},
+{'8', 0xfb17fc0b, 0xfe17fe0b},
+{'8', 0x246a0043, 0x63272427},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x4181655f},
+{0, 0xc12112e8, 0x41c957a0},
+{'q', 0xc12112e4, 0x410ed19d},
+{0, 0xc1e31d34, 0x410ed19d},
+{'8', 0xfccd00e7, 0xf4cbfce6},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc159fc90},
+{'8', 0x13310d18, 0x06360619},
+{'8', 0xe849002e, 0xbe1be81b},
+{'8', 0xbee5d700, 0xe8b7e8e5},
+{'8', 0x04d500eb, 0x0fd404eb},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc249579f},
+{'@', 0x00000036, 0x00005773},/*        6        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x423579fc, 0xc25e036f},
+{'8', 0x18c700dc, 0x44eb18eb},
+{'8', 0x44152b00, 0x18391815},
+{'8', 0xe8390024, 0xbc15e715},
+{'8', 0xbcebd500, 0xe8c7e8eb},
+{'m', 0x41d74d50, 0xc229eed1},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41459578},
+{'8', 0xf2d7f7ec, 0xfbd7fbec},
+{'8', 0x24ae00cb, 0x6de024e4},
+{'8', 0xdd27e90f, 0xf434f417},
+{'8', 0x245f003c, 0x63232423},
+{'8', 0x63dc3d00, 0x259f25dc},
+{'q', 0xc18b0f76, 0xb4c00000},
+{0, 0xc1d49e10, 0xc1549e11},
+{'q', 0xc1131d36, 0xc155b0f8},
+{0, 0xc1131d36, 0xc21aa181},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1be112c},
+{0, 0x41346716, 0xc21768ce},
+{'q', 0x41346718, 0xc16293c0},
+{0, 0x41f225cc, 0xc16293c0},
+{'8', 0x04290014, 0x0c2b0414},
+{'@', 0x00000037, 0x00005773},/*        7        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x41346716, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4280dbeb, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x40b8b2b0},
+{'l', 0xc21180dc, 0x42bcdbeb},
+{'l', 0xc16293c2, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4208e9aa, 0xc2b1957a},
+{'l', 0xc2407bb4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0xc1368ce0},
+{'@', 0x00000038, 0x00005773},/*        8        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x422ec3dd, 0xc23e55e8},
+{'8', 0x14c400da, 0x38ea14ea},
+{'8', 0x38162400, 0x143c1416},
+{'8', 0xec3c0026, 0xc816ec16},
+{'8', 0xc8eadc00, 0xecc4ecea},
+{'m', 0xc158e9a8, 0xc0b8b2b0},
+{'8', 0xe0caf8de, 0xc6ede9ed},
+{'8', 0xb522d000, 0xe55de522},
+{'8', 0x1b5d003b, 0x4b221b22},
+{'8', 0x3aed2200, 0x20cb17ed},
+{'8', 0x233c0927, 0x40161a16},
+{'8', 0x59dd3a00, 0x1f9b1fdd},
+{'8', 0xe19a00be, 0xa7dde1dd},
+{'8', 0xc016da00, 0xdd3de616},
+{'m', 0xc09eed1c, 0xc1ab4670},
+{'8', 0x30131f00, 0x11361113},
+{'8', 0xef360022, 0xd013ef13},
+{'8', 0xd0ede100, 0xefcaefed},
+{'8', 0x11ca00dd, 0x30ed11ed},
+{'@', 0x00000039, 0x00005773},/*        9        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x41719c59, 0xc0052784},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc145957a},
+{'8', 0x0e290914, 0x05290514},
+{'8', 0xdd510035, 0x9320dc1c},
+{'8', 0x23d917f1, 0x0ccc0ce9},
+{'8', 0xdca100c4, 0x9ddedcde},
+{'8', 0x9d24c300, 0xdb61db24},
+{'q', 0x418b0f76, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41d4149c, 0x4155b0f8},
+{'q', 0x41131d38, 0x41549e10},
+{0, 0x41131d38, 0x421aa180},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41bd87bc},
+{0, 0xc1346718, 0x421768ce},
+{'q', 0xc133542c, 0x416180dd},
+{0, 0xc1f19c58, 0x416180dd},
+{'8', 0xfcd700ec, 0xf4d5fcec},
+{'m', 0x41d7d6c4, 0xc229eed2},
+{'8', 0xe8390024, 0xbc15e815},
+{'8', 0xbcebd500, 0xe7c7e7eb},
+{'8', 0x19c700dc, 0x44eb18eb},
+{'8', 0x44152b00, 0x18391815},
+{'@', 0x0000003a, 0x00002e4f},/*        :        x-advance: 46.308594 */
+{'M', 0x4180dbeb, 0xc1886037},
+{'0', 0x44000038, 0xbc0000c8},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc2581b7c},
+{'0', 0x44000038, 0xbc0000c8},
+{'@', 0x0000003b, 0x00002e4f},/*        ;        x-advance: 46.308594 */
+{'M', 0x4180dbeb, 0xc28e25cc},
+{'0', 0x44000038, 0xbc0000c8},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0x42581b7c},
+{'0', 0x2e000038, 0x00de55d4},
+{'l', 0x40b01b7c, 0xc1abcfe4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc138b2b0},
+{'@', 0x0000003c, 0x0000732a},/*        <        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x42c93543, 0xc2874d51},
+{'l', 0xc28a8604, 0x41c50c08},
+{'l', 0x428a8604, 0x41c3f921},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41436fac},
+{'l', 0xc2ac149e, 0xc1f9aa17},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc132414c},
+{'l', 0x42ac149e, 0xc1f9aa16},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41436fa8},
+{'@', 0x0000003d, 0x0000732a},/*        =        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x41690527, 0xc279aa18},
+{'l', 0x42ac149e, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x002d0000, 0x0000fea8},
+{'6', 0xffd30000, 0x006d0000},
+{'l', 0x42ac149e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce4},
+{'l', 0xc2ac149e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc1368ce4},
+{'@', 0x0000003e, 0x0000732a},/*        >        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x41690527, 0xc2874d51},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1436fa8},
+{'l', 0x42ac149e, 0x41f9aa16},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4132414c},
+{'l', 0xc2ac149e, 0x41f9aa17},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc1436fac},
+{'l', 0x428a414a, 0xc1c3f921},
+{'l', 0xc28a414a, 0xc1c50c08},
+{'@', 0x0000003f, 0x000048f3},/*        ?        x-advance: 72.949219 */
+{'M', 0x41d1eed1, 0xc1886037},
+{'0', 0x44000036, 0xbc0000ca},
+{'m', 0x41538b2a, 0xc11dda32},
+{'4', 0x0000ffcd, 0xffd70000},
+{'8', 0xd407e500, 0xd81fef07},
+{'l', 0x40c149e0, 0xc0bf2418},
+{'8', 0xe616f20f, 0xe706f406},
+{'8', 0xdaefe900, 0xf2d2f2ef},
+{'8', 0x09d300eb, 0x1bcf09e9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc149e110},
+{'8', 0xea33f119, 0xf935f91a},
+{'8', 0x1a4f0031, 0x441e1a1e},
+{'8', 0x26f71400, 0x29df12f7},
+{'l', 0xc0bcfe48, 0x40b8b2b0},
+{'8', 0x13ef0cf4, 0x0df906fb},
+{'8', 0x0dfe05ff, 0x16000800},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x410414a0},
+{'@', 0x00000040, 0x00008973},/*        @        x-advance: 137.449219 */
+{'M', 0x424c9052, 0xc210293c},
+{'8', 0x3c132600, 0x15341513},
+{'8', 0xea330021, 0xc413ea13},
+{'8', 0xc5eddb00, 0xeacceaed},
+{'8', 0x16cd00e0, 0x3bed16ed},
+{'m', 0x42124f08, 0x41a08973},
+{'8', 0x1edb14f0, 0x09d009ec},
+{'8', 0xdfb500d2, 0xa9e4dfe4},
+{'8', 0xa91ccb00, 0xdf4adf1c},
+{'8', 0x0a30001b, 0x1e240914},
+{'4', 0xffdd0000, 0x00000026},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4245957a},
+{'8', 0xdd3dfb27, 0xb316e216},
+{'8', 0xcbf8e400, 0xd2e7e7f8},
+{'8', 0xcbbcdde5, 0xeea9eed8},
+{'8', 0x08c100df, 0x19c808e2},
+{'8', 0x47be1bd6, 0x60e92ce9},
+{'8', 0x4f0f2a00, 0x412c250f},
+{'8', 0x2a411b1c, 0x0e4f0e25},
+{'8', 0xf5430022, 0xdf3df521},
+{'l', 0x40c149e0, 0x40ee63a6},
+{'8', 0x28b71adf, 0x0db00dd9},
+{'8', 0xefa300cf, 0xcdb2efd4},
+{'8', 0xb3ccdfde, 0xa1efd4ef},
+{'8', 0xa312d000, 0xb334d412},
+{'8', 0xcc50de22, 0xee60ee2d},
+{'8', 0x17690038, 0x42511730},
+{'8', 0x391e1a14, 0x3f0a1e0a},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x418d3543},
+{0, 0xc12abd00, 0x41ded19d},
+{'q', 0xc12abd00, 0x412338b2},
+{0, 0xc1ebb468, 0x4129aa17},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1255e7f},
+{'@', 0x00000041, 0x00005e06},/*        A        x-advance: 94.023438 */
+{'M', 0x423beb62, 0xc2adb0f7},
+{'4', 0x00c7ffb7, 0x00000093},
+{'6', 0xff39ffb7, 0xffcbffe2},
+{'l', 0x4175e7f4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4218c06d, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc16180d8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1120a50, 0xc1cda338},
+{'l', 0xc234abd0, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1120a4e, 0x41cda338},
+{'l', 0xc164b98e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x42190527, 0xc2c86716},
+{'[', 0x00410041, 0x000003d3},
+{'@', 0x00000042, 0x00005e4b},/*        B        x-advance: 94.292969 */
+{'M', 0x41d86037, 0xc23f68ce},
+{'4', 0x00920000, 0x00000056},
+{'8', 0xef40002b, 0xc915ee15},
+{'8', 0xc9ebdb00, 0xefc0efec},
+{'6', 0x0000ffaa, 0xff5c0000},
+{'4', 0x00780000, 0x00000050},
+{'8', 0xf23b0027, 0xd313f113},
+{'8', 0xd3ede200, 0xf1c5f1ed},
+{'6', 0x0000ffb0, 0xffd4ffca},
+{'l', 0x420a8603, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x195f003e, 0x49211921},
+{'8', 0x3aef2400, 0x1bce15ef},
+{'8', 0x233e0827, 0x43161b16},
+{'8', 0x52dc3500, 0x1d991ddc},
+{'l', 0xc20fe482, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000043, 0x00005ff9},/*        C        x-advance: 95.972656 */
+{'M', 0x42b10c07, 0xc2b8f769},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4164b990},
+{'8', 0xdac6e7e5, 0xf4bff4e2},
+{'q', 0xc189731c, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1d27843, 0x41289730},
+{'q', 0xc1120a50, 0x41278450},
+{0, 0xc1120a50, 0x41f2af40},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x419e63a7},
+{0, 0x41120a50, 0x41f2af40},
+{'8', 0x29692924, 0xf4410022},
+{'9', 0xfff4001f, 0xffda003a},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x416293c2},
+{'8', 0x1cc413e4, 0x09bd09e1},
+{'q', 0xc1b60370, 0x34000000},
+{0, 0xc20f5b10, 0xc15e4828},
+{'q', 0xc151655c, 0xc15f5b10},
+{0, 0xc151655c, 0xc21836fb},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1c149e0},
+{0, 0x4151655e, 0xc21836fa},
+{'q', 0x4151655e, 0xc15f5b10},
+{0, 0x420f5b10, 0xc15f5b10},
+{'8', 0x09430023, 0x1c3b091f},
+{'@', 0x00000044, 0x000069d6},/*        D        x-advance: 105.835938 */
+{'M', 0x41d86037, 0xc2b21eed},
+{'4', 0x01370000, 0x00000041},
+{'q', 0x41a5e7f2, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41f2af3e, 0xc11655e8},
+{'q', 0x411aa180, 0xc11655e8},
+{0, 0x411aa180, 0xc1ed50bf},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1a112e8},
+{0, 0xc11aa180, 0xc1ebb468},
+{'9', 0xffdbffda, 0xffdbff87},
+{'6', 0x0000ffbf, 0xffd4ffca},
+{'l', 0x41ded19c, 0x00000000},
+{'q', 0x41e90526, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x422b01b7, 0x41425cc8},
+{'q', 0x4159fc90, 0x414149e0},
+{0, 0x4159fc90, 0x421768ce},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41cf3f91},
+{0, 0xc15b0f78, 0x421836fa},
+{'9', 0x0030ffca, 0x0030ff56},
+{'l', 0xc1ded19c, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000045, 0x000056d8},/*        E        x-advance: 86.843750 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x427d6c3d, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce0},
+{'l', 0xc24731d2, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x41ed50c2},
+{'l', 0x423edf5a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce0},
+{'l', 0xc23edf5a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x42113c22},
+{'l', 0x424c06de, 0x35800000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce3},
+{'l', 0xc28120a4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6800000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000046, 0x00004f0f},/*        F        x-advance: 79.058594 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x426655e7, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce0},
+{'l', 0xc2301b7c, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x41ec3dda},
+{'l', 0x421eed18, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce4},
+{'l', 0xc21eed18, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x423f68ce},
+{'l', 0xc158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000047, 0x00006a82},/*        G        x-advance: 106.507812 */
+{'M', 0x42a39fc9, 0xc164b98e},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1d74d51},
+{'l', 0xc1b12e64, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0xffd40000, 0x0000008e},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x422c149e},
+{'8', 0x21bb16e1, 0x0bb00bdb},
+{'q', 0xc1bbeb62, 0x34000000},
+{0, 0xc2131d36, 0xc15b0f76},
+{'q', 0xc1538b28, 0xc15c225c},
+{0, 0xc1538b28, 0xc2190528},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1c48294},
+{0, 0x41538b2a, 0xc2190526},
+{'q', 0x41549e12, 0xc15c2260},
+{0, 0x42131d36, 0xc15c2260},
+{'8', 0x094a0027, 0x1c410923},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4166df60},
+{'8', 0xdac1e7e2, 0xf4b9f4df},
+{'q', 0xc1931d34, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1dd3542, 0x41244b98},
+{'q', 0xc1131d36, 0x41244b98},
+{0, 0xc1131d36, 0x41f4d50c},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41a225cd},
+{0, 0x41131d36, 0x41f44b99},
+{'8', 0x296e2925, 0xfc33001c},
+{'q', 0x40b46720, 0xbfa338b0},
+{0, 0x412225d0, 0xc07920a4},
+{'@', 0x00000048, 0x0000675b},/*        H        x-advance: 103.355469 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42244b99},
+{'l', 0x42450c06, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2244b99},
+{'l', 0x4158e9a8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc158e9a8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc23edf5b},
+{'l', 0xc2450c06, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x423edf5b},
+{'l', 0xc158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000049, 0x00002889},/*        I        x-advance: 40.535156 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x0000004a, 0x00002889},/*        J        x-advance: 40.535156 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'4', 0x00000036, 0x01740000},
+{'8', 0x69e54800, 0x20a820e5},
+{'4', 0x0000ffec, 0xffd30000},
+{'l', 0x40874d50, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xec320023, 0xb80eec0e},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2ba7165},
+{'@', 0x0000004b, 0x00005a22},/*        K        x-advance: 90.132812 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4229655e},
+{'l', 0x4233dda2, 0xc229655e},
+{'l', 0x418b98ec, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc246ed1a, 0x423ad87b},
+{'l', 0x42552784, 0x4255f5b1},
+{'l', 0xc18ed19c, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc2407bb4, 0xc2410527},
+{'l', 0xb6000000, 0x42410527},
+{'l', 0xc158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x0000004c, 0x00004c93},/*        L        x-advance: 76.574219 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42b1957a},
+{'l', 0x42432af4, 0xb6400000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce3},
+{'l', 0xc279655f, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'[', 0x0041004c, 0x00000327},
+{'@', 0x0000004d, 0x00007697},/*        M        x-advance: 118.589844 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x41a19c58, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41cc9054, 0x42886036},
+{'l', 0x41cda336, 0xc2886036},
+{'l', 0x41a19c5c, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc1538b30, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2aff920},
+{'l', 0xc1ceb61c, 0x4289731c},
+{'l', 0xc159fc94, 0x36800000},
+{'l', 0xc1ceb61e, 0xc289731c},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42aff920},
+{'l', 0xc1527844, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x0000004e, 0x000066d1},/*        N        x-advance: 102.816406 */
+{'M', 0x4157d6c4, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x41920a4f, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4231b7d6, 0x42a7a6a8},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2a7a6a8},
+{'l', 0x41527848, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc1920a50, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc231b7d6, 0xc2a7a6a8},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42a7a6a8},
+{'l', 0xc1527844, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x0000004f, 0x00006c30},/*        O        x-advance: 108.187500 */
+{'M', 0x4258a4f0, 0xc2b6036f},
+{'q', 0xc16c3dd8, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1bbeb61, 0x41301b78},
+{'q', 0xc10a8604, 0x41301b80},
+{0, 0xc10a8604, 0x41f00000},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x419768cf},
+{0, 0x410a8604, 0x41ef768d},
+{'8', 0x2c5d2c22, 0xd45d003b},
+{'q', 0x410a8600, 0xc1301b7c},
+{0, 0x410a8600, 0xc1ef768d},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc197f240},
+{0, 0xc10a8600, 0xc1f00000},
+{'9', 0xffd4ffde, 0xffd4ffa3},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc1301b80},
+{'q', 0x41a89730, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x4206c3de, 0x416293c0},
+{'q', 0x4149e110, 0x416180e0},
+{0, 0x4149e110, 0x421768ce},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41bd87bc},
+{0, 0xc149e110, 0x421768ce},
+{'q', 0xc149e118, 0x416180dd},
+{0, 0xc206c3de, 0x416180dd},
+{'q', 0xc1a920a4, 0xb4c00000},
+{0, 0xc2074d50, 0xc16180dc},
+{'q', 0xc149e114, 0xc16180db},
+{0, 0xc149e114, 0xc21768ce},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1be112c},
+{0, 0x4149e112, 0xc21768ce},
+{'q', 0x414af3fa, 0xc16293c0},
+{0, 0x42074d50, 0xc16293c0},
+{'[', 0x002d004f, 0x000003d3},
+{'@', 0x00000050, 0x000052e2},/*        P        x-advance: 82.882812 */
+{'M', 0x41d86037, 0xc2b21eed},
+{'4', 0x00960000, 0x00000044},
+{'8', 0xed3a0025, 0xc914ed14},
+{'8', 0xc9ecdd00, 0xedc6edec},
+{'6', 0x0000ffbc, 0xffd4ffca},
+{'l', 0x41f4d50c, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x1e650043, 0x59221e22},
+{'8', 0x59de3b00, 0x1e9b1ede},
+{'l', 0xc1886037, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x422112e6},
+{'l', 0xc158e9aa, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000051, 0x00006c30},/*        Q        x-advance: 108.187500 */
+{'M', 0x4258a4f0, 0xc2b6036f},
+{'q', 0xc16c3dd8, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1bbeb61, 0x41301b78},
+{'q', 0xc10a8604, 0x41301b80},
+{0, 0xc10a8604, 0x41f00000},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x419768cf},
+{0, 0x410a8604, 0x41ef768d},
+{'8', 0x2c5d2c22, 0xd45d003b},
+{'q', 0x410a8600, 0xc1301b7c},
+{0, 0x410a8600, 0xc1ef768d},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc197f240},
+{0, 0xc10a8600, 0xc1f00000},
+{'9', 0xffd4ffde, 0xffd4ffa3},
+{'m', 0x4197f240, 0x42b263a6},
+{'4', 0x004e0047, 0x0000ffbf},
+{'l', 0xc16d50bc, 0xc1805278},
+{'8', 0x00f300f8, 0x00f800fc},
+{'q', 0xc1a920a4, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc2074d50, 0xc16180dc},
+{'q', 0xc149e114, 0xc16293c1},
+{0, 0xc149e114, 0xc21768ce},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0xc1be112c},
+{0, 0x4149e112, 0xc21768ce},
+{'q', 0x414af3fa, 0xc16293c0},
+{0, 0x42074d50, 0xc16293c0},
+{'q', 0x41a89730, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x4206c3de, 0x416293c0},
+{'q', 0x4149e110, 0x416180e0},
+{0, 0x4149e110, 0x421768ce},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x418b98ea},
+{0, 0xc0e180e0, 0x41eeed1a},
+{'q', 0xc0df5b10, 0x4146a860},
+{0, 0xc1a225cc, 0x419293c2},
+{'[', 0x002d0051, 0x000003d3},
+{'@', 0x00000052, 0x00005f80},/*        R        x-advance: 95.500000 */
+{'M', 0x427406df, 0xc23beb62},
+{'8', 0x19210511, 0x35211310},
+{'4', 0x006d0037, 0x0000ffc6},
+{'l', 0xc14d19c8, 0xc1cda338},
+{'8', 0xcbdad8ed, 0xf3cef3ee},
+{'l', 0xc16c3dda, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4229655e},
+{'4', 0x0000ffca, 0xfe700000},
+{'l', 0x41f4d50c, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x1c660044, 0x56211c21},
+{'8', 0x3eef2500, 0x22cd18ef},
+{'m', 0xc207d6c4, 0xc2285278},
+{'4', 0x008e0000, 0x00000044},
+{'8', 0xef3b0027, 0xcb14ee14},
+{'8', 0xccecdd00, 0xefc5efed},
+{'l', 0xc1886037, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000053, 0x0000573f},/*        S        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x42931d35, 0xc2c1d354},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41538b28},
+{'8', 0xeac6f2e2, 0xf9ccf9e5},
+{'8', 0x11bc00d4, 0x30e911e9},
+{'8', 0x280f1a00, 0x153c0d10},
+{'l', 0x410301b8, 0x3fd6c3e0},
+{'8', 0x28590b3c, 0x4d1c1c1c},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41690528},
+{0, 0xc11cc750, 0x41b0a4f0},
+{'q', 0xc11bb464, 0x40f08975},
+{0, 0xc1e4b98c, 0x40f08975},
+{'8', 0xfac400e4, 0xedbefae1},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc15f5b0f},
+{'8', 0x1b401221, 0x093e091f},
+{'8', 0xee47002e, 0xcc19ee19},
+{'8', 0xd2eee300, 0xe8c5f0ef},
+{'l', 0xc10414a0, 0xbfce2cc0},
+{'8', 0xdba9f4c4, 0xb9e5e7e5},
+{'8', 0xad25cb00, 0xe267e225},
+{'8', 0x0539001c, 0x0f3b051d},
+{'[', 0x00410053, 0x0000028c},
+{'@', 0x00000054, 0x000053f5},/*        T        x-advance: 83.957031 */
+{'M', 0xbece2cac, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x42a987bb, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce0},
+{'l', 0xc20e4828, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42b1957a},
+{'l', 0xc159fc90, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2b1957a},
+{'l', 0xc20e4829, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5b00000, 0xc1368ce0},
+{'@', 0x00000055, 0x0000649a},/*        U        x-advance: 100.601562 */
+{'M', 0x413f2414, 0xc2c86716},
+{'4', 0x00000036, 0x00f30000},
+{'8', 0x5c174000, 0x1c4b1c17},
+{'8', 0xe44b0034, 0xa417e417},
+{'4', 0xff0d0000, 0x00000036},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x427a338b},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x419cc74d},
+{0, 0xc11bb468, 0x41ecc74c},
+{'q', 0xc11aa180, 0x41200001},
+{0, 0xc1e4b98e, 0x41200001},
+{'q', 0xc197f240, 0xb4c00000},
+{0, 0xc1e5cc74, 0xc1200000},
+{'q', 0xc11aa180, 0xc11fffff},
+{0, 0xc11aa180, 0xc1ecc74c},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc27a338b},
+{'@', 0x00000056, 0x00005e06},/*        V        x-advance: 94.023438 */
+{'M', 0x421d50c0, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc2190527, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x416293c1, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41fdf5b2, 0x42a8b98e},
+{'l', 0x41fe7f24, 0xc2a8b98e},
+{'l', 0x416180d8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc218c06d, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc175e7f4, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000057, 0x000087e7},/*        W        x-advance: 135.902344 */
+{'M', 0x40920a4f, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x415b0f76, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41a89731, 0x42a9655e},
+{'l', 0x41a80dbe, 0xc2a9655e},
+{'l', 0x4173c224, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41a89734, 0x42a9655e},
+{'l', 0x41a80dbc, 0xc2a9655e},
+{'l', 0x415c2260, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1c957a0, 0x42c86716},
+{'l', 0xc1886038, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1a920a4, 0xc2adf5b1},
+{'l', 0xc1aabcfe, 0x42adf5b1},
+{'l', 0xc1886036, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1c8ce2c, 0xc2c86716},
+{'@', 0x00000058, 0x00005e29},/*        X        x-advance: 94.160156 */
+{'M', 0x410a8603, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x41690527, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41c731d3, 0x4214fe48},
+{'l', 0x41c844b8, 0xc214fe48},
+{'l', 0x41690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc200dbeb, 0x42407bb4},
+{'l', 0x4209731d, 0x42505278},
+{'l', 0xc1690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1e180da, 0xc22a7844},
+{'l', 0xc1e31d35, 0x422a7844},
+{'l', 0xc16a180e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x420f1656, 0xc255f5b1},
+{'l', 0xc1f9aa18, 0xc23ad87b},
+{'@', 0x00000059, 0x000053f5},/*        Y        x-advance: 83.957031 */
+{'M', 0xbe89731d, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x41690527, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41de4829, 0x4224d50c},
+{'l', 0x41dcabd0, 0xc224d50c},
+{'l', 0x41690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc20dbeb6, 0x4251eed1},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x423edf5b},
+{'l', 0xc159fc90, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc23edf5b},
+{'l', 0xc20dbeb6, 0xc251eed1},
+{'@', 0x0000005a, 0x00005e29},/*        Z        x-advance: 94.160156 */
+{'M', 0x40f6fad8, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x429d731c, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41255e80},
+{'l', 0xc27d6c3c, 0x429ce9aa},
+{'l', 0x4281cc74, 0xb6400000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce3},
+{'l', 0xc2a39fc8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb6400000, 0xc1255e7f},
+{'l', 0x427d6c3d, 0xc29ce9aa},
+{'l', 0xc2773f91, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1368ce0},
+{'@', 0x0000005b, 0x0000359f},/*        [        x-advance: 53.621094 */
+{'M', 0x413cfe48, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0x41e3a6a8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41198e98},
+{'l', 0xc180dbeb, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42ceb61f},
+{'l', 0x4180dbeb, 0xb5800000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41198e9b},
+{'l', 0xc1e3a6a8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2f519c5},
+{'@', 0x0000005c, 0x00002e4f},/*       \         x-advance: 46.308594 */
+{'M', 0x41368ce3, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x420b98e9, 0x42e1e7f2},
+{'l', 0xc1368ce4, 0xb5800000},
+{'l', 0xc20b98e9, 0xc2e1e7f2},
+{'l', 0x41368ce3, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000005d, 0x0000359f},/*        ]        x-advance: 53.621094 */
+{'M', 0x42273f92, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42f519c5},
+{'l', 0xc1e3a6a8, 0x36000000},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc1198e9b},
+{'l', 0x41805278, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2ceb61f},
+{'l', 0xc1805278, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5800000, 0xc1198e98},
+{'l', 0x41e3a6a8, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000005e, 0x0000732a},/*        ^        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x42805278, 0xc2c86716},
+{'l', 0x4211c596, 0x421587bb},
+{'l', 0xc157d6c8, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1ec3dd8, 0xc1d4149e},
+{'l', 0xc1ec3ddb, 0x41d4149e},
+{'l', 0xc157d6c3, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4211c595, 0xc21587bb},
+{'l', 0x41527844, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000005f, 0x000044b9},/*        _        x-advance: 68.722656 */
+{'M', 0x428c225d, 0x41b68ce3},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41198e9a},
+{'l', 0xc28ed19d, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x36600000, 0xc1198e9a},
+{'l', 0x428ed19d, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000060, 0x000044b9},/*        `        x-advance: 68.722656 */
+{'M', 0x41c50c07, 0xc2dbdda3},
+{'0', 0x00d7644b, 0x00349ca9},
+{'@', 0x00000061, 0x0000543a},/*        a        x-advance: 84.226562 */
+{'M', 0x423c74d5, 0xc2172414},
+{'8', 0x0dae00c5, 0x2ee90de9},
+{'8', 0x29111a00, 0x0f2f0f11},
+{'8', 0xe4410029, 0xb318e318},
+{'4', 0xfff50000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'m', 0x41c50c06, 0xc0a338b8},
+{'4', 0x00ab0000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1368ce3},
+{'8', 0x28d61bf0, 0x0cc30ce7},
+{'8', 0xe7b700d2, 0xbbe5e6e5},
+{'8', 0xb421ce00, 0xe765e722},
+{'4', 0x00000045, 0xfffc0000},
+{'8', 0xcceade00, 0xeec2eeea},
+{'8', 0x06ce00e7, 0x12d206e8},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1368ce4},
+{'8', 0xf134f61b, 0xfb31fb19},
+{'8', 0x21610041, 0x66202120},
+{'@', 0x00000062, 0x0000573f},/*        b        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x4285d354, 0xc216112e},
+{'8', 0xabeaca00, 0xe1c3e1ea},
+{'8', 0x1fc300d9, 0x55ea1eea},
+{'8', 0x55163600, 0x1e3d1e16},
+{'8', 0xe23d0027, 0xab16e116},
+{'m', 0xc2280dbe, 0xc1d1eed2},
+{'8', 0xd927e60f, 0xf338f317},
+{'q', 0x415b0f74, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41b1b7d6, 0x412df5b0},
+{'q', 0x41097320, 0x412df5b4},
+{0, 0x41097320, 0x41e4b990},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x418dbeb6},
+{0, 0xc1097320, 0x41e4b98e},
+{'8', 0x2ba82bde, 0xf4c800df},
+{'9', 0xfff3ffe9, 0xffd8ffd9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41346716},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0x4146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4222af3f},
+{'@', 0x00000063, 0x00004b92},/*        c        x-advance: 75.570312 */
+{'M', 0x4286180e, 0xc2909052},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4138b2ac},
+{'8', 0xefd6f5ec, 0xfbd6fbec},
+{'8', 0x1eb600d0, 0x55e61ee6},
+{'8', 0x551a3700, 0x1e4a1e1a},
+{'8', 0xfb2a0015, 0xef2afb15},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce2},
+{'8', 0x0ed609ec, 0x04d204ea},
+{'q', 0xc187d6c4, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1d7d6c4, 0xc12abcfe},
+{'q', 0xc1200000, 0xc12abcff},
+{0, 0xc1200000, 0xc1e655e8},
+{'q', 0xb5000000, 0xc1931d36},
+{0, 0x412112e6, 0xc1e768d0},
+{'8', 0xd66ed628, 0x042c0016},
+{'q', 0x40adf5b0, 0x3f920a80},
+{0, 0x41289734, 0x405f5b20},
+{'@', 0x00000064, 0x0000573f},/*        d        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x4279aa18, 0xc27f0897},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc222af3f},
+{'l', 0x41459578, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x01a10000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1346716},
+{'8', 0x28d91af1, 0x0cc80ce9},
+{'q', 0xc159fc90, 0x34000000},
+{0, 0xc1b1b7d7, 0xc12df5b0},
+{'q', 0xc1086036, 0xc12df5b0},
+{0, 0xc1086036, 0xc1e4b98e},
+{'q', 0xb5000000, 0xc18dbeb6},
+{0, 0x41086036, 0xc1e4b990},
+{'8', 0xd558d522, 0x0d380021},
+{'9', 0x000c0017, 0x00270027},
+{'m', 0xc2285278, 0x41d1eed2},
+{'8', 0x55163600, 0x1e3d1e16},
+{'8', 0xe23d0027, 0xab16e116},
+{'8', 0xabeaca00, 0xe1c3e1ea},
+{'8', 0x1fc300d9, 0x55ea1eea},
+{'@', 0x00000065, 0x00005490},/*        e        x-advance: 84.562500 */
+{'M', 0x429a7f24, 0xc222af3f},
+{'4', 0x00180000, 0x0000ff1d},
+{'8', 0x4d1e3303, 0x1a4c1a1b},
+{'8', 0xfa37001c, 0xec35fa1a},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413ad87b},
+{'8', 0x11ca0be6, 0x05c805e5},
+{'q', 0xc18fe482, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0xc1e4301b, 0xc127844c},
+{'q', 0xc127844a, 0xc127844b},
+{0, 0xc127844a, 0xc1e293c2},
+{'q', 0xb5000000, 0xc193a6a8},
+{0, 0x411eed1a, 0xc1ea180e},
+{'8', 0xd56bd527, 0x275f003c},
+{'9', 0x00260023, 0x006a0023},
+{'m', 0xc1459578, 0xc067f240},
+{'8', 0xc0ead800, 0xe8c6e8ea},
+{'8', 0x17be00d7, 0x41e417e8},
+{'l', 0x42301b7e, 0xbd897200},
+{'@', 0x00000066, 0x00003063},/*        f        x-advance: 48.386719 */
+{'M', 0x424c06df, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'4', 0x00290000, 0x0000ffd1},
+{'8', 0x0adb00e6, 0x26f60af6},
+{'0', 0x00511a00, 0x00af2600},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42832414},
+{'l', 0xc146a85f, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2832414},
+{'0', 0xda0000d1, 0xec00002f},
+{'8', 0xb717ce00, 0xe94ae917},
+{'l', 0x413ad87c, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000067, 0x0000573f},/*        g        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x4279aa18, 0xc219d354},
+{'8', 0xadeacb00, 0xe3c2e3ea},
+{'8', 0x1dc200d9, 0x53ea1dea},
+{'8', 0x52163500, 0x1d3e1d16},
+{'8', 0xe33e0028, 0xae16e316},
+{'m', 0x41459578, 0x41e90528},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x41998e9a},
+{0, 0xc1086038, 0x41e4b98e},
+{'8', 0x259825de, 0xfdcf00e6},
+{'9', 0xfffcffe9, 0xfff4ffd4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc14036fb},
+{'8', 0x112a0b15, 0x052b0515},
+{'8', 0xe7480030, 0xb418e718},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc0c36fb0},
+{'8', 0x27d91af1, 0x0dc70de9},
+{'8', 0xd6a700c9, 0x91dfd6df},
+{'8', 0x9121bb00, 0xd659d621},
+{'8', 0x0d390021, 0x27270d17},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1368ce4},
+{'l', 0x41459578, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4283ad88},
+{'@', 0x00000068, 0x0000571d},/*        h        x-advance: 87.113281 */
+{'M', 0x4296df5b, 0xc23579fc},
+{'4', 0x00b50000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc233dda3},
+{'8', 0xc1f0d600, 0xebcfebf0},
+{'8', 0x19c100d8, 0x45e919e9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4229eed1},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0xfe5f0000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4223c225},
+{'8', 0xd829e511, 0xf337f318},
+{'8', 0x204e0033, 0x5e1a1f1a},
+{'@', 0x00000069, 0x00002630},/*        i        x-advance: 38.187500 */
+{'M', 0x414f3f92, 0xc29655e8},
+{'l', 0x4145957a, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x012c0000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'6', 0xfed40000, 0xff8b0000},
+{'0', 0x3e000031, 0xc20000cf},
+{'@', 0x0000006a, 0x00002630},/*        j        x-advance: 38.187500 */
+{'M', 0x414f3f92, 0xc29655e8},
+{'4', 0x00000031, 0x01320000},
+{'8', 0x53ea3900, 0x19ba19eb},
+{'4', 0x0000ffee, 0xffd70000},
+{'l', 0x40527845, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xf426001c, 0xca0af30a},
+{'6', 0xfece0000, 0xff8b0000},
+{'0', 0x3e000031, 0xc20000cf},
+{'@', 0x0000006b, 0x00004f98},/*        k        x-advance: 79.593750 */
+{'M', 0x4147bb46, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0x4146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4276b61e},
+{'l', 0x421361ee, 0xc201aa18},
+{'l', 0x417c5958, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc21f768d, 0x420cabd0},
+{'l', 0x42262cab, 0x42200000},
+{'l', 0xc180dbea, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc218c06e, 0xc212d87b},
+{'l', 0x36000000, 0x4212d87b},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'@', 0x0000006c, 0x00002630},/*        l        x-advance: 38.187500 */
+{'M', 0x414f3f92, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0x4145957a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42d0dbeb},
+{'l', 0xc145957a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc2d0dbeb},
+{'@', 0x0000006d, 0x000085e4},/*        m        x-advance: 133.890625 */
+{'M', 0x428ef3f9, 0xc272f3f9},
+{'8', 0xcf2cdf12, 0xf13cf119},
+{'8', 0x2148002e, 0x5d192019},
+{'4', 0x00b50000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc233dda3},
+{'8', 0xc0f1d500, 0xecd2ecf1},
+{'8', 0x19c400da, 0x45ea19ea},
+{'4', 0x00a90000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc233dda3},
+{'8', 0xc0f1d500, 0xecd1ecf1},
+{'8', 0x19c400db, 0x45ea19ea},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4229eed1},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0xfed40000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413ad87c},
+{'8', 0xd828e510, 0xf338f317},
+{'8', 0x10370020, 0x30221017},
+{'@', 0x0000006e, 0x0000571d},/*        n        x-advance: 87.113281 */
+{'M', 0x4296df5b, 0xc23579fc},
+{'4', 0x00b50000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc233dda3},
+{'8', 0xc1f0d600, 0xebcfebf0},
+{'8', 0x19c100d8, 0x45e919e9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4229eed1},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0xfed40000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413ad87c},
+{'8', 0xd829e511, 0xf337f318},
+{'8', 0x204e0033, 0x5e1a1f1a},
+{'@', 0x0000006f, 0x00005418},/*        o        x-advance: 84.093750 */
+{'M', 0x42285278, 0xc2850527},
+{'8', 0x1fc200d9, 0x54e91ee9},
+{'8', 0x55163500, 0x1e3f1e17},
+{'8', 0xe13e0027, 0xac17e117},
+{'8', 0xace9cb00, 0xe1c2e1e9},
+{'m', 0x00000000, 0xc1278450},
+{'q', 0x4180dbec, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41ca6a84, 0x41278450},
+{'q', 0x41131d38, 0x41278448},
+{0, 0x41131d38, 0x41e7f240},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x4193a6a8},
+{0, 0xc1131d38, 0x41e7f240},
+{'8', 0x299b29dc, 0xd79b00c0},
+{'q', 0xc1120a4e, 0xc1289731},
+{0, 0xc1120a4e, 0xc1e7f240},
+{'q', 0xb5000000, 0xc194301c},
+{0, 0x41120a4e, 0xc1e7f240},
+{'q', 0x41131d36, 0xc1278450},
+{0, 0x41caf3f9, 0xc1278450},
+{'[', 0x002d006f, 0x0000028c},
+{'@', 0x00000070, 0x0000573f},/*        p        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x41c731d3, 0xc1346716},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x421f768c},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x36000000},
+{'4', 0xfe610000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41368ce4},
+{'8', 0xd927e60f, 0xf338f317},
+{'q', 0x415b0f74, 0x00000000},
+{0, 0x41b1b7d6, 0x412df5b0},
+{'q', 0x41097320, 0x412df5b4},
+{0, 0x41097320, 0x41e4b990},
+{'q', 0x00000000, 0x418dbeb6},
+{0, 0xc1097320, 0x41e4b98e},
+{'8', 0x2ba82bde, 0xf4c800df},
+{'9', 0xfff3ffe9, 0xffd8ffd9},
+{'m', 0x42280dbe, 0xc1d1eed1},
+{'8', 0xabeaca00, 0xe1c3e1ea},
+{'8', 0x1fc300d9, 0x55ea1eea},
+{'8', 0x55163600, 0x1e3d1e16},
+{'8', 0xe23d0027, 0xab16e116},
+{'@', 0x00000071, 0x0000573f},/*        q        x-advance: 87.246094 */
+{'M', 0x41a2af3f, 0xc216112e},
+{'8', 0x55163600, 0x1e3d1e16},
+{'8', 0xe23d0027, 0xab16e116},
+{'8', 0xabeaca00, 0xe1c3e1ea},
+{'8', 0x1fc300d9, 0x55ea1eea},
+{'m', 0x42285278, 0x41d1eed1},
+{'8', 0x28d91af1, 0x0cc80ce9},
+{'q', 0xc159fc90, 0x34000000},
+{0, 0xc1b1b7d7, 0xc12df5b0},
+{'q', 0xc1086036, 0xc12df5b0},
+{0, 0xc1086036, 0xc1e4b98e},
+{'q', 0xb5000000, 0xc18dbeb6},
+{0, 0x41086036, 0xc1e4b990},
+{'8', 0xd558d522, 0x0d380021},
+{'9', 0x000c0017, 0x00270027},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1368ce4},
+{'l', 0x41459578, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x42cf844c},
+{'l', 0xc1459578, 0xb6800000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc21f768c},
+{'@', 0x00000072, 0x00003882},/*        r        x-advance: 56.507812 */
+{'M', 0x42620a4f, 0xc27e7f24},
+{'8', 0xfaeefcf8, 0xfeebfef7},
+{'8', 0x1bc000d7, 0x4eea1bea},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x421e63a6},
+{'l', 0xc146a860, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0xfed40000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413ad87c},
+{'8', 0xd828e50f, 0xf33cf318},
+{'8', 0x000b0005, 0x010d0006},
+{'l', 0x3d897400, 0x414af3f8},
+{'@', 0x00000073, 0x0000479c},/*        s        x-advance: 71.609375 */
+{'M', 0x42737d6c, 0xc291e7f2},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413ad87c},
+{'8', 0xf0d5f6ec, 0xfbd2fbea},
+{'8', 0x0bc900dc, 0x21ee0bee},
+{'8', 0x1b0d1100, 0x1234090d},
+{'l', 0x40874d50, 0x3f708980},
+{'8', 0x1f4a0b34, 0x39161416},
+{'8', 0x42df2900, 0x18a518df},
+{'8', 0xfcce00e8, 0xf2c9fce6},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc14c06df},
+{'8', 0x15350e1b, 0x0634061a},
+{'8', 0xf5350022, 0xdf12f412},
+{'8', 0xe2f3ec00, 0xecc5f6f3},
+{'l', 0xc0897320, 0xbf80dbe0},
+{'8', 0xe3bef7d3, 0xc9ececec},
+{'8', 0xbf1ed600, 0xe955e91e},
+{'8', 0x0433001b, 0x0c2c0418},
+{'@', 0x00000074, 0x000035e4},/*        t        x-advance: 53.890625 */
+{'M', 0x41c9579f, 0xc2c10527},
+{'0', 0x00655500, 0x009b2600},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x422338b2},
+{'8', 0x2f092400, 0x0a290a0a},
+{'4', 0x00000032, 0x00290000},
+{'l', 0xc14af3f8, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xebb200c7, 0xb3ebebeb},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc22338b2},
+{'0', 0xda0000dc, 0xab000024},
+{'l', 0x4146a85f, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000075, 0x0000571d},/*        u        x-advance: 87.113281 */
+{'M', 0x413ad87b, 0xc1ed50c0},
+{'4', 0xff4a0000, 0x00000031},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4234225d},
+{'8', 0x40102a00, 0x15311510},
+{'8', 0xe73f0028, 0xbb17e717},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc22a7845},
+{'l', 0x41459574, 0x00000000},
+{'4', 0x012c0000, 0x0000ffcf},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc138b2af},
+{'8', 0x28d71bef, 0x0dc90de9},
+{'8', 0xe0b200cd, 0xa2e6e0e6},
+{'m', 0x41f89732, 0xc23d4302},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x00000076, 0x00005157},/*        v        x-advance: 81.339844 */
+{'M', 0x408301b8, 0xc29655e8},
+{'l', 0x4151655e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41bbeb61, 0x427c5958},
+{'l', 0x41bbeb62, 0xc27c5958},
+{'l', 0x41516560, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1e180dc, 0x429655e8},
+{'l', 0xc1863a6a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1e180dc, 0xc29655e8},
+{'@', 0x00000077, 0x0000706a},/*        w        x-advance: 112.414062 */
+{'M', 0x40b8b2af, 0xc29655e8},
+{'l', 0x4145957a, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4176fad6, 0x426aa181},
+{'l', 0x4175e7f4, 0xc26aa181},
+{'l', 0x41690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x4176fad4, 0x426aa181},
+{'l', 0x4175e7f8, 0xc26aa181},
+{'l', 0x41459578, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc19d50c0, 0x429655e8},
+{'l', 0xc1690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1816560, 0xc2767165},
+{'l', 0xc181eed0, 0x42767165},
+{'l', 0xc1690528, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc19d50c0, 0xc29655e8},
+{'@', 0x00000078, 0x00005157},/*        x        x-advance: 81.339844 */
+{'M', 0x4296df5b, 0xc29655e8},
+{'l', 0xc1d9731e, 0x42124f09},
+{'l', 0x41e4b98e, 0x421a5cc7},
+{'l', 0xc1690524, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc1af0898, 0xc1ec3dda},
+{'l', 0xc1af0897, 0x41ec3dda},
+{'l', 0xc1690527, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41e98e9a, 0xc21d50c0},
+{'l', 0xc1d5b0f7, 0xc20f5b10},
+{'0', 0x6b4f003a, 0x003a954f},
+{'@', 0x00000079, 0x00005157},/*        y        x-advance: 81.339844 */
+{'M', 0x4230e9aa, 0x40df5b0f},
+{'8', 0x46d835ec, 0x10cb10ed},
+{'4', 0x0000ffd9, 0xffd70000},
+{'l', 0x40e7f242, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xf71f0014, 0xd318f70b},
+{'l', 0x400dbeb0, 0xc0b46716},
+{'l', 0xc1f338b2, 0xc293eb62},
+{'l', 0x4151655e, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x41bbeb61, 0x426b2af4},
+{'l', 0x41bbeb62, 0xc26b2af4},
+{'l', 0x41516560, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xc204149e, 0x42a44b99},
+{'@', 0x0000007a, 0x00004825},/*        z        x-advance: 72.144531 */
+{'M', 0x40f2af3f, 0xc29655e8},
+{'l', 0x426aa180, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41346718},
+{'l', 0xc239c595, 0x42581b7d},
+{'l', 0x4239c595, 0x35800000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x411dda33},
+{'l', 0xc271579f, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1346716},
+{'l', 0x4239c595, 0xc2581b7c},
+{'l', 0xc2330f76, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0xb5000000, 0xc11dda38},
+{'@', 0x0000007b, 0x00005773},/*        {        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x428c8973, 0x414c06df},
+{'4', 0x00260000, 0x0000fff0},
+{'8', 0xeda700be, 0xb1eaedea},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1805278},
+{'8', 0xc8f2d800, 0xf1ccf1f2},
+{'4', 0x0000fff0, 0xffda0000},
+{'l', 0x408301b8, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xf1340026, 0xc90ef10e},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc180dbec},
+{'8', 0xb216c500, 0xed59ed16},
+{'4', 0x00000010, 0x00260000},
+{'l', 0xc0920a50, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x0bcf00db, 0x31f50bf5},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41852786},
+{'8', 0x3df42a00, 0x19d713f4},
+{'8', 0x1a29071d, 0x3c0c130c},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41852785},
+{'8', 0x310b2500, 0x0b310b0b},
+{'l', 0x40920a50, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000007c, 0x00002e4f},/*        |        x-advance: 46.308594 */
+{'M', 0x41e6df5b, 0xc2d2112e},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4309731d},
+{'l', 0xc1368ce4, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc309731d},
+{'l', 0x41368ce4, 0x00000000},
+{'@', 0x0000007d, 0x00005773},/*        }        x-advance: 87.449219 */
+{'M', 0x4189731d, 0x414c06df},
+{'l', 0x409655e8, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0xf5300025, 0xcf0bf50b},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1852784},
+{'8', 0xc40cd700, 0xe629ed0c},
+{'8', 0xe7d7fae3, 0xc3f4edf4},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc1852786},
+{'8', 0xcff5da00, 0xf5d0f5f5},
+{'4', 0x0000ffee, 0xffda0000},
+{'l', 0x40874d50, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x13590042, 0x4e161316},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x4180dbec},
+{'8', 0x370e2800, 0x0f340f0e},
+{'4', 0x00000010, 0x00260000},
+{'l', 0xc0852780, 0x00000000},
+{'8', 0x0fcc00da, 0x38f20ff2},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x41805278},
+{'8', 0x4fea3b00, 0x13a713ea},
+{'l', 0xc0874d50, 0x00000000},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc11aa181},
+{'@', 0x0000007e, 0x0000732a},/*        ~        x-advance: 115.164062 */
+{'M', 0x42c93543, 0xc25b5430},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0x413f2414},
+{'8', 0x1ecc15e4, 0x09cf09e9},
+{'8', 0xf1bc00e3, 0xfffcfffe},
+{'8', 0xfefb00ff, 0xf0bef0d7},
+{'8', 0x0ad200e9, 0x20cf0ae9},
+{'l', 0x00000000, 0xc13f2414},
+{'8', 0xe234eb1c, 0xf732f718},
+{'8', 0x1044001d, 0x01040102},
+{'8', 0x02050002, 0x10421029},
+{'8', 0xf62d0017, 0xe032f616},
+#define CTX_FONT_ascii 1
+#ifndef __CTX_LIST__
+#define __CTX_LIST__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* The whole ctx_list implementation is in the header and will be inlined
+ * wherever it is used.
+ */
+static inline void *ctx_calloc (size_t size, size_t count)
+  size_t byte_size = size * count;
+  char *ret = (char*)malloc (byte_size);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < byte_size; i++)
+     ret[i] = 0;
+  return ret;
+typedef struct _CtxList CtxList;
+struct _CtxList {
+  void *data;
+  CtxList *next;
+  void (*freefunc)(void *data, void *freefunc_data);
+  void *freefunc_data;
+static inline void ctx_list_prepend_full (CtxList **list, void *data,
+    void (*freefunc)(void *data, void *freefunc_data),
+    void *freefunc_data)
+  CtxList *new_= (CtxList*)ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxList), 1);
+  new_->next = *list;
+  new_->data=data;
+  new_->freefunc=freefunc;
+  new_->freefunc_data = freefunc_data;
+  *list = new_;
+static inline int ctx_list_length (CtxList *list)
+  int length = 0;
+  CtxList *l;
+  for (l = list; l; l = l->next, length++);
+  return length;
+static inline void ctx_list_prepend (CtxList **list, void *data)
+  CtxList *new_ = (CtxList*) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxList), 1);
+  new_->next= *list;
+  new_->data=data;
+  *list = new_;
+static inline CtxList *ctx_list_nth (CtxList *list, int no)
+  while (no-- && list)
+    { list = list->next; }
+  return list;
+static inline void *ctx_list_nth_data (CtxList *list, int no)
+  CtxList *l = ctx_list_nth (list, no);
+  if (l)
+    return l->data;
+  return NULL;
+static inline void
+ctx_list_insert_before (CtxList **list, CtxList *sibling,
+                       void *data)
+  if (*list == NULL || *list == sibling)
+    {
+      ctx_list_prepend (list, data);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      CtxList *prev = NULL;
+      for (CtxList *l = *list; l; l=l->next)
+        {
+          if (l == sibling)
+            { break; }
+          prev = l;
+        }
+      if (prev)
+        {
+          CtxList *new_ = (CtxList*)ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxList), 1);
+          new_->next = sibling;
+          new_->data = data;
+          prev->next=new_;
+        }
+    }
+static inline void ctx_list_remove_link (CtxList **list, CtxList *link)
+  CtxList *iter, *prev = NULL;
+  if ((*list) == link)
+    {
+      prev = (*list)->next;
+      *list = prev;
+      link->next = NULL;
+      return;
+    }
+  for (iter = *list; iter; iter = iter->next)
+    if (iter == link)
+      {
+        if (prev)
+          prev->next = iter->next;
+        link->next = NULL;
+        return;
+      }
+    else
+      prev = iter;
+static inline void ctx_list_remove (CtxList **list, void *data)
+  CtxList *iter, *prev = NULL;
+  if ((*list)->data == data)
+    {
+      if ((*list)->freefunc)
+        (*list)->freefunc ((*list)->data, (*list)->freefunc_data);
+      prev = (*list)->next;
+      free (*list);
+      *list = prev;
+      return;
+    }
+  for (iter = *list; iter; iter = iter->next)
+    if (iter->data == data)
+      {
+        if (iter->freefunc)
+          iter->freefunc (iter->data, iter->freefunc_data);
+        prev->next = iter->next;
+        free (iter);
+        break;
+      }
+    else
+      prev = iter;
+static inline void ctx_list_free (CtxList **list)
+  while (*list)
+    ctx_list_remove (list, (*list)->data);
+static inline void
+ctx_list_reverse (CtxList **list)
+  CtxList *new_ = NULL;
+  CtxList *l;
+  for (l = *list; l; l=l->next)
+    ctx_list_prepend (&new_, l->data);
+  ctx_list_free (list);
+  *list = new_;
+static inline void *ctx_list_last (CtxList *list)
+  if (list)
+    {
+      CtxList *last;
+      for (last = list; last->next; last=last->next);
+      return last->data;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static inline void ctx_list_concat (CtxList **list, CtxList *list_b)
+  if (*list)
+    {
+      CtxList *last;
+      for (last = *list; last->next; last=last->next);
+      last->next = list_b;
+      return;
+    }
+  *list = list_b;
+static inline void ctx_list_append_full (CtxList **list, void *data,
+    void (*freefunc)(void *data, void *freefunc_data),
+    void *freefunc_data)
+  CtxList *new_ = (CtxList*) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxList), 1);
+  new_->data=data;
+  new_->freefunc = freefunc;
+  new_->freefunc_data = freefunc_data;
+  ctx_list_concat (list, new_);
+static inline void ctx_list_append (CtxList **list, void *data)
+  ctx_list_append_full (list, data, NULL, NULL);
+static inline void
+ctx_list_insert_at (CtxList **list,
+                    int       no,
+                    void     *data)
+  if (*list == NULL || no == 0)
+    {
+      ctx_list_prepend (list, data);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int pos = 0;
+      CtxList *prev = NULL;
+      CtxList *sibling = NULL;
+      for (CtxList *l = *list; l && pos < no; l=l->next)
+        {
+          prev = sibling;
+          sibling = l;
+          pos ++;
+        }
+      if (prev)
+        {
+          CtxList *new_ = (CtxList*)ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxList), 1);
+          new_->next = sibling;
+          new_->data = data;
+          prev->next=new_;
+          return;
+        }
+      ctx_list_append (list, data);
+    }
+static CtxList*
+ctx_list_merge_sorted (CtxList* list1,
+                       CtxList* list2,
+    int(*compare)(const void *a, const void *b, void *userdata), void *userdata
+  if (list1 == NULL)
+     return(list2);
+  else if (list2==NULL)
+     return(list1);
+  if (compare (list1->data, list2->data, userdata) >= 0)
+  {
+    list1->next = ctx_list_merge_sorted (list1->next,list2, compare, userdata);
+    /*list1->next->prev = list1;
+      list1->prev = NULL;*/
+    return list1;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    list2->next = ctx_list_merge_sorted (list1,list2->next, compare, userdata);
+    /*list2->next->prev = list2;
+      list2->prev = NULL;*/
+    return list2;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_list_split_half (CtxList*  head,
+                     CtxList** list1,
+                     CtxList** list2)
+  CtxList* fast;
+  CtxList* slow;
+  if (head==NULL || head->next==NULL)
+  {
+    *list1 = head;
+    *list2 = NULL;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    slow = head;
+    fast = head->next;
+    while (fast != NULL)
+    {
+      fast = fast->next;
+      if (fast != NULL)
+      {
+        slow = slow->next;
+        fast = fast->next;
+      }
+    }
+    *list1 = head;
+    *list2 = slow->next;
+    slow->next = NULL;
+  }
+static inline void ctx_list_sort (CtxList **head,
+    int(*compare)(const void *a, const void *b, void *userdata),
+    void *userdata)
+  CtxList* list1;
+  CtxList* list2;
+  /* Base case -- length 0 or 1 */
+  if ((*head == NULL) || ((*head)->next == NULL))
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  ctx_list_split_half (*head, &list1, &list2);
+  ctx_list_sort (&list1, compare, userdata);
+  ctx_list_sort (&list2, compare, userdata);
+  *head = ctx_list_merge_sorted (list1, list2, compare, userdata);
+static inline void ctx_list_insert_sorted (CtxList **list,
+                                           void     *item,
+    int(*compare)(const void *a, const void *b, void *userdata),
+                                           void     *userdata)
+  ctx_list_prepend (list, item);
+  ctx_list_sort (list, compare, userdata);
+static inline CtxList *ctx_list_find_custom (CtxList *list,
+                                         void    *needle,
+                                         int(*compare)(const void *a, const void *b),
+                                         void *userdata)
+  CtxList *l;
+  for (l = list; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    if (compare (l->data, needle) == 0)
+      return l;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+/* definitions that determine which features are included and their settings,
+ * for particular platforms - in particular microcontrollers ctx might need
+ * tuning for different quality/performance/resource constraints.
+ *
+ * the way to configure ctx is to set these defines, before both including it
+ * as a header and in the file where CTX_IMPLEMENTATION is set to include the
+ * implementation for different featureset and runtime settings.
+ *
+ */
+/* whether the font rendering happens in backend or front-end of API, the
+ * option is used set to 0 by the tool that converts ttf fonts to ctx internal
+ * representation - both should be possible so that this tool can be made
+ * into a TTF/OTF font import at runtime (perhaps even with live subsetting).
+ */
+/* force full antialising - turns of adaptive AA when set to 1 
+ */
+/* when AA is not forced, the slope below which full AA get enabled.
+ */
+#define CTX_RASTERIZER_AA_SLOPE_LIMIT    (2125/CTX_SUBDIV/rasterizer->aa)
+/* subpixel-aa coordinates used in BITPACKing of drawlist
+ */
+#define CTX_SUBDIV   4 // higher gives higher quality, but 4096wide rendering
+                       // stops working
+// 8    12 68 40 24
+// 16   12 68 40 24
+/* scale-factor for font outlines prior to bit quantization by CTX_SUBDIV
+ *
+ * changing this also changes font file format - the value should be baked
+ * into the ctxf files making them less dependent on the ctx used to
+ * generate them
+ */
+#define CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE    160
+/* pack some linetos/curvetos/movetos into denser drawlist instructions,
+ * permitting more vectors to be stored in the same space, experimental
+ * feature with added overhead.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_BITPACK
+#define CTX_BITPACK           1
+/* whether we have a shape-cache where we keep pre-rasterized bitmaps of
+ * commonly occuring small shapes, disabled by default since it has some
+ * glitches (and potential hangs with multi threading).
+ */
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE        0
+/* size (in pixels, w*h) that we cache rasterization for
+ */
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_DIM      (16*16)
+/* maximum number of entries in shape cache
+ */
+#define CTX_PARSER_MAXLEN  1024 // this is the largest text string we support
+/* maximum nesting level of compositing groups
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_GROUP_MAX
+#define CTX_GROUP_MAX             8
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CLIP           1
+/* use a 1bit clip buffer, saving RAM on microcontrollers, other rendering
+ * will still be antialiased.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_1BIT_CLIP
+#define CTX_1BIT_CLIP             0
+#define CTX_GRADIENTS             1
+/* some optinal micro-optimizations that are known to increase code size
+ */
+#define CTX_BLOATY_FAST_PATHS     1
+#define CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE        1
+#define CTX_FORMATTER       1
+#ifndef CTX_PARSER
+#define CTX_PARSER          1
+#define CTX_CURRENT_PATH    1
+#ifndef CTX_XML
+#define CTX_XML             1
+/* when ctx_math is defined, which it is by default, we use ctx' own
+ * implementations of math functions, instead of relying on math.h
+ * the possible inlining gives us a slight speed-gain, and on
+ * embedded platforms guarantees that we do not do double precision
+ * math.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_MATH
+#define CTX_MATH           1  // use internal fast math for sqrt,sin,cos,atan2f etc.
+#define ctx_log(fmt, ...)
+//#define ctx_log(str, a...) fprintf(stderr, str, ##a)
+/* the initial journal size - for both rasterizer
+ * edgelist and drawlist.
+ */
+#define CTX_MIN_JOURNAL_SIZE   1024*64
+/* The maximum size we permit the drawlist to grow to,
+ * the memory used is this number * 9, where 9 is sizeof(CtxEntry)
+ */
+#define CTX_MIN_EDGE_LIST_SIZE   1024
+/* The maximum complexity of a single path
+ */
+  // XXX should be possible to make zero and disappear when codepaths not in use
+  //     to save size, for card10 this is defined as a low number (some text
+  //     properties still make use of it)
+  //     
+  //     for desktop-use this should be fully dynamic, possibly
+  //     with chained pools
+#define CTX_STRINGPOOL_SIZE     1000 //
+/* whether we dither or not for gradients
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_DITHER
+#define CTX_DITHER 1
+/*  only source-over clear and copy will work, the API still
+ *  through - but the renderer is limited, for use to measure
+ *  size and possibly in severely constrained ROMs.
+ */
+/*  this forces the inlining of some performance
+ *  critical paths.
+ */
+#define CTX_FORCE_INLINES               1
+/* create one-off inlined inner loop for normal blend mode
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_INLINED_NORMAL     
+#define CTX_INLINED_NORMAL      1
+#define CTX_BRAILLE_TEXT        0
+/* including immintrin.h triggers building of AVX2 code paths, if - like
+ * sometimes when including SDL one does want it at all do a
+ * #define CTX_AVX2 0  before including ctx.h for implementation.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_AVX2
+#define CTX_AVX2         1
+#define CTX_AVX2         0
+/* Build code paths for grayscale rasterization, normally this is handled
+ * by the RGBA8 codepaths; on microcontrollers with eink this might be
+ * a better option.
+ */
+#define CTX_NATIVE_GRAYA8       0
+/* enable CMYK rasterization targets
+ */
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYK         1
+/* enable color management, slightly increases CtxColor struct size, can
+ * be disabled for microcontrollers.
+ */
+#ifndef CTX_ENABLE_CM
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CM           1
+#ifndef CTX_EVENTS
+#define CTX_EVENTS              1
+#define CTX_LIMIT_FORMATS       0
+/* by default ctx includes all pixel formats, on microcontrollers
+ * it can be useful to slim down code and runtime size by only
+ * defining the used formats, set CTX_LIMIT_FORMATS to 1, and
+ * manually add CTX_ENABLE_ flags for each of them.
+ */
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAY1                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAY2                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAY4                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAY8                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAYA8               1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAYF                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAYAF               1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_RGB8                 1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_RGBA8                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_BGRA8                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_RGB332               1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_RGB565               1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_RGBAF                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_FLOAT                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYK8                1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYKA8               1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYKAF               1
+/* by including ctx-font-regular.h, or ctx-font-mono.h the
+ * built-in fonts using ctx drawlist encoding is enabled
+ */
+#if CTX_FONT_regular || CTX_FONT_mono || CTX_FONT_bold \
+  || CTX_FONT_italic || CTX_FONT_sans || CTX_FONT_serif \
+  || CTX_FONT_ascii
+#define CTX_FONT_ENGINE_CTX        1
+/* If stb_strutype.h is included before ctx.h add integration code for runtime loading
+ * of opentype fonts.
+ */
+#define CTX_FONT_ENGINE_STB        1
+#define CTX_FONT_ENGINE_STB        0
+#ifdef _BABL_H
+#define CTX_BABL 1
+#define CTX_BABL 0
+/* force add format if we have shape cache */
+#define CTX_ENABLE_GRAY8  1
+/* include the bitpack packer, can be opted out of to decrease code size
+ */
+/* enable RGBA8 intermediate format for
+ *the indirectly implemented pixel-formats.
+ */
+  #ifdef CTX_ENABLE_RGBA8
+    #undef CTX_ENABLE_RGBA8
+  #endif
+  #define CTX_ENABLE_RGBA8  1
+/* enable cmykf which is cmyk intermediate format
+ */
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYKF  1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYKF  1
+#define CTX_ENABLE_CMYK   1
+#define CTX_PI                              3.141592653589793f
+#ifndef CTX_MAX_FONTS
+#define CTX_MAX_FONTS            3
+#define CTX_MAX_STATES           10
+#ifndef CTX_MAX_EDGES
+#define CTX_MAX_EDGES            257
+#define CTX_MAX_PENDING          128
+#define CTX_MAX_TEXTURES         16
+#ifndef CTX_HASH_ROWS
+#define CTX_HASH_ROWS            8
+#ifndef CTX_HASH_COLS
+#define CTX_HASH_COLS            8
+#define CTX_MAX_THREADS          8 // runtime is max of cores/2 and this
+#define CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(symbol)     symbol##_default
+#define CTX_COMPOSITE 1
+#define CTX_COMPOSITE 0
+#ifndef __CTX_EXTRA_H
+#define __CTX_EXTRA_H
+#define CTX_CLAMP(val,min,max) ((val)<(min)?(min):(val)>(max)?(max):(val))
+static inline int   ctx_mini (int a, int b)     { if (a < b) return a; return b; }
+static inline float ctx_minf (float a, float b) { if (a < b) return a; return b; }
+static inline int   ctx_maxi (int a, int b)     { if (a > b) return a; return b; }
+static inline float ctx_maxf (float a, float b) { if (a > b) return a; return b; }
+typedef enum CtxOutputmode
+} CtxOutputmode;
+#define CTX_NORMALIZE(a)            (((a)=='-')?'_':(a))
+#define CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a) (((a)=='-')?'_':((((a)>='A')&&((a)<='Z'))?(a)+32:(a)))
+/* We use the preprocessor to compute case invariant hashes
+ * of strings directly, if there is collisions in our vocabulary
+ * the compiler tells us.
+ */
+#define CTX_STRHash(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a27,a12,a13) (\
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a0))+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a1))*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a2))*27*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a3))*27*27*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a4))*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a5))*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a6))*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a7))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a8))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a9))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a10))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a27))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a12))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE_CASEFOLDED(a13))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27)))
+#define CTX_STRH(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a27,a12,a13) (\
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a0))+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a1))*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a2))*27*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a3))*27*27*27)+ \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a4))*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a5))*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a6))*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a7))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a8))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a9))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a10))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a27))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a12))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27) + \
+          (((uint32_t)CTX_NORMALIZE(a13))*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27*27)))
+static inline uint32_t ctx_strhash (const char *str, int case_insensitive)
+  uint32_t ret;
+  if (!str) return 0;
+  int len = strlen (str);
+  if (case_insensitive)
+    ret =CTX_STRHash(len>=0?str[0]:0,
+                       len>=1?str[1]:0,
+                       len>=2?str[2]:0,
+                       len>=3?str[3]:0,
+                       len>=4?str[4]:0,
+                       len>=5?str[5]:0,
+                       len>=6?str[6]:0,
+                       len>=7?str[7]:0,
+                       len>=8?str[8]:0,
+                       len>=9?str[9]:0,
+                       len>=10?str[10]:0,
+                       len>=11?str[11]:0,
+                       len>=12?str[12]:0,
+                       len>=13?str[13]:0);
+  else
+    ret =CTX_STRH(len>=0?str[0]:0,
+                    len>=1?str[1]:0,
+                    len>=2?str[2]:0,
+                    len>=3?str[3]:0,
+                    len>=4?str[4]:0,
+                    len>=5?str[5]:0,
+                    len>=6?str[6]:0,
+                    len>=7?str[7]:0,
+                    len>=8?str[8]:0,
+                    len>=9?str[9]:0,
+                    len>=10?str[10]:0,
+                    len>=11?str[11]:0,
+                    len>=12?str[12]:0,
+                    len>=13?str[13]:0);
+                  return ret;
+#define CTX_INLINE inline __attribute__((always_inline))
+#define CTX_INLINE inline
+static inline float ctx_pow2 (float a) { return a * a; }
+static inline float
+ctx_fabsf (float x)
+  union
+  {
+    float f;
+    uint32_t i;
+  } u = { x };
+  u.i &= 0x7fffffff;
+  return u.f;
+static inline float
+ctx_invsqrtf (float x)
+  void *foo = &x;
+  float xhalf = 0.5f * x;
+  int i=* (int *) foo;
+  void *bar = &i;
+  i = 0x5f3759df - (i >> 1);
+  x = * (float *) bar;
+  x *= (1.5f - xhalf * x * x);
+  x *= (1.5f - xhalf * x * x); //repeating Newton-Raphson step for higher precision
+  return x;
+CTX_INLINE static float
+ctx_sinf (float x)
+  if (x < -CTX_PI * 2)
+    {
+      x = -x;
+      long ix = x / (CTX_PI * 2);
+      x = x - ix * CTX_PI * 2;
+      x = -x;
+    }
+  if (x < -CTX_PI * 1000)
+  {
+    x = -0.5;
+  }
+  if (x > CTX_PI * 1000)
+  {
+          // really large numbers tend to cause practically inifinite
+          // loops since the > CTX_PI * 2 seemingly fails
+    x = 0.5;
+  }
+  if (x > CTX_PI * 2)
+    { 
+      long ix = x / (CTX_PI * 2);
+      x = x - (ix * CTX_PI * 2);
+    }
+  while (x < -CTX_PI)
+    { x += CTX_PI * 2; }
+  while (x > CTX_PI)
+    { x -= CTX_PI * 2; }
+  /* source : http://mooooo.ooo/chebyshev-sine-approximation/ */
+  float coeffs[]=
+  {
+    -0.10132118f,           // x
+      0.0066208798f,         // x^3
+      -0.00017350505f,        // x^5
+      0.0000025222919f,      // x^7
+      -0.000000023317787f,    // x^9
+      0.00000000013291342f
+    }; // x^11
+  float x2 = x*x;
+  float p11 = coeffs[5];
+  float p9  = p11*x2 + coeffs[4];
+  float p7  = p9*x2  + coeffs[3];
+  float p5  = p7*x2  + coeffs[2];
+  float p3  = p5*x2  + coeffs[1];
+  float p1  = p3*x2  + coeffs[0];
+  return (x - CTX_PI + 0.00000008742278f) *
+         (x + CTX_PI - 0.00000008742278f) * p1 * x;
+static inline float ctx_atan2f (float y, float x)
+  float atan, z;
+  if ( x == 0.0f )
+    {
+      if ( y > 0.0f )
+        { return CTX_PI/2; }
+      if ( y == 0.0f )
+        { return 0.0f; }
+      return -CTX_PI/2;
+    }
+  z = y/x;
+  if ( ctx_fabsf ( z ) < 1.0f )
+    {
+      atan = z/ (1.0f + 0.28f*z*z);
+      if (x < 0.0f)
+        {
+          if ( y < 0.0f )
+            { return atan - CTX_PI; }
+          return atan + CTX_PI;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      atan = CTX_PI/2 - z/ (z*z + 0.28f);
+      if ( y < 0.0f ) { return atan - CTX_PI; }
+    }
+  return atan;
+CTX_INLINE static float ctx_sqrtf (float a)
+  return 1.0f/ctx_invsqrtf (a);
+CTX_INLINE static float ctx_hypotf (float a, float b)
+  return ctx_sqrtf (ctx_pow2 (a)+ctx_pow2 (b) );
+static inline float ctx_atanf (float a)
+  return ctx_atan2f ( (a), 1.0f);
+static inline float ctx_asinf (float x)
+  return ctx_atanf ( (x) * (ctx_invsqrtf (1.0f-ctx_pow2 (x) ) ) );
+static inline float ctx_acosf (float x)
+  return ctx_atanf ( (ctx_sqrtf (1.0f-ctx_pow2 (x) ) / (x) ) );
+CTX_INLINE static float ctx_cosf (float a)
+  return ctx_sinf ( (a) + CTX_PI/2.0f);
+static inline float ctx_tanf (float a)
+  return (ctx_cosf (a) /ctx_sinf (a) );
+static inline float
+ctx_floorf (float x)
+  return (int)x; // XXX
+static inline float
+ctx_expf (float x)
+  union { uint32_t i; float f; } v =
+    { (1 << 23) * (x + 183.1395965) };
+  return v.f;
+/* define more trig based on having sqrt, sin and atan2 */
+#include <math.h>
+static inline float ctx_fabsf (float x)           { return fabsf (x); }
+static inline float ctx_floorf (float x)          { return floorf (x); }
+static inline float ctx_sinf (float x)            { return sinf (x); }
+static inline float ctx_atan2f (float y, float x) { return atan2f (y, x); }
+static inline float ctx_hypotf (float a, float b) { return hypotf (a, b); }
+static inline float ctx_acosf (float a)           { return acosf (a); }
+static inline float ctx_cosf (float a)            { return cosf (a); }
+static inline float ctx_tanf (float a)            { return tanf (a); }
+static inline float ctx_expf (float p)            { return expf (p); }
+static inline float ctx_sqrtf (float a)           { return sqrtf (a); }
+static inline float _ctx_parse_float (const char *str, char **endptr)
+  return strtod (str, endptr); /* XXX: , vs . problem in some locales */
+const char *ctx_get_string (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash);
+void ctx_set_string (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, const char *value);
+typedef struct _CtxColor CtxColor;
+typedef struct _CtxBuffer CtxBuffer;
+typedef struct _CtxMatrix     CtxMatrix;
+  _CtxMatrix
+  float m[3][2];
+void ctx_get_matrix (Ctx *ctx, CtxMatrix *matrix);
+int ctx_color (Ctx *ctx, const char *string);
+typedef struct _CtxState CtxState;
+CtxColor *ctx_color_new ();
+CtxState *ctx_get_state (Ctx *ctx);
+void ctx_color_get_rgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out);
+void ctx_color_set_rgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_color_free (CtxColor *color);
+void ctx_set_color (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, CtxColor *color);
+int  ctx_get_color (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, CtxColor *color);
+int ctx_color_set_from_string (Ctx *ctx, CtxColor *color, const char *string);
+int ctx_color_is_transparent (CtxColor *color);
+int ctx_utf8_len (const unsigned char first_byte);
+void ctx_user_to_device          (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y);
+void ctx_user_to_device_distance (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y);
+const char *ctx_utf8_skip (const char *s, int utf8_length);
+void ctx_apply_matrix (Ctx *ctx, CtxMatrix *matrix);
+void ctx_matrix_apply_transform (const CtxMatrix *m, float *x, float *y);
+void ctx_matrix_invert (CtxMatrix *m);
+void ctx_matrix_identity (CtxMatrix *matrix);
+void ctx_matrix_scale (CtxMatrix *matrix, float x, float y);
+void ctx_matrix_rotate (CtxMatrix *matrix, float angle);
+void ctx_matrix_multiply (CtxMatrix       *result,
+                          const CtxMatrix *t,
+                          const CtxMatrix *s);
+ctx_matrix_translate (CtxMatrix *matrix, float x, float y);
+int ctx_is_set_now (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash);
+void ctx_set_size (Ctx *ctx, int width, int height);
+int   ctx_load_font_ttf_file (const char *name, const char *path);
+_ctx_file_get_contents (const char     *path,
+                        unsigned char **contents,
+                        long           *length);
+#ifndef __CTX_CONSTANTS
+#define __CTX_CONSTANTS
+#define CTX_add_stop       CTX_STRH('a','d','d','_','s','t','o','p',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_addStop        CTX_STRH('a','d','d','S','t','o','p',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_alphabetic     CTX_STRH('a','l','p','h','a','b','e','t','i','c',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_arc            CTX_STRH('a','r','c',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_arc_to         CTX_STRH('a','r','c','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_arcTo          CTX_STRH('a','r','c','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_begin_path     CTX_STRH('b','e','g','i','n','_','p','a','t','h',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_beginPath      CTX_STRH('b','e','g','i','n','P','a','t','h',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_bevel          CTX_STRH('b','e','v','e','l',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_bottom         CTX_STRH('b','o','t','t','o','m',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_cap            CTX_STRH('c','a','p',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_center         CTX_STRH('c','e','n','t','e','r', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_clear          CTX_STRH('c','l','e','a','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_color          CTX_STRH('c','o','l','o','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_copy           CTX_STRH('c','o','p','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_clip           CTX_STRH('c','l','i','p',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_close_path     CTX_STRH('c','l','o','s','e','_','p','a','t','h',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_closePath      CTX_STRH('c','l','o','s','e','P','a','t','h',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_cmyka          CTX_STRH('c','m','y','k','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_cmyk           CTX_STRH('c','m','y','k',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_color          CTX_STRH('c','o','l','o','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_blending       CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d','i','n','g',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_blend          CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_blending_mode  CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d','i','n','g','_','m','o','d','e',0)
+#define CTX_blendingMode   CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d','i','n','g','M','o','d','e',0,0)
+#define CTX_blend_mode     CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d','_','m','o','d','e',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_blendMode      CTX_STRH('b','l','e','n','d','M','o','d','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_composite      CTX_STRH('c','o','m','p','o','s','i','t','i','e',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_compositing_mode CTX_STRH('c','o','m','p','o','s','i','t','i','n','g','_','m','o')
+#define CTX_compositingMode CTX_STRH('c','o','m','p','o','s','i','t','i','n','g','M','o','d')
+#define CTX_curve_to       CTX_STRH('c','u','r','v','e','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_curveTo        CTX_STRH('c','u','r','v','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_darken         CTX_STRH('d','a','r','k','e','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_defineGlyph    CTX_STRH('d','e','f','i','n','e','G','l','y','p','h',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_kerningPair    CTX_STRH('k','e','r','n','i','n','g','P','a','i','r',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_destinationIn  CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','I','n',0)
+#define CTX_destination_in CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','_','i','n')
+#define CTX_destinationAtop CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','A','t','o')
+#define CTX_destination_atop CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','_','a','t')
+#define CTX_destinationOver CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','O','v','e')
+#define CTX_destination_over CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','-','o','v')
+#define CTX_destinationOut CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','O','u','t')
+#define CTX_destination_out CTX_STRH('d','e','s','t','i','n','a','t','i','o','n','_','o','u')
+#define CTX_difference     CTX_STRH('d','i','f','f','e','r','e','n','c','e',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_done           CTX_STRH('d','o','n','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_drgba          CTX_STRH('d','r','g','b','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_drgb           CTX_STRH('d','r','g','b',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_end            CTX_STRH('e','n','d',0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_endfun         CTX_STRH('e','n','d','f','u','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_end_group      CTX_STRH('e','n','d','_','G','r','o','u','p',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_endGroup       CTX_STRH('e','n','d','G','r','o','u','p',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_even_odd       CTX_STRH('e','v','e','n','_','o','d','d',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_evenOdd        CTX_STRH('e','v','e','n','O','d','d',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_exit           CTX_STRH('e','x','i','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_fill           CTX_STRH('f','i','l','l',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_fill_rule      CTX_STRH('f','i','l','l','_','r','u','l','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_fillRule       CTX_STRH('f','i','l','l','R','u','l','e',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_flush          CTX_STRH('f','l','u','s','h',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_font           CTX_STRH('f','o','n','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_font_size      CTX_STRH('f','o','n','t','_','s','i','z','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_setFontSize       CTX_STRH('s','e','t','F','o','n','t','S','i','z','e',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_fontSize       CTX_STRH('f','o','n','t','S','i','z','e',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_function       CTX_STRH('f','u','n','c','t','i','o','n',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_getkey         CTX_STRH('g','e','t','k','e','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_global_alpha   CTX_STRH('g','l','o','b','a','l','_','a','l','p','h','a',0,0)
+#define CTX_globalAlpha    CTX_STRH('g','l','o','b','a','l','A','l','p','h','a',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_glyph          CTX_STRH('g','l','y','p','h',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_gradient_add_stop CTX_STRH('g','r','a','d','i','e','n','t','_','a','d','d','_','s')
+#define CTX_gradientAddStop CTX_STRH('g','r','a','d','i','e','n','t','A','d','d','S','t','o')
+#define CTX_graya          CTX_STRH('g','r','a','y','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_gray           CTX_STRH('g','r','a','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_H
+#define CTX_hanging        CTX_STRH('h','a','n','g','i','n','g',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_height         CTX_STRH('h','e','i','g','h','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_hor_line_to    CTX_STRH('h','o','r','_','l','i','n','e','_','t','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_horLineTo      CTX_STRH('h','o','r','L','i','n','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_hue            CTX_STRH('h','u','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_identity       CTX_STRH('i','d','e','n','t','i','t','y',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_ideographic    CTX_STRH('i','d','e','o','g','r','a','p','h','i','c',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_join           CTX_STRH('j','o','i','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_laba           CTX_STRH('l','a','b','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lab            CTX_STRH('l','a','b',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lcha           CTX_STRH('l','c','h','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lch            CTX_STRH('l','c','h',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_left           CTX_STRH('l','e','f','t',0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lighter        CTX_STRH('l','i','g','h','t','e','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lighten        CTX_STRH('l','i','g','h','t','e','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_linear_gradient CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','a','r','_','g','r','a','d','i','e','n')
+#define CTX_linearGradient CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','a','r','G','r','a','d','i','e','n','t')
+#define CTX_line_cap       CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','c','a','p',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lineCap        CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','C','a','p',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_setLineCap     CTX_STRH('s','e','t','L','i','n','e','C','a','p',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_line_height    CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','h','e','i','h','t',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_line_join      CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','j','o','i','n',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lineJoin       CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','J','o','i','n',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_setLineJoin    CTX_STRH('s','e','t','L','i','n','e','J','o','i','n',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_line_spacing   CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','s','p','a','c','i','n','g',0,0)
+#define CTX_line_to        CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lineTo         CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lineDash       CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','D','a','s','h',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_line_width     CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','_','w','i','d','t','h',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lineWidth      CTX_STRH('l','i','n','e','W','i','d','t','h',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_setLineWidth   CTX_STRH('s','e','t','L','i','n','e','W','i','d','t','h',0,0)
+#define CTX_view_box       CTX_STRH('v','i','e','w','_','b','o','x',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_viewBox        CTX_STRH('v','i','e','w','B','o','x',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_middle         CTX_STRH('m','i','d','d','l','e',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_miter          CTX_STRH('m','i','t','e','r',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_miter_limit    CTX_STRH('m','i','t','e','r','_','l','i','m','i','t',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_miterLimit     CTX_STRH('m','i','t','e','r','L','i','m','i','t',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_move_to        CTX_STRH('m','o','v','e','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_moveTo         CTX_STRH('m','o','v','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_multiply       CTX_STRH('m','u','l','t','i','p','l','y',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_new_page       CTX_STRH('n','e','w','_','p','a','g','e',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_newPage        CTX_STRH('n','e','w','P','a','g','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_new_path       CTX_STRH('n','e','w','_','p','a','t','h',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_newPath        CTX_STRH('n','e','w','P','a','t','h',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_new_state      CTX_STRH('n','e','w','_','s','t','a','t','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_none           CTX_STRH('n','o','n','e', 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_normal         CTX_STRH('n','o','r','m','a','l',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_quad_to        CTX_STRH('q','u','a','d','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_quadTo         CTX_STRH('q','u','a','d','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_radial_gradient CTX_STRH('r','a','d','i','a','l','_','g','r','a','d','i','e','n')
+#define CTX_radialGradient  CTX_STRH('r','a','d','i','a','l','G','r','a','d','i','e','n','t')
+#define CTX_rectangle      CTX_STRH('r','e','c','t','a','n','g','l','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rect           CTX_STRH('r','e','c','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_arc_to     CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','a','r','c','_','t','o',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_relArcTo       CTX_STRH('r','e','l','A','r','c','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_curve_to   CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','c','u','r','v','e','_','t','o',0,0)
+#define CTX_relCurveTo     CTX_STRH('r','e','l','C','u','r','v','e','T','o',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_hor_line_to CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','h','o','r','_','l','i','n','e',0,0)
+#define CTX_relHorLineTo   CTX_STRH('r','e','l','H','o','r','L','i','n','e','T','o',0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_line_to    CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','l','i','n','e','_','t','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_relLineTo      CTX_STRH('r','e','l','L','i','n','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_move_to    CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','m','o','v','e','_','t','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_relMoveTo      CTX_STRH('r','e','l','M','o','v','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_quad_to    CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','q','u','a','d','_','t','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_relQuadTo      CTX_STRH('r','e','l','Q','u','a','d','T','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_smoothq_to CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','s','m','o','o','t','h','q','_','t','o')
+#define CTX_relSmoothqTo   CTX_STRH('r','e','l','S','m','o','o','t','h','q','T','o',0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_smooth_to  CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','s','m','o','o','t','h','_','t','o',0)
+#define CTX_relSmoothTo    CTX_STRH('r','e','l','S','m','o','o','t','h','T','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rel_ver_line_to CTX_STRH('r','e','l','_','v','e','r','_','l','i','n','e',0,0)
+#define CTX_relVerLineTo   CTX_STRH('r','e','l','V','e','r','L','i','n','e','T','o',0,0)
+#define CTX_restore        CTX_STRH('r','e','s','t','o','r','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_reset          CTX_STRH('r','e','s','e','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rgba           CTX_STRH('r','g','b','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rgb            CTX_STRH('r','g','b',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_right          CTX_STRH('r','i','g','h','t',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_rotate         CTX_STRH('r','o','t','a','t','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_round          CTX_STRH('r','o','u','n','d',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_round_rectangle CTX_STRH('r','o','u','n','d','_','r','e','c','t','a','n','g','l')
+#define CTX_roundRectangle  CTX_STRH('r','o','u','n','d','R','e','c','t','a','n','g','l','e')
+#define CTX_save           CTX_STRH('s','a','v','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_save           CTX_STRH('s','a','v','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_scale          CTX_STRH('s','c','a','l','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_screen         CTX_STRH('s','c','r','e','e','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_setkey         CTX_STRH('s','e','t','k','e','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_shadowBlur     CTX_STRH('s','h','a','d','o','w','B','l','u','r',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_shadowColor    CTX_STRH('s','h','a','d','o','w','C','o','l','o','r',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_shadowOffsetX  CTX_STRH('s','h','a','d','o','w','O','f','f','s','e','t','X',0)
+#define CTX_shadowOffsetY  CTX_STRH('s','h','a','d','o','w','O','f','f','s','e','t','Y',0)
+#define CTX_smooth_quad_to CTX_STRH('s','m','o','o','t','h','_','q','u','a','d','_','t','o')
+#define CTX_smoothQuadTo   CTX_STRH('s','m','o','o','t','h','Q','u','a','d','T','o',0,0)
+#define CTX_smooth_to      CTX_STRH('s','m','o','o','t','h','_','t','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_smoothTo       CTX_STRH('s','m','o','o','t','h','T','o',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_sourceIn       CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','I','n',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_source_in      CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','_','i','n',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_sourceAtop     CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','A','t','o','p',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_source_atop    CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','_','a','t','o','p',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_sourceOut      CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','O','u','t',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_source_out     CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','_','o','u','t',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_sourceOver     CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','O','v','e','r',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_source_over    CTX_STRH('s','o','u','r','c','e','_','o','v','e','r',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_square         CTX_STRH('s','q','u','a','r','e', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_start          CTX_STRH('s','t','a','r','t',0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_start_move     CTX_STRH('s','t','a','r','t','_','m','o','v','e',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_start_group    CTX_STRH('s','t','a','r','t','_','G','r','o','u','p',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_startGroup     CTX_STRH('s','t','a','r','t','G','r','o','u','p',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_stroke         CTX_STRH('s','t','r','o','k','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_text_align     CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','a','l','i','g','n',0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_textAlign      CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','A','l','i','g','n',0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_texture        CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','u','r','e',0,0,0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_text_baseline  CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','b','a','s','e','l','i','n','e',0)
+#define CTX_text_baseline  CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','b','a','s','e','l','i','n','e',0)
+#define CTX_textBaseline   CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','B','a','s','e','l','i','n','e',0,0)
+#define CTX_text           CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_text_direction CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','d','i','r','e','c','t','i','o','n')
+#define CTX_textDirection  CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','D','i','r','e','c','t','i','o','n',0)
+#define CTX_text_indent    CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','i','n','d','e','n','t', 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_text_stroke    CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','_','s','t','r','o','k','e', 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_textStroke     CTX_STRH('t','e','x','t','S','t','r','o','k','e', 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_top            CTX_STRH('t','o','p',0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_transform      CTX_STRH('t','r','a','n','s','f','o','r','m',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_translate      CTX_STRH('t','r','a','n','s','l','a','t','e',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_verLineTo      CTX_STRH('v','e','r','L','i','n','e','T','o',0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_ver_line_to    CTX_STRH('v','e','r','_','l','i','n','e','_','t','o',0,0,0)
+#define CTX_width          CTX_STRH('w','i','d','t','h',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_winding        CTX_STRH('w','i','n','d','i','n', 'g', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0)
+#define CTX_x              CTX_STRH('x',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_xor            CTX_STRH('x','o','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_y              CTX_STRH('y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_colorSpace     CTX_STRH('c','o','l','o','r','S','p','a','c','e',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_userRGB        CTX_STRH('u','s','e','r','R','G','B',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_userCMYK       CTX_STRH('u','s','e','r','C','M','Y','K',0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_deviceRGB      CTX_STRH('d','e','v','i','c','e','r','R','G','B',0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_deviceCMYK     CTX_STRH('d','e','v','i','c','e','r','C','M','Y','K',0,0,0)
+#ifndef __CTX_LIBC_H
+#define __CTX_LIBC_H
+#include <stddef.h>
+#if 0
+static inline void
+ctx_memset (void *ptr, uint8_t val, int length)
+  uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *) ptr;
+  for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++)
+    { p[i] = val; }
+#define ctx_memset memset
+static inline void ctx_strcpy (char *dst, const char *src)
+  int i = 0;
+  for (i = 0; src[i]; i++)
+    { dst[i] = src[i]; }
+  dst[i] = 0;
+static inline char *_ctx_strchr (const char *haystack, char needle)
+  const char *p = haystack;
+  while (*p && *p != needle)
+    {
+      p++;
+    }
+  if (*p == needle)
+    { return (char *) p; }
+  return NULL;
+static inline char *ctx_strchr (const char *haystack, char needle)
+  return _ctx_strchr (haystack, needle);
+static inline int ctx_strcmp (const char *a, const char *b)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; a[i] && b[i]; a++, b++)
+    if (a[0] != b[0])
+      { return 1; }
+  if (a[0] == 0 && b[0] == 0) { return 0; }
+  return 1;
+static inline int ctx_strncmp (const char *a, const char *b, size_t n)
+  size_t i;
+  for (i = 0; a[i] && b[i] && i < n; a++, b++)
+    if (a[0] != b[0])
+      { return 1; }
+  return 0;
+static inline int ctx_strlen (const char *s)
+  int len = 0;
+  for (; *s; s++) { len++; }
+  return len;
+static inline char *ctx_strstr (const char *h, const char *n)
+  int needle_len = ctx_strlen (n);
+  if (n[0]==0)
+    { return (char *) h; }
+  while (h)
+    {
+      h = ctx_strchr (h, n[0]);
+      if (!h)
+        { return NULL; }
+      if (!ctx_strncmp (h, n, needle_len) )
+        { return (char *) h; }
+      h++;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+#ifndef __CTX_INTERNAL_H
+#define __CTX_INTERNAL_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sys/select.h> 
+typedef struct _CtxRasterizer CtxRasterizer;
+typedef struct _CtxGState     CtxGState;
+typedef struct _CtxState      CtxState;
+typedef struct _CtxSource CtxSource;
+#define CTX_VALID_RGBA_U8     (1<<0)
+#define CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE (1<<1)
+#define CTX_VALID_RGBA        (1<<2)
+#define CTX_VALID_CMYKA       (1<<3)
+#define CTX_VALID_DCMYKA      (1<<4)
+#define CTX_VALID_GRAYA       (1<<5)
+#define CTX_VALID_GRAYA_U8    (1<<6)
+#define CTX_VALID_LABA        ((1<<7) | CTX_VALID_GRAYA)
+//_ctx_target_space (ctx, icc);
+//_ctx_space (ctx);
+struct _CtxColor
+  uint8_t magic; // for colors used in keydb, set to a non valid start of
+                 // string value.
+  uint8_t rgba[4];
+  uint8_t l_u8;
+  uint8_t original; // the bitmask of the originally set color
+  uint8_t valid;    // bitmask of which members contain valid
+  // values, gets denser populated as more
+  // formats are requested from a set color.
+  float   device_red;
+  float   device_green;
+  float   device_blue;
+  float   alpha;
+  float   l;        // luminance and gray
+  float   a;
+  float   b;
+  float   device_cyan;
+  float   device_magenta;
+  float   device_yellow;
+  float   device_key;
+  float   cyan;
+  float   magenta;
+  float   yellow;
+  float   key;
+  const Babl *space; // gets copied from state when color is declared
+  void   *space; // gets copied from state when color is declared, 
+  float   red;
+  float   green;
+  float   blue;
+typedef struct _CtxGradientStop CtxGradientStop;
+struct _CtxGradientStop
+  float   pos;
+  CtxColor color;
+enum _CtxSourceType
+typedef enum _CtxSourceType CtxSourceType;
+typedef struct _CtxPixelFormatInfo CtxPixelFormatInfo;
+struct _CtxBuffer
+  void               *data;
+  int                 width;
+  int                 height;
+  int                 stride;
+  int                 revision; // XXX NYI, number to update when contents change
+                                //
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *format;
+  void (*free_func) (void *pixels, void *user_data);
+  void               *user_data;
+//void _ctx_user_to_device          (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y);
+//void _ctx_user_to_device_distance (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y);
+typedef struct _CtxGradient CtxGradient;
+struct _CtxGradient
+  CtxGradientStop stops[16];
+  int n_stops;
+struct _CtxSource
+  int type;
+  CtxMatrix  transform;
+  union
+  {
+    CtxColor color;
+    struct
+    {
+      uint8_t rgba[4]; // shares data with set color
+      uint8_t pad;
+      float x0;
+      float y0;
+      CtxBuffer *buffer;
+    } image;
+    struct
+    {
+      float x0;
+      float y0;
+      float x1;
+      float y1;
+      float dx;
+      float dy;
+      float start;
+      float end;
+      float length;
+      float rdelta;
+    } linear_gradient;
+    struct
+    {
+      float x0;
+      float y0;
+      float r0;
+      float x1;
+      float y1;
+      float r1;
+      float rdelta;
+    } radial_gradient;
+  };
+struct _CtxGState
+  int           keydb_pos;
+  int           stringpool_pos;
+  CtxMatrix     transform;
+  //CtxSource   source_stroke;
+  CtxSource     source;
+  float         global_alpha_f;
+  uint8_t       global_alpha_u8;
+  float         line_width;
+  float         miter_limit;
+  float         font_size;
+  float         shadow_blur;
+  float         shadow_offset_x;
+  float         shadow_offset_y;
+  int           clipped:1;
+  int16_t       clip_min_x;
+  int16_t       clip_min_y;
+  int16_t       clip_max_x;
+  int16_t       clip_max_y;
+  const Babl   *device_space;
+  const Babl   *rgb_space;       
+  const Babl   *cmyk_space;
+  const Babl   *fish_rgbaf_user_to_device;
+  const Babl   *fish_rgbaf_device_to_user;
+  void         *device_space;
+  void         *rgb_space;       
+  void         *cmyk_space;
+  void         *fish_rgbaf_user_to_device; // dummy padding
+  void         *fish_rgbaf_device_to_user; // dummy padding
+  CtxCompositingMode  compositing_mode; // bitfield refs lead to
+  CtxBlend                  blend_mode; // non-vectorization
+  float dashes[CTX_PARSER_MAX_ARGS];
+  int n_dashes;
+  CtxColorModel color_model;
+  /* bitfield-pack small state-parts */
+  CtxLineCap                  line_cap:2;
+  CtxLineJoin                line_join:2;
+  CtxFillRule                fill_rule:1;
+  unsigned int                    font:6;
+  unsigned int                    bold:1;
+  unsigned int                  italic:1;
+typedef enum
+} CtxTransformation;
+#define CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST            128
+#define CTX_DRAWLIST_CURRENT_PATH         512
+struct _CtxDrawlist
+  CtxEntry *entries;
+  int       count;
+  int       size;
+  uint32_t  flags;
+  int       bitpack_pos;  // stream is bitpacked up to this offset
+#define CTX_MAX_KEYDB 64 // number of entries in keydb
+                         // entries are "copy-on-change" between states
+// the keydb consists of keys set to floating point values,
+// that might also be interpreted as integers for enums.
+// the hash
+typedef struct _CtxKeyDbEntry CtxKeyDbEntry;
+struct _CtxKeyDbEntry
+  uint32_t key;
+  float value;
+  //union { float f[1]; uint8_t u8[4]; }value;
+struct _CtxState
+  int           has_moved:1;
+  int           has_clipped:1;
+  float         x;
+  float         y;
+  int           min_x;
+  int           min_y;
+  int           max_x;
+  int           max_y;
+  int16_t       gstate_no;
+  CtxGState     gstate;
+  CtxGState     gstate_stack[CTX_MAX_STATES];//at end, so can be made dynamic
+  CtxGradient   gradient; /* we keep only one gradient,
+                             this goes icky with multiple
+                             restores - it should really be part of
+                             graphics state..
+                             XXX, with the stringpool gradients
+                             can be stored there.
+                           */
+  CtxKeyDbEntry keydb[CTX_MAX_KEYDB];
+  char          stringpool[CTX_STRINGPOOL_SIZE];
+typedef struct _CtxFont       CtxFont;
+typedef struct _CtxFontEngine CtxFontEngine;
+struct _CtxFontEngine
+  int   (*load_file)   (const char *name, const char *path);
+  int   (*load_memory) (const char *name, const void *data, int length);
+  int   (*glyph)       (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke);
+  float (*glyph_width) (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar);
+  float (*glyph_kern)  (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unicharA, uint32_t unicharB);
+struct _CtxFont
+  CtxFontEngine *engine;
+  const char *name;
+  int type; // 0 ctx    1 stb    2 monobitmap
+  union
+  {
+    struct
+    {
+      CtxEntry *data;
+      int length;
+      /* we've got ~110 bytes to fill to cover as
+         much data as stbtt_fontinfo */
+      //int16_t glyph_pos[26]; // for a..z
+      int       glyphs; // number of glyphs
+      uint32_t *index;
+    } ctx;
+    struct
+    {
+      char *path;
+    } ctx_fs;
+    struct
+    {
+      stbtt_fontinfo ttf_info;
+      int cache_index;
+      uint32_t cache_unichar;
+    } stb;
+    struct { int start; int end; int gw; int gh; const uint8_t *data;} monobitmap;
+  };
+enum _CtxIteratorFlag
+  CTX_ITERATOR_FLAT           = 0,
+typedef enum _CtxIteratorFlag CtxIteratorFlag;
+  _CtxIterator
+  int              pos;
+  int              first_run;
+  CtxDrawlist *drawlist;
+  int              end_pos;
+  int              flags;
+  int              bitpack_pos;
+  int              bitpack_length;     // if non 0 bitpack is active
+  CtxEntry         bitpack_command[6]; // the command returned to the
+  // user if unpacking is needed.
+#define CTX_MAX_DEVICES 16
+#define CTX_MAX_KEYBINDINGS         256
+// include list implementation - since it already is a header+inline online
+// implementation?
+typedef struct CtxItemCb {
+  CtxEventType types;
+  CtxCb        cb;
+  void*        data1;
+  void*        data2;
+  void (*finalize) (void *data1, void *data2, void *finalize_data);
+  void  *finalize_data;
+} CtxItemCb;
+#define CTX_MAX_CBS              128
+typedef struct CtxItem {
+  CtxMatrix inv_matrix;  /* for event coordinate transforms */
+  /* bounding box */
+  float          x0;
+  float          y0;
+  float          x1;
+  float          y1;
+  void *path;
+  double          path_hash;
+  CtxCursor       cursor; /* if 0 then UNSET and no cursor change is requested
+                           */
+  CtxEventType   types;   /* all cb's ored together */
+  CtxItemCb cb[CTX_MAX_CBS];
+  int       cb_count;
+  int       ref_count;
+} CtxItem;
+typedef struct _CtxEvents CtxEvents;
+struct _CtxEvents
+  int             frozen;
+  int             fullscreen;
+  CtxList        *grabs; /* could split the grabs per device in the same way,
+                            to make dispatch overhead smaller,. probably
+                            not much to win though. */
+  CtxItem         *prev[CTX_MAX_DEVICES];
+  float            pointer_x[CTX_MAX_DEVICES];
+  float            pointer_y[CTX_MAX_DEVICES];
+  unsigned char    pointer_down[CTX_MAX_DEVICES];
+  CtxEvent         drag_event[CTX_MAX_DEVICES];
+  CtxList         *idles;
+  CtxList         *events; // for ctx_get_event
+  int              ctx_get_event_enabled;
+  int              idle_id;
+  CtxBinding       bindings[CTX_MAX_KEYBINDINGS]; /*< better as list, uses no mem if unused */
+  int              n_bindings;
+  int              width;
+  int              height;
+  CtxList         *items;
+  CtxItem         *last_item;
+  CtxModifierState modifier_state;
+  int              tap_delay_min;
+  int              tap_delay_max;
+  int              tap_delay_hold;
+  double           tap_hysteresis;
+  CtxImplementation *renderer;
+  CtxDrawlist        drawlist;
+  int                transformation;
+  CtxBuffer          texture[CTX_MAX_TEXTURES];
+  int                rev;
+  void              *backend;
+  CtxState           state;        /**/
+  CtxCursor          cursor;
+  int                quit;
+  int                dirty;
+  CtxEvents          events;
+  int                mouse_fd;
+  int                mouse_x;
+  int                mouse_y;
+  CtxDrawlist    current_path; // possibly transformed coordinates !
+  CtxIterator        current_path_iterator;
+void ctx_process (Ctx *ctx, CtxEntry *entry);
+CtxBuffer *ctx_buffer_new (int width, int height,
+                           CtxPixelFormat pixel_format);
+void ctx_buffer_free (CtxBuffer *buffer);
+ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (CtxState *state);
+void ctx_interpret_style         (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data);
+void ctx_interpret_transforms    (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data);
+void ctx_interpret_pos           (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data);
+void ctx_interpret_pos_transform (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data);
+struct _CtxPixelFormatInfo
+  CtxPixelFormat pixel_format;
+  uint8_t        components:4; /* number of components */
+  uint8_t        bpp; /* bits  per pixel - for doing offset computations
+                         along with rowstride found elsewhere, if 0 it indicates
+                         1/8  */
+  uint8_t        ebpp; /*effective bytes per pixel - for doing offset
+                         computations, for formats that get converted, the
+                         ebpp of the working space applied */
+  uint8_t        dither_red_blue;
+  uint8_t        dither_green;
+  CtxPixelFormat composite_format;
+  void         (*to_comp) (CtxRasterizer *r,
+                           int x, const void * __restrict__ src, uint8_t * __restrict__ comp, int count);
+  void         (*from_comp) (CtxRasterizer *r,
+                             int x, const uint8_t * __restrict__ comp, void *__restrict__ dst, int count);
+  void         (*apply_coverage) (CtxRasterizer *r, uint8_t * __restrict__ dst, uint8_t * __restrict__ src, 
int x, uint8_t *coverage,
+                          int count);
+  void         (*setup) (CtxRasterizer *r);
+static void
+_ctx_user_to_device (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y);
+static void
+_ctx_user_to_device_distance (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y);
+static void ctx_state_init (CtxState *state);
+ctx_interpret_pos_bare (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data);
+ctx_drawlist_deinit (CtxDrawlist *drawlist);
+CtxPixelFormatInfo *
+ctx_pixel_format_info (CtxPixelFormat format);
+int ctx_utf8_len (const unsigned char first_byte);
+const char *ctx_utf8_skip (const char *s, int utf8_length);
+int ctx_utf8_strlen (const char *s);
+ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (uint32_t  ch,
+                     uint8_t  *dest);
+ctx_utf8_to_unichar (const char *input);
+typedef struct _CtxHasher CtxHasher;
+typedef struct CtxEdge
+  uint32_t index;  // provide for more aligned memory accesses.
+  uint32_t pad;    //
+  uint16_t index;
+  int32_t  x;     /* the center-line intersection      */
+  int32_t  dx;
+} CtxEdge;
+typedef void (*CtxFragment) (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out);
+struct _CtxShapeEntry
+  uint32_t hash;
+  uint16_t width;
+  uint16_t height;
+  int      last_frame; // xxx
+  uint32_t uses;  // instrumented for longer keep-alive
+  uint8_t  data[];
+typedef struct _CtxShapeEntry CtxShapeEntry;
+struct _CtxShapeCache
+  CtxShapeEntry *entries[CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_ENTRIES];
+  long size;
+typedef struct _CtxShapeCache CtxShapeCache;
+struct _CtxRasterizer
+  CtxImplementation vfuncs;
+  /* these should be initialized and used as the bounds for rendering into the
+     buffer as well XXX: not yet in use, and when in use will only be
+     correct for axis aligned clips - proper rasterization of a clipping path
+     would be yet another refinement on top.
+   */
+  float      kernel[CTX_MAX_GAUSSIAN_KERNEL_DIM];
+  int        aa;          // level of vertical aa
+  int        force_aa;    // force full AA
+  int        active_edges;
+  int        pending_edges;   // this-scanline
+  int        ending_edges;    // count of edges ending this scanline
+  int        edge_pos;         // where we're at in iterating all edges
+  CtxEdge    edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES];
+  int        scanline;
+  int        scan_min;
+  int        scan_max;
+  int        col_min;
+  int        col_max;
+  CtxList   *glyphs;
+  CtxDrawlist edge_list;
+  CtxState  *state;
+  Ctx       *ctx;
+  Ctx       *texture_source; /* normally same as ctx */
+  void      *buf;
+  void      *saved_buf; // when group redirected
+  CtxBuffer *group[CTX_GROUP_MAX];
+  float      x;  // < redundant? use state instead?
+  float      y;
+  float      first_x;
+  float      first_y;
+  int8_t     needs_aa; // count of how many edges implies antialiasing
+  int        has_shape:2;
+  int        has_prev:2;
+  int        preserve:1;
+  int        uses_transforms:1;
+  int        term_glyphs:1; // store appropriate glyphs for redisplay
+  int16_t    blit_x;
+  int16_t    blit_y;
+  int16_t    blit_width;
+  int16_t    blit_height;
+  int16_t    blit_stride;
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *format;
+  int in_shadow;
+  int in_text;
+  int shadow_x;
+  int shadow_y;
+  CtxFragment         fragment;
+  int swap_red_green;
+  uint8_t             color[4*5];
+#define CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, uint8_t * __restrict__ dst, uint8_t * 
__restrict__ src, int x0, uint8_t * __restrict__ coverage, int count
+  void (*comp_op)(CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS);
+  CtxBuffer *clip_buffer;
+  uint8_t *clip_mask;
+  CtxShapeCache shape_cache;
+void ctx_rasterizer_deinit (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+extern int ctx_native_events;
+#if CTX_SDL
+extern int ctx_sdl_events;
+int ctx_sdl_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+#if CTX_FB
+extern int ctx_fb_events;
+int ctx_fb_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_nct_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_ctx_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+enum {
+  NC_MOUSE_NONE  = 0,
+  NC_MOUSE_PRESS = 1,  /* "mouse-pressed", "mouse-released" */
+  NC_MOUSE_DRAG  = 2,  /* + "mouse-drag"   (motion with pressed button) */
+  NC_MOUSE_ALL   = 3   /* + "mouse-motion" (also delivered for release) */
+void _ctx_mouse (Ctx *term, int mode);
+void nc_at_exit (void);
+int ctx_terminal_width  (void);
+int ctx_terminal_height (void);
+int ctx_terminal_cols   (void);
+int ctx_terminal_rows   (void);
+extern int ctx_frame_ack;
+int ctx_nct_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+typedef struct _CtxCtx CtxCtx;
+struct _CtxCtx
+   void (*render) (void *ctxctx, CtxCommand *command);
+   void (*reset)  (void *ctxvtx);
+   void (*flush)  (void *ctxctx);
+   char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+   void (*set_clipboard) (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+   void (*free)   (void *ctxctx);
+   Ctx *ctx;
+   int  width;
+   int  height;
+   int  cols;
+   int  rows;
+   int  was_down;
+// XXX common members of sdl and fbdev, it is more!
+typedef struct _CtxThreaded CtxThreaded;
+struct _CtxThreaded
+   void (*render) (void *fb, CtxCommand *command);
+   void (*reset)  (void *fb);
+   void (*flush)  (void *fb);
+   char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+   void (*set_clipboard) (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+   void (*free)   (void *fb);
+   Ctx          *ctx;
+   Ctx          *ctx_copy;
+   int           width;
+   int           height;
+   int           cols;
+   int           rows;
+   int           was_down;
+   Ctx          *host[CTX_MAX_THREADS];
+   CtxAntialias  antialias;
+extern int _ctx_max_threads;
+extern int _ctx_enable_hash_cache;
+ctx_set (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t key_hash, const char *string, int len);
+const char *
+ctx_get (Ctx *ctx, const char *key);
+int ctx_renderer_is_braille (Ctx *ctx);
+Ctx *ctx_new_ctx (int width, int height);
+Ctx *ctx_new_fb (int width, int height, int drm);
+Ctx *ctx_new_sdl (int width, int height);
+Ctx *ctx_new_braille (int width, int height);
+int ctx_resolve_font (const char *name);
+extern float ctx_u8_float[256];
+#define ctx_u8_to_float(val_u8) ctx_u8_float[((uint8_t)(val_u8))]
+//#define ctx_u8_to_float(val_u8) (val_u8/255.0f)
+static uint8_t ctx_float_to_u8 (float val_f)
+   return (val_f * 255.99f);
+#if 0
+  int val_i = val_f * 255.999f;
+  if (val_i < 0) { return 0; }
+  else if (val_i > 255) { return 255; }
+  return val_i;
+#define CTX_CSS_LUMINANCE_RED   0.3f
+#define CTX_CSS_LUMINANCE_BLUE  0.11f
+/* works on both float and uint8_t */
+#define CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(rgb)  (\
+  (rgb[0]) * CTX_CSS_LUMINANCE_RED + \
+  (rgb[1]) * CTX_CSS_LUMINANCE_GREEN +\
+const char *ctx_nct_get_event (Ctx *n, int timeoutms, int *x, int *y);
+const char *ctx_native_get_event (Ctx *n, int timeoutms);
+ctx_color_get_rgba8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t *out);
+void ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t *out);
+float ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (CtxState *state, const float *rgb);
+void ctx_color_get_graya (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out);
+void ctx_rgb_to_cmyk (float r, float g, float b,
+              float *c_out, float *m_out, float *y_out, float *k_out);
+uint8_t ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (CtxState *state, const uint8_t *rgb);
+void ctx_color_get_cmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out);
+static void ctx_color_set_RGBA8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t 
+void ctx_color_set_rgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+static void ctx_color_set_drgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float r, float g, float b, float a);
+void ctx_color_get_cmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out);
+static void ctx_color_set_cmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float c, float m, float y, float k, float 
+static void ctx_color_set_dcmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float c, float m, float y, float k, 
float a);
+static void ctx_color_set_graya (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float gray, float alpha);
+int ctx_color_model_get_components (CtxColorModel model);
+void ctx_state_set (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, float value);
+static void
+ctx_matrix_set (CtxMatrix *matrix, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f);
+static void ctx_font_setup ();
+float ctx_state_get (CtxState *state, uint32_t hash);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_move_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_line_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                         float x0, float y0,
+                         float x1, float y1,
+                         float x2, float y2);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_curve_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                         float x0, float y0,
+                         float x1, float y1,
+                         float x2, float y2);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_reset (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+static uint32_t ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_hash (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_arc (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                    float        x,
+                    float        y,
+                    float        radius,
+                    float        start_angle,
+                    float        end_angle,
+                    int          anticlockwise);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_quad_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                        float        cx,
+                        float        cy,
+                        float        x,
+                        float        y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_quad_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                        float        cx,
+                        float        cy,
+                        float        x,
+                        float        y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rectangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          float x,
+                          float y,
+                          float width,
+                          float height);
+static void ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+static void ctx_rasterizer_clip (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_set_font (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, const char *font_name);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_gradient_add_stop (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float pos, float *rgba);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_set_pixel (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          uint16_t x,
+                          uint16_t y,
+                          uint8_t r,
+                          uint8_t g,
+                          uint8_t b,
+                          uint8_t a);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rectangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          float x,
+                          float y,
+                          float width,
+                          float height);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_round_rectangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, float width, float height, 
float corner_radius);
+#if CTX_ENABLE_CM // XXX to be moved to ctx.h
+ctx_set_drgb_space (Ctx *ctx, int device_space);
+ctx_set_dcmyk_space (Ctx *ctx, int device_space);
+ctx_rgb_space (Ctx *ctx, int device_space);
+ctx_set_cmyk_space (Ctx *ctx, int device_space);
+CtxRasterizer *
+ctx_rasterizer_init (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, Ctx *ctx, Ctx *texture_source, CtxState *state, void *data, 
int x, int y, int width, int height, int stride, CtxPixelFormat pixel_format, CtxAntialias antialias);
+CTX_INLINE static uint8_t ctx_lerp_u8 (uint8_t v0, uint8_t v1, uint8_t dx)
+#if 0
+  return v0 + ((v1-v0) * dx)/255;
+  return ( ( ( ( (v0) <<8) + (dx) * ( (v1) - (v0) ) ) ) >>8);
+CTX_INLINE static float
+ctx_lerpf (float v0, float v1, float dx)
+  return v0 + (v1-v0) * dx;
+#ifndef CTX_MIN
+#define CTX_MIN(a,b)  (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#ifndef CTX_MAX
+#define CTX_MAX(a,b)  (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+static inline void *ctx_calloc (size_t size, size_t count);
+void ctx_screenshot (Ctx *ctx, const char *output_path);
+typedef struct _CtxSHA1 CtxSHA1;
+CtxSHA1 *ctx_sha1_new (void);
+void ctx_sha1_free (CtxSHA1 *sha1);
+int ctx_sha1_process(CtxSHA1 *sha1, const unsigned char * msg, unsigned long len);
+int ctx_sha1_done(CtxSHA1 * sha1, unsigned char *out);
+static int
+ctx_conts_for_entry (CtxEntry *entry);
+static void
+ctx_iterator_init (CtxIterator      *iterator,
+                   CtxDrawlist  *drawlist,
+                   int               start_pos,
+                   int               flags);
+CtxCommand *
+ctx_iterator_next (CtxIterator *iterator);
+int ctx_iterator_pos (CtxIterator *iterator);
+static void ctx_drawlist_compact (CtxDrawlist *drawlist);
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_resize (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int desired_size);
+static int
+ctx_drawlist_add_single (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxEntry *entry);
+ctx_add_single (Ctx *ctx, void *entry);
+int ctx_drawlist_add_entry (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxEntry *entry);
+ctx_drawlist_insert_entry (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int pos, CtxEntry *entry);
+int ctx_append_drawlist (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length);
+int ctx_set_drawlist (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length);
+int ctx_get_drawlist_count (Ctx *ctx);
+const CtxEntry *ctx_get_drawlist (Ctx *ctx);
+ctx_add_data (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length);
+int ctx_drawlist_add_u32 (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxCode code, uint32_t u32[2]);
+int ctx_drawlist_add_data (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, const void *data, int length);
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_void (CtxCode code);
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_f (CtxCode code, float x, float y);
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_u32 (CtxCode code, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
+#if 0
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_s32 (CtxCode code, int32_t x, int32_t y);
+ctx_s16 (CtxCode code, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_u8 (CtxCode code,
+        uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d,
+        uint8_t e, uint8_t f, uint8_t g, uint8_t h);
+#define CTX_PROCESS_VOID(cmd) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (cmd); \
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0) \
+#define CTX_PROCESS_F(cmd, x, y) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_f(cmd, x, y);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_F1(cmd, x) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_f(cmd, x, 0);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_U32(cmd, x, y) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u32(cmd, x, y);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_U8(cmd, x) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u8(cmd, x,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+static int
+ctx_last_history (CtxDrawlist *drawlist);
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_remove_tiny_curves (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int start_pos);
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_bitpack (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int start_pos);
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_compact (CtxDrawlist *drawlist);
+static void
+ctx_process_cmd_str (Ctx *ctx, CtxCode code, const char *string, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1);
+static void
+ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (Ctx *ctx, CtxCode code, const char *string, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, int 
+#ifndef __CTX_UTIL_H
+#define __CTX_UTIL_H
+inline static float ctx_fast_hypotf (float x, float y)
+  if (x < 0) { x = -x; }
+  if (y < 0) { y = -y; }
+  if (x < y)
+    { return 0.96f * y + 0.4f * x; }
+  else
+    { return 0.96f * x + 0.4f * y; }
+static int ctx_str_is_number (const char *str)
+  int got_digit = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++)
+  {
+    if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
+    {
+       got_digit ++;
+    }
+    else if (str[i] == '.')
+    {
+    }
+    else
+      return 0;
+  }
+  if (got_digit)
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+_ctx_file_get_contents (const char     *path,
+                        unsigned char **contents,
+                        long           *length)
+  FILE *file;
+  long  size;
+  long  remaining;
+  char *buffer;
+  file = fopen (path, "rb");
+  if (!file)
+    { return -1; }
+  fseek (file, 0, SEEK_END);
+  size = remaining = ftell (file);
+  if (length)
+    { *length =size; }
+  rewind (file);
+  buffer = (char*)malloc (size + 8);
+  if (!buffer)
+    {
+      fclose (file);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  remaining -= fread (buffer, 1, remaining, file);
+  if (remaining)
+    {
+      fclose (file);
+      free (buffer);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  fclose (file);
+  *contents = (unsigned char*) buffer;
+  buffer[size] = 0;
+  return 0;
+_ctx_file_set_contents (const char     *path,
+                        const unsigned char  *contents,
+                        long            length)
+  FILE *file;
+  file = fopen (path, "wb");
+  if (!file)
+    { return; }
+  if (length < 0) length = strlen ((const char*)contents);
+  fwrite (contents, 1, length, file);
+  fclose (file);
+static int
+ctx_conts_for_entry (CtxEntry *entry)
+    switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_DATA:
+        return entry->data.u32[1];
+        return 1;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:
+        return 2;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+      case CTX_VIEW_BOX:
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        return 1;
+      default:
+        return 0;
+    }
+// expanding arc_to to arc can be the job
+// of a layer in front of renderer?
+//   doing:
+//     rectangle
+//     arc
+//     ... etc reduction to beziers
+//     or even do the reduction to
+//     polylines directly here...
+//     making the rasterizer able to
+//     only do poly-lines? will that be faster?
+/* the iterator - should decode bitpacked data as well -
+ * making the rasterizers simpler, possibly do unpacking
+ * all the way to absolute coordinates.. unless mixed
+ * relative/not are wanted.
+ */
+static void
+ctx_iterator_init (CtxIterator      *iterator,
+                   CtxDrawlist  *drawlist,
+                   int               start_pos,
+                   int               flags)
+  iterator->drawlist   = drawlist;
+  iterator->flags          = flags;
+  iterator->bitpack_pos    = 0;
+  iterator->bitpack_length = 0;
+  iterator->pos            = start_pos;
+  iterator->end_pos        = drawlist->count;
+  iterator->first_run      = 1; // -1 is a marker used for first run
+  ctx_memset (iterator->bitpack_command, 0, sizeof (iterator->bitpack_command) );
+int ctx_iterator_pos (CtxIterator *iterator)
+  return iterator->pos;
+static CtxEntry *_ctx_iterator_next (CtxIterator *iterator)
+  int ret = iterator->pos;
+  CtxEntry *entry = &iterator->drawlist->entries[ret];
+  if (ret >= iterator->end_pos)
+    { return NULL; }
+  if (iterator->first_run == 0)
+    { iterator->pos += (ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1); }
+  iterator->first_run = 0;
+  if (iterator->pos >= iterator->end_pos)
+    { return NULL; }
+  return &iterator->drawlist->entries[iterator->pos];
+// 6024x4008
+static void
+ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (CtxIterator *iterator, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int no = 0;
+  for (int cno = 0; cno < 4; cno++)
+    for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++, no++)
+      iterator->bitpack_command[cno].data.f[d] =
+        entry->data.s8[no] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+  iterator->bitpack_command[0].code =
+    iterator->bitpack_command[1].code =
+      iterator->bitpack_command[2].code =
+        iterator->bitpack_command[3].code = CTX_CONT;
+  iterator->bitpack_length = 4;
+  iterator->bitpack_pos = 0;
+static void
+ctx_iterator_expand_s16_args (CtxIterator *iterator, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int no = 0;
+  for (int cno = 0; cno < 2; cno++)
+    for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++, no++)
+      iterator->bitpack_command[cno].data.f[d] = entry->data.s16[no] * 1.0f /
+          CTX_SUBDIV;
+  iterator->bitpack_command[0].code =
+    iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_CONT;
+  iterator->bitpack_length = 2;
+  iterator->bitpack_pos    = 0;
+CtxCommand *
+ctx_iterator_next (CtxIterator *iterator)
+  CtxEntry *ret;
+  int expand_bitpack = iterator->flags & CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK;
+  if (iterator->bitpack_length)
+    {
+      ret = &iterator->bitpack_command[iterator->bitpack_pos];
+      iterator->bitpack_pos += (ctx_conts_for_entry (ret) + 1);
+      if (iterator->bitpack_pos >= iterator->bitpack_length)
+        {
+          iterator->bitpack_length = 0;
+        }
+      return (CtxCommand *) ret;
+    }
+  ret = _ctx_iterator_next (iterator);
+  if (ret && expand_bitpack)
+    switch ((CtxCode)(ret->code))
+      {
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[2].code = CTX_CONT;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[3].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+          // 0.0 here is a common optimization - so check for it
+          if (ret->data.s8[6]== 0 && ret->data.s8[7] == 0)
+            { iterator->bitpack_length = 3; }
+          else
+            iterator->bitpack_length          = 4;
+          goto again;
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 2;
+          goto again;
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[3].code = CTX_REL_MOVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 4;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[2].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[3].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 4;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_S16:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s16_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 1;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_REL_QUAD_TO:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s8_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[2].code = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 3;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X2:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s16_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code =
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 2;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s16_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_REL_MOVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 2;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_MOVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO:
+          ctx_iterator_expand_s16_args (iterator, ret);
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_MOVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_REL_MOVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 2;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_FILL_MOVE_TO:
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1]      = *ret;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0].code = CTX_FILL;
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1].code = CTX_MOVE_TO;
+          iterator->bitpack_pos             = 0;
+          iterator->bitpack_length          = 2;
+          goto again;
+        case CTX_LINEAR_GRADIENT:
+        case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        case CTX_VIEW_BOX:
+        case CTX_ARC:
+        case CTX_ARC_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+        case CTX_COLOR:
+        case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:
+        case CTX_RADIAL_GRADIENT:
+        case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        case CTX_APPLY_TRANSFORM:
+        case CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE:
+        case CTX_TEXT:
+        case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+        case CTX_FONT:
+        case CTX_LINE_DASH:
+        case CTX_FILL:
+        case CTX_NOP:
+        case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+        case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_VER_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_HOR_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_ROTATE:
+        case CTX_FLUSH:
+        case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+        case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+        case CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION:
+        case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+        case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:
+        case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:
+        case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:
+        case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:
+        case CTX_RESET:
+        case CTX_EXIT:
+        case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+        case CTX_SAVE:
+        case CTX_CLIP:
+        case CTX_PRESERVE:
+        case CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH:
+        case CTX_IDENTITY:
+        case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+        case CTX_START_GROUP:
+        case CTX_END_GROUP:
+        case CTX_RESTORE:
+        case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        case CTX_STROKE:
+        case CTX_KERNING_PAIR:
+        case CTX_SCALE:
+        case CTX_GLYPH:
+        case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+        case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+        case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+        case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+        case CTX_NEW_PAGE:
+        case CTX_SET_KEY:
+        case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+        case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        case CTX_CONT: // shouldnt happen
+          iterator->bitpack_length = 0;
+          return (CtxCommand *) ret;
+#if 1
+        default: // XXX remove - and get better warnings
+          iterator->bitpack_command[0] = ret[0];
+          iterator->bitpack_command[1] = ret[1];
+          iterator->bitpack_command[2] = ret[2];
+          iterator->bitpack_command[3] = ret[3];
+          iterator->bitpack_command[4] = ret[4];
+          iterator->bitpack_pos = 0;
+          iterator->bitpack_length = 1;
+          goto again;
+      }
+  return (CtxCommand *) ret;
+static void ctx_drawlist_compact (CtxDrawlist *drawlist);
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_resize (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int desired_size)
+  if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST)
+    {
+      static CtxEntry sbuf[CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE];
+      drawlist->entries = &sbuf[0];
+      drawlist->size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  else if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_CURRENT_PATH)
+    {
+      static CtxEntry sbuf[CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE];
+      drawlist->entries = &sbuf[0];
+      drawlist->size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      static CtxEntry sbuf[CTX_MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE];
+      drawlist->entries = &sbuf[0];
+      drawlist->size = CTX_MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE;
+      ctx_drawlist_compact (drawlist);
+    }
+  int new_size = desired_size;
+  int min_size = CTX_MIN_JOURNAL_SIZE;
+  int max_size = CTX_MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE;
+  if ((drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST))
+    {
+      min_size = CTX_MIN_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+      max_size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  else if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_CURRENT_PATH)
+    {
+      min_size = CTX_MIN_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+      max_size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ctx_drawlist_compact (drawlist);
+    }
+  if (new_size < drawlist->size)
+    { return; }
+  if (drawlist->size == max_size)
+    { return; }
+  if (new_size < min_size)
+    { new_size = min_size; }
+  if (new_size < drawlist->count)
+    { new_size = drawlist->count + 4; }
+  if (new_size >= max_size)
+    { new_size = max_size; }
+  if (new_size != drawlist->size)
+    {
+      //fprintf (stderr, "growing drawlist %p %i to %d from %d\n", drawlist, drawlist->flags, new_size, 
+  if (drawlist->entries)
+    {
+      //printf ("grow %p to %d from %d\n", drawlist, new_size, drawlist->size);
+      CtxEntry *ne =  (CtxEntry *) malloc (sizeof (CtxEntry) * new_size);
+      memcpy (ne, drawlist->entries, drawlist->size * sizeof (CtxEntry) );
+      free (drawlist->entries);
+      drawlist->entries = ne;
+      //drawlist->entries = (CtxEntry*)malloc (drawlist->entries, sizeof (CtxEntry) * new_size);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      //printf ("allocating for %p %d\n", drawlist, new_size);
+      drawlist->entries = (CtxEntry *) malloc (sizeof (CtxEntry) * new_size);
+    }
+  drawlist->size = new_size;
+    }
+  //fprintf (stderr, "drawlist %p is %d\n", drawlist, drawlist->size);
+static int
+ctx_drawlist_add_single (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int max_size = CTX_MAX_JOURNAL_SIZE;
+  int ret = drawlist->count;
+  if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST)
+    {
+      max_size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  else if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_CURRENT_PATH)
+    {
+      max_size = CTX_MAX_EDGE_LIST_SIZE;
+    }
+  if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_DOESNT_OWN_ENTRIES)
+    {
+      return ret;
+    }
+  if (ret + 8 >= drawlist->size - 20)
+    {
+      int new_ = CTX_MAX (drawlist->size * 2, ret + 8);
+      ctx_drawlist_resize (drawlist, new_);
+    }
+  if (drawlist->count >= max_size - 20)
+    {
+      return 0;
+    }
+  drawlist->entries[drawlist->count] = *entry;
+  ret = drawlist->count;
+  drawlist->count++;
+  return ret;
+ctx_add_single (Ctx *ctx, void *entry)
+  return ctx_drawlist_add_single (&ctx->drawlist, (CtxEntry *) entry);
+ctx_drawlist_add_entry (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int length = ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1;
+  int ret = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++)
+    {
+      ret = ctx_drawlist_add_single (drawlist, &entry[i]);
+    }
+  return ret;
+#if 0
+ctx_drawlist_insert_entry (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int pos, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int length = ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1;
+  int tmp_pos = ctx_drawlist_add_entry (drawlist, entry);
+  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+  {
+    for (int j = pos + i + 1; j < tmp_pos; j++)
+      drawlist->entries[j] = entry[j-1];
+    drawlist->entries[pos + i] = entry[i];
+  }
+  return pos;
+ctx_drawlist_insert_entry (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int pos, CtxEntry *entry)
+  int length = ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1;
+  int tmp_pos = ctx_drawlist_add_entry (drawlist, entry);
+#if 1
+  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
+  {
+    for (int j = tmp_pos; j > pos + i; j--)
+      drawlist->entries[j] = drawlist->entries[j-1];
+    drawlist->entries[pos + i] = entry[i];
+  }
+  return pos;
+  return tmp_pos;
+int ctx_append_drawlist (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length)
+  CtxEntry *entries = (CtxEntry *) data;
+  if (length % sizeof (CtxEntry) )
+    {
+      ctx_log("drawlist not multiple of 9\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length / sizeof (CtxEntry); i++)
+    {
+      ctx_drawlist_add_single (&ctx->drawlist, &entries[i]);
+    }
+  return 0;
+int ctx_set_drawlist (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length)
+  CtxDrawlist *drawlist = &ctx->drawlist;
+  ctx->drawlist.count = 0;
+  if (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_DOESNT_OWN_ENTRIES)
+    {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  if (length % 9) return -1;
+  ctx_drawlist_resize (drawlist, length/9);
+  memcpy (drawlist->entries, data, length);
+  drawlist->count = length / 9;
+  return length;
+int ctx_get_drawlist_count (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->drawlist.count;
+const CtxEntry *ctx_get_drawlist (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->drawlist.entries;
+ctx_add_data (Ctx *ctx, void *data, int length)
+  if (length % sizeof (CtxEntry) )
+    {
+      //ctx_log("err\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  /* some more input verification might be in order.. like
+   * verify that it is well-formed up to length?
+   *
+   * also - it would be very useful to stop processing
+   * upon flush - and do drawlist resizing.
+   */
+  return ctx_drawlist_add_entry (&ctx->drawlist, (CtxEntry *) data);
+int ctx_drawlist_add_u32 (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, CtxCode code, uint32_t u32[2])
+  CtxEntry entry = {code, {{0},}};
+  entry.data.u32[0] = u32[0];
+  entry.data.u32[1] = u32[1];
+  return ctx_drawlist_add_single (drawlist, &entry);
+int ctx_drawlist_add_data (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, const void *data, int length)
+  CtxEntry entry = {CTX_DATA, {{0},}};
+  entry.data.u32[0] = 0;
+  entry.data.u32[1] = 0;
+  int ret = ctx_drawlist_add_single (drawlist, &entry);
+  if (!data) { return -1; }
+  int length_in_blocks;
+  if (length <= 0) { length = strlen ( (char *) data) + 1; }
+  length_in_blocks = length / sizeof (CtxEntry);
+  length_in_blocks += (length % sizeof (CtxEntry) ) ?1:0;
+  if (drawlist->count + length_in_blocks + 4 > drawlist->size)
+    { ctx_drawlist_resize (drawlist, drawlist->count * 1.2 + length_in_blocks + 32); }
+  if (drawlist->count >= drawlist->size)
+    { return -1; }
+  drawlist->count += length_in_blocks;
+  drawlist->entries[ret].data.u32[0] = length;
+  drawlist->entries[ret].data.u32[1] = length_in_blocks;
+  memcpy (&drawlist->entries[ret+1], data, length);
+  {
+    //int reverse = ctx_drawlist_add (drawlist, CTX_DATA_REV);
+    CtxEntry entry = {CTX_DATA_REV, {{0},}};
+    entry.data.u32[0] = length;
+    entry.data.u32[1] = length_in_blocks;
+    ctx_drawlist_add_single (drawlist, &entry);
+    /* this reverse marker exist to enable more efficient
+       front to back traversal, can be ignored in other
+       direction, is this needed after string setters as well?
+     */
+  }
+  return ret;
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_void (CtxCode code)
+  CtxEntry command;
+  command.code = code;
+  command.data.u32[0] = 0;
+  command.data.u32[1] = 0;
+  return command;
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_f (CtxCode code, float x, float y)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (code);
+  command.data.f[0] = x;
+  command.data.f[1] = y;
+  return command;
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_u32 (CtxCode code, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (code);
+  command.data.u32[0] = x;
+  command.data.u32[1] = y;
+  return command;
+#if 0
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_s32 (CtxCode code, int32_t x, int32_t y)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (code);
+  command.data.s32[0] = x;
+  command.data.s32[1] = y;
+  return command;
+ctx_s16 (CtxCode code, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (code);
+  command.data.s16[0] = x0;
+  command.data.s16[1] = y0;
+  command.data.s16[2] = x1;
+  command.data.s16[3] = y1;
+  return command;
+static CtxEntry
+ctx_u8 (CtxCode code,
+        uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d,
+        uint8_t e, uint8_t f, uint8_t g, uint8_t h)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (code);
+  command.data.u8[0] = a;
+  command.data.u8[1] = b;
+  command.data.u8[2] = c;
+  command.data.u8[3] = d;
+  command.data.u8[4] = e;
+  command.data.u8[5] = f;
+  command.data.u8[6] = g;
+  command.data.u8[7] = h;
+  return command;
+#define CTX_PROCESS_VOID(cmd) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_void (cmd); \
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0) \
+#define CTX_PROCESS_F(cmd, x, y) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_f(cmd, x, y);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_F1(cmd, x) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_f(cmd, x, 0);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_U32(cmd, x, y) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u32(cmd, x, y);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+#define CTX_PROCESS_U8(cmd, x) do {\
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u8(cmd, x,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);\
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);}while(0)
+static void
+ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (Ctx *ctx, CtxCode code, const char *string, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1, int 
+  CtxEntry commands[1 + 2 + len/8];
+  ctx_memset (commands, 0, sizeof (commands) );
+  commands[0] = ctx_u32 (code, arg0, arg1);
+  commands[1].code = CTX_DATA;
+  commands[1].data.u32[0] = len;
+  commands[1].data.u32[1] = len/9+1;
+  memcpy( (char *) &commands[2].data.u8[0], string, len);
+  ( (char *) (&commands[2].data.u8[0]) ) [len]=0;
+  ctx_process (ctx, commands);
+static void
+ctx_process_cmd_str (Ctx *ctx, CtxCode code, const char *string, uint32_t arg0, uint32_t arg1)
+  ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (ctx, code, string, arg0, arg1, strlen (string));
+static int
+ctx_last_history (CtxDrawlist *drawlist)
+  int last_history = 0;
+  int i = 0;
+  while (i < drawlist->count)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &drawlist->entries[i];
+      i += (ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1);
+    }
+  return last_history;
+static float
+find_max_dev (CtxEntry *entry, int nentrys)
+  float max_dev = 0.0;
+  for (int c = 0; c < nentrys; c++)
+    {
+      for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+        {
+          if (entry[c].data.f[d] > max_dev)
+            { max_dev = entry[c].data.f[d]; }
+          if (entry[c].data.f[d] < -max_dev)
+            { max_dev = -entry[c].data.f[d]; }
+        }
+    }
+  return max_dev;
+static void
+pack_s8_args (CtxEntry *entry, int npairs)
+  for (int c = 0; c < npairs; c++)
+    for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+      { entry[0].data.s8[c*2+d]=entry[c].data.f[d] * CTX_SUBDIV; }
+static void
+pack_s16_args (CtxEntry *entry, int npairs)
+  for (int c = 0; c < npairs; c++)
+    for (int d = 0; d < 2; d++)
+      { entry[0].data.s16[c*2+d]=entry[c].data.f[d] * CTX_SUBDIV; }
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_remove_tiny_curves (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int start_pos)
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  if ( (drawlist->flags & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_BITPACK) == 0)
+    { return; }
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, drawlist, start_pos, CTX_ITERATOR_FLAT);
+  iterator.end_pos = drawlist->count - 5;
+  CtxCommand *command = NULL;
+  while ( (command = ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &command->entry;
+      /* things smaller than this have probably been scaled down
+         beyond recognition, bailing for both better packing and less rasterization work
+       */
+      if (command[0].code == CTX_REL_CURVE_TO)
+        {
+          float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 3);
+          if (max_dev < 1.0)
+            {
+              entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+              entry[0].data.f[0] = entry[2].data.f[0];
+              entry[0].data.f[1] = entry[2].data.f[1];
+              entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+              entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_bitpack (CtxDrawlist *drawlist, int start_pos)
+  int i = 0;
+  if ( (drawlist->flags & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_BITPACK) == 0)
+    { return; }
+  ctx_drawlist_remove_tiny_curves (drawlist, drawlist->bitpack_pos);
+  i = drawlist->bitpack_pos;
+  if (start_pos > i)
+    { i = start_pos; }
+  while (i < drawlist->count - 4) /* the -4 is to avoid looking past
+                                    initialized data we're not ready
+                                    to bitpack yet*/
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &drawlist->entries[i];
+      if (entry[0].code == CTX_SET_RGBA_U8 &&
+          entry[1].code == CTX_MOVE_TO &&
+          entry[2].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+          entry[3].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+          entry[4].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+          entry[5].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+          entry[6].code == CTX_FILL &&
+          ctx_fabsf (entry[2].data.f[0] - 1.0f) < 0.02f &&
+          ctx_fabsf (entry[3].data.f[1] - 1.0f) < 0.02f)
+        {
+          entry[0].code = CTX_SET_PIXEL;
+          entry[0].data.u16[2] = entry[1].data.f[0];
+          entry[0].data.u16[3] = entry[1].data.f[1];
+          entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[4].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[5].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[6].code = CTX_NOP;
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if (entry[0].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO)
+        {
+          if (entry[1].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+              entry[2].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+              entry[3].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else if (entry[1].code == CTX_REL_CURVE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_CURVE_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else if (entry[1].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+                   entry[2].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO &&
+                   entry[3].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else if (entry[1].code == CTX_REL_MOVE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 2);
+              if (max_dev < 31000 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s16_args (entry, 2);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else if (entry[1].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 2);
+              if (max_dev < 31000 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s16_args (entry, 2);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X2;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if (entry[0].code == CTX_REL_CURVE_TO)
+        {
+          if (entry[3].code == CTX_REL_LINE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else if (entry[3].code == CTX_REL_MOVE_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 3);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 3);
+                  ctx_arg_s8 (6) =
+                    ctx_arg_s8 (7) = 0;
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if (entry[0].code == CTX_REL_QUAD_TO)
+        {
+          if (entry[2].code == CTX_REL_QUAD_TO)
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 4);
+              if (max_dev < 114 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s8_args (entry, 4);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_REL_QUAD_TO;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+                  entry[3].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              float max_dev = find_max_dev (entry, 2);
+              if (max_dev < 3100 / CTX_SUBDIV)
+                {
+                  pack_s16_args (entry, 2);
+                  entry[0].code = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_S16;
+                  entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if (entry[0].code == CTX_FILL &&
+               entry[1].code == CTX_MOVE_TO)
+        {
+          entry[0] = entry[1];
+          entry[0].code = CTX_FILL_MOVE_TO;
+          entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if (entry[0].code == CTX_MOVE_TO &&
+               entry[1].code == CTX_MOVE_TO &&
+               entry[2].code == CTX_MOVE_TO)
+        {
+          entry[0]      = entry[2];
+          entry[0].code = CTX_MOVE_TO;
+          entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+          entry[2].code = CTX_NOP;
+        }
+#if 1
+      else if ( (entry[0].code == CTX_MOVE_TO &&
+                 entry[1].code == CTX_MOVE_TO) ||
+                (entry[0].code == CTX_REL_MOVE_TO &&
+                 entry[1].code == CTX_MOVE_TO) )
+        {
+          entry[0]      = entry[1];
+          entry[0].code = CTX_MOVE_TO;
+          entry[1].code = CTX_NOP;
+        }
+      i += (ctx_conts_for_entry (entry) + 1);
+    }
+  int source = drawlist->bitpack_pos;
+  int target = drawlist->bitpack_pos;
+  int removed = 0;
+  /* remove nops that have been inserted as part of shortenings
+   */
+  while (source < drawlist->count)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *sentry = &drawlist->entries[source];
+      CtxEntry *tentry = &drawlist->entries[target];
+      while (sentry->code == CTX_NOP && source < drawlist->count)
+        {
+          source++;
+          sentry = &drawlist->entries[source];
+          removed++;
+        }
+      if (sentry != tentry)
+        { *tentry = *sentry; }
+      source ++;
+      target ++;
+    }
+  drawlist->count -= removed;
+  drawlist->bitpack_pos = drawlist->count;
+static void
+ctx_drawlist_compact (CtxDrawlist *drawlist)
+  int last_history;
+  last_history = ctx_last_history (drawlist);
+  if (drawlist) {};
+  ctx_drawlist_bitpack (drawlist, last_history);
+#ifndef __CTX_TRANSFORM
+#define __CTX_TRANSFORM
+static void
+_ctx_user_to_device (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y)
+  ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&state->gstate.transform, x, y);
+static void
+_ctx_user_to_device_distance (CtxState *state, float *x, float *y)
+  const CtxMatrix *m = &state->gstate.transform;
+  ctx_matrix_apply_transform (m, x, y);
+  *x -= m->m[2][0];
+  *y -= m->m[2][1];
+void ctx_user_to_device          (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y)
+  _ctx_user_to_device (&ctx->state, x, y);
+void ctx_user_to_device_distance (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y)
+  _ctx_user_to_device_distance (&ctx->state, x, y);
+static void
+ctx_matrix_set (CtxMatrix *matrix, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f)
+  matrix->m[0][0] = a;
+  matrix->m[0][1] = b;
+  matrix->m[1][0] = c;
+  matrix->m[1][1] = d;
+  matrix->m[2][0] = e;
+  matrix->m[2][1] = f;
+ctx_matrix_identity (CtxMatrix *matrix)
+  matrix->m[0][0] = 1.0f;
+  matrix->m[0][1] = 0.0f;
+  matrix->m[1][0] = 0.0f;
+  matrix->m[1][1] = 1.0f;
+  matrix->m[2][0] = 0.0f;
+  matrix->m[2][1] = 0.0f;
+ctx_matrix_multiply (CtxMatrix       *result,
+                     const CtxMatrix *t,
+                     const CtxMatrix *s)
+  CtxMatrix r;
+  r.m[0][0] = t->m[0][0] * s->m[0][0] + t->m[0][1] * s->m[1][0];
+  r.m[0][1] = t->m[0][0] * s->m[0][1] + t->m[0][1] * s->m[1][1];
+  r.m[1][0] = t->m[1][0] * s->m[0][0] + t->m[1][1] * s->m[1][0];
+  r.m[1][1] = t->m[1][0] * s->m[0][1] + t->m[1][1] * s->m[1][1];
+  r.m[2][0] = t->m[2][0] * s->m[0][0] + t->m[2][1] * s->m[1][0] + s->m[2][0];
+  r.m[2][1] = t->m[2][0] * s->m[0][1] + t->m[2][1] * s->m[1][1] + s->m[2][1];
+  *result = r;
+ctx_matrix_translate (CtxMatrix *matrix, float x, float y)
+  CtxMatrix transform;
+  transform.m[0][0] = 1.0f;
+  transform.m[0][1] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][0] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][1] = 1.0f;
+  transform.m[2][0] = x;
+  transform.m[2][1] = y;
+  ctx_matrix_multiply (matrix, &transform, matrix);
+ctx_matrix_scale (CtxMatrix *matrix, float x, float y)
+  CtxMatrix transform;
+  transform.m[0][0] = x;
+  transform.m[0][1] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][0] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][1] = y;
+  transform.m[2][0] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[2][1] = 0.0f;
+  ctx_matrix_multiply (matrix, &transform, matrix);
+ctx_matrix_rotate (CtxMatrix *matrix, float angle)
+  CtxMatrix transform;
+  float val_sin = ctx_sinf (angle);
+  float val_cos = ctx_cosf (angle);
+  transform.m[0][0] =  val_cos;
+  transform.m[0][1] = val_sin;
+  transform.m[1][0] = -val_sin;
+  transform.m[1][1] = val_cos;
+  transform.m[2][0] =     0.0f;
+  transform.m[2][1] = 0.0f;
+  ctx_matrix_multiply (matrix, &transform, matrix);
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_matrix_skew_x (CtxMatrix *matrix, float angle)
+  CtxMatrix transform;
+  float val_tan = ctx_tanf (angle);
+  transform.m[0][0] =    1.0f;
+  transform.m[0][1] = 0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][0] = val_tan;
+  transform.m[1][1] = 1.0f;
+  transform.m[2][0] =    0.0f;
+  transform.m[2][1] = 0.0f;
+  ctx_matrix_multiply (matrix, &transform, matrix);
+static void
+ctx_matrix_skew_y (CtxMatrix *matrix, float angle)
+  CtxMatrix transform;
+  float val_tan = ctx_tanf (angle);
+  transform.m[0][0] =    1.0f;
+  transform.m[0][1] = val_tan;
+  transform.m[1][0] =    0.0f;
+  transform.m[1][1] = 1.0f;
+  transform.m[2][0] =    0.0f;
+  transform.m[2][1] = 0.0f;
+  ctx_matrix_multiply (matrix, &transform, matrix);
+ctx_identity (Ctx *ctx)
+ctx_apply_transform (Ctx *ctx, float a, float b,  // hscale, hskew
+                     float c, float d,  // vskew,  vscale
+                     float e, float f)  // htran,  vtran
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_APPLY_TRANSFORM, a, b),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,            c, d),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,            e, f)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+ctx_get_transform  (Ctx *ctx, float *a, float *b,
+                    float *c, float *d,
+                    float *e, float *f)
+  if (a) { *a = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[0][0]; }
+  if (b) { *b = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[0][1]; }
+  if (c) { *c = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[1][0]; }
+  if (d) { *d = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[1][1]; }
+  if (e) { *e = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[2][0]; }
+  if (f) { *f = ctx->state.gstate.transform.m[2][1]; }
+void ctx_apply_matrix (Ctx *ctx, CtxMatrix *matrix)
+  ctx_apply_transform (ctx,
+                       matrix->m[0][0], matrix->m[0][1],
+                       matrix->m[1][0], matrix->m[1][1],
+                       matrix->m[2][0], matrix->m[2][1]);
+void ctx_get_matrix (Ctx *ctx, CtxMatrix *matrix)
+  *matrix = ctx->state.gstate.transform;
+void ctx_set_matrix (Ctx *ctx, CtxMatrix *matrix)
+  ctx_identity (ctx);
+  ctx_apply_matrix (ctx, matrix);
+void ctx_rotate (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+  if (x == 0.0f)
+    return;
+  if (ctx->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE)
+    { ctx->drawlist.count--; }
+void ctx_scale (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  if (x == 1.0f && y == 1.0f)
+    return;
+  if (ctx->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE)
+    { ctx->drawlist.count--; }
+void ctx_translate (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  if (x == 0.0f && y == 0.0f)
+    return;
+  if (ctx->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE)
+    { ctx->drawlist.count--; }
+ctx_matrix_invert (CtxMatrix *m)
+  CtxMatrix t = *m;
+  float invdet, det = m->m[0][0] * m->m[1][1] -
+                      m->m[1][0] * m->m[0][1];
+  if (det > -0.0000001f && det < 0.0000001f)
+    {
+      m->m[0][0] = m->m[0][1] =
+                     m->m[1][0] = m->m[1][1] =
+                                    m->m[2][0] = m->m[2][1] = 0.0;
+      return;
+    }
+  invdet = 1.0f / det;
+  m->m[0][0] = t.m[1][1] * invdet;
+  m->m[1][0] = -t.m[1][0] * invdet;
+  m->m[2][0] = (t.m[1][0] * t.m[2][1] - t.m[1][1] * t.m[2][0]) * invdet;
+  m->m[0][1] = -t.m[0][1] * invdet;
+  m->m[1][1] = t.m[0][0] * invdet;
+  m->m[2][1] = (t.m[0][1] * t.m[2][0] - t.m[0][0] * t.m[2][1]) * invdet ;
+ctx_matrix_apply_transform (const CtxMatrix *m, float *x, float *y)
+  float x_in = *x;
+  float y_in = *y;
+  *x = ( (x_in * m->m[0][0]) + (y_in * m->m[1][0]) + m->m[2][0]);
+  *y = ( (y_in * m->m[1][1]) + (x_in * m->m[0][1]) + m->m[2][1]);
+#ifndef __CTX_COLOR
+#define __CTX_COLOR
+int ctx_color_model_get_components (CtxColorModel model)
+  switch (model)
+    {
+      case CTX_GRAY:
+        return 1;
+      case CTX_GRAYA:
+      case CTX_GRAYA_A:
+        return 1;
+      case CTX_RGB:
+      case CTX_LAB:
+      case CTX_LCH:
+      case CTX_DRGB:
+        return 3;
+      case CTX_CMYK:
+      case CTX_DCMYK:
+      case CTX_LABA:
+      case CTX_LCHA:
+      case CTX_RGBA:
+      case CTX_DRGBA:
+      case CTX_RGBA_A:
+      case CTX_RGBA_A_DEVICE:
+        return 4;
+      case CTX_DCMYKA:
+      case CTX_CMYKA:
+      case CTX_CMYKA_A:
+      case CTX_DCMYKA_A:
+        return 5;
+    }
+  return 0;
+#if 0
+inline static float ctx_u8_to_float (uint8_t val_u8)
+  float val_f = val_u8 / 255.0;
+  return val_f;
+float ctx_u8_float[256];
+CtxColor *ctx_color_new ()
+  CtxColor *color = (CtxColor*)ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxColor), 1);
+  return color;
+int ctx_color_is_transparent (CtxColor *color)
+  return color->alpha <= 0.001f;
+void ctx_color_free (CtxColor *color)
+  free (color);
+static void ctx_color_set_RGBA8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t 
+  color->original = color->valid = CTX_VALID_RGBA_U8;
+  color->rgba[0] = r;
+  color->rgba[1] = g;
+  color->rgba[2] = b;
+  color->rgba[3] = a;
+  color->space = state->gstate.device_space;
+#if 0
+static void ctx_color_set_RGBA8_ (CtxColor *color, const uint8_t *in)
+  ctx_color_set_RGBA8 (color, in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]);
+static void ctx_color_set_graya (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float gray, float alpha)
+  color->original = color->valid = CTX_VALID_GRAYA;
+  color->l = gray;
+  color->alpha = alpha;
+#if 0
+static void ctx_color_set_graya_ (CtxColor *color, const float *in)
+  return ctx_color_set_graya (color, in[0], in[1]);
+void ctx_color_set_rgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  color->original = color->valid = CTX_VALID_RGBA;
+  color->red      = r;
+  color->green    = g;
+  color->blue     = b;
+  color->space    = state->gstate.rgb_space;
+  color->original     = color->valid = CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE;
+  color->device_red   = r;
+  color->device_green = g;
+  color->device_blue  = b;
+  color->alpha        = a;
+static void ctx_color_set_drgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  color->original     = color->valid = CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE;
+  color->device_red   = r;
+  color->device_green = g;
+  color->device_blue  = b;
+  color->alpha        = a;
+  color->space        = state->gstate.device_space;
+  ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, r, g, b, a);
+#if 0
+static void ctx_color_set_rgba_ (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, const float *in)
+  ctx_color_set_rgba (color, in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]);
+/* the baseline conversions we have whether CMYK support is enabled or not,
+ * providing an effort at right rendering
+ */
+static void ctx_cmyk_to_rgb (float c, float m, float y, float k, float *r, float *g, float *b)
+  *r = (1.0f-c) * (1.0f-k);
+  *g = (1.0f-m) * (1.0f-k);
+  *b = (1.0f-y) * (1.0f-k);
+// XXX needs state
+void ctx_rgb_to_cmyk (float r, float g, float b,
+              float *c_out, float *m_out, float *y_out, float *k_out)
+  float c = 1.0f - r;
+  float m = 1.0f - g;
+  float y = 1.0f - b;
+  float k = ctx_minf (c, ctx_minf (y, m) );
+  if (k < 1.0f)
+    {
+      c = (c - k) / (1.0f - k);
+      m = (m - k) / (1.0f - k);
+      y = (y - k) / (1.0f - k);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      c = m = y = 0.0f;
+    }
+  *c_out = c;
+  *m_out = m;
+  *y_out = y;
+  *k_out = k;
+static void ctx_color_set_cmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float c, float m, float y, float k, float 
+  color->original = color->valid = CTX_VALID_CMYKA;
+  color->cyan     = c;
+  color->magenta  = m;
+  color->yellow   = y;
+  color->key      = k;
+  color->alpha    = a;
+  color->space    = state->gstate.cmyk_space;
+static void ctx_color_set_dcmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float c, float m, float y, float k, 
float a)
+  color->original       = color->valid = CTX_VALID_DCMYKA;
+  color->device_cyan    = c;
+  color->device_magenta = m;
+  color->device_yellow  = y;
+  color->device_key     = k;
+  color->alpha          = a;
+  color->space = state->gstate.device_space;
+static void ctx_rgb_user_to_device (CtxState *state, float rin, float gin, float bin,
+                                    float *rout, float *gout, float *bout)
+#if 0
+  fprintf (stderr, "-[%p %p\n",
+    state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_user_to_device,
+    state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_device_to_user);
+  if (state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_user_to_device)
+  {
+    float rgbaf[4]={rin,gin,bin,1.0};
+    float rgbafo[4];
+    babl_process (state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_user_to_device,
+                  rgbaf, rgbafo, 1);
+    *rout = rgbafo[0];
+    *gout = rgbafo[1];
+    *bout = rgbafo[2];
+    return;
+  }
+  *rout = rin;
+  *gout = gin;
+  *bout = bin;
+static void ctx_rgb_device_to_user (CtxState *state, float rin, float gin, float bin,
+                                    float *rout, float *gout, float *bout)
+#if 0
+  fprintf (stderr, "=[%p %p\n",
+    state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_user_to_device,
+    state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_device_to_user);
+  if (state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_device_to_user)
+  {
+    float rgbaf[4]={rin,gin,bin,1.0};
+    float rgbafo[4];
+    babl_process (state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_device_to_user,
+                  rgbaf, rgbafo, 1);
+    *rout = rgbafo[0];
+    *gout = rgbafo[1];
+    *bout = rgbafo[2];
+    return;
+  }
+  *rout = rin;
+  *gout = gin;
+  *bout = bin;
+static void ctx_color_get_drgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE) )
+    {
+      if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA)
+        {
+          ctx_rgb_user_to_device (state, color->red, color->green, color->blue,
+                                  & (color->device_red), & (color->device_green), & (color->device_blue) );
+        }
+      else
+        if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA_U8)
+          {
+            float red = ctx_u8_to_float (color->rgba[0]);
+            float green = ctx_u8_to_float (color->rgba[1]);
+            float blue = ctx_u8_to_float (color->rgba[2]);
+            ctx_rgb_user_to_device (state, red, green, blue,
+                                  & (color->device_red), & (color->device_green), & (color->device_blue) );
+            color->device_red = red;
+            color->device_green = green;
+            color->device_blue = blue;
+            color->alpha        = ctx_u8_to_float (color->rgba[3]);
+          }
+        else if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_CMYKA)
+          {
+            ctx_cmyk_to_rgb (color->cyan, color->magenta, color->yellow, color->key,
+                             &color->device_red,
+                             &color->device_green,
+                             &color->device_blue);
+          }
+        else if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_GRAYA)
+          {
+            color->device_red   =
+              color->device_green =
+                color->device_blue  = color->l;
+          }
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->device_red;
+  out[1] = color->device_green;
+  out[2] = color->device_blue;
+  out[3] = color->alpha;
+void ctx_color_get_rgba (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA) )
+    {
+      ctx_color_get_drgba (state, color, out);
+      if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA_DEVICE)
+        {
+          ctx_rgb_device_to_user (state, color->device_red, color->device_green, color->device_blue,
+                                  & (color->red), & (color->green), & (color->blue) );
+        }
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_RGBA;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->red;
+  out[1] = color->green;
+  out[2] = color->blue;
+  out[3] = color->alpha;
+  ctx_color_get_drgba (state, color, out);
+float ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (CtxState *state, const float *rgb)
+        // XXX todo replace with correct according to primaries
+  return CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(rgb);
+uint8_t ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (CtxState *state, const uint8_t *rgb)
+        // XXX todo replace with correct according to primaries
+  return CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(rgb);
+void ctx_color_get_graya (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_GRAYA) )
+    {
+      float rgba[4];
+      ctx_color_get_drgba (state, color, rgba);
+      color->l = ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (state, rgba);
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_GRAYA;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->l;
+  out[1] = color->alpha;
+void ctx_color_get_cmyka (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, float *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_CMYKA) )
+    {
+      if (color->valid & CTX_VALID_GRAYA)
+        {
+          color->cyan = color->magenta = color->yellow = 0.0;
+          color->key = color->l;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          float rgba[4];
+          ctx_color_get_rgba (state, color, rgba);
+          ctx_rgb_to_cmyk (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2],
+                           &color->cyan, &color->magenta, &color->yellow, &color->key);
+          color->alpha = rgba[3];
+        }
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_CMYKA;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->cyan;
+  out[1] = color->magenta;
+  out[2] = color->yellow;
+  out[3] = color->key;
+  out[4] = color->alpha;
+#if 0
+static void ctx_color_get_cmyka_u8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_CMYKA_U8) )
+    {
+      float cmyka[5];
+      ctx_color_get_cmyka (color, cmyka);
+      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
+        { color->cmyka[i] = ctx_float_to_u8 (cmyka[i]); }
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_CMYKA_U8;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->cmyka[0];
+  out[1] = color->cmyka[1];
+  out[2] = color->cmyka[2];
+  out[3] = color->cmyka[3];
+ctx_color_get_rgba8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_RGBA_U8) )
+    {
+      float rgba[4];
+      ctx_color_get_drgba (state, color, rgba);
+      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
+        { color->rgba[i] = ctx_float_to_u8 (rgba[i]); }
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_RGBA_U8;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->rgba[0];
+  out[1] = color->rgba[1];
+  out[2] = color->rgba[2];
+  out[3] = color->rgba[3];
+void ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (CtxState *state, CtxColor *color, uint8_t *out)
+  if (! (color->valid & CTX_VALID_GRAYA_U8) )
+    {
+      float graya[2];
+      ctx_color_get_graya (state, color, graya);
+      color->l_u8 = ctx_float_to_u8 (graya[0]);
+      color->rgba[3] = ctx_float_to_u8 (graya[1]);
+      color->valid |= CTX_VALID_GRAYA_U8;
+    }
+  out[0] = color->l_u8;
+  out[1] = color->rgba[3];
+ctx_get_rgba (Ctx *ctx, float *rgba)
+  ctx_color_get_rgba (& (ctx->state), &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, rgba);
+ctx_get_drgba (Ctx *ctx, float *rgba)
+  ctx_color_get_drgba (& (ctx->state), &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, rgba);
+int ctx_in_fill (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  float x1, y1, x2, y2;
+  ctx_path_extents (ctx, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+  if (x1 <= x && x <= x2 && // XXX - just bounding box for now
+      y1 <= y && y <= y2)   //
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+ctx_get_cmyka (Ctx *ctx, float *cmyka)
+  ctx_color_get_cmyka (& (ctx->state), &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, cmyka);
+ctx_get_graya (Ctx *ctx, float *ya)
+  ctx_color_get_graya (& (ctx->state), &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, ya);
+void ctx_drgba (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_DRGBA, r),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, g, b),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, a, 0)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_rgba (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_RGBA, r),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, g, b),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, a, 0)
+  };
+  float rgba[4];
+  ctx_color_get_rgba (&ctx->state, &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, rgba);
+  if (rgba[0] == r && rgba[1] == g && rgba[2] == b && rgba[3] == a)
+     return;
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_rgb (Ctx *ctx, float   r, float   g, float   b)
+  ctx_rgba (ctx, r, g, b, 1.0f);
+void ctx_gray (Ctx *ctx, float gray)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_GRAY, gray),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, 1.0f, 0.0f),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, 0.0f, 0.0f)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_cmyk (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_CMYKA, c),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, m, y),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, k, 1.0f)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_cmyka      (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k, float a)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_CMYKA, c),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, m, y),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, k, a)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_dcmyk (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_DCMYKA, c),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, m, y),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, k, 1.0f)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_dcmyka (Ctx *ctx, float c, float m, float y, float k, float a)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_DCMYKA, c),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, m, y),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, k, a)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+/* XXX: missing CSS1:
+ *
+ *   EM { color: rgb(110%, 0%, 0%) }  // clipped to 100% 
+ *
+ *
+ *   :first-letter
+ *   :first-list
+ *   :link :visited :active
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct ColorDef {
+  uint32_t name;
+  float r;
+  float g;
+  float b;
+  float a;
+} ColorDef;
+#define CTX_silver     CTX_STRH('s','i','l','v','e','r',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_fuchsia    CTX_STRH('f','u','c','h','s','i','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_gray       CTX_STRH('g','r','a','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_yellow     CTX_STRH('y','e','l','l','o','w',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_white      CTX_STRH('w','h','i','t','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_maroon     CTX_STRH('m','a','r','o','o','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_magenta    CTX_STRH('m','a','g','e','n','t','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_blue       CTX_STRH('b','l','u','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_green      CTX_STRH('g','r','e','e','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_red        CTX_STRH('r','e','d',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_purple     CTX_STRH('p','u','r','p','l','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_olive      CTX_STRH('o','l','i','v','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_teal        CTX_STRH('t','e','a','l',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_black      CTX_STRH('b','l','a','c','k',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_cyan       CTX_STRH('c','y','a','n',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_navy       CTX_STRH('n','a','v','y',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_lime       CTX_STRH('l','i','m','e',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_aqua       CTX_STRH('a','q','u','a',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
+#define CTX_transparent CTX_STRH('t','r','a','n','s','p','a','r','e','n','t',0,0,0)
+static ColorDef colors[]={
+  {CTX_black,    0, 0, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_red,      1, 0, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_green,    0, 1, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_yellow,   1, 1, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_blue,     0, 0, 1, 1},
+  {CTX_fuchsia,  1, 0, 1, 1},
+  {CTX_cyan,     0, 1, 1, 1},
+  {CTX_white,    1, 1, 1, 1},
+  {CTX_silver,   0.75294, 0.75294, 0.75294, 1},
+  {CTX_gray,     0.50196, 0.50196, 0.50196, 1},
+  {CTX_magenta,  0.50196, 0, 0.50196, 1},
+  {CTX_maroon,   0.50196, 0, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_purple,   0.50196, 0, 0.50196, 1},
+  {CTX_green,    0, 0.50196, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_lime,     0, 1, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_olive,    0.50196, 0.50196, 0, 1},
+  {CTX_navy,     0, 0,      0.50196, 1},
+  {CTX_teal,     0, 0.50196, 0.50196, 1},
+  {CTX_aqua,     0, 1, 1, 1},
+  {CTX_transparent, 0, 0, 0, 0},
+  {CTX_none,     0, 0, 0, 0},
+static int xdigit_value(const char xdigit)
+  if (xdigit >= '0' && xdigit <= '9')
+   return xdigit - '0';
+  switch (xdigit)
+  {
+    case 'A':case 'a': return 10;
+    case 'B':case 'b': return 11;
+    case 'C':case 'c': return 12;
+    case 'D':case 'd': return 13;
+    case 'E':case 'e': return 14;
+    case 'F':case 'f': return 15;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int
+ctx_color_parse_rgb (CtxState *ctxstate, CtxColor *color, const char *color_string)
+  float dcolor[4] = {0,0,0,1};
+  while (*color_string && *color_string != '(')
+    color_string++;
+  if (*color_string) color_string++;
+  {
+    int n_floats = 0;
+    char *p =    (char*)color_string;
+    char *prev = (char*)NULL;
+    for (; p && n_floats < 4 && p != prev && *p; )
+    {
+      float val;
+      prev = p;
+      val = _ctx_parse_float (p, &p);
+      if (p != prev)
+      {
+        if (n_floats < 3)
+          dcolor[n_floats++] = val/255.0;
+        else
+          dcolor[n_floats++] = val;
+        while (*p == ' ' || *p == ',')
+        {
+          p++;
+          prev++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ctx_color_set_rgba (ctxstate, color, dcolor[0], dcolor[1],dcolor[2],dcolor[3]);
+  return 0;
+static int ctx_isxdigit (uint8_t ch)
+  if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return 1;
+  if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return 1;
+  if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return 1;
+  return 0;
+static int
+mrg_color_parse_hex (CtxState *ctxstate, CtxColor *color, const char *color_string)
+  float dcolor[4]={0,0,0,1};
+  int string_length = strlen (color_string);
+  int i;
+  dcolor[3] = 1.0;
+  if (string_length == 7 ||  /* #rrggbb   */
+      string_length == 9)    /* #rrggbbaa */
+    {
+      int num_iterations = (string_length - 1) / 2;
+      for (i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i)
+        {
+          if (ctx_isxdigit (color_string[2 * i + 1]) &&
+              ctx_isxdigit (color_string[2 * i + 2]))
+            {
+              dcolor[i] = (xdigit_value (color_string[2 * i + 1]) << 4 |
+                           xdigit_value (color_string[2 * i + 2])) / 255.f;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              return 0;
+            }
+        }
+      /* Successful #rrggbb(aa) parsing! */
+      ctx_color_set_rgba (ctxstate, color, dcolor[0], dcolor[1],dcolor[2],dcolor[3]);
+      return 1;
+    }
+  else if (string_length == 4 ||  /* #rgb  */
+           string_length == 5)    /* #rgba */
+    {
+      int num_iterations = string_length - 1;
+      for (i = 0; i < num_iterations; ++i)
+        {
+          if (ctx_isxdigit (color_string[i + 1]))
+            {
+              dcolor[i] = (xdigit_value (color_string[i + 1]) << 4 |
+                           xdigit_value (color_string[i + 1])) / 255.f;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              return 0;
+            }
+        }
+      ctx_color_set_rgba (ctxstate, color, dcolor[0], dcolor[1],dcolor[2],dcolor[3]);
+      /* Successful #rgb(a) parsing! */
+      return 0;
+    }
+  /* String was of unsupported length. */
+  return 1;
+#define CTX_currentColor       CTX_STRH('c','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','o','l','o','r',0,0)
+int ctx_color_set_from_string (Ctx *ctx, CtxColor *color, const char *string)
+  int i;
+  uint32_t hash = ctx_strhash (string, 0);
+//  ctx_color_set_rgba (&(ctx->state), color, 0.4,0.1,0.9,1.0);
+//  return 0;
+    //rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);
+  if (hash == CTX_currentColor)
+  {
+    float rgba[4];
+    CtxColor ccolor;
+    ctx_get_color (ctx, CTX_color, &ccolor);
+    ctx_color_get_rgba (&(ctx->state), &ccolor, rgba);
+    ctx_color_set_rgba (&(ctx->state), color, rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  for (i = (sizeof(colors)/sizeof(colors[0]))-1; i>=0; i--)
+  {
+    if (hash == colors[i].name)
+    {
+      ctx_color_set_rgba (&(ctx->state), color,
+       colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b, colors[i].a);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if (string[0] == '#')
+    mrg_color_parse_hex (&(ctx->state), color, string);
+  else if (string[0] == 'r' &&
+      string[1] == 'g' &&
+      string[2] == 'b'
+      )
+    ctx_color_parse_rgb (&(ctx->state), color, string);
+  return 0;
+int ctx_color (Ctx *ctx, const char *string)
+  CtxColor color = {0,};
+  ctx_color_set_from_string (ctx, &color, string);
+  float rgba[4];
+  ctx_color_get_rgba (&(ctx->state), &color, rgba);
+  ctx_rgba (ctx, rgba[0],rgba[1],rgba[2],rgba[3]);
+  return 0;
+ctx_rgba8 (Ctx *ctx, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
+#if 0
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u8 (CTX_SET_RGBA_U8, r, g, b, a, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  uint8_t rgba[4];
+  ctx_color_get_rgba8 (&ctx->state, &ctx->state.gstate.source.color, rgba);
+  if (rgba[0] == r && rgba[1] == g && rgba[2] == b && rgba[3] == a)
+     return;
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);
+  ctx_rgba (ctx, r/255.0f, g/255.0f, b/255.0f, a/255.0f);
+void ctx_rasterizer_colorspace_babl (CtxState      *state,
+                                     CtxColorSpace  space_slot,
+                                     const Babl    *space)
+  switch (space_slot)
+  {
+      state->gstate.device_space = space;
+      break;
+      state->gstate.device_space = space;
+      break;
+      state->gstate.rgb_space = space;
+      break;
+      state->gstate.cmyk_space = space;
+      break;
+  }
+  if (!state->gstate.device_space) 
+       state->gstate.device_space = babl_space ("sRGB");
+  if (!state->gstate.rgb_space) 
+       state->gstate.rgb_space = babl_space ("sRGB");
+  //fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", babl_get_name (state->gstate.device_space));
+  state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_device_to_user = babl_fish (
+       babl_format_with_space ("R'G'B'A float", state->gstate.device_space),
+       babl_format_with_space ("R'G'B'A float", state->gstate.rgb_space));
+  state->gstate.fish_rgbaf_user_to_device = babl_fish (
+       babl_format_with_space ("R'G'B'A float", state->gstate.rgb_space),
+       babl_format_with_space ("R'G'B'A float", state->gstate.device_space));
+void ctx_rasterizer_colorspace_icc (CtxState      *state,
+                                    CtxColorSpace  space_slot,
+                                    char          *icc_data,
+                                    int            icc_length)
+   const char *error = NULL;
+   const Babl *space = NULL;
+   if (icc_data == NULL) space = babl_space ("sRGB");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "sRGB"))       space = babl_space ("sRGB");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "ACEScg"))     space = babl_space ("ACEScg");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "Adobish"))    space = babl_space ("Adobish");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "Apple"))      space = babl_space ("Apple");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "Rec2020"))    space = babl_space ("Rec2020");
+   if (!space && !strcmp (icc_data, "ACES2065-1")) space = babl_space ("ACES2065-1");
+   if (!space)
+   {
+     space = babl_space_from_icc (icc_data, icc_length, BABL_ICC_INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, &error);
+   }
+   if (space)
+   {
+     ctx_rasterizer_colorspace_babl (state, space_slot, space);
+   }
+void ctx_colorspace (Ctx           *ctx,
+                     CtxColorSpace  space_slot,
+                     unsigned char *data,
+                     int            data_length)
+  if (data)
+  {
+    ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (ctx, CTX_COLOR_SPACE, (char*)data, space_slot, 0, data_length);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (ctx, CTX_COLOR_SPACE, "sRGB", space_slot, 0, 4);
+  }
+//  deviceRGB .. settable when creating an RGB image surface..
+//               queryable when running in terminal - is it really needed?
+//               though it is also settable.. 
+//  userRGB - settable at any time, stored in save|restore 
+float ctx_state_get (CtxState *state, uint32_t hash)
+  for (int i = state->gstate.keydb_pos-1; i>=0; i--)
+    {
+      if (state->keydb[i].key == hash)
+        { return state->keydb[i].value; }
+    }
+  return -0.0;
+void ctx_state_set (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, float value)
+  if (key != CTX_new_state)
+    {
+      if (ctx_state_get (state, key) == value)
+        { return; }
+      for (int i = state->gstate.keydb_pos-1;
+           state->keydb[i].key != CTX_new_state && i >=0;
+           i--)
+        {
+          if (state->keydb[i].key == key)
+            {
+              state->keydb[i].value = value;
+              return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  if (state->gstate.keydb_pos >= CTX_MAX_KEYDB)
+    { return; }
+  state->keydb[state->gstate.keydb_pos].key = key;
+  state->keydb[state->gstate.keydb_pos].value = value;
+  state->gstate.keydb_pos++;
+#define CTX_KEYDB_STRING_START (-90000.0)
+static int ctx_float_is_string (float val)
+static int ctx_float_to_string_index (float val)
+  int idx = -1;
+  if (ctx_float_is_string (val))
+  {
+    idx = val - CTX_KEYDB_STRING_START;
+  }
+  return idx;
+static float ctx_string_index_to_float (int index)
+  return CTX_KEYDB_STRING_START + index;
+void *ctx_state_get_blob (CtxState *state, uint32_t key)
+  float stored = ctx_state_get (state, key);
+  int idx = ctx_float_to_string_index (stored);
+  if (idx >= 0)
+  {
+     // can we know length?
+     return &state->stringpool[idx];
+  }
+  // format number as string?
+  return NULL;
+const char *ctx_state_get_string (CtxState *state, uint32_t key)
+  const char *ret = (char*)ctx_state_get_blob (state, key);
+  if (ret && ret[0] == 127)
+    return NULL;
+  return ret;
+static void ctx_state_set_blob (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, uint8_t *data, int len)
+  int idx = state->gstate.stringpool_pos;
+  if (idx + len > CTX_STRINGPOOL_SIZE)
+  {
+    ctx_log ("blowing varpool size [%c..]\n", data[0]);
+    //fprintf (stderr, "blowing varpool size [%c%c%c..]\n", data[0],data[1], data[1]?data[2]:0);
+#if 0
+    for (int i = 0; i< CTX_STRINGPOOL_SIZE; i++)
+    {
+       if (i==0) fprintf (stderr, "\n%i ", i);
+       else      fprintf (stderr, "%c", state->stringpool[i]);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  memcpy (&state->stringpool[idx], data, len);
+  state->gstate.stringpool_pos+=len;
+  state->stringpool[state->gstate.stringpool_pos++]=0;
+  ctx_state_set (state, key, ctx_string_index_to_float (idx));
+static void ctx_state_set_string (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, const char *string)
+  float old_val = ctx_state_get (state, key);
+  int   old_idx = ctx_float_to_string_index (old_val);
+  if (old_idx >= 0)
+  {
+    const char *old_string = ctx_state_get_string (state, key);
+    if (old_string && !strcmp (old_string, string))
+      return;
+  }
+  if (ctx_str_is_number (string))
+  {
+    ctx_state_set (state, key, strtod (string, NULL));
+    return;
+  }
+  // should do same with color
+  // XXX should special case when the string modified is at the
+  //     end of the stringpool.
+  //
+  //     for clips the behavior is howevre ideal, since
+  //     we can have more than one clip per save/restore level
+  ctx_state_set_blob (state, key, (uint8_t*)string, strlen(string));
+static int ctx_state_get_color (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, CtxColor *color)
+  CtxColor *stored = (CtxColor*)ctx_state_get_blob (state, key);
+  if (stored)
+  {
+    if (stored->magic == 127)
+    {
+      *color = *stored;
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+static void ctx_state_set_color (CtxState *state, uint32_t key, CtxColor *color)
+  CtxColor mod_color;
+  CtxColor old_color;
+  mod_color = *color;
+  mod_color.magic = 127;
+  if (ctx_state_get_color (state, key, &old_color)==0)
+  {
+    if (!memcmp (&mod_color, &old_color, sizeof (mod_color)))
+      return;
+  }
+  ctx_state_set_blob (state, key, (uint8_t*)&mod_color, sizeof (CtxColor));
+const char *ctx_get_string (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash)
+  return ctx_state_get_string (&ctx->state, hash);
+float ctx_get_float (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash)
+  return ctx_state_get (&ctx->state, hash);
+int ctx_get_int (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash)
+  return ctx_state_get (&ctx->state, hash);
+void ctx_set_float (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, float value)
+  ctx_state_set (&ctx->state, hash, value);
+void ctx_set_string (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, const char *value)
+  ctx_state_set_string (&ctx->state, hash, value);
+void ctx_set_color (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, CtxColor *color)
+  ctx_state_set_color (&ctx->state, hash, color);
+int  ctx_get_color (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash, CtxColor *color)
+  return ctx_state_get_color (&ctx->state, hash, color);
+int ctx_is_set (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash)
+  return ctx_get_float (ctx, hash) != -0.0f;
+int ctx_is_set_now (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t hash)
+  return ctx_is_set (ctx, hash);
+void ctx_compositor_setup_default (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+inline static void
+ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                               uint8_t * __restrict__ dst,
+                               int            x,
+                               uint8_t * __restrict__ coverage,
+                               int            count)
+  if (rasterizer->format->apply_coverage)
+    rasterizer->format->apply_coverage(rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x, coverage, count);
+  else
+    rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_gradient_add_stop (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float pos, float *rgba)
+  CtxGradient *gradient = &rasterizer->state->gradient;
+  CtxGradientStop *stop = &gradient->stops[gradient->n_stops];
+  stop->pos = pos;
+  ctx_color_set_rgba (rasterizer->state, & (stop->color), rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]);
+  if (gradient->n_stops < 15) //we'll keep overwriting the last when out of stops
+    { gradient->n_stops++; }
+static int ctx_rasterizer_add_point (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x1, int y1)
+  CtxEntry entry = {CTX_EDGE, {{0},}};
+  if (y1 < rasterizer->scan_min)
+    { rasterizer->scan_min = y1; }
+  if (y1 > rasterizer->scan_max)
+    { rasterizer->scan_max = y1; }
+  if (x1 < rasterizer->col_min)
+    { rasterizer->col_min = x1; }
+  if (x1 > rasterizer->col_max)
+    { rasterizer->col_max = x1; }
+  entry.data.s16[2]=x1;
+  entry.data.s16[3]=y1;
+  return ctx_drawlist_add_single (&rasterizer->edge_list, &entry);
+#if 0
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME1   7853
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME2   4129
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME3   3371
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME4   4221
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME1   283
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME2   599
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME3   101
+#define CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME4   661
+float ctx_shape_cache_rate = 0.0;
+//static CtxShapeCache ctx_cache = {{NULL,}, 0};
+static long hits = 0;
+static long misses = 0;
+/* this returns the buffer to use for rendering, it always
+   succeeds..
+ */
+static CtxShapeEntry *ctx_shape_entry_find (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, uint32_t hash, int width, int height)
+  /* use both some high and some low bits  */
+  int entry_no = ( (hash >> 10) ^ (hash & 1023) ) % CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_ENTRIES;
+  int i;
+  {
+    static int i = 0;
+    i++;
+    if (i>1000)
+      {
+        ctx_shape_cache_rate = hits * 100.0  / (hits+misses);
+        i = 0;
+        hits = 0;
+        misses = 0;
+      }
+  }
+// XXX : this 1 one is needed  to silence a false positive:
+// ==90718== Invalid write of size 1
+// ==90718==    at 0x1189EF: ctx_rasterizer_generate_coverage (ctx.h:4786)
+// ==90718==    by 0x118E57: ctx_rasterizer_rasterize_edges (ctx.h:4907)
+  int size = sizeof (CtxShapeEntry) + width * height + 1;
+  i = entry_no;
+  if (rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i])
+    {
+      CtxShapeEntry *entry = rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i];
+      int old_size = sizeof (CtxShapeEntry) + width + height + 1;
+      if (entry->hash == hash &&
+          entry->width == width &&
+          entry->height == height)
+        {
+          if (entry->uses < 1<<30)
+            { entry->uses++; }
+          hits ++;
+          return entry;
+        }
+      if (old_size >= size)
+      {
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i] = NULL;
+        rasterizer->shape_cache.size -= entry->width * entry->height;
+        rasterizer->shape_cache.size -= sizeof (CtxShapeEntry);
+        free (entry);
+        rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i] =(CtxShapeEntry *) calloc (size, 1);
+      }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+        rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i] =(CtxShapeEntry *) calloc (size, 1);
+    }
+  misses ++;
+  rasterizer->shape_cache.size += size;
+  rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i]->hash=hash;
+  rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i]->width=width;
+  rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i]->height=height;
+  rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i]->uses = 0;
+  return rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i];
+static uint32_t ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_hash (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int16_t x = 0;
+  int16_t y = 0;
+  CtxEntry *entry = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[0];
+  int ox = entry->data.s16[2];
+  int oy = entry->data.s16[3];
+  uint32_t hash = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+  hash = ox;//(ox % CTX_SUBDIV);
+  hash += oy; //(oy % CTX_RASTERIZER_AA);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->edge_list.count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[i];
+      x = entry->data.s16[2];
+      y = entry->data.s16[3];
+      int dx = x-ox;
+      int dy = y-oy;
+      ox = x;
+      oy = y;
+      hash *= CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME3;
+      hash += dx;
+      hash *= CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME4;
+      hash += dy;
+    }
+  return hash;
+static uint32_t ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int16_t x = 0;
+  int16_t y = 0;
+  if (rasterizer->edge_list.count == 0)
+     return 0;
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  CtxEntry *entry = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[0];
+  int ox = entry->data.s16[2];
+  int oy = entry->data.s16[3];
+  uint32_t hash = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+  hash = (ox % CTX_SUBDIV);
+  hash += (oy % aa);
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->edge_list.count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+        {
+          entry->code = CTX_EDGE;
+          hash *= CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME2;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          entry->data.s16[0] = x;
+          entry->data.s16[1] = y;
+        }
+      x = entry->data.s16[2];
+      y = entry->data.s16[3];
+      int dx = x-ox;
+      int dy = y-oy;
+      ox = x;
+      oy = y;
+      hash *= CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME3;
+      hash += dx;
+      hash *= CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_PRIME4;
+      hash += dy;
+      if (entry->data.s16[3] < entry->data.s16[1])
+        {
+          *entry = ctx_s16 (CTX_EDGE_FLIPPED,
+                            entry->data.s16[2], entry->data.s16[3],
+                            entry->data.s16[0], entry->data.s16[1]);
+        }
+    }
+  return hash;
+  return 0;
+static void ctx_rasterizer_line_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y);
+static void ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  if (rasterizer->has_shape && rasterizer->has_prev)
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, rasterizer->first_x, rasterizer->first_y);
+      rasterizer->has_prev = 0;
+    }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_move_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y)
+  float tx = x; float ty = y;
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  rasterizer->x        = x;
+  rasterizer->y        = y;
+  rasterizer->first_x  = x;
+  rasterizer->first_y  = y;
+  rasterizer->has_prev = -1;
+  if (rasterizer->uses_transforms)
+    {
+      _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &tx, &ty);
+    }
+  tx = (tx - rasterizer->blit_x) * CTX_SUBDIV;
+  ty = ty * aa;
+  if (ty < rasterizer->scan_min)
+    { rasterizer->scan_min = ty; }
+  if (ty > rasterizer->scan_max)
+    { rasterizer->scan_max = ty; }
+  if (tx < rasterizer->col_min)
+    { rasterizer->col_min = tx; }
+  if (tx > rasterizer->col_max)
+    { rasterizer->col_max = tx; }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_line_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y)
+  float tx = x;
+  float ty = y;
+  float ox = rasterizer->x;
+  float oy = rasterizer->y;
+  if (rasterizer->uses_transforms)
+    {
+      _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &tx, &ty);
+    }
+  tx -= rasterizer->blit_x;
+#define MIN_Y -1000
+#define MAX_Y 1400
+  if (ty < MIN_Y) ty = MIN_Y;
+  if (ty > MAX_Y) ty = MAX_Y;
+  ctx_rasterizer_add_point (rasterizer, tx * CTX_SUBDIV, ty * rasterizer->aa);
+  if (rasterizer->has_prev<=0)
+    {
+      if (rasterizer->uses_transforms)
+      {
+        // storing transformed would save some processing for a tiny
+        // amount of runtime RAM XXX
+        _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &ox, &oy);
+      }
+      ox -= rasterizer->blit_x;
+  if (oy < MIN_Y) oy = MIN_Y;
+  if (oy > MAX_Y) oy = MAX_Y;
+      rasterizer->edge_list.entries[rasterizer->edge_list.count-1].data.s16[0] = ox * CTX_SUBDIV;
+      rasterizer->edge_list.entries[rasterizer->edge_list.count-1].data.s16[1] = oy * rasterizer->aa;
+      rasterizer->edge_list.entries[rasterizer->edge_list.count-1].code = CTX_NEW_EDGE;
+      rasterizer->has_prev = 1;
+    }
+  rasterizer->has_shape = 1;
+  rasterizer->y         = y;
+  rasterizer->x         = x;
+CTX_INLINE static float
+ctx_bezier_sample_1d (float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float dt)
+  float ab   = ctx_lerpf (x0, x1, dt);
+  float bc   = ctx_lerpf (x1, x2, dt);
+  float cd   = ctx_lerpf (x2, x3, dt);
+  float abbc = ctx_lerpf (ab, bc, dt);
+  float bccd = ctx_lerpf (bc, cd, dt);
+  return ctx_lerpf (abbc, bccd, dt);
+inline static void
+ctx_bezier_sample (float x0, float y0,
+                   float x1, float y1,
+                   float x2, float y2,
+                   float x3, float y3,
+                   float dt, float *x, float *y)
+  *x = ctx_bezier_sample_1d (x0, x1, x2, x3, dt);
+  *y = ctx_bezier_sample_1d (y0, y1, y2, y3, dt);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_bezier_divide (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                              float ox, float oy,
+                              float x0, float y0,
+                              float x1, float y1,
+                              float x2, float y2,
+                              float sx, float sy,
+                              float ex, float ey,
+                              float s,
+                              float e,
+                              int   iteration,
+                              float tolerance)
+  if (iteration > 8)
+    { return; }
+  float t = (s + e) * 0.5f;
+  float x, y, lx, ly, dx, dy;
+  ctx_bezier_sample (ox, oy, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t, &x, &y);
+  if (iteration)
+    {
+      lx = ctx_lerpf (sx, ex, t);
+      ly = ctx_lerpf (sy, ey, t);
+      dx = lx - x;
+      dy = ly - y;
+      if ( (dx*dx+dy*dy) < tolerance)
+        /* bailing - because for the mid-point straight line difference is
+           tiny */
+        { return; }
+      dx = sx - ex;
+      dy = ey - ey;
+      if ( (dx*dx+dy*dy) < tolerance)
+        /* bailing on tiny segments */
+        { return; }
+    }
+  ctx_rasterizer_bezier_divide (rasterizer, ox, oy, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                sx, sy, x, y, s, t, iteration + 1,
+                                tolerance);
+  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+  ctx_rasterizer_bezier_divide (rasterizer, ox, oy, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                x, y, ex, ey, t, e, iteration + 1,
+                                tolerance);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                         float x0, float y0,
+                         float x1, float y1,
+                         float x2, float y2)
+  float tolerance =
+    ctx_pow2 (rasterizer->state->gstate.transform.m[0][0]) +
+    ctx_pow2 (rasterizer->state->gstate.transform.m[1][1]);
+  float ox = rasterizer->x;
+  float oy = rasterizer->y;
+  ox = rasterizer->state->x;
+  oy = rasterizer->state->y;
+  tolerance = 1.0f/tolerance * 2;
+#if 1 // skipping this to preserve hash integrity
+  if (tolerance == 1.0f || 1)
+  {
+  float maxx = ctx_maxf (x1,x2);
+  maxx = ctx_maxf (maxx, ox);
+  maxx = ctx_maxf (maxx, x0);
+  float maxy = ctx_maxf (y1,y2);
+  maxy = ctx_maxf (maxy, oy);
+  maxy = ctx_maxf (maxy, y0);
+  float minx = ctx_minf (x1,x2);
+  minx = ctx_minf (minx, ox);
+  minx = ctx_minf (minx, x0);
+  float miny = ctx_minf (y1,y2);
+  miny = ctx_minf (miny, oy);
+  miny = ctx_minf (miny, y0);
+  _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &minx, &miny);
+  _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &maxx, &maxy);
+    if(
+        (minx > rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width) ||
+        (miny > rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height) ||
+        (maxx < rasterizer->blit_x) ||
+        (maxy < rasterizer->blit_y) )
+    {
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_bezier_divide (rasterizer,
+                                    ox, oy, x0, y0,
+                                    x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                    ox, oy, x2, y2,
+                                    0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, tolerance);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_bezier_divide (rasterizer,
+                                    ox, oy, x0, y0,
+                                    x1, y1, x2, y2,
+                                    ox, oy, x2, y2,
+                                    0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, tolerance);
+    }
+  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x2, y2);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y)
+  if (x == 0.f && y == 0.f)
+    { return; }
+  x += rasterizer->x;
+  y += rasterizer->y;
+  ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y)
+  if (x== 0.f && y==0.f)
+    { return; }
+  x += rasterizer->x;
+  y += rasterizer->y;
+  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_curve_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                             float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
+  x0 += rasterizer->x;
+  y0 += rasterizer->y;
+  x1 += rasterizer->x;
+  y1 += rasterizer->y;
+  x2 += rasterizer->x;
+  y2 += rasterizer->y;
+  ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (rasterizer, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+CTX_INLINE static int ctx_compare_edges (const void *ap, const void *bp)
+  const CtxEntry *a = (const CtxEntry *) ap;
+  const CtxEntry *b = (const CtxEntry *) bp;
+  int ycompare = a->data.s16[1] - b->data.s16[1];
+  if (ycompare)
+    { return ycompare; }
+  int xcompare = a->data.s16[0] - b->data.s16[0];
+  return xcompare;
+CTX_INLINE static int ctx_edge_qsort_partition (CtxEntry *A, int low, int high)
+  CtxEntry pivot = A[ (high+low) /2];
+  int i = low;
+  int j = high;
+  while (i <= j)
+    {
+      while (ctx_compare_edges (&A[i], &pivot) <0) { i ++; }
+      while (ctx_compare_edges (&pivot, &A[j]) <0) { j --; }
+      if (i <= j)
+        {
+          CtxEntry tmp = A[i];
+          A[i] = A[j];
+          A[j] = tmp;
+          i++;
+          j--;
+        }
+    }
+  return i;
+static void ctx_edge_qsort (CtxEntry *entries, int low, int high)
+  {
+    int p = ctx_edge_qsort_partition (entries, low, high);
+    if (low < p -1 )
+      { ctx_edge_qsort (entries, low, p - 1); }
+    if (low < high)
+      { ctx_edge_qsort (entries, p, high); }
+  }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_sort_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  if (rasterizer->edge_list.count > 1)
+    {
+      ctx_edge_qsort (& (rasterizer->edge_list.entries[0]), 0, rasterizer->edge_list.count-1);
+    }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_discard_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  rasterizer->ending_edges = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->active_edges; i++)
+    {
+      int edge_end =rasterizer->edge_list.entries[rasterizer->edges[i].index].data.s16[3];
+      if (edge_end < rasterizer->scanline)
+        {
+          int dx_dy = rasterizer->edges[i].dx;
+          if (abs(dx_dy)> CTX_RASTERIZER_AA_SLOPE_LIMIT)
+            { rasterizer->needs_aa --; }
+          rasterizer->edges[i] = rasterizer->edges[rasterizer->active_edges-1];
+          rasterizer->active_edges--;
+          i--;
+        }
+      else if (edge_end < rasterizer->scanline + rasterizer->aa)
+        rasterizer->ending_edges = 1;
+    }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_increment_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int count)
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->active_edges; i++)
+    {
+      rasterizer->edges[i].x += rasterizer->edges[i].dx * count;
+    }
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->pending_edges; i++)
+    {
+      rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-i].x += rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-i].dx * count;
+    }
+/* feeds up to rasterizer->scanline,
+   keeps a pending buffer of edges - that encompass
+   the full incoming scanline,
+   feed until the start of the scanline and check for need for aa
+   in all of pending + active edges, then
+   again feed_edges until middle of scanline if doing non-AA
+   or directly render when doing AA
+inline static void ctx_rasterizer_feed_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int miny;
+  CtxEntry *entries = rasterizer->edge_list.entries;
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->pending_edges; i++)
+    {
+      if (entries[rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-i].index].data.s16[1] <= rasterizer->scanline)
+        {
+          if (rasterizer->active_edges < CTX_MAX_EDGES-2)
+            {
+              int no = rasterizer->active_edges;
+              rasterizer->active_edges++;
+              rasterizer->edges[no] = rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-i];
+              rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-i] =
+                rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-rasterizer->pending_edges + 1];
+              rasterizer->pending_edges--;
+              i--;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  while (rasterizer->edge_pos < rasterizer->edge_list.count &&
+         (miny=entries[rasterizer->edge_pos].data.s16[1]) <= rasterizer->scanline 
+         + rasterizer->aa
+         )
+    {
+      if (rasterizer->active_edges < CTX_MAX_EDGES-2)
+        {
+          int dy = (entries[rasterizer->edge_pos].data.s16[3] -
+                    miny);
+          if (dy) /* skipping horizontal edges */
+            {
+              int yd = rasterizer->scanline - miny;
+              int no = rasterizer->active_edges;
+              rasterizer->active_edges++;
+              rasterizer->edges[no].index = rasterizer->edge_pos;
+              int index = rasterizer->edges[no].index;
+              int x0 = entries[index].data.s16[0];
+              int x1 = entries[index].data.s16[2];
+              rasterizer->edges[no].x = x0 * CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER;
+              int dx_dy;
+              //  if (dy)
+              dx_dy = CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER * (x1 - x0) / dy;
+              //  else
+              //  dx_dy = 0;
+              rasterizer->edges[no].dx = dx_dy;
+              rasterizer->edges[no].x += (yd * dx_dy);
+              // XXX : even better minx and maxx can
+              //       be derived using y0 and y1 for scaling dx_dy
+              //       when ydelta to these are smaller than
+              //       ydelta to scanline
+#if 0
+              if (dx_dy < 0)
+                {
+                  rasterizer->edges[no].minx =
+                    rasterizer->edges[no].x + dx_dy/2;
+                  rasterizer->edges[no].maxx =
+                    rasterizer->edges[no].x - dx_dy/2;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  rasterizer->edges[no].minx =
+                    rasterizer->edges[no].x - dx_dy/2;
+                  rasterizer->edges[no].maxx =
+                    rasterizer->edges[no].x + dx_dy/2;
+                }
+              if (abs(dx_dy)> CTX_RASTERIZER_AA_SLOPE_LIMIT)
+                { rasterizer->needs_aa ++; }
+              if ((miny > rasterizer->scanline) )
+                {
+                  /* it is a pending edge - we add it to the end of the array
+                     and keep a different count for items stored here, like
+                     a heap and stack growing against each other
+                  */
+                  if (rasterizer->pending_edges < CTX_MAX_PENDING-1)
+                  {
+                    rasterizer->edges[CTX_MAX_EDGES-1-rasterizer->pending_edges] =
+                    rasterizer->edges[no];
+                    rasterizer->pending_edges++;
+                    rasterizer->active_edges--;
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      rasterizer->edge_pos++;
+    }
+CTX_INLINE static int ctx_compare_edges2 (const void *ap, const void *bp)
+  const CtxEdge *a = (const CtxEdge *) ap;
+  const CtxEdge *b = (const CtxEdge *) bp;
+  return a->x - b->x;
+CTX_INLINE static int ctx_edge2_qsort_partition (CtxEdge *A, int low, int high)
+  CtxEdge pivot = A[ (high+low) /2];
+  int i = low;
+  int j = high;
+  while (i <= j)
+    {
+      while (ctx_compare_edges2 (&A[i], &pivot) <0) { i ++; }
+      while (ctx_compare_edges2 (&pivot, &A[j]) <0) { j --; }
+      if (i <= j)
+        {
+          CtxEdge tmp = A[i];
+          A[i] = A[j];
+          A[j] = tmp;
+          i++;
+          j--;
+        }
+    }
+  return i;
+static void ctx_edge2_qsort (CtxEdge *entries, int low, int high)
+  {
+    int p = ctx_edge2_qsort_partition (entries, low, high);
+    if (low < p -1 )
+      { ctx_edge2_qsort (entries, low, p - 1); }
+    if (low < high)
+      { ctx_edge2_qsort (entries, p, high); }
+  }
+static void ctx_rasterizer_sort_active_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxEdge *edges = rasterizer->edges;
+  /* we use sort networks for the very frequent cases of few active edges
+   * the built in qsort is fast, but sort networks are even faster
+   */
+  switch (rasterizer->active_edges)
+  {
+    case 0:
+    case 1: break;
+    case 2:
+#define COMPARE(a,b) \
+      if (ctx_compare_edges2 (&edges[a], &edges[b])>0)\
+      {\
+        CtxEdge tmp = edges[a];\
+        edges[a] = edges[b];\
+        edges[b] = tmp;\
+      }
+      COMPARE(0,1);
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      COMPARE(0,1); COMPARE(0,2); COMPARE(1,2);
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      COMPARE(0,1); COMPARE(2,3); COMPARE(0,2); COMPARE(1,3); COMPARE(1,2);
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      COMPARE(1,2); COMPARE(0,2); COMPARE(0,1); COMPARE(3,4); COMPARE(0,3);
+      COMPARE(1,4); COMPARE(2,4); COMPARE(1,3); COMPARE(2,3);
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      COMPARE(1,2); COMPARE(0,2); COMPARE(0,1); COMPARE(4,5);
+      COMPARE(3,5); COMPARE(3,4); COMPARE(0,3); COMPARE(1,4);
+      COMPARE(2,5); COMPARE(2,4); COMPARE(1,3); COMPARE(2,3);
+      break;
+    default:
+      ctx_edge2_qsort (&edges[0], 0, rasterizer->active_edges-1);
+      break;
+  }
+inline static void
+ctx_rasterizer_generate_coverage (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                                  int            minx,
+                                  int            maxx,
+                                  uint8_t       *coverage,
+                                  int            winding,
+                                  int            aa_factor)
+  CtxEntry *entries = rasterizer->edge_list.entries;;
+  CtxEdge  *edges = rasterizer->edges;
+  int scanline     = rasterizer->scanline;
+  int active_edges = rasterizer->active_edges;
+  int parity = 0;
+  int fraction = 255/aa_factor;
+  coverage -= minx;
+#define CTX_EDGE(no)      entries[edges[no].index]
+#define CTX_EDGE_YMIN(no) CTX_EDGE(no).data.s16[1]
+#define CTX_EDGE_X(no)     (rasterizer->edges[no].x)
+  for (int t = 0; t < active_edges -1;)
+    {
+      int ymin = CTX_EDGE_YMIN (t);
+      int next_t = t + 1;
+      if (scanline != ymin)
+        {
+          if (winding)
+            { parity += ( (CTX_EDGE (t).code == CTX_EDGE_FLIPPED) ?1:-1); }
+          else
+            { parity = 1 - parity; }
+        }
+      if (parity)
+        {
+          int x0 = CTX_EDGE_X (t)      / CTX_SUBDIV ;
+          int x1 = CTX_EDGE_X (next_t) / CTX_SUBDIV ;
+          int first = x0 / CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER;
+          int last  = x1 / CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER;
+          int graystart = 255 - ( (x0 * 256/CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER) & 0xff);
+          int grayend   = (x1 * 256/CTX_RASTERIZER_EDGE_MULTIPLIER) & 0xff;
+          if (first < minx)
+            { first = minx;
+              graystart=255;
+            }
+          if (last > maxx)
+            { last = maxx;
+              grayend=255;
+            }
+          if (first == last)
+          {
+            coverage[first] += (graystart-(255-grayend))/ aa_factor;
+          }
+          else if (first < last)
+          {
+                  /*
+            if (aa_factor == 1)
+            {
+              coverage[first] += graystart;
+              for (int x = first + 1; x < last; x++)
+                coverage[x] = 255;
+              coverage[last] = grayend;
+            }
+            else
+            */
+            {
+              coverage[first] += graystart/ aa_factor;
+              for (int x = first + 1; x < last; x++)
+                coverage[x] += fraction;
+              coverage[last]  += grayend/ aa_factor;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      t = next_t;
+    }
+  if (rasterizer->in_shadow)
+  {
+    float radius = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur;
+    int dim = 2 * radius + 1;
+    {
+      uint16_t temp[maxx-minx+1];
+      memset (temp, 0, sizeof (temp));
+      for (int x = dim/2; x < maxx-minx + 1 - dim/2; x ++)
+        for (int u = 0; u < dim; u ++)
+        {
+            temp[x] += coverage[minx+x+u-dim/2] * rasterizer->kernel[u] * 256;
+        }
+      for (int x = 0; x < maxx-minx + 1; x ++)
+        coverage[minx+x] = temp[x] >> 8;
+    }
+  }
+  if (rasterizer->clip_buffer)
+  {
+    /* perhaps not working right for clear? */
+    int y = scanline / rasterizer->aa;
+    uint8_t *clip_line = &((uint8_t*)(rasterizer->clip_buffer->data))[rasterizer->blit_width*y];
+    // XXX SIMD candidate
+    for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; x ++)
+    {
+        coverage[x] = (coverage[x] * ((clip_line[x/8]&(1<<(x%8)))?255:0))/255;
+        coverage[x] = (coverage[x] * clip_line[x])/255;
+    }
+  }
+  if (rasterizer->aa == 1)
+  {
+    for (int x = minx; x <= maxx; x ++)
+     coverage[x] = coverage[x] > 127?255:0;
+  }
+#undef CTX_EDGE_Y0
+#undef CTX_EDGE
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_reset (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  rasterizer->pending_edges   = 0;
+  rasterizer->active_edges    = 0;
+  rasterizer->has_shape       = 0;
+  rasterizer->has_prev        = 0;
+  rasterizer->edge_list.count = 0; // ready for new edges
+  rasterizer->edge_pos        = 0;
+  rasterizer->needs_aa        = 0;
+  rasterizer->scanline        = 0;
+  if (!rasterizer->preserve)
+  {
+    rasterizer->scan_min      = 5000;
+    rasterizer->scan_max      = -5000;
+    rasterizer->col_min       = 5000;
+    rasterizer->col_max       = -5000;
+  }
+  //rasterizer->comp_op       = NULL;
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rasterize_edges (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int winding
+                                ,CtxShapeEntry *shape
+                               )
+  uint8_t *dst = ( (uint8_t *) rasterizer->buf);
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  int scan_start = rasterizer->blit_y * aa;
+  int scan_end   = scan_start + rasterizer->blit_height * aa;
+  int blit_width = rasterizer->blit_width;
+  int blit_max_x = rasterizer->blit_x + blit_width;
+  int minx       = rasterizer->col_min / CTX_SUBDIV - rasterizer->blit_x;
+  int maxx       = (rasterizer->col_max + CTX_SUBDIV-1) / CTX_SUBDIV - rasterizer->blit_x;
+#if 1
+  if (
+    !shape &&
+    maxx > blit_max_x - 1)
+    { maxx = blit_max_x - 1; }
+#if 1
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x>
+      minx)
+    { minx = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x; }
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x <
+      maxx)
+    { maxx = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x; }
+  if (minx < 0)
+    { minx = 0; }
+  if (minx >= maxx)
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+      return;
+    }
+  uint8_t _coverage[shape?2:maxx-minx+1];
+  uint8_t _coverage[maxx-minx+1];
+  uint8_t *coverage = &_coverage[0];
+  ctx_compositor_setup_default (rasterizer);
+  if (shape)
+    {
+      coverage = &shape->data[0];
+    }
+  ctx_assert (coverage);
+  rasterizer->scan_min -= (rasterizer->scan_min % aa);
+  if (shape)
+    {
+      scan_start = rasterizer->scan_min;
+      scan_end   = rasterizer->scan_max;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (rasterizer->scan_min > scan_start)
+        {
+          dst += (rasterizer->blit_stride * (rasterizer->scan_min-scan_start) / aa);
+          scan_start = rasterizer->scan_min;
+        }
+      if (rasterizer->scan_max < scan_end)
+        { scan_end = rasterizer->scan_max; }
+    }
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y * aa > scan_start )
+    { 
+       dst += (rasterizer->blit_stride * (rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y * aa -scan_start) / aa);
+       scan_start = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y * aa; 
+    }
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y * aa < scan_end)
+    { scan_end = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y * aa; }
+  if (scan_start > scan_end ||
+      (scan_start > (rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height) * aa) ||
+      (scan_end < (rasterizer->blit_y) * aa))
+  { 
+    /* not affecting this rasterizers scanlines */
+    ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+    return;
+  }
+  ctx_rasterizer_sort_edges (rasterizer);
+  if (maxx>minx)
+  {
+    int halfstep2 = aa/2;
+    int halfstep  = aa/2 + 1;
+    rasterizer->needs_aa = 0;
+    rasterizer->scanline = scan_start-aa*200;
+    ctx_rasterizer_feed_edges (rasterizer);
+    ctx_rasterizer_discard_edges (rasterizer);
+    ctx_rasterizer_increment_edges (rasterizer, aa * 200);
+    rasterizer->scanline = scan_start;
+    ctx_rasterizer_feed_edges (rasterizer);
+    ctx_rasterizer_discard_edges (rasterizer);
+  for (rasterizer->scanline = scan_start; rasterizer->scanline <= scan_end;)
+    {
+      ctx_memset (coverage, 0,
+                  shape?shape->width:
+                  sizeof (_coverage) );
+      rasterizer->needs_aa = 1;
+      if (rasterizer->needs_aa
+        || rasterizer->pending_edges
+        || rasterizer->ending_edges
+        || rasterizer->force_aa
+        || aa == 1
+          )
+        {
+          for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->aa; i++)
+            {
+              ctx_rasterizer_sort_active_edges (rasterizer);
+              ctx_rasterizer_generate_coverage (rasterizer, minx, maxx, coverage, winding, aa);
+              rasterizer->scanline ++;
+              ctx_rasterizer_increment_edges (rasterizer, 1);
+              ctx_rasterizer_feed_edges (rasterizer);
+  ctx_rasterizer_discard_edges (rasterizer);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ctx_rasterizer_increment_edges (rasterizer, halfstep);
+          ctx_rasterizer_sort_active_edges (rasterizer);
+          ctx_rasterizer_generate_coverage (rasterizer, minx, maxx, coverage, winding, 1);
+          ctx_rasterizer_increment_edges (rasterizer, halfstep2);
+          rasterizer->scanline += rasterizer->aa;
+          ctx_rasterizer_feed_edges (rasterizer);
+  ctx_rasterizer_discard_edges (rasterizer);
+        }
+        {
+          if (shape == NULL)
+            {
+#if 0
+              if (aa==1)
+              {
+                for (int x = 0; x < maxx-minx; x++)
+                  coverage
+              }
+              ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                             &dst[(minx * rasterizer->format->bpp) /8],
+                                             minx,
+                                             coverage, maxx-minx + 1);
+            }
+        }
+      if (shape)
+        {
+          coverage += shape->width;
+        }
+      dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+    }
+  }
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OUT ||
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_IN ||
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN ||
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY ||
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP ||
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+  {
+     /* fill in the rest of the blitrect when compositing mode permits it */
+     uint8_t nocoverage[rasterizer->blit_width];
+     //int gscan_start = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y * aa;
+     int gscan_start = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y * aa;
+     int gscan_end = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y * aa;
+     memset (nocoverage, 0, sizeof(nocoverage));
+     int startx   = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x;
+     int endx     = rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x;
+     int clipw    = endx-startx + 1;
+     uint8_t *dst = ( (uint8_t *) rasterizer->buf);
+     dst = (uint8_t*)(rasterizer->buf) + rasterizer->blit_stride * (gscan_start / aa);
+     for (rasterizer->scanline = gscan_start; rasterizer->scanline < scan_start;)
+     {
+       ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                      &dst[ (startx * rasterizer->format->bpp) /8],
+                                      0,
+                                      nocoverage, clipw);
+       rasterizer->scanline += aa;
+       dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+     }
+     if (minx < startx)
+     {
+     dst = (uint8_t*)(rasterizer->buf) + rasterizer->blit_stride * (scan_start / aa);
+     for (rasterizer->scanline = scan_start; rasterizer->scanline < scan_end;)
+     {
+       ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                      &dst[ (startx * rasterizer->format->bpp) /8],
+                                      0,
+                                      nocoverage, minx-startx);
+       dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+     }
+     }
+     if (endx > maxx)
+     {
+     dst = (uint8_t*)(rasterizer->buf) + rasterizer->blit_stride * (scan_start / aa);
+     for (rasterizer->scanline = scan_start; rasterizer->scanline < scan_end;)
+     {
+       ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                      &dst[ (maxx * rasterizer->format->bpp) /8],
+                                      0,
+                                      nocoverage, endx-maxx);
+       rasterizer->scanline += aa;
+       dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+     }
+     }
+     dst = (uint8_t*)(rasterizer->buf) + rasterizer->blit_stride * (scan_end / aa);
+     // XXX valgrind/asan this
+     if(0)for (rasterizer->scanline = scan_end; rasterizer->scanline/aa < gscan_end-1;)
+     {
+       ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                      &dst[ (startx * rasterizer->format->bpp) /8],
+                                      0,
+                                      nocoverage, clipw-1);
+       rasterizer->scanline += aa;
+       dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+     }
+  }
+  ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+static int
+ctx_rasterizer_fill_rect (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          int          x0,
+                          int          y0,
+                          int          x1,
+                          int          y1)
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  if (x0>x1) { // && y0>y1) { 
+     int tmp = x1;
+     x1 = x0;
+     x0 = tmp;
+     tmp = y1;
+     y1 = y0;
+     y0 = tmp;
+  }
+  if (x1 % CTX_SUBDIV ||
+      x0 % CTX_SUBDIV ||
+      y1 % aa ||
+      y0 % aa)
+    { return 0; }
+  x1 /= CTX_SUBDIV;
+  x0 /= CTX_SUBDIV;
+  y1 /= aa;
+  y0 /= aa;
+  uint8_t coverage[x1-x0 + 1];
+  uint8_t *dst = ( (uint8_t *) rasterizer->buf);
+  ctx_compositor_setup_default (rasterizer);
+  ctx_memset (coverage, 0xff, sizeof (coverage) );
+  if (x0 < rasterizer->blit_x)
+    { x0 = rasterizer->blit_x; }
+  if (y0 < rasterizer->blit_y)
+    { y0 = rasterizer->blit_y; }
+  if (y1 > rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height)
+    { y1 = rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height; }
+  if (x1 > rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width)
+    { x1 = rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width; }
+  dst += (y0 - rasterizer->blit_y) * rasterizer->blit_stride;
+  int width = x1 - x0;
+  if (width > 0)
+    {
+      rasterizer->scanline = y0 * aa;
+      for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++)
+        {
+          rasterizer->scanline += aa;
+          ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                         &dst[ (x0) * rasterizer->format->bpp/8],
+                                         x0,
+                                         coverage, width);
+          dst += rasterizer->blit_stride;
+        }
+    }
+  return 1;
+inline static int
+ctx_is_transparent (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+    return 1;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+  {
+    uint8_t ga[2];
+    ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, ga);
+    if (ga[1] == 0)
+      return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_fill (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int count = rasterizer->preserve?rasterizer->edge_list.count:0;
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  CtxEntry temp[count]; /* copy of already built up path's poly line
+                          XXX - by building a large enough path
+                          the stack can be smashed!
+                         */
+  if (rasterizer->preserve)
+    { memcpy (temp, rasterizer->edge_list.entries, sizeof (temp) ); }
+  if (rasterizer->in_shadow)
+  {
+  for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->edge_list.count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[i];
+      entry->data.s16[2] += rasterizer->shadow_x * CTX_SUBDIV;
+      entry->data.s16[3] += rasterizer->shadow_y * aa;
+    }
+    rasterizer->scan_min += rasterizer->shadow_y * aa;
+    rasterizer->scan_max += rasterizer->shadow_y * aa;
+    rasterizer->col_min  += (rasterizer->shadow_x - rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur * 3 + 1) * 
+    rasterizer->col_max  += (rasterizer->shadow_x + rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur * 3 + 1) * 
+  }
+  if (ctx_is_transparent (rasterizer) ||
+      rasterizer->scan_min / aa > rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height ||
+      rasterizer->scan_max / aa < rasterizer->blit_y ||
+      rasterizer->col_min / CTX_SUBDIV > rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width ||
+      rasterizer->col_max / CTX_SUBDIV < rasterizer->blit_x)
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    ctx_compositor_setup_default (rasterizer);
+    rasterizer->state->min_x =
+      ctx_mini (rasterizer->state->min_x, rasterizer->col_min / CTX_SUBDIV);
+    rasterizer->state->max_x =
+      ctx_maxi (rasterizer->state->max_x, rasterizer->col_max / CTX_SUBDIV);
+    rasterizer->state->min_y =
+      ctx_mini (rasterizer->state->min_y, rasterizer->scan_min / aa);
+    rasterizer->state->max_y =
+      ctx_maxi (rasterizer->state->max_y, rasterizer->scan_max / aa);
+    if (rasterizer->edge_list.count == 6)
+      {
+        CtxEntry *entry0 = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[0];
+        CtxEntry *entry1 = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[1];
+        CtxEntry *entry2 = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[2];
+        CtxEntry *entry3 = &rasterizer->edge_list.entries[3];
+        if (!rasterizer->state->gstate.clipped &&
+             (entry0->data.s16[2] == entry1->data.s16[2]) &&
+             (entry0->data.s16[3] == entry3->data.s16[3]) &&
+             (entry1->data.s16[3] == entry2->data.s16[3]) &&
+             (entry2->data.s16[2] == entry3->data.s16[2]) &&
+             ((entry3->data.s16[2] & (CTX_SUBDIV-1)) == 0)  &&
+             ((entry3->data.s16[3] & (aa-1)) == 0)
+             && !rasterizer->in_shadow
+           )
+        if (ctx_rasterizer_fill_rect (rasterizer,
+                                      entry3->data.s16[2],
+                                      entry3->data.s16[3],
+                                      entry1->data.s16[2],
+                                      entry1->data.s16[3]) )
+          {
+            ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+            goto done;
+          }
+      }
+    ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+    uint32_t hash = ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_edges (rasterizer);
+    int width = (rasterizer->col_max + (CTX_SUBDIV-1) ) / CTX_SUBDIV - rasterizer->col_min/CTX_SUBDIV + 1;
+    int height = (rasterizer->scan_max + (aa-1) ) / aa - rasterizer->scan_min / aa + 1;
+    if (width * height < CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_DIM && width >=1 && height >= 1
+        && width < CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_MAX_DIM
+        && height < CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_MAX_DIM 
+        && !rasterizer->state->gstate.clipped // XXX  - this causes any clipping, also rectangular -
+                                              //        to disable caching
+        && !rasterizer->in_shadow
+        )
+      {
+        int scan_min = rasterizer->scan_min;
+        int col_min = rasterizer->col_min;
+        scan_min -= (scan_min % aa);
+        int y0 = scan_min / aa;
+        int y1 = y0 + height;
+        int x0 = col_min / CTX_SUBDIV;
+        int ymin = y0;
+        int x1 = x0 + width;
+        int clip_x_min = rasterizer->blit_x;
+        int clip_x_max = rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width - 1;
+        int clip_y_min = rasterizer->blit_y;
+        int clip_y_max = rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height - 1;
+        int dont_cache = 0;
+        if (x1 >= clip_x_max)
+          { x1 = clip_x_max;
+            dont_cache = 1;
+          }
+        int xo = 0;
+        if (x0 < clip_x_min)
+          {
+            xo = clip_x_min - x0;
+            x0 = clip_x_min;
+            dont_cache = 1;
+          }
+        if (y0 < clip_y_min || y1 >= clip_y_max)
+          dont_cache = 1;
+        if (dont_cache)
+        {
+          ctx_rasterizer_rasterize_edges (rasterizer, rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule
+                                        , NULL
+                                       );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        rasterizer->scanline = scan_min;
+        CtxShapeEntry *shape = ctx_shape_entry_find (rasterizer, hash, width, height); 
+        if (shape->uses == 0)
+          {
+            ctx_rasterizer_rasterize_edges (rasterizer, rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule, shape);
+          }
+        rasterizer->scanline = scan_min;
+        int ewidth = x1 - x0;
+        if (ewidth>0)
+          for (int y = y0; y < y1; y++)
+            {
+              if ( (y >= clip_y_min) && (y <= clip_y_max) )
+                {
+                  ctx_rasterizer_apply_coverage (rasterizer,
+                                                 ( (uint8_t *) rasterizer->buf) + (y-rasterizer->blit_y) * 
rasterizer->blit_stride + (int) (x0) * rasterizer->format->bpp/8,
+                                                 x0,
+                                                 &shape->data[shape->width * (int) (y-ymin) + xo],
+                                                 ewidth );
+                }
+               rasterizer->scanline += aa;
+            }
+        if (shape->uses != 0)
+          {
+            ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    else
+    ctx_rasterizer_rasterize_edges (rasterizer, rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule
+                                    , NULL
+                                   );
+  }
+  done:
+  if (rasterizer->preserve)
+    {
+      memcpy (rasterizer->edge_list.entries, temp, sizeof (temp) );
+      rasterizer->edge_list.count = count;
+    }
+  if (rasterizer->in_shadow)
+  {
+    rasterizer->scan_min -= rasterizer->shadow_y * aa;
+    rasterizer->scan_max -= rasterizer->shadow_y * aa;
+    rasterizer->col_min  -= (rasterizer->shadow_x - rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur * 3 + 1) * 
+    rasterizer->col_max  -= (rasterizer->shadow_x + rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur * 3 + 1) * 
+  }
+  rasterizer->preserve = 0;
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_triangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                         int x0, int y0,
+                         int x1, int y1,
+                         int x2, int y2,
+                         int r0, int g0, int b0, int a0,
+                         int r1, int g1, int b1, int a1,
+                         int r2, int g2, int b2, int a2,
+                         int u0, int v0,
+                         int u1, int v1)
+static int _ctx_glyph (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_glyph (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  float tx = rasterizer->state->x;
+  float ty = rasterizer->state->y - rasterizer->state->gstate.font_size;
+  float tx2 = rasterizer->state->x + rasterizer->state->gstate.font_size;
+  float ty2 = rasterizer->state->y + rasterizer->state->gstate.font_size;
+  _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &tx, &ty);
+  _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &tx2, &ty2);
+  if (tx2 < rasterizer->blit_x || ty2 < rasterizer->blit_y) return;
+  if (tx  > rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width ||
+      ty  > rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height)
+          return;
+  _ctx_glyph (rasterizer->ctx, unichar, stroke);
+typedef struct _CtxTermGlyph CtxTermGlyph;
+struct _CtxTermGlyph
+  uint32_t unichar;
+  int      col;
+  int      row;
+  uint8_t  rgba_bg[4];
+  uint8_t  rgba_fg[4];
+static void
+_ctx_text (Ctx        *ctx,
+           const char *string,
+           int         stroke,
+           int         visible);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_text (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, const char *string, int stroke)
+  if (rasterizer->term_glyphs && !stroke)
+  {
+    int col = rasterizer->x / 2 + 1;
+    int row = rasterizer->y / 4 + 1;
+    for (int i = 0; string[i]; i++, col++)
+    {
+      CtxTermGlyph *glyph = ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxTermGlyph), 1);
+      ctx_list_prepend (&rasterizer->glyphs, glyph);
+      glyph->unichar = string[i];
+      glyph->col = col;
+      glyph->row = row;
+      ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color,
+                      glyph->rgba_fg);
+    }
+    //_ctx_text (rasterizer->ctx, string, stroke, 1);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    _ctx_text (rasterizer->ctx, string, stroke, 1);
+  }
+_ctx_font (Ctx *ctx, const char *name);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_set_font (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, const char *font_name)
+  _ctx_font (rasterizer->ctx, font_name);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_arc (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                    float        x,
+                    float        y,
+                    float        radius,
+                    float        start_angle,
+                    float        end_angle,
+                    int          anticlockwise)
+  full_segments = radius * CTX_PI;
+    { full_segments = CTX_RASTERIZER_MAX_CIRCLE_SEGMENTS; }
+  float step = CTX_PI*2.0/full_segments;
+  int steps;
+  if (end_angle < -10.0)
+    end_angle = -10.0;
+  if (start_angle < -10.0)
+    start_angle = -10.0;
+  if (end_angle > 10.0)
+    end_angle = 10.0;
+  if (start_angle > 10.0)
+    start_angle = 10.0;
+  if (radius <= 0.0001)
+          return;
+  if (end_angle == start_angle)
+          // XXX also detect arcs fully outside render view
+    {
+    if (rasterizer->has_prev!=0)
+      ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x + ctx_cosf (end_angle) * radius,
+                              y + ctx_sinf (end_angle) * radius);
+      else
+      ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, x + ctx_cosf (end_angle) * radius,
+                            y + ctx_sinf (end_angle) * radius);
+      return;
+    }
+#if 0
+  if ( (!anticlockwise && (end_angle - start_angle >= CTX_PI*2) ) ||
+       ( (anticlockwise && (start_angle - end_angle >= CTX_PI*2) ) ) )
+    {
+      end_angle = start_angle;
+      steps = full_segments - 1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      steps = (end_angle - start_angle) / (CTX_PI*2) * full_segments;
+      if (steps > full_segments)
+              steps = full_segments;
+      if (anticlockwise)
+        { steps = full_segments - steps; };
+    }
+  if (anticlockwise) { step = step * -1; }
+  int first = 1;
+  if (steps == 0 /* || steps==full_segments -1  || (anticlockwise && steps == full_segments) */)
+    {
+      float xv = x + ctx_cosf (start_angle) * radius;
+      float yv = y + ctx_sinf (start_angle) * radius;
+      if (!rasterizer->has_prev)
+        { ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, xv, yv); }
+      first = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      for (float angle = start_angle, i = 0; i < steps; angle += step, i++)
+        {
+          float xv = x + ctx_cosf (angle) * radius;
+          float yv = y + ctx_sinf (angle) * radius;
+          if (first && !rasterizer->has_prev)
+            { ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, xv, yv); }
+          else
+            { ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, xv, yv); }
+          first = 0;
+        }
+    }
+  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x + ctx_cosf (end_angle) * radius,
+                          y + ctx_sinf (end_angle) * radius);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_quad_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                        float        cx,
+                        float        cy,
+                        float        x,
+                        float        y)
+  /* XXX : it is probably cheaper/faster to do quad interpolation directly -
+   *       though it will increase the code-size, an
+   *       alternative is to turn everything into cubic
+   *       and deal with cubics more directly during
+   *       rasterization
+   */
+  ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (rasterizer,
+                           (cx * 2 + rasterizer->x) / 3.0f, (cy * 2 + rasterizer->y) / 3.0f,
+                           (cx * 2 + x) / 3.0f,           (cy * 2 + y) / 3.0f,
+                           x,                              y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rel_quad_to (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                            float cx, float cy,
+                            float x,  float y)
+  ctx_rasterizer_quad_to (rasterizer, cx + rasterizer->x, cy + rasterizer->y,
+                          x  + rasterizer->x, y  + rasterizer->y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_pset (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, int y, uint8_t cov)
+  // XXX - we avoid rendering here x==0 - to keep with
+  //  an off-by one elsewhere
+  //
+  //  XXX onlt works in rgba8 formats
+  if (x <= 0 || y < 0 || x >= rasterizer->blit_width ||
+      y >= rasterizer->blit_height)
+    { return; }
+  uint8_t fg_color[4];
+  ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, fg_color);
+  uint8_t pixel[4];
+  uint8_t *dst = ( (uint8_t *) rasterizer->buf);
+  dst += y * rasterizer->blit_stride;
+  dst += x * rasterizer->format->bpp / 8;
+  if (!rasterizer->format->to_comp ||
+      !rasterizer->format->from_comp)
+    { return; }
+  if (cov == 255)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        {
+          pixel[c] = fg_color[c];
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      rasterizer->format->to_comp (rasterizer, x, dst, &pixel[0], 1);
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        {
+          pixel[c] = ctx_lerp_u8 (pixel[c], fg_color[c], cov);
+        }
+    }
+  rasterizer->format->from_comp (rasterizer, x, &pixel[0], dst, 1);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_stroke_1px (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int count = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+  CtxEntry *temp = rasterizer->edge_list.entries;
+  float prev_x = 0.0f;
+  float prev_y = 0.0f;
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  int start = 0;
+  int end = 0;
+#if 0
+  float factor = 
+     ctx_maxf (ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][0]),
+                         ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][1]) ),
+               ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][0]),
+                         ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][1]) ) );
+  while (start < count)
+    {
+      int started = 0;
+      int i;
+      for (i = start; i < count; i++)
+        {
+          CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+          float x, y;
+          if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+            {
+              if (started)
+                {
+                  end = i - 1;
+                  goto foo;
+                }
+              prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+              prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+              started = 1;
+              start = i;
+            }
+          x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+          y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+          int dx = x - prev_x;
+          int dy = y - prev_y;
+          int length = ctx_maxf (abs (dx), abs (dy) );
+          if (length)
+            {
+              length *= LENGTH_OVERSAMPLE;
+              int len = length;
+              int tx = prev_x * 256;
+              int ty = prev_y * 256;
+              dx *= 256;
+              dy *= 256;
+              dx /= length;
+              dy /= length;
+              for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                {
+                  ctx_rasterizer_pset (rasterizer, tx/256, ty/256, 255);
+                  tx += dx;
+                  ty += dy;
+                  ctx_rasterizer_pset (rasterizer, tx/256, ty/256, 255);
+                }
+            }
+          prev_x = x;
+          prev_y = y;
+        }
+      end = i-1;
+      start = end+1;
+    }
+  ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_stroke (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxState *state = rasterizer->state;
+  int count = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+  int preserved = rasterizer->preserve;
+  // YYY
+  float factor = ctx_maxf (ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][1]) ),
+                        ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][1]) ) );
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  CtxEntry temp[count]; /* copy of already built up path's poly line  */
+  memcpy (temp, rasterizer->edge_list.entries, sizeof (temp) );
+#if 1
+  if (rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * factor <= 0.0f &&
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * factor > -10.0f)
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_stroke_1px (rasterizer);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer); /* then start afresh with our stroked shape  */
+      CtxMatrix transform_backup = rasterizer->state->gstate.transform;
+      ctx_matrix_identity (&rasterizer->state->gstate.transform);
+      float prev_x = 0.0f;
+      float prev_y = 0.0f;
+      float half_width_x = rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * factor/2;
+      float half_width_y = rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * factor/2;
+      if (rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width <= 0.0f)
+        {
+          half_width_x = .5;
+          half_width_y = .5;
+        }
+      int start = 0;
+      int end   = 0;
+      while (start < count)
+        {
+          int started = 0;
+          int i;
+          for (i = start; i < count; i++)
+            {
+              CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+              float x, y;
+              if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+                {
+                  if (started)
+                    {
+                      end = i - 1;
+                      goto foo;
+                    }
+                  prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                  prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+                  started = 1;
+                  start = i;
+                }
+              x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+              y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+              float dx = x - prev_x;
+              float dy = y - prev_y;
+              float length = ctx_fast_hypotf (dx, dy);
+              if (length>0.001f)
+                {
+                  dx = dx/length * half_width_x;
+                  dy = dy/length * half_width_y;
+                  if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+                    {
+                      ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+                      ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, prev_x+dy, prev_y-dx);
+                    }
+                  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, prev_x-dy, prev_y+dx);
+                  // XXX possible miter line-to
+                  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x-dy, y+dx);
+                }
+              prev_x = x;
+              prev_y = y;
+            }
+          end = i-1;
+          for (int i = end; i >= start; i--)
+            {
+              CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+              float x, y, dx, dy;
+              x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+              y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+              dx = x - prev_x;
+              dy = y - prev_y;
+              float length = ctx_fast_hypotf (dx, dy);
+              dx = dx/length * half_width_x;
+              dy = dy/length * half_width_y;
+              if (length>0.001f)
+                {
+                  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, prev_x-dy, prev_y+dx);
+                  // XXX possible miter line-to
+                  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x-dy,      y+dx);
+                }
+              prev_x = x;
+              prev_y = y;
+              if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+                {
+                  x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                  y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+                  dx = x - prev_x;
+                  dy = y - prev_y;
+                  length = ctx_fast_hypotf (dx, dy);
+                  if (length>0.001f)
+                    {
+                      dx = dx / length * half_width_x;
+                      dy = dy / length * half_width_y;
+                      ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, prev_x-dy, prev_y+dx);
+                      ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x-dy, y+dx);
+                    }
+                }
+              if ( (prev_x != x) && (prev_y != y) )
+                {
+                  prev_x = x;
+                  prev_y = y;
+                }
+            }
+          start = end+1;
+        }
+      ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+      switch (rasterizer->state->gstate.line_cap)
+        {
+          case CTX_CAP_SQUARE: // XXX:NYI
+          case CTX_CAP_NONE: /* nothing to do */
+            break;
+          case CTX_CAP_ROUND:
+            {
+              float x = 0, y = 0;
+              int has_prev = 0;
+              for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+                {
+                  CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+                  if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+                    {
+                      if (has_prev)
+                        {
+                          ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x, y, half_width_x, CTX_PI*3, 0, 1);
+                          ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+                        }
+                      x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                      y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+                      ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x, y, half_width_x, CTX_PI*3, 0, 1);
+                      ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+                    }
+                  x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                  y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+                  has_prev = 1;
+                }
+              ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+              ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x, y, half_width_x, CTX_PI*3, 0, 1);
+              ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      switch (rasterizer->state->gstate.line_join)
+        {
+          case CTX_JOIN_BEVEL:
+          case CTX_JOIN_MITER:
+            break;
+          case CTX_JOIN_ROUND:
+            {
+              float x = 0, y = 0;
+              for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++)
+                {
+                  CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+                  x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                  y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+                  if (entry[1].code == CTX_EDGE)
+                    {
+                      ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x, y, half_width_x, CTX_PI*2, 0, 1);
+                      ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+                    }
+                }
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      CtxFillRule rule_backup = rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule;
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule = CTX_FILL_RULE_WINDING;
+      rasterizer->preserve = 0; // so fill isn't tripped
+      ctx_rasterizer_fill (rasterizer);
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule = rule_backup;
+      //rasterizer->state->gstate.source = source_backup;
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.transform = transform_backup;
+    }
+  if (preserved)
+    {
+      memcpy (rasterizer->edge_list.entries, temp, sizeof (temp) );
+      rasterizer->edge_list.count = count;
+      rasterizer->preserve = 0;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_clip_reset (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  if (rasterizer->clip_buffer)
+   ctx_buffer_free (rasterizer->clip_buffer);
+  rasterizer->clip_buffer = NULL;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x = rasterizer->blit_x;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y = rasterizer->blit_y;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x = rasterizer->blit_x + rasterizer->blit_width - 1;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y = rasterizer->blit_y + rasterizer->blit_height - 1;
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_clip_apply (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                           CtxEntry      *edges)
+  int count = edges[0].data.u32[0];
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  int minx = 5000;
+  int miny = 5000;
+  int maxx = -5000;
+  int maxy = -5000;
+  int prev_x = 0;
+  int prev_y = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &edges[i+1];
+      float x, y;
+      if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+        {
+          prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+          prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+          if (prev_x < minx) { minx = prev_x; }
+          if (prev_y < miny) { miny = prev_y; }
+          if (prev_x > maxx) { maxx = prev_x; }
+          if (prev_y > maxy) { maxy = prev_y; }
+        }
+      x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+      y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+      if (x < minx) { minx = x; }
+      if (y < miny) { miny = y; }
+      if (x > maxx) { maxx = x; }
+      if (y > maxy) { maxy = y; }
+    }
+  if ((minx == maxx) || (miny == maxy)) // XXX : reset hack
+  {
+    ctx_rasterizer_clip_reset (rasterizer);
+    return;//goto done;
+  }
+  int we_made_it = 0;
+  CtxBuffer *clip_buffer;
+  if (!rasterizer->clip_buffer)
+  {
+    rasterizer->clip_buffer = ctx_buffer_new (rasterizer->blit_width,
+                                              rasterizer->blit_height,
+                                              CTX_CLIP_FORMAT);
+    clip_buffer = rasterizer->clip_buffer;
+    we_made_it = 1;
+    memset (rasterizer->clip_buffer->data, 0, rasterizer->blit_width * rasterizer->blit_height/8);
+    else
+    memset (rasterizer->clip_buffer->data, 0, rasterizer->blit_width * rasterizer->blit_height);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    clip_buffer = ctx_buffer_new (rasterizer->blit_width,
+                                  rasterizer->blit_height,
+                                  CTX_CLIP_FORMAT);
+  }
+  // for now only one level of clipping is supported
+  {
+  int prev_x = 0;
+  int prev_y = 0;
+    Ctx *ctx = ctx_new_for_framebuffer (clip_buffer->data, rasterizer->blit_width, rasterizer->blit_height,
+       rasterizer->blit_width,
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &edges[i+1];
+      float x, y;
+      if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+        {
+          prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+          prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+          ctx_move_to (ctx, prev_x, prev_y);
+        }
+      x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+      y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+      ctx_line_to (ctx, x, y);
+    }
+    ctx_gray (ctx, 1.0f);
+    ctx_fill (ctx);
+    ctx_free (ctx);
+  }
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->blit_width * rasterizer->blit_height/8; i++)
+    {
+      ((uint8_t*)rasterizer->clip_buffer->data)[i] =
+      (((uint8_t*)rasterizer->clip_buffer->data)[i] &
+      ((uint8_t*)clip_buffer->data)[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < rasterizer->blit_width * rasterizer->blit_height; i++)
+    {
+      ((uint8_t*)rasterizer->clip_buffer->data)[i] =
+      (((uint8_t*)rasterizer->clip_buffer->data)[i] *
+      ((uint8_t*)clip_buffer->data)[i])/255;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!we_made_it)
+   ctx_buffer_free (clip_buffer);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x = ctx_maxi (minx,
+                                         rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y = ctx_maxi (miny,
+                                         rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x = ctx_mini (maxx,
+                                         rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y = ctx_mini (maxy,
+                                         rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_clip (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  int count = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+  CtxEntry temp[count+1]; /* copy of already built up path's poly line  */
+  rasterizer->state->has_clipped=1;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clipped=1;
+  //if (rasterizer->preserve)
+    { memcpy (temp + 1, rasterizer->edge_list.entries, sizeof (temp) - sizeof (temp[0]));
+      temp[0].code = CTX_NOP;
+      temp[0].data.u32[0] = count;
+      ctx_state_set_blob (rasterizer->state, CTX_clip, (uint8_t*)temp, sizeof(temp));
+    }
+  ctx_rasterizer_clip_apply (rasterizer, temp);
+  ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+  if (rasterizer->preserve)
+    {
+      memcpy (rasterizer->edge_list.entries, temp + 1, sizeof (temp) - sizeof(temp[0]));
+      rasterizer->edge_list.count = count;
+      rasterizer->preserve = 0;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_set_texture (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                            int   no,
+                            float x,
+                            float y)
+  if (no < 0 || no >= CTX_MAX_TEXTURES) { no = 0; }
+  if (rasterizer->texture_source->texture[no].data == NULL)
+    {
+      ctx_log ("failed setting texture %i\n", no);
+      return;
+    }
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.image.buffer = &rasterizer->texture_source->texture[no];
+  //ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &x, &y);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.image.x0 = 0;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.image.y0 = 0;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.transform = rasterizer->state->gstate.transform;
+  ctx_matrix_translate (&rasterizer->state->gstate.source.transform, x, y);
+  ctx_matrix_invert (&rasterizer->state->gstate.source.transform);
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_load_image (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                           const char  *path,
+                           float x,
+                           float y)
+  // decode PNG, put it in image is slot 1,
+  // magic width height stride format data
+  ctx_buffer_load_png (&rasterizer->ctx->texture[0], path);
+  ctx_rasterizer_set_texture (rasterizer, 0, x, y);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_set_pixel (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          uint16_t x,
+                          uint16_t y,
+                          uint8_t r,
+                          uint8_t g,
+                          uint8_t b,
+                          uint8_t a)
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_COLOR;
+  ctx_color_set_RGBA8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, r, g, b, a);
+#if 0
+  // XXX : doesn't take transforms into account
+  ctx_rasterizer_pset (rasterizer, x, y, 255);
+  ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, 1, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, 0, 1);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, -1, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_fill (rasterizer);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_rectangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+                          float x,
+                          float y,
+                          float width,
+                          float height)
+  ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, width, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, 0, height);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, -width, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, 0, -height);
+  ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, 0.3, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+static float
+ctx_gaussian (float x, float mu, float sigma)
+  float a = ( x- mu) / sigma;
+  return ctx_expf (-0.5 * a * a);
+static void
+ctx_compute_gaussian_kernel (int dim, float radius, float *kernel)
+  float sigma = radius / 2;
+  float sum = 0.0;
+  int i = 0;
+  //for (int row = 0; row < dim; row ++)
+    for (int col = 0; col < dim; col ++, i++)
+    {
+      float val = //ctx_gaussian (row, radius, sigma) *
+                            ctx_gaussian (col, radius, sigma);
+      kernel[i] = val;
+      sum += val;
+    }
+  i = 0;
+  //for (int row = 0; row < dim; row ++)
+    for (int col = 0; col < dim; col ++, i++)
+        kernel[i] /= sum;
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_round_rectangle (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, float width, float height, 
float corner_radius)
+  float aspect  = 1.0f;
+  float radius  = corner_radius / aspect;
+  float degrees = CTX_PI / 180.0f;
+  if (radius > width/2) radius = width/2;
+  if (radius > height/2) radius = height/2;
+  ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+  ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -90 * degrees, 0 * degrees, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0 * degrees, 90 * 
degrees, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, 90 * degrees, 180 * degrees, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, x + radius, y + radius, radius, 180 * degrees, 270 * degrees, 0);
+  ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_process (void *user_data, CtxCommand *command);
+static int
+_ctx_is_rasterizer (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->process == ctx_rasterizer_process)
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_start_group (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxEntry save_command = ctx_void(CTX_SAVE);
+  // allocate buffer, and set it as temporary target
+  int no;
+  if (rasterizer->group[0] == NULL) // first group
+  {
+    rasterizer->saved_buf = rasterizer->buf;
+  }
+  for (no = 0; rasterizer->group[no] && no < CTX_GROUP_MAX; no++);
+  if (no >= CTX_GROUP_MAX)
+     return;
+  rasterizer->group[no] = ctx_buffer_new (rasterizer->blit_width,
+                                          rasterizer->blit_height,
+                                          rasterizer->format->composite_format);
+  rasterizer->buf = rasterizer->group[no]->data;
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&save_command);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_end_group (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxEntry restore_command = ctx_void(CTX_RESTORE);
+  CtxEntry save_command = ctx_void(CTX_SAVE);
+  int no = 0;
+  for (no = 0; rasterizer->group[no] && no < CTX_GROUP_MAX; no++);
+  no--;
+  if (no < 0)
+    return;
+  CtxCompositingMode comp = rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode;
+  CtxBlend blend = rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode;
+  float global_alpha = rasterizer->state->gstate.global_alpha_f;
+  // fetch compositing, blending, global alpha
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&restore_command);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&save_command);
+  CtxEntry set_state[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_u8 (CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE, comp,  0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
+    ctx_u8 (CTX_BLEND_MODE,       blend, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0),
+    ctx_f  (CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA,     global_alpha, 0.0)
+  };
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_state[0]);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_state[1]);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_state[2]);
+  if (no == 0)
+  {
+    rasterizer->buf = rasterizer->saved_buf;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    rasterizer->buf = rasterizer->group[no-1]->data;
+  }
+  int id = ctx_texture_init (rasterizer->ctx, -1,
+                  rasterizer->blit_width,
+                  rasterizer->blit_height,
+                  rasterizer->blit_width * rasterizer->format->bpp/8,
+                  rasterizer->format->pixel_format,
+                  (uint8_t*)rasterizer->group[no]->data,
+                  NULL, NULL);
+  {
+     CtxEntry commands[2] =
+      {ctx_u32 (CTX_TEXTURE, id, 0),
+       ctx_f  (CTX_CONT, rasterizer->blit_x, rasterizer->blit_y)};
+     ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)commands);
+  }
+  {
+    CtxEntry commands[2]=
+    {
+      ctx_f (CTX_RECTANGLE, rasterizer->blit_x, rasterizer->blit_y),
+      ctx_f (CTX_CONT,      rasterizer->blit_width, rasterizer->blit_height)
+    };
+    ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)commands);
+  }
+  {
+    CtxEntry commands[1]= { ctx_void (CTX_FILL) };
+    ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)commands);
+  }
+  ctx_texture_release (rasterizer->ctx, id);
+  ctx_buffer_free (rasterizer->group[no]);
+  rasterizer->group[no] = 0;
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&restore_command);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_shadow_stroke (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxColor color;
+  CtxEntry save_command = ctx_void(CTX_SAVE);
+  float rgba[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
+  if (ctx_get_color (rasterizer->ctx, CTX_shadowColor, &color) == 0)
+    ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &color, rgba);
+  CtxEntry set_color_command [3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_RGBA, rgba[0]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[1], rgba[2]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[3], 0)
+  };
+  CtxEntry restore_command = ctx_void(CTX_RESTORE);
+  float radius = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur;
+  int dim = 2 * radius + 1;
+  ctx_compute_gaussian_kernel (dim, radius, rasterizer->kernel);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&save_command);
+  {
+    int i = 0;
+    for (int v = 0; v < dim; v += 1, i++)
+      {
+        float dy = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_offset_y + v - dim/2;
+        set_color_command[2].data.f[0] = rasterizer->kernel[i] * rgba[3];
+        ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_color_command[0]);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow = 1;
+        rasterizer->shadow_x = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_offset_x;
+        rasterizer->shadow_y = dy;
+        rasterizer->preserve = 1;
+        ctx_rasterizer_stroke (rasterizer);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow = 0;
+      }
+  }
+  //free (kernel);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&restore_command);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_shadow_text (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, const char *str)
+  float x = rasterizer->state->x;
+  float y = rasterizer->state->y;
+  CtxColor color;
+  CtxEntry save_command = ctx_void(CTX_SAVE);
+  float rgba[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
+  if (ctx_get_color (rasterizer->ctx, CTX_shadowColor, &color) == 0)
+    ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &color, rgba);
+  CtxEntry set_color_command [3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_RGBA, rgba[0]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[1], rgba[2]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[3], 0)
+  };
+  CtxEntry move_to_command [1]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_MOVE_TO, x, y),
+  };
+  CtxEntry restore_command = ctx_void(CTX_RESTORE);
+  float radius = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur;
+  int dim = 2 * radius + 1;
+  ctx_compute_gaussian_kernel (dim, radius, rasterizer->kernel);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&save_command);
+  {
+      {
+        move_to_command[0].data.f[0] = x;
+        move_to_command[0].data.f[1] = y;
+        set_color_command[2].data.f[0] = rgba[3];
+        ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_color_command);
+        ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&move_to_command);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow=1;
+        ctx_rasterizer_text (rasterizer, str, 0);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow=0;
+      }
+  }
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&restore_command);
+  move_to_command[0].data.f[0] = x;
+  move_to_command[0].data.f[1] = y;
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&move_to_command);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_shadow_fill (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxColor color;
+  CtxEntry save_command = ctx_void(CTX_SAVE);
+  float rgba[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1.0};
+  if (ctx_get_color (rasterizer->ctx, CTX_shadowColor, &color) == 0)
+    ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &color, rgba);
+  CtxEntry set_color_command [3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_COLOR, CTX_RGBA, rgba[0]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[1], rgba[2]),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, rgba[3], 0)
+  };
+  CtxEntry restore_command = ctx_void(CTX_RESTORE);
+  float radius = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur;
+  int dim = 2 * radius + 1;
+  ctx_compute_gaussian_kernel (dim, radius, rasterizer->kernel);
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&save_command);
+  {
+    for (int v = 0; v < dim; v ++)
+      {
+        int i = v;
+        float dy = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_offset_y + v - dim/2;
+        set_color_command[2].data.f[0] = rasterizer->kernel[i] * rgba[3];
+        ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&set_color_command);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow = 1;
+        rasterizer->shadow_x = rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_offset_x;
+        rasterizer->shadow_y = dy;
+        rasterizer->preserve = 1;
+        ctx_rasterizer_fill (rasterizer);
+        rasterizer->in_shadow = 0;
+      }
+  }
+  ctx_rasterizer_process (rasterizer, (CtxCommand*)&restore_command);
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_line_dash (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int count, float *dashes)
+  if (!dashes)
+  {
+    rasterizer->state->gstate.n_dashes = 0;
+    return;
+  }
+  count = CTX_MIN(count, CTX_PARSER_MAX_ARGS-1);
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.n_dashes = count;
+  memcpy(&rasterizer->state->gstate.dashes[0], dashes, count * sizeof(float));
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+  {
+    if (rasterizer->state->gstate.dashes[i] < 0.0001f)
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.dashes[i] = 0.0001f; // hang protection
+  }
+static void
+ctx_rasterizer_process (void *user_data, CtxCommand *command)
+  CtxEntry *entry = &command->entry;
+  CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer *) user_data;
+  CtxState *state = rasterizer->state;
+  CtxCommand *c = (CtxCommand *) entry;
+  int clear_clip = 0;
+  switch (c->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:
+        {
+          CtxColor  col;
+          CtxColor *color = &col;
+          //state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_COLOR;
+          switch ((int)c->rgba.model)
+            {
+              case CTX_RGB:
+                ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_RGBA:
+                //ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, c->rgba.a);
+                ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, c->rgba.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_DRGBA:
+                ctx_color_set_drgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, c->rgba.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYKA:
+                ctx_color_set_cmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYK:
+                ctx_color_set_cmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_DCMYKA:
+                ctx_color_set_dcmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 
+                break;
+              case CTX_DCMYK:
+                ctx_color_set_dcmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_GRAYA:
+                ctx_color_set_graya (state, color, c->graya.g, c->graya.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_GRAY:
+                ctx_color_set_graya (state, color, c->graya.g, 1.0f);
+                break;
+            }
+          ctx_set_color (rasterizer->ctx, CTX_shadowColor, color);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_DASH:
+        if (c->line_dash.count)
+          {
+            ctx_rasterizer_line_dash (rasterizer, c->line_dash.count, c->line_dash.data);
+          }
+        else
+        ctx_rasterizer_line_dash (rasterizer, 0, NULL);
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0,
+                                 c->c.x1, c->c.y1,
+                                 c->c.x2, c->c.y2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_curve_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0,
+                                     c->c.x1, c->c.y1,
+                                     c->c.x2, c->c.y2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_quad_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0, c->c.x1, c->c.y1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_quad_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0, c->c.x1, c->c.y1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, c->arc.x, c->arc.y, c->arc.radius, c->arc.angle1, c->arc.angle2, 
+        break;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rectangle (rasterizer, c->rectangle.x, c->rectangle.y,
+                                  c->rectangle.width, c->rectangle.height);
+        break;
+        ctx_rasterizer_round_rectangle (rasterizer, c->rectangle.x, c->rectangle.y,
+                                        c->rectangle.width, c->rectangle.height,
+                                        c->rectangle.radius);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_pixel (rasterizer, c->set_pixel.x, c->set_pixel.y,
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[0],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[1],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[2],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[3]);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_texture (rasterizer, ctx_arg_u32 (0),
+                                    ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3) );
+        rasterizer->comp_op = NULL;
+        break;
+#if 0
+      case CTX_LOAD_IMAGE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_load_image (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string(),
+                                   ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        {
+          float rgba[4]= {ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+1) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+2) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+3) )
+                         };
+          ctx_rasterizer_gradient_add_stop (rasterizer,
+                                            ctx_arg_float (0), rgba);
+        }
+        break;
+        ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (rasterizer->state);
+        rasterizer->comp_op = NULL;
+        break;
+        ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (rasterizer->state);
+        rasterizer->comp_op = NULL;
+        break;
+      case CTX_PRESERVE:
+        rasterizer->preserve = 1;
+        break;
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        rasterizer->comp_op = NULL;
+        break;
+      case CTX_START_GROUP:
+        ctx_rasterizer_start_group (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_END_GROUP:
+        ctx_rasterizer_end_group (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        for (int i = state->gstate_no?state->gstate_stack[state->gstate_no-1].keydb_pos:0;
+             i < state->gstate.keydb_pos; i++)
+        {
+          if (state->keydb[i].key == CTX_clip)
+          {
+            clear_clip = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+        rasterizer->comp_op = NULL;
+        rasterizer->uses_transforms = 1;
+        ctx_interpret_transforms (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+        if (clear_clip)
+        {
+          ctx_rasterizer_clip_reset (rasterizer);
+        for (int i = state->gstate_no?state->gstate_stack[state->gstate_no-1].keydb_pos:0;
+             i < state->gstate.keydb_pos; i++)
+        {
+          if (state->keydb[i].key == CTX_clip)
+          {
+            int idx = ctx_float_to_string_index (state->keydb[i].value);
+            if (idx >=0)
+            {
+              CtxEntry *edges = (CtxEntry*)&state->stringpool[idx];
+              ctx_rasterizer_clip_apply (rasterizer, edges);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+        if (rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur > 0.0 &&
+            !rasterizer->in_text)
+          ctx_rasterizer_shadow_stroke (rasterizer);
+        if (rasterizer->state->gstate.n_dashes)
+        {
+          int n_dashes = rasterizer->state->gstate.n_dashes;
+          float *dashes = rasterizer->state->gstate.dashes;
+          float factor = 
+              ctx_maxf (ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][1]) ),
+                        ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][1]) ) );
+          int count = rasterizer->edge_list.count;
+          int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+          CtxEntry temp[count]; /* copy of already built up path's poly line  */
+          memcpy (temp, rasterizer->edge_list.entries, sizeof (temp));
+          int start = 0;
+          int end   = 0;
+      CtxMatrix transform_backup = rasterizer->state->gstate.transform;
+      ctx_matrix_identity (&rasterizer->state->gstate.transform);
+      ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer); /* for dashing we create
+                                            a dashed path to stroke */
+      float prev_x = 0.0f;
+      float prev_y = 0.0f;
+      float pos = 0.0;
+      int   dash_no  = 0.0;
+      float dash_lpos = 0.0;
+      int   is_down = 0;
+          while (start < count)
+          {
+            int started = 0;
+            int i;
+            is_down = 0;
+            if (!is_down)
+            {
+              CtxEntry *entry = &temp[0];
+              prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+              prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+              ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, prev_x, prev_y);
+              is_down = 1;
+            }
+            for (i = start; i < count; i++)
+            {
+              CtxEntry *entry = &temp[i];
+              float x, y;
+              if (entry->code == CTX_NEW_EDGE)
+                {
+                  if (started)
+                    {
+                      end = i - 1;
+                      dash_no = 0;
+                      dash_lpos = 0.0;
+                      goto foo;
+                    }
+                  prev_x = entry->data.s16[0] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+                  prev_y = entry->data.s16[1] * 1.0f / aa;
+                  started = 1;
+                  start = i;
+                  is_down = 1;
+                  ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, prev_x, prev_y);
+                }
+              x = entry->data.s16[2] * 1.0f / CTX_SUBDIV;
+              y = entry->data.s16[3] * 1.0f / aa;
+              float dx = x - prev_x;
+              float dy = y - prev_y;
+              float length = ctx_fast_hypotf (dx, dy);
+              if (dash_lpos + length >= dashes[dash_no] * factor)
+              {
+                float p = (dashes[dash_no] * factor - dash_lpos) / length;
+                float splitx = x * p + (1.0f - p) * prev_x;
+                float splity = y * p + (1.0f - p) * prev_y;
+                if (is_down)
+                {
+                  ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, splitx, splity);
+                  is_down = 0;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, splitx, splity);
+                  is_down = 1;
+                }
+                prev_x = splitx;
+                prev_y = splity;
+                dash_no++;
+                dash_lpos=0;
+                if (dash_no >= n_dashes) dash_no = 0;
+                goto again;
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                pos += length;
+                dash_lpos += length;
+                {
+                  if (is_down)
+                    ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, x, y);
+                }
+              }
+              prev_x = x;
+              prev_y = y;
+            }
+          end = i-1;
+          start = end+1;
+        }
+      rasterizer->state->gstate.transform = transform_backup;
+        }
+        ctx_rasterizer_stroke (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT:
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_font (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string() );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+        rasterizer->in_text++;
+        if (rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur > 0.0)
+          ctx_rasterizer_shadow_text (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string ());
+        ctx_rasterizer_text (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string(), 0);
+        rasterizer->in_text--;
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_text (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string(), 1);
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_GLYPH:
+        ctx_rasterizer_glyph (rasterizer, entry[0].data.u32[0], entry[0].data.u8[4]);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL:
+        if (rasterizer->state->gstate.shadow_blur > 0.0 &&
+            !rasterizer->in_text)
+          ctx_rasterizer_shadow_fill (rasterizer);
+        ctx_rasterizer_fill (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESET:
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+        ctx_rasterizer_clip (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+        ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+        break;
+    }
+  ctx_interpret_pos_bare (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+  ctx_interpret_style (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+ctx_rasterizer_deinit (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  ctx_drawlist_deinit (&rasterizer->edge_list);
+  if (rasterizer->clip_buffer)
+  {
+    ctx_buffer_free (rasterizer->clip_buffer);
+    rasterizer->clip_buffer = NULL;
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < CTX_SHAPE_CACHE_ENTRIES; i ++)
+    if (rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i])
+    {
+      free (rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i]);
+      rasterizer->shape_cache.entries[i] = NULL;
+    }
+  free (rasterizer);
+int ctx_renderer_is_sdl (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_renderer_is_fb  (Ctx *ctx);
+static int _ctx_is_rasterizer (Ctx *ctx);
+CtxAntialias ctx_get_antialias (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx_renderer_is_sdl (ctx) || ctx_renderer_is_fb (ctx))
+  {
+     CtxThreaded *fb = (CtxThreaded*)(ctx->renderer);
+     return fb->antialias;
+  }
+  if (!_ctx_is_rasterizer (ctx)) return CTX_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
+  switch (((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->aa)
+  {
+    case 1: return CTX_ANTIALIAS_NONE;
+    case 3: return CTX_ANTIALIAS_FAST;
+    case 5: return CTX_ANTIALIAS_GOOD;
+    default:
+    case 15: return CTX_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT;
+    case 17: return CTX_ANTIALIAS_BEST;
+  }
+int _ctx_antialias_to_aa (CtxAntialias antialias)
+  switch (antialias)
+  {
+    case CTX_ANTIALIAS_NONE: return 1;
+    case CTX_ANTIALIAS_FAST: return 3;
+    case CTX_ANTIALIAS_GOOD: return 5;
+    default:
+    case CTX_ANTIALIAS_BEST: return 17;
+  }
+ctx_set_antialias (Ctx *ctx, CtxAntialias antialias)
+  if (ctx_renderer_is_sdl (ctx) || ctx_renderer_is_fb (ctx))
+  {
+     CtxThreaded *fb = (CtxThreaded*)(ctx->renderer);
+     fb->antialias = antialias;
+     for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+     {
+       ctx_set_antialias (fb->host[i], antialias);
+     }
+     return;
+  }
+  if (!_ctx_is_rasterizer (ctx)) return;
+  ((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->aa = 
+     _ctx_antialias_to_aa (antialias);
+/* vertical level of supersampling at full/forced AA.
+ *
+ * 1 is none, 3 is fast 5 is good 15 or 17 is best for 8bit
+ *
+ * valid values:  - for other values we do not add up to 255
+ * 3 5 15 17 51
+ *
+ */
+CtxRasterizer *
+ctx_rasterizer_init (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, Ctx *ctx, Ctx *texture_source, CtxState *state, void *data, 
int x, int y, int width, int height, int stride, CtxPixelFormat pixel_format, CtxAntialias antialias)
+  if (rasterizer->clip_buffer)
+    ctx_buffer_free (rasterizer->clip_buffer);
+  if (rasterizer->edge_list.size)
+    ctx_drawlist_deinit (&rasterizer->edge_list);
+  ctx_memset (rasterizer, 0, sizeof (CtxRasterizer) );
+  rasterizer->vfuncs.process = ctx_rasterizer_process;
+  rasterizer->vfuncs.free    = (CtxDestroyNotify)ctx_rasterizer_deinit;
+  rasterizer->edge_list.flags |= CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST;
+  rasterizer->state       = state;
+  rasterizer->ctx         = ctx;
+  rasterizer->texture_source = texture_source?texture_source:ctx;
+  rasterizer->aa          = _ctx_antialias_to_aa (antialias);
+  rasterizer->force_aa    = 0;
+  ctx_state_init (rasterizer->state);
+  rasterizer->buf         = data;
+  rasterizer->blit_x      = x;
+  rasterizer->blit_y      = y;
+  rasterizer->blit_width  = width;
+  rasterizer->blit_height = height;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x  = x;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y  = y;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x  = x + width - 1;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y  = y + height - 1;
+  rasterizer->blit_stride = stride;
+  rasterizer->scan_min    = 5000;
+  rasterizer->scan_max    = -5000;
+  rasterizer->format = ctx_pixel_format_info (pixel_format);
+  return rasterizer;
+Ctx *
+ctx_new_for_buffer (CtxBuffer *buffer)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx,
+                    ctx_rasterizer_init ( (CtxRasterizer *) malloc (sizeof (CtxRasterizer) ),
+                                          ctx, NULL, &ctx->state,
+                                          buffer->data, 0, 0, buffer->width, buffer->height,
+                                          buffer->stride, buffer->format->pixel_format,
+                                          CTX_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT));
+  return ctx;
+Ctx *
+ctx_new_for_framebuffer (void *data, int width, int height,
+                         int stride,
+                         CtxPixelFormat pixel_format)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  CtxRasterizer *r = ctx_rasterizer_init ( (CtxRasterizer *) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxRasterizer), 1),
+                                          ctx, NULL, &ctx->state, data, 0, 0, width, height,
+                                          stride, pixel_format, CTX_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT);
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx, r);
+  return ctx;
+// ctx_new_for_stream (FILE *stream);
+#if 0
+CtxRasterizer *ctx_rasterizer_new (void *data, int x, int y, int width, int height,
+                                   int stride, CtxPixelFormat pixel_format)
+  CtxState    *state    = (CtxState *) malloc (sizeof (CtxState) );
+  CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer *) malloc (sizeof (CtxRenderer) );
+  ctx_rasterizer_init (rasterizer, state, data, x, y, width, height,
+                       stride, pixel_format, CTX_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT);
+CtxPixelFormatInfo *ctx_pixel_formats = NULL;
+extern CtxPixelFormatInfo ctx_pixel_formats_default[];
+CtxPixelFormatInfo *
+ctx_pixel_format_info (CtxPixelFormat format)
+  if (!ctx_pixel_formats)
+  {
+    ctx_pixel_formats = ctx_pixel_formats_default;
+  }
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; ctx_pixel_formats[i].pixel_format; i++)
+    {
+      if (ctx_pixel_formats[i].pixel_format == format)
+        {
+          return &ctx_pixel_formats[i];
+        }
+    }
+  return NULL;
+CtxPixelFormatInfo *
+ctx_pixel_format_info (CtxPixelFormat format)
+  return NULL;
+ctx_current_point (Ctx *ctx, float *x, float *y)
+  if (!ctx)
+    { 
+      if (x) { *x = 0.0f; }
+      if (y) { *y = 0.0f; }
+    }
+  if (ctx->renderer)
+    {
+      if (x) { *x = ( (CtxRasterizer *) (ctx->renderer) )->x; }
+      if (y) { *y = ( (CtxRasterizer *) (ctx->renderer) )->y; }
+      return;
+    }
+  if (x) { *x = ctx->state.x; }
+  if (y) { *y = ctx->state.y; }
+float ctx_x (Ctx *ctx)
+  float x = 0, y = 0;
+  ctx_current_point (ctx, &x, &y);
+  return x;
+float ctx_y (Ctx *ctx)
+  float x = 0, y = 0;
+  ctx_current_point (ctx, &x, &y);
+  return y;
+ctx_process (Ctx *ctx, CtxEntry *entry)
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        ctx->current_path.count = 0;
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+      case CTX_FILL:
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+              // XXX unless preserve
+        ctx->current_path.count = 0;
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_SMOOTH_TO:
+      case CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_ARC:
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        ctx_drawlist_add_entry (&ctx->current_path, entry);
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->process)
+    {
+      ctx->renderer->process (ctx->renderer, (CtxCommand *) entry);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* these functions might alter the code and coordinates of
+         command that in the end gets added to the drawlist
+       */
+      ctx_interpret_style (&ctx->state, entry, ctx);
+      ctx_interpret_transforms (&ctx->state, entry, ctx);
+      ctx_interpret_pos (&ctx->state, entry, ctx);
+      ctx_drawlist_add_entry (&ctx->drawlist, entry);
+#if 1
+      if (entry->code == CTX_TEXT ||
+          entry->code == CTX_LINE_DASH ||
+          entry->code == CTX_COLOR_SPACE ||
+          entry->code == CTX_TEXT_STROKE ||
+          entry->code == CTX_FONT)
+        {
+          /* the image command and its data is submitted as one unit,
+           */
+          ctx_drawlist_add_entry (&ctx->drawlist, entry+1);
+          ctx_drawlist_add_entry (&ctx->drawlist, entry+2);
+        }
+    }
+int ctx_gradient_cache_valid = 0;
+ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (CtxState *state)
+//  ctx_gradient_cache_reset ();
+  ctx_gradient_cache_valid = 0;
+  state->gradient.n_stops = 0;
+uint8_t ctx_gradient_cache_u8[CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS][4];
+uint8_t ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS][4];
+/****  end of engine ****/
+CtxBuffer *ctx_buffer_new_bare (void)
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = (CtxBuffer *) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxBuffer), 1);
+  return buffer;
+void ctx_buffer_set_data (CtxBuffer *buffer,
+                          void *data, int width, int height,
+                          int stride,
+                          CtxPixelFormat pixel_format,
+                          void (*freefunc) (void *pixels, void *user_data),
+                          void *user_data)
+  if (buffer->free_func)
+    { buffer->free_func (buffer->data, buffer->user_data); }
+  buffer->data      = data;
+  buffer->width     = width;
+  buffer->height    = height;
+  buffer->stride    = stride;
+  buffer->format    = ctx_pixel_format_info (pixel_format);
+  buffer->free_func = freefunc;
+  buffer->user_data = user_data;
+CtxBuffer *ctx_buffer_new_for_data (void *data, int width, int height,
+                                    int stride,
+                                    CtxPixelFormat pixel_format,
+                                    void (*freefunc) (void *pixels, void *user_data),
+                                    void *user_data)
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = ctx_buffer_new_bare ();
+  ctx_buffer_set_data (buffer, data, width, height, stride, pixel_format,
+                       freefunc, user_data);
+  return buffer;
+static void ctx_buffer_pixels_free (void *pixels, void *userdata)
+  free (pixels);
+CtxBuffer *ctx_buffer_new (int width, int height,
+                           CtxPixelFormat pixel_format)
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *info = ctx_pixel_format_info (pixel_format);
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = ctx_buffer_new_bare ();
+  int stride = width * info->ebpp;
+  uint8_t *pixels = (uint8_t*)ctx_calloc (stride, height + 1);
+  ctx_buffer_set_data (buffer, pixels, width, height, stride, pixel_format,
+                       ctx_buffer_pixels_free, NULL);
+  return buffer;
+void ctx_buffer_deinit (CtxBuffer *buffer)
+  if (buffer->free_func)
+    { buffer->free_func (buffer->data, buffer->user_data); }
+  buffer->data = NULL;
+  buffer->free_func = NULL;
+  buffer->user_data  = NULL;
+void ctx_buffer_free (CtxBuffer *buffer)
+  ctx_buffer_deinit (buffer);
+  free (buffer);
+void ctx_texture_release (Ctx *ctx, int id)
+  if (id < 0 || id >= CTX_MAX_TEXTURES)
+    { return; }
+  ctx_buffer_deinit (&ctx->texture[id]);
+static int ctx_allocate_texture_id (Ctx *ctx, int id)
+  if (id < 0 || id >= CTX_MAX_TEXTURES)
+    {
+      for (int i = 0; i <  CTX_MAX_TEXTURES; i++)
+        if (ctx->texture[i].data == NULL)
+          { return i; }
+      int sacrifice = random()%CTX_MAX_TEXTURES; // better to bias towards old
+      ctx_texture_release (ctx, sacrifice);
+      return sacrifice;
+      return -1; // eeek
+    }
+  return id;
+int ctx_texture_init (Ctx *ctx,
+                      int  id,     /*  should be a string? - also the auto-ids*/
+                      int  width,
+                      int  height,
+                      int  stride,
+                      CtxPixelFormat format,
+                      uint8_t       *pixels,
+                      void (*freefunc) (void *pixels, void *user_data),
+                      void *user_data)
+  /* .. how to relay? ..
+   * fully serializing is one needed option - for that there is no free
+   * func..
+   *
+   * mmap texute bank - that is one of many in compositor, prefixed with "pid-",
+   * ... we want string identifiers instead of integers.
+   *
+   * a context to use as texturing source
+   *   implemented.
+   */
+  id = ctx_allocate_texture_id (ctx, id);
+  if (id < 0)
+    { return id; }
+  int bpp = ctx_pixel_format_bpp (format);
+  ctx_buffer_deinit (&ctx->texture[id]);
+  if (!stride)
+  {
+    stride = width * (bpp/8);
+  }
+  ctx_buffer_set_data (&ctx->texture[id],
+                       pixels, width, height,
+                       stride, format,
+                       freefunc, user_data);
+  return id;
+ctx_texture_load (Ctx *ctx, int id, const char *path, int *tw, int *th)
+  int w, h, components;
+  unsigned char *data = stbi_load (path, &w, &h, &components, 0);
+  if (data)
+  {
+    CtxPixelFormat pixel_format = CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8;
+    switch (components)
+    {
+      case 1: pixel_format = CTX_FORMAT_GRAY8; break;
+      case 2: pixel_format = CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8; break;
+      case 3: pixel_format = CTX_FORMAT_RGB8; break;
+      case 4: pixel_format = CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8; break;
+    }
+    if (tw) *tw = w;
+    if (th) *th = h;
+    return ctx_texture_init (ctx, id, w, h, w * components, pixel_format, data, 
+                             ctx_buffer_pixels_free, NULL);
+  }
+  return -1;
+int ctx_utf8_len (const unsigned char first_byte)
+  if      ( (first_byte & 0x80) == 0)
+    { return 1; } /* ASCII */
+  else if ( (first_byte & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
+    { return 2; }
+  else if ( (first_byte & 0xF0) == 0xE0)
+    { return 3; }
+  else if ( (first_byte & 0xF8) == 0xF0)
+    { return 4; }
+  return 1;
+const char *ctx_utf8_skip (const char *s, int utf8_length)
+  int count;
+  if (!s)
+    { return NULL; }
+  for (count = 0; *s; s++)
+    {
+      if ( (*s & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+        { count++; }
+      if (count == utf8_length + 1)
+        { return s; }
+    }
+  return s;
+//  XXX  :  unused
+int ctx_utf8_strlen (const char *s)
+  int count;
+  if (!s)
+    { return 0; }
+  for (count = 0; *s; s++)
+    if ( (*s & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+      { count++; }
+  return count;
+ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (uint32_t  ch,
+                     uint8_t  *dest)
+  /* http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/utf8.c  */
+  /*  Basic UTF-8 manipulation routines
+    by Jeff Bezanson
+    placed in the public domain Fall 2005 ... */
+  if (ch < 0x80)
+    {
+      dest[0] = (char) ch;
+      return 1;
+    }
+  if (ch < 0x800)
+    {
+      dest[0] = (ch>>6) | 0xC0;
+      dest[1] = (ch & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      return 2;
+    }
+  if (ch < 0x10000)
+    {
+      dest[0] = (ch>>12) | 0xE0;
+      dest[1] = ( (ch>>6) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      dest[2] = (ch & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      return 3;
+    }
+  if (ch < 0x110000)
+    {
+      dest[0] = (ch>>18) | 0xF0;
+      dest[1] = ( (ch>>12) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      dest[2] = ( (ch>>6) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      dest[3] = (ch & 0x3F) | 0x80;
+      return 4;
+    }
+  return 0;
+ctx_utf8_to_unichar (const char *input)
+  const uint8_t *utf8 = (const uint8_t *) input;
+  uint8_t c = utf8[0];
+  if ( (c & 0x80) == 0)
+    { return c; }
+  else if ( (c & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
+    return ( (utf8[0] & 0x1F) << 6) |
+           (utf8[1] & 0x3F);
+  else if ( (c & 0xF0) == 0xE0)
+    return ( (utf8[0] & 0xF)  << 12) |
+           ( (utf8[1] & 0x3F) << 6) |
+           (utf8[2] & 0x3F);
+  else if ( (c & 0xF8) == 0xF0)
+    return ( (utf8[0] & 0x7)  << 18) |
+           ( (utf8[1] & 0x3F) << 12) |
+           ( (utf8[2] & 0x3F) << 6) |
+           (utf8[3] & 0x3F);
+  else if ( (c & 0xFC) == 0xF8)
+    return ( (utf8[0] & 0x3)  << 24) |
+           ( (utf8[1] & 0x3F) << 18) |
+           ( (utf8[2] & 0x3F) << 12) |
+           ( (utf8[3] & 0x3F) << 6) |
+           (utf8[4] & 0x3F);
+  else if ( (c & 0xFE) == 0xFC)
+    return ( (utf8[0] & 0x1)  << 30) |
+           ( (utf8[1] & 0x3F) << 24) |
+           ( (utf8[2] & 0x3F) << 18) |
+           ( (utf8[3] & 0x3F) << 12) |
+           ( (utf8[4] & 0x3F) << 6) |
+           (utf8[5] & 0x3F);
+  return 0;
+struct _CtxHasher
+  CtxRasterizer rasterizer;
+  int           cols;
+  int           rows;
+  uint8_t      *hashes;
+/* LibTomCrypt, modular cryptographic library -- Tom St Denis
+ *
+ * LibTomCrypt is a library that provides various cryptographic
+ * algorithms in a highly modular and flexible manner.
+ *
+ * The library is free for all purposes without any express
+ * guarantee it works.
+ *
+ * Tom St Denis, tomstdenis gmail com, http://libtom.org
+ *
+ * The plain ANSIC sha1 functionality has been extracted from libtomcrypt,
+ * and is included directly in the sources. /Øyvind K. - since libtomcrypt
+ * is public domain the adaptations done here to make the sha1 self contained
+ * also is public domain.
+ */
+#ifndef __SHA1_H
+#define __SHA1_H
+#include <inttypes.h>
+struct _CtxSHA1 {
+    uint64_t length;
+    uint32_t state[5], curlen;
+    unsigned char buf[64];
+int ctx_sha1_init(CtxSHA1 * sha1);
+CtxSHA1 *ctx_sha1_new (void)
+  CtxSHA1 *state = calloc (sizeof (CtxSHA1), 1);
+  ctx_sha1_init (state);
+  return state;
+void ctx_sha1_free (CtxSHA1 *sha1)
+  free (sha1);
+#if 0
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&shape_rect, sizeof (CtxRectangle));
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+#ifdef FF0
+#undef FF0
+#ifdef FF1
+#undef FF1
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define STORE64H(x,                                                             y)                           
+   { (y)[0] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>56)&255); (y)[1] = (unsigned                char)(((x)>>48)&255);     \
+     (y)[2] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>40)&255); (y)[3] = (unsigned                char)(((x)>>32)&255);     \
+     (y)[4] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>24)&255); (y)[5] = (unsigned                char)(((x)>>16)&255);     \
+     (y)[6] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>8)&255); (y)[7] = (unsigned char)((x)&255); }
+#define STORE32H(x,                                                             y)                           
+     { (y)[0] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>24)&255); (y)[1] = (unsigned              char)(((x)>>16)&255);   \
+       (y)[2] = (unsigned char)(((x)>>8)&255); (y)[3] = (unsigned               char)((x)&255); }
+#define LOAD32H(x, y)                            \
+     { x = ((unsigned long)((y)[0] & 255)<<24) | \
+           ((unsigned long)((y)[1] & 255)<<16) | \
+           ((unsigned long)((y)[2] & 255)<<8)  | \
+           ((unsigned long)((y)[3] & 255)); }
+/* rotates the hard way */
+#define ROL(x, y)  ((((unsigned long)(x)<<(unsigned long)((y)&31)) | (((unsigned 
long)(x)&0xFFFFFFFFUL)>>(unsigned long)(32-((y)&31)))) & 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
+#define ROLc(x, y) ROL(x,y)
+#define CRYPT_OK     0
+#define CRYPT_ERROR  1
+#define CRYPT_NOP    2
+#ifndef MAX
+   #define MAX(x, y) ( ((x)>(y))?(x):(y) )
+#ifndef MIN
+   #define MIN(x, y) ( ((x)<(y))?(x):(y) )
+/* a simple macro for making hash "process" functions */
+#define HASH_PROCESS(func_name, compress_name, state_var, block_size)               \
+int func_name (CtxSHA1 *sha1, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long inlen)      \
+{                                                                                   \
+    unsigned long n;                                                                \
+    int           err;                                                              \
+    assert (sha1 != NULL);                                                          \
+    assert (in != NULL);                                                            \
+    if (sha1->curlen > sizeof(sha1->buf)) {                                         \
+       return -1;                                                                   \
+    }                                                                               \
+    while (inlen > 0) {                                                             \
+        if (sha1->curlen == 0 && inlen >= block_size) {                             \
+           if ((err = compress_name (sha1, (unsigned char *)in)) != CRYPT_OK) {     \
+              return err;                                                           \
+           }                                                                        \
+           sha1->length += block_size * 8;                                          \
+           in             += block_size;                                            \
+           inlen          -= block_size;                                            \
+        } else {                                                                    \
+           n = MIN(inlen, (block_size - sha1->curlen));                             \
+           memcpy(sha1->buf + sha1->curlen, in, (size_t)n);                         \
+           sha1->curlen += n;                                                       \
+           in             += n;                                                     \
+           inlen          -= n;                                                     \
+           if (sha1->curlen == block_size) {                                        \
+              if ((err = compress_name (sha1, sha1->buf)) != CRYPT_OK) {            \
+                 return err;                                                        \
+              }                                                                     \
+              sha1->length += 8*block_size;                                         \
+              sha1->curlen = 0;                                                     \
+           }                                                                        \
+       }                                                                            \
+    }                                                                               \
+    return CRYPT_OK;                                                                \
+#define F0(x,y,z)  (z ^ (x & (y ^ z)))
+#define F1(x,y,z)  (x ^ y ^ z)
+#define F2(x,y,z)  ((x & y) | (z & (x | y)))
+#define F3(x,y,z)  (x ^ y ^ z)
+static int  ctx_sha1_compress(CtxSHA1 *sha1, unsigned char *buf)
+    uint32_t a,b,c,d,e,W[80],i;
+    /* copy the state into 512-bits into W[0..15] */
+    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+        LOAD32H(W[i], buf + (4*i));
+    }
+    /* copy state */
+    a = sha1->state[0];
+    b = sha1->state[1];
+    c = sha1->state[2];
+    d = sha1->state[3];
+    e = sha1->state[4];
+    /* expand it */
+    for (i = 16; i < 80; i++) {
+        W[i] = ROL(W[i-3] ^ W[i-8] ^ W[i-14] ^ W[i-16], 1); 
+    }
+    /* compress */
+    /* round one */
+    #define FF0(a,b,c,d,e,i) e = (ROLc(a, 5) + F0(b,c,d) + e + W[i] + 0x5a827999UL); b = ROLc(b, 30);
+    #define FF1(a,b,c,d,e,i) e = (ROLc(a, 5) + F1(b,c,d) + e + W[i] + 0x6ed9eba1UL); b = ROLc(b, 30);
+    #define FF2(a,b,c,d,e,i) e = (ROLc(a, 5) + F2(b,c,d) + e + W[i] + 0x8f1bbcdcUL); b = ROLc(b, 30);
+    #define FF3(a,b,c,d,e,i) e = (ROLc(a, 5) + F3(b,c,d) + e + W[i] + 0xca62c1d6UL); b = ROLc(b, 30);
+    for (i = 0; i < 20; ) {
+       FF0(a,b,c,d,e,i++);
+       FF0(e,a,b,c,d,i++);
+       FF0(d,e,a,b,c,i++);
+       FF0(c,d,e,a,b,i++);
+       FF0(b,c,d,e,a,i++);
+    }
+    /* round two */
+    for (; i < 40; )  { 
+       FF1(a,b,c,d,e,i++);
+       FF1(e,a,b,c,d,i++);
+       FF1(d,e,a,b,c,i++);
+       FF1(c,d,e,a,b,i++);
+       FF1(b,c,d,e,a,i++);
+    }
+    /* round three */
+    for (; i < 60; )  { 
+       FF2(a,b,c,d,e,i++);
+       FF2(e,a,b,c,d,i++);
+       FF2(d,e,a,b,c,i++);
+       FF2(c,d,e,a,b,i++);
+       FF2(b,c,d,e,a,i++);
+    }
+    /* round four */
+    for (; i < 80; )  { 
+       FF3(a,b,c,d,e,i++);
+       FF3(e,a,b,c,d,i++);
+       FF3(d,e,a,b,c,i++);
+       FF3(c,d,e,a,b,i++);
+       FF3(b,c,d,e,a,i++);
+    }
+    #undef FF0
+    #undef FF1
+    #undef FF2
+    #undef FF3
+    /* store */
+    sha1->state[0] = sha1->state[0] + a;
+    sha1->state[1] = sha1->state[1] + b;
+    sha1->state[2] = sha1->state[2] + c;
+    sha1->state[3] = sha1->state[3] + d;
+    sha1->state[4] = sha1->state[4] + e;
+    return CRYPT_OK;
+   Initialize the hash state
+   @param md   The hash state you wish to initialize
+   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
+int ctx_sha1_init(CtxSHA1 * sha1)
+   assert(sha1 != NULL);
+   sha1->state[0] = 0x67452301UL;
+   sha1->state[1] = 0xefcdab89UL;
+   sha1->state[2] = 0x98badcfeUL;
+   sha1->state[3] = 0x10325476UL;
+   sha1->state[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0UL;
+   sha1->curlen = 0;
+   sha1->length = 0;
+   return CRYPT_OK;
+   Process a block of memory though the hash
+   @param md     The hash state
+   @param in     The data to hash
+   @param inlen  The length of the data (octets)
+   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
+HASH_PROCESS(ctx_sha1_process, ctx_sha1_compress, sha1, 64)
+   Terminate the hash to get the digest
+   @param md  The hash state
+   @param out [out] The destination of the hash (20 bytes)
+   @return CRYPT_OK if successful
+int ctx_sha1_done(CtxSHA1 * sha1, unsigned char *out)
+    int i;
+    assert(sha1 != NULL);
+    assert(out != NULL);
+    if (sha1->curlen >= sizeof(sha1->buf)) {
+       return -1;
+    }
+    /* increase the length of the message */
+    sha1->length += sha1->curlen * 8;
+    /* append the '1' bit */
+    sha1->buf[sha1->curlen++] = (unsigned char)0x80;
+    /* if the length is currently above 56 bytes we append zeros
+     * then compress.  Then we can fall back to padding zeros and length
+     * encoding like normal.
+     */
+    if (sha1->curlen > 56) {
+        while (sha1->curlen < 64) {
+            sha1->buf[sha1->curlen++] = (unsigned char)0;
+        }
+        ctx_sha1_compress(sha1, sha1->buf);
+        sha1->curlen = 0;
+    }
+    /* pad upto 56 bytes of zeroes */
+    while (sha1->curlen < 56) {
+        sha1->buf[sha1->curlen++] = (unsigned char)0;
+    }
+    /* store length */
+    STORE64H(sha1->length, sha1->buf+56);
+    ctx_sha1_compress(sha1, sha1->buf);
+    /* copy output */
+    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+        STORE32H(sha1->state[i], out+(4*i));
+    }
+    return CRYPT_OK;
+static int
+ctx_rect_intersect (const CtxRectangle *a, const CtxRectangle *b)
+  if (a->x >= b->x + b->width ||
+      b->x >= a->x + a->width ||
+      a->y >= b->y + b->height ||
+      b->y >= a->y + a->height) return 0;
+  return 1;
+static void
+_ctx_add_hash (CtxHasher *hasher, CtxRectangle *shape_rect, char *hash)
+  CtxRectangle rect = {0,0, hasher->rasterizer.blit_width/hasher->cols,
+                            hasher->rasterizer.blit_height/hasher->rows};
+  int hno = 0;
+  for (int row = 0; row < hasher->rows; row++)
+    for (int col = 0; col < hasher->cols; col++, hno++)
+     {
+      rect.x = col * rect.width;
+      rect.y = row * rect.height;
+      if (ctx_rect_intersect (shape_rect, &rect))
+      {
+        int temp = hasher->hashes[(row * hasher->cols + col)  *20 + 0];
+        for (int i = 0; i <19;i++)
+           hasher->hashes[(row * hasher->cols + col)  *20 + i] =
+             hasher->hashes[(row * hasher->cols + col)  *20 + i+1]^
+             hash[i];
+        hasher->hashes[(row * hasher->cols + col)  *20 + 19] =
+                temp ^ hash[19];
+      }
+    }
+static void
+ctx_hasher_process (void *user_data, CtxCommand *command)
+  CtxEntry *entry = &command->entry;
+  CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer *) user_data;
+  CtxHasher *hasher = (CtxHasher*) user_data;
+  CtxState *state = rasterizer->state;
+  CtxCommand *c = (CtxCommand *) entry;
+  int aa = rasterizer->aa;
+  switch (c->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+        {
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          char ctx_sha1_hash[20];
+          float width = ctx_text_width (rasterizer->ctx, ctx_arg_string());
+          float height = ctx_get_font_size (rasterizer->ctx);
+           CtxRectangle shape_rect;
+           shape_rect.x=rasterizer->x;
+           shape_rect.y=rasterizer->y - height,
+           shape_rect.width = width;
+           shape_rect.height = height * 2;
+          switch ((int)ctx_state_get (rasterizer->state, CTX_text_align))
+          {
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT:
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_START:
+                  break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_END:
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT:
+           shape_rect.x -= shape_rect.width;
+           break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER:
+           shape_rect.x -= shape_rect.width/2;
+           break;
+                   // XXX : doesn't take all text-alignments into account
+          }
+          uint32_t color;
+          ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (const unsigned char*)ctx_arg_string(), strlen  (ctx_arg_string()));
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)(&rasterizer->state->gstate.transform), sizeof 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&color, 4);
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&shape_rect, sizeof (CtxRectangle));
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+          _ctx_add_hash (hasher, &shape_rect, ctx_sha1_hash);
+          ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (rasterizer, width, 0);
+        }
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+        {
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          char ctx_sha1_hash[20];
+          float width = ctx_text_width (rasterizer->ctx, ctx_arg_string());
+          float height = ctx_get_font_size (rasterizer->ctx);
+           CtxRectangle shape_rect = {
+              rasterizer->x, rasterizer->y - height,
+              width, height * 2
+           };
+          uint32_t color;
+          ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_arg_string(), strlen  (ctx_arg_string()));
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)(&rasterizer->state->gstate.transform), sizeof 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&color, 4);
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&shape_rect, sizeof (CtxRectangle));
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+          _ctx_add_hash (hasher, &shape_rect, ctx_sha1_hash);
+          ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (rasterizer, width, 0);
+        }
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_GLYPH:
+         {
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          char ctx_sha1_hash[20];
+          uint8_t string[8];
+          string[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (c->u32.a0, string)]=0;
+          float width = ctx_text_width (rasterizer->ctx, (char*)string);
+          float height = ctx_get_font_size (rasterizer->ctx);
+          float tx = rasterizer->x;
+          float ty = rasterizer->y;
+          float tw = width;
+          float th = height * 2;
+          _ctx_user_to_device (rasterizer->state, &tx, &ty);
+          _ctx_user_to_device_distance (rasterizer->state, &tw, &th);
+          CtxRectangle shape_rect = {tx,ty-th/2,tw,th};
+          uint32_t color;
+          ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, string, strlen ((const char*)string));
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)(&rasterizer->state->gstate.transform), sizeof 
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&color, 4);
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&shape_rect, sizeof (CtxRectangle));
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+          _ctx_add_hash (hasher, &shape_rect, ctx_sha1_hash);
+          ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (rasterizer, width, 0);
+          ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+         }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL:
+        {
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          char ctx_sha1_hash[20];
+          /* we eant this hasher to be as good as possible internally,
+           * since it is also used in the small shapes rasterization
+           * cache
+           */
+        uint64_t hash = ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_hash (rasterizer);
+        CtxRectangle shape_rect = {
+          rasterizer->col_min / CTX_SUBDIV,
+          rasterizer->scan_min / aa,
+          (rasterizer->col_max - rasterizer->col_min + 1) / CTX_SUBDIV,
+          (rasterizer->scan_max - rasterizer->scan_min + 1) / aa
+        };
+        hash ^= (rasterizer->state->gstate.fill_rule * 23);
+        hash ^= (rasterizer->state->gstate.source.type * 117);
+        ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&hash, 8);
+        uint32_t color;
+        ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, (uint8_t*)(&color));
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&color, 4);
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+          _ctx_add_hash (hasher, &shape_rect, ctx_sha1_hash);
+        if (!rasterizer->preserve)
+          ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        rasterizer->preserve = 0;
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+        {
+          CtxSHA1 sha1;
+          ctx_sha1_init (&sha1);
+          char ctx_sha1_hash[20];
+        uint64_t hash = ctx_rasterizer_poly_to_hash (rasterizer);
+        CtxRectangle shape_rect = {
+          rasterizer->col_min / CTX_SUBDIV - rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width,
+          rasterizer->scan_min / aa - rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width,
+          (rasterizer->col_max - rasterizer->col_min + 1) / CTX_SUBDIV + 
+          (rasterizer->scan_max - rasterizer->scan_min + 1) / aa + rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width
+        };
+        shape_rect.width += rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * 2;
+        shape_rect.height += rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * 2;
+        shape_rect.x -= rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width;
+        shape_rect.y -= rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width;
+        hash ^= (int)(rasterizer->state->gstate.line_width * 110);
+        hash ^= (rasterizer->state->gstate.line_cap * 23);
+        hash ^= (rasterizer->state->gstate.source.type * 117);
+        ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&hash, 8);
+        uint32_t color;
+        ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &rasterizer->state->gstate.source.color, (uint8_t*)(&color));
+          ctx_sha1_process(&sha1, (unsigned char*)&color, 4);
+          ctx_sha1_done(&sha1, (unsigned char*)ctx_sha1_hash);
+          _ctx_add_hash (hasher, &shape_rect, ctx_sha1_hash);
+        }
+        if (!rasterizer->preserve)
+          ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        rasterizer->preserve = 0;
+        break;
+        /* the above cases are the painting cases and 
+         * the only ones differing from the rasterizer's process switch
+         */
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_line_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_line_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_move_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_move_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_curve_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0,
+                                 c->c.x1, c->c.y1,
+                                 c->c.x2, c->c.y2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_curve_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0,
+                                     c->c.x1, c->c.y1,
+                                     c->c.x2, c->c.y2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_quad_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0, c->c.x1, c->c.y1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rel_quad_to (rasterizer, c->c.x0, c->c.y0, c->c.x1, c->c.y1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        ctx_rasterizer_arc (rasterizer, c->arc.x, c->arc.y, c->arc.radius, c->arc.angle1, c->arc.angle2, 
+        break;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_rectangle (rasterizer, c->rectangle.x, c->rectangle.y,
+                                  c->rectangle.width, c->rectangle.height);
+        break;
+        ctx_rasterizer_round_rectangle (rasterizer, c->rectangle.x, c->rectangle.y,
+                                        c->rectangle.width, c->rectangle.height,
+                                        c->rectangle.radius);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_pixel (rasterizer, c->set_pixel.x, c->set_pixel.y,
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[0],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[1],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[2],
+                                  c->set_pixel.rgba[3]);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+#if 0
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_texture (rasterizer, ctx_arg_u32 (0),
+                                    ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3) );
+        break;
+#if 0
+      case CTX_LOAD_IMAGE:
+        ctx_rasterizer_load_image (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string(),
+                                   ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        {
+          float rgba[4]= {ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+1) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+2) ),
+                          ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+3) )
+                         };
+          ctx_rasterizer_gradient_add_stop (rasterizer,
+                                            ctx_arg_float (0), rgba);
+        }
+        break;
+        ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (rasterizer->state);
+        break;
+        ctx_state_gradient_clear_stops (rasterizer->state);
+        break;
+      case CTX_PRESERVE:
+        rasterizer->preserve = 1;
+        break;
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        rasterizer->uses_transforms = 1;
+        ctx_interpret_transforms (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT:
+        ctx_rasterizer_set_font (rasterizer, ctx_arg_string() );
+        break;
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        ctx_rasterizer_reset (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+        // should perhaps modify a global state to include
+        // in hash?
+        ctx_rasterizer_clip (rasterizer);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+        ctx_rasterizer_finish_shape (rasterizer);
+        break;
+    }
+  ctx_interpret_pos_bare (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+  ctx_interpret_style (rasterizer->state, entry, NULL);
+  if (command->code == CTX_LINE_WIDTH)
+    {
+      float x = state->gstate.line_width;
+      /* normalize line width according to scaling factor
+       */
+      x = x * ctx_maxf (ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[0][1]) ),
+                        ctx_maxf (ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][0]),
+                                  ctx_fabsf (state->gstate.transform.m[1][1]) ) );
+      state->gstate.line_width = x;
+    }
+static CtxRasterizer *
+ctx_hasher_init (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, Ctx *ctx, CtxState *state, int width, int height, int cols, int 
+  CtxHasher *hasher = (CtxHasher*)rasterizer;
+  ctx_memset (rasterizer, 0, sizeof (CtxHasher) );
+  rasterizer->vfuncs.process = ctx_hasher_process;
+  rasterizer->vfuncs.free    = (CtxDestroyNotify)ctx_rasterizer_deinit;
+  // XXX need own destructor to not leak ->hashes
+  rasterizer->edge_list.flags |= CTX_DRAWLIST_EDGE_LIST;
+  rasterizer->state       = state;
+  rasterizer->ctx         = ctx;
+  ctx_state_init (rasterizer->state);
+  rasterizer->blit_x      = 0;
+  rasterizer->blit_y      = 0;
+  rasterizer->blit_width  = width;
+  rasterizer->blit_height = height;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_x  = 0;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_min_y  = 0;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_x  = width - 1;
+  rasterizer->state->gstate.clip_max_y  = height - 1;
+  rasterizer->scan_min    = 5000;
+  rasterizer->scan_max    = -5000;
+  rasterizer->aa          = 5;
+  rasterizer->force_aa    = 0;
+  hasher->rows = rows;
+  hasher->cols = cols;
+  hasher->hashes = (uint8_t*)ctx_calloc (20, rows * cols);
+  return rasterizer;
+Ctx *ctx_hasher_new (int width, int height, int cols, int rows)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  CtxState    *state    = &ctx->state;
+  CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer *) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxHasher), 1);
+  ctx_hasher_init (rasterizer, ctx, state, width, height, cols, rows);
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx, (void*)rasterizer);
+  return ctx;
+uint8_t *ctx_hasher_get_hash (Ctx *ctx, int col, int row)
+  CtxHasher *hasher = (CtxHasher*)ctx->renderer;
+  if (row < 0) row =0;
+  if (col < 0) col =0;
+  if (row >= hasher->rows) row = hasher->rows-1;
+  if (col >= hasher->cols) col = hasher->cols-1;
+  return &hasher->hashes[(row*hasher->cols+col)*20];
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+int ctx_terminal_width (void)
+  struct winsize ws; 
+  if (ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws)!=0)
+    return 80;
+  return ws.ws_xpixel;
+int ctx_terminal_height (void)
+  struct winsize ws; 
+  if (ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws)!=0)
+    return 80;
+  return ws.ws_ypixel;
+int ctx_terminal_cols (void)
+  struct winsize ws; 
+  if (ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws)!=0)
+    return 80;
+  return ws.ws_col;
+int ctx_terminal_rows (void)
+  struct winsize ws; 
+  if (ioctl(0,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws)!=0)
+    return 25;
+  return ws.ws_row;
+#define DECTCEM_CURSOR_SHOW      "\033[?25h"
+#define DECTCEM_CURSOR_HIDE      "\033[?25l"
+#define TERMINAL_MOUSE_OFF       "\033[?1000l\033[?1003l"
+#define TERMINAL_MOUSE_ON_BASIC  "\033[?1000h"
+#define TERMINAL_MOUSE_ON_DRAG   "\033[?1000h\033[?1003h" /* +ON_BASIC for wider */
+#define TERMINAL_MOUSE_ON_FULL   "\033[?1000h\033[?1004h" /* compatibility */
+#define XTERM_ALTSCREEN_ON       "\033[?47h"
+#define XTERM_ALTSCREEN_OFF      "\033[?47l"
+/*************************** input handling *************************/
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#define DELAY_MS  100  
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+static int  size_changed = 0;       /* XXX: global state */
+static int  signal_installed = 0;   /* XXX: global state */
+static const char *mouse_modes[]=
+ NULL};
+/* note that a nick can have multiple occurences, the labels
+ * should be kept the same for all occurences of a combination. */
+typedef struct NcKeyCode {
+  const char *nick;          /* programmers name for key (combo) */
+  const char *label;         /* utf8 label for key */
+  const char  sequence[10];  /* terminal sequence */
+} NcKeyCode;
+static const NcKeyCode keycodes[]={  
+  {"up",                  "↑",     "\033[A"},
+  {"down",                "↓",     "\033[B"},
+  {"right",               "→",     "\033[C"},
+  {"left",                "←",     "\033[D"},
+  {"shift-up",            "⇧↑",    "\033[1;2A"},
+  {"shift-down",          "⇧↓",    "\033[1;2B"},
+  {"shift-right",         "⇧→",    "\033[1;2C"},
+  {"shift-left",          "⇧←",    "\033[1;2D"},
+  {"alt-up",              "^↑",    "\033[1;3A"},
+  {"alt-down",            "^↓",    "\033[1;3B"},
+  {"alt-right",           "^→",    "\033[1;3C"},
+  {"alt-left",            "^←",    "\033[1;3D"},
+  {"alt-shift-up",        "alt-s↑", "\033[1;4A"},
+  {"alt-shift-down",      "alt-s↓", "\033[1;4B"},
+  {"alt-shift-right",     "alt-s→", "\033[1;4C"},
+  {"alt-shift-left",      "alt-s←", "\033[1;4D"},
+  {"control-up",          "^↑",    "\033[1;5A"},
+  {"control-down",        "^↓",    "\033[1;5B"},
+  {"control-right",       "^→",    "\033[1;5C"},
+  {"control-left",        "^←",    "\033[1;5D"},
+  /* putty */
+  {"control-up",          "^↑",    "\033OA"},
+  {"control-down",        "^↓",    "\033OB"},
+  {"control-right",       "^→",    "\033OC"},
+  {"control-left",        "^←",    "\033OD"},
+  {"control-shift-up",    "^⇧↑",   "\033[1;6A"},
+  {"control-shift-down",  "^⇧↓",   "\033[1;6B"},
+  {"control-shift-right", "^⇧→",   "\033[1;6C"},
+  {"control-shift-left",  "^⇧←",   "\033[1;6D"},
+  {"control-up",          "^↑",    "\033Oa"},
+  {"control-down",        "^↓",    "\033Ob"},
+  {"control-right",       "^→",    "\033Oc"},
+  {"control-left",        "^←",    "\033Od"},
+  {"shift-up",            "⇧↑",    "\033[a"},
+  {"shift-down",          "⇧↓",    "\033[b"},
+  {"shift-right",         "⇧→",    "\033[c"},
+  {"shift-left",          "⇧←",    "\033[d"},
+  {"insert",              "ins",   "\033[2~"},
+  {"delete",              "del",   "\033[3~"},
+  {"page-up",             "PgUp",  "\033[5~"},
+  {"page-down",           "PdDn",  "\033[6~"},
+  {"home",                "Home",  "\033OH"},
+  {"end",                 "End",   "\033OF"},
+  {"home",                "Home",  "\033[H"},
+  {"end",                 "End",   "\033[F"},
+  {"control-delete",      "^del",  "\033[3;5~"},
+  {"shift-delete",        "⇧del",  "\033[3;2~"},
+  {"control-shift-delete","^⇧del", "\033[3;6~"},
+  {"F1",        "F1",  "\033[11~"},
+  {"F2",        "F2",  "\033[12~"},
+  {"F3",        "F3",  "\033[13~"},
+  {"F4",        "F4",  "\033[14~"},
+  {"F1",        "F1",  "\033OP"},
+  {"F2",        "F2",  "\033OQ"},
+  {"F3",        "F3",  "\033OR"},
+  {"F4",        "F4",  "\033OS"},
+  {"F5",        "F5",  "\033[15~"},
+  {"F6",        "F6",  "\033[16~"},
+  {"F7",        "F7",  "\033[17~"},
+  {"F8",        "F8",  "\033[18~"},
+  {"F9",        "F9",  "\033[19~"},
+  {"F9",        "F9",  "\033[20~"},
+  {"F10",       "F10", "\033[21~"},
+  {"F11",       "F11", "\033[22~"},
+  {"F12",       "F12", "\033[23~"},
+  {"tab",       "↹",     {9, '\0'}},
+  {"shift-tab", "shift+↹",  "\033[Z"},
+  {"backspace", "⌫",  {127, '\0'}},
+  {"space",     "␣",   " "},
+  {"esc",        "␛",  "\033"},
+  {"return",    "⏎",  {10,0}},
+  {"return",    "⏎",  {13,0}},
+  /* this section could be autogenerated by code */
+  {"control-a", "^A",  {1,0}},
+  {"control-b", "^B",  {2,0}},
+  {"control-c", "^C",  {3,0}},
+  {"control-d", "^D",  {4,0}},
+  {"control-e", "^E",  {5,0}},
+  {"control-f", "^F",  {6,0}},
+  {"control-g", "^G",  {7,0}},
+  {"control-h", "^H",  {8,0}}, /* backspace? */
+  {"control-i", "^I",  {9,0}}, /* tab */
+  {"control-j", "^J",  {10,0}},
+  {"control-k", "^K",  {11,0}},
+  {"control-l", "^L",  {12,0}},
+  {"control-n", "^N",  {14,0}},
+  {"control-o", "^O",  {15,0}},
+  {"control-p", "^P",  {16,0}},
+  {"control-q", "^Q",  {17,0}},
+  {"control-r", "^R",  {18,0}},
+  {"control-s", "^S",  {19,0}},
+  {"control-t", "^T",  {20,0}},
+  {"control-u", "^U",  {21,0}},
+  {"control-v", "^V",  {22,0}},
+  {"control-w", "^W",  {23,0}},
+  {"control-x", "^X",  {24,0}},
+  {"control-y", "^Y",  {25,0}},
+  {"control-z", "^Z",  {26,0}},
+  {"alt-0",     "%0",  "\0330"},
+  {"alt-1",     "%1",  "\0331"},
+  {"alt-2",     "%2",  "\0332"},
+  {"alt-3",     "%3",  "\0333"},
+  {"alt-4",     "%4",  "\0334"},
+  {"alt-5",     "%5",  "\0335"},
+  {"alt-6",     "%6",  "\0336"},
+  {"alt-7",     "%7",  "\0337"}, /* backspace? */
+  {"alt-8",     "%8",  "\0338"},
+  {"alt-9",     "%9",  "\0339"},
+  {"alt-+",     "%+",  "\033+"},
+  {"alt--",     "%-",  "\033-"},
+  {"alt-/",     "%/",  "\033/"},
+  {"alt-a",     "%A",  "\033a"},
+  {"alt-b",     "%B",  "\033b"},
+  {"alt-c",     "%C",  "\033c"},
+  {"alt-d",     "%D",  "\033d"},
+  {"alt-e",     "%E",  "\033e"},
+  {"alt-f",     "%F",  "\033f"},
+  {"alt-g",     "%G",  "\033g"},
+  {"alt-h",     "%H",  "\033h"}, /* backspace? */
+  {"alt-i",     "%I",  "\033i"},
+  {"alt-j",     "%J",  "\033j"},
+  {"alt-k",     "%K",  "\033k"},
+  {"alt-l",     "%L",  "\033l"},
+  {"alt-n",     "%N",  "\033m"},
+  {"alt-n",     "%N",  "\033n"},
+  {"alt-o",     "%O",  "\033o"},
+  {"alt-p",     "%P",  "\033p"},
+  {"alt-q",     "%Q",  "\033q"},
+  {"alt-r",     "%R",  "\033r"},
+  {"alt-s",     "%S",  "\033s"},
+  {"alt-t",     "%T",  "\033t"},
+  {"alt-u",     "%U",  "\033u"},
+  {"alt-v",     "%V",  "\033v"},
+  {"alt-w",     "%W",  "\033w"},
+  {"alt-x",     "%X",  "\033x"},
+  {"alt-y",     "%Y",  "\033y"},
+  {"alt-z",     "%Z",  "\033z"},
+  {"shift-tab", "shift-↹", {27, 9, 0}},
+  /* Linux Console  */
+  {"home",      "Home", "\033[1~"},
+  {"end",       "End",  "\033[4~"},
+  {"F1",        "F1",   "\033[[A"},
+  {"F2",        "F2",   "\033[[B"},
+  {"F3",        "F3",   "\033[[C"},
+  {"F4",        "F4",   "\033[[D"},
+  {"F5",        "F5",   "\033[[E"},
+  {"F6",        "F6",   "\033[[F"},
+  {"F7",        "F7",   "\033[[G"},
+  {"F8",        "F8",   "\033[[H"},
+  {"F9",        "F9",   "\033[[I"},
+  {"F10",       "F10",  "\033[[J"},
+  {"F11",       "F11",  "\033[[K"},
+  {"F12",       "F12",  "\033[[L"}, 
+  {"ok",        "",     "\033[0n"},
+  {NULL, }
+static struct termios orig_attr;    /* in order to restore at exit */
+static int    nc_is_raw = 0;
+static int    atexit_registered = 0;
+static int    mouse_mode = NC_MOUSE_NONE;
+static void _nc_noraw (void)
+  if (nc_is_raw && tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &orig_attr) != -1)
+    nc_is_raw = 0;
+nc_at_exit (void)
+  _nc_noraw();
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[?25h");
+  //if (ctx_native_events)
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[?201l");
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[?1049l");
+static const char *mouse_get_event_int (Ctx *n, int *x, int *y)
+  static int prev_state = 0;
+  const char *ret = "mouse-motion";
+  float relx, rely;
+  signed char buf[3];
+  read (n->mouse_fd, buf, 3);
+  relx = buf[1];
+  rely = -buf[2];
+  n->mouse_x += relx * 0.1;
+  n->mouse_y += rely * 0.1;
+  if (n->mouse_x < 1) n->mouse_x = 1;
+  if (n->mouse_y < 1) n->mouse_y = 1;
+  if (n->mouse_x >= n->events.width)  n->mouse_x = n->events.width;
+  if (n->mouse_y >= n->events.height) n->mouse_y = n->events.height;
+  if (x) *x = n->mouse_x;
+  if (y) *y = n->mouse_y;
+  if ((prev_state & 1) != (buf[0] & 1))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 1) ret = "mouse-press";
+    }
+  else if (buf[0] & 1)
+    ret = "mouse-drag";
+  if ((prev_state & 2) != (buf[0] & 2))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 2) ret = "mouse2-press";
+    }
+  else if (buf[0] & 2)
+    ret = "mouse2-drag";
+  if ((prev_state & 4) != (buf[0] & 4))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 4) ret = "mouse1-press";
+    }
+  else if (buf[0] & 4)
+    ret = "mouse1-drag";
+  prev_state = buf[0];
+  return ret;
+static const char *mev_type = NULL;
+static int         mev_x = 0;
+static int         mev_y = 0;
+static int         mev_q = 0;
+static const char *mouse_get_event (Ctx  *n, int *x, int *y)
+  if (!mev_q)
+    return NULL;
+  *x = mev_x;
+  *y = mev_y;
+  mev_q = 0;
+  return mev_type;
+static int mouse_has_event (Ctx *n)
+  struct timeval tv;
+  int retval;
+  if (mouse_mode == NC_MOUSE_NONE)
+    return 0;
+  if (mev_q)
+    return 1;
+  if (n->mouse_fd == 0)
+    return 0;
+  return 0;
+  {
+    fd_set rfds;
+    FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+    FD_SET(n->mouse_fd, &rfds);
+    tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0;
+    retval = select (n->mouse_fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+  }
+  if (retval != 0)
+    {
+      int nx = 0, ny = 0;
+      const char *type = mouse_get_event_int (n, &nx, &ny);
+      if ((mouse_mode < NC_MOUSE_DRAG && mev_type && !strcmp (mev_type, "drag")) ||
+          (mouse_mode < NC_MOUSE_ALL && mev_type && !strcmp (mev_type, "motion")))
+        {
+          mev_q = 0;
+          return mouse_has_event (n);
+        }
+      if ((mev_type && !strcmp (type, mev_type) && !strcmp (type, "mouse-motion")) ||
+         (mev_type && !strcmp (type, mev_type) && !strcmp (type, "mouse1-drag")) ||
+         (mev_type && !strcmp (type, mev_type) && !strcmp (type, "mouse2-drag")))
+        {
+          if (nx == mev_x && ny == mev_y)
+          {
+            mev_q = 0;
+            return mouse_has_event (n);
+          }
+        }
+      mev_x = nx;
+      mev_y = ny;
+      mev_type = type;
+      mev_q = 1;
+    }
+  return retval != 0;
+static int _nc_raw (void)
+  struct termios raw;
+  if (!isatty (STDIN_FILENO))
+    return -1;
+  if (!atexit_registered)
+    {
+      atexit (nc_at_exit);
+      atexit_registered = 1;
+    }
+  if (tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &orig_attr) == -1)
+    return -1;
+  raw = orig_attr;  /* modify the original mode */
+  raw.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON);
+  raw.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
+  raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG);
+  raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* 1 byte, no timer */
+  if (tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw) < 0)
+    return -1;
+  nc_is_raw = 1;
+  tcdrain(STDIN_FILENO);
+  tcflush(STDIN_FILENO, 1);
+  return 0;
+static int match_keycode (const char *buf, int length, const NcKeyCode **ret)
+  int i;
+  int matches = 0;
+  if (!strncmp (buf, "\033[M", MIN(length,3)))
+    {
+      if (length >= 6)
+        return 9001;
+      return 2342;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; keycodes[i].nick; i++)
+    if (!strncmp (buf, keycodes[i].sequence, length))
+      {
+        matches ++;
+        if ((int)strlen (keycodes[i].sequence) == length && ret)
+          {
+            *ret = &keycodes[i];
+            return 1;
+          }
+      }
+  if (matches != 1 && ret)
+    *ret = NULL;
+  return matches==1?2:matches;
+static void nc_resize_term (int  dummy)
+  size_changed = 1;
+int ctx_has_event (Ctx  *n, int delay_ms)
+  struct timeval tv;
+  int retval;
+  fd_set rfds;
+  if (size_changed)
+    return 1;
+  FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+  FD_SET (STDIN_FILENO, &rfds);
+  tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = delay_ms * 1000; 
+  retval = select (1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+  if (size_changed)
+    return 1;
+  return retval == 1 && retval != -1;
+const char *ctx_nct_get_event (Ctx *n, int timeoutms, int *x, int *y)
+  unsigned char buf[20];
+  int length;
+  if (x) *x = -1;
+  if (y) *y = -1;
+  if (!signal_installed)
+    {
+      _nc_raw ();
+      signal_installed = 1;
+      signal (SIGWINCH, nc_resize_term);
+    }
+  if (mouse_mode) // XXX too often to do it all the time!
+    printf(mouse_modes[mouse_mode]);
+  {
+    int elapsed = 0;
+    int got_event = 0;
+    do {
+      if (size_changed)
+        {
+          size_changed = 0;
+          return "size-changed";
+        }
+      got_event = mouse_has_event (n);
+      if (!got_event)
+        got_event = ctx_has_event (n, MIN(DELAY_MS, timeoutms-elapsed));
+      if (size_changed)
+        {
+          size_changed = 0;
+          return "size-changed";
+        }
+      /* only do this if the client has asked for idle events,
+       * and perhaps programmed the ms timer?
+       */
+      elapsed += MIN(DELAY_MS, timeoutms-elapsed);
+      if (!got_event && timeoutms && elapsed >= timeoutms)
+        return "idle";
+    } while (!got_event);
+  }
+  if (mouse_has_event (n))
+    return mouse_get_event (n, x, y);
+  for (length = 0; length < 10; length ++)
+    if (read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf[length], 1) != -1)
+      {
+        const NcKeyCode *match = NULL;
+        /* special case ESC, so that we can use it alone in keybindings */
+        if (length == 0 && buf[0] == 27)
+          {
+            struct timeval tv;
+            fd_set rfds;
+            FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+            FD_SET (STDIN_FILENO, &rfds);
+            tv.tv_sec = 0;
+            tv.tv_usec = 1000 * DELAY_MS;
+            if (select (1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 0)
+              return "esc";
+          }
+        switch (match_keycode ((const char*)buf, length + 1, &match))
+          {
+            case 1: /* unique match */
+              if (!match)
+                return NULL;
+              if (!strcmp(match->nick, "ok"))
+              {
+                ctx_frame_ack = 1;
+                return NULL;
+              }
+              return match->nick;
+              break;
+            case 9001: /* mouse event */
+              if (x) *x = ((unsigned char)buf[4]-32)*1.0;
+              if (y) *y = ((unsigned char)buf[5]-32)*1.0;
+              switch (buf[3])
+                {
+                        /* XXX : todo reduce this to less string constants */
+                  case 32:  return "mouse-press";
+                  case 33:  return "mouse1-press";
+                  case 34:  return "mouse2-press";
+                  case 40:  return "alt-mouse-press";
+                  case 41:  return "alt-mouse1-press";
+                  case 42:  return "alt-mouse2-press";
+                  case 48:  return "control-mouse-press";
+                  case 49:  return "control-mouse1-press";
+                  case 50:  return "control-mouse2-press";
+                  case 56:  return "alt-control-mouse-press";
+                  case 57:  return "alt-control-mouse1-press";
+                  case 58:  return "alt-control-mouse2-press";
+                  case 64:  return "mouse-drag";
+                  case 65:  return "mouse1-drag";
+                  case 66:  return "mouse2-drag";
+                  case 71:  return "mouse-motion"; /* shift+motion */
+                  case 72:  return "alt-mouse-drag";
+                  case 73:  return "alt-mouse1-drag";
+                  case 74:  return "alt-mouse2-drag";
+                  case 75:  return "mouse-motion"; /* alt+motion */
+                  case 80:  return "control-mouse-drag";
+                  case 81:  return "control-mouse1-drag";
+                  case 82:  return "control-mouse2-drag";
+                  case 83:  return "mouse-motion"; /* ctrl+motion */
+                  case 91:  return "mouse-motion"; /* ctrl+alt+motion */
+                  case 95:  return "mouse-motion"; /* ctrl+alt+shift+motion */
+                  case 96:  return "scroll-up";
+                  case 97:  return "scroll-down";
+                  case 100: return "shift-scroll-up";
+                  case 101: return "shift-scroll-down";
+                  case 104: return "alt-scroll-up";
+                  case 105: return "alt-scroll-down";
+                  case 112: return "control-scroll-up";
+                  case 113: return "control-scroll-down";
+                  case 116: return "control-shift-scroll-up";
+                  case 117: return "control-shift-scroll-down";
+                  case 35: /* (or release) */
+                  case 51: /* (or ctrl-release) */
+                  case 43: /* (or alt-release) */
+                  case 67: return "mouse-motion";
+                           /* have a separate mouse-drag ? */
+                  default: {
+                             static char rbuf[100];
+                             sprintf (rbuf, "mouse (unhandled state: %i)", buf[3]);
+                             return rbuf;
+                           }
+                }
+            case 0: /* no matches, bail*/
+              { 
+                static char ret[256];
+                if (length == 0 && ctx_utf8_len (buf[0])>1) /* single unicode
+                                                               char */
+                  {
+                    read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf[length+1], ctx_utf8_len(buf[0])-1);
+                    buf[ctx_utf8_len(buf[0])]=0;
+                    strcpy (ret, (const char*)buf);
+                    return ret;
+                  }
+                if (length == 0) /* ascii */
+                  {
+                    buf[1]=0;
+                    strcpy (ret, (const char*)buf);
+                    return ret;
+                  }
+                sprintf (ret, "unhandled %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c'",
+                  length>=0? buf[0]: 0, length>=0? buf[0]>31?buf[0]:'?': ' ', 
+                  length>=1? buf[1]: 0, length>=1? buf[1]>31?buf[1]:'?': ' ', 
+                  length>=2? buf[2]: 0, length>=2? buf[2]>31?buf[2]:'?': ' ', 
+                  length>=3? buf[3]: 0, length>=3? buf[3]>31?buf[3]:'?': ' ',
+                  length>=4? buf[4]: 0, length>=4? buf[4]>31?buf[4]:'?': ' ',
+                  length>=5? buf[5]: 0, length>=5? buf[5]>31?buf[5]:'?': ' ',
+                  length>=6? buf[6]: 0, length>=6? buf[6]>31?buf[6]:'?': ' ');
+                return ret;
+              }
+              return NULL;
+            default: /* continue */
+              break;
+          }
+      }
+    else
+      return "key read eek";
+  return "fail";
+int ctx_nct_consume_events (Ctx *ctx)
+  int ix, iy;
+  CtxCtx *ctxctx = (CtxCtx*)ctx->renderer;
+  const char *event = NULL;
+  {
+    float x, y;
+    event = ctx_nct_get_event (ctx, 50, &ix, &iy);
+    x = (ix - 1.0 + 0.5) / ctxctx->cols * ctx->events.width;
+    y = (iy - 1.0)       / ctxctx->rows * ctx->events.height;
+    if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-press"))
+    {
+      ctx_pointer_press (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+      ctxctx->was_down = 1;
+    } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-release"))
+    {
+      ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+      ctxctx->was_down = 0;
+    } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-motion"))
+    {
+      //nct_set_cursor_pos (backend->term, ix, iy);
+      //nct_flush (backend->term);
+      if (ctxctx->was_down)
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+        ctxctx->was_down = 0;
+      }
+      ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+    } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-drag"))
+    {
+      ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+    } else if (!strcmp (event, "size-changed"))
+    {
+#if 0
+      int width = nct_sys_terminal_width ();
+      int height = nct_sys_terminal_height ();
+      nct_set_size (backend->term, width, height);
+      width *= CPX;
+      height *= CPX;
+      free (mrg->glyphs);
+      free (mrg->styles);
+      free (backend->nct_pixels);
+      backend->nct_pixels = calloc (width * height * 4, 1);
+      mrg->glyphs = calloc ((width/CPX) * (height/CPX) * 4, 1);
+      mrg->styles = calloc ((width/CPX) * (height/CPX) * 1, 1);
+      mrg_set_size (mrg, width, height);
+      mrg_queue_draw (mrg, NULL);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (!strcmp (event, "esc"))
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "escape", 0);
+      else if (!strcmp (event, "space"))
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "space", 0);
+      else if (!strcmp (event, "enter"))
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "\n", 0);
+      else if (!strcmp (event, "return"))
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "\n", 0);
+      else
+      ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, event, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+const char *ctx_native_get_event (Ctx *n, int timeoutms)
+  static unsigned char buf[256];
+  int length;
+  if (!signal_installed)
+    {
+      _nc_raw ();
+      signal_installed = 1;
+      signal (SIGWINCH, nc_resize_term);
+    }
+//if (mouse_mode) // XXX too often to do it all the time!
+//  printf(mouse_modes[mouse_mode]);
+    int got_event = 0;
+  {
+    int elapsed = 0;
+    do {
+      if (size_changed)
+        {
+          size_changed = 0;
+          return "size-changed";
+        }
+      got_event = ctx_has_event (n, MIN(DELAY_MS, timeoutms-elapsed));
+      if (size_changed)
+        {
+          size_changed = 0;
+          return "size-changed";
+        }
+      /* only do this if the client has asked for idle events,
+       * and perhaps programmed the ms timer?
+       */
+      elapsed += MIN(DELAY_MS, timeoutms-elapsed);
+      if (!got_event && timeoutms && elapsed >= timeoutms)
+      {
+        return "idle";
+      }
+    } while (!got_event);
+  }
+  for (length = 0; got_event && length < 200; length ++)
+  {
+    if (read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf[length], 1) != -1)
+      {
+         buf[length+1] = 0;
+         if (!strcmp ((char*)buf, "\e[0n"))
+         {
+           ctx_frame_ack = 1;
+           return NULL;
+         }
+         else if (buf[length]=='\n')
+         {
+           buf[length]=0;
+           return (const char*)buf;
+         }
+      }
+      got_event = ctx_has_event (n, 5);
+    }
+  return NULL;
+const char *ctx_key_get_label (Ctx  *n, const char *nick)
+  int j;
+  int found = -1;
+  for (j = 0; keycodes[j].nick; j++)
+    if (found == -1 && !strcmp (keycodes[j].nick, nick))
+      return keycodes[j].label;
+  return NULL;
+void _ctx_mouse (Ctx *term, int mode)
+  //if (term->is_st && mode > 1)
+  //  mode = 1;
+  if (mode != mouse_mode)
+  {
+    printf (mouse_modes[mode]);
+    fflush (stdout);
+  }
+  mouse_mode = mode;
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#define usecs(time)    ((uint64_t)(time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) * 1000000 + time.     tv_usec)
+static struct timeval start_time;
+static void
+_ctx_init_ticks (void)
+  static int done = 0;
+  if (done)
+    return;
+  done = 1;
+  gettimeofday (&start_time, NULL);
+static inline unsigned long
+_ctx_ticks (void)
+  struct timeval measure_time;
+  gettimeofday (&measure_time, NULL);
+  return usecs (measure_time) - usecs (start_time);
+unsigned long
+ctx_ticks (void)
+  _ctx_init_ticks ();
+  return _ctx_ticks ();
+uint32_t ctx_ms (Ctx *ctx)
+  return _ctx_ticks () / 1000;
+typedef enum _CtxFlags CtxFlags;
+enum _CtxFlags {
+   CTX_FLAG_DIRECT = (1<<0),
+int _ctx_max_threads = 1;
+int _ctx_enable_hash_cache = 1;
+ctx_init (int *argc, char ***argv)
+#if 0
+  if (!getenv ("CTX_VERSION"))
+  {
+    int i;
+    char *new_argv[*argc+3];
+    new_argv[0] = "ctx";
+    for (i = 0; i < *argc; i++)
+    {
+      new_argv[i+1] = *argv[i];
+    }
+    new_argv[i+1] = NULL;
+    execvp (new_argv[0], new_argv);
+    // if this fails .. we continue normal startup
+    // and end up in self-hosted braille
+  }
+int ctx_count (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->drawlist.count;
+Ctx *ctx_new_ui (int width, int height)
+  if (getenv ("CTX_THREADS"))
+  {
+    int val = atoi (getenv ("CTX_THREADS"));
+    _ctx_max_threads = val;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    _ctx_max_threads = 2;
+    _ctx_max_threads = sysconf (_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) / 2;
+  }
+  if (_ctx_max_threads < 1) _ctx_max_threads = 1;
+  if (_ctx_max_threads > CTX_MAX_THREADS) _ctx_max_threads = CTX_MAX_THREADS;
+  //fprintf (stderr, "ctx using %i threads\n", _ctx_max_threads);
+  const char *backend = getenv ("CTX_BACKEND");
+  if (backend && !strcmp (backend, "auto"))
+    backend = NULL;
+  if (backend && !strcmp (backend, "list"))
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "possible values for CTX_BACKEND:\n");
+    fprintf (stderr, " ctx");
+#if CTX_SDL
+    fprintf (stderr, " SDL");
+#if CTX_FB
+    fprintf (stderr, " fb");
+    fprintf (stderr, " drm");
+    fprintf (stderr, " braille");
+    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+    exit (-1);
+  }
+  Ctx *ret = NULL;
+  /* FIXME: to a terminal query instead - to avoid relying on
+   * environment variables - thus making it work reliably over
+   * ssh without configuration.
+   */
+  if (getenv ("CTX_VERSION"))
+  {
+    if (!backend || !strcmp (backend, "ctx"))
+    {
+      // full blown ctx protocol - in terminal or standalone
+      ret = ctx_new_ctx (width, height);
+    }
+  }
+#if CTX_SDL
+  if (!ret && getenv ("DISPLAY"))
+  {
+    if ((backend==NULL) || (!strcmp (backend, "SDL")))
+      ret = ctx_new_sdl (width, height);
+  }
+#if CTX_FB
+  if (!ret && !getenv ("DISPLAY"))
+  {
+    if ((backend==NULL) || (!strcmp (backend, "drm")))
+    ret = ctx_new_fb (width, height, 1);
+    if (!ret)
+    {
+      if ((backend==NULL) || (!strcmp (backend, "fb")))
+        ret = ctx_new_fb (width, height, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  // braille in terminal
+  if (!ret)
+  {
+    if ((backend==NULL) || (!strcmp (backend, "braille")))
+    ret = ctx_new_braille (width, height);
+  }
+  if (!ret)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "no interactive ctx backend\n");
+    exit (2);
+  }
+  ctx_get_event (ret); // enables events
+  return ret;
+void _ctx_resized (Ctx *ctx, int width, int height, long time);
+void ctx_set_size (Ctx *ctx, int width, int height)
+  if (ctx->events.width != width || ctx->events.height != height)
+  {
+    ctx->events.width = width;
+    ctx->events.height = height;
+    _ctx_resized (ctx, width, height, 0);
+  }
+typedef struct CtxIdleCb {
+  int (*cb) (Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data);
+  void *idle_data;
+  void (*destroy_notify)(void *destroy_data);
+  void *destroy_data;
+  int   ticks_full;
+  int   ticks_remaining;
+  int   is_idle;
+  int   id;
+} CtxIdleCb;
+void _ctx_events_init (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  _ctx_init_ticks ();
+  events->tap_delay_min  = 40;
+  events->tap_delay_max  = 800;
+  events->tap_delay_max  = 8000000; /* quick reflexes needed making it hard for some is an argument against 
very short values  */
+  events->tap_delay_hold = 1000;
+  events->tap_hysteresis = 32;  /* XXX: should be ppi dependent */
+void _ctx_idle_iteration (Ctx *ctx)
+  static unsigned long prev_ticks = 0;
+  CtxList *l;
+  CtxList *to_remove = NULL;
+  unsigned long ticks = _ctx_ticks ();
+  unsigned long tick_delta = (prev_ticks == 0) ? 0 : ticks - prev_ticks;
+  prev_ticks = ticks;
+  if (!ctx->events.idles)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (l = ctx->events.idles; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxIdleCb *item = l->data;
+    if (item->ticks_remaining >= 0)
+      item->ticks_remaining -= tick_delta;
+    if (item->ticks_remaining < 0)
+    {
+      if (item->cb (ctx, item->idle_data) == 0)
+        ctx_list_prepend (&to_remove, item);
+      else
+        item->ticks_remaining = item->ticks_full;
+    }
+  }
+  for (l = to_remove; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxIdleCb *item = l->data;
+    if (item->destroy_notify)
+      item->destroy_notify (item->destroy_data);
+    ctx_list_remove (&ctx->events.idles, l->data);
+  }
+void ctx_add_key_binding_full (Ctx *ctx,
+                           const char *key,
+                           const char *action,
+                           const char *label,
+                           CtxCb       cb,
+                           void       *cb_data,
+                           CtxDestroyNotify destroy_notify,
+                           void       *destroy_data)
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  if (events->n_bindings +1 >= CTX_MAX_KEYBINDINGS)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "warning: binding overflow\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  events->bindings[events->n_bindings].nick = strdup (key);
+  strcpy (events->bindings[events->n_bindings].nick, key);
+  if (action)
+    events->bindings[events->n_bindings].command = action ? strdup (action) : NULL;
+  if (label)
+    events->bindings[events->n_bindings].label = label ? strdup (label) : NULL;
+  events->bindings[events->n_bindings].cb = cb;
+  events->bindings[events->n_bindings].cb_data = cb_data;
+  events->bindings[events->n_bindings].destroy_notify = destroy_notify;
+  events->bindings[events->n_bindings].destroy_data = destroy_data;
+  events->n_bindings++;
+void ctx_add_key_binding (Ctx *ctx,
+                          const char *key,
+                          const char *action,
+                          const char *label,
+                          CtxCb       cb,
+                          void       *cb_data)
+  ctx_add_key_binding_full (ctx, key, action, label, cb, cb_data, NULL, NULL);
+void ctx_clear_bindings (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; events->bindings[i].nick; i ++)
+  {
+    if (events->bindings[i].destroy_notify)
+      events->bindings[i].destroy_notify (events->bindings[i].destroy_data);
+    free (events->bindings[i].nick);
+    if (events->bindings[i].command)
+      free (events->bindings[i].command);
+    if (events->bindings[i].label)
+      free (events->bindings[i].label);
+  }
+  memset (&events->bindings, 0, sizeof (events->bindings));
+  events->n_bindings = 0;
+static void _ctx_bindings_key_down (CtxEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2)
+  Ctx *ctx = event->ctx;
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  int i;
+  int handled = 0;
+  for (i = events->n_bindings-1; i>=0; i--)
+    if (!strcmp (events->bindings[i].nick, event->string))
+    {
+      if (events->bindings[i].cb)
+      {
+        events->bindings[i].cb (event, events->bindings[i].cb_data, NULL);
+        if (event->stop_propagate)
+          return;
+        handled = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  if (!handled)
+  for (i = events->n_bindings-1; i>=0; i--)
+    if (!strcmp (events->bindings[i].nick, "unhandled"))
+    {
+      if (events->bindings[i].cb)
+      {
+        events->bindings[i].cb (event, events->bindings[i].cb_data, NULL);
+        if (event->stop_propagate)
+          return;
+      }
+    }
+CtxBinding *ctx_get_bindings (Ctx *ctx)
+  return &ctx->events.bindings[0];
+void ctx_remove_idle (Ctx *ctx, int handle)
+  CtxList *l;
+  CtxList *to_remove = NULL;
+  if (!ctx->events.idles)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (l = ctx->events.idles; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxIdleCb *item = l->data;
+    if (item->id == handle)
+      ctx_list_prepend (&to_remove, item);
+  }
+  for (l = to_remove; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxIdleCb *item = l->data;
+    if (item->destroy_notify)
+      item->destroy_notify (item->destroy_data);
+    ctx_list_remove (&ctx->events.idles, l->data);
+  }
+int ctx_add_timeout_full (Ctx *ctx, int ms, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data,
+                          void (*destroy_notify)(void *destroy_data), void *destroy_data)
+  CtxIdleCb *item = calloc (sizeof (CtxIdleCb), 1);
+  item->cb              = idle_cb;
+  item->idle_data       = idle_data;
+  item->id              = ++ctx->events.idle_id;
+  item->ticks_full      = 
+  item->ticks_remaining = ms * 1000;
+  item->destroy_notify  = destroy_notify;
+  item->destroy_data    = destroy_data;
+  ctx_list_append (&ctx->events.idles, item);
+  return item->id;
+int ctx_add_timeout (Ctx *ctx, int ms, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data)
+  return ctx_add_timeout_full (ctx, ms, idle_cb, idle_data, NULL, NULL);
+int ctx_add_idle_full (Ctx *ctx, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data,
+                                 void (*destroy_notify)(void *destroy_data), void *destroy_data)
+  CtxIdleCb *item = calloc (sizeof (CtxIdleCb), 1);
+  item->cb = idle_cb;
+  item->idle_data = idle_data;
+  item->id = ++ctx->events.idle_id;
+  item->ticks_full =
+  item->ticks_remaining = -1;
+  item->is_idle = 1;
+  item->destroy_notify = destroy_notify;
+  item->destroy_data = destroy_data;
+  ctx_list_append (&ctx->events.idles, item);
+  return item->id;
+int ctx_add_idle (Ctx *ctx, int (*idle_cb)(Ctx *ctx, void *idle_data), void *idle_data)
+  return ctx_add_idle_full (ctx, idle_cb, idle_data, NULL, NULL);
+/* using bigger primes would be a good idea, this falls apart due to rounding
+ * when zoomed in close
+ */
+static inline double ctx_path_hash (void *path)
+  double ret = 0;
+#if 0
+  int i;
+  cairo_path_data_t *data;
+  if (!path)
+    return 0.99999;
+  for (i = 0; i <path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length)
+  {
+    data = &path->data[i];
+    switch (data->header.type) {
+      case CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO:
+        ret *= 17;
+        ret += data[1].point.x;
+        ret *= 113;
+        ret += data[1].point.y;
+        break;
+      case CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO:
+        ret *= 121;
+        ret += data[1].point.x;
+        ret *= 1021;
+        ret += data[1].point.y;
+        break;
+      case CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO:
+        ret *= 3111;
+        ret += data[1].point.x;
+        ret *= 23;
+        ret += data[1].point.y;
+        ret *= 107;
+        ret += data[2].point.x;
+        ret *= 739;
+        ret += data[2].point.y;
+        ret *= 3;
+        ret += data[3].point.x;
+        ret *= 51;
+        ret += data[3].point.y;
+        break;
+        ret *= 51;
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return ret;
+void _ctx_item_ref (CtxItem *item)
+  if (item->ref_count < 0)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "EEEEK!\n");
+  }
+  item->ref_count++;
+void _ctx_item_unref (CtxItem *item)
+  if (item->ref_count <= 0)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "EEEEK!\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  item->ref_count--;
+  if (item->ref_count <=0)
+  {
+    {
+      int i;
+      for (i = 0; i < item->cb_count; i++)
+      {
+        if (item->cb[i].finalize)
+          item->cb[i].finalize (item->cb[i].data1, item->cb[i].data2,
+                                   item->cb[i].finalize_data);
+      }
+    }
+    if (item->path)
+    {
+      //cairo_path_destroy (item->path);
+    }
+    free (item);
+  }
+static int
+path_equal (void *path,
+            void *path2)
+  //  XXX
+  return 0;
+void ctx_listen_set_cursor (Ctx      *ctx,
+                            CtxCursor cursor)
+  if (ctx->events.last_item)
+  {
+    ctx->events.last_item->cursor = cursor;
+  }
+void ctx_listen_full (Ctx     *ctx,
+                      float    x,
+                      float    y,
+                      float    width,
+                      float    height,
+                      CtxEventType  types,
+                      CtxCb    cb,
+                      void    *data1,
+                      void    *data2,
+                      void   (*finalize)(void *listen_data,
+                                         void *listen_data2,
+                                         void *finalize_data),
+                      void    *finalize_data)
+  if (!ctx->events.frozen)
+  {
+    CtxItem *item;
+    /* early bail for listeners outside screen  */
+    /* XXX: fixme respect clipping */
+    {
+      float tx = x;
+      float ty = y;
+      float tw = width;
+      float th = height;
+      _ctx_user_to_device (&ctx->state, &tx, &ty);
+      _ctx_user_to_device_distance (&ctx->state, &tw, &th);
+      if (ty > ctx->events.height * 2 ||
+          tx > ctx->events.width * 2 ||
+          tx + tw < 0 ||
+          ty + th < 0)
+      {
+        if (finalize)
+          finalize (data1, data2, finalize_data);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    item = calloc (sizeof (CtxItem), 1);
+    item->x0 = x;
+    item->y0 = y;
+    item->x1 = x + width;
+    item->y1 = y + height;
+    item->cb[0].types = types;
+    item->cb[0].cb = cb;
+    item->cb[0].data1 = data1;
+    item->cb[0].data2 = data2;
+    item->cb[0].finalize = finalize;
+    item->cb[0].finalize_data = finalize_data;
+    item->cb_count = 1;
+    item->types = types;
+    //item->path = cairo_copy_path (cr); // XXX
+    item->path_hash = ctx_path_hash (item->path);
+    ctx_get_matrix (ctx, &item->inv_matrix);
+    ctx_matrix_invert (&item->inv_matrix);
+    if (ctx->events.items)
+    {
+      CtxList *l;
+      for (l = ctx->events.items; l; l = l->next)
+      {
+        CtxItem *item2 = l->data;
+        /* store multiple callbacks for one entry when the paths
+         * are exact matches, reducing per event traversal checks at the
+         * cost of a little paint-hit (XXX: is this the right tradeoff,
+         * perhaps it is better to spend more time during event processing
+         * than during paint?)
+         */
+        if (item->path_hash == item2->path_hash &&
+            path_equal (item->path, item2->path))
+        {
+          /* found an item, copy over cb data  */
+          item2->cb[item2->cb_count] = item->cb[0];
+          free (item);
+          item2->cb_count++;
+          item2->types |= types;
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    item->ref_count       = 1;
+    ctx->events.last_item = item;
+    ctx_list_prepend_full (&ctx->events.items, item, (void*)_ctx_item_unref, NULL);
+  }
+void ctx_event_stop_propagate (CtxEvent *event)
+  if (event)
+    event->stop_propagate = 1;
+void ctx_listen (Ctx          *ctx,
+                 CtxEventType  types,
+                 CtxCb         cb,
+                 void*         data1,
+                 void*         data2)
+  float x, y, width, height;
+  /* generate bounding box of what to listen for - from current cairo path */
+  if (types & CTX_KEY)
+  {
+    x = 0;
+    y = 0;
+    width = 0;
+    height = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+     float ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2;
+     ctx_path_extents (ctx, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2);
+     x = ex1;
+     y = ey1;
+     width = ex2 - ex1;
+     height = ey2 - ey1;
+  }
+  if (types == CTX_DRAG_MOTION)
+  return ctx_listen_full (ctx, x, y, width, height, types, cb, data1, data2, NULL, NULL);
+void  ctx_listen_with_finalize (Ctx          *ctx,
+                                CtxEventType  types,
+                                CtxCb         cb,
+                                void*         data1,
+                                void*         data2,
+                      void   (*finalize)(void *listen_data, void *listen_data2,
+                                         void *finalize_data),
+                      void    *finalize_data)
+  float x, y, width, height;
+  /* generate bounding box of what to listen for - from current cairo path */
+  if (types & CTX_KEY)
+  {
+    x = 0;
+    y = 0;
+    width = 0;
+    height = 0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+     float ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2;
+     ctx_path_extents (ctx, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2);
+     x = ex1;
+     y = ey1;
+     width = ex2 - ex1;
+     height = ey2 - ey1;
+  }
+  if (types == CTX_DRAG_MOTION)
+  return ctx_listen_full (ctx, x, y, width, height, types, cb, data1, data2, finalize, finalize_data);
+static void ctx_report_hit_region (CtxEvent *event,
+                       void     *data,
+                       void     *data2)
+  const char *id = data;
+  fprintf (stderr, "hit region %s\n", id);
+  // XXX: NYI
+void ctx_add_hit_region (Ctx *ctx, const char *id)
+  char *id_copy = strdup (id);
+  float x, y, width, height;
+  /* generate bounding box of what to listen for - from current cairo path */
+  {
+     float ex1,ey1,ex2,ey2;
+     ctx_path_extents (ctx, &ex1, &ey1, &ex2, &ey2);
+     x = ex1;
+     y = ey1;
+     width = ex2 - ex1;
+     height = ey2 - ey1;
+  }
+  return ctx_listen_full (ctx, x, y, width, height, CTX_POINTER, ctx_report_hit_region, id_copy, NULL, 
(void*)free, NULL);
+typedef struct _CtxGrab CtxGrab;
+struct _CtxGrab
+  CtxItem *item;
+  int      device_no;
+  int      timeout_id;
+  int      start_time;
+  float    x; // for tap and hold
+  float    y;
+  CtxEventType  type;
+static void grab_free (Ctx *ctx, CtxGrab *grab)
+  if (grab->timeout_id)
+  {
+    ctx_remove_idle (ctx, grab->timeout_id);
+    grab->timeout_id = 0;
+  }
+  _ctx_item_unref (grab->item);
+  free (grab);
+static void device_remove_grab (Ctx *ctx, CtxGrab *grab)
+  ctx_list_remove (&ctx->events.grabs, grab);
+  grab_free (ctx, grab);
+static CtxGrab *device_add_grab (Ctx *ctx, int device_no, CtxItem *item, CtxEventType type)
+  CtxGrab *grab = calloc (1, sizeof (CtxGrab));
+  grab->item = item;
+  grab->type = type;
+  _ctx_item_ref (item);
+  grab->device_no = device_no;
+  ctx_list_append (&ctx->events.grabs, grab);
+  return grab;
+CtxList *device_get_grabs (Ctx *ctx, int device_no)
+  CtxList *ret = NULL;
+  CtxList *l;
+  for (l = ctx->events.grabs; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxGrab *grab = l->data;
+    if (grab->device_no == device_no)
+      ctx_list_append (&ret, grab);
+  }
+  return ret;
+static void _mrg_restore_path (Ctx *ctx, void *path)  //XXX
+  //int i;
+  //cairo_path_data_t *data;
+  //cairo_new_path (cr);
+  //cairo_append_path (cr, path);
+CtxList *_ctx_detect_list (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, CtxEventType type)
+  CtxList *a;
+  CtxList *ret = NULL;
+  if (type == CTX_KEY_DOWN ||
+      type == CTX_KEY_UP ||
+      type == CTX_MESSAGE ||
+      type == (CTX_KEY_DOWN|CTX_MESSAGE) ||
+      type == (CTX_KEY_DOWN|CTX_KEY_UP) ||
+  {
+    for (a = ctx->events.items; a; a = a->next)
+    {
+      CtxItem *item = a->data;
+      if (item->types & type)
+      {
+        ctx_list_prepend (&ret, item);
+        return ret;
+      }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  for (a = ctx->events.items; a; a = a->next)
+  {
+    CtxItem *item= a->data;
+    float u, v;
+    u = x;
+    v = y;
+    ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&item->inv_matrix, &u, &v);
+    if (u >= item->x0 && v >= item->y0 &&
+        u <  item->x1 && v <  item->y1 && 
+        ((item->types & type) || ((type == CTX_SET_CURSOR) &&
+        item->cursor)))
+    {
+      if (item->path)
+      {
+        _mrg_restore_path (ctx, item->path);
+        if (ctx_in_fill (ctx, u, v))
+        {
+          ctx_begin_path (ctx);
+          ctx_list_prepend (&ret, item);
+        }
+        ctx_begin_path (ctx);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        ctx_list_prepend (&ret, item);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return ret;
+CtxItem *_ctx_detect (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, CtxEventType type)
+  CtxList *l = _ctx_detect_list (ctx, x, y, type);
+  if (l)
+  {
+    ctx_list_reverse (&l);
+    CtxItem *ret = l->data;
+    ctx_list_free (&l);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+static int
+_ctx_emit_cb_item (Ctx *ctx, CtxItem *item, CtxEvent *event, CtxEventType type, float x, float y)
+  static CtxEvent s_event;
+  CtxEvent transformed_event;
+  int i;
+  if (!event)
+  {
+    event = &s_event;
+    event->type = type;
+    event->x = x;
+    event->y = y;
+  }
+  event->ctx = ctx;
+  transformed_event = *event;
+  transformed_event.device_x = event->x;
+  transformed_event.device_y = event->y;
+  {
+    float tx, ty;
+    tx = transformed_event.x;
+    ty = transformed_event.y;
+    ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&item->inv_matrix, &tx, &ty);
+    transformed_event.x = tx;
+    transformed_event.y = ty;
+    if ((type & CTX_DRAG_PRESS) ||
+        (type & CTX_DRAG_MOTION) ||
+        (type & CTX_MOTION))   /* probably a worthwhile check for the performance 
+                                  benefit
+                                */
+    {
+      tx = transformed_event.start_x;
+      ty = transformed_event.start_y;
+      ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&item->inv_matrix, &tx, &ty);
+      transformed_event.start_x = tx;
+      transformed_event.start_y = ty;
+    }
+    tx = transformed_event.delta_x;
+    ty = transformed_event.delta_y;
+    ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&item->inv_matrix, &tx, &ty);
+    transformed_event.delta_x = tx;
+    transformed_event.delta_y = ty;
+  }
+  transformed_event.state = ctx->events.modifier_state;
+  transformed_event.type = type;
+  for (i = item->cb_count-1; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    if (item->cb[i].types & type)
+    {
+      item->cb[i].cb (&transformed_event, item->cb[i].data1, item->cb[i].data2);
+      event->stop_propagate = transformed_event.stop_propagate; /* copy back the response */
+      if (event->stop_propagate)
+        return event->stop_propagate;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+int ctx_native_events = 0;
+#if CTX_SDL
+int ctx_sdl_events = 0;
+int ctx_sdl_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+#if CTX_FB
+int ctx_fb_events = 0;
+int ctx_fb_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_nct_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+int ctx_ctx_consume_events (Ctx *ctx);
+#if CTX_SDL
+void ctx_consume_events (Ctx *ctx)
+#if CTX_SDL
+  if (ctx_sdl_events)
+    ctx_sdl_consume_events (ctx);
+  else
+#if CTX_FB
+  if (ctx_fb_events)
+    ctx_fb_consume_events (ctx);
+  else
+  if (ctx_native_events)
+    ctx_ctx_consume_events (ctx);
+  else
+    ctx_nct_consume_events (ctx);
+CtxEvent *ctx_get_event (Ctx *ctx)
+  static CtxEvent event_copy;
+  _ctx_idle_iteration (ctx);
+  if (!ctx->events.ctx_get_event_enabled)
+    ctx->events.ctx_get_event_enabled = 1;
+  ctx_consume_events (ctx);
+  if (ctx->events.events)
+    {
+      event_copy = *((CtxEvent*)(ctx->events.events->data));
+      ctx_list_remove (&ctx->events.events, ctx->events.events->data);
+      return &event_copy;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static int
+_ctx_emit_cb (Ctx *ctx, CtxList *items, CtxEvent *event, CtxEventType type, float x, float y)
+  CtxList *l;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  for (l = items; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, l->data, event, type, x, y);
+    if (event->stop_propagate)
+      return event->stop_propagate;
+  }
+  return 0;
+ * update what is the currently hovered item and returns it.. and the list of hits
+ * a well.
+ *
+ */
+static CtxItem *_ctx_update_item (Ctx *ctx, int device_no, float x, float y, CtxEventType type, CtxList 
+  CtxItem *current = NULL;
+  CtxList *l = _ctx_detect_list (ctx, x, y, type);
+  if (l)
+  {
+    ctx_list_reverse (&l);
+    current = l->data;
+  }
+  if (hitlist)
+    *hitlist = l;
+  else
+    ctx_list_free (&l);
+  if (ctx->events.prev[device_no] == NULL || current == NULL || (current->path_hash != 
+  {
+// enter/leave should snapshot chain to root
+// and compare with previous snapshotted chain to root
+// and emit/enter/leave as appropriate..
+// leave might be registered for emission on enter..emission?
+    //int focus_radius = 2;
+    if (current)
+      _ctx_item_ref (current);
+    if (ctx->events.prev[device_no])
+    {
+      {
+#if 0
+        CtxRectangle rect = {floor(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->x0-focus_radius),
+                             floor(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->y0-focus_radius),
+                             ceil(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->x1)-floor(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->x0) + 
focus_radius * 2,
+                             ceil(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->y1)-floor(ctx->events.prev[device_no]->y0) + 
focus_radius * 2};
+        mrg_queue_draw (mrg, &rect);
+      }
+      _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, ctx->events.prev[device_no], NULL, CTX_LEAVE, x, y);
+      _ctx_item_unref (ctx->events.prev[device_no]);
+      ctx->events.prev[device_no] = NULL;
+    }
+    if (current)
+    {
+#if 0
+      {
+        CtxRectangle rect = {floor(current->x0-focus_radius),
+                             floor(current->y0-focus_radius),
+                             ceil(current->x1)-floor(current->x0) + focus_radius * 2,
+                             ceil(current->y1)-floor(current->y0) + focus_radius * 2};
+        mrg_queue_draw (mrg, &rect);
+      }
+      _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, current, NULL, CTX_ENTER, x, y);
+      ctx->events.prev[device_no] = current;
+    }
+  }
+  current = _ctx_detect (ctx, x, y, type);
+  //fprintf (stderr, "%p\n", current);
+  return current;
+static int tap_and_hold_fire (Ctx *ctx, void *data)
+  CtxGrab *grab = data;
+  CtxList *list = NULL;
+  ctx_list_prepend (&list, grab->item);
+  CtxEvent event = {0, };
+  event.ctx = ctx;
+  event.time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event.device_x = 
+  event.x = ctx->events.pointer_x[grab->device_no];
+  event.device_y = 
+  event.y = ctx->events.pointer_y[grab->device_no];
+  // XXX: x and y coordinates
+  int ret = _ctx_emit_cb (ctx, list, &event, CTX_TAP_AND_HOLD,
+      ctx->events.pointer_x[grab->device_no], ctx->events.pointer_y[grab->device_no]);
+  ctx_list_free (&list);
+  grab->timeout_id = 0;
+  return 0;
+  return ret;
+int ctx_pointer_drop (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time,
+                      char *string)
+  CtxList *l;
+  CtxList *hitlist = NULL;
+  ctx->events.pointer_x[device_no] = x;
+  ctx->events.pointer_y[device_no] = y;
+  if (device_no <= 3)
+  {
+    ctx->events.pointer_x[0] = x;
+    ctx->events.pointer_y[0] = y;
+  }
+  if (device_no < 0) device_no = 0;
+  if (device_no >= CTX_MAX_DEVICES) device_no = CTX_MAX_DEVICES-1;
+  CtxEvent *event = &ctx->events.drag_event[device_no];
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event->ctx = ctx;
+  event->x = x;
+  event->y = y;
+  event->delta_x = event->delta_y = 0;
+  event->device_no = device_no;
+  event->string    = string;
+  event->time      = time;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  _ctx_update_item (ctx, device_no, x, y, CTX_DROP, &hitlist);
+  for (l = hitlist; l; l = l?l->next:NULL)
+  {
+    CtxItem *item = l->data;
+    _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, item, event, CTX_DROP, x, y);
+    if (event->stop_propagate)
+    {
+      ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  //mrg_queue_draw (mrg, NULL); /* in case of style change, and more  */
+  ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+  return 0;
+int ctx_pointer_press (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time)
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  CtxList *hitlist = NULL;
+  events->pointer_x[device_no] = x;
+  events->pointer_y[device_no] = y;
+  if (device_no <= 3)
+  {
+    events->pointer_x[0] = x;
+    events->pointer_y[0] = y;
+  }
+  if (device_no < 0) device_no = 0;
+  if (device_no >= CTX_MAX_DEVICES) device_no = CTX_MAX_DEVICES-1;
+  CtxEvent *event = &events->drag_event[device_no];
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event->x = event->start_x = event->prev_x = x;
+  event->y = event->start_y = event->prev_y = y;
+  event->delta_x = event->delta_y = 0;
+  event->device_no = device_no;
+  event->time      = time;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  if (events->pointer_down[device_no] == 1)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "events thought device %i was already down\n", device_no);
+  }
+  /* doing just one of these two should be enough? */
+  events->pointer_down[device_no] = 1;
+  switch (device_no)
+  {
+    case 1:
+      events->modifier_state |= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON1;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      events->modifier_state |= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON2;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      events->modifier_state |= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON3;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  CtxGrab *grab = NULL;
+  CtxList *l;
+  _ctx_update_item (ctx, device_no, x, y, 
+  for (l = hitlist; l; l = l?l->next:NULL)
+  {
+    CtxItem *item = l->data;
+    if (item &&
+        ((item->types & CTX_DRAG)||
+         (item->types & CTX_TAP) ||
+         (item->types & CTX_TAP_AND_HOLD)))
+    {
+      grab = device_add_grab (ctx, device_no, item, item->types);
+      grab->start_time = time;
+      if (item->types & CTX_TAP_AND_HOLD)
+      {
+         grab->timeout_id = ctx_add_timeout (ctx, events->tap_delay_hold, tap_and_hold_fire, grab);
+      }
+    }
+    _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, item, event, CTX_PRESS, x, y);
+    if (!event->stop_propagate)
+      _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, item, event, CTX_DRAG_PRESS, x, y);
+    if (event->stop_propagate)
+    {
+      ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  //events_queue_draw (mrg, NULL); /* in case of style change, and more  */
+  ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+  return 0;
+void _ctx_resized (Ctx *ctx, int width, int height, long time)
+  CtxItem *item = _ctx_detect (ctx, 0, 0, CTX_KEY_DOWN);
+  CtxEvent event = {0, };
+  if (!time)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event.ctx = ctx;
+  event.time = time;
+  event.string = "resize-event"; /* gets delivered to clients as a key_down event, maybe message shouldbe 
used instead?
+   */
+  if (item)
+  {
+    event.stop_propagate = 0;
+    _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, item, &event, CTX_KEY_DOWN, 0, 0);
+  }
+int ctx_pointer_release (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time)
+  CtxEvents *events = &ctx->events;
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  if (device_no < 0) device_no = 0;
+  if (device_no >= CTX_MAX_DEVICES) device_no = CTX_MAX_DEVICES-1;
+  CtxEvent *event = &events->drag_event[device_no];
+  event->time = time;
+  event->x = x;
+  event->ctx = ctx;
+  event->y = y;
+  event->device_no = device_no;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  switch (device_no)
+  {
+    case 1:
+      if (events->modifier_state & CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON1)
+        events->modifier_state -= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON1;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      if (events->modifier_state & CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON2)
+        events->modifier_state -= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON2;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      if (events->modifier_state & CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON3)
+        events->modifier_state -= CTX_MODIFIER_STATE_BUTTON3;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  //events_queue_draw (mrg, NULL); /* in case of style change */
+  if (events->pointer_down[device_no] == 0)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "device %i already up\n", device_no);
+  }
+  events->pointer_down[device_no] = 0;
+  events->pointer_x[device_no] = x;
+  events->pointer_y[device_no] = y;
+  if (device_no <= 3)
+  {
+    events->pointer_x[0] = x;
+    events->pointer_y[0] = y;
+  }
+  CtxList *hitlist = NULL;
+  CtxList *grablist = NULL , *g= NULL;
+  CtxGrab *grab;
+  _ctx_update_item (ctx, device_no, x, y, CTX_RELEASE | CTX_DRAG_RELEASE, &hitlist);
+  grablist = device_get_grabs (ctx, device_no);
+  for (g = grablist; g; g = g->next)
+  {
+    grab = g->data;
+    if (!event->stop_propagate)
+    {
+      if (grab->item->types & CTX_TAP)
+      {
+        long delay = time - grab->start_time;
+        if (delay > events->tap_delay_min &&
+            delay < events->tap_delay_max &&
+            (
+              (event->start_x - x) * (event->start_x - x) +
+              (event->start_y - y) * (event->start_y - y)) < ctx_pow2(events->tap_hysteresis)
+            )
+        {
+          _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, grab->item, event, CTX_TAP, x, y);
+        }
+      }
+      if (!event->stop_propagate && grab->item->types & CTX_DRAG_RELEASE)
+      {
+        _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, grab->item, event, CTX_DRAG_RELEASE, x, y);
+      }
+    }
+    device_remove_grab (ctx, grab);
+  }
+  if (hitlist)
+  {
+    if (!event->stop_propagate)
+      _ctx_emit_cb (ctx, hitlist, event, CTX_RELEASE, x, y);
+    ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+  }
+  ctx_list_free (&grablist);
+  return 0;
+/*  for multi-touch, we use a list of active grabs - thus a grab corresponds to
+ *  a device id. even during drag-grabs events propagate; to stop that stop
+ *  propagation.
+ */
+int ctx_pointer_motion (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, int device_no, uint32_t time)
+  CtxList *hitlist = NULL;
+  CtxList *grablist = NULL, *g;
+  CtxGrab *grab;
+  if (device_no < 0) device_no = 0;
+  if (device_no >= CTX_MAX_DEVICES) device_no = CTX_MAX_DEVICES-1;
+  CtxEvent *event = &ctx->events.drag_event[device_no];
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event->ctx       = ctx;
+  event->x         = x;
+  event->y         = y;
+  event->time      = time;
+  event->device_no = device_no;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  ctx->events.pointer_x[device_no] = x;
+  ctx->events.pointer_y[device_no] = y;
+  if (device_no <= 3)
+  {
+    ctx->events.pointer_x[0] = x;
+    ctx->events.pointer_y[0] = y;
+  }
+  grablist = device_get_grabs (ctx, device_no);
+  _ctx_update_item (ctx, device_no, x, y, CTX_MOTION, &hitlist);
+  {
+    CtxItem  *cursor_item = _ctx_detect (ctx, x, y, CTX_SET_CURSOR);
+    if (cursor_item)
+    {
+      ctx_set_cursor (ctx, cursor_item->cursor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ctx_set_cursor (ctx, CTX_CURSOR_ARROW);
+    }
+    CtxItem  *hovered_item = _ctx_detect (ctx, x, y, CTX_ANY);
+    static CtxItem *prev_hovered_item = NULL;
+    if (prev_hovered_item != hovered_item)
+    {
+      ctx_set_dirty (ctx, 1);
+    }
+    prev_hovered_item = hovered_item;
+  }
+  event->delta_x = x - event->prev_x;
+  event->delta_y = y - event->prev_y;
+  event->prev_x  = x;
+  event->prev_y  = y;
+  CtxList *remove_grabs = NULL;
+  for (g = grablist; g; g = g->next)
+  {
+    grab = g->data;
+    if ((grab->type & CTX_TAP) ||
+        (grab->type & CTX_TAP_AND_HOLD))
+    {
+      if (
+          (
+            (event->start_x - x) * (event->start_x - x) +
+            (event->start_y - y) * (event->start_y - y)) >
+              ctx_pow2(ctx->events.tap_hysteresis)
+         )
+      {
+        //fprintf (stderr, "-");
+        ctx_list_prepend (&remove_grabs, grab);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        //fprintf (stderr, ":");
+      }
+    }
+    if (grab->type & CTX_DRAG_MOTION)
+    {
+      _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, grab->item, event, CTX_DRAG_MOTION, x, y);
+      if (event->stop_propagate)
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  if (remove_grabs)
+  {
+    for (g = remove_grabs; g; g = g->next)
+      device_remove_grab (ctx, g->data);
+    ctx_list_free (&remove_grabs);
+  }
+  if (hitlist)
+  {
+    if (!event->stop_propagate)
+      _ctx_emit_cb (ctx, hitlist, event, CTX_MOTION, x, y);
+    ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+  }
+  ctx_list_free (&grablist);
+  return 0;
+void ctx_incoming_message (Ctx *ctx, const char *message, long time)
+  CtxItem *item = _ctx_detect (ctx, 0, 0, CTX_MESSAGE);
+  CtxEvent event = {0, };
+  if (!time)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  if (item)
+  {
+    int i;
+    event.ctx = ctx;
+    event.type = CTX_MESSAGE;
+    event.time = time;
+    event.string = message;
+    fprintf (stderr, "{%s|\n", message);
+      for (i = 0; i < item->cb_count; i++)
+      {
+        if (item->cb[i].types & (CTX_MESSAGE))
+        {
+          event.state = ctx->events.modifier_state;
+          item->cb[i].cb (&event, item->cb[i].data1, item->cb[i].data2);
+          if (event.stop_propagate)
+            return;// event.stop_propagate;
+        }
+      }
+  }
+int ctx_scrolled (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y, CtxScrollDirection scroll_direction, uint32_t time)
+  CtxList *hitlist = NULL;
+  CtxList *l;
+  int device_no = 0;
+  ctx->events.pointer_x[device_no] = x;
+  ctx->events.pointer_y[device_no] = y;
+  CtxEvent *event = &ctx->events.drag_event[device_no];  /* XXX: might
+                                       conflict with other code
+                                       create a sibling member
+                                       of drag_event?*/
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  event->x         = event->start_x = event->prev_x = x;
+  event->y         = event->start_y = event->prev_y = y;
+  event->delta_x   = event->delta_y = 0;
+  event->device_no = device_no;
+  event->time      = time;
+  event->stop_propagate = 0;
+  event->scroll_direction = scroll_direction;
+  _ctx_update_item (ctx, device_no, x, y, CTX_SCROLL, &hitlist);
+  for (l = hitlist; l; l = l?l->next:NULL)
+  {
+    CtxItem *item = l->data;
+    _ctx_emit_cb_item (ctx, item, event, CTX_SCROLL, x, y);
+    if (event->stop_propagate)
+      l = NULL;
+  }
+  //mrg_queue_draw (mrg, NULL); /* in case of style change, and more  */
+  ctx_list_free (&hitlist);
+  return 0;
+int ctx_key_press (Ctx *ctx, unsigned int keyval,
+                   const char *string, uint32_t time)
+  char event_type[128]="";
+  float x, y; int b;
+  sscanf (string, "%s %f %f %i", event_type, &x, &y, &b);
+  if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-motion") ||
+      !strcmp (event_type, "mouse-drag"))
+  {
+    ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-press"))
+  {
+    ctx_pointer_press (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  else if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-release"))
+  {
+    ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  CtxItem *item = _ctx_detect (ctx, 0, 0, CTX_KEY_DOWN);
+  CtxEvent event = {0,};
+  if (time == 0)
+    time = ctx_ms (ctx);
+  if (item)
+  {
+    int i;
+    event.ctx = ctx;
+    event.type = CTX_KEY_DOWN;
+    event.unicode = keyval; 
+    event.string = strdup(string);
+    event.stop_propagate = 0;
+    event.time = time;
+    for (i = 0; i < item->cb_count; i++)
+    {
+      if (item->cb[i].types & (CTX_KEY_DOWN))
+      {
+        event.state = ctx->events.modifier_state;
+        item->cb[i].cb (&event, item->cb[i].data1, item->cb[i].data2);
+#if 0
+        char buf[256];
+        ctx_set (ctx, ctx_strhash ("title", 0), buf, strlen(buf));
+        ctx_flush (ctx);
+        if (event.stop_propagate)
+        {
+          free ((void*)event.string);
+          return event.stop_propagate;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    free ((void*)event.string);
+  }
+  return 0;
+void ctx_freeze           (Ctx *ctx)
+  ctx->events.frozen ++;
+void ctx_thaw             (Ctx *ctx)
+  ctx->events.frozen --;
+int ctx_events_frozen (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx && ctx->events.frozen;
+void ctx_events_clear_items (Ctx *ctx)
+  ctx_list_free (&ctx->events.items);
+int ctx_events_width (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.width;
+int ctx_events_height (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.height;
+float ctx_pointer_x (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.pointer_x[0];
+float ctx_pointer_y (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.pointer_y[0];
+int ctx_pointer_is_down (Ctx *ctx, int no)
+  if (no < 0 || no > CTX_MAX_DEVICES) return 0;
+  return ctx->events.pointer_down[no];
+void _ctx_debug_overlays (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxList *a;
+  ctx_save (ctx);
+  ctx_line_width (ctx, 2);
+  ctx_rgba (ctx, 0,0,0.8,0.5);
+  for (a = ctx->events.items; a; a = a->next)
+  {
+    float current_x = ctx_pointer_x (ctx);
+    float current_y = ctx_pointer_y (ctx);
+    CtxItem *item = a->data;
+    CtxMatrix matrix = item->inv_matrix;
+    ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&matrix, &current_x, &current_y);
+    if (current_x >= item->x0 && current_x < item->x1 &&
+        current_y >= item->y0 && current_y < item->y1)
+    {
+      ctx_matrix_invert (&matrix);
+      ctx_set_matrix (ctx, &matrix);
+      _mrg_restore_path (ctx, item->path);
+      ctx_stroke (ctx);
+    }
+  }
+  ctx_restore (ctx);
+void ctx_set_render_threads   (Ctx *ctx, int n_threads)
+  // XXX
+int ctx_get_render_threads   (Ctx *ctx)
+  return _ctx_max_threads;
+void ctx_set_hash_cache (Ctx *ctx, int enable_hash_cache)
+  _ctx_enable_hash_cache = enable_hash_cache;
+int ctx_get_hash_cache (Ctx *ctx)
+  return _ctx_enable_hash_cache;
+int ctx_is_dirty (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->dirty;
+void ctx_set_dirty (Ctx *ctx, int dirty)
+  ctx->dirty = dirty;
+ * centralized global API for managing file descriptors that
+ * wake us up, this to remove sleeping and polling
+ */
+static int _ctx_listen_fd[CTX_MAX_LISTEN_FDS];
+static int _ctx_listen_fds = 0;
+static int _ctx_listen_max_fd = 0;
+void _ctx_add_listen_fd (int fd)
+  _ctx_listen_fd[_ctx_listen_fds++]=fd;
+  if (fd > _ctx_listen_max_fd)
+    _ctx_listen_max_fd = fd;
+void _ctx_remove_listen_fd (int fd)
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_listen_fds; i++)
+  {
+    if (_ctx_listen_fd[i] == fd)
+    {
+      _ctx_listen_fd[i] = _ctx_listen_fd[_ctx_listen_fds-1];
+      _ctx_listen_fds--;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+int _ctx_data_pending (int timeout)
+  struct timeval tv;
+  fd_set fdset;
+  FD_ZERO (&fdset);
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_listen_fds; i++)
+  {
+    FD_SET (_ctx_listen_fd[i], &fdset);
+  }
+  tv.tv_sec = 0;
+  tv.tv_usec = timeout;
+  tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000000;
+  tv.tv_usec = timeout % 1000000;
+  int retval = select (_ctx_listen_max_fd, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+  if (retval == -1)
+  {
+    perror ("select");
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return retval;
+/* the parser comes in the end, nothing in ctx knows about the parser  */
+/* ctx parser, */
+  _CtxParser
+  int        t_args; // total number of arguments seen for current command
+  Ctx       *ctx;
+  int        state;
+  uint8_t    holding[CTX_PARSER_MAXLEN]; /*  */
+  int        line; /*  for error reporting */
+  int        col;  /*  for error reporting */
+  int        pos;
+  float      numbers[CTX_PARSER_MAX_ARGS+1];
+  int        n_numbers;
+  int        decimal;
+  CtxCode    command;
+  int        expected_args; /* low digits are literal higher values
+                               carry special meaning */
+  int        n_args;
+  uint32_t   set_key_hash;
+  float      pcx;
+  float      pcy;
+  int        color_components;
+  int        color_model; // 1 gray 3 rgb 4 cmyk
+  float      left_margin; // set by last user provided move_to
+  int        width;       // <- maybe should be float
+  int        height;
+  float      cell_width;
+  float      cell_height;
+  int        cursor_x;    // <- leaking in from terminal
+  int        cursor_y;
+  int        color_space_slot;
+  void (*exit) (void *exit_data);
+  void *exit_data;
+  int   (*set_prop)(void *prop_data, uint32_t key, const char *data,  int len);
+  int   (*get_prop)(void *prop_data, const char *key, char **data, int *len);
+  void *prop_data;
+ctx_parser_set_size (CtxParser *parser,
+                 int        width,
+                 int        height,
+                 float      cell_width,
+                 float      cell_height)
+  if (cell_width > 0)
+    parser->cell_width       = cell_width;
+  if (cell_height > 0)
+    parser->cell_height      = cell_height;
+  if (width > 0)
+    parser->width            = width;
+  if (height > 0)
+    parser->height           = height;
+static CtxParser *
+ctx_parser_init (CtxParser *parser,
+                 Ctx       *ctx,
+                 int        width,
+                 int        height,
+                 float      cell_width,
+                 float      cell_height,
+                 int        cursor_x,
+                 int        cursor_y,
+  int   (*set_prop)(void *prop_data, uint32_t key, const char *data,  int len),
+  int   (*get_prop)(void *prop_Data, const char *key, char **data, int *len),
+                 void  *prop_data,
+                 void (*exit) (void *exit_data),
+                 void *exit_data
+                )
+  ctx_memset (parser, 0, sizeof (CtxParser) );
+  parser->line             = 1;
+  parser->ctx              = ctx;
+  parser->cell_width       = cell_width;
+  parser->cell_height      = cell_height;
+  parser->cursor_x         = cursor_x;
+  parser->cursor_y         = cursor_y;
+  parser->width            = width;
+  parser->height           = height;
+  parser->exit             = exit;
+  parser->exit_data        = exit_data;
+  parser->color_model      = CTX_RGBA;
+  parser->color_components = 4;
+  parser->command          = CTX_MOVE_TO;
+  parser->set_prop         = set_prop;
+  parser->get_prop         = get_prop;
+  parser->prop_data        = prop_data;
+  return parser;
+CtxParser *ctx_parser_new (
+  Ctx       *ctx,
+  int        width,
+  int        height,
+  float      cell_width,
+  float      cell_height,
+  int        cursor_x,
+  int        cursor_y,
+  int   (*set_prop)(void *prop_data, uint32_t key, const char *data,  int len),
+  int   (*get_prop)(void *prop_Data, const char *key, char **data, int *len),
+  void  *prop_data,
+  void (*exit) (void *exit_data),
+  void *exit_data)
+  return ctx_parser_init ( (CtxParser *) ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxParser), 1),
+                           ctx,
+                           width, height,
+                           cell_width, cell_height,
+                           cursor_x, cursor_y, set_prop, get_prop, prop_data,
+                           exit, exit_data);
+void ctx_parser_free (CtxParser *parser)
+  free (parser);
+#define CTX_ARG_COLLECT_NUMBERS             50
+#define CTX_ARG_STRING_OR_NUMBER            100
+#define CTX_ARG_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS        200
+static int ctx_arguments_for_code (CtxCode code)
+  switch (code)
+    {
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+      case CTX_START_GROUP:
+      case CTX_END_GROUP:
+      case CTX_IDENTITY:
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+      case CTX_RESET:
+      case CTX_FLUSH:
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+      case CTX_FILL:
+      case CTX_NEW_PAGE:
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+      case CTX_EXIT:
+        return 0;
+      case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+      case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+      case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:
+      case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+      case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+      case CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_HOR_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_VER_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_FONT:
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+      case CTX_GLYPH:
+        return 1;
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+        return 2;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO:
+      case CTX_VIEW_BOX:
+      case CTX_SMOOTH_TO:
+        return 4;
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+        return 5;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        return 6;
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+      case CTX_TEXT: // special case
+      case CTX_COLOR_SPACE:
+      case CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH:
+      case CTX_KERNING_PAIR:
+        return CTX_ARG_STRING_OR_NUMBER;
+      case CTX_LINE_DASH: /* append to current dashes for each argument encountered */
+        return CTX_ARG_COLLECT_NUMBERS;
+      //case CTX_SET_KEY:
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        default:
+#if 1
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        case CTX_SET_RGBA_U8:
+        case CTX_BITPIX:
+        case CTX_NOP:
+        case CTX_NEW_EDGE:
+        case CTX_EDGE:
+        case CTX_EDGE_FLIPPED:
+        case CTX_CONT:
+        case CTX_DATA:
+        case CTX_DATA_REV:
+        case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4:
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X2:
+        case CTX_MOVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        case CTX_FILL_MOVE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_S16:
+        return 0;
+    }
+static int ctx_parser_set_command (CtxParser *parser, CtxCode code)
+  if (code < 150 && code >= 32)
+  {
+  parser->expected_args = ctx_arguments_for_code (code);
+  parser->n_args = 0;
+  if (parser->expected_args >= CTX_ARG_NUMBER_OF_COMPONENTS)
+    {
+      parser->expected_args = (parser->expected_args % 100) + parser->color_components;
+    }
+  }
+  return code;
+static void ctx_parser_set_color_model (CtxParser *parser, CtxColorModel color_model);
+static int ctx_parser_resolve_command (CtxParser *parser, const uint8_t *str)
+  uint32_t ret = str[0]; /* if it is single char it already is the CtxCode */
+  /* this is handled outside the hashing to make it possible to be case insensitive
+   * with the rest.
+   */
+  if (str[0] == CTX_SET_KEY && str[1] && str[2] == 0)
+  {
+    switch (str[1])
+    {
+      case 'm': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE);
+      case 'B': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_BLEND_MODE);
+      case 'l': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_MITER_LIMIT);
+      case 't': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_ALIGN);
+      case 'b': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_BASELINE);
+      case 'd': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION);
+      case 'j': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_JOIN);
+      case 'c': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_CAP);
+      case 'w': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_WIDTH);
+      case 'C': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_COLOR);
+      case 's': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_BLUR);
+      case 'x': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X);
+      case 'y': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y);
+      case 'a': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA);
+      case 'f': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_FONT_SIZE);
+      case 'r': return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_FILL_RULE);
+    }
+  }
+  if (str[0] && str[1])
+    {
+      uint32_t str_hash;
+      /* trim ctx_ and CTX_ prefix */
+      if ( (str[0] == 'c' && str[1] == 't' && str[2] == 'x' && str[3] == '_') ||
+           (str[0] == 'C' && str[1] == 'T' && str[2] == 'X' && str[3] == '_') )
+        {
+          str += 4;
+        }
+      if ( (str[0] == 's' && str[1] == 'e' && str[2] == 't' && str[3] == '_') )
+        { str += 4; }
+      str_hash = ctx_strhash ( (char *) str, 0);
+      switch (str_hash)
+        {
+          /* first a list of mappings to one_char hashes, handled in a
+           * separate fast path switch without hashing
+           */
+          case CTX_arcTo:          ret = CTX_ARC_TO; break;
+          case CTX_arc:            ret = CTX_ARC; break;
+          case CTX_curveTo:        ret = CTX_CURVE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_restore:        ret = CTX_RESTORE; break;
+          case CTX_stroke:         ret = CTX_STROKE; break;
+          case CTX_fill:           ret = CTX_FILL; break;
+          case CTX_flush:          ret = CTX_FLUSH; break;
+          case CTX_horLineTo:      ret = CTX_HOR_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_rotate:         ret = CTX_ROTATE; break;
+          case CTX_color:          ret = CTX_COLOR; break;
+          case CTX_lineTo:         ret = CTX_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_moveTo:         ret = CTX_MOVE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_scale:          ret = CTX_SCALE; break;
+          case CTX_newPage:        ret = CTX_NEW_PAGE; break;
+          case CTX_quadTo:         ret = CTX_QUAD_TO; break;
+          case CTX_viewBox:        ret = CTX_VIEW_BOX; break;
+          case CTX_smooth_to:      ret = CTX_SMOOTH_TO; break;
+          case CTX_smooth_quad_to: ret = CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO; break;
+          case CTX_clear:          ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR; break;
+          case CTX_copy:           ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY; break;
+          case CTX_destinationOver: ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER; break;
+          case CTX_destinationIn:    ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN; break;
+          case CTX_destinationOut:   ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT; break;
+          case CTX_sourceOver:       ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER; break;
+          case CTX_sourceAtop:       ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP; break;
+          case CTX_destinationAtop:  ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP; break;
+          case CTX_sourceOut:        ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OUT; break;
+          case CTX_sourceIn:         ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_IN; break;
+          case CTX_xor:              ret = CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR; break;
+          case CTX_darken:           ret = CTX_BLEND_DARKEN; break;
+          case CTX_lighten:          ret = CTX_BLEND_LIGHTEN; break;
+          //case CTX_color:          ret = CTX_BLEND_COLOR; break;
+          //
+          //  XXX check that he special casing for color works
+          //      it is the first collision and it is due to our own
+          //      color, not w3c for now unique use of it
+          //
+          case CTX_hue:            ret = CTX_BLEND_HUE; break;
+          case CTX_multiply:       ret = CTX_BLEND_MULTIPLY; break;
+          case CTX_normal:         ret = CTX_BLEND_NORMAL;break;
+          case CTX_screen:         ret = CTX_BLEND_SCREEN;break;
+          case CTX_difference:     ret = CTX_BLEND_DIFFERENCE; break;
+          case CTX_reset:          ret = CTX_RESET; break;
+          case CTX_verLineTo:  ret = CTX_VER_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_exit:
+          case CTX_done:           ret = CTX_EXIT; break;
+          case CTX_closePath:      ret = CTX_CLOSE_PATH; break;
+          case CTX_beginPath:
+          case CTX_newPath:        ret = CTX_BEGIN_PATH; break;
+          case CTX_relArcTo:       ret = CTX_REL_ARC_TO; break;
+          case CTX_clip:           ret = CTX_CLIP; break;
+          case CTX_relCurveTo:     ret = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_startGroup:     ret = CTX_START_GROUP; break;
+          case CTX_endGroup:       ret = CTX_END_GROUP; break;
+          case CTX_save:           ret = CTX_SAVE; break;
+          case CTX_translate:      ret = CTX_TRANSLATE; break;
+          case CTX_linearGradient: ret = CTX_LINEAR_GRADIENT; break;
+          case CTX_relHorLineTo:   ret = CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_relLineTo:      ret = CTX_REL_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_relMoveTo:      ret = CTX_REL_MOVE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_font:           ret = CTX_FONT; break;
+          case CTX_radialGradient:ret = CTX_RADIAL_GRADIENT; break;
+          case CTX_gradientAddStop:
+          case CTX_addStop:        ret = CTX_GRADIENT_STOP; break;
+          case CTX_relQuadTo:      ret = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO; break;
+          case CTX_rectangle:
+          case CTX_rect:           ret = CTX_RECTANGLE; break;
+          case CTX_roundRectangle: ret = CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE; break;
+          case CTX_relSmoothTo:    ret = CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO; break;
+          case CTX_relSmoothqTo:   ret = CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO; break;
+          case CTX_textStroke:     ret = CTX_TEXT_STROKE; break;
+          case CTX_relVerLineTo:   ret = CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO; break;
+          case CTX_text:           ret = CTX_TEXT; break;
+          case CTX_identity:       ret = CTX_IDENTITY; break;
+          case CTX_transform:      ret = CTX_APPLY_TRANSFORM; break;
+          case CTX_texture:        ret = CTX_TEXTURE; break;
+#if 0
+          case CTX_rgbSpace:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SET_RGB_SPACE);
+          case CTX_cmykSpace:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SET_CMYK_SPACE);
+          case CTX_drgbSpace:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SET_DRGB_SPACE);
+          case CTX_defineGlyph:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH);
+          case CTX_kerningPair:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_KERNING_PAIR);
+          case CTX_colorSpace:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR_SPACE);
+          case CTX_fillRule:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_FILL_RULE);
+          case CTX_fontSize:
+          case CTX_setFontSize:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_FONT_SIZE);
+          case CTX_compositingMode:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE);
+          case CTX_blend:
+          case CTX_blending:
+          case CTX_blendMode:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_BLEND_MODE);
+          case CTX_miterLimit:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_MITER_LIMIT);
+          case CTX_textAlign:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_ALIGN);
+          case CTX_textBaseline:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_BASELINE);
+          case CTX_textDirection:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION);
+          case CTX_join:
+          case CTX_lineJoin:
+          case CTX_setLineJoin:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_JOIN);
+          case CTX_glyph:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_GLYPH);
+          case CTX_cap:
+          case CTX_lineCap:
+          case CTX_setLineCap:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_CAP);
+          case CTX_lineDash:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_DASH);
+          case CTX_lineWidth:
+          case CTX_setLineWidth:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_LINE_WIDTH);
+          case CTX_shadowColor:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_COLOR);
+          case CTX_shadowBlur:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_BLUR);
+          case CTX_shadowOffsetX:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X);
+          case CTX_shadowOffsetY:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y);
+          case CTX_globalAlpha:
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA);
+          /* strings are handled directly here,
+           * instead of in the one-char handler, using return instead of break
+           */
+          case CTX_gray:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_GRAY);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_graya:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_GRAYA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_rgb:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_RGB);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_drgb:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_DRGB);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_rgba:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_RGBA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_drgba:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_DRGBA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_cmyk:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_CMYK);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_cmyka:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_CMYKA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_lab:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_LAB);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_laba:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_LABA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_lch:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_LCH);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          case CTX_lcha:
+            ctx_parser_set_color_model (parser, CTX_LCHA);
+            return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, CTX_COLOR);
+          /* words that correspond to low integer constants
+          */
+          case CTX_winding:     return CTX_FILL_RULE_WINDING;
+          case CTX_evenOdd:
+          case CTX_even_odd:    return CTX_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD;
+          case CTX_bevel:       return CTX_JOIN_BEVEL;
+          case CTX_round:       return CTX_JOIN_ROUND;
+          case CTX_miter:       return CTX_JOIN_MITER;
+          case CTX_none:        return CTX_CAP_NONE;
+          case CTX_square:      return CTX_CAP_SQUARE;
+          case CTX_start:       return CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_START;
+          case CTX_end:         return CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_END;
+          case CTX_left:        return CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT;
+          case CTX_right:       return CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT;
+          case CTX_center:      return CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER;
+          case CTX_top:         return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_TOP;
+          case CTX_bottom :     return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_BOTTOM;
+          case CTX_middle:      return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_MIDDLE;
+          case CTX_alphabetic:  return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC;
+          case CTX_hanging:     return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_HANGING;
+          case CTX_ideographic: return CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC;
+          case CTX_userRGB:     return CTX_COLOR_SPACE_USER_RGB;
+          case CTX_deviceRGB:   return CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB;
+          case CTX_userCMYK:    return CTX_COLOR_SPACE_USER_CMYK;
+          case CTX_deviceCMYK:  return CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_CMYK;
+#undef STR
+#undef LOWER
+          default:
+            ret = str_hash;
+        }
+    }
+  if (ret == CTX_CLOSE_PATH2)
+    { ret = CTX_CLOSE_PATH; }
+  /* handling single char, and ret = foo; break;  in cases above*/
+  return ctx_parser_set_command (parser, (CtxCode) ret);
+static void ctx_parser_set_color_model (CtxParser *parser, CtxColorModel color_model)
+  parser->color_model      = color_model;
+  parser->color_components = ctx_color_model_get_components (color_model);
+static void ctx_parser_get_color_rgba (CtxParser *parser, int offset, float *red, float *green, float *blue, 
float *alpha)
+  /* XXX - this function is to be deprecated */
+  *alpha = 1.0;
+  switch (parser->color_model)
+    {
+      case CTX_GRAYA:
+        *alpha = parser->numbers[offset + 1];
+        /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      case CTX_GRAY:
+        *red = *green = *blue = parser->numbers[offset + 0];
+        break;
+      default:
+      case CTX_LABA: // NYI - needs RGB profile
+      case CTX_LCHA: // NYI - needs RGB profile
+      case CTX_RGBA:
+        *alpha = parser->numbers[offset + 3];
+        /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      case CTX_LAB: // NYI
+      case CTX_LCH: // NYI
+      case CTX_RGB:
+        *red = parser->numbers[offset + 0];
+        *green = parser->numbers[offset + 1];
+        *blue = parser->numbers[offset + 2];
+        break;
+      case CTX_CMYKA:
+        *alpha = parser->numbers[offset + 4];
+        /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      case CTX_CMYK:
+        /* should use profile instead  */
+        *red = (1.0-parser->numbers[offset + 0]) *
+               (1.0 - parser->numbers[offset + 3]);
+        *green = (1.0-parser->numbers[offset + 1]) *
+                 (1.0 - parser->numbers[offset + 3]);
+        *blue = (1.0-parser->numbers[offset + 2]) *
+                (1.0 - parser->numbers[offset + 3]);
+        break;
+    }
+static void ctx_parser_dispatch_command (CtxParser *parser)
+  CtxCode cmd = parser->command;
+  Ctx *ctx = parser->ctx;
+  if (parser->expected_args != CTX_ARG_STRING_OR_NUMBER &&
+      parser->expected_args != CTX_ARG_COLLECT_NUMBERS &&
+      parser->expected_args != parser->n_numbers)
+    {
+      ctx_log ("ctx:%i:%i %c got %i instead of %i args\n",
+               parser->line, parser->col,
+               cmd, parser->n_numbers, parser->expected_args);
+    }
+#define arg(a)  (parser->numbers[a])
+  parser->command = CTX_NOP;
+  switch (cmd)
+    {
+      default:
+        break; // to silence warnings about missing ones
+      case CTX_PRESERVE:
+        ctx_preserve (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL:
+        ctx_fill (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+        ctx_save (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_START_GROUP:
+        ctx_start_group (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_END_GROUP:
+        ctx_end_group (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+        ctx_stroke (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        ctx_restore (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_COLOR_SPACE:
+        if (parser->n_numbers == 1)
+        {
+          parser->color_space_slot = arg(0);
+          parser->command = CTX_COLOR_SPACE; // did this work without?
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          ctx_colorspace (ctx, parser->color_space_slot,
+                               parser->holding, parser->pos);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_KERNING_PAIR:
+        switch (parser->n_args)
+        {
+          case 0:
+            parser->numbers[0] = ctx_utf8_to_unichar ((char*)parser->holding);
+            break;
+          case 1:
+            parser->numbers[1] = ctx_utf8_to_unichar ((char*)parser->holding);
+            break;
+          case 2:
+            parser->numbers[2] = ctx_utf8_to_unichar ((char*)parser->holding);
+            {
+              CtxEntry e = {CTX_KERNING_PAIR, };
+              e.data.u16[0] = parser->numbers[0];
+              e.data.u16[1] = parser->numbers[1];
+              e.data.s32[2] = parser->numbers[2] * 256;
+              ctx_process (ctx, &e);
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        parser->command = CTX_KERNING_PAIR;
+        parser->n_args ++; // make this more generic?
+        break;             
+      case CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH:
+        /* XXX : reuse n_args logic - to enforce order */
+        if (parser->n_numbers == 1)
+        {
+          CtxEntry e = {CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH, };
+          e.data.u32[0] = parser->color_space_slot;
+          e.data.u32[1] = arg(0) * 256;
+          ctx_process (ctx, &e);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          int unichar = ctx_utf8_to_unichar ((char*)parser->holding);
+          parser->color_space_slot = unichar;
+        }
+        parser->command = CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH;
+        break;             
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+        {
+          switch (parser->color_model)
+            {
+              case CTX_GRAY:
+                ctx_gray (ctx, arg (0) );
+                break;
+              case CTX_GRAYA:
+                ctx_rgba (ctx, arg (0), arg (0), arg (0), arg (1) );
+                break;
+              case CTX_RGB:
+                ctx_rgb (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2) );
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYK:
+                ctx_cmyk (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3) );
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYKA:
+                ctx_cmyka (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4) );
+                break;
+              /* when there is no cmyk support at all in rasterizer
+               * do a naive mapping to RGB on input.
+               */
+              case CTX_CMYK:
+              case CTX_CMYKA:
+                {
+                  float r,g,b,a = 1.0f;
+                  ctx_cmyk_to_rgb (arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), &r, &g, &b);
+                  if (parser->color_model == CTX_CMYKA)
+                    { a = arg (4); }
+                  ctx_rgba (ctx, r, g, b, a);
+                }
+                break;
+              case CTX_RGBA:
+                ctx_rgba (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3) );
+                break;
+              case CTX_DRGB:
+                ctx_drgba (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), 1.0);
+                break;
+              case CTX_DRGBA:
+                ctx_drgba (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3) );
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_DASH:
+        if (parser->n_numbers)
+        {
+          ctx_line_dash (ctx, parser->numbers, parser->n_numbers);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          ctx_line_dash (ctx, NULL, 0);
+        }
+        //append_dash_val (ctx, arg(0));
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+        ctx_arc_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+        ctx_rel_arc_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO:
+        {
+          float cx = parser->pcx;
+          float cy = parser->pcy;
+          float ax = 2 * ctx_x (ctx) - cx;
+          float ay = 2 * ctx_y (ctx) - cy;
+          ctx_curve_to (ctx, ax, ay, arg (0) +  cx, arg (1) + cy,
+                        arg (2) + cx, arg (3) + cy);
+          parser->pcx = arg (0) + cx;
+          parser->pcy = arg (1) + cy;
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_SMOOTH_TO:
+        {
+          float ax = 2 * ctx_x (ctx) - parser->pcx;
+          float ay = 2 * ctx_y (ctx) - parser->pcy;
+          ctx_curve_to (ctx, ax, ay, arg (0), arg (1),
+                        arg (2), arg (3) );
+          parser->pcx = arg (0);
+          parser->pcx = arg (1);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+        ctx_quad_to (ctx, parser->pcx, parser->pcy, arg (0), arg (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+        {
+          float cx = parser->pcx;
+          float cy = parser->pcy;
+          parser->pcx = 2 * ctx_x (ctx) - parser->pcx;
+          parser->pcy = 2 * ctx_y (ctx) - parser->pcy;
+          ctx_quad_to (ctx, parser->pcx, parser->pcy, arg (0) +  cx, arg (1) + cy);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_VER_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_line_to (ctx, ctx_x (ctx), arg (0) );
+        parser->command = CTX_VER_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = ctx_y (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_HOR_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_line_to (ctx, arg (0), ctx_y (ctx) );
+        parser->command = CTX_HOR_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = ctx_y (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rel_line_to (ctx, arg (0), 0.0f);
+        parser->command = CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = ctx_y (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rel_line_to (ctx, 0.0f, arg (0) );
+        parser->command = CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = ctx_y (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        ctx_arc (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4), arg (5) );
+        break;
+        ctx_apply_transform (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4), arg (5) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        ctx_curve_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4), arg (5) );
+        parser->pcx = arg (2);
+        parser->pcy = arg (3);
+        parser->command = CTX_CURVE_TO;
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        parser->pcx = arg (2) + ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = arg (3) + ctx_y (ctx);
+        ctx_rel_curve_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3), arg (4), arg (5) );
+        parser->command = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO;
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_line_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1) );
+        parser->command = CTX_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = arg (0);
+        parser->pcy = arg (1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_move_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1) );
+        parser->command = CTX_LINE_TO;
+        parser->pcx = arg (0);
+        parser->pcy = arg (1);
+        parser->left_margin = parser->pcx;
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+        ctx_font_size (ctx, arg (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+        ctx_miter_limit (ctx, arg (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+        ctx_scale (ctx, arg (0), arg (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        parser->pcx = arg (0);
+        parser->pcy = arg (1);
+        ctx_quad_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3) );
+        parser->command = CTX_QUAD_TO;
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        parser->pcx = arg (0) + ctx_x (ctx);
+        parser->pcy = arg (1) + ctx_y (ctx);
+        ctx_rel_quad_to (ctx, arg (0), arg (1), arg (2), arg (3) );
+        parser->command = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO;
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+        ctx_clip (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+        ctx_translate (ctx, arg (0), arg (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+        ctx_rotate (ctx, arg (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT:
+        ctx_font (ctx, (char *) parser->holding);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+        if (parser->n_numbers == 1)
+          { ctx_rel_move_to (ctx, -parser->numbers[0], 0.0); }  //  XXX : scale by font(size)
+        else
+          {
+            for (char *c = (char *) parser->holding; c; )
+              {
+                char *next_nl = ctx_strchr (c, '\n');
+                if (next_nl)
+                  { *next_nl = 0; }
+                /* do our own layouting on a per-word basis?, to get justified
+                 * margins? then we'd want explict margins rather than the
+                 * implicit ones from move_to's .. making move_to work within
+                 * margins.
+                 */
+                if (cmd == CTX_TEXT_STROKE)
+                  { ctx_text_stroke (ctx, c); }
+                else
+                  { ctx_text (ctx, c); }
+                if (next_nl)
+                  {
+                    *next_nl = '\n'; // swap it newline back in
+                    ctx_move_to (ctx, parser->left_margin, ctx_y (ctx) +
+                                 ctx_get_font_size (ctx) );
+                    c = next_nl + 1;
+                    if (c[0] == 0)
+                      { c = NULL; }
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    c = NULL;
+                  }
+              }
+          }
+        if (cmd == CTX_TEXT_STROKE)
+          { parser->command = CTX_TEXT_STROKE; }
+        else
+          { parser->command = CTX_TEXT; }
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_rel_line_to (ctx, arg(0), arg(1) );
+        parser->pcx += arg(0);
+        parser->pcy += arg(1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        ctx_rel_move_to (ctx, arg(0), arg(1) );
+        parser->pcx += arg(0);
+        parser->pcy += arg(1);
+        parser->left_margin = ctx_x (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        ctx_line_width (ctx, arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:
+        ctx_shadow_rgba (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3));
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:
+        ctx_shadow_blur (ctx, arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:
+        ctx_shadow_offset_x (ctx, arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:
+        ctx_shadow_offset_y (ctx, arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+        ctx_line_join (ctx, (CtxLineJoin) arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+        ctx_line_cap (ctx, (CtxLineCap) arg(0) );
+        break;
+        ctx_compositing_mode (ctx, (CtxCompositingMode) arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        {
+          int blend_mode = arg(0);
+          if (blend_mode == CTX_COLOR) blend_mode = CTX_BLEND_COLOR;
+          ctx_blend_mode (ctx, (CtxBlend)blend_mode);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+        ctx_fill_rule (ctx, (CtxFillRule) arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+        ctx_text_align (ctx, (CtxTextAlign) arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+        ctx_text_baseline (ctx, (CtxTextBaseline) arg(0) );
+        break;
+        ctx_text_direction (ctx, (CtxTextDirection) arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_IDENTITY:
+        ctx_identity (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        ctx_rectangle (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3) );
+        break;
+        ctx_round_rectangle (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3), arg(4));
+        break;
+      case CTX_VIEW_BOX:
+        ctx_view_box (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3) );
+        break;
+        ctx_linear_gradient (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3) );
+        break;
+        ctx_radial_gradient (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2), arg(3), arg(4), arg(5) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        {
+          float red, green, blue, alpha;
+          ctx_parser_get_color_rgba (parser, 1, &red, &green, &blue, &alpha);
+          ctx_gradient_add_stop (ctx, arg(0), red, green, blue, alpha);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:
+        ctx_global_alpha (ctx, arg(0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        ctx_texture (ctx, arg(0), arg(1), arg(2));
+        break;
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        ctx_begin_path (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_GLYPH:
+        ctx_glyph (ctx, arg(0), 0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+        ctx_close_path (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_EXIT:
+        if (parser->exit)
+          { parser->exit (parser->exit_data);
+            return;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FLUSH:
+        //ctx_flush (ctx);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESET:
+        ctx_reset (ctx);
+        ctx_translate (ctx,
+                       (parser->cursor_x-1) * parser->cell_width * 1.0,
+                       (parser->cursor_y-1) * parser->cell_height * 1.0);
+        break;
+    }
+#undef arg
+  parser->n_numbers = 0;
+static void ctx_parser_holding_append (CtxParser *parser, int byte)
+  parser->holding[parser->pos++]=byte;
+  if (parser->pos > (int) sizeof (parser->holding)-2)
+    { parser->pos = sizeof (parser->holding)-2; }
+  parser->holding[parser->pos]=0;
+static void ctx_parser_transform_percent (CtxParser *parser, CtxCode code, int arg_no, float *value)
+  int big   = parser->width;
+  int small = parser->height;
+  if (big < small)
+    {
+      small = parser->width;
+      big   = parser->height;
+    }
+  switch (code)
+    {
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        switch (arg_no)
+          {
+            case 0:
+            case 3:
+              *value *= (parser->width/100.0);
+              break;
+            case 1:
+            case 4:
+              *value *= (parser->height/100.0);
+              break;
+            case 2:
+            case 5:
+              *value *= small/100.0;
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        {
+          *value *= (small/100.0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+        if (arg_no > 3)
+          {
+            *value *= (small/100.0);
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            if (arg_no % 2 == 0)
+              { *value  *= ( (parser->width) /100.0); }
+            else
+              { *value *= ( (parser->height) /100.0); }
+          }
+        break;
+        if (arg_no == 4)
+        {
+          { *value *= ((parser->height)/100.0); }
+          return;
+        }
+        /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      default: // even means x coord
+        if (arg_no % 2 == 0)
+          { *value  *= ((parser->width)/100.0); }
+        else
+          { *value *= ((parser->height)/100.0); }
+        break;
+    }
+static void ctx_parser_transform_percent_height (CtxParser *parser, CtxCode code, int arg_no, float *value)
+  *value *= (parser->height/100.0);
+static void ctx_parser_transform_percent_width (CtxParser *parser, CtxCode code, int arg_no, float *value)
+  *value *= (parser->height/100.0);
+static void ctx_parser_transform_cell (CtxParser *parser, CtxCode code, int arg_no, float *value)
+  float small = parser->cell_width;
+  if (small > parser->cell_height)
+    { small = parser->cell_height; }
+  switch (code)
+    {
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        switch (arg_no)
+          {
+            case 0:
+            case 3:
+              *value *= parser->cell_width;
+              break;
+            case 1:
+            case 4:
+              *value *= parser->cell_height;
+              break;
+            case 2:
+            case 5:
+              *value *= small; // use height?
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        {
+          *value *= parser->cell_height;
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+        if (arg_no > 3)
+          {
+            *value *= small;
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            *value *= (arg_no%2==0) ?parser->cell_width:parser->cell_height;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        if (arg_no % 2 == 0)
+          { *value *= parser->cell_width; }
+        else
+          {
+            if (! (arg_no > 1) )
+              { (*value) -= 1.0f; }
+            *value *= parser->cell_height;
+          }
+        break;
+      default: // even means x coord odd means y coord
+        *value *= (arg_no%2==0) ?parser->cell_width:parser->cell_height;
+        break;
+    }
+// %h %v %m %M
+static void ctx_parser_word_done (CtxParser *parser)
+  parser->holding[parser->pos]=0;
+  int old_args = parser->expected_args;
+  int command = ctx_parser_resolve_command (parser, parser->holding);
+  if ((command >= 0 && command < 32)
+      || (command > 150) || (command < 0)
+      )  // special case low enum values
+    {                   // and enum values too high to be
+                        // commands - permitting passing words
+                        // for strings in some cases
+      parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = command;
+      // trigger transition from number
+      parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NUMBER;
+      ctx_parser_feed_byte (parser, ',');
+    }
+  else if (command > 0)
+    {
+      if (old_args == CTX_ARG_COLLECT_NUMBERS)
+      {
+        int tmp1 = parser->command;
+        int tmp2 = parser->expected_args;
+        ctx_parser_dispatch_command (parser);
+        parser->command = (CtxCode)tmp1;
+        parser->expected_args = tmp2;
+      }
+      parser->command = (CtxCode) command;
+      if (parser->expected_args == 0)
+        {
+          ctx_parser_dispatch_command (parser);
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      /* interpret char by char */
+      uint8_t buf[16]=" ";
+      for (int i = 0; parser->pos && parser->holding[i] > ' '; i++)
+        {
+          buf[0] = parser->holding[i];
+          parser->command = (CtxCode) ctx_parser_resolve_command (parser, buf);
+          if (parser->command > 0)
+            {
+              if (parser->expected_args == 0)
+                {
+                  ctx_parser_dispatch_command (parser);
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              ctx_log ("unhandled command '%c'\n", buf[0]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  parser->n_numbers = 0;
+  parser->n_args = 0;
+static void ctx_parser_string_done (CtxParser *parser)
+  ctx_parser_dispatch_command (parser);
+void ctx_parser_feed_byte (CtxParser *parser, int byte)
+  switch (byte)
+    {
+      case '\n':
+        parser->col=0;
+        parser->line++;
+        break;
+      default:
+        parser->col++;
+    }
+  switch (parser->state)
+    {
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 11: case 12: case 
14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 
26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31:
+              break;
+            case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n':
+            case ';': case ',':
+            case '(': case ')':
+            case '{': case '}':
+            case '=':
+              break;
+            case '#':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_COMMENT;
+              break;
+            case '\'':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_APOS;
+              parser->pos = 0;
+              parser->holding[0] = 0;
+              break;
+            case '~':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_A85;
+              parser->pos = 0;
+              parser->holding[0] = 0;
+              break;
+            case '"':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_QUOT;
+              parser->pos = 0;
+              parser->holding[0] = 0;
+              break;
+            case '-':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->decimal = 0;
+              break;
+            case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+            case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] += (byte - '0');
+              parser->decimal = 0;
+              break;
+            case '.':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->decimal = 1;
+              break;
+            default:
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_WORD;
+              parser->pos = 0;
+              ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_PARSER_NUMBER:
+        {
+          switch (byte)
+            {
+              case 0:
+              case 1:
+              case 2:
+              case 3:
+              case 4:
+              case 5:
+              case 6:
+              case 7:
+              case 8:
+              case 11:
+              case 12:
+              case 14:
+              case 15:
+              case 16:
+              case 17:
+              case 18:
+              case 19:
+              case 20:
+              case 21:
+              case 22:
+              case 23:
+              case 24:
+              case 25:
+              case 26:
+              case 27:
+              case 28:
+              case 29:
+              case 30:
+              case 31:
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              case ' ':
+              case '\t':
+              case '\r':
+              case '\n':
+              case ';':
+              case ',':
+              case '(':
+              case ')':
+              case '{':
+              case '}':
+              case '=':
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              case '#':
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_COMMENT;
+                break;
+              case '-':
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER;
+                parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers+1] = 0;
+                parser->n_numbers ++;
+                parser->decimal = 0;
+                break;
+              case '.':
+                //if (parser->decimal) // TODO permit .13.32.43 to equivalent to .12 .32 .43
+                parser->decimal = 1;
+                break;
+              case '0':
+              case '1':
+              case '2':
+              case '3':
+              case '4':
+              case '5':
+              case '6':
+              case '7':
+              case '8':
+              case '9':
+                if (parser->decimal)
+                  {
+                    parser->decimal *= 10;
+                    parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] += (byte - '0') / (1.0 * parser->decimal);
+                  }
+                else
+                  {
+                    parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= 10;
+                    parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] += (byte - '0');
+                  }
+                break;
+              case '@': // cells
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                {
+                float fval = parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers];
+                ctx_parser_transform_cell (parser, parser->command, parser->n_numbers, &fval);
+                parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers]= fval;
+                }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              case '%': // percent of width/height
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                {
+                float fval = parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers];
+                ctx_parser_transform_percent (parser, parser->command, parser->n_numbers, &fval);
+                parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers]= fval;
+                }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              case '^': // percent of height
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                {
+                float fval = parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers];
+                ctx_parser_transform_percent_height (parser, parser->command, parser->n_numbers, &fval);
+                parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers]= fval;
+                }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              case '~': // percent of width
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                {
+                float fval = parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers];
+                ctx_parser_transform_percent_width (parser, parser->command, parser->n_numbers, &fval);
+                parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers]= fval;
+                }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+                break;
+              default:
+                if (parser->state == CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER)
+                  { parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] *= -1; }
+                parser->state = CTX_PARSER_WORD;
+                parser->pos = 0;
+                ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+                break;
+            }
+          if ( (parser->state != CTX_PARSER_NUMBER) &&
+               (parser->state != CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER))
+            {
+              parser->n_numbers ++;
+              //parser->t_args ++;
+              if (parser->n_numbers == parser->expected_args ||
+                  parser->expected_args == 100)
+                {
+                  ctx_parser_dispatch_command (parser);
+                }
+              if (parser->n_numbers > CTX_PARSER_MAX_ARGS)
+                { parser->n_numbers = CTX_PARSER_MAX_ARGS;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_PARSER_WORD:
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
+            case 8: case 11: case 12: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17:
+            case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24:
+            case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31:
+            case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n':
+            case ';': case ',':
+            case '(': case ')': case '=': case '{': case '}':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+              break;
+            case '#':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_COMMENT;
+              break;
+            case '-':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEGATIVE_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->decimal = 0;
+              break;
+            case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+            case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] += (byte - '0');
+              parser->decimal = 0;
+              break;
+            case '.':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NUMBER;
+              parser->numbers[parser->n_numbers] = 0;
+              parser->decimal = 1;
+              break;
+            default:
+              ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+              break;
+          }
+        if (parser->state != CTX_PARSER_WORD)
+          {
+            ctx_parser_word_done (parser);
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_PARSER_STRING_A85:
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '~': parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+              parser->pos = ctx_a85dec ((char*)parser->holding, (char*)parser->holding, parser->pos);
+              ctx_parser_string_done (parser);
+              break;
+            default:
+              ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '\\': parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_APOS_ESCAPED; break;
+            case '\'': parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+              ctx_parser_string_done (parser); break;
+            default:
+              ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte); break;
+          }
+        break;
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '0': byte = '\0'; break;
+            case 'b': byte = '\b'; break;
+            case 'f': byte = '\f'; break;
+            case 'n': byte = '\n'; break;
+            case 'r': byte = '\r'; break;
+            case 't': byte = '\t'; break;
+            case 'v': byte = '\v'; break;
+            default: break;
+          }
+        ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+        parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_APOS;
+        break;
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '0': byte = '\0'; break;
+            case 'b': byte = '\b'; break;
+            case 'f': byte = '\f'; break;
+            case 'n': byte = '\n'; break;
+            case 'r': byte = '\r'; break;
+            case 't': byte = '\t'; break;
+            case 'v': byte = '\v'; break;
+            default: break;
+          }
+        ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+        parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_QUOT;
+        break;
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '\\':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_STRING_QUOT_ESCAPED;
+              break;
+            case '"':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+              ctx_parser_string_done (parser);
+              break;
+            default:
+              ctx_parser_holding_append (parser, byte);
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+        switch (byte)
+          {
+            case '\r':
+            case '\n':
+              parser->state = CTX_PARSER_NEUTRAL;
+            default:
+              break;
+          }
+        break;
+    }
+void ctx_parse (Ctx *ctx, const char *string)
+  if (!string)
+    return;
+  CtxParser *parser = ctx_parser_new (ctx, ctx_width(ctx),
+                                           ctx_height(ctx),
+                                           ctx_get_font_size(ctx),
+                                           ctx_get_font_size(ctx),
+                                           0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  for (int i = 0; string[i]; i++)
+     ctx_parser_feed_byte (parser, string[i]);
+  ctx_parser_free (parser);
+static CtxFont ctx_fonts[CTX_MAX_FONTS];
+static int     ctx_font_count = 0;
+static float
+ctx_glyph_width_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar);
+static float
+ctx_glyph_kern_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unicharA, uint32_t unicharB);
+static int
+ctx_glyph_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke);
+CtxFontEngine ctx_font_engine_stb =
+  ctx_load_font_ttf_file,
+  ctx_load_font_ttf,
+  ctx_glyph_stb,
+  ctx_glyph_width_stb,
+  ctx_glyph_kern_stb,
+ctx_load_font_ttf (const char *name, const void *ttf_contents, int length)
+  if (ctx_font_count >= CTX_MAX_FONTS)
+    { return -1; }
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].type = 1;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].name = (char *) malloc (strlen (name) + 1);
+  ctx_strcpy ( (char *) ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].name, name);
+  if (!stbtt_InitFont (&ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].stb.ttf_info, ttf_contents, 0) )
+    {
+      ctx_log ( "Font init failed\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].engine = &ctx_font_engine_stb;
+  ctx_font_count ++;
+  return ctx_font_count-1;
+ctx_load_font_ttf_file (const char *name, const char *path)
+  uint8_t *contents = NULL;
+  long length = 0;
+  _ctx_file_get_contents (path, &contents, &length);
+  if (!contents)
+    {
+      ctx_log ( "File load failed\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  return ctx_load_font_ttf (name, contents, length);
+static int
+ctx_glyph_stb_find (CtxFont *font, uint32_t unichar)
+  stbtt_fontinfo *ttf_info = &font->stb.ttf_info;
+  int index = font->stb.cache_index;
+  if (font->stb.cache_unichar == unichar)
+    {
+      return index;
+    }
+  font->stb.cache_unichar = 0;
+  index = font->stb.cache_index = stbtt_FindGlyphIndex (ttf_info, unichar);
+  font->stb.cache_unichar = unichar;
+  return index;
+static float
+ctx_glyph_width_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar)
+  stbtt_fontinfo *ttf_info = &font->stb.ttf_info;
+  float font_size          = ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+  float scale              = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight (ttf_info, font_size);
+  int advance, lsb;
+  int glyph = ctx_glyph_stb_find (font, unichar);
+  if (glyph==0)
+    { return 0.0f; }
+  stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics (ttf_info, glyph, &advance, &lsb);
+  return (advance * scale);
+static float
+ctx_glyph_kern_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unicharA, uint32_t unicharB)
+  stbtt_fontinfo *ttf_info = &font->stb.ttf_info;
+  float font_size = ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+  float scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight (ttf_info, font_size);
+  int glyphA = ctx_glyph_stb_find (font, unicharA);
+  int glyphB = ctx_glyph_stb_find (font, unicharB);
+  return stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance (ttf_info, glyphA, glyphB) * scale;
+static int
+ctx_glyph_stb (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  stbtt_fontinfo *ttf_info = &font->stb.ttf_info;
+  int glyph = ctx_glyph_stb_find (font, unichar);
+  if (glyph==0)
+    { return -1; }
+  float font_size = ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+  int   baseline = ctx->state.y;
+  float origin_x = ctx->state.x;
+  float origin_y = baseline;
+  float scale    = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight (ttf_info, font_size);;
+  stbtt_vertex *vertices = NULL;
+  ctx_begin_path (ctx);
+  int num_verts = stbtt_GetGlyphShape (ttf_info, glyph, &vertices);
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_verts; i++)
+    {
+      stbtt_vertex *vertex = &vertices[i];
+      switch (vertex->type)
+        {
+          case STBTT_vmove:
+            ctx_move_to (ctx,
+                         origin_x + vertex->x * scale, origin_y - vertex->y * scale);
+            break;
+          case STBTT_vline:
+            ctx_line_to (ctx,
+                         origin_x + vertex->x * scale, origin_y - vertex->y * scale);
+            break;
+          case STBTT_vcubic:
+            ctx_curve_to (ctx,
+                          origin_x + vertex->cx  * scale, origin_y - vertex->cy  * scale,
+                          origin_x + vertex->cx1 * scale, origin_y - vertex->cy1 * scale,
+                          origin_x + vertex->x   * scale, origin_y - vertex->y   * scale);
+            break;
+          case STBTT_vcurve:
+            ctx_quad_to (ctx,
+                         origin_x + vertex->cx  * scale, origin_y - vertex->cy  * scale,
+                         origin_x + vertex->x   * scale, origin_y - vertex->y   * scale);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+  stbtt_FreeShape (ttf_info, vertices);
+  if (stroke)
+    {
+      ctx_stroke (ctx);
+    }
+  else
+    { ctx_fill (ctx); }
+  return 0;
+/* XXX: todo remove this, and rely on a binary search instead
+ */
+static int ctx_font_find_glyph_cached (CtxFont *font, uint32_t glyph)
+  for (int i = 0; i < font->ctx.glyphs; i++)
+    {
+      if (font->ctx.index[i * 2] == glyph)
+        { return font->ctx.index[i * 2 + 1]; }
+    }
+  return -1;
+static int ctx_glyph_find_ctx (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar)
+  int ret = ctx_font_find_glyph_cached (font, unichar);
+  if (ret >= 0) return ret;
+  for (int i = 0; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+  {
+    CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &font->ctx.data[i];
+    if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH &&
+        entry->data.u32[0] == unichar)
+    {
+       return i;
+       // XXX this could be prone to insertion of valid header
+       // data in included bitmaps.. is that an issue?
+       //   
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+static float
+ctx_glyph_kern_ctx (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unicharA, uint32_t unicharB)
+  float font_size = ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+  int first_kern = ctx_glyph_find_ctx (font, ctx, unicharA);
+  if (first_kern < 0) return 0.0;
+  for (int i = first_kern + 1; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_KERNING_PAIR)
+        {
+          if (entry->data.u16[0] == unicharA && entry->data.u16[1] == unicharB)
+            { return entry->data.s32[1] / 255.0 * font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE; }
+        }
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+  return 0.0;
+#if 0
+static int ctx_glyph_find (Ctx *ctx, CtxFont *font, uint32_t unichar)
+  for (int i = 0; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH && entry->data.u32[0] == unichar)
+        { return i; }
+    }
+  return 0;
+static float
+ctx_glyph_width_ctx (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar)
+  CtxState *state = &ctx->state;
+  float font_size = state->gstate.font_size;
+  int   start     = ctx_glyph_find_ctx (font, ctx, unichar);
+  if (start < 0)
+    { return 0.0; }  // XXX : fallback
+  for (int i = start; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        if (entry->data.u32[0] == (unsigned) unichar)
+          { return (entry->data.u32[1] / 255.0 * font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE); }
+    }
+  return 0.0;
+static int
+ctx_glyph_drawlist (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, CtxDrawlist *drawlist, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  CtxState *state = &ctx->state;
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  float origin_x = state->x;
+  float origin_y = state->y;
+  ctx_current_point (ctx, &origin_x, &origin_y);
+  int in_glyph = 0;
+  float font_size = state->gstate.font_size;
+  int start = 0;
+  if (font->type == 0)
+  {
+  start = ctx_glyph_find_ctx (font, ctx, unichar);
+  if (start < 0)
+    { return -1; }  // XXX : fallback glyph
+  }
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, drawlist, start, CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  /* XXX :  do a binary search instead of a linear search */
+  while ( (command= ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &command->entry;
+      if (in_glyph)
+        {
+          if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+            {
+              if (stroke)
+                { ctx_stroke (ctx); }
+              else
+                {
+      if (ctx->renderer && ((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->in_shadow)
+      {
+        ctx_rasterizer_shadow_fill ((CtxRasterizer*)ctx->renderer);
+        ((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->in_shadow = 1;
+      }
+      else
+         ctx_fill (ctx); 
+                }
+              ctx_restore (ctx);
+              return 0;
+            }
+          ctx_process (ctx, entry);
+        }
+      else if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH && entry->data.u32[0] == unichar)
+        {
+          in_glyph = 1;
+          ctx_save (ctx);
+          ctx_translate (ctx, origin_x, origin_y);
+          ctx_move_to (ctx, 0, 0);
+          ctx_begin_path (ctx);
+          ctx_scale (ctx, font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE,
+                     font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE);
+        }
+    }
+  if (stroke)
+    { ctx_stroke (ctx);
+    }
+  else
+    { 
+      if (ctx->renderer && ((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->in_shadow)
+      {
+        ctx_rasterizer_shadow_fill ((CtxRasterizer*)ctx->renderer);
+        ((CtxRasterizer*)(ctx->renderer))->in_shadow = 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         ctx_fill (ctx); 
+      }
+    }
+  ctx_restore (ctx);
+  return -1;
+static int
+ctx_glyph_ctx (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  CtxDrawlist drawlist = { (CtxEntry *) font->ctx.data,
+                           font->ctx.length,
+                           font->ctx.length, 0, 0
+                         };
+  return ctx_glyph_drawlist (font, ctx, &drawlist, unichar, stroke);
+uint32_t ctx_glyph_no (Ctx *ctx, int no)
+  CtxFont *font = &ctx_fonts[ctx->state.gstate.font];
+  if (no < 0 || no >= font->ctx.glyphs)
+    { return 0; }
+  return font->ctx.index[no*2];
+static void ctx_font_init_ctx (CtxFont *font)
+  int glyph_count = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        { glyph_count ++; }
+    }
+  font->ctx.glyphs = glyph_count;
+  static uint32_t idx[512]; // one might have to adjust this for
+  // larger fonts XXX
+  // should probably be made a #define
+  font->ctx.index = &idx[0];
+  font->ctx.index = (uint32_t *) malloc (sizeof (uint32_t) * 2 * glyph_count);
+  int no = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        {
+          font->ctx.index[no*2]   = entry->data.u32[0];
+          font->ctx.index[no*2+1] = i;
+          no++;
+        }
+    }
+ctx_load_font_ctx (const char *name, const void *data, int length);
+ctx_load_font_ctx_file (const char *name, const char *path);
+static CtxFontEngine ctx_font_engine_ctx =
+  ctx_load_font_ctx_file,
+  ctx_load_font_ctx,
+  ctx_glyph_ctx,
+  ctx_glyph_width_ctx,
+  ctx_glyph_kern_ctx,
+ctx_load_font_ctx (const char *name, const void *data, int length)
+  if (length % sizeof (CtxEntry) )
+    { return -1; }
+  if (ctx_font_count >= CTX_MAX_FONTS)
+    { return -1; }
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].type = 0;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].name = name;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].ctx.data = (CtxEntry *) data;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].ctx.length = length / sizeof (CtxEntry);
+  ctx_font_init_ctx (&ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count]);
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].engine = &ctx_font_engine_ctx;
+  ctx_font_count++;
+  return ctx_font_count-1;
+ctx_load_font_ctx_file (const char *name, const char *path)
+  uint8_t *contents = NULL;
+  long length = 0;
+  _ctx_file_get_contents (path, &contents, &length);
+  if (!contents)
+    {
+      ctx_log ( "File load failed\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  return ctx_load_font_ctx (name, contents, length);
+static float
+ctx_glyph_kern_ctx_fs (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unicharA, uint32_t unicharB)
+#if 0
+  float font_size = ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+  int first_kern = ctx_glyph_find_ctx (font, ctx, unicharA);
+  if (first_kern < 0) return 0.0;
+  for (int i = first_kern + 1; i < font->ctx.length; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &font->ctx.data[i];
+      if (entry->code == CTX_KERNING_PAIR)
+        {
+          if (entry->data.u16[0] == unicharA && entry->data.u16[1] == unicharB)
+            { return entry->data.s32[1] / 255.0 * font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE; }
+        }
+      if (entry->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        return 0.0;
+    }
+  return 0.0;
+static float
+ctx_glyph_width_ctx_fs (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar)
+  CtxState *state = &ctx->state;
+  char path[1024];
+  sprintf (path, "%s/%010p", font->ctx_fs.path, unichar);
+  uint8_t *data = NULL;
+  long int len_bytes = 0;
+  _ctx_file_get_contents (path, &data, &len_bytes);
+  float ret = 0.0;
+  float font_size = state->gstate.font_size;
+  if (data){
+    Ctx *glyph_ctx = ctx_new ();
+    ctx_parse (glyph_ctx, data);
+    //fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+    for (int i = 0; i < glyph_ctx->drawlist.count; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *e = &glyph_ctx->drawlist.entries[i];
+   // fprintf (stderr, "%c:", e->code);
+      if (e->code == CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH)
+        ret = e->data.u32[1] / 255.0 * font_size / CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE;
+    }
+    free (data);
+    ctx_free (glyph_ctx);
+  }
+  return ret;
+static int
+ctx_glyph_ctx_fs (CtxFont *font, Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  char path[1024];
+  sprintf (path, "%s/%010p", font->ctx_fs.path, unichar);
+  uint8_t *data = NULL;
+  long int len_bytes = 0;
+  _ctx_file_get_contents (path, &data, &len_bytes);
+//fprintf (stderr, "%s %li\n", path, len_bytes);
+  if (data){
+    Ctx *glyph_ctx = ctx_new ();
+    ctx_parse (glyph_ctx, data);
+    int ret = ctx_glyph_drawlist (font, ctx, &(glyph_ctx->drawlist),
+                                  unichar, stroke);
+    free (data);
+    ctx_free (glyph_ctx);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  return -1;
+ctx_load_font_ctx_fs (const char *name, const void *data, int length);
+static CtxFontEngine ctx_font_engine_ctx_fs =
+  NULL,
+  ctx_load_font_ctx_fs,
+  ctx_glyph_ctx_fs,
+  ctx_glyph_width_ctx_fs,
+  ctx_glyph_kern_ctx_fs,
+ctx_load_font_ctx_fs (const char *name, const void *path, int length) // length is ignored
+  if (ctx_font_count >= CTX_MAX_FONTS)
+    { return -1; }
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].type = 42;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].name = name;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].ctx_fs.path = strdup (path);
+  int path_len = strlen (path);
+  if (ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].ctx_fs.path[path_len-1] == '/')
+   ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].ctx_fs.path[path_len-1] = 0;
+  ctx_fonts[ctx_font_count].engine = &ctx_font_engine_ctx_fs;
+  ctx_font_count++;
+  return ctx_font_count-1;
+_ctx_glyph (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  CtxFont *font = &ctx_fonts[ctx->state.gstate.font];
+  // a begin-path here did not remove stray spikes in terminal
+  return font->engine->glyph (font, ctx, unichar, stroke);
+ctx_glyph (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t unichar, int stroke)
+  CtxEntry commands[3]; // 3 to silence incorrect warning from static analysis
+  ctx_memset (commands, 0, sizeof (commands) );
+  commands[0] = ctx_u32 (CTX_GLYPH, unichar, 0);
+  commands[0].data.u8[4] = stroke;
+  ctx_process (ctx, commands);
+  return 0; // XXX is return value used?
+  return _ctx_glyph (ctx, unichar, stroke);
+ctx_glyph_width (Ctx *ctx, int unichar)
+  CtxFont *font = &ctx_fonts[ctx->state.gstate.font];
+  return font->engine->glyph_width (font, ctx, unichar);
+static float
+ctx_glyph_kern (Ctx *ctx, int unicharA, int unicharB)
+  CtxFont *font = &ctx_fonts[ctx->state.gstate.font];
+  return font->engine->glyph_kern (font, ctx, unicharA, unicharB);
+ctx_text_width (Ctx        *ctx,
+                const char *string)
+  float sum = 0.0;
+  if (!string)
+    return 0.0f;
+  for (const char *utf8 = string; *utf8; utf8 = ctx_utf8_skip (utf8, 1) )
+    {
+      sum += ctx_glyph_width (ctx, ctx_utf8_to_unichar (utf8) );
+    }
+  return sum;
+static void
+_ctx_glyphs (Ctx     *ctx,
+             CtxGlyph *glyphs,
+             int       n_glyphs,
+             int       stroke)
+  for (int i = 0; i < n_glyphs; i++)
+    {
+      {
+        uint32_t unichar = glyphs[i].index;
+        ctx_move_to (ctx, glyphs[i].x, glyphs[i].y);
+        ctx_glyph (ctx, unichar, stroke);
+      }
+    }
+static void
+_ctx_text (Ctx        *ctx,
+           const char *string,
+           int         stroke,
+           int         visible)
+  CtxState *state = &ctx->state;
+  float x = ctx->state.x;
+  switch ( (int) ctx_state_get (state, CTX_text_align) )
+    //switch (state->gstate.text_align)
+    {
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT:
+        break;
+        x -= ctx_text_width (ctx, string) /2;
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_END:
+        x -= ctx_text_width (ctx, string);
+        break;
+    }
+  float y = ctx->state.y;
+  float baseline_offset = 0.0f;
+  switch ( (int) ctx_state_get (state, CTX_text_baseline) )
+    {
+        /* XXX : crude */
+        baseline_offset = ctx->state.gstate.font_size * 0.55;
+        break;
+        /* XXX : crude */
+        baseline_offset = ctx->state.gstate.font_size * 0.7;
+        break;
+        baseline_offset = -ctx->state.gstate.font_size * 0.1;
+        break;
+        baseline_offset = 0.0f;
+        break;
+        baseline_offset = ctx->state.gstate.font_size * 0.25;
+        break;
+    }
+  float x0 = x;
+  for (const char *utf8 = string; *utf8; utf8 = ctx_utf8_skip (utf8, 1) )
+    {
+      if (*utf8 == '\n')
+        {
+          y += ctx->state.gstate.font_size * ctx_state_get (state, CTX_line_spacing);
+          x = x0;
+          if (visible)
+            { ctx_move_to (ctx, x, y); }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          uint32_t unichar = ctx_utf8_to_unichar (utf8);
+          if (visible)
+            {
+              ctx_move_to (ctx, x, y + baseline_offset);
+              _ctx_glyph (ctx, unichar, stroke);
+            }
+          const char *next_utf8 = ctx_utf8_skip (utf8, 1);
+          if (next_utf8)
+            {
+              x += ctx_glyph_width (ctx, unichar);
+              x += ctx_glyph_kern (ctx, unichar, ctx_utf8_to_unichar (next_utf8) );
+            }
+          if (visible)
+            { ctx_move_to (ctx, x, y); }
+        }
+    }
+  if (!visible)
+    { ctx_move_to (ctx, x, y); }
+CtxGlyph *
+ctx_glyph_allocate (int n_glyphs)
+  return (CtxGlyph *) malloc (sizeof (CtxGlyph) * n_glyphs);
+gtx_glyph_free     (CtxGlyph *glyphs)
+  free (glyphs);
+ctx_glyphs (Ctx        *ctx,
+            CtxGlyph   *glyphs,
+            int         n_glyphs)
+  _ctx_glyphs (ctx, glyphs, n_glyphs, 0);
+ctx_glyphs_stroke (Ctx        *ctx,
+                   CtxGlyph   *glyphs,
+                   int         n_glyphs)
+  _ctx_glyphs (ctx, glyphs, n_glyphs, 1);
+ctx_text (Ctx        *ctx,
+          const char *string)
+  if (!string)
+    return;
+  ctx_process_cmd_str (ctx, CTX_TEXT, string, 0, 0);
+  _ctx_text (ctx, string, 0, 0);
+  _ctx_text (ctx, string, 0, 1);
+ctx_text_stroke (Ctx        *ctx,
+                 const char *string)
+  if (!string)
+    return;
+  ctx_process_cmd_str (ctx, CTX_TEXT_STROKE, string, 0, 0);
+  _ctx_text (ctx, string, 1, 0);
+  _ctx_text (ctx, string, 1, 1);
+static int _ctx_resolve_font (const char *name)
+  for (int i = 0; i < ctx_font_count; i ++)
+    {
+      if (!ctx_strcmp (ctx_fonts[i].name, name) )
+        { return i; }
+    }
+  for (int i = 0; i < ctx_font_count; i ++)
+    {
+      if (ctx_strstr (ctx_fonts[i].name, name) )
+        { return i; }
+    }
+  return -1;
+int ctx_resolve_font (const char *name)
+  int ret = _ctx_resolve_font (name);
+  if (ret >= 0)
+    { return ret; }
+  if (!ctx_strcmp (name, "regular") )
+    {
+      int ret = _ctx_resolve_font ("sans");
+      if (ret >= 0) { return ret; }
+      ret = _ctx_resolve_font ("serif");
+      if (ret >= 0) { return ret; }
+    }
+  return 0;
+static void ctx_font_setup ()
+  static int initialized = 0;
+  if (initialized) { return; }
+  initialized = 1;
+  ctx_font_count = 0; // oddly - this is needed in arduino
+  ctx_load_font_ctx_fs ("sans-ctx", "/tmp/ctx-regular", 0);
+#if CTX_FONT_ascii
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("sans-ctx", ctx_font_ascii, sizeof (ctx_font_ascii) );
+#if CTX_FONT_regular
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("sans-ctx", ctx_font_regular, sizeof (ctx_font_regular) );
+#if CTX_FONT_mono
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("mono-ctx", ctx_font_mono, sizeof (ctx_font_mono) );
+#if CTX_FONT_bold
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("bold-ctx", ctx_font_bold, sizeof (ctx_font_bold) );
+#if CTX_FONT_italic
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("italic-ctx", ctx_font_italic, sizeof (ctx_font_italic) );
+#if CTX_FONT_sans
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("sans-ctx", ctx_font_sans, sizeof (ctx_font_sans) );
+#if CTX_FONT_serif
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("serif-ctx", ctx_font_serif, sizeof (ctx_font_serif) );
+#if CTX_FONT_symbol
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("symbol-ctx", ctx_font_symbol, sizeof (ctx_font_symbol) );
+#if CTX_FONT_emoji
+  ctx_load_font_ctx ("emoji-ctx", ctx_font_emoji, sizeof (ctx_font_emoji) );
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-NotoEmoji_Regular", ttf_NotoEmoji_Regular_ttf, ttf_NotoEmoji_Regular_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-light-Roboto_Light", ttf_Roboto_Light_ttf, ttf_Roboto_Light_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-Roboto_Regular", ttf_Roboto_Regular_ttf, ttf_Roboto_Regular_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-bold-Roboto_Bold", ttf_Roboto_Bold_ttf, ttf_Roboto_Bold_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-DejaVuSans", ttf_DejaVuSans_ttf, ttf_DejaVuSans_ttf_len);
+#if VERA
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("sans-Vera", ttf_Vera_ttf, ttf_Vera_ttf_len);
+#if UNSCII_16
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("mono-unscii16", ttf_unscii_16_ttf, ttf_unscii_16_ttf_len);
+#if XA000_MONO
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("mono-0xA000", ttf_0xA000_Mono_ttf, ttf_0xA000_Mono_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("mono-DejaVuSansMono", ttf_DejaVuSansMono_ttf, ttf_DejaVuSansMono_ttf_len);
+  ctx_load_font_ttf ("mono-NotoMono_Regular", ttf_NotoMono_Regular_ttf, ttf_NotoMono_Regular_ttf_len);
+/* mrg - MicroRaptor Gui
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Øyvind Kolås <pippin hodefoting com>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+//#include "ctx-string.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+//#include "ctx.h"
+/* instead of including ctx.h we declare the few utf8
+ * functions we use
+ */
+uint32_t ctx_utf8_to_unichar (const char *input);
+int ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (uint32_t  ch, uint8_t  *dest);
+int ctx_utf8_strlen (const char *s);
+void ctx_string_init (CtxString *string, int initial_size)
+  string->allocated_length = initial_size;
+  string->length = 0;
+  string->utf8_length = 0;
+  string->str = (char*)malloc (string->allocated_length + 1);
+  string->str[0]='\0';
+static void ctx_string_destroy (CtxString *string)
+  if (string->str)
+    {
+      free (string->str);
+      string->str = NULL;
+    }
+void ctx_string_clear (CtxString *string)
+  string->length = 0;
+  string->utf8_length = 0;
+  string->str[string->length]=0;
+static inline void _ctx_string_append_byte (CtxString *string, char  val)
+  if ( (val & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+    { string->utf8_length++; }
+  if (string->length + 2 >= string->allocated_length)
+    {
+      char *old = string->str;
+      string->allocated_length = CTX_MAX (string->allocated_length * 2, string->length + 2);
+      string->str = (char*)malloc (string->allocated_length);
+      if (old)
+      {
+        memcpy (string->str, old, string->length);
+        free (old);
+      }
+    }
+  string->str[string->length++] = val;
+  string->str[string->length] = '\0';
+void ctx_string_append_byte (CtxString *string, char  val)
+  _ctx_string_append_byte (string, val);
+void ctx_string_append_unichar (CtxString *string, unsigned int unichar)
+  char *str;
+  char utf8[5];
+  utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (unichar, (unsigned char *) utf8)]=0;
+  str = utf8;
+  while (str && *str)
+    {
+      _ctx_string_append_byte (string, *str);
+      str++;
+    }
+static inline void _ctx_string_append_str (CtxString *string, const char *str)
+  if (!str) { return; }
+  while (*str)
+    {
+      _ctx_string_append_byte (string, *str);
+      str++;
+    }
+void ctx_string_append_utf8char (CtxString *string, const char *str)
+  if (!str) { return; }
+  int len = ctx_utf8_len (*str);
+  for (int i = 0; i < len && *str; i++)
+    {
+      _ctx_string_append_byte (string, *str);
+      str++;
+    }
+void ctx_string_append_str (CtxString *string, const char *str)
+  _ctx_string_append_str (string, str);
+CtxString *ctx_string_new_with_size (const char *initial, int initial_size)
+  CtxString *string = (CtxString*)ctx_calloc (sizeof (CtxString), 1);
+  ctx_string_init (string, initial_size);
+  if (initial)
+    { _ctx_string_append_str (string, initial); }
+  return string;
+CtxString *ctx_string_new (const char *initial)
+  return ctx_string_new_with_size (initial, 8);
+void ctx_string_append_data (CtxString *string, const char *str, int len)
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i<len; i++)
+    { _ctx_string_append_byte (string, str[i]); }
+void ctx_string_append_string (CtxString *string, CtxString *string2)
+  const char *str = ctx_string_get (string2);
+  while (str && *str)
+    {
+      _ctx_string_append_byte (string, *str);
+      str++;
+    }
+const char *ctx_string_get (CtxString *string)
+  return string->str;
+int ctx_string_get_length (CtxString *string)
+  return string->length;
+ctx_string_free (CtxString *string, int freealloc)
+  if (freealloc)
+    {
+      ctx_string_destroy (string);
+    }
+#if 0
+  if (string->is_line)
+  {
+    VtLine *line = (VtLine*)string;
+    if (line->style)
+      { free (line->style); }
+    if (line->ctx)
+      { ctx_free (line->ctx); }
+    if (line->ctx_copy)
+      { ctx_free (line->ctx_copy); }
+  }
+  free (string);
+ctx_string_set (CtxString *string, const char *new_string)
+  ctx_string_clear (string);
+  _ctx_string_append_str (string, new_string);
+static char *ctx_strdup (const char *str)
+  int len = strlen (str);
+  char *ret = (char*)malloc (len + 1);
+  memcpy (ret, str, len);
+  ret[len]=0;
+  return ret;
+void ctx_string_replace_utf8 (CtxString *string, int pos, const char *new_glyph)
+  int new_len = ctx_utf8_len (*new_glyph);
+#if 1
+  int old_len = string->utf8_length;
+  int old_len = ctx_utf8_strlen (string->str);// string->utf8_length;
+  char tmpg[3]=" ";
+  if (pos == old_len)
+    {
+      _ctx_string_append_str (string, new_glyph);
+      return;
+    }
+  if (new_len <= 1 && new_glyph[0] < 32)
+    {
+      new_len = 1;
+      tmpg[0]=new_glyph[0]+64;
+      new_glyph = tmpg;
+    }
+  {
+    for (int i = old_len; i <= pos + 2; i++)
+      {
+        _ctx_string_append_byte (string, ' ');
+        old_len++;
+      }
+  }
+  if (string->length + new_len  >= string->allocated_length - 2)
+    {
+      char *tmp;
+      char *defer;
+      string->allocated_length = string->length + new_len + 2;
+      tmp = (char*) ctx_calloc (string->allocated_length + 1 + 8, 1);
+      strcpy (tmp, string->str);
+      defer = string->str;
+      string->str = tmp;
+      free (defer);
+    }
+  char *p = (char *) ctx_utf8_skip (string->str, pos);
+  int prev_len = ctx_utf8_len (*p);
+  char *rest;
+  if (*p == 0 || * (p+prev_len) == 0)
+    {
+      rest = ctx_strdup ("");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (p + prev_len >= string->length  + string->str)
+        { rest = ctx_strdup (""); }
+      else
+        { rest = ctx_strdup (p + prev_len); }
+    }
+  memcpy (p, new_glyph, new_len);
+  memcpy (p + new_len, rest, strlen (rest) + 1);
+  //string->length += new_len;
+  //string->length -= prev_len;
+  free (rest);
+  string->length = strlen (string->str);
+  string->utf8_length = ctx_utf8_strlen (string->str);
+void ctx_string_replace_unichar (CtxString *string, int pos, uint32_t unichar)
+  uint8_t utf8[8];
+  ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (unichar, utf8);
+  ctx_string_replace_utf8 (string, pos, (char *) utf8);
+uint32_t ctx_string_get_unichar (CtxString *string, int pos)
+  char *p = (char *) ctx_utf8_skip (string->str, pos);
+  if (!p)
+    { return 0; }
+  return ctx_utf8_to_unichar (p);
+void ctx_string_insert_utf8 (CtxString *string, int pos, const char *new_glyph)
+  int new_len = ctx_utf8_len (*new_glyph);
+  int old_len = string->utf8_length;
+  char tmpg[3]=" ";
+  if (old_len == pos && 0)
+    {
+      ctx_string_append_str (string, new_glyph);
+      return;
+    }
+  if (new_len <= 1 && new_glyph[0] < 32)
+    {
+      tmpg[0]=new_glyph[0]+64;
+      new_glyph = tmpg;
+    }
+  {
+    for (int i = old_len; i <= pos; i++)
+      {
+        _ctx_string_append_byte (string, ' ');
+        old_len++;
+      }
+  }
+  if (string->length + new_len + 1  > string->allocated_length)
+    {
+      char *tmp;
+      char *defer;
+      string->allocated_length = string->length + new_len + 1;
+      tmp = (char*) ctx_calloc (string->allocated_length + 1, 1);
+      strcpy (tmp, string->str);
+      defer = string->str;
+      string->str = tmp;
+      free (defer);
+    }
+  char *p = (char *) ctx_utf8_skip (string->str, pos);
+  int prev_len = ctx_utf8_len (*p);
+  char *rest;
+  if ( (*p == 0 || * (p+prev_len) == 0) && pos != 0)
+    {
+      rest = ctx_strdup ("");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      rest = ctx_strdup (p);
+    }
+  memcpy (p, new_glyph, new_len);
+  memcpy (p + new_len, rest, strlen (rest) + 1);
+  string->length += new_len;
+  free (rest);
+  string->utf8_length = ctx_utf8_strlen (string->str);
+void ctx_string_remove (CtxString *string, int pos)
+  int old_len = string->utf8_length;
+  {
+    for (int i = old_len; i <= pos; i++)
+      {
+        _ctx_string_append_byte (string, ' ');
+        old_len++;
+      }
+  }
+  char *p = (char *) ctx_utf8_skip (string->str, pos);
+  int prev_len = ctx_utf8_len (*p);
+  char *rest;
+  if (*p == 0 || * (p+prev_len) == 0)
+    {
+      rest = ctx_strdup ("");
+      prev_len = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      rest = ctx_strdup (p + prev_len);
+    }
+  strcpy (p, rest);
+  string->str[string->length - prev_len] = 0;
+  free (rest);
+  string->length = strlen (string->str);
+  string->utf8_length = ctx_utf8_strlen (string->str);
+char *ctx_strdup_printf (const char *format, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  size_t needed;
+  char *buffer;
+  va_start (ap, format);
+  needed = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, ap) + 1;
+  buffer = malloc (needed);
+  va_end (ap);
+  va_start (ap, format);
+  vsnprintf (buffer, needed, format, ap);
+  va_end (ap);
+  return buffer;
+void ctx_string_append_printf (CtxString *string, const char *format, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  size_t needed;
+  char *buffer;
+  va_start (ap, format);
+  needed = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, ap) + 1;
+  buffer = malloc (needed);
+  va_end (ap);
+  va_start (ap, format);
+  vsnprintf (buffer, needed, format, ap);
+  va_end (ap);
+  ctx_string_append_str (string, buffer);
+  free (buffer);
+typedef struct _CtxCairo CtxCairo;
+  _CtxCairo
+  CtxImplementation vfuncs;
+  Ctx              *ctx;
+  cairo_t          *cr;
+  cairo_pattern_t  *pat;
+  cairo_surface_t  *image;
+  int               preserve;
+static void
+ctx_cairo_process (CtxCairo *ctx_cairo, CtxCommand *c)
+  CtxEntry *entry = (CtxEntry *) &c->entry;
+  cairo_t *cr = ctx_cairo->cr;
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        cairo_line_to (cr, c->line_to.x, c->line_to.y);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        cairo_rel_line_to (cr, c->rel_line_to.x, c->rel_line_to.y);
+        break;
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+        cairo_move_to (cr, c->move_to.x, c->move_to.y);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+        cairo_rel_move_to (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        cairo_curve_to (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                        ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                        ctx_arg_float (4), ctx_arg_float (5) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        cairo_rel_curve_to (cr,ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                            ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                            ctx_arg_float (4), ctx_arg_float (5) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_PRESERVE:
+        ctx_cairo->preserve = 1;
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        {
+          double x0, y0;
+          cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x0, &y0);
+          float cx = ctx_arg_float (0);
+          float cy = ctx_arg_float (1);
+          float  x = ctx_arg_float (2);
+          float  y = ctx_arg_float (3);
+          cairo_curve_to (cr,
+                          (cx * 2 + x0) / 3.0f, (cy * 2 + y0) / 3.0f,
+                          (cx * 2 + x) / 3.0f,           (cy * 2 + y) / 3.0f,
+                          x,                              y);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        {
+          double x0, y0;
+          cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x0, &y0);
+          float cx = ctx_arg_float (0) + x0;
+          float cy = ctx_arg_float (1) + y0;
+          float  x = ctx_arg_float (2) + x0;
+          float  y = ctx_arg_float (3) + y0;
+          cairo_curve_to (cr,
+                          (cx * 2 + x0) / 3.0f, (cy * 2 + y0) / 3.0f,
+                          (cx * 2 + x) / 3.0f,           (cy * 2 + y) / 3.0f,
+                          x,                              y);
+        }
+        break;
+      /* rotate/scale/translate does not occur in fully minified data stream */
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+        cairo_rotate (cr, ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+        cairo_scale (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+        cairo_translate (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        cairo_set_line_width (cr, ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+#if 0
+        fprintf (stderr, "F %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f %2.1f\n",
+                        ctx_arg_float(0),
+                        ctx_arg_float(1),
+                        ctx_arg_float(2),
+                        ctx_arg_float(3),
+                        ctx_arg_float(4),
+                        ctx_arg_float(5),
+                        ctx_arg_float(6));
+        if (ctx_arg_float (5) == 1)
+          cairo_arc (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                     ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                     ctx_arg_float (4) );
+        else
+          cairo_arc_negative (cr, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                              ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                              ctx_arg_float (4) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_RGBA_U8:
+        cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (0) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (1) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (2) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (3) ) );
+        break;
+#if 0
+      case CTX_SET_RGBA_STROKE: // XXX : we need to maintain
+        //       state for the two kinds
+        cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, ctx_arg_u8 (0) /255.0,
+                               ctx_arg_u8 (1) /255.0,
+                               ctx_arg_u8 (2) /255.0,
+                               ctx_arg_u8 (3) /255.0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+      case CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE: // XXX - arcs
+        cairo_rectangle (cr, c->rectangle.x, c->rectangle.y,
+                         c->rectangle.width, c->rectangle.height);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+        cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (0) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (1) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (2) ),
+                               ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (3) ) );
+        cairo_rectangle (cr, ctx_arg_u16 (2), ctx_arg_u16 (3), 1, 1);
+        cairo_fill (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL:
+        if (ctx_cairo->preserve)
+        {
+          cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
+          ctx_cairo->preserve = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          cairo_fill (cr);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+        if (ctx_cairo->preserve)
+        {
+          cairo_stroke_preserve (cr);
+          ctx_cairo->preserve = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          cairo_stroke (cr);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_IDENTITY:
+        cairo_identity_matrix (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+        if (ctx_cairo->preserve)
+        {
+          cairo_clip_preserve (cr);
+          ctx_cairo->preserve = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          cairo_clip (cr);
+        }
+        break;
+        break;
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+        cairo_new_path (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+        cairo_close_path (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+        cairo_save (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        cairo_restore (cr);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+        cairo_set_font_size (cr, ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+        cairo_set_miter_limit (cr, ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+        {
+          int cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE;
+          switch (ctx_arg_u8 (0) )
+            {
+              case CTX_CAP_ROUND:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND;
+                break;
+              case CTX_CAP_SQUARE:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_SQUARE;
+                break;
+              case CTX_CAP_NONE:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT;
+                break;
+            }
+          cairo_set_line_cap (cr, cairo_val);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        {
+          // does not map to cairo
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+          int cairo_val = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER;
+          switch (ctx_arg_u8 (0) )
+            {
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER;
+                break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE;
+                break;
+            }
+          cairo_set_operator (cr, cairo_val);
+        }
+      case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+        {
+          int cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND;
+          switch (ctx_arg_u8 (0) )
+            {
+              case CTX_JOIN_ROUND:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND;
+                break;
+              case CTX_JOIN_BEVEL:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL;
+                break;
+              case CTX_JOIN_MITER:
+                cairo_val = CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER;
+                break;
+            }
+          cairo_set_line_join (cr, cairo_val);
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+          if (ctx_cairo->pat)
+            {
+              cairo_pattern_destroy (ctx_cairo->pat);
+              ctx_cairo->pat = NULL;
+            }
+          ctx_cairo->pat = cairo_pattern_create_linear (ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                           ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3) );
+          cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (ctx_cairo->pat, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
+          cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (ctx_cairo->pat, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+          cairo_set_source (cr, ctx_cairo->pat);
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+          if (ctx_cairo->pat)
+            {
+              cairo_pattern_destroy (ctx_cairo->pat);
+              ctx_cairo->pat = NULL;
+            }
+          ctx_cairo->pat = cairo_pattern_create_radial (ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                           ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                           ctx_arg_float (4), ctx_arg_float (5) );
+          cairo_set_source (cr, ctx_cairo->pat);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba (ctx_cairo->pat,
+                                           ctx_arg_float (0),
+                                           ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4) ),
+                                           ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (5) ),
+                                           ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (6) ),
+                                           ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (7) ) );
+        break;
+        // XXX  implement TEXTURE
+#if 0
+      case CTX_LOAD_IMAGE:
+        {
+          if (image)
+            {
+              cairo_surface_destroy (image);
+              image = NULL;
+            }
+          if (pat)
+            {
+              cairo_pattern_destroy (pat);
+              pat = NULL;
+            }
+          image = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png (ctx_arg_string() );
+          cairo_set_source_surface (cr, image, ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+        /* XXX: implement some linebreaking/wrap, positioning
+         *      behavior here
+         */
+        cairo_show_text (cr, ctx_arg_string () );
+        break;
+      case CTX_CONT:
+      case CTX_EDGE:
+      case CTX_DATA:
+      case CTX_DATA_REV:
+      case CTX_FLUSH:
+        break;
+    }
+  ctx_process (ctx_cairo->ctx, entry);
+void ctx_cairo_free (CtxCairo *ctx_cairo)
+  if (ctx_cairo->pat)
+    { cairo_pattern_destroy (ctx_cairo->pat); }
+  if (ctx_cairo->image)
+    { cairo_surface_destroy (ctx_cairo->image); }
+  free (ctx_cairo);
+ctx_render_cairo (Ctx *ctx, cairo_t *cr)
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  CtxCairo    ctx_cairo = {{(void*)ctx_cairo_process, NULL, NULL}, ctx, cr, NULL, NULL};
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, &ctx->drawlist, 0,
+                     CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  while ( (command = ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    { ctx_cairo_process (&ctx_cairo, command); }
+Ctx *
+ctx_new_for_cairo (cairo_t *cr)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  CtxCairo *ctx_cairo = calloc(sizeof(CtxCairo),1);
+  ctx_cairo->vfuncs.free = (void*)ctx_cairo_free;
+  ctx_cairo->vfuncs.process = (void*)ctx_cairo_process;
+  ctx_cairo->ctx = ctx;
+  ctx_cairo->cr = cr;
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx, (void*)ctx_cairo);
+  return ctx;
+static int ctx_find_largest_matching_substring
+ (const char *X, const char *Y, int m, int n, int *offsetY, int *offsetX) 
+  int longest_common_suffix[2][n+1];
+  int best_length = 0;
+  for (int i=0; i<=m; i++)
+  {
+    for (int j=0; j<=n; j++)
+    {
+      if (i == 0 || j == 0 || !(X[i-1] == Y[j-1]))
+      {
+        longest_common_suffix[i%2][j] = 0;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+          longest_common_suffix[i%2][j] = longest_common_suffix[(i-1)%2][j-1] + 1;
+          if (best_length < longest_common_suffix[i%2][j])
+          {
+            best_length = longest_common_suffix[i%2][j];
+            if (offsetY) *offsetY = j - best_length;
+            if (offsetX) *offsetX = i - best_length;
+          }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return best_length;
+typedef struct CtxSpan {
+  int from_prev;
+  int start;
+  int length;
+} CtxSpan;
+#define CHUNK_SIZE 32
+#define MIN_MATCH  7        // minimum match length to be encoded
+#define WINDOW_PADDING 16   // look-aside amount
+#if 0
+static void _dassert(int line, int condition, const char *str, int foo, int bar, int baz)
+  if (!condition)
+  {
+    FILE *f = fopen ("/tmp/cdebug", "a");
+    fprintf (f, "%i: %s    %i %i %i\n", line, str, foo, bar, baz);
+    fclose (f);
+  }
+#define dassert(cond, foo, bar, baz) _dassert(__LINE__, cond, #cond, foo, bar ,baz)
+#define dassert(cond, foo, bar, baz)
+/* XXX repeated substring matching is slow, we'll be
+ * better off with a hash-table with linked lists of
+ * matching 3-4 characters in previous.. or even
+ * a naive approach that expects rough alignment..
+ */
+static char *encode_in_terms_of_previous (
+                const char *src,  int src_len,
+                const char *prev, int prev_len,
+                int *out_len,
+                int max_ticks)
+  CtxString *string = ctx_string_new ("");
+  CtxList *encoded_list = NULL;
+  /* TODO : make expected position offset in prev slide based on
+   * matches and not be constant */
+  long ticks_start = ctx_ticks ();
+  int start = 0;
+  int length = CHUNK_SIZE;
+  for (start = 0; start < src_len; start += length)
+  {
+    CtxSpan *span = calloc (sizeof (CtxSpan), 1);
+    span->start = start;
+    if (start + length > src_len)
+      span->length = src_len - start;
+    else
+      span->length = length;
+    span->from_prev = 0;
+    ctx_list_append (&encoded_list, span);
+  }
+  for (CtxList *l = encoded_list; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+    CtxSpan *span = l->data;
+    if (!span->from_prev)
+    {
+      if (span->length >= MIN_MATCH)
+      {
+         int prev_pos = 0;
+         int curr_pos = 0;
+         assert(1);
+#if 0
+         int prev_start =  0;
+         int prev_window_length = prev_len;
+         int window_padding = WINDOW_PADDING;
+         int prev_start = span->start - window_padding;
+         if (prev_start < 0)
+           prev_start = 0;
+         dassert(span->start>=0 , 0,0,0);
+         int prev_window_length = prev_len - prev_start;
+         if (prev_window_length > span->length + window_padding * 2 + span->start)
+           prev_window_length = span->length + window_padding * 2 + span->start;
+         int match_len = 0;
+         if (prev_window_length > 0)
+           match_len = ctx_find_largest_matching_substring(prev + prev_start, src + span->start, 
prev_window_length, span->length, &curr_pos, &prev_pos);
+#if 1
+         prev_pos += prev_start;
+         if (match_len >= MIN_MATCH)
+         {
+            int start  = span->start;
+            int length = span->length;
+            span->from_prev = 1;
+            span->start     = prev_pos;
+            span->length    = match_len;
+            dassert (span->start >= 0, prev_pos, prev_start, span->start);
+            dassert (span->length > 0, prev_pos, prev_start, span->length);
+            if (curr_pos)
+            {
+              CtxSpan *prev = calloc (sizeof (CtxSpan), 1);
+              prev->start = start;
+              prev->length =  curr_pos;
+            dassert (prev->start >= 0, prev_pos, prev_start, prev->start);
+            dassert (prev->length > 0, prev_pos, prev_start, prev->length);
+              prev->from_prev = 0;
+              ctx_list_insert_before (&encoded_list, l, prev);
+            }
+            if (match_len + curr_pos < start + length)
+            {
+              CtxSpan *next = calloc (sizeof (CtxSpan), 1);
+              next->start = start + curr_pos + match_len;
+              next->length = (start + length) - next->start;
+            dassert (next->start >= 0, prev_pos, prev_start, next->start);
+      //    dassert (next->length > 0, prev_pos, prev_start, next->length);
+              next->from_prev = 0;
+              if (next->length)
+              {
+                if (l->next)
+                  ctx_list_insert_before (&encoded_list, l->next, next);
+                else
+                  ctx_list_append (&encoded_list, next);
+              }
+              else
+                free (next);
+            }
+            if (curr_pos) // step one item back for forloop
+            {
+              CtxList *tmp = encoded_list;
+              int found = 0;
+              while (!found && tmp && tmp->next)
+              {
+                if (tmp->next == l)
+                {
+                  l = tmp;
+                  break;
+                }
+                tmp = tmp->next;
+              }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+    }
+    if (ctx_ticks ()-ticks_start > (unsigned long)max_ticks)
+      break;
+  }
+  /* merge adjecant prev span references  */
+  {
+    for (CtxList *l = encoded_list; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      CtxSpan *span = l->data;
+      if (l->next)
+      {
+        CtxSpan *next_span = l->next->data;
+        if (span->from_prev && next_span->from_prev &&
+            span->start + span->length == 
+            next_span->start)
+        {
+           span->length += next_span->length;
+           ctx_list_remove (&encoded_list, next_span);
+           goto again;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while (encoded_list)
+  {
+    CtxSpan *span = encoded_list->data;
+    if (span->from_prev)
+    {
+      char ref[128];
+      sprintf (ref, "%c%i %i%c", CTX_CODEC_CHAR, span->start, span->length, CTX_CODEC_CHAR);
+      ctx_string_append_data (string, ref, strlen(ref));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      for (int i = span->start; i< span->start+span->length; i++)
+      {
+        if (src[i] == CTX_CODEC_CHAR)
+        {
+          ctx_string_append_byte (string, CTX_CODEC_CHAR);
+          ctx_string_append_byte (string, CTX_CODEC_CHAR);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          ctx_string_append_byte (string, src[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    free (span);
+    ctx_list_remove (&encoded_list, span);
+  }
+  char *ret = string->str;
+  if (out_len) *out_len = string->length;
+  ctx_string_free (string, 0);
+  return ret;
+#if 0 // for documentation/reference purposes
+static char *decode_ctx (const char *encoded, int enc_len, const char *prev, int prev_len, int *out_len)
+  CtxString *string = ctx_string_new ("");
+  char reference[32]="";
+  int ref_len = 0;
+  int in_ref = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < enc_len; i++)
+  {
+    if (encoded[i] == CTX_CODEC_CHAR)
+    {
+      if (!in_ref)
+      {
+        in_ref = 1;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        int start = atoi (reference);
+        int len = 0;
+        if (strchr (reference, ' '))
+          len = atoi (strchr (reference, ' ')+1);
+        if (start < 0)start = 0;
+        if (start >= prev_len)start = prev_len-1;
+        if (len + start > prev_len)
+          len = prev_len - start;
+        if (start == 0 && len == 0)
+          ctx_string_append_byte (string, CTX_CODEC_CHAR);
+        else
+          ctx_string_append_data (string, prev + start, len);
+        ref_len = 0;
+        in_ref = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (in_ref)
+      {
+        if (ref_len < 16)
+        {
+          reference[ref_len++] = encoded[i];
+          reference[ref_len] = 0;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      ctx_string_append_byte (string, encoded[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  char *ret = string->str;
+  if (out_len) *out_len = string->length;
+  ctx_string_free (string, 0);
+  return ret;
+#define CTX_START_STRING "U\n"  // or " reset "
+#define CTX_END_STRING   "\nX"  // or "\ndone"
+#define CTX_END_STRING2   "\n\e"
+int ctx_frame_ack = -1;
+static char *prev_frame_contents = NULL;
+static int   prev_frame_len = 0;
+static void ctx_ctx_flush (CtxCtx *ctxctx)
+#if 0
+  FILE *debug = fopen ("/tmp/ctx-debug", "a");
+  fprintf (debug, "------\n");
+  if (ctx_native_events)
+    fprintf (stdout, "\e[?201h");
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[H\e[?25l\e[?200h");
+#if 0
+  fprintf (stdout, CTX_START_STRING);
+  ctx_render_stream (ctxctx->ctx, stdout, 0);
+  fprintf (stdout, CTX_END_STRING);
+  {
+    int cur_frame_len = 0;
+    char *rest = ctx_render_string (ctxctx->ctx, 0, &cur_frame_len);
+    char *cur_frame_contents = malloc (cur_frame_len + strlen(CTX_START_STRING) + strlen (CTX_END_STRING) + 
+    cur_frame_contents[0]=0;
+    strcat (cur_frame_contents, CTX_START_STRING);
+    strcat (cur_frame_contents, rest);
+    strcat (cur_frame_contents, CTX_END_STRING);
+    free (rest);
+    cur_frame_len += strlen (CTX_START_STRING) + strlen (CTX_END_STRING);
+    if (prev_frame_contents)
+    {
+      char *encoded;
+      int encoded_len = 0;
+      //uint64_t ticks_start = ctx_ticks ();
+      encoded = encode_in_terms_of_previous (cur_frame_contents, cur_frame_len, prev_frame_contents, 
prev_frame_len, &encoded_len, 1000 * 10);
+//    encoded = strdup (cur_frame_contents);
+//    encoded_len = strlen (encoded);
+      //uint64_t ticks_end = ctx_ticks ();
+      fwrite (encoded, encoded_len, 1, stdout);
+//    fwrite (encoded, cur_frame_len, 1, stdout);
+#if 0
+      fprintf (debug, "---prev-frame(%i)\n%s", (int)strlen(prev_frame_contents), prev_frame_contents);
+      fprintf (debug, "---cur-frame(%i)\n%s", (int)strlen(cur_frame_contents), cur_frame_contents);
+      fprintf (debug, "---encoded(%.4f %i)---\n%s--------\n",
+                      (ticks_end-ticks_start)/1000.0,
+                      (int)strlen(encoded), encoded);
+      free (encoded);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fwrite (cur_frame_contents, cur_frame_len, 1, stdout);
+    }
+    if (prev_frame_contents)
+      free (prev_frame_contents);
+    prev_frame_contents = cur_frame_contents;
+    prev_frame_len = cur_frame_len;
+  }
+#if 0
+    fclose (debug);
+  fprintf (stdout, CTX_END_STRING2);
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[5n");
+  fflush (stdout);
+  ctx_frame_ack = 0;
+  do {
+     ctx_consume_events (ctxctx->ctx);
+  } while (ctx_frame_ack != 1);
+void ctx_ctx_free (CtxCtx *ctx)
+  nc_at_exit ();
+  free (ctx);
+  /* we're not destoring the ctx member, this is function is called in ctx' teardown */
+Ctx *ctx_new_ctx (int width, int height)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  CtxCtx *ctxctx = (CtxCtx*)calloc (sizeof (CtxCtx), 1);
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[?1049h");
+  //fprintf (stderr, "\e[H");
+  //fprintf (stderr, "\e[2J");
+  ctx_native_events = 1;
+  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
+  {
+    ctxctx->cols = ctx_terminal_cols ();
+    ctxctx->rows = ctx_terminal_rows ();
+    width  = ctxctx->width  = ctx_terminal_width ();
+    height = ctxctx->height = ctx_terminal_height ();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ctxctx->width  = width;
+    ctxctx->height = height;
+    ctxctx->cols   = width / 80;
+    ctxctx->rows   = height / 24;
+  }
+  ctxctx->ctx = ctx;
+  if (!ctx_native_events)
+    _ctx_mouse (ctx, NC_MOUSE_DRAG);
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx, ctxctx);
+  ctx_set_size (ctx, width, height);
+  ctxctx->flush = (void(*)(void *))ctx_ctx_flush;
+  ctxctx->free  = (void(*)(void *))ctx_ctx_free;
+  return ctx;
+int ctx_ctx_consume_events (Ctx *ctx)
+  int ix, iy;
+  CtxCtx *ctxctx = (CtxCtx*)ctx->renderer;
+  const char *event = NULL;
+  if (ctx_native_events)
+    {
+      float x = 0, y = 0;
+      int b = 0;
+      char event_type[128]="";
+      event = ctx_native_get_event (ctx, 1000/120);
+#if 0
+      if(event){
+        FILE *file = fopen ("/tmp/log", "a");
+        fprintf (file, "[%s]\n", event);
+        fclose (file);
+      }
+      if (event)
+      {
+      sscanf (event, "%s %f %f %i", event_type, &x, &y, &b);
+      if (!strcmp (event_type, "idle"))
+      {
+      }
+      else if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-press"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_press (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+      }
+      else if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-drag")||
+               !strcmp (event_type, "mouse-motion"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+      }
+      else if (!strcmp (event_type, "mouse-release"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, b, 0);
+      }
+      else if (!strcmp (event_type, "message"))
+      {
+        ctx_incoming_message (ctx, event + strlen ("message"), 0);
+      } else if (!strcmp (event, "size-changed"))
+      {
+        fprintf (stdout, "\e[H\e[2J\e[?25l");
+        ctxctx->cols = ctx_terminal_cols ();
+        ctxctx->rows = ctx_terminal_rows ();
+        ctxctx->width  = ctx_terminal_width ();
+        ctxctx->height = ctx_terminal_height ();
+        ctx_set_size (ctx, ctxctx->width, ctxctx->height);
+        if (prev_frame_contents)
+           free (prev_frame_contents);
+        prev_frame_contents = NULL;
+        prev_frame_len = 0;
+        ctx_set_dirty (ctx, 1);
+        //ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "size-changed", 0);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, event, 0);
+      }
+      }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      float x, y;
+      event = ctx_nct_get_event (ctx, 20, &ix, &iy);
+      x = (ix - 1.0 + 0.5) / ctxctx->cols * ctx->events.width;
+      y = (iy - 1.0)       / ctxctx->rows * ctx->events.height;
+      if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-press"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_press (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+        ctxctx->was_down = 1;
+      } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-release"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+      } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-motion"))
+      {
+        //nct_set_cursor_pos (backend->term, ix, iy);
+        //nct_flush (backend->term);
+        if (ctxctx->was_down)
+        {
+          ctx_pointer_release (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+          ctxctx->was_down = 0;
+        }
+        ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+      } else if (!strcmp (event, "mouse-drag"))
+      {
+        ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, x, y, 0, 0);
+      } else if (!strcmp (event, "size-changed"))
+      {
+        fprintf (stdout, "\e[H\e[2J\e[?25l");
+        ctxctx->cols = ctx_terminal_cols ();
+        ctxctx->rows = ctx_terminal_rows ();
+        ctxctx->width  = ctx_terminal_width ();
+        ctxctx->height = ctx_terminal_height ();
+        ctx_set_size (ctx, ctxctx->width, ctxctx->height);
+        if (prev_frame_contents)
+           free (prev_frame_contents);
+        prev_frame_contents = NULL;
+        prev_frame_len = 0;
+        ctx_set_dirty (ctx, 1);
+        //ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "size-changed", 0);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (!strcmp (event, "esc"))
+          ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "escape", 0);
+        else if (!strcmp (event, "space"))
+          ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "space", 0);
+        else if (!strcmp (event, "enter"))
+          ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "\n", 0);
+        else if (!strcmp (event, "return"))
+          ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, "\n", 0);
+        else
+        ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, event, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  return 1;
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#if CTX_FB
+  #include <linux/fb.h>
+  #include <linux/vt.h>
+  #include <linux/kd.h>
+  #include <sys/mman.h>
+  #include <threads.h>
+  #include <libdrm/drm.h>
+  #include <libdrm/drm_mode.h>
+typedef struct _EvSource EvSource;
+struct _EvSource
+  void   *priv; /* private storage  */
+  /* returns non 0 if there is events waiting */
+  int   (*has_event) (EvSource *ev_source);
+  /* get an event, the returned event should be freed by the caller  */
+  char *(*get_event) (EvSource *ev_source);
+  /* destroy/unref this instance */
+  void  (*destroy)   (EvSource *ev_source);
+  /* get the underlying fd, useful for using select on  */
+  int   (*get_fd)    (EvSource *ev_source);
+  void  (*set_coord) (EvSource *ev_source, double x, double y);
+  /* set_coord is needed to warp relative cursors into normalized range,
+   * like normal mice/trackpads/nipples - to obey edges and more.
+   */
+  /* if this returns non-0 select can be used for non-blocking.. */
+typedef struct _CtxFb CtxFb;
+struct _CtxFb
+   void (*render) (void *fb, CtxCommand *command);
+   void (*reset)  (void *fb);
+   void (*flush)  (void *fb);
+   char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+   void (*set_clipboard) (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+   void (*free)   (void *fb);
+   Ctx          *ctx;
+   int           width;
+   int           height;
+   int           cols; // unused
+   int           rows; // unused
+   int           was_down;
+   uint8_t      *scratch_fb;
+   Ctx          *ctx_copy;
+   Ctx          *host[CTX_MAX_THREADS];
+   CtxAntialias  antialias;
+   int           quit;
+   _Atomic int   thread_quit;
+   int           shown_frame;
+   int           render_frame;
+   int           rendered_frame[CTX_MAX_THREADS];
+   int           frame;
+   int           min_col; // hasher cols and rows
+   int           min_row;
+   int           max_col;
+   int           max_row;
+   uint8_t       hashes[CTX_HASH_ROWS * CTX_HASH_COLS *  20];
+   int8_t        tile_affinity[CTX_HASH_ROWS * CTX_HASH_COLS]; // which render thread no is
+                                                           // responsible for a tile
+                                                           //
+   int           pointer_down[3];
+   int           key_balance;
+   int           key_repeat;
+   int           lctrl;
+   int           lalt;
+   int           rctrl;
+   uint8_t      *fb;
+   int          fb_fd;
+   char        *fb_path;
+   int          fb_bits;
+   int          fb_bpp;
+   int          fb_mapped_size;
+   struct       fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;
+   struct       fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;
+   int          vt;
+   int          tty;
+   int          vt_active;
+   EvSource    *evsource[4];
+   int          evsource_count;
+   int          is_drm;
+   cnd_t        cond;
+   mtx_t        mtx;
+   struct drm_mode_crtc crtc;
+static char *ctx_fb_clipboard = NULL;
+static void ctx_fb_set_clipboard (CtxFb *fb, const char *text)
+  if (ctx_fb_clipboard)
+    free (ctx_fb_clipboard);
+  ctx_fb_clipboard = NULL;
+  if (text)
+  {
+    ctx_fb_clipboard = strdup (text);
+  }
+static char *ctx_fb_get_clipboard (CtxFb *sdl)
+  if (ctx_fb_clipboard) return strdup (ctx_fb_clipboard);
+  return strdup ("");
+#if UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffFFffFF
+  #define fbdrmuint_t uint32_t
+#elif UINTPTR_MAX == 0xffFFffFFffFFffFF
+  #define fbdrmuint_t uint64_t
+void *ctx_fbdrm_new (CtxFb *fb, int *width, int *height)
+   int got_master = 0;
+   fb->fb_fd = open("/dev/dri/card0", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC);
+   if (!fb->fb_fd)
+     return NULL;
+   static fbdrmuint_t res_conn_buf[20]={0}; // this is static since its contents
+                                         // are used by the flip callback
+   fbdrmuint_t res_fb_buf[20]={0};
+   fbdrmuint_t res_crtc_buf[20]={0};
+   fbdrmuint_t res_enc_buf[20]={0};
+   struct   drm_mode_card_res res={0};
+   if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_SET_MASTER, 0))
+     goto cleanup;
+   got_master = 1;
+   if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES, &res))
+     goto cleanup;
+   res.fb_id_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)res_fb_buf;
+   res.crtc_id_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)res_crtc_buf;
+   res.connector_id_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)res_conn_buf;
+   res.encoder_id_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)res_enc_buf;
+   if(ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETRESOURCES, &res))
+      goto cleanup;
+   unsigned int i;
+   for (i=0;i<res.count_connectors;i++)
+   {
+     struct drm_mode_modeinfo conn_mode_buf[20]={0};
+     fbdrmuint_t conn_prop_buf[20]={0},
+                     conn_propval_buf[20]={0},
+                     conn_enc_buf[20]={0};
+     struct drm_mode_get_connector conn={0};
+     conn.connector_id=res_conn_buf[i];
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCONNECTOR, &conn))
+       goto cleanup;
+     conn.modes_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)conn_mode_buf;
+     conn.props_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)conn_prop_buf;
+     conn.prop_values_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)conn_propval_buf;
+     conn.encoders_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)conn_enc_buf;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCONNECTOR, &conn))
+       goto cleanup;
+     //Check if the connector is OK to use (connected to something)
+     if (conn.count_encoders<1 || conn.count_modes<1 || !conn.encoder_id || !conn.connection)
+       continue;
+//Creating a dumb buffer
+     struct drm_mode_create_dumb create_dumb={0};
+     struct drm_mode_map_dumb    map_dumb={0};
+     struct drm_mode_fb_cmd      cmd_dumb={0};
+     create_dumb.width  = conn_mode_buf[0].hdisplay;
+     create_dumb.height = conn_mode_buf[0].vdisplay;
+     create_dumb.bpp   = 32;
+     create_dumb.flags = 0;
+     create_dumb.pitch = 0;
+     create_dumb.size  = 0;
+     create_dumb.handle = 0;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_CREATE_DUMB, &create_dumb) ||
+         !create_dumb.handle)
+       goto cleanup;
+     cmd_dumb.width =create_dumb.width;
+     cmd_dumb.height=create_dumb.height;
+     cmd_dumb.bpp   =create_dumb.bpp;
+     cmd_dumb.pitch =create_dumb.pitch;
+     cmd_dumb.depth =24;
+     cmd_dumb.handle=create_dumb.handle;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd,DRM_IOCTL_MODE_ADDFB,&cmd_dumb))
+       goto cleanup;
+     map_dumb.handle=create_dumb.handle;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd,DRM_IOCTL_MODE_MAP_DUMB,&map_dumb))
+       goto cleanup;
+     void *base = mmap(0, create_dumb.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
+                       fb->fb_fd, map_dumb.offset);
+     if (!base)
+     {
+       goto cleanup;
+     }
+     *width  = create_dumb.width;
+     *height = create_dumb.height;
+     struct drm_mode_get_encoder enc={0};
+     enc.encoder_id=conn.encoder_id;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETENCODER, &enc))
+        goto cleanup;
+     fb->crtc.crtc_id=enc.crtc_id;
+     if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_GETCRTC, &fb->crtc))
+        goto cleanup;
+     fb->crtc.fb_id=cmd_dumb.fb_id;
+     fb->crtc.set_connectors_ptr=(fbdrmuint_t)&res_conn_buf[i];
+     fb->crtc.count_connectors=1;
+     fb->crtc.mode=conn_mode_buf[0];
+     fb->crtc.mode_valid=1;
+     return base;
+   }
+   if (got_master)
+     ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_DROP_MASTER, 0);
+   fb->fb_fd = 0;
+   return NULL;
+void ctx_fbdrm_flip (CtxFb *fb)
+  if (!fb->fb_fd)
+    return;
+  ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_MODE_SETCRTC, &fb->crtc);
+void ctx_fbdrm_close (CtxFb *fb)
+  if (!fb->fb_fd)
+    return;
+  ioctl(fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_DROP_MASTER, 0);
+  close (fb->fb_fd);
+  fb->fb_fd = 0;
+static void ctx_fb_flip (CtxFb *fb)
+  if (fb->is_drm)
+    ctx_fbdrm_flip (fb);
+  else
+    ioctl (fb->fb_fd, FBIOPAN_DISPLAY, &fb->vinfo);
+static inline int
+fb_render_threads_done (CtxFb *fb)
+  int sum = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+  {
+     if (fb->rendered_frame[i] == fb->render_frame)
+       sum ++;
+  }
+  return sum;
+inline static uint32_t
+ctx_swap_red_green2 (uint32_t orig)
+  uint32_t  green_alpha = (orig & 0xff00ff00);
+  uint32_t  red_blue    = (orig & 0x00ff00ff);
+  uint32_t  red         = red_blue << 16;
+  uint32_t  blue        = red_blue >> 16;
+  return green_alpha | red | blue;
+static int       fb_cursor_drawn   = 0;
+static int       fb_cursor_drawn_x = 0;
+static int       fb_cursor_drawn_y = 0;
+static CtxCursor fb_cursor_drawn_shape = CTX_CURSOR_ARROW;
+static int fb_cursor_same_pos = CTX_FB_HIDE_CURSOR_FRAMES;
+static inline int ctx_is_in_cursor (int x, int y, int size, CtxCursor shape)
+  switch (shape)
+  {
+      if (x > ((size * 4)-y*4)) return 0;
+      if (x < y && x > y / 16)
+        return 1;
+      return 0;
+      {
+        float theta = -45.0/180 * M_PI;
+        float cos_theta;
+        float sin_theta;
+        if ((shape == CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_SW) ||
+            (shape == CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_NE))
+        {
+          theta = -theta;
+          cos_theta = cos (theta);
+          sin_theta = sin (theta);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          //cos_theta = -0.707106781186548;
+          cos_theta = cos (theta);
+          sin_theta = sin (theta);
+        }
+        int rot_x = x * cos_theta - y * sin_theta;
+        int rot_y = y * cos_theta + x * sin_theta;
+        x = rot_x;
+        y = rot_y;
+      }
+      /*FALLTHROUGH*/
+      if (abs (x) < size/2 && abs (y) < size/2)
+      {
+        if (abs(y) < size/10)
+        {
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if ((abs (x) - size/ (shape == CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_ALL?2:2.7)) >= 0)
+      {
+        if (abs(y) < (size/2.8)-(abs(x) - (size/2)))
+          return 1;
+      }
+      if (shape != CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_ALL)
+        break;
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+      if (abs (y) < size/2 && abs (x) < size/2)
+      {
+        if (abs(x) < size/10)
+        {
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if ((abs (y) - size/ (shape == CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_ALL?2:2.7)) >= 0)
+      {
+        if (abs(x) < (size/2.8)-(abs(y) - (size/2)))
+          return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+#if 0
+      if (abs (x) < size/2 && abs (y) < size/2)
+      {
+        if (abs (x) < size/10 || abs(y) < size/10)
+          return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      return (x ^ y) & 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static void ctx_fb_undraw_cursor (CtxFb *fb)
+  {
+    int cursor_size = ctx_height (fb->ctx) / 28;
+    if (fb_cursor_drawn)
+    {
+      int no = 0;
+      for (int y = -cursor_size; y < cursor_size; y++)
+      for (int x = -cursor_size; x < cursor_size; x++, no+=4)
+      {
+        if (x + fb_cursor_drawn_x < fb->width && y + fb_cursor_drawn_y < fb->height)
+        {
+          if (ctx_is_in_cursor (x, y, cursor_size, fb_cursor_drawn_shape))
+          {
+            int o = ((fb_cursor_drawn_y + y) * fb->width + (fb_cursor_drawn_x + x)) * 4;
+            fb->fb[o+0]^=0x88;
+            fb->fb[o+1]^=0x88;
+            fb->fb[o+2]^=0x88;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    fb_cursor_drawn = 0;
+    }
+static void ctx_fb_draw_cursor (CtxFb *fb)
+  {
+    int cursor_x    = ctx_pointer_x (fb->ctx);
+    int cursor_y    = ctx_pointer_y (fb->ctx);
+    int cursor_size = ctx_height (fb->ctx) / 28;
+    CtxCursor cursor_shape = fb->ctx->cursor;
+    int no = 0;
+    if (cursor_x == fb_cursor_drawn_x &&
+        cursor_y == fb_cursor_drawn_y &&
+        cursor_shape == fb_cursor_drawn_shape)
+      fb_cursor_same_pos ++;
+    else
+      fb_cursor_same_pos = 0;
+    if (fb_cursor_same_pos >= CTX_FB_HIDE_CURSOR_FRAMES)
+    {
+      if (fb_cursor_drawn)
+        ctx_fb_undraw_cursor (fb);
+      return;
+    }
+    /* no need to flicker when stationary, motion flicker can also be removed
+     * by combining the previous and next position masks when a motion has
+     * occured..
+     */
+    if (fb_cursor_same_pos && fb_cursor_drawn)
+      return;
+    ctx_fb_undraw_cursor (fb);
+    no = 0;
+    for (int y = -cursor_size; y < cursor_size; y++)
+      for (int x = -cursor_size; x < cursor_size; x++, no+=4)
+      {
+        if (x + cursor_x < fb->width && y + cursor_y < fb->height)
+        {
+          if (ctx_is_in_cursor (x, y, cursor_size, cursor_shape))
+          {
+            int o = ((cursor_y + y) * fb->width + (cursor_x + x)) * 4;
+            fb->fb[o+0]^=0x88;
+            fb->fb[o+1]^=0x88;
+            fb->fb[o+2]^=0x88;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    fb_cursor_drawn = 1;
+    fb_cursor_drawn_x = cursor_x;
+    fb_cursor_drawn_y = cursor_y;
+    fb_cursor_drawn_shape = cursor_shape;
+  }
+static void ctx_fb_show_frame (CtxFb *fb, int block)
+  if (fb->shown_frame == fb->render_frame)
+  {
+    if (block == 0) // consume event call
+    {
+      ctx_fb_draw_cursor (fb);
+      ctx_fb_flip (fb);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  if (block)
+  {
+    int count = 0;
+    while (fb_render_threads_done (fb) != _ctx_max_threads)
+    {
+      usleep (500);
+      count ++;
+      if (count > 2000)
+      {
+        fb->shown_frame = fb->render_frame;
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (fb_render_threads_done (fb) != _ctx_max_threads)
+      return;
+  }
+    if (fb->vt_active)
+    {
+       int pre_skip = fb->min_row * fb->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS * fb->width;
+       int post_skip = (CTX_HASH_ROWS-fb->max_row-1) * fb->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS * fb->width;
+       int rows = ((fb->width * fb->height) - pre_skip - post_skip)/fb->width;
+       int col_pre_skip = fb->min_col * fb->width/CTX_HASH_COLS;
+       int col_post_skip = (CTX_HASH_COLS-fb->max_col-1) * fb->width/CTX_HASH_COLS;
+       pre_skip = post_skip = col_pre_skip = col_post_skip = 0;
+       if (pre_skip < 0) pre_skip = 0;
+       if (post_skip < 0) post_skip = 0;
+     __u32 dummy = 0;
+       if (fb->min_row == 100){
+          pre_skip = 0;
+          post_skip = 0;
+          // not when drm ?
+          ioctl (fb->fb_fd, FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC, &dummy);
+          ctx_fb_undraw_cursor (fb);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+      fb->min_row = 100;
+      fb->max_row = 0;
+      fb->min_col = 100;
+      fb->max_col = 0;
+     // not when drm ?
+     ioctl (fb->fb_fd, FBIO_WAITFORVSYNC, &dummy);
+     ctx_fb_undraw_cursor (fb);
+     switch (fb->fb_bits)
+     {
+       case 32:
+#if 1
+         {
+           uint8_t *dst = fb->fb + pre_skip * 4;
+           uint8_t *src = fb->scratch_fb + pre_skip * 4;
+           int pre = col_pre_skip * 4;
+           int post = col_post_skip * 4;
+           int core = fb->width * 4 - pre - post;
+           for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+           {
+             dst  += pre;
+             src  += pre;
+             memcpy (dst, src, core);
+             src  += core;
+             dst  += core;
+             dst  += post;
+             src  += post;
+           }
+         }
+         { int count = fb->width * fb->height;
+           const uint32_t *src = (void*)fb->scratch_fb;
+           uint32_t *dst = (void*)fb->fb;
+           count-= pre_skip;
+           src+= pre_skip;
+           dst+= pre_skip;
+           count-= post_skip;
+           while (count -- > 0)
+           {
+             dst[0] = ctx_swap_red_green2 (src[0]);
+             src++;
+             dst++;
+           }
+         }
+         break;
+         /* XXX  :  note: converting a scanline (or all) to target and
+          * then doing a bulk memcpy be faster (at least with som /dev/fbs)  */
+       case 24:
+         { int count = fb->width * fb->height;
+           const uint8_t *src = fb->scratch_fb;
+           uint8_t *dst = fb->fb;
+           count-= pre_skip;
+           src+= pre_skip * 4;
+           dst+= pre_skip * 3;
+           count-= post_skip;
+           while (count -- > 0)
+           {
+             dst[0] = src[0];
+             dst[1] = src[1];
+             dst[2] = src[2];
+             dst+=3;
+             src+=4;
+           }
+         }
+         break;
+       case 16:
+         { int count = fb->width * fb->height;
+           const uint8_t *src = fb->scratch_fb;
+           uint8_t *dst = fb->fb;
+           count-= post_skip;
+           count-= pre_skip;
+           src+= pre_skip * 4;
+           dst+= pre_skip * 2;
+           while (count -- > 0)
+           {
+             int big = ((src[0] >> 3)) +
+                ((src[1] >> 2)<<5) +
+                ((src[2] >> 3)<<11);
+             dst[0] = big & 255;
+             dst[1] = big >>  8;
+             dst+=2;
+             src+=4;
+           }
+         }
+         break;
+       case 15:
+         { int count = fb->width * fb->height;
+           const uint8_t *src = fb->scratch_fb;
+           uint8_t *dst = fb->fb;
+           count-= post_skip;
+           count-= pre_skip;
+           src+= pre_skip * 4;
+           dst+= pre_skip * 2;
+           while (count -- > 0)
+           {
+             int big = ((src[2] >> 3)) +
+                       ((src[1] >> 2)<<5) +
+                       ((src[0] >> 3)<<10);
+             dst[0] = big & 255;
+             dst[1] = big >>  8;
+             dst+=2;
+             src+=4;
+           }
+         }
+         break;
+       case 8:
+         { int count = fb->width * fb->height;
+           const uint8_t *src = fb->scratch_fb;
+           uint8_t *dst = fb->fb;
+           count-= post_skip;
+           count-= pre_skip;
+           src+= pre_skip * 4;
+           dst+= pre_skip;
+           while (count -- > 0)
+           {
+             dst[0] = ((src[0] >> 5)) +
+                      ((src[1] >> 5)<<3) +
+                      ((src[2] >> 6)<<6);
+             dst+=1;
+             src+=4;
+           }
+         }
+         break;
+     }
+    }
+    fb_cursor_drawn = 0;
+    ctx_fb_draw_cursor (fb);
+    ctx_fb_flip (fb);
+    fb->shown_frame = fb->render_frame;
+  }
+#define evsource_has_event(es)   (es)->has_event((es))
+#define evsource_get_event(es)   (es)->get_event((es))
+#define evsource_destroy(es)     do{if((es)->destroy)(es)->destroy((es));}while(0)
+#define evsource_set_coord(es,x,y) do{if((es)->set_coord)(es)->set_coord((es),(x),(y));}while(0)
+#define evsource_get_fd(es)      ((es)->get_fd?(es)->get_fd((es)):0)
+static int mice_has_event ();
+static char *mice_get_event ();
+static void mice_destroy ();
+static int mice_get_fd (EvSource *ev_source);
+static void mice_set_coord (EvSource *ev_source, double x, double y);
+static EvSource ev_src_mice = {
+  NULL,
+  (void*)mice_has_event,
+  (void*)mice_get_event,
+  (void*)mice_destroy,
+  mice_get_fd,
+  mice_set_coord
+typedef struct Mice
+  int     fd;
+  double  x;
+  double  y;
+  int     button;
+  int     prev_state;
+} Mice;
+Mice *_mrg_evsrc_coord = NULL;
+void _mmm_get_coords (Ctx *ctx, double *x, double *y)
+  if (!_mrg_evsrc_coord)
+    return;
+  if (x)
+    *x = _mrg_evsrc_coord->x;
+  if (y)
+    *y = _mrg_evsrc_coord->y;
+static Mice  mice;
+static Mice* mrg_mice_this = &mice;
+static int mmm_evsource_mice_init ()
+  unsigned char reset[]={0xff};
+  /* need to detect which event */
+  mrg_mice_this->prev_state = 0;
+  mrg_mice_this->fd = open ("/dev/input/mice", O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
+  if (mrg_mice_this->fd == -1)
+  {
+    fprintf (stderr, "error opening /dev/input/mice device, maybe add user to input group if such group 
exist, or otherwise make the rights be satisfied.\n");
+    return -1;
+  }
+  write (mrg_mice_this->fd, reset, 1);
+  _mrg_evsrc_coord = mrg_mice_this;
+  return 0;
+static void mice_destroy ()
+  if (mrg_mice_this->fd != -1)
+    close (mrg_mice_this->fd);
+static int mice_has_event ()
+  struct timeval tv;
+  int retval;
+  if (mrg_mice_this->fd == -1)
+    return 0;
+  fd_set rfds;
+  FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+  FD_SET(mrg_mice_this->fd, &rfds);
+  tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0;
+  retval = select (mrg_mice_this->fd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+  if (retval == 1)
+    return FD_ISSET (mrg_mice_this->fd, &rfds);
+  return 0;
+static char *mice_get_event ()
+  const char *ret = "mouse-motion";
+  double relx, rely;
+  signed char buf[3];
+  CtxFb *fb = ev_src_mice.priv;
+  read (mrg_mice_this->fd, buf, 3);
+  relx = buf[1];
+  rely = -buf[2];
+  if (relx < 0)
+  {
+    if (relx > -6)
+    relx = - relx*relx;
+    else
+    relx = -36;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (relx < 6)
+    relx = relx*relx;
+    else
+    relx = 36;
+  }
+  if (rely < 0)
+  {
+    if (rely > -6)
+    rely = - rely*rely;
+    else
+    rely = -36;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (rely < 6)
+    rely = rely*rely;
+    else
+    rely = 36;
+  }
+  mrg_mice_this->x += relx;
+  mrg_mice_this->y += rely;
+  if (mrg_mice_this->x < 0)
+    mrg_mice_this->x = 0;
+  if (mrg_mice_this->y < 0)
+    mrg_mice_this->y = 0;
+  if (mrg_mice_this->x >= fb->width)
+    mrg_mice_this->x = fb->width -1;
+  if (mrg_mice_this->y >= fb->height)
+    mrg_mice_this->y = fb->height -1;
+  int button = 0;
+  if ((mrg_mice_this->prev_state & 1) != (buf[0] & 1))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 1)
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-press";
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-release";
+        }
+      button = 1;
+    }
+  else if (buf[0] & 1)
+  {
+    ret = "mouse-drag";
+    button = 1;
+  }
+  if (!button)
+  {
+    if ((mrg_mice_this->prev_state & 2) != (buf[0] & 2))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 2)
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-press";
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-release";
+        }
+      button = 3;
+    }
+    else if (buf[0] & 2)
+    {
+      ret = "mouse-drag";
+      button = 3;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!button)
+  {
+    if ((mrg_mice_this->prev_state & 4) != (buf[0] & 4))
+    {
+      if (buf[0] & 4)
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-press";
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ret = "mouse-release";
+        }
+      button = 2;
+    }
+    else if (buf[0] & 4)
+    {
+      ret = "mouse-drag";
+      button = 2;
+    }
+  }
+  mrg_mice_this->prev_state = buf[0];
+  //if (!is_active (ev_src_mice.priv))
+  //  return NULL;
+  {
+    char *r = malloc (64);
+    sprintf (r, "%s %.0f %.0f %i", ret, mrg_mice_this->x, mrg_mice_this->y, button);
+    return r;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+static int mice_get_fd (EvSource *ev_source)
+  return mrg_mice_this->fd;
+static void mice_set_coord (EvSource *ev_source, double x, double y)
+  mrg_mice_this->x = x;
+  mrg_mice_this->y = y;
+EvSource *evsource_mice_new (void)
+  if (mmm_evsource_mice_init () == 0)
+    {
+      mrg_mice_this->x = 0;
+      mrg_mice_this->y = 0;
+      return &ev_src_mice;
+    }
+  return NULL;
+static int evsource_kb_has_event (void);
+static char *evsource_kb_get_event (void);
+static void evsource_kb_destroy (int sign);
+static int evsource_kb_get_fd (void);
+/* kept out of struct to be reachable by atexit */
+static EvSource ev_src_kb = {
+  NULL,
+  (void*)evsource_kb_has_event,
+  (void*)evsource_kb_get_event,
+  (void*)evsource_kb_destroy,
+  (void*)evsource_kb_get_fd,
+static struct termios orig_attr;
+int is_active (void *host)
+  return 1;
+static void real_evsource_kb_destroy (int sign)
+  static int done = 0;
+  if (sign == 0)
+    return;
+  if (done)
+    return;
+  done = 1;
+  switch (sign)
+  {
+    case  -11:break; /* will be called from atexit with sign==-11 */
+    case   SIGSEGV: fprintf (stderr, " SIGSEGV\n");break;
+    case   SIGABRT: fprintf (stderr, " SIGABRT\n");break;
+    case   SIGBUS: fprintf (stderr, " SIGBUS\n");break;
+    case   SIGKILL: fprintf (stderr, " SIGKILL\n");break;
+    case   SIGINT: fprintf (stderr, " SIGINT\n");break;
+    case   SIGTERM: fprintf (stderr, " SIGTERM\n");break;
+    case   SIGQUIT: fprintf (stderr, " SIGQUIT\n");break;
+    default: fprintf (stderr, "sign: %i\n", sign);
+             fprintf (stderr, "%i %i %i %i %i %i %i\n", SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, SIGBUS, SIGKILL, SIGINT, SIGTERM, 
+  }
+  tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &orig_attr);
+  //fprintf (stderr, "evsource kb destroy\n");
+static void evsource_kb_destroy (int sign)
+  real_evsource_kb_destroy (-11);
+static int evsource_kb_init ()
+  atexit ((void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGSEGV, (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGABRT, (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGBUS,  (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGKILL, (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGINT,  (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGTERM, (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  signal (SIGQUIT, (void*) real_evsource_kb_destroy);
+  struct termios raw;
+  if (tcgetattr (STDIN_FILENO, &orig_attr) == -1)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "error initializing keyboard\n");
+      return -1;
+    }
+  raw = orig_attr;
+  cfmakeraw (&raw);
+  raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; raw.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* 1 byte, no timer */
+  if (tcsetattr (STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &raw) < 0)
+    return 0; // XXX? return other value?
+  return 0;
+static int evsource_kb_has_event (void)
+  struct timeval tv;
+  int retval;
+  fd_set rfds;
+  FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+  tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0;
+  retval = select (STDIN_FILENO+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+  return retval == 1;
+/* note that a nick can have multiple occurences, the labels
+ * should be kept the same for all occurences of a combination.
+ *
+ * this table is taken from nchanterm.
+ */
+typedef struct MmmKeyCode {
+  char *nick;          /* programmers name for key */
+  char  sequence[10];  /* terminal sequence */
+} MmmKeyCode;
+static const MmmKeyCode ufb_keycodes[]={
+  {"up",                  "\e[A"},
+  {"down",                "\e[B"},
+  {"right",               "\e[C"},
+  {"left",                "\e[D"},
+  {"shift-up",            "\e[1;2A"},
+  {"shift-down",          "\e[1;2B"},
+  {"shift-right",         "\e[1;2C"},
+  {"shift-left",          "\e[1;2D"},
+  {"alt-up",              "\e[1;3A"},
+  {"alt-down",            "\e[1;3B"},
+  {"alt-right",           "\e[1;3C"},
+  {"alt-left",            "\e[1;3D"},
+  {"alt-shift-up",         "\e[1;4A"},
+  {"alt-shift-down",       "\e[1;4B"},
+  {"alt-shift-right",      "\e[1;4C"},
+  {"alt-shift-left",       "\e[1;4D"},
+  {"control-up",          "\e[1;5A"},
+  {"control-down",        "\e[1;5B"},
+  {"control-right",       "\e[1;5C"},
+  {"control-left",        "\e[1;5D"},
+  /* putty */
+  {"control-up",          "\eOA"},
+  {"control-down",        "\eOB"},
+  {"control-right",       "\eOC"},
+  {"control-left",        "\eOD"},
+  {"control-shift-up",    "\e[1;6A"},
+  {"control-shift-down",  "\e[1;6B"},
+  {"control-shift-right", "\e[1;6C"},
+  {"control-shift-left",  "\e[1;6D"},
+  {"control-up",          "\eOa"},
+  {"control-down",        "\eOb"},
+  {"control-right",       "\eOc"},
+  {"control-left",        "\eOd"},
+  {"shift-up",            "\e[a"},
+  {"shift-down",          "\e[b"},
+  {"shift-right",         "\e[c"},
+  {"shift-left",          "\e[d"},
+  {"insert",              "\e[2~"},
+  {"delete",              "\e[3~"},
+  {"page-up",             "\e[5~"},
+  {"page-down",           "\e[6~"},
+  {"home",                "\eOH"},
+  {"end",                 "\eOF"},
+  {"home",                "\e[H"},
+  {"end",                 "\e[F"},
+ {"control-delete",       "\e[3;5~"},
+  {"shift-delete",        "\e[3;2~"},
+  {"control-shift-delete","\e[3;6~"},
+  {"F1",         "\e[25~"},
+  {"F2",         "\e[26~"},
+  {"F3",         "\e[27~"},
+  {"F4",         "\e[26~"},
+  {"F1",         "\e[11~"},
+  {"F2",         "\e[12~"},
+  {"F3",         "\e[13~"},
+  {"F4",         "\e[14~"},
+  {"F1",         "\eOP"},
+  {"F2",         "\eOQ"},
+  {"F3",         "\eOR"},
+  {"F4",         "\eOS"},
+  {"F5",         "\e[15~"},
+  {"F6",         "\e[16~"},
+  {"F7",         "\e[17~"},
+  {"F8",         "\e[18~"},
+  {"F9",         "\e[19~"},
+  {"F9",         "\e[20~"},
+  {"F10",        "\e[21~"},
+  {"F11",        "\e[22~"},
+  {"F12",        "\e[23~"},
+  {"tab",         {9, '\0'}},
+  {"shift-tab",   {27, 9, '\0'}}, // also generated by alt-tab in linux console
+  {"alt-space",   {27, ' ', '\0'}},
+  {"shift-tab",   "\e[Z"},
+  {"backspace",   {127, '\0'}},
+  {"space",       " "},
+  {"\e",          "\e"},
+  {"return",      {10,0}},
+  {"return",      {13,0}},
+  /* this section could be autogenerated by code */
+  {"control-a",   {1,0}},
+  {"control-b",   {2,0}},
+  {"control-c",   {3,0}},
+  {"control-d",   {4,0}},
+  {"control-e",   {5,0}},
+  {"control-f",   {6,0}},
+  {"control-g",   {7,0}},
+  {"control-h",   {8,0}}, /* backspace? */
+  {"control-i",   {9,0}},
+  {"control-j",   {10,0}},
+  {"control-k",   {11,0}},
+  {"control-l",   {12,0}},
+  {"control-n",   {14,0}},
+  {"control-o",   {15,0}},
+  {"control-p",   {16,0}},
+  {"control-q",   {17,0}},
+  {"control-r",   {18,0}},
+  {"control-s",   {19,0}},
+  {"control-t",   {20,0}},
+  {"control-u",   {21,0}},
+  {"control-v",   {22,0}},
+  {"control-w",   {23,0}},
+  {"control-x",   {24,0}},
+  {"control-y",   {25,0}},
+  {"control-z",   {26,0}},
+  {"alt-`",       "\e`"},
+  {"alt-0",       "\e0"},
+  {"alt-1",       "\e1"},
+  {"alt-2",       "\e2"},
+  {"alt-3",       "\e3"},
+  {"alt-4",       "\e4"},
+  {"alt-5",       "\e5"},
+  {"alt-6",       "\e6"},
+  {"alt-7",       "\e7"}, /* backspace? */
+  {"alt-8",       "\e8"},
+  {"alt-9",       "\e9"},
+  {"alt-+",       "\e+"},
+  {"alt--",       "\e-"},
+  {"alt-/",       "\e/"},
+  {"alt-a",       "\ea"},
+  {"alt-b",       "\eb"},
+  {"alt-c",       "\ec"},
+  {"alt-d",       "\ed"},
+  {"alt-e",       "\ee"},
+  {"alt-f",       "\ef"},
+  {"alt-g",       "\eg"},
+  {"alt-h",       "\eh"}, /* backspace? */
+  {"alt-i",       "\ei"},
+  {"alt-j",       "\ej"},
+  {"alt-k",       "\ek"},
+  {"alt-l",       "\el"},
+  {"alt-n",       "\em"},
+  {"alt-n",       "\en"},
+  {"alt-o",       "\eo"},
+  {"alt-p",       "\ep"},
+  {"alt-q",       "\eq"},
+  {"alt-r",       "\er"},
+  {"alt-s",       "\es"},
+  {"alt-t",       "\et"},
+  {"alt-u",       "\eu"},
+  {"alt-v",       "\ev"},
+  {"alt-w",       "\ew"},
+  {"alt-x",       "\ex"},
+  {"alt-y",       "\ey"},
+  {"alt-z",       "\ez"},
+  /* Linux Console  */
+  {"home",       "\e[1~"},
+  {"end",        "\e[4~"},
+  {"F1",         "\e[[A"},
+  {"F2",         "\e[[B"},
+  {"F3",         "\e[[C"},
+  {"F4",         "\e[[D"},
+  {"F5",         "\e[[E"},
+  {"F6",         "\e[[F"},
+  {"F7",         "\e[[G"},
+  {"F8",         "\e[[H"},
+  {"F9",         "\e[[I"},
+  {"F10",        "\e[[J"},
+  {"F11",        "\e[[K"},
+  {"F12",        "\e[[L"},
+  {NULL, }
+static int fb_keyboard_match_keycode (const char *buf, int length, const MmmKeyCode **ret)
+  int i;
+  int matches = 0;
+  if (!strncmp (buf, "\e[M", MIN(length,3)))
+    {
+      if (length >= 6)
+        return 9001;
+      return 2342;
+    }
+  for (i = 0; ufb_keycodes[i].nick; i++)
+    if (!strncmp (buf, ufb_keycodes[i].sequence, length))
+      {
+        matches ++;
+        if ((int)strlen (ufb_keycodes[i].sequence) == length && ret)
+          {
+            *ret = &ufb_keycodes[i];
+            return 1;
+          }
+      }
+  if (matches != 1 && ret)
+    *ret = NULL;
+  return matches==1?2:matches;
+static char *evsource_kb_get_event (void)
+  unsigned char buf[20];
+  int length;
+  for (length = 0; length < 10; length ++)
+    if (read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf[length], 1) != -1)
+      {
+        const MmmKeyCode *match = NULL;
+        if (!is_active (ev_src_kb.priv))
+           return NULL;
+        /* special case ESC, so that we can use it alone in keybindings */
+        if (length == 0 && buf[0] == 27)
+          {
+            struct timeval tv;
+            fd_set rfds;
+            FD_ZERO (&rfds);
+            FD_SET (STDIN_FILENO, &rfds);
+            tv.tv_sec = 0;
+            tv.tv_usec = 1000 * 120;
+            if (select (STDIN_FILENO+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 0)
+              return strdup ("escape");
+          }
+        switch (fb_keyboard_match_keycode ((void*)buf, length + 1, &match))
+          {
+            case 1: /* unique match */
+              if (!match)
+                return NULL;
+              return strdup (match->nick);
+              break;
+            case 0: /* no matches, bail*/
+             {
+                static char ret[256];
+                if (length == 0 && ctx_utf8_len (buf[0])>1) /* read a
+                                                             * single unicode
+                                                             * utf8 character
+                                                             */
+                  {
+                    read (STDIN_FILENO, &buf[length+1], ctx_utf8_len(buf[0])-1);
+                    buf[ctx_utf8_len(buf[0])]=0;
+                    strcpy (ret, (void*)buf);
+                    return strdup(ret); //XXX: simplify
+                  }
+                if (length == 0) /* ascii */
+                  {
+                    buf[1]=0;
+                    strcpy (ret, (void*)buf);
+                    return strdup(ret);
+                  }
+                sprintf (ret, "unhandled %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c' %i:'%c'",
+                    length >=0 ? buf[0] : 0,
+                    length >=0 ? buf[0]>31?buf[0]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=1 ? buf[1] : 0,
+                    length >=1 ? buf[1]>31?buf[1]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=2 ? buf[2] : 0,
+                    length >=2 ? buf[2]>31?buf[2]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=3 ? buf[3] : 0,
+                    length >=3 ? buf[3]>31?buf[3]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=4 ? buf[4] : 0,
+                    length >=4 ? buf[4]>31?buf[4]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=5 ? buf[5] : 0,
+                    length >=5 ? buf[5]>31?buf[5]:'?' : ' ',
+                    length >=6 ? buf[6] : 0,
+                    length >=6 ? buf[6]>31?buf[6]:'?' : ' '
+                    );
+                return strdup(ret);
+            }
+              return NULL;
+            default: /* continue */
+              break;
+          }
+      }
+    else
+      return strdup("key read eek");
+  return strdup("fail");
+static int evsource_kb_get_fd (void)
+  return STDIN_FILENO;
+EvSource *evsource_kb_new (void)
+  if (evsource_kb_init() == 0)
+  {
+    return &ev_src_kb;
+  }
+  return NULL;
+static int event_check_pending (CtxFb *fb)
+  int events = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < fb->evsource_count; i++)
+  {
+    while (evsource_has_event (fb->evsource[i]))
+    {
+      char *event = evsource_get_event (fb->evsource[i]);
+      if (event)
+      {
+        if (fb->vt_active)
+        {
+          ctx_key_press (fb->ctx, 0, event, 0); // we deliver all events as key-press, it disamibuates
+          events++;
+        }
+        free (event);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return events;
+int ctx_fb_consume_events (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxFb *fb = (void*)ctx->renderer;
+  ctx_fb_show_frame (fb, 0);
+  event_check_pending (fb);
+  return 0;
+inline static void ctx_fb_reset (CtxFb *fb)
+  ctx_fb_show_frame (fb, 1);
+inline static void ctx_fb_flush (CtxFb *fb)
+  if (fb->shown_frame == fb->render_frame)
+  {
+    int dirty_tiles = 0;
+    ctx_set_drawlist (fb->ctx_copy, &fb->ctx->drawlist.entries[0],
+                                         fb->ctx->drawlist.count * 9);
+    if (_ctx_enable_hash_cache)
+    {
+      Ctx *hasher = ctx_hasher_new (fb->width, fb->height,
+                        CTX_HASH_COLS, CTX_HASH_ROWS);
+      ctx_render_ctx (fb->ctx_copy, hasher);
+      for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+        for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+        {
+          uint8_t *new_hash = ctx_hasher_get_hash (hasher, col, row);
+          if (new_hash && memcmp (new_hash, &fb->hashes[(row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col) *  20], 20))
+          {
+            memcpy (&fb->hashes[(row * CTX_HASH_COLS +  col)*20], new_hash, 20);
+            fb->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = 1;
+            dirty_tiles++;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            fb->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = -1;
+          }
+        }
+      free (((CtxHasher*)(hasher->renderer))->hashes);
+      ctx_free (hasher);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+      for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+      {
+        fb->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = 1;
+        dirty_tiles++;
+      }
+    }
+    int dirty_no = 0;
+    if (dirty_tiles)
+    for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+      for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+      {
+        if (fb->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] != -1)
+        {
+          fb->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = dirty_no * (_ctx_max_threads) / dirty_tiles;
+          dirty_no++;
+          if (col > fb->max_col) fb->max_col = col;
+          if (col < fb->min_col) fb->min_col = col;
+          if (row > fb->max_row) fb->max_row = row;
+          if (row < fb->min_row) fb->min_row = row;
+        }
+      }
+    for (int i = 0; i < fb->width * fb->height; i++)
+    {
+      int new_ = (fb->scratch_fb[i*4+0]+ fb->scratch_fb[i*4+1]+ fb->scratch_fb[i*4+2])/3;
+      if (new_>1) new_--;
+      fb->scratch_fb[i*4]= (fb->scratch_fb[i*4] + new_)/2;
+      fb->scratch_fb[i*4+1]= (fb->scratch_fb[i*4+1] + new_)/2;
+      fb->scratch_fb[i*4+2]= (fb->scratch_fb[i*4+1] + new_)/2;
+    }
+    fb->render_frame = ++fb->frame;
+    mtx_lock (&fb->mtx);
+    cnd_broadcast (&fb->cond);
+    mtx_unlock (&fb->mtx);
+  }
+void ctx_fb_free (CtxFb *fb)
+  mtx_lock (&fb->mtx);
+  cnd_broadcast (&fb->cond);
+  mtx_unlock (&fb->mtx);
+  memset (fb->fb, 0, fb->width * fb->height *  4);
+  for (int i = 0 ; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+    ctx_free (fb->host[i]);
+  if (fb->is_drm)
+  {
+    ctx_fbdrm_close (fb);
+  }
+  ioctl (0, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT);
+  system("stty sane");
+  free (fb->scratch_fb);
+  //free (fb);
+static unsigned char *fb_icc = NULL;
+static long fb_icc_length = 0;
+void fb_render_fun (void **data)
+  int      no = (size_t)data[0];
+  CtxFb *fb = data[1];
+  while (!fb->quit)
+  {
+    mtx_lock (&fb->mtx);
+    cnd_wait (&fb->cond, &fb->mtx);
+    mtx_unlock (&fb->mtx);
+    if (fb->render_frame != fb->rendered_frame[no])
+    {
+      int hno = 0;
+      for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+        for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++, hno++)
+        {
+          if (fb->tile_affinity[hno]==no)
+          {
+            int x0 = ((fb->width)/CTX_HASH_COLS) * col;
+            int y0 = ((fb->height)/CTX_HASH_ROWS) * row;
+            int width = fb->width / CTX_HASH_COLS;
+            int height = fb->height / CTX_HASH_ROWS;
+            Ctx *host = fb->host[no];
+            CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer*)host->renderer;
+      /* merge horizontally adjecant tiles of same affinity into one job
+       * this reduces redundant overhead and gets better cache behavior
+       *
+       * giving different threads more explicitly different rows
+       * could be a good idea.
+       */
+            while (col + 1 < CTX_HASH_COLS &&
+                   fb->tile_affinity[hno+1] == no)
+            {
+              width += fb->width / CTX_HASH_COLS;
+              col++;
+              hno++;
+            }
+            ctx_rasterizer_init (rasterizer,
+                                 host, fb->ctx, &host->state,
+                                 &fb->scratch_fb[fb->width * 4 * y0 + x0 * 4],
+                                 0, 0, width, height,
+                                 fb->width*4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+                                 fb->antialias);
+                                              /* this is the format used */
+            if (fb->fb_bits == 32)
+              rasterizer->swap_red_green = 1; 
+            if (fb_icc_length)
+              ctx_colorspace (host, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB, fb_icc, fb_icc_length);
+            ctx_translate (host, -x0, -y0);
+            ctx_render_ctx (fb->ctx_copy, host);
+          }
+        }
+      fb->rendered_frame[no] = fb->render_frame;
+      if (fb_render_threads_done (fb) == _ctx_max_threads)
+      {
+   //   ctx_render_stream (fb->ctx_copy, stdout, 1);
+   //   ctx_reset (fb->ctx_copy);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  fb->thread_quit ++;
+int ctx_renderer_is_fb (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer &&
+      ctx->renderer->free == (void*)ctx_fb_free)
+          return 1;
+  return 0;
+static CtxFb *ctx_fb = NULL;
+static void vt_switch_cb (int sig)
+  if (sig == SIGUSR1)
+  {
+    if (ctx_fb->is_drm)
+      ioctl(ctx_fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_DROP_MASTER, 0);
+    ioctl (0, VT_RELDISP, 1);
+    ctx_fb->vt_active = 0;
+    ioctl (0, KDSETMODE, KD_TEXT);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ioctl (0, VT_RELDISP, VT_ACKACQ);
+    ctx_fb->vt_active = 1;
+    // queue draw
+    ctx_fb->render_frame = ++ctx_fb->frame;
+    ioctl (0, KDSETMODE, KD_GRAPHICS);
+    if (ctx_fb->is_drm)
+    {
+      ioctl(ctx_fb->fb_fd, DRM_IOCTL_SET_MASTER, 0);
+      ctx_fb_flip (ctx_fb);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ctx_fb->ctx->dirty=1;
+      for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+      for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+      {
+        ctx_fb->hashes[(row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col) *  20] += 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Ctx *ctx_new_fb (int width, int height, int drm)
+  CtxFb *fb = calloc (sizeof (CtxFb), 1);
+  ctx_fb = fb;
+  if (drm)
+    fb->fb = ctx_fbdrm_new (fb, &fb->width, &fb->height);
+  if (fb->fb)
+  {
+    fb->is_drm         = 1;
+    width              = fb->width;
+    height             = fb->height;
+    fb->fb_mapped_size = fb->width * fb->height * 4;
+    fb->fb_bits        = 32;
+    fb->fb_bpp         = 4;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+  fb->fb_fd = open ("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);
+  if (fb->fb_fd > 0)
+    fb->fb_path = strdup ("/dev/fb0");
+  else
+  {
+    fb->fb_fd = open ("/dev/graphics/fb0", O_RDWR);
+    if (fb->fb_fd > 0)
+    {
+      fb->fb_path = strdup ("/dev/graphics/fb0");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      free (fb);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fb->finfo))
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "error getting fbinfo\n");
+      close (fb->fb_fd);
+      free (fb->fb_path);
+      free (fb);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+   if (ioctl(fb->fb_fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &fb->vinfo))
+     {
+       fprintf (stderr, "error getting fbinfo\n");
+      close (fb->fb_fd);
+      free (fb->fb_path);
+      free (fb);
+      return NULL;
+     }
+//fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", fb->fb_path);
+  width = fb->width = fb->vinfo.xres;
+  height = fb->height = fb->vinfo.yres;
+  fb->fb_bits = fb->vinfo.bits_per_pixel;
+//fprintf (stderr, "fb bits: %i\n", fb->fb_bits);
+  if (fb->fb_bits == 16)
+    fb->fb_bits =
+      fb->vinfo.red.length +
+      fb->vinfo.green.length +
+      fb->vinfo.blue.length;
+   else if (fb->fb_bits == 8)
+  {
+    unsigned short red[256],  green[256],  blue[256];
+    unsigned short original_red[256];
+    unsigned short original_green[256];
+    unsigned short original_blue[256];
+    struct fb_cmap cmap = {0, 256, red, green, blue, NULL};
+    struct fb_cmap original_cmap = {0, 256, original_red, original_green, original_blue, NULL};
+    int i;
+    /* do we really need to restore it ? */
+    if (ioctl (fb->fb_fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &original_cmap) == -1)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "palette initialization problem %i\n", __LINE__);
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
+    {
+      red[i]   = ((( i >> 5) & 0x7) << 5) << 8;
+      green[i] = ((( i >> 2) & 0x7) << 5) << 8;
+      blue[i]  = ((( i >> 0) & 0x3) << 6) << 8;
+    }
+    if (ioctl (fb->fb_fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &cmap) == -1)
+    {
+      fprintf (stderr, "palette initialization problem %i\n", __LINE__);
+    }
+  }
+  fb->fb_bpp = fb->vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;
+  fb->fb_mapped_size = fb->finfo.smem_len;
+  fb->fb = mmap (NULL, fb->fb_mapped_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb->fb_fd, 0);
+  }
+  if (!fb->fb)
+    return NULL;
+  fb->scratch_fb = calloc (fb->fb_mapped_size, 1);
+  ctx_fb_events = 1;
+  babl_init ();
+  _ctx_file_get_contents ("/tmp/ctx.icc", &fb_icc, &fb_icc_length);
+  fb->ctx      = ctx_new ();
+  fb->ctx_copy = ctx_new ();
+  fb->width    = width;
+  fb->height   = height;
+  ctx_set_renderer (fb->ctx, fb);
+  ctx_set_renderer (fb->ctx_copy, fb);
+#if 0
+  if (fb_icc_length)
+  {
+    ctx_colorspace (fb->ctx, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB, fb_icc, fb_icc_length);
+    ctx_colorspace (fb->ctx_copy, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB, fb_icc, fb_icc_length);
+  }
+  ctx_set_size (fb->ctx, width, height);
+  ctx_set_size (fb->ctx_copy, width, height);
+  fb->flush = (void*)ctx_fb_flush;
+  fb->reset = (void*)ctx_fb_reset;
+  fb->free  = (void*)ctx_fb_free;
+  fb->set_clipboard = (void*)ctx_fb_set_clipboard;
+  fb->get_clipboard = (void*)ctx_fb_get_clipboard;
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+  {
+    fb->host[i] = ctx_new_for_framebuffer (fb->scratch_fb,
+                   fb->width/CTX_HASH_COLS, fb->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS,
+                   fb->width * 4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8); // this format
+                                  // is overriden in  thread
+    ctx_set_texture_source (fb->host[i], fb->ctx);
+  }
+  mtx_init (&fb->mtx, mtx_plain);
+  cnd_init (&fb->cond);
+#define start_thread(no)\
+  if(_ctx_max_threads>no){ \
+    static void *args[2]={(void*)no, };\
+    thrd_t tid;\
+    args[1]=fb;\
+    thrd_create (&tid, (void*)fb_render_fun, args);\
+  }
+  start_thread(0);
+  start_thread(1);
+  start_thread(2);
+  start_thread(3);
+  start_thread(4);
+  start_thread(5);
+  start_thread(6);
+  start_thread(7);
+  start_thread(8);
+  start_thread(9);
+  start_thread(10);
+  start_thread(11);
+  start_thread(12);
+  start_thread(13);
+  start_thread(14);
+  start_thread(15);
+#undef start_thread
+  ctx_flush (fb->ctx);
+  EvSource *kb = evsource_kb_new ();
+  if (kb)
+  {
+    fb->evsource[fb->evsource_count++] = kb;
+    kb->priv = fb;
+  }
+  EvSource *mice  = evsource_mice_new ();
+  if (mice)
+  {
+    fb->evsource[fb->evsource_count++] = mice;
+    mice->priv = fb;
+  }
+  fb->vt_active = 1;
+  signal (SIGUSR1, vt_switch_cb);
+  signal (SIGUSR2, vt_switch_cb);
+  struct vt_stat st;
+  if (ioctl (0, VT_GETSTATE, &st) == -1)
+  {
+    ctx_log ("VT_GET_MODE on vt %i failed\n", fb->vt);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  fb->vt = st.v_active;
+  struct vt_mode mode;
+  mode.mode   = VT_PROCESS;
+  mode.relsig = SIGUSR1;
+  mode.acqsig = SIGUSR2;
+  if (ioctl (0, VT_SETMODE, &mode) < 0)
+  {
+    ctx_log ("VT_SET_MODE on vt %i failed\n", fb->vt);
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  return fb->ctx;
+  return NULL;
+int ctx_renderer_is_fb (Ctx *ctx)
+  return 0;
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+typedef struct _CtxBraille CtxBraille;
+struct _CtxBraille
+   void (*render) (void *braille, CtxCommand *command);
+   void (*reset)  (void *braille);
+   void (*flush)  (void *braille);
+   char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+   void (*set_clipboard) (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+   void (*free)   (void *braille);
+   Ctx     *ctx;
+   int      width;
+   int      height;
+   int      cols;
+   int      rows;
+   int      was_down;
+   uint8_t *pixels;
+   Ctx     *host;
+static inline int _ctx_rgba8_manhattan_diff (const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b)
+  int c;
+  int diff = 0;
+  for (c = 0; c<3;c++)
+    diff += ctx_pow2(a[c]-b[c]);
+  return diff;
+static inline void _ctx_utf8_output_buf (uint8_t *pixels,
+                          int format,
+                          int width,
+                          int height,
+                          int stride,
+                          int reverse)
+  const char *utf8_gray_scale[]= {" ","░","▒","▓","█","█", NULL};
+  int no = 0;
+  printf ("\e[?25l"); // cursor off
+  switch (format)
+    {
+      case CTX_FORMAT_GRAY2:
+        {
+          for (int y= 0; y < height; y++)
+            {
+              no = y * stride;
+              for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                {
+                  int val4= (pixels[no] & (3 << ( (x % 4) *2) ) ) >> ( (x%4) *2);
+                  int val = (int) CTX_CLAMP (5.0 * val4 / 3.0, 0, 5);
+                  if (!reverse)
+                  { val = 5-val; }
+                  printf ("%s", utf8_gray_scale[val]);
+                  if ( (x % 4) == 3)
+                    { no++; }
+                }
+              printf ("\n");
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_GRAY1:
+        for (int row = 0; row < height/4; row++)
+          {
+            for (int col = 0; col < width /2; col++)
+              {
+                int unicode = 0;
+                int bitno = 0;
+                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
+                  for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
+                    {
+                      int no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x) /8;
+                      int set = pixels[no] & (1<< ( (col * 2 + x) % 8) );
+                      if (reverse) { set = !set; }
+                      if (set)
+                        { unicode |=  (1<< (bitno) ); }
+                      bitno++;
+                    }
+                {
+                  int x = 0;
+                  int y = 3;
+                  int no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x) /8;
+                  int setA = pixels[no] & (1<< ( (col * 2 + x) % 8) );
+                  no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x+1) /8;
+                  int setB = pixels[no] & (1<< (   (col * 2 + x + 1) % 8) );
+                  if (reverse) { setA = !setA; }
+                  if (reverse) { setB = !setB; }
+                  if (setA != 0 && setB==0)
+                    { unicode += 0x2840; }
+                  else if (setA == 0 && setB)
+                    { unicode += 0x2880; }
+                  else if ( (setA != 0) && (setB != 0) )
+                    { unicode += 0x28C0; }
+                  else
+                    { unicode += 0x2800; }
+                  uint8_t utf8[5];
+                  utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (unicode, utf8)]=0;
+                  printf ("%s", utf8);
+                }
+              }
+            printf ("\n");
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8:
+        {
+        for (int row = 0; row < height/4; row++)
+          {
+            for (int col = 0; col < width /2; col++)
+              {
+                int unicode = 0;
+                int bitno = 0;
+                uint8_t rgba2[4] = {0,0,0,255};
+                uint8_t rgba1[4] = {0,0,0,255};
+                int     rgbasum[4] = {0,};
+                int     col_count = 0;
+                for (int xi = 0; xi < 2; xi++)
+                  for (int yi = 0; yi < 4; yi++)
+                      {
+                        int noi = (row * 4 + yi) * stride + (col*2+xi) * 4;
+                        int diff = _ctx_rgba8_manhattan_diff (&pixels[noi], rgba2);
+                        if (diff > 32*32)
+                        {
+                          for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+                          {
+                            rgbasum[c] += pixels[noi+c];
+                          }
+                          col_count++;
+                        }
+                      }
+                if (col_count)
+                for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+                {
+                  rgba1[c] = rgbasum[c] / col_count;
+                }
+                // to determine color .. find two most different
+                // colors in set.. and threshold between them..
+                // even better dither between them.
+                //
+  printf ("\e[38;2;%i;%i;%im", rgba1[0], rgba1[1], rgba1[2]);
+  //printf ("\e[48;2;%i;%i;%im", rgba2[0], rgba2[1], rgba2[2]);
+                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
+                  for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
+                    {
+                      int no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x) * 4;
+#define CHECK_IS_SET \
+      (_ctx_rgba8_manhattan_diff (&pixels[no], rgba1)< \
+       _ctx_rgba8_manhattan_diff (&pixels[no], rgba2))
+                      int set = CHECK_IS_SET;
+                      if (reverse) { set = !set; }
+                      if (set)
+                        { unicode |=  (1<< (bitno) ); }
+                      bitno++;
+                    }
+                {
+                  int x = 0;
+                  int y = 3;
+                  int no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x) * 4;
+                  int setA = CHECK_IS_SET;
+                  no = (row * 4 + y) * stride + (col*2+x+1) * 4;
+                  int setB = CHECK_IS_SET;
+#undef CHECK_IS_SET
+                  if (reverse) { setA = !setA; }
+                  if (reverse) { setB = !setB; }
+                  if (setA != 0 && setB==0)
+                    { unicode += 0x2840; }
+                  else if (setA == 0 && setB)
+                    { unicode += 0x2880; }
+                  else if ( (setA != 0) && (setB != 0) )
+                    { unicode += 0x28C0; }
+                  else
+                    { unicode += 0x2800; }
+                  uint8_t utf8[5];
+                  utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (unicode, utf8)]=0;
+                  printf ("%s", utf8);
+                }
+              }
+            printf ("\n\r");
+          }
+          printf ("\e[38;2;%i;%i;%im", 255,255,255);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_GRAY4:
+        {
+          int no = 0;
+          for (int y= 0; y < height; y++)
+            {
+              no = y * stride;
+              for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
+                {
+                  int val = (pixels[no] & (15 << ( (x % 2) *4) ) ) >> ( (x%2) *4);
+                  val = val * 6 / 16;
+                  if (reverse) { val = 5-val; }
+                  val = CTX_CLAMP (val, 0, 4);
+                  printf ("%s", utf8_gray_scale[val]);
+                  if (x % 2 == 1)
+                    { no++; }
+                }
+              printf ("\n");
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_CMYK8:
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+            {
+              int no = 0;
+              for (int y= 0; y < height; y++)
+                {
+                  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, no+=4)
+                    {
+                      int val = (int) CTX_CLAMP (pixels[no+c]/255.0*6.0, 0, 5);
+                      if (reverse)
+                        { val = 5-val; }
+                      printf ("%s", utf8_gray_scale[val]);
+                    }
+                  printf ("\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_RGB8:
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+            {
+              int no = 0;
+              for (int y= 0; y < height; y++)
+                {
+                  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, no+=3)
+                    {
+                      int val = (int) CTX_CLAMP (pixels[no+c]/255.0*6.0, 0, 5);
+                      if (reverse)
+                        { val = 5-val; }
+                      printf ("%s", utf8_gray_scale[val]);
+                    }
+                  printf ("\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_FORMAT_CMYKAF:
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < 5; c++)
+            {
+              int no = 0;
+              for (int y= 0; y < height; y++)
+                {
+                  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, no+=5)
+                    {
+                      int val = (int) CTX_CLAMP ( (pixels[no+c]*6.0), 0, 5);
+                      if (reverse)
+                        { val = 5-val; }
+                      printf ("%s", utf8_gray_scale[val]);
+                    }
+                  printf ("\n");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  printf ("\e[?25h"); // cursor on
+inline static void ctx_braille_flush (CtxBraille *braille)
+  int width =  braille->width;
+  int height = braille->height;
+  ctx_render_ctx (braille->ctx, braille->host);
+  printf ("\e[H");
+  _ctx_utf8_output_buf (braille->pixels,
+                        CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+                        width, height, width * 4, 0);
+  CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer*)(braille->host->renderer);
+  // XXX instead sort and inject along with braille
+  for (CtxList *l = rasterizer->glyphs; l; l = l->next)
+  {
+      CtxTermGlyph *glyph = l->data;
+      printf ("\e[0m\e[%i;%iH%c", glyph->row, glyph->col, glyph->unichar);
+      free (glyph);
+  }
+  while (rasterizer->glyphs)
+    ctx_list_remove (&rasterizer->glyphs, rasterizer->glyphs->data);
+void ctx_braille_free (CtxBraille *braille)
+  nc_at_exit ();
+  free (braille->pixels);
+  ctx_free (braille->host);
+  free (braille);
+  /* we're not destoring the ctx member, this is function is called in ctx' teardown */
+int ctx_renderer_is_braille (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer &&
+      ctx->renderer->free == (void*)ctx_braille_free)
+          return 1;
+  return 0;
+Ctx *ctx_new_braille (int width, int height)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  fprintf (stdout, "\e[?1049h");
+  CtxBraille *braille = (CtxBraille*)calloc (sizeof (CtxBraille), 1);
+  int maxwidth = ctx_terminal_cols  () * 2;
+  int maxheight = (ctx_terminal_rows ()-1) * 4;
+  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
+  {
+    width = maxwidth;
+    height = maxheight;
+  }
+  if (width > maxwidth) width = maxwidth;
+  if (height > maxheight) height = maxheight;
+  braille->ctx = ctx;
+  braille->width  = width;
+  braille->height = height;
+  braille->cols = (width + 1) / 2;
+  braille->rows = (height + 3) / 4;
+  braille->pixels = (uint8_t*)malloc (width * height * 4);
+  braille->host = ctx_new_for_framebuffer (braille->pixels,
+                                           width, height,
+                                           width * 4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8);
+  ((CtxRasterizer*)braille->host->renderer)->term_glyphs=1;
+  _ctx_mouse (ctx, NC_MOUSE_DRAG);
+  ctx_set_renderer (ctx, braille);
+  ctx_set_size (ctx, width, height);
+  ctx_font_size (ctx, 4.0f);
+  braille->flush = (void(*)(void*))ctx_braille_flush;
+  braille->free  = (void(*)(void*))ctx_braille_free;
+  return ctx;
+#if CTX_SDL
+#include <threads.h>
+typedef struct _CtxSDL CtxSDL;
+struct _CtxSDL
+   void (*render)    (void *braille, CtxCommand *command);
+   void (*reset)     (void *braille);
+   void (*flush)     (void *braille);
+   char *(*get_clipboard) (void *ctxctx);
+   void (*set_clipboard) (void *ctxctx, const char *text);
+   void (*free)      (void *braille);
+   Ctx          *ctx;
+   int           width;
+   int           height;
+   int           cols;
+   int           rows;
+   int           was_down;
+   uint8_t      *pixels;
+   Ctx          *ctx_copy;
+   Ctx          *host[CTX_MAX_THREADS];
+   CtxAntialias  antialias;
+   int           quit;
+   _Atomic int   thread_quit;
+   int           shown_frame;
+   int           render_frame;
+   int           rendered_frame[CTX_MAX_THREADS];
+   int           frame;
+   int       min_col; // hasher cols and rows
+   int       min_row;
+   int       max_col;
+   int       max_row;
+   uint8_t  hashes[CTX_HASH_ROWS * CTX_HASH_COLS *  20];
+   int8_t    tile_affinity[CTX_HASH_ROWS * CTX_HASH_COLS]; // which render thread no is
+                                                           // responsible for a tile
+                                                           //
+   int           pointer_down[3];
+   int           key_balance;
+   int           key_repeat;
+   int           lctrl;
+   int           lalt;
+   int           rctrl;
+   CtxCursor     shown_cursor;
+   /* where we diverge from fb*/
+   SDL_Window   *window;
+   SDL_Renderer *renderer;
+   SDL_Texture  *texture;
+   cnd_t  cond;
+   mtx_t  mtx;
+#include "stb_image_write.h"
+void ctx_screenshot (Ctx *ctx, const char *output_path)
+  int valid = 0;
+  CtxSDL *sdl = (void*)ctx->renderer;
+  if (ctx_renderer_is_sdl (ctx)) valid = 1;
+#if CTX_FB
+  if (ctx_renderer_is_fb  (ctx)) valid = 1;
+  if (!valid)
+    return;
+#if CTX_FB
+  for (int i = 0; i < sdl->width * sdl->height; i++)
+  {
+    int tmp = sdl->pixels[i*4];
+    sdl->pixels[i*4] = sdl->pixels[i*4 + 2];
+    sdl->pixels[i*4 + 2] = tmp;
+  }
+  stbi_write_png (output_path, sdl->width, sdl->height, 4, sdl->pixels, sdl->width*4);
+#if CTX_FB
+  for (int i = 0; i < sdl->width * sdl->height; i++)
+  {
+    int tmp = sdl->pixels[i*4];
+    sdl->pixels[i*4] = sdl->pixels[i*4 + 2];
+    sdl->pixels[i*4 + 2] = tmp;
+  }
+void ctx_sdl_set_title (void *self, const char *new_title)
+   CtxSDL *sdl = self;
+   SDL_SetWindowTitle (sdl->window, new_title);
+static inline int
+sdl_render_threads_done (CtxSDL *sdl)
+  int sum = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+  {
+     if (sdl->rendered_frame[i] == sdl->render_frame)
+       sum ++;
+  }
+  return sum;
+static void ctx_sdl_show_frame (CtxSDL *sdl, int block)
+  if (sdl->shown_cursor != sdl->ctx->cursor)
+  {
+    sdl->shown_cursor = sdl->ctx->cursor;
+    SDL_Cursor *new_cursor =  NULL;
+    switch (sdl->shown_cursor)
+    {
+      case CTX_CURSOR_UNSET: // XXX: document how this differs from none
+                             //      perhaps falling back to arrow?
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_NONE:
+        new_cursor = NULL;
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_ARROW:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW);
+        break;
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_WAIT:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_WAIT);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_HAND:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_IBEAM:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_MOVE:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEALL);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_N:
+      case CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_S:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENS);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_E:
+      case CTX_CURSOR_RESIZE_W:
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZEWE);
+        break;
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENESW);
+        break;
+        new_cursor = SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_SIZENWSE);
+        break;
+    }
+    if (new_cursor)
+    {
+      SDL_Cursor *old_cursor = SDL_GetCursor();
+      SDL_SetCursor (new_cursor);
+      SDL_ShowCursor (1);
+      if (old_cursor)
+        SDL_FreeCursor (old_cursor);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      SDL_ShowCursor (0);
+    }
+  }
+  if (sdl->shown_frame == sdl->render_frame)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (block)
+  {
+    int count = 0;
+    while (sdl_render_threads_done (sdl) != _ctx_max_threads)
+    {
+      usleep (50);
+      count ++;
+      if (count > 2000)
+      {
+        sdl->shown_frame = sdl->render_frame;
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (sdl_render_threads_done (sdl) != _ctx_max_threads)
+      return;
+  }
+  if (sdl->min_row == 100)
+  {
+  }
+  else
+  {
+#if 0
+    int x = sdl->min_col * sdl->width/CTX_HASH_COLS;
+    int y = sdl->min_row * sdl->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS;
+    int x1 = (sdl->max_col+1) * sdl->width/CTX_HASH_COLS;
+    int y1 = (sdl->max_row+1) * sdl->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS;
+    int width = x1 - x;
+    int height = y1 - y;
+    sdl->min_row = 100;
+    sdl->max_row = 0;
+    sdl->min_col = 100;
+    sdl->max_col = 0;
+    //SDL_Rect r = {x, y, width, height};
+    SDL_UpdateTexture (sdl->texture, NULL, //&r,
+                      (void*)sdl->pixels,
+                      //(void*)(sdl->pixels + y * sdl->width * 4 + x * 4),
+                      sdl->width * sizeof (Uint32));
+    SDL_RenderClear (sdl->renderer);
+    SDL_RenderCopy (sdl->renderer, sdl->texture, NULL, NULL);
+    SDL_RenderPresent (sdl->renderer);
+  }
+  sdl->shown_frame = sdl->render_frame;
+int ctx_sdl_consume_events (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxSDL *sdl = (void*)ctx->renderer;
+  SDL_Event event;
+  int got_events = 0;
+  ctx_sdl_show_frame (sdl, 0);
+  while (SDL_PollEvent (&event))
+  {
+    got_events ++;
+    switch (event.type)
+    {
+        SDL_CaptureMouse (1);
+        ctx_pointer_press (ctx, event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button, 0);
+        break;
+        SDL_CaptureMouse (0);
+        ctx_pointer_release (ctx, event.button.x, event.button.y, event.button.button, 0);
+        break;
+      case SDL_MOUSEMOTION:
+        //  XXX : look at mask and generate motion for each pressed
+        //        button
+        ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, event.motion.x, event.motion.y, 1, 0);
+        break;
+        ctx_pointer_motion (ctx, event.tfinger.x * sdl->width, event.tfinger.y * sdl->height,
+            (event.tfinger.fingerId%10) + 4, 0);
+        break;
+      case SDL_FINGERDOWN:
+        {
+        static int fdowns = 0;
+        fdowns ++;
+        if (fdowns > 1) // the very first finger down from SDL seems to be
+                        // mirrored as mouse events, later ones not - at
+                        // least under wayland
+        {
+          ctx_pointer_press (ctx, event.tfinger.x *sdl->width, event.tfinger.y * sdl->height, 
+          (event.tfinger.fingerId%10) + 4, 0);
+        }
+        }
+        break;
+      case SDL_FINGERUP:
+        ctx_pointer_release (ctx, event.tfinger.x * sdl->width, event.tfinger.y * sdl->height,
+          (event.tfinger.fingerId%10) + 4, 0);
+        break;
+      case SDL_KEYUP:
+        {
+           sdl->key_balance --;
+           switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
+           {
+             case SDLK_LCTRL: sdl->lctrl = 0; break;
+             case SDLK_RCTRL: sdl->rctrl = 0; break;
+             case SDLK_LALT:  sdl->lalt  = 0; break;
+           }
+        }
+        break;
+#if 1
+      case SDL_TEXTINPUT:
+    //  if (!active)
+    //    break;
+        if (!sdl->lctrl && !sdl->rctrl && !sdl->lalt 
+           //&& ( (vt && vt_keyrepeat (vt) ) || (key_repeat==0) )
+           )
+          {
+            const char *name = event.text.text;
+            if (!strcmp (name, " ") ) { name = "space"; }
+            ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, name, 0);
+            //got_event = 1;
+          }
+        break;
+      case SDL_KEYDOWN:
+        {
+          char buf[32] = "";
+          char *name = buf;
+          if (!event.key.repeat)
+          {
+            sdl->key_balance ++;
+            sdl->key_repeat = 0;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            sdl->key_repeat ++;
+          }
+          buf[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (event.key.keysym.sym, (void*)buf)]=0;
+          switch (event.key.keysym.sym)
+          {
+            case SDLK_LCTRL: sdl->lctrl = 1; break;
+            case SDLK_LALT:  sdl->lalt = 1; break;
+            case SDLK_RCTRL: sdl->rctrl = 1; break;
+            case SDLK_F1: name = "F1"; break;
+            case SDLK_F2: name = "F2"; break;
+            case SDLK_F3: name = "F3"; break;
+            case SDLK_F4: name = "F4"; break;
+            case SDLK_F5: name = "F5"; break;
+            case SDLK_F6: name = "F6"; break;
+            case SDLK_F7: name = "F7"; break;
+            case SDLK_F8: name = "F8"; break;
+            case SDLK_F9: name = "F9"; break;
+            case SDLK_F10: name = "F10"; break;
+            case SDLK_F11: name = "F11"; break;
+            case SDLK_F12: name = "F12"; break;
+            case SDLK_ESCAPE: name = "escape"; break;
+            case SDLK_DOWN: name = "down"; break;
+            case SDLK_LEFT: name = "left"; break;
+            case SDLK_UP: name = "up"; break;
+            case SDLK_RIGHT: name = "right"; break;
+            case SDLK_BACKSPACE: name = "backspace"; break;
+            case SDLK_SPACE: name = "space"; break;
+            case SDLK_TAB: name = "tab"; break;
+            case SDLK_DELETE: name = "delete"; break;
+            case SDLK_INSERT: name = "insert"; break;
+            case SDLK_RETURN:
+              //if (key_repeat == 0) // return never should repeat
+              name = "return";   // on a DEC like terminal
+              break;
+            case SDLK_HOME: name = "home"; break;
+            case SDLK_END: name = "end"; break;
+            case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: name = "page-down"; break;
+            case SDLK_PAGEUP: name = "page-up"; break;
+            default:
+              ;
+          }
+          if (strlen (name)
+              &&(event.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_CTRL) ||
+                 event.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_ALT) ||
+                 strlen (name) >= 2))
+          {
+            if (event.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_CTRL) )
+              {
+                static char buf[64] = "";
+                sprintf (buf, "control-%s", name);
+                name = buf;
+              }
+            if (event.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_ALT) )
+              {
+                static char buf[128] = "";
+                sprintf (buf, "alt-%s", name);
+                name = buf;
+              }
+            if (event.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_SHIFT) )
+              {
+                static char buf[196] = "";
+                sprintf (buf, "shift-%s", name);
+                name = buf;
+              }
+            if (strcmp (name, "space"))
+              {
+               ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, name, 0);
+              }
+          }
+          else
+          {
+#if 0
+             ctx_key_press (ctx, 0, buf, 0);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case SDL_QUIT:
+        ctx_quit (ctx);
+        break;
+      case SDL_WINDOWEVENT:
+        if (event.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED)
+        {
+          ctx_sdl_show_frame (sdl, 1);
+          int width = event.window.data1;
+          int height = event.window.data2;
+          SDL_DestroyTexture (sdl->texture);
+          sdl->texture = SDL_CreateTexture (sdl->renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888,
+                          SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height);
+          free (sdl->pixels);
+          sdl->pixels = calloc (4, width * height);
+          sdl->width  = width;
+          sdl->height = height;
+          ctx_set_size (sdl->ctx, width, height);
+          ctx_set_size (sdl->ctx_copy, width, height);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+void ctx_screenshot (Ctx *ctx, const char *path)
+#if CTX_SDL
+static void ctx_sdl_set_clipboard (CtxSDL *sdl, const char *text)
+  if (text)
+    SDL_SetClipboardText (text);
+static char *ctx_sdl_get_clipboard (CtxSDL *sdl)
+  return SDL_GetClipboardText ();
+inline static void ctx_sdl_reset (CtxSDL *sdl)
+  ctx_sdl_show_frame (sdl, 1);
+inline static void ctx_sdl_flush (CtxSDL *sdl)
+  if (sdl->shown_frame == sdl->render_frame)
+  {
+    int dirty_tiles = 0;
+    ctx_set_drawlist (sdl->ctx_copy, &sdl->ctx->drawlist.entries[0],
+                                         sdl->ctx->drawlist.count * 9);
+    if (_ctx_enable_hash_cache)
+    {
+      Ctx *hasher = ctx_hasher_new (sdl->width, sdl->height,
+                        CTX_HASH_COLS, CTX_HASH_ROWS);
+      ctx_render_ctx (sdl->ctx_copy, hasher);
+      for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+        for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+        {
+          uint8_t *new_hash = ctx_hasher_get_hash (hasher, col, row);
+          if (new_hash && memcmp (new_hash, &sdl->hashes[(row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col) *  20], 20))
+          {
+            memcpy (&sdl->hashes[(row * CTX_HASH_COLS +  col)*20], new_hash, 20);
+            sdl->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = 1;
+            dirty_tiles++;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            sdl->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = -1;
+          }
+        }
+      free (((CtxHasher*)(hasher->renderer))->hashes);
+      ctx_free (hasher);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+      for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+        {
+          sdl->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = 1;
+          dirty_tiles++;
+        }
+    }
+    int dirty_no = 0;
+    if (dirty_tiles)
+    for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+      for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++)
+      {
+        if (sdl->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] != -1)
+        {
+          sdl->tile_affinity[row * CTX_HASH_COLS + col] = dirty_no * (_ctx_max_threads) / dirty_tiles;
+          dirty_no++;
+          if (col > sdl->max_col) sdl->max_col = col;
+          if (col < sdl->min_col) sdl->min_col = col;
+          if (row > sdl->max_row) sdl->max_row = row;
+          if (row < sdl->min_row) sdl->min_row = row;
+        }
+      }
+    for (int i = 0; i < sdl->width * sdl->height; i++)
+    {
+      int new_ = (sdl->pixels[i*4+0]+ sdl->pixels[i*4+1]+ sdl->pixels[i*4+2])/3;
+      //if (new_>1) new_--;
+      sdl->pixels[i*4]  = (sdl->pixels[i*4] + 255)/2;
+      sdl->pixels[i*4+1]= (sdl->pixels[i*4+1] + new_)/2;
+      sdl->pixels[i*4+2]= (sdl->pixels[i*4+1] + new_)/2;
+    }
+    sdl->render_frame = ++sdl->frame;
+    mtx_lock (&sdl->mtx);
+    cnd_broadcast (&sdl->cond);
+    mtx_unlock (&sdl->mtx);
+  }
+void ctx_sdl_free (CtxSDL *sdl)
+  sdl->quit = 1;
+  mtx_lock (&sdl->mtx);
+  cnd_broadcast (&sdl->cond);
+  mtx_unlock (&sdl->mtx);
+  while (sdl->thread_quit < _ctx_max_threads)
+    usleep (1000); // XXX : properly wait for threads instead
+  if (sdl->pixels)
+  {
+    free (sdl->pixels);
+  sdl->pixels = NULL;
+  for (int i = 0 ; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+  {
+    ctx_free (sdl->host[i]);
+    sdl->host[i]=NULL;
+  }
+  SDL_DestroyTexture (sdl->texture);
+  SDL_DestroyRenderer (sdl->renderer);
+  SDL_DestroyWindow (sdl->window);
+  ctx_free (sdl->ctx_copy);
+  }
+  //free (sdl); // kept alive for threads quit check..
+  /* we're not destoring the ctx member, this is function is called in ctx' teardown */
+static unsigned char *sdl_icc = NULL;
+static long sdl_icc_length = 0;
+void sdl_render_fun (void **data)
+  int      no = (size_t)data[0];
+  CtxSDL *sdl = data[1];
+  while (!sdl->quit)
+  {
+    Ctx *host = sdl->host[no];
+    mtx_lock (&sdl->mtx);
+    cnd_wait(&sdl->cond, &sdl->mtx);
+    mtx_unlock (&sdl->mtx);
+    if (sdl->render_frame != sdl->rendered_frame[no])
+    {
+      int hno = 0;
+      for (int row = 0; row < CTX_HASH_ROWS; row++)
+        for (int col = 0; col < CTX_HASH_COLS; col++, hno++)
+        {
+          if (sdl->tile_affinity[hno]==no)
+          {
+            int x0 = ((sdl->width)/CTX_HASH_COLS) * col;
+            int y0 = ((sdl->height)/CTX_HASH_ROWS) * row;
+            int width = sdl->width / CTX_HASH_COLS;
+            int height = sdl->height / CTX_HASH_ROWS;
+            CtxRasterizer *rasterizer = (CtxRasterizer*)host->renderer;
+#if 1 // merge horizontally adjecant tiles of same affinity into one job
+            while (col + 1 < CTX_HASH_COLS &&
+                   sdl->tile_affinity[hno+1] == no)
+            {
+              width += sdl->width / CTX_HASH_COLS;
+              col++;
+              hno++;
+            }
+            ctx_rasterizer_init (rasterizer,
+                                 host, sdl->ctx, &host->state,
+                                 &sdl->pixels[sdl->width * 4 * y0 + x0 * 4],
+                                 0, 0, width, height,
+                                 sdl->width*4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+                                 sdl->antialias);
+            if (sdl_icc_length)
+              ctx_colorspace (host, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB, sdl_icc, sdl_icc_length);
+            ctx_translate (host, -x0, -y0);
+            ctx_render_ctx (sdl->ctx_copy, host);
+          }
+        }
+      sdl->rendered_frame[no] = sdl->render_frame;
+    }
+  }
+  sdl->thread_quit++; // need atomic?
+int ctx_renderer_is_sdl (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer &&
+      ctx->renderer->free == (void*)ctx_sdl_free)
+          return 1;
+  return 0;
+Ctx *ctx_new_sdl (int width, int height)
+  CtxSDL *sdl = (CtxSDL*)calloc (sizeof (CtxSDL), 1);
+  _ctx_file_get_contents ("/tmp/ctx.icc", &sdl_icc, &sdl_icc_length);
+  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
+  {
+    width  = 1920;
+    height = 1080;
+  }
+  sdl->window = SDL_CreateWindow("ctx", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, width, height, 
+  //sdl->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer (sdl->window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE);
+  sdl->renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer (sdl->window, -1, 0);
+  if (!sdl->renderer)
+  {
+     ctx_free (sdl->ctx);
+     free (sdl);
+     return NULL;
+  }
+  babl_init ();
+  ctx_sdl_events = 1;
+  sdl->texture = SDL_CreateTexture (sdl->renderer,
+        width, height);
+  SDL_StartTextInput ();
+  SDL_EnableScreenSaver ();
+  sdl->ctx = ctx_new ();
+  sdl->ctx_copy = ctx_new ();
+  sdl->width  = width;
+  sdl->height = height;
+  sdl->cols = 80;
+  sdl->rows = 20;
+  ctx_set_renderer (sdl->ctx, sdl);
+  ctx_set_renderer (sdl->ctx_copy, sdl);
+  sdl->pixels = (uint8_t*)malloc (width * height * 4);
+  ctx_set_size (sdl->ctx,      width, height);
+  ctx_set_size (sdl->ctx_copy, width, height);
+  sdl->flush = (void*)ctx_sdl_flush;
+  sdl->reset = (void*)ctx_sdl_reset;
+  sdl->free  = (void*)ctx_sdl_free;
+  sdl->set_clipboard = (void*)ctx_sdl_set_clipboard;
+  sdl->get_clipboard = (void*)ctx_sdl_get_clipboard;
+  for (int i = 0; i < _ctx_max_threads; i++)
+  {
+    sdl->host[i] = ctx_new_for_framebuffer (sdl->pixels,
+                     sdl->width/CTX_HASH_COLS, sdl->height/CTX_HASH_ROWS,
+                     sdl->width * 4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8);
+    ctx_set_texture_source (sdl->host[i], sdl->ctx);
+  }
+  mtx_init (&sdl->mtx, mtx_plain);
+  cnd_init (&sdl->cond);
+#define start_thread(no)\
+  if(_ctx_max_threads>no){ \
+    static void *args[2]={(void*)no, };\
+    thrd_t tid;\
+    args[1]=sdl;\
+    thrd_create (&tid, (void*)sdl_render_fun, args);\
+  }
+  start_thread(0);
+  start_thread(1);
+  start_thread(2);
+  start_thread(3);
+  start_thread(4);
+  start_thread(5);
+  start_thread(6);
+  start_thread(7);
+  start_thread(8);
+  start_thread(9);
+  start_thread(10);
+  start_thread(11);
+  start_thread(12);
+  start_thread(13);
+  start_thread(14);
+  start_thread(15);
+#undef start_thread
+  ctx_flush (sdl->ctx);
+  return sdl->ctx;
+  return NULL;
+int ctx_renderer_is_sdl (Ctx *ctx)
+  return 0;
+typedef struct _CtxFormatter  CtxFormatter;
+struct _CtxFormatter 
+  void *target; // FILE
+  int   longform;
+  int   indent;
+  void (*add_str)(CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *str, int len);
+static void ctx_formatter_addstr (CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *str, int len)
+  formatter->add_str (formatter, str, len);
+static void ctx_formatter_addstrf (CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *format, ...)
+   va_list ap;
+   size_t needed;
+   char *buffer;
+   va_start (ap, format);
+   needed = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, ap) + 1;
+   buffer = (char*) malloc (needed);
+   va_end (ap);
+   va_start (ap, format);
+   vsnprintf (buffer, needed, format, ap);
+   va_end (ap);
+   ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, buffer, -1);
+   free (buffer);
+static void _ctx_stream_addstr (CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *str, int len)
+  if (!str || len == 0)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (len < 0) len = strlen (str);
+  fwrite (str, len, 1, (FILE*)formatter->target);
+void _ctx_string_addstr (CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *str, int len)
+  if (!str || len == 0)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (len < 0) len = strlen (str);
+  ctx_string_append_data ((CtxString*)(formatter->target), str, len);
+static void _ctx_print_endcmd (CtxFormatter *formatter)
+  if (formatter->longform)
+    {
+      ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, ");\n", 3);
+    }
+static void _ctx_indent (CtxFormatter *formatter)
+  for (int i = 0; i < formatter->indent; i++)
+    { ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, "  ", 2);
+    }
+const char *_ctx_code_to_name (int code)
+      switch (code)
+        {
+          case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X4:           return "relLinetoX4"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_CURVE_TO: return "relLineToRelCurveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO: return "relCurveToRelLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO: return "relCurveToRelMoveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_X2:           return "relLineToX2"; break;
+          case CTX_MOVE_TO_REL_LINE_TO:      return "moveToRelLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_LINE_TO_REL_MOVE_TO:  return "relLineToRelMoveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_FILL_MOVE_TO:             return "fillMoveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_REL_QUAD_TO:  return "relQuadToRelQuadTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO_S16:          return "relQuadToS16"; break;
+          case CTX_SET_KEY:              return "setParam"; break;
+          case CTX_COLOR:                return "setColor"; break;
+          case CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH:         return "defineGlyph"; break;
+          case CTX_KERNING_PAIR:         return "kerningPair"; break;
+          case CTX_SET_PIXEL:            return "setPixel"; break;
+          case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:         return "globalAlpha"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXT:                 return "text"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:          return "textStroke"; break;
+          case CTX_SAVE:                 return "save"; break;
+          case CTX_RESTORE:              return "restore"; break;
+          case CTX_NEW_PAGE:             return "newPage"; break;
+          case CTX_START_GROUP:          return "startGroup"; break;
+          case CTX_END_GROUP:            return "endGroup"; break;
+          case CTX_RECTANGLE:            return "rectangle"; break;
+          case CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE:      return "roundRectangle"; break;
+          case CTX_LINEAR_GRADIENT:      return "linearGradient"; break;
+          case CTX_RADIAL_GRADIENT:      return "radialGradient"; break;
+          case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:        return "gradientAddStop"; break;
+          case CTX_VIEW_BOX:             return "viewBox"; break;
+          case CTX_MOVE_TO:              return "moveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_LINE_TO:              return "lineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:           return "beginPath"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:          return "relMoveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:          return "relLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_FILL:                 return "fill"; break;
+          case CTX_EXIT:                 return "exit"; break;
+          case CTX_APPLY_TRANSFORM:      return "transform"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:           return "relArcTo"; break;
+          case CTX_GLYPH:                return "glyph"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXTURE:              return "texture"; break;
+          case CTX_IDENTITY:             return "identity"; break;
+          case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:           return "closePath"; break;
+          case CTX_PRESERVE:             return "preserve"; break;
+          case CTX_FLUSH:                return "flush"; break;
+          case CTX_RESET:                return "reset"; break;
+          case CTX_FONT:                 return "font"; break;
+          case CTX_STROKE:               return "stroke"; break;
+          case CTX_CLIP:                 return "clip"; break;
+          case CTX_ARC:                  return "arc"; break;
+          case CTX_SCALE:                return "scale"; break;
+          case CTX_TRANSLATE:            return "translate"; break;
+          case CTX_ROTATE:               return "rotate"; break;
+          case CTX_ARC_TO:               return "arcTo"; break;
+          case CTX_CURVE_TO:             return "curveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:         return "relCurveTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:          return "relQuadTo"; break;
+          case CTX_QUAD_TO:              return "quadTo"; break;
+          case CTX_SMOOTH_TO:            return "smoothTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO:        return "relSmoothTo"; break;
+          case CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO:           return "smoothqTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO:       return "relSmoothqTo"; break;
+          case CTX_HOR_LINE_TO:          return "horLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_VER_LINE_TO:          return "verLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO:      return "relHorLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO:      return "relVerLineTo"; break;
+          case CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE:     return "compositingMode"; break;
+          case CTX_BLEND_MODE:           return "blendMode"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:           return "textAlign"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:        return "textBaseline"; break;
+          case CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION:       return "textDirection"; break;
+          case CTX_FONT_SIZE:            return "fontSize"; break;
+          case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:          return "miterLimit"; break;
+          case CTX_LINE_JOIN:            return "lineJoin"; break;
+          case CTX_LINE_CAP:             return "lineCap"; break;
+          case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:           return "lineWidth"; break;
+          case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:          return "shadowBlur";  break;
+          case CTX_FILL_RULE:            return "fillRule"; break;
+        }
+      return NULL;
+static void _ctx_print_name (CtxFormatter *formatter, int code)
+  if (formatter->longform)
+    {
+      const char *name = NULL;
+      _ctx_indent (formatter);
+      //switch ((CtxCode)code)
+      name = _ctx_code_to_name (code);
+      if (name)
+        {
+          ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, name, -1);
+          ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, " (", 2);
+          if (code == CTX_SAVE)
+            { formatter->indent ++; }
+          else if (code == CTX_RESTORE)
+            { formatter->indent --; }
+          return;
+        }
+    }
+  {
+    char name[3];
+    name[0]=CTX_SET_KEY;
+    name[2]='\0';
+    switch (code)
+      {
+        case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:      name[1]='a'; break;
+        case CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE:  name[1]='m'; break;
+        case CTX_BLEND_MODE:        name[1]='B'; break;
+        case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:        name[1]='t'; break;
+        case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:     name[1]='b'; break;
+        case CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION:    name[1]='d'; break;
+        case CTX_FONT_SIZE:         name[1]='f'; break;
+        case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:       name[1]='l'; break;
+        case CTX_LINE_JOIN:         name[1]='j'; break;
+        case CTX_LINE_CAP:          name[1]='c'; break;
+        case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:        name[1]='w'; break;
+        case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:       name[1]='s'; break;
+        case CTX_SHADOW_COLOR:      name[1]='C'; break;
+        case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:   name[1]='x'; break;
+        case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:   name[1]='y'; break;
+        case CTX_FILL_RULE:         name[1]='r'; break;
+        default:
+          name[0] = code;
+          name[1] = 0;
+          break;
+      }
+    ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, name, -1);
+    if (formatter->longform)
+      ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, " (", 2);
+    else
+      ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, " ", 1);
+  }
+static void
+ctx_print_entry_enum (CtxFormatter *formatter, CtxEntry *entry, int args)
+  _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+  for (int i = 0; i <  args; i ++)
+    {
+      int val = ctx_arg_u8 (i);
+      if (i>0)
+        { 
+          ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, " ", 1);
+        }
+      if (formatter->longform)
+        {
+          const char *str = NULL;
+          switch (entry->code)
+            {
+              case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC: str = "alphabetic"; break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_TOP:        str = "top";        break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_BOTTOM:     str = "bottom";     break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_HANGING:    str = "hanging";    break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_MIDDLE:     str = "middle";     break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC:str = "ideographic";break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+                    case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT:   str = "left"; break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT:  str = "right"; break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_START:  str = "start"; break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_END:    str = "end"; break;
+                    case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER: str = "center"; break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+                    case CTX_CAP_NONE:   str = "none"; break;
+                    case CTX_CAP_ROUND:  str = "round"; break;
+                    case CTX_CAP_SQUARE: str = "square"; break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+                    case CTX_JOIN_MITER: str = "miter"; break;
+                    case CTX_JOIN_ROUND: str = "round"; break;
+                    case CTX_JOIN_BEVEL: str = "bevel"; break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+                    case CTX_FILL_RULE_WINDING:  str = "winding"; break;
+                    case CTX_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD: str = "evenodd"; break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+            case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:      str = "normal"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_MULTIPLY:    str = "multiply"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_SCREEN:      str = "screen"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_OVERLAY:     str = "overlay"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_DARKEN:      str = "darken"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_LIGHTEN:     str = "lighten"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_DODGE: str = "colorDodge"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_BURN:  str = "colorBurn"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_HARD_LIGHT:  str = "hardLight"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT:  str = "softLight"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_DIFFERENCE:  str = "difference"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_EXCLUSION:   str = "exclusion"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_HUE:         str = "hue"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_SATURATION:  str = "saturation"; break;
+            case CTX_BLEND_COLOR:       str = "color"; break; 
+            case CTX_BLEND_LUMINOSITY:  str = "luminosity"; break;
+                  }
+                break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITING_MODE:
+                switch (val)
+                  {
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER: str = "sourceOver"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY: str = "copy"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR: str = "clear"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_IN: str = "sourceIn"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OUT: str = "sourceOut"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP: str = "sourceAtop"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION: str = "destination"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER: str = "destinationOver"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN: str = "destinationIn"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT: str = "destinationOut"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP: str = "destinationAtop"; break;
+              case CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR: str = "xor"; break;
+                  }
+               break;
+            }
+          if (str)
+            {
+              ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, str, -1);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "%i", val);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "%i", val);
+        }
+    }
+  _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+static void
+ctx_print_escaped_string (CtxFormatter *formatter, const char *string)
+  if (!string) { return; }
+  for (int i = 0; string[i]; i++)
+    {
+      switch (string[i])
+        {
+          case '"':
+            ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, "\\\"", 2);
+            break;
+          case '\\':
+            ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, "\\\\", 2);
+            break;
+          case '\n':
+            ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, "\\n", 2);
+            break;
+          default:
+            ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, &string[i], 1);
+        }
+    }
+static void
+ctx_print_float (CtxFormatter *formatter, float val)
+  char temp[128];
+  sprintf (temp, "%0.3f", val);
+  int j;
+  for (j = 0; temp[j]; j++)
+    if (j == ',') { temp[j] = '.'; }
+  j--;
+  if (j>0)
+    while (temp[j] == '0')
+      {
+        temp[j]=0;
+        j--;
+      }
+  if (temp[j]=='.')
+    { temp[j]='\0'; }
+  ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, temp, -1);
+static void
+ctx_print_entry (CtxFormatter *formatter, CtxEntry *entry, int args)
+  _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+  for (int i = 0; i <  args; i ++)
+    {
+      float val = ctx_arg_float (i);
+      if (i>0 && val >= 0.0f)
+        {
+          if (formatter->longform)
+            {
+              ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, ", ", 2);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              if (val >= 0.0f)
+                ctx_formatter_addstr (formatter, " ", 1);
+            }
+        }
+      ctx_print_float (formatter, val);
+    }
+  _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+static void
+ctx_print_glyph (CtxFormatter *formatter, CtxEntry *entry, int args)
+  _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "%i", entry->data.u32[0]);
+  _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+static void
+ctx_formatter_process (void *user_data, CtxCommand *c);
+static void
+ctx_formatter_process (void *user_data, CtxCommand *c)
+  CtxEntry *entry = &c->entry;
+  CtxFormatter *formatter = (CtxFormatter*)user_data;
+  switch (entry->code)
+  //switch ((CtxCode)(entry->code))
+    {
+      case CTX_GLYPH:
+        ctx_print_glyph (formatter, entry, 1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTHQ_TO:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXTURE:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 3);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_ARC_TO:
+      case CTX_ARC_TO:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 5);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 6);
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+      case CTX_VIEW_BOX:
+      case CTX_SMOOTH_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_SMOOTH_TO:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 4);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+      case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:
+      case CTX_VER_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_HOR_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_VER_LINE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_HOR_LINE_TO:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 1);
+        break;
+#if 0
+      case CTX_SET:
+        _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+        switch (c->set.key_hash)
+        {
+           case CTX_x: ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " 'x' "); break;
+           case CTX_y: ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " 'y' "); break;
+           case CTX_width: ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " width "); break;
+           case CTX_height: ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " height "); break;
+           default:
+             ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " %d ", c->set.key_hash);
+        }
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)c->set.utf8);
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+        if (formatter->longform ||  1)
+          {
+            _ctx_indent (formatter);
+            switch ( (int) c->set_color.model)
+              {
+                case CTX_GRAY:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "gray ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->graya.g);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_GRAYA:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "graya ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->graya.g);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->graya.a);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_RGBA:
+                  if (c->rgba.a != 1.0)
+                  {
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "rgba ");
+                    ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.r);
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                    ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.g);
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                    ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.b);
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                    ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.a);
+                    break;
+                  }
+                  /* FALLTHROUGH */
+                case CTX_RGB:
+                  if (c->rgba.r == c->rgba.g && c->rgba.g == c->rgba.b)
+                  {
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "gray ");
+                    ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.r);
+                    ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                    break;
+                  }
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "rgb ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.r);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.g);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.b);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_DRGB:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "drgb ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.r);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.g);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.b);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_DRGBA:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "drgba ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.r);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.g);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.b);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->rgba.a);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_CMYK:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "cmyk ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.c);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.m);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.y);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.k);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_CMYKA:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "cmyka ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.c);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.m);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.y);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.k);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.a);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_DCMYK:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "dcmyk ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.c);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.m);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.y);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.k);
+                  break;
+                case CTX_DCMYKA:
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "dcmyka ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.c);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.m);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.y);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.k);
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+                  ctx_print_float (formatter, c->cmyka.a);
+                  break;
+              }
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 1);
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_RGBA_U8:
+        if (formatter->longform)
+          {
+            _ctx_indent (formatter);
+            ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "rgba (");
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "rgba (");
+          }
+        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+          {
+            if (c)
+              {
+                if (formatter->longform)
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, ", ");
+                else
+                  ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+              }
+            ctx_print_float (formatter, ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (c) ) );
+          }
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_PIXEL:
+#if 0
+        ctx_set_pixel_u8 (d_ctx,
+                          ctx_arg_u16 (2), ctx_arg_u16 (3),
+                          ctx_arg_u8 (0),
+                          ctx_arg_u8 (1),
+                          ctx_arg_u8 (2),
+                          ctx_arg_u8 (3) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL:
+      case CTX_RESET:
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+      case CTX_IDENTITY:
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+      case CTX_CLOSE_PATH:
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+      case CTX_PRESERVE:
+      case CTX_START_GROUP:
+      case CTX_NEW_PAGE:
+      case CTX_END_GROUP:
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        ctx_print_entry (formatter, entry, 0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+      case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+      case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+      case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+      case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        ctx_print_entry_enum (formatter, entry, 1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_GRADIENT_STOP:
+        _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+          {
+            if (c)
+              ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, " ");
+            ctx_print_float (formatter, ctx_u8_to_float (ctx_arg_u8 (4+c) ) );
+          }
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT:
+      case CTX_TEXT_STROKE:
+      case CTX_FONT:
+        _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, ctx_arg_string() );
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CONT:
+      case CTX_EDGE:
+      case CTX_DATA:
+      case CTX_DATA_REV:
+      case CTX_FLUSH:
+        break;
+      case CTX_KERNING_PAIR:
+        _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        {
+           uint8_t utf8[16];
+           utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (c->kern.glyph_before, utf8)]=0;
+           ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)utf8);
+           ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\", \"");
+           utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (c->kern.glyph_after, utf8)]=0;
+           ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)utf8);
+           ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+           sprintf ((char*)utf8, ", %f", c->kern.amount / 256.0);
+           ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)utf8);
+        }
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+      case CTX_DEFINE_GLYPH:
+        _ctx_print_name (formatter, entry->code);
+        ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+        {
+           uint8_t utf8[16];
+           utf8[ctx_unichar_to_utf8 (entry->data.u32[0], utf8)]=0;
+           ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)utf8);
+           ctx_formatter_addstrf (formatter, "\"");
+           sprintf ((char*)utf8, ", %f", entry->data.u32[1]/256.0);
+           ctx_print_escaped_string (formatter, (char*)utf8);
+        }
+        _ctx_print_endcmd (formatter);
+        break;
+    }
+ctx_render_stream (Ctx *ctx, FILE *stream, int longform)
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  CtxFormatter formatter;
+  formatter.target= stream;
+  formatter.longform = longform;
+  formatter.indent = 0;
+  formatter.add_str = _ctx_stream_addstr;
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, &ctx->drawlist, 0,
+                     CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  while ( (command = ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    { ctx_formatter_process (&formatter, command); }
+  fprintf (stream, "\n");
+char *
+ctx_render_string (Ctx *ctx, int longform, int *retlen)
+  CtxString *string = ctx_string_new ("");
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  CtxFormatter formatter;
+  formatter.target= string;
+  formatter.longform = longform;
+  formatter.indent = 0;
+  formatter.add_str = _ctx_string_addstr;
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, &ctx->drawlist, 0,
+                     CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  while ( (command = ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    { ctx_formatter_process (&formatter, command); }
+  char *ret = string->str;
+  if (retlen)
+    *retlen = string->length;
+  ctx_string_free (string, 0);
+  return ret;
+int ctx_width (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.width;
+int ctx_height (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->events.height;
+int ctx_width (Ctx *ctx)
+  return 512;
+int ctx_height (Ctx *ctx)
+  return 384;
+int ctx_rev (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->rev;
+CtxState *ctx_get_state (Ctx *ctx)
+  return &ctx->state;
+void ctx_dirty_rect (Ctx *ctx, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height)
+  if ( (ctx->state.min_x > ctx->state.max_x) ||
+       (ctx->state.min_y > ctx->state.max_y) )
+    {
+      if (x) { *x = 0; }
+      if (y) { *y = 0; }
+      if (width) { *width = 0; }
+      if (height) { *height = 0; }
+      return;
+    }
+  if (ctx->state.min_x < 0)
+    { ctx->state.min_x = 0; }
+  if (ctx->state.min_y < 0)
+    { ctx->state.min_y = 0; }
+  if (x) { *x = ctx->state.min_x; }
+  if (y) { *y = ctx->state.min_y; }
+  if (width) { *width = ctx->state.max_x - ctx->state.min_x; }
+  if (height) { *height = ctx->state.max_y - ctx->state.min_y; }
+  //fprintf (stderr, "%i %i %ix%i\n", *x, *y, *width, *height);
+CtxIterator *
+ctx_current_path (Ctx *ctx)
+  CtxIterator *iterator = &ctx->current_path_iterator;
+  ctx_iterator_init (iterator, &ctx->current_path, 0, CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  return iterator;
+ctx_path_extents (Ctx *ctx, float *ex1, float *ey1, float *ex2, float *ey2)
+  float minx = 50000.0;
+  float miny = 50000.0;
+  float maxx = -50000.0;
+  float maxy = -50000.0;
+  float x = 0;
+  float y = 0;
+  CtxIterator *iterator = ctx_current_path (ctx);
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  while ((command = ctx_iterator_next (iterator)))
+  {
+     int got_coord = 0;
+     switch (command->code)
+     {
+        // XXX missing many curve types
+        case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+          x = command->move_to.x;
+          y = command->move_to.y;
+          got_coord++;
+          break;
+        case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+          x += command->move_to.x;
+          y += command->move_to.y;
+          got_coord++;
+          break;
+        case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+          x = command->curve_to.x;
+          y = command->curve_to.y;
+          got_coord++;
+          break;
+        case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+          x += command->curve_to.x;
+          y += command->curve_to.y;
+          got_coord++;
+          break;
+        case CTX_ARC:
+          minx = ctx_minf (minx, command->arc.x - command->arc.radius);
+          miny = ctx_minf (miny, command->arc.y - command->arc.radius);
+          maxx = ctx_maxf (maxx, command->arc.x + command->arc.radius);
+          maxy = ctx_maxf (maxy, command->arc.y + command->arc.radius);
+          break;
+        case CTX_RECTANGLE:
+        case CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE:
+          x = command->rectangle.x;
+          y = command->rectangle.y;
+          minx = ctx_minf (minx, x);
+          miny = ctx_minf (miny, y);
+          maxx = ctx_maxf (maxx, x);
+          maxy = ctx_maxf (maxy, y);
+          x += command->rectangle.width;
+          y += command->rectangle.height;
+          got_coord++;
+          break;
+     }
+    if (got_coord)
+    {
+      minx = ctx_minf (minx, x);
+      miny = ctx_minf (miny, y);
+      maxx = ctx_maxf (maxx, x);
+      maxy = ctx_maxf (maxy, y);
+    }
+  }
+  if (ex1) *ex1 = minx;
+  if (ey1) *ey1 = miny;
+  if (ex2) *ex2 = maxx;
+  if (ey2) *ey2 = maxy;
+ctx_path_extents (Ctx *ctx, float *ex1, float *ey1, float *ex2, float *ey2)
+static void
+ctx_gstate_push (CtxState *state)
+  if (state->gstate_no + 1 >= CTX_MAX_STATES)
+    { return; }
+  state->gstate_stack[state->gstate_no] = state->gstate;
+  state->gstate_no++;
+  ctx_state_set (state, CTX_new_state, 0.0);
+  state->has_clipped=0;
+static void
+ctx_gstate_pop (CtxState *state)
+  if (state->gstate_no <= 0)
+    { return; }
+  state->gstate = state->gstate_stack[state->gstate_no-1];
+  state->gstate_no--;
+ctx_close_path (Ctx *ctx)
+uint8_t *
+ctx_get_image_data (Ctx *ctx, int sx, int sy, int sw, int sh, int format, int stride)
+   // NYI
+   return NULL;
+ctx_put_image_data (Ctx *ctx, uint8_t *data, int w, int h, int format, int stride,
+                    int dx, int dy, int dirtyX, int dirtyY,
+                    int dirtyWidth, int dirtyHeight)
+   // NYI
+void ctx_texture (Ctx *ctx, int id, float x, float y)
+  CtxEntry commands[2];
+  if (id < 0) { return; }
+  commands[0] = ctx_u32 (CTX_TEXTURE, id, 0);
+  commands[1] = ctx_f   (CTX_CONT, x, y);
+  ctx_process (ctx, commands);
+ctx_image_path (Ctx *ctx, const char *path, float x, float y)
+  int id = ctx_texture_load (ctx, -1, path, NULL, NULL);
+  ctx_texture (ctx, id, x, y);
+  // query if image exists .. 
+  //   if it doesnt load, decode, encode, upload to path/
+ctx_set_pixel_u8 (Ctx *ctx, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
+  CtxEntry command = ctx_u8 (CTX_SET_PIXEL, r, g, b, a, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+  command.data.u16[2]=x;
+  command.data.u16[3]=y;
+  ctx_process (ctx, &command);
+ctx_linear_gradient (Ctx *ctx, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
+  CtxEntry command[2]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_LINEAR_GRADIENT, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,            x1, y1)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+ctx_radial_gradient (Ctx *ctx, float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_RADIAL_GRADIENT, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,            r0, x1),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,            y1, r1)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_gradient_add_stop_u8
+(Ctx *ctx, float pos, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a)
+  CtxEntry entry = ctx_f (CTX_GRADIENT_STOP, pos, 0);
+  entry.data.u8[4+0] = r;
+  entry.data.u8[4+1] = g;
+  entry.data.u8[4+2] = b;
+  entry.data.u8[4+3] = a;
+  ctx_process (ctx, &entry);
+void ctx_gradient_add_stop
+(Ctx *ctx, float pos, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  int ir = r * 255;
+  int ig = g * 255;
+  int ib = b * 255;
+  int ia = a * 255;
+  ir = CTX_CLAMP (ir, 0,255);
+  ig = CTX_CLAMP (ig, 0,255);
+  ib = CTX_CLAMP (ib, 0,255);
+  ia = CTX_CLAMP (ia, 0,255);
+  ctx_gradient_add_stop_u8 (ctx, pos, ir, ig, ib, ia);
+void ctx_preserve (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_fill (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_stroke (Ctx *ctx)
+static void ctx_empty (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer == NULL)
+    {
+      ctx->drawlist.count = 0;
+      ctx->drawlist.bitpack_pos = 0;
+    }
+void _ctx_set_store_clear (Ctx *ctx)
+  ctx->transformation |= CTX_TRANSFORMATION_STORE_CLEAR;
+static void
+ctx_event_free (void *event, void *user_data)
+  free (event);
+static void
+ctx_collect_events (CtxEvent *event, void *data, void *data2)
+  Ctx *ctx = (Ctx*)data;
+  CtxEvent *copy;
+  if (event->type == CTX_KEY_DOWN && !strcmp (event->string, "idle"))
+    return;
+  copy = (CtxEvent*)malloc (sizeof (CtxEvent));
+  *copy = *event;
+  ctx_list_append_full (&ctx->events.events, copy, ctx_event_free, NULL);
+static void _ctx_bindings_key_down (CtxEvent *event, void *data1, void *data2);
+void ctx_reset (Ctx *ctx)
+        /* we do the callback reset first - maybe we need two cbs,
+         * one for before and one after default impl?
+         *
+         * threaded fb and sdl needs to sync
+         */
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->reset)
+    ctx->renderer->reset (ctx->renderer);
+  //if (ctx->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_STORE_CLEAR)
+  //  { return; }
+  ctx_empty (ctx);
+  ctx_state_init (&ctx->state);
+  ctx_list_free (&ctx->events.items);
+  ctx->events.last_item = NULL;
+  if (ctx->events.ctx_get_event_enabled)
+  {
+    ctx_clear_bindings (ctx);
+    ctx_listen_full (ctx, 0,0,0,0,
+                     CTX_KEY_DOWN, _ctx_bindings_key_down, ctx, ctx,
+                     NULL, NULL);
+#if 0
+    // should be enabled if a mask of CTX_KEY_DOWN|UP is passed to get_event?
+    ctx_listen_full (ctx, 0, 0, 0,0,
+                     CTX_KEY_DOWN, ctx_collect_events, ctx, ctx,
+                     NULL, NULL);
+    ctx_listen_full (ctx, 0, 0, 0,0,
+                     CTX_KEY_UP, ctx_collect_events, ctx, ctx,
+                     NULL, NULL);
+    ctx_listen_full (ctx, 0, 0, ctx->events.width, ctx->events.height,
+                     (CtxEventType)(CTX_PRESS|CTX_RELEASE|CTX_MOTION), ctx_collect_events, ctx, ctx,
+                     NULL, NULL);
+  }
+void ctx_begin_path (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_clip (Ctx *ctx)
+ctx_set (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t key_hash, const char *string, int len);
+void ctx_save (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_restore (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_start_group (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_end_group (Ctx *ctx)
+void ctx_line_width (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.line_width != x)
+void ctx_line_dash (Ctx *ctx, float *dashes, int count)
+  ctx_process_cmd_str_with_len (ctx, CTX_LINE_DASH, (char*)(dashes), count, 0, count * 4);
+void ctx_shadow_blur (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.shadow_blur != x)
+void ctx_shadow_rgba (Ctx *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float a)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_SHADOW_COLOR, CTX_RGBA, r),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, g, b),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, a, 0)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_shadow_offset_x (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.shadow_offset_x != x)
+void ctx_shadow_offset_y (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.shadow_offset_y != x)
+ctx_global_alpha (Ctx *ctx, float global_alpha)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.global_alpha_f != global_alpha)
+    CTX_PROCESS_F1 (CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA, global_alpha);
+ctx_get_global_alpha (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->state.gstate.global_alpha_f;
+ctx_font_size (Ctx *ctx, float x)
+float ctx_get_font_size  (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->state.gstate.font_size;
+ctx_miter_limit (Ctx *ctx, float limit)
+float ctx_get_line_width (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->state.gstate.line_width;
+_ctx_font (Ctx *ctx, const char *name)
+  ctx->state.gstate.font = ctx_resolve_font (name);
+#if 0
+ctx_set (Ctx *ctx, uint32_t key_hash, const char *string, int len)
+  if (len <= 0) len = strlen (string);
+  ctx_process_cmd_str (ctx, CTX_SET, string, key_hash, len);
+const char *
+ctx_get (Ctx *ctx, const char *key)
+  static char retbuf[32];
+  int len = 0;
+  CTX_PROCESS_U32(CTX_GET, ctx_strhash (key, 0), 0);
+  while (read (STDIN_FILENO, &retbuf[len], 1) != -1)
+    {
+      if(retbuf[len]=='\n')
+        break;
+      retbuf[++len]=0;
+    }
+  return retbuf;
+ctx_font (Ctx *ctx, const char *name)
+  ctx_process_cmd_str (ctx, CTX_FONT, name, 0, 0);
+  _ctx_font (ctx, name);
+void ctx_line_to (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { CTX_PROCESS_F (CTX_MOVE_TO, x, y); }
+  else
+    { CTX_PROCESS_F (CTX_LINE_TO, x, y); }
+void ctx_move_to (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+void ctx_curve_to (Ctx *ctx, float x0, float y0,
+                   float x1, float y1,
+                   float x2, float y2)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_CURVE_TO, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,     x1, y1),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,     x2, y2)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_round_rectangle (Ctx *ctx,
+                          float x0, float y0,
+                          float w, float h,
+                          float radius)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_ROUND_RECTANGLE, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,      w, h),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,      radius, 0)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_view_box (Ctx *ctx,
+                   float x0, float y0,
+                   float w, float h)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_VIEW_BOX, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,     w, h)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_rectangle (Ctx *ctx,
+                    float x0, float y0,
+                    float w, float h)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_RECTANGLE, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT,      w, h)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_rel_line_to (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { return; }
+void ctx_rel_move_to (Ctx *ctx, float x, float y)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    {
+      return;
+    }
+void ctx_line_cap (Ctx *ctx, CtxLineCap cap)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.line_cap != cap)
+void ctx_fill_rule (Ctx *ctx, CtxFillRule fill_rule)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.fill_rule != fill_rule)
+    CTX_PROCESS_U8 (CTX_FILL_RULE, fill_rule);
+void ctx_line_join (Ctx *ctx, CtxLineJoin join)
+  if (ctx->state.gstate.line_join != join)
+void ctx_blend_mode (Ctx *ctx, CtxBlend mode)
+void ctx_compositing_mode (Ctx *ctx, CtxCompositingMode mode)
+void ctx_text_align (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextAlign text_align)
+  CTX_PROCESS_U8 (CTX_TEXT_ALIGN, text_align);
+void ctx_text_baseline (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextBaseline text_baseline)
+  CTX_PROCESS_U8 (CTX_TEXT_BASELINE, text_baseline);
+void ctx_text_direction (Ctx *ctx, CtxTextDirection text_direction)
+  CTX_PROCESS_U8 (CTX_TEXT_DIRECTION, text_direction);
+ctx_rel_curve_to (Ctx *ctx,
+                  float x0, float y0,
+                  float x1, float y1,
+                  float x2, float y2)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { return; }
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_REL_CURVE_TO, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, x1, y1),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, x2, y2)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+ctx_rel_quad_to (Ctx *ctx,
+                 float cx, float cy,
+                 float x,  float y)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { return; }
+  CtxEntry command[2]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_REL_QUAD_TO, cx, cy),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, x, y)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+ctx_quad_to (Ctx *ctx,
+             float cx, float cy,
+             float x,  float y)
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { return; }
+  CtxEntry command[2]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_QUAD_TO, cx, cy),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, x, y)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+void ctx_arc (Ctx  *ctx,
+              float x0, float y0,
+              float radius,
+              float angle1, float angle2,
+              int   direction)
+  CtxEntry command[3]=
+  {
+    ctx_f (CTX_ARC, x0, y0),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, radius, angle1),
+    ctx_f (CTX_CONT, angle2, direction)
+  };
+  ctx_process (ctx, command);
+static int ctx_coords_equal (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float tol)
+  float dx = x2 - x1;
+  float dy = y2 - y1;
+  return dx*dx + dy*dy < tol*tol;
+static float
+ctx_point_seg_dist_sq (float x, float y,
+                       float vx, float vy, float wx, float wy)
+  float l2 = ctx_pow2 (vx-wx) + ctx_pow2 (vy-wy);
+  if (l2 < 0.0001)
+    { return ctx_pow2 (x-vx) + ctx_pow2 (y-vy); }
+  float t = ( (x - vx) * (wx - vx) + (y - vy) * (wy - vy) ) / l2;
+  t = ctx_maxf (0, ctx_minf (1, t) );
+  float ix = vx + t * (wx - vx);
+  float iy = vy + t * (wy - vy);
+  return ctx_pow2 (x-ix) + ctx_pow2 (y-iy);
+static void
+ctx_normalize (float *x, float *y)
+  float length = ctx_hypotf ( (*x), (*y) );
+  if (length > 1e-6f)
+    {
+      float r = 1.0f / length;
+      *x *= r;
+      *y *= r;
+    }
+ctx_arc_to (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius)
+  // XXX : should partially move into rasterizer to preserve comand
+  //       even if an arc preserves all geometry, just to ensure roundtripping
+  //       of data
+  /* from nanovg - but not quite working ; uncertain if arc or wrong
+   * transfusion is the cause.
+   */
+  float x0 = ctx->state.x;
+  float y0 = ctx->state.y;
+  float dx0,dy0, dx1,dy1, a, d, cx,cy, a0,a1;
+  int dir;
+  if (!ctx->state.has_moved)
+    { return; }
+  if (1)
+    {
+      // Handle degenerate cases.
+      if (ctx_coords_equal (x0,y0, x1,y1, 0.5f) ||
+          ctx_coords_equal (x1,y1, x2,y2, 0.5f) ||
+          ctx_point_seg_dist_sq (x1,y1, x0,y0, x2,y2) < 0.5 ||
+          radius < 0.5)
+        {
+          ctx_line_to (ctx, x1,y1);
+          return;
+        }
+    }
+  // Calculate tangential circle to lines (x0,y0)-(x1,y1) and (x1,y1)-(x2,y2).
+  dx0 = x0-x1;
+  dy0 = y0-y1;
+  dx1 = x2-x1;
+  dy1 = y2-y1;
+  ctx_normalize (&dx0,&dy0);
+  ctx_normalize (&dx1,&dy1);
+  a = ctx_acosf (dx0*dx1 + dy0*dy1);
+  d = radius / ctx_tanf (a/2.0f);
+#if 0
+  if (d > 10000.0f)
+    {
+      ctx_line_to (ctx, x1, y1);
+      return;
+    }
+  if ( (dx1*dy0 - dx0*dy1) > 0.0f)
+    {
+      cx = x1 + dx0*d + dy0*radius;
+      cy = y1 + dy0*d + -dx0*radius;
+      a0 = ctx_atan2f (dx0, -dy0);
+      a1 = ctx_atan2f (-dx1, dy1);
+      dir = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      cx = x1 + dx0*d + -dy0*radius;
+      cy = y1 + dy0*d + dx0*radius;
+      a0 = ctx_atan2f (-dx0, dy0);
+      a1 = ctx_atan2f (dx1, -dy1);
+      dir = 1;
+    }
+  ctx_arc (ctx, cx, cy, radius, a0, a1, dir);
+ctx_rel_arc_to (Ctx *ctx, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius)
+  x1 += ctx->state.x;
+  y1 += ctx->state.y;
+  x2 += ctx->state.x;
+  y2 += ctx->state.y;
+  ctx_arc_to (ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
+ctx_exit (Ctx *ctx)
+ctx_flush (Ctx *ctx)
+  /* XXX: should be fully moved into the renderers
+   *      to permit different behavior and get rid
+   *      of the extranous flush() vfunc.
+   */
+  ctx->rev++;
+#if 0
+  //printf (" \e[?2222h");
+  ctx_drawlist_compact (&ctx->drawlist);
+  for (int i = 0; i < ctx->drawlist.count - 1; i++)
+    {
+      CtxEntry *entry = &ctx->drawlist.entries[i];
+      fwrite (entry, 9, 1, stdout);
+#if 0
+      uint8_t  *buf = (void *) entry;
+      for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)
+        { printf ("%c", buf[j]); }
+    }
+  printf ("Xx.Xx.Xx.");
+  fflush (NULL);
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->flush)
+    ctx->renderer->flush (ctx->renderer);
+  ctx->drawlist.count = 0;
+  ctx_state_init (&ctx->state);
+ctx_interpret_style (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data)
+  CtxCommand *c = (CtxCommand *) entry;
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_LINE_WIDTH:
+        state->gstate.line_width = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_BLUR:
+        state->gstate.shadow_blur = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_X:
+        state->gstate.shadow_offset_x = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SHADOW_OFFSET_Y:
+        state->gstate.shadow_offset_y = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_CAP:
+        state->gstate.line_cap = (CtxLineCap) ctx_arg_u8 (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FILL_RULE:
+        state->gstate.fill_rule = (CtxFillRule) ctx_arg_u8 (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_LINE_JOIN:
+        state->gstate.line_join = (CtxLineJoin) ctx_arg_u8 (0);
+        break;
+        state->gstate.compositing_mode = (CtxCompositingMode) ctx_arg_u8 (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_BLEND_MODE:
+        state->gstate.blend_mode = (CtxBlend) ctx_arg_u8 (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_ALIGN:
+        ctx_state_set (state, CTX_text_align, ctx_arg_u8 (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_TEXT_BASELINE:
+        ctx_state_set (state, CTX_text_baseline, ctx_arg_u8 (0) );
+        break;
+        ctx_state_set (state, CTX_text_direction, ctx_arg_u8 (0) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_GLOBAL_ALPHA:
+        state->gstate.global_alpha_u8 = ctx_float_to_u8 (ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        state->gstate.global_alpha_f = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_FONT_SIZE:
+        state->gstate.font_size = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_MITER_LIMIT:
+        state->gstate.miter_limit = ctx_arg_float (0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_COLOR_SPACE:
+        /* move this out of this function and only do it in rasterizer? XXX */
+        ctx_rasterizer_colorspace_icc (state, (CtxColorSpace)c->colorspace.space_slot,
+                                              (char*)c->colorspace.data,
+                                              c->colorspace.data_len);
+        break;
+      case CTX_COLOR:
+        {
+          CtxColor *color = &state->gstate.source.color;
+          state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_COLOR;
+          switch ( (int) ctx_arg_float (0) )
+            {
+              case CTX_RGB:
+                ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_RGBA:
+                ctx_color_set_rgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, c->rgba.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_DRGBA:
+                ctx_color_set_drgba (state, color, c->rgba.r, c->rgba.g, c->rgba.b, c->rgba.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYKA:
+                ctx_color_set_cmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 
+                break;
+              case CTX_CMYK:
+                ctx_color_set_cmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_DCMYKA:
+                ctx_color_set_dcmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 
+                break;
+              case CTX_DCMYK:
+                ctx_color_set_dcmyka (state, color, c->cmyka.c, c->cmyka.m, c->cmyka.y, c->cmyka.k, 1.0f);
+                break;
+              case CTX_GRAYA:
+                ctx_color_set_graya (state, color, c->graya.g, c->graya.a);
+                break;
+              case CTX_GRAY:
+                ctx_color_set_graya (state, color, c->graya.g, 1.0f);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_SET_RGBA_U8:
+        //ctx_source_deinit (&state->gstate.source);
+        state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_COLOR;
+        ctx_color_set_RGBA8 (state, &state->gstate.source.color,
+                             ctx_arg_u8 (0),
+                             ctx_arg_u8 (1),
+                             ctx_arg_u8 (2),
+                             ctx_arg_u8 (3) );
+        //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
+        //  state->gstate.source.color.rgba[i] = ctx_arg_u8(i);
+        break;
+#if 0
+      case CTX_SET_RGBA_STROKE:
+        //ctx_source_deinit (&state->gstate.source);
+        state->gstate.source_stroke = state->gstate.source;
+        state->gstate.source_stroke.type = CTX_SOURCE_COLOR;
+        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
+          { state->gstate.source_stroke.color.rgba[i] = ctx_arg_u8 (i); }
+        break;
+      //case CTX_TEXTURE:
+      //  state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_
+      //  break;
+        {
+          float x0 = ctx_arg_float (0);
+          float y0 = ctx_arg_float (1);
+          float x1 = ctx_arg_float (2);
+          float y1 = ctx_arg_float (3);
+          float dx, dy, length, start, end;
+          length = ctx_hypotf (x1-x0,y1-y0);
+          dx = (x1-x0) / length;
+          dy = (y1-y0) / length;
+          start = (x0 * dx + y0 * dy) / length;
+          end =   (x1 * dx + y1 * dy) / length;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.length = length;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.dx = dx;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.dy = dy;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.start = start;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.end = end;
+          state->gstate.source.linear_gradient.rdelta = (end-start)!=0.0?1.0f/(end - start):1.0;
+          state->gstate.source.type = CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT;
+          state->gstate.source.transform = state->gstate.transform;
+          ctx_matrix_invert (&state->gstate.source.transform);
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+          float x0 = ctx_arg_float (0);
+          float y0 = ctx_arg_float (1);
+          float r0 = ctx_arg_float (2);
+          float x1 = ctx_arg_float (3);
+          float y1 = ctx_arg_float (4);
+          float r1 = ctx_arg_float (5);
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.x0 = x0;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.y0 = y0;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.r0 = r0;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.x1 = x1;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.y1 = y1;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.r1 = r1;
+          state->gstate.source.radial_gradient.rdelta = (r1 - r0) != 0.0 ? 1.0f/(r1-r0):0.0;
+          state->gstate.source.type      = CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT;
+          state->gstate.source.transform = state->gstate.transform;
+          ctx_matrix_invert (&state->gstate.source.transform);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+ctx_interpret_transforms (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data)
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_SAVE:
+        ctx_gstate_push (state);
+        break;
+      case CTX_RESTORE:
+        ctx_gstate_pop (state);
+        break;
+      case CTX_IDENTITY:
+        ctx_matrix_identity (&state->gstate.transform);
+        break;
+      case CTX_TRANSLATE:
+        ctx_matrix_translate (&state->gstate.transform,
+                              ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_SCALE:
+        ctx_matrix_scale (&state->gstate.transform,
+                          ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1) );
+        break;
+      case CTX_ROTATE:
+        ctx_matrix_rotate (&state->gstate.transform, ctx_arg_float (0) );
+        break;
+        {
+          CtxMatrix m;
+          ctx_matrix_set (&m,
+                          ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                          ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                          ctx_arg_float (4), ctx_arg_float (5) );
+          ctx_matrix_multiply (&state->gstate.transform,
+                               &state->gstate.transform, &m); // XXX verify order
+        }
+#if 0
+        ctx_matrix_set (&state->gstate.transform,
+                        ctx_arg_float (0), ctx_arg_float (1),
+                        ctx_arg_float (2), ctx_arg_float (3),
+                        ctx_arg_float (4), ctx_arg_float (5) );
+        break;
+    }
+ * this transforms the contents of entry according to ctx->transformation
+ */
+ctx_interpret_pos_transform (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data)
+  CtxCommand *c = (CtxCommand *) entry;
+  float start_x = state->x;
+  float start_y = state->y;
+  int had_moved = state->has_moved;
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        {
+          float x = c->c.x0;
+          float y = c->c.y0;
+          if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+            {
+              _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+              ctx_arg_float (0) = x;
+              ctx_arg_float (1) = y;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+          {
+            float temp;
+            _ctx_user_to_device (state, &c->arc.x, &c->arc.y);
+            temp = 0;
+            _ctx_user_to_device_distance (state, &c->arc.radius, &temp);
+          }
+        break;
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+        {
+        _ctx_user_to_device (state, &c->linear_gradient.x1, &c->linear_gradient.y1);
+        _ctx_user_to_device (state, &c->linear_gradient.x2, &c->linear_gradient.y2);
+        }
+        break;
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+        {
+          float temp;
+          _ctx_user_to_device (state, &c->radial_gradient.x1, &c->radial_gradient.y1);
+          temp = 0;
+          _ctx_user_to_device_distance (state, &c->radial_gradient.r1, &temp);
+          _ctx_user_to_device (state, &c->radial_gradient.x2, &c->radial_gradient.y2);
+          temp = 0;
+          _ctx_user_to_device_distance (state, &c->radial_gradient.r2, &temp);
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+          {
+            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c ++)
+              {
+                float x = entry[c].data.f[0];
+                float y = entry[c].data.f[1];
+                _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+                entry[c].data.f[0] = x;
+                entry[c].data.f[1] = y;
+              }
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+          {
+            for (int c = 0; c < 2; c ++)
+              {
+                float x = entry[c].data.f[0];
+                float y = entry[c].data.f[1];
+                _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+                entry[c].data.f[0] = x;
+                entry[c].data.f[1] = y;
+              }
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+          {
+            for (int c = 0; c < 1; c ++)
+              {
+                float x = state->x;
+                float y = state->y;
+                _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+                entry[c].data.f[0] = x;
+                entry[c].data.f[1] = y;
+              }
+            if (entry->code == CTX_REL_MOVE_TO)
+              { entry->code = CTX_MOVE_TO; }
+            else
+              { entry->code = CTX_LINE_TO; }
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        {
+          float nx = state->x + ctx_arg_float (4);
+          float ny = state->y + ctx_arg_float (5);
+          if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+            {
+              for (int c = 0; c < 3; c ++)
+                {
+                  float x = nx + entry[c].data.f[0];
+                  float y = ny + entry[c].data.f[1];
+                  _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+                  entry[c].data.f[0] = x;
+                  entry[c].data.f[1] = y;
+                }
+              entry->code = CTX_CURVE_TO;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        {
+          float nx = state->x + ctx_arg_float (2);
+          float ny = state->y + ctx_arg_float (3);
+          if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) )
+            {
+              for (int c = 0; c < 2; c ++)
+                {
+                  float x = nx + entry[c].data.f[0];
+                  float y = ny + entry[c].data.f[1];
+                  _ctx_user_to_device (state, &x, &y);
+                  entry[c].data.f[0] = x;
+                  entry[c].data.f[1] = y;
+                }
+              entry->code = CTX_QUAD_TO;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  if ((((Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_RELATIVE))
+    {
+      int components = 0;
+      _ctx_user_to_device (state, &start_x, &start_y);
+      switch (entry->code)
+        {
+          case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+            if (had_moved) { components = 1; }
+            break;
+          case CTX_LINE_TO:
+            components = 1;
+            break;
+          case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+            components = 3;
+            break;
+          case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+            components = 2;
+            break;
+        }
+      if (components)
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+            {
+              entry[c].data.f[0] -= start_x;
+              entry[c].data.f[1] -= start_y;
+            }
+          switch (entry->code)
+            {
+              case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+                entry[0].code = CTX_REL_MOVE_TO;
+                break;
+              case CTX_LINE_TO:
+                entry[0].code = CTX_REL_LINE_TO;
+                break;
+                break;
+              case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+                entry[0].code = CTX_REL_CURVE_TO;
+                break;
+              case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+                entry[0].code = CTX_REL_QUAD_TO;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+ctx_interpret_pos_bare (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data)
+  switch (entry->code)
+    {
+      case CTX_RESET:
+        ctx_state_init (state);
+        break;
+      case CTX_CLIP:
+      case CTX_BEGIN_PATH:
+      case CTX_FILL:
+      case CTX_STROKE:
+        state->has_moved = 0;
+        break;
+      case CTX_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_LINE_TO:
+        {
+          float x = ctx_arg_float (0);
+          float y = ctx_arg_float (1);
+          state->x = x;
+          state->y = y;
+          if (!state->has_moved)
+            {
+              state->has_moved = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+      case CTX_CURVE_TO:
+        state->x = ctx_arg_float (4);
+        state->y = ctx_arg_float (5);
+        if (!state->has_moved)
+          {
+            state->has_moved = 1;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_QUAD_TO:
+        state->x = ctx_arg_float (2);
+        state->y = ctx_arg_float (3);
+        if (!state->has_moved)
+          {
+            state->has_moved = 1;
+          }
+        break;
+      case CTX_ARC:
+        state->x = ctx_arg_float (0) + ctx_cosf (ctx_arg_float (4) ) * ctx_arg_float (2);
+        state->y = ctx_arg_float (1) + ctx_sinf (ctx_arg_float (4) ) * ctx_arg_float (2);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_MOVE_TO:
+      case CTX_REL_LINE_TO:
+        state->x += ctx_arg_float (0);
+        state->y += ctx_arg_float (1);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_CURVE_TO:
+        state->x += ctx_arg_float (4);
+        state->y += ctx_arg_float (5);
+        break;
+      case CTX_REL_QUAD_TO:
+        state->x += ctx_arg_float (2);
+        state->y += ctx_arg_float (3);
+        break;
+        // XXX missing some smooths
+    }
+ctx_interpret_pos (CtxState *state, CtxEntry *entry, void *data)
+  if ( ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE) ||
+       ( ( (Ctx *) (data) )->transformation & CTX_TRANSFORMATION_RELATIVE) )
+    {
+      ctx_interpret_pos_transform (state, entry, data);
+    }
+  ctx_interpret_pos_bare (state, entry, data);
+void ctx_colorspace_babl (CtxState   *state,
+                          CtxColorSpace  icc_slot,
+                          const Babl *space);
+static void
+ctx_state_init (CtxState *state)
+  ctx_memset (state, 0, sizeof (CtxState) );
+  state->gstate.global_alpha_u8 = 255;
+  state->gstate.global_alpha_f  = 1.0;
+  state->gstate.font_size       = 12;
+  state->gstate.line_width      = 2.0;
+  ctx_state_set (state, CTX_line_spacing, 1.0f);
+  state->min_x                  = 8192;
+  state->min_y                  = 8192;
+  state->max_x                  = -8192;
+  state->max_y                  = -8192;
+  ctx_matrix_identity (&state->gstate.transform);
+#if CTX_CM
+  //ctx_colorspace_babl (state, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_USER_RGB,   babl_space ("sRGB"));
+  //ctx_colorspace_babl (state, CTX_COLOR_SPACE_DEVICE_RGB, babl_space ("ACEScg"));
+void _ctx_set_transformation (Ctx *ctx, int transformation)
+  ctx->transformation = transformation;
+static void
+_ctx_init (Ctx *ctx)
+  for (int i = 0; i <256;i++)
+    ctx_u8_float[i] = i/255.0f;
+  ctx_state_init (&ctx->state);
+  ctx->renderer = NULL;
+  ctx->current_path.flags |= CTX_DRAWLIST_CURRENT_PATH;
+  //ctx->transformation |= (CtxTransformation) CTX_TRANSFORMATION_SCREEN_SPACE;
+  //ctx->transformation |= (CtxTransformation) CTX_TRANSFORMATION_RELATIVE;
+  ctx->drawlist.flags |= CTX_TRANSFORMATION_BITPACK;
+static void ctx_setup ();
+static Ctx ctx_state;
+void ctx_set_renderer (Ctx  *ctx,
+                       void *renderer)
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->free)
+    ctx->renderer->free (ctx->renderer);
+  ctx->renderer = (CtxImplementation*)renderer;
+void *ctx_get_renderer (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->renderer;
+Ctx *
+ctx_new (void)
+  ctx_setup ();
+  Ctx *ctx = &ctx_state;
+  Ctx *ctx = (Ctx *) malloc (sizeof (Ctx) );
+  ctx_memset (ctx, 0, sizeof (Ctx) );
+  _ctx_init (ctx);
+  return ctx;
+ctx_drawlist_deinit (CtxDrawlist *drawlist)
+  if (drawlist->entries && ! (drawlist->flags & CTX_DRAWLIST_DOESNT_OWN_ENTRIES) )
+    {
+      free (drawlist->entries); 
+    }
+  drawlist->entries = NULL;
+  drawlist->size = 0;
+static void ctx_deinit (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer)
+    {
+      if (ctx->renderer->free)
+        ctx->renderer->free (ctx->renderer);
+      ctx->renderer    = NULL;
+    }
+  ctx_drawlist_deinit (&ctx->drawlist);
+  ctx_drawlist_deinit (&ctx->current_path);
+void ctx_free (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (!ctx)
+    { return; }
+  ctx_clear_bindings (ctx);
+  ctx_deinit (ctx);
+  free (ctx);
+Ctx *ctx_new_for_drawlist (void *data, size_t length)
+  Ctx *ctx = ctx_new ();
+  ctx->drawlist.flags   |= CTX_DRAWLIST_DOESNT_OWN_ENTRIES;
+  ctx->drawlist.entries  = (CtxEntry *) data;
+  ctx->drawlist.count    = length / sizeof (CtxEntry);
+  return ctx;
+void ctx_simd_setup ();
+static void ctx_setup ()
+  ctx_simd_setup ();
+  ctx_font_setup ();
+ctx_render_ctx (Ctx *ctx, Ctx *d_ctx)
+  CtxIterator iterator;
+  CtxCommand *command;
+  ctx_iterator_init (&iterator, &ctx->drawlist, 0,
+                     CTX_ITERATOR_EXPAND_BITPACK);
+  while ( (command = ctx_iterator_next (&iterator) ) )
+    { ctx_process (d_ctx, &command->entry); }
+void ctx_quit (Ctx *ctx)
+  ctx->quit ++;
+int  ctx_has_quit (Ctx *ctx)
+  return (ctx->quit);
+  return 1; 
+int ctx_pixel_format_bpp (CtxPixelFormat format)
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *info = ctx_pixel_format_info (format);
+  if (info)
+    return info->bpp;
+  return -1;
+int ctx_pixel_format_ebpp (CtxPixelFormat format)
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *info = ctx_pixel_format_info (format);
+  if (info)
+    return info->ebpp;
+  return -1;
+int ctx_pixel_format_components (CtxPixelFormat format)
+  CtxPixelFormatInfo *info = ctx_pixel_format_info (format);
+  if (info)
+    return info->components;
+  return -1;
+void         ctx_set_cursor (Ctx *ctx, CtxCursor cursor)
+  if (ctx->cursor != cursor)
+  {
+    ctx_set_dirty (ctx, 1);
+    ctx->cursor = cursor;
+  }
+CtxCursor    ctx_get_cursor (Ctx *ctx)
+  return ctx->cursor;
+void ctx_set_clipboard (Ctx *ctx, const char *text)
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->set_clipboard)
+  {
+    ctx->renderer->set_clipboard (ctx->renderer, text);
+    return;
+  }
+char *ctx_get_clipboard (Ctx *ctx)
+  if (ctx->renderer && ctx->renderer->get_clipboard)
+  {
+    return ctx->renderer->get_clipboard (ctx->renderer);
+  }
+  return strdup ("");
+void ctx_set_texture_source (Ctx *ctx, Ctx *texture_source)
+  ((CtxRasterizer*)ctx->renderer)->texture_source = texture_source;
+#define CTX_RGBA8_R_SHIFT  0
+#define CTX_RGBA8_G_SHIFT  8
+#define CTX_RGBA8_B_SHIFT  16
+#define CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT  24
+#define CTX_RGBA8_R_MASK   (0xff << CTX_RGBA8_R_SHIFT)
+#define CTX_RGBA8_G_MASK   (0xff << CTX_RGBA8_G_SHIFT)
+#define CTX_RGBA8_B_MASK   (0xff << CTX_RGBA8_B_SHIFT)
+#define CTX_RGBA8_A_MASK   (0xff << CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT)
+inline static int ctx_grad_index (float v)
+  int ret = v * (CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS - 1.0f) + 0.5f;
+  if (ret >= 0 && ret < CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS)
+    return ret;
+  return 0;
+extern uint8_t ctx_gradient_cache_u8[CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS][4];
+extern uint8_t ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS][4];
+extern int ctx_gradient_cache_valid;
+//static void
+//ctx_gradient_cache_reset (void)
+//  ctx_gradient_cache_valid = 0;
+CTX_INLINE static void
+_ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, uint8_t *rgba)
+  float v = x;
+  CtxGradient *g = &rasterizer->state->gradient;
+  if (v < 0) { v = 0; }
+  if (v > 1) { v = 1; }
+  if (g->n_stops == 0)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = v * 255;
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+      return;
+    }
+  CtxGradientStop *stop      = NULL;
+  CtxGradientStop *next_stop = &g->stops[0];
+  CtxColor *color;
+  for (int s = 0; s < g->n_stops; s++)
+    {
+      stop      = &g->stops[s];
+      next_stop = &g->stops[s+1];
+      if (s + 1 >= g->n_stops) { next_stop = NULL; }
+      if (v >= stop->pos && next_stop && v < next_stop->pos)
+        { break; }
+      stop = NULL;
+      next_stop = NULL;
+    }
+  if (stop == NULL && next_stop)
+    {
+      color = & (next_stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop == NULL)
+    {
+      color = & (stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop)
+    {
+      uint8_t stop_rgba[4];
+      uint8_t next_rgba[4];
+      ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, & (stop->color), stop_rgba);
+      ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, & (next_stop->color), next_rgba);
+      int dx = (v - stop->pos) * 255 / (next_stop->pos - stop->pos);
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        { rgba[c] = ctx_lerp_u8 (stop_rgba[c], next_rgba[c], dx); }
+      return;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      color = & (g->stops[g->n_stops-1].color);
+    }
+  ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, color, rgba);
+  if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+  {
+    uint8_t tmp = rgba[0];
+    rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+    rgba[2] = tmp;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_gradient_cache_prime (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer);
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, uint8_t *rgba)
+  uint32_t* rgbap = ((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8[ctx_grad_index(x)][0]));
+  *((uint32_t*)rgba) = *rgbap;
+ _ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (uint8_t *u8)
+            {
+    uint32_t val = *((uint32_t*)(u8));
+    int a = val >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    if (a!=255)
+    {
+      if (a)
+      {
+        uint32_t g = (((val & CTX_RGBA8_G_MASK) * a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_G_MASK;
+        uint32_t rb =(((val & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) * a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+        *((uint32_t*)(u8)) = g|rb|(a << CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        *((uint32_t*)(u8)) = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_u8_associate_alpha (int components, uint8_t *u8)
+  switch (u8[components-1])
+  {
+          case 255:break;
+          case 0: 
+            for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+             u8[c] = 0;
+            break;
+          default:
+  for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+    u8[c] = (u8[c] * u8[components-1]) /255;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_gradient_cache_prime (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  if (ctx_gradient_cache_valid)
+    return;
+  for (int u = 0; u < CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS; u++)
+  {
+    float v = u / (CTX_GRADIENT_CACHE_ELEMENTS - 1.0f);
+    _ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, v, 0.0f, &ctx_gradient_cache_u8[u][0]);
+    //*((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[u][0]))= *((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8[u][0]));
+    memcpy(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[u][0], &ctx_gradient_cache_u8[u][0], 4);
+    ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[u][0]);
+  }
+  ctx_gradient_cache_valid = 1;
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, uint8_t *rgba)
+  float v = x;
+  CtxGradient *g = &rasterizer->state->gradient;
+  if (v < 0) { v = 0; }
+  if (v > 1) { v = 1; }
+  if (g->n_stops == 0)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = v * 255;
+      rgba[1] = 255;
+      return;
+    }
+  CtxGradientStop *stop      = NULL;
+  CtxGradientStop *next_stop = &g->stops[0];
+  CtxColor *color;
+  for (int s = 0; s < g->n_stops; s++)
+    {
+      stop      = &g->stops[s];
+      next_stop = &g->stops[s+1];
+      if (s + 1 >= g->n_stops) { next_stop = NULL; }
+      if (v >= stop->pos && next_stop && v < next_stop->pos)
+        { break; }
+      stop = NULL;
+      next_stop = NULL;
+    }
+  if (stop == NULL && next_stop)
+    {
+      color = & (next_stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop == NULL)
+    {
+      color = & (stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop)
+    {
+      uint8_t stop_rgba[4];
+      uint8_t next_rgba[4];
+      ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, & (stop->color), stop_rgba);
+      ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, & (next_stop->color), next_rgba);
+      int dx = (v - stop->pos) * 255 / (next_stop->pos - stop->pos);
+      for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
+        { rgba[c] = ctx_lerp_u8 (stop_rgba[c], next_rgba[c], dx); }
+      return;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      color = & (g->stops[g->n_stops-1].color);
+    }
+  ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, color, rgba);
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float v, float y, float *rgba)
+  CtxGradient *g = &rasterizer->state->gradient;
+  if (v < 0) { v = 0; }
+  if (v > 1) { v = 1; }
+  if (g->n_stops == 0)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = v;
+      rgba[3] = 1.0;
+      return;
+    }
+  CtxGradientStop *stop      = NULL;
+  CtxGradientStop *next_stop = &g->stops[0];
+  CtxColor *color;
+  for (int s = 0; s < g->n_stops; s++)
+    {
+      stop      = &g->stops[s];
+      next_stop = &g->stops[s+1];
+      if (s + 1 >= g->n_stops) { next_stop = NULL; }
+      if (v >= stop->pos && next_stop && v < next_stop->pos)
+        { break; }
+      stop = NULL;
+      next_stop = NULL;
+    }
+  if (stop == NULL && next_stop)
+    {
+      color = & (next_stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop == NULL)
+    {
+      color = & (stop->color);
+    }
+  else if (stop && next_stop)
+    {
+      float stop_rgba[4];
+      float next_rgba[4];
+      ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, & (stop->color), stop_rgba);
+      ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, & (next_stop->color), next_rgba);
+      int dx = (v - stop->pos) / (next_stop->pos - stop->pos);
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        { rgba[c] = ctx_lerpf (stop_rgba[c], next_rgba[c], dx); }
+      return;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      color = & (g->stops[g->n_stops-1].color);
+    }
+  ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, color, rgba);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_image_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = g->image.buffer;
+  ctx_assert (rasterizer);
+  ctx_assert (g);
+  ctx_assert (buffer);
+  int u = x - g->image.x0;
+  int v = y - g->image.y0;
+  if ( u < 0 || v < 0 ||
+       u >= buffer->width ||
+       v >= buffer->height)
+    {
+      *((uint32_t*)(rgba)) = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int bpp = buffer->format->bpp/8;
+      uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) buffer->data;
+      src += v * buffer->stride + u * bpp;
+      switch (bpp)
+        {
+          case 1:
+            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+              { rgba[c] = src[0]; }
+            rgba[3] = 255;
+            break;
+          case 2:
+            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+              { rgba[c] = src[0]; }
+            rgba[3] = src[1];
+            break;
+          case 3:
+            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+              { rgba[c] = src[c]; }
+            rgba[3] = 255;
+            break;
+          case 4:
+            for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+              { rgba[c] = src[c]; }
+            break;
+        }
+      if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+      {
+        uint8_t tmp = rgba[0];
+        rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+        rgba[2] = tmp;
+      }
+    }
+static inline int ctx_dither_mask_a (int x, int y, int c, int divisor)
+  /* https://pippin.gimp.org/a_dither/ */
+  return ( ( ( ( (x + c * 67) + y * 236) * 119) & 255 )-127) / divisor;
+inline static void
+ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (uint8_t *rgba, int x, int y, int dither_red_blue, int dither_green)
+  if (dither_red_blue == 0)
+    { return; }
+  for (int c = 0; c < 3; c ++)
+    {
+      int val = rgba[c] + ctx_dither_mask_a (x, y, 0, c==1?dither_green:dither_red_blue);
+      rgba[c] = CTX_CLAMP (val, 0, 255);
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_dither_graya_u8 (uint8_t *rgba, int x, int y, int dither_red_blue, int dither_green)
+  if (dither_red_blue == 0)
+    { return; }
+  for (int c = 0; c < 1; c ++)
+    {
+      int val = rgba[c] + ctx_dither_mask_a (x, y, 0, dither_red_blue);
+      rgba[c] = CTX_CLAMP (val, 0, 255);
+    }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_RGBA8_deassociate_alpha (const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out)
+    uint32_t val = *((uint32_t*)(in));
+    int a = val >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    if (a)
+    {
+    if (a ==255)
+    {
+      *((uint32_t*)(out)) = val;
+    } else
+    {
+      uint32_t g = (((val & CTX_RGBA8_G_MASK) * 255 / a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_G_MASK;
+      uint32_t rb =(((val & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) * 255 / a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+      *((uint32_t*)(out)) = g|rb|(a << CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT);
+    }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      *((uint32_t*)(out)) = 0;
+    }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_u8_deassociate_alpha (int components, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out)
+  if (in[components-1])
+  {
+    if (in[components-1] != 255)
+    for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+      out[c] = (in[c] * 255) / in[components-1];
+    else
+    for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+      out[c] = in[c];
+    out[components-1] = in[components-1];
+  }
+  else
+  {
+  for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+    out[c] = 0;
+  }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_float_associate_alpha (int components, float *rgba)
+  float alpha = rgba[components-1];
+  for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+    rgba[c] *= alpha;
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_float_deassociate_alpha (int components, float *rgba, float *dst)
+  float ralpha = rgba[components-1];
+  if (ralpha != 0.0) ralpha = 1.0/ralpha;
+  for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+    dst[c] = (rgba[c] * ralpha);
+  dst[components-1] = rgba[components-1];
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_RGBAF_associate_alpha (float *rgba)
+  ctx_float_associate_alpha (4, rgba);
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_RGBAF_deassociate_alpha (float *rgba, float *dst)
+  ctx_float_deassociate_alpha (4, rgba, dst);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = g->image.buffer;
+  ctx_assert (rasterizer);
+  ctx_assert (g);
+  ctx_assert (buffer);
+  int u = x - g->image.x0;
+  int v = y - g->image.y0;
+  if ( u < 0 || v < 0 ||
+       u >= buffer->width ||
+       v >= buffer->height)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = rgba[3] = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int bpp = 4;
+      uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) buffer->data;
+      src += v * buffer->stride + u * bpp;
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        { rgba[c] = src[c]; }
+  if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+  {
+    uint8_t tmp = rgba[0];
+    rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+    rgba[2] = tmp;
+  }
+    }
+  ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (rgba, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_image_gray1_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = g->image.buffer;
+  ctx_assert (rasterizer);
+  ctx_assert (g);
+  ctx_assert (buffer);
+  int u = x - g->image.x0;
+  int v = y - g->image.y0;
+  if ( u < 0 || v < 0 ||
+       u >= buffer->width ||
+       v >= buffer->height)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = rgba[3] = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) buffer->data;
+      src += v * buffer->stride + u / 8;
+      if (*src & (1<< (u & 7) ) )
+        {
+          rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = rgba[3] = 0;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+            { rgba[c] = g->image.rgba[c]; }
+        }
+    }
+static void
+ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = g->image.buffer;
+  ctx_assert (rasterizer);
+  ctx_assert (g);
+  ctx_assert (buffer);
+  int u = x - g->image.x0;
+  int v = y - g->image.y0;
+  if ( (u < 0) || (v < 0) ||
+       (u >= buffer->width-1) ||
+       (v >= buffer->height-1) )
+    {
+      rgba[0] = rgba[1] = rgba[2] = rgba[3] = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int bpp = 3;
+      uint8_t *src = (uint8_t *) buffer->data;
+      src += v * buffer->stride + u * bpp;
+      for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+        { rgba[c] = src[c]; }
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+  if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+  {
+    uint8_t tmp = rgba[0];
+    rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+    rgba[2] = tmp;
+  }
+    }
+  ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (rgba, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = (ctx_hypotf (g->radial_gradient.x0 - x, g->radial_gradient.y0 - y) -
+              g->radial_gradient.r0) * (g->radial_gradient.rdelta);
+  uint32_t *rgbap = (uint32_t*)&ctx_gradient_cache_u8[ctx_grad_index(v)][0];
+  *((uint32_t*)rgba) = *rgbap;
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, v, 0.0, rgba);
+  ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (rgba, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = ( ( (g->linear_gradient.dx * x + g->linear_gradient.dy * y) /
+                g->linear_gradient.length) -
+              g->linear_gradient.start) * (g->linear_gradient.rdelta);
+  uint32_t*rgbap = ((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8[ctx_grad_index(v)][0]));
+  *((uint32_t*)rgba) = *rgbap;
+  _ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, v, 1.0, rgba);
+  ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (rgba, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_color_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &g->color, rgba);
+  if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+  {
+    int tmp = rgba[0];
+    rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+    rgba[2] = tmp;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float *rgba = (float *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = ( ( (g->linear_gradient.dx * x + g->linear_gradient.dy * y) /
+                g->linear_gradient.length) -
+              g->linear_gradient.start) * (g->linear_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBAF (rasterizer, v, 1.0f, rgba);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float *rgba = (float *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = ctx_hypotf (g->radial_gradient.x0 - x, g->radial_gradient.y0 - y);
+        v = (v - g->radial_gradient.r0) * (g->radial_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBAF (rasterizer, v, 0.0f, rgba);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_color_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float *rgba = (float *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &g->color, rgba);
+static void ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float *outf = (float *) out;
+  uint8_t rgba[4];
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = gstate->source.image.buffer;
+  switch (buffer->format->bpp)
+    {
+      case 1:  ctx_fragment_image_gray1_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      case 24: ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);  break;
+      case 32: ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      default: ctx_fragment_image_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);       break;
+    }
+  for (int c = 0; c < 4; c ++) { outf[c] = ctx_u8_to_float (rgba[c]); }
+static CtxFragment ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:           return ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:           return ctx_fragment_color_RGBAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBAF;
+    }
+  return ctx_fragment_color_RGBAF;
+static CtxFragment ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = gstate->source.image.buffer;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:
+        switch (buffer->format->bpp)
+          {
+            case 1:  return ctx_fragment_image_gray1_RGBA8;
+            case 24: return ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_RGBA8;
+            case 32: return ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_RGBA8;
+            default: return ctx_fragment_image_RGBA8;
+          }
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:           return ctx_fragment_color_RGBA8;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBA8;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBA8;
+    }
+  return ctx_fragment_color_RGBA8;
+static void
+ctx_init_uv (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer,
+             int x0, int count,
+             float *u0, float *v0, float *ud, float *vd)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  *u0 = x0;
+  *v0 = rasterizer->scanline / rasterizer->aa;
+  float u1 = *u0 + count;
+  float v1 = *v0;
+  ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&gstate->source.transform, u0, v0);
+  ctx_matrix_apply_transform (&gstate->source.transform, &u1, &v1);
+  *ud = (u1-*u0) / (count);
+  *vd = (v1-*v0) / (count);
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_u8_source_over_normal_opaque_color (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  while (count--)
+  {
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov)
+    {
+    if (cov == 255)
+    {
+        switch (components)
+        {
+          case 4:
+            *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = *((uint32_t*)(src));
+            break;
+          default:
+            for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+              dst[c] = src[c];
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+          dst[c] = dst[c]+((src[c]-dst[c]) * cov) / 255;
+    }
+    }
+    coverage ++;
+    dst+=components;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_u8_copy_normal (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+  float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+  if (rasterizer->fragment)
+    {
+      ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+    }
+  while (count--)
+  {
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov == 0)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        { dst[c] = 0; }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (rasterizer->fragment)
+      {
+        rasterizer->fragment (rasterizer, u0, v0, src);
+        u0+=ud;
+        v0+=vd;
+      }
+    if (cov == 255)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        dst[c] = src[c];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      uint8_t ralpha = 255 - cov;
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        { dst[c] = (src[c]*cov + 0 * ralpha) / 255; }
+    }
+    }
+    dst += components;
+    coverage ++;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_u8_clear_normal (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  while (count--)
+  {
+#if 0
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov)
+    {
+      if (cov == 255)
+      {
+           //__attribute__ ((fallthrough));
+        switch (components)
+        {
+          case 1: dst[0] = 0; break;
+          case 3: dst[2] = 0;
+           /* FALLTHROUGH */
+          case 2: *((uint16_t*)(dst)) = 0; break;
+          case 5: dst[4] = 0;
+           /* FALLTHROUGH */
+          case 4: *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 0; break;
+          default:
+            for (int c = 0; c < components; c ++)
+              dst[c] = 0;
+            break;
+        }
+#if 0
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        uint8_t ralpha = 255 - cov;
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+          { dst[c] = (dst[c] * ralpha) / 255; }
+      }
+    }
+    coverage ++;
+    dst += components;
+  }
+typedef enum {
+} CtxPorterDuffFactor;
+#define  \
+ctx_porter_duff_factors(mode, foo, bar)\
+  switch (mode)\
+  {\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+      break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA;\
+      break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA;\
+      break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1;\
+       break;\
+     case CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR:\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+       break;\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+       break;\
+     default:\
+        f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+        f_d = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0;\
+       break;\
+  }\
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_u8_source_over_normal_color (int components,
+                                 CtxRasterizer         *rasterizer,
+                                 uint8_t * __restrict__ dst,
+                                 uint8_t * __restrict__ src,
+                                 int                    x0,
+                                 uint8_t * __restrict__ coverage,
+                                 int                    count)
+  uint8_t tsrc[5];
+  *((uint32_t*)tsrc) = *((uint32_t*)src);
+  ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, tsrc);
+    while (count--)
+    {
+      int cov = *coverage;
+      if (cov)
+      {
+        if (cov == 255)
+        {
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+          dst[c] = (tsrc[c]) + (dst[c] * (255-(tsrc[components-1])))/(255);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+            dst[c] = (tsrc[c] * cov)/255 + (dst[c] * ((255*255)-(tsrc[components-1] * cov)))/(255*255);
+         }
+      }
+      coverage ++;
+      dst+=components;
+    }
+#if CTX_AVX2
+#define lo_mask   _mm256_set1_epi32 (0x00FF00FF)
+#define hi_mask   _mm256_set1_epi32 (0xFF00FF00)
+#define x00ff     _mm256_set1_epi16(255)
+#define x0101     _mm256_set1_epi16(0x0101)
+#define x0080     _mm256_set1_epi16(0x0080)
+#include <stdalign.h>
+static void
+ctx_RGBA8_source_over_normal_linear_gradient (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+  float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+  ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+  float linear_gradient_dx = g->linear_gradient.dx;
+  float linear_gradient_dy = g->linear_gradient.dy;
+  float linear_gradient_rdelta = g->linear_gradient.rdelta;
+  float linear_gradient_start = g->linear_gradient.start;
+  float linear_gradient_length = g->linear_gradient.length;
+  int dither_red_blue = rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue;
+  int dither_green = rasterizer->format->dither_green;
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    alignas(32)
+    uint8_t tsrc[4 * 8];
+    //*((uint32_t*)(tsrc)) = *((uint32_t*)(src));
+    //ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (tsrc);
+    //uint8_t a = src[3];
+    int x = 0;
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    if ((size_t)(dst) & 31)
+    {
+    {
+      for (; (x < count) 
+#if CTX_AVX2
+                      && ((size_t)(dst)&31)
+                      ; 
+                      x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+      float vv = ( ( (linear_gradient_dx * u0 + linear_gradient_dy * v0) / linear_gradient_length) -
+            linear_gradient_start) * (linear_gradient_rdelta);
+      uint32_t *tsrci = (uint32_t*)tsrc;
+      uint32_t *cachei = ((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      *tsrci = *cachei;
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, tsrc);
+      ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (tsrc);
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (tsrc, u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+    uint32_t si = *tsrci;
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+    uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+    uint32_t *dsti = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint32_t di = *dsti;
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+    }
+    }
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    for (; x <= count-8; x+=8)
+    {
+      __m256i xcov;
+      __m256i x1_minus_cov_mul_a;
+     if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0)
+     {
+        u0 += ud * 8;
+        v0 += vd * 8;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+      int a = 255;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+      {
+      float vv = ( ( (linear_gradient_dx * u0 + linear_gradient_dy * v0) / linear_gradient_length) -
+            linear_gradient_start) * (linear_gradient_rdelta);
+      ((uint32_t*)tsrc)[i] = *((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, &tsrc[i*4]);
+      ctx_u8_associate_alpha (4, &tsrc[i*4]);
+      if (tsrc[i*4+3]!=255)
+        a = 0;
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (&tsrc[i*4], u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+      __m256i xsrc  = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i*)(tsrc));
+      __m256i xsrc_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            tsrc[7*4+3], tsrc[7*4+3],
+            tsrc[6*4+3], tsrc[6*4+3],
+            tsrc[5*4+3], tsrc[5*4+3],
+            tsrc[4*4+3], tsrc[4*4+3],
+            tsrc[3*4+3], tsrc[3*4+3],
+            tsrc[2*4+3], tsrc[2*4+3],
+            tsrc[1*4+3], tsrc[1*4+3],
+            tsrc[0*4+3], tsrc[0*4+3]);
+       if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+       {
+          if (a == 255)
+          {
+            _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst, xsrc);
+            dst += 4 * 8;
+            coverage += 8;
+            continue;
+          }
+          xcov = x00ff;
+          x1_minus_cov_mul_a = _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff, xsrc_a);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16((coverage[7]), (coverage[7]),
+                                  (coverage[6]), (coverage[6]),
+                                  (coverage[5]), (coverage[5]),
+                                  (coverage[4]), (coverage[4]),
+                                  (coverage[3]), (coverage[3]),
+                                  (coverage[2]), (coverage[2]),
+                                  (coverage[1]), (coverage[1]),
+                                  (coverage[0]), (coverage[0]));
+        x1_minus_cov_mul_a = 
+           _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff, _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                   _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(xcov,
+                                      xsrc_a), x0080), x0101));
+       }
+      __m256i xdst   = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i*)(dst));
+      __m256i dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask);
+      __m256i dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8);
+      __m256i src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask);
+      __m256i src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+      dst_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_hi,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      dst_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_lo,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      src_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      src_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi,  xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      dst_hi = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_hi, src_hi);
+      dst_lo = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_lo, src_lo);
+      _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst,
+         _mm256_slli_epi16 (dst_hi, 8) | dst_lo);
+     }
+      dst += 4 * 8;
+      coverage += 8;
+    }
+    if (x < count)
+    {
+      for (; (x < count) ; x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+      float vv = ( ( (linear_gradient_dx * u0 + linear_gradient_dy * v0) / linear_gradient_length) -
+            linear_gradient_start) * (linear_gradient_rdelta);
+      *((uint32_t*)tsrc) = *((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, tsrc);
+      ctx_u8_associate_alpha (4, tsrc);
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (tsrc, u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+    uint32_t *sip = ((uint32_t*)(tsrc));
+    uint32_t si = *sip;
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+    uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          uint32_t *dip = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint32_t di = *dip;
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+    }
+static void
+ctx_RGBA8_source_over_normal_radial_gradient (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+  float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+  ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+  float radial_gradient_x0 = g->radial_gradient.x0;
+  float radial_gradient_y0 = g->radial_gradient.y0;
+  float radial_gradient_r0 = g->radial_gradient.r0;
+  float radial_gradient_rdelta = g->radial_gradient.rdelta;
+  int dither_red_blue = rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue;
+  int dither_green = rasterizer->format->dither_green;
+#if CTX_AVX2
+  alignas(32)
+    uint8_t tsrc[4 * 8];
+    int x = 0;
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    if ((size_t)(dst) & 31)
+    {
+    {
+      for (; (x < count) 
+#if CTX_AVX2
+                      && ((size_t)(dst)&31)
+                      ; 
+                      x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+      float vv = ctx_hypotf (radial_gradient_x0 - u0, radial_gradient_y0 - v0);
+            vv = (vv - radial_gradient_r0) * (radial_gradient_rdelta);
+      uint32_t *tsrcp = (uint32_t*)tsrc;
+      uint32_t *cp = ((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      *tsrcp = *cp;
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, tsrc);
+      ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (tsrc);
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (tsrc, u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+    uint32_t *sip = ((uint32_t*)(tsrc));
+    uint32_t si = *sip;
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+    uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          uint32_t *dip = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint32_t di = *dip;
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+    }
+    }
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    for (; x <= count-8; x+=8)
+    {
+      __m256i xcov;
+      __m256i x1_minus_cov_mul_a;
+     if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0)
+     {
+        u0 += ud * 8;
+        v0 += vd * 8;
+     }
+     else
+     {
+      int a = 255;
+      for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+      {
+      float vv = ctx_hypotf (radial_gradient_x0 - u0, radial_gradient_y0 - v0);
+            vv = (vv - radial_gradient_r0) * (radial_gradient_rdelta);
+      ((uint32_t*)tsrc)[i] = *((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, &tsrc[i*4]);
+      ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (&tsrc[i*4]);
+      if (tsrc[i*4+3]!=255)
+        a = 0;
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (&tsrc[i*4], u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+      __m256i xsrc  = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i*)(tsrc));
+      __m256i  xsrc_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            tsrc[7*4+3], tsrc[7*4+3],
+            tsrc[6*4+3], tsrc[6*4+3],
+            tsrc[5*4+3], tsrc[5*4+3],
+            tsrc[4*4+3], tsrc[4*4+3],
+            tsrc[3*4+3], tsrc[3*4+3],
+            tsrc[2*4+3], tsrc[2*4+3],
+            tsrc[1*4+3], tsrc[1*4+3],
+            tsrc[0*4+3], tsrc[0*4+3]);
+       if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+       {
+          if (a == 255)
+          {
+            _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst, xsrc);
+            dst      += 32;
+            coverage += 8;
+            continue;
+          }
+          xcov = x00ff;
+          x1_minus_cov_mul_a = _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff, xsrc_a);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16((coverage[7]), (coverage[7]),
+                                  (coverage[6]), (coverage[6]),
+                                  (coverage[5]), (coverage[5]),
+                                  (coverage[4]), (coverage[4]),
+                                  (coverage[3]), (coverage[3]),
+                                  (coverage[2]), (coverage[2]),
+                                  (coverage[1]), (coverage[1]),
+                                  (coverage[0]), (coverage[0]));
+        x1_minus_cov_mul_a = 
+           _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff, _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                   _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(xcov,
+                                      xsrc_a), x0080), x0101));
+       }
+      __m256i xdst   = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i*)(dst));
+      __m256i dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask);
+      __m256i dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8);
+      __m256i src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask);
+      __m256i src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+      dst_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_hi,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      dst_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_lo,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      src_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      src_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi, xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      dst_hi = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_hi, src_hi);
+      dst_lo = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_lo, src_lo);
+      _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst,
+         _mm256_slli_epi16 (dst_hi, 8) | dst_lo);
+     }
+      dst += 4 * 8;
+      coverage += 8;
+    }
+    if (x < count)
+    {
+      for (; (x < count) ; x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+      float vv = ctx_hypotf (radial_gradient_x0 - u0, radial_gradient_y0 - v0);
+            vv = (vv - radial_gradient_r0) * (radial_gradient_rdelta);
+        ((uint32_t*)tsrc)[0] = *((uint32_t*)(&ctx_gradient_cache_u8_a[ctx_grad_index(vv)][0]));
+      ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, vv, 1.0, tsrc);
+      ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (tsrc);
+      ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (tsrc, u0, v0, dither_red_blue, dither_green);
+    uint32_t *sip = ((uint32_t*)(tsrc));
+    uint32_t si = *sip;
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+    uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+    uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          uint32_t *dip = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint32_t di = *dip;
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+      }
+    }
+static void
+#if 0
+  ctx_u8_source_over_normal_color (4, rasterizer, dst, src, clip, x0, coverage, count);
+  return;
+  {
+    uint8_t tsrc[4];
+    memcpy (tsrc, src, 4);
+    ctx_RGBA8_associate_alpha (tsrc);
+    uint8_t a = src[3];
+    int x = 0;
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    if ((size_t)(dst) & 31)
+    {
+      uint32_t *sip = ((uint32_t*)(tsrc));
+      uint32_t si = *sip;
+      uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+      uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+      if (a==255)
+      {
+      for (; (x < count) 
+#if CTX_AVX2
+                      && ((size_t)(dst)&31)
+                      ; 
+                      x++)
+    {
+      int cov = coverage[0];
+      if (cov)
+      {
+        if (cov == 255)
+        {
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = si;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        int r_cov = 255-cov;
+        uint32_t *dip = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+        uint32_t di = *dip;
+        uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+        uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+        *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+         (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * r_cov) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+         (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * r_cov) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+      }
+      dst += 4;
+      coverage ++;
+    }
+  }
+    else
+    {
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+      for (; (x < count) 
+#if CTX_AVX2
+                      && ((size_t)(dst)&31)
+                      ; 
+                      x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+          uint32_t di = *((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+      }
+    }
+    }
+#if CTX_AVX2
+    __m256i xsrc = _mm256_set1_epi32( *((uint32_t*)tsrc)) ;
+    for (; x <= count-8; x+=8)
+    {
+      __m256i xcov;
+      __m256i x1_minus_cov_mul_a;
+     if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0)
+     {
+     }
+     else
+     {
+       if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+       {
+          if (a == 255)
+          {
+            _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst, xsrc);
+            dst += 4 * 8;
+            coverage += 8;
+            continue;
+          }
+          xcov = x00ff;
+          x1_minus_cov_mul_a = _mm256_set1_epi16(255-a);
+       }
+       else
+       {
+         xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16((coverage[7]), (coverage[7]),
+                                  (coverage[6]), (coverage[6]),
+                                  (coverage[5]), (coverage[5]),
+                                  (coverage[4]), (coverage[4]),
+                                  (coverage[3]), (coverage[3]),
+                                  (coverage[2]), (coverage[2]),
+                                  (coverage[1]), (coverage[1]),
+                                  (coverage[0]), (coverage[0]));
+        x1_minus_cov_mul_a = 
+           _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff, _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                   _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(xcov,
+                                      _mm256_set1_epi16(a)), x0080), x0101));
+       }
+      __m256i xdst   = _mm256_load_si256((__m256i*)(dst));
+      __m256i dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask);
+      __m256i dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8);
+      __m256i src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask);
+      __m256i src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+      dst_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_hi,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      dst_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_lo,  x1_minus_cov_mul_a), 
x0080), x0101);
+      src_lo  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      src_hi  = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(_mm256_adds_epu16(_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi,  xcov), x0080), x0101);
+      dst_hi = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_hi, src_hi);
+      dst_lo = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_lo, src_lo);
+      _mm256_store_si256((__m256i*)dst, _mm256_slli_epi16 (dst_hi,8)|dst_lo);
+     }
+      dst += 4 * 8;
+      coverage += 8;
+    }
+    if (x < count)
+    {
+      uint32_t *sip = ((uint32_t*)(tsrc));
+      uint32_t si = *sip;
+      uint64_t si_ga = si & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+      uint32_t si_rb = si & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+      int si_a = si >> CTX_RGBA8_A_SHIFT;
+      for (; x < count; x++)
+      {
+        int cov = *coverage;
+        if (cov)
+        {
+        if (cov == 255 && (tsrc[3]==255))
+        {
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = si;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          uint32_t *dip = ((uint32_t*)(dst));
+          uint32_t di = *dip;
+          uint64_t di_ga = di & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK;
+          uint32_t di_rb = di & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK;
+          int ir_cov_si_a = 255-((cov*si_a)>>8);
+          *((uint32_t*)(dst)) = 
+           (((si_rb * cov + di_rb * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_RB_MASK) |
+           (((si_ga * cov + di_ga * ir_cov_si_a) >> 8) & CTX_RGBA8_GA_MASK);
+        }
+        }
+        dst += 4;
+        coverage ++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void
+  ctx_u8_copy_normal (4, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+  ctx_u8_clear_normal (4, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_u8_blend_normal (int components, uint8_t * __restrict__ dst, uint8_t *src, uint8_t *blended)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+     case 3:
+       ((uint8_t*)(blended))[2] = ((uint8_t*)(src))[2];
+      /* FALLTHROUGH */
+     case 2:
+       *((uint16_t*)(blended)) = *((uint16_t*)(src));
+       ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, blended);
+       break;
+     case 5:
+       ((uint8_t*)(blended))[4] = ((uint8_t*)(src))[4];
+       /* FALLTHROUGH */
+     case 4:
+       *((uint32_t*)(blended)) = *((uint32_t*)(src));
+       ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, blended);
+       break;
+     default:
+       {
+         uint8_t alpha = src[components-1];
+         for (int i = 0; i<components - 1;i++)
+           blended[i] = (src[i] * alpha)/255;
+         blended[components-1]=alpha;
+       }
+       break;
+  }
+/* branchless 8bit add that maxes out at 255 */
+CTX_INLINE uint8_t ctx_sadd8(uint8_t a, uint8_t b)
+  uint16_t s = (uint16_t)a+b;
+  return -(s>>8) | (uint8_t)s;
+#define ctx_u8_blend_define(name, CODE) \
+static void \
+ctx_u8_blend_##name (int components, uint8_t * __restrict__ dst, uint8_t *src, uint8_t *blended)\
+  uint8_t *s=src; uint8_t b[components];\
+  ctx_u8_deassociate_alpha (components, dst, b);\
+    CODE;\
+  blended[components-1] = src[components-1];\
+  ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, blended);\
+#define ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(name, CODE) \
+        ctx_u8_blend_define(name, for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++) { CODE ;}) \
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(multiply,     blended[c] = (b[c] * s[c])/255;)
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(screen,       blended[c] = s[c] + b[c] - (s[c] * b[c])/255;)
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(overlay,      blended[c] = b[c] < 127 ? (s[c] * b[c])/255 :
+                                                         s[c] + b[c] - (s[c] * b[c])/255;)
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(darken,       blended[c] = ctx_mini (b[c], s[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(lighten,      blended[c] = ctx_maxi (b[c], s[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(color_dodge,  blended[c] = b[c] == 0 ? 0 :
+                                     s[c] == 255 ? 255 : ctx_mini(255, (255 * b[c]) / (255-s[c])))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(color_burn,   blended[c] = b[c] == 1 ? 1 :
+                                     s[c] == 0 ? 0 : 255 - ctx_mini(255, (255*(255 - b[c])) / s[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(hard_light,   blended[c] = s[c] < 127 ? (b[c] * s[c])/255 :
+                                                          b[c] + s[c] - (b[c] * s[c])/255;)
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(difference,   blended[c] = (b[c] - s[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(divide,       blended[c] = s[c]?(255 * b[c]) / s[c]:0)
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(addition,     blended[c] = ctx_sadd8 (s[c], b[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(subtract,     blended[c] = ctx_maxi(0, s[c]-b[c]))
+ctx_u8_blend_define_seperable(exclusion,    blended[c] = b[c] + s[c] - 2 * (b[c] * s[c]/255))
+  if (s[c] <= 255/2)
+  {
+    blended[c] = b[c] - (255 - 2 * s[c]) * b[c] * (255 - b[c]) / (255 * 255);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    int d;
+    if (b[c] <= 255/4)
+      d = (((16 * b[c] - 12 * 255)/255 * b[c] + 4 * 255) * b[c])/255;
+    else
+      d = ctx_sqrtf(b[c]/255.0) * 255.4;
+    blended[c] = (b[c] + (2 * s[c] - 255) * (d - b[c]))/255;
+  }
+static int ctx_int_get_max (int components, int *c)
+  int max = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+  {
+    if (c[i] > max) max = c[i];
+  }
+  return max;
+static int ctx_int_get_min (int components, int *c)
+  int min = 400;
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+  {
+    if (c[i] < min) min = c[i];
+  }
+  return min;
+static int ctx_int_get_lum (int components, int *c)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+            return CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(c);
+    case 1:
+    case 2:
+            return c[0];
+            break;
+    default:
+       {
+         int sum = 0;
+         for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+         {
+           sum += c[i];
+         }
+         return sum / (components - 1);
+       }
+            break;
+  }
+static int ctx_u8_get_lum (int components, uint8_t *c)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+            return CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(c);
+    case 1:
+    case 2:
+            return c[0];
+            break;
+    default:
+       {
+         int sum = 0;
+         for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+         {
+           sum += c[i];
+         }
+         return sum / (components - 1);
+       }
+            break;
+  }
+static int ctx_u8_get_sat (int components, uint8_t *c)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+            { int r = c[0];
+              int g = c[1];
+              int b = c[2];
+              return ctx_maxi(r, ctx_maxi(g,b)) - ctx_mini(r,ctx_mini(g,b));
+            }
+            break;
+    case 1:
+    case 2:
+            return 0.0;
+            break;
+    default:
+       {
+         int min = 1000;
+         int max = -1000;
+         for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+         {
+           if (c[i] < min) min = c[i];
+           if (c[i] > max) max = c[i];
+         }
+         return max-min;
+       }
+       break;
+  }
+static void ctx_u8_set_lum (int components, uint8_t *c, uint8_t lum)
+  int d = lum - ctx_u8_get_lum (components, c);
+  int tc[components];
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+  {
+    tc[i] = c[i] + d;
+  }
+  int l = ctx_int_get_lum (components, tc);
+  int n = ctx_int_get_min (components, tc);
+  int x = ctx_int_get_max (components, tc);
+  if (n < 0 && l!=n)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+      tc[i] = l + (((tc[i] - l) * l) / (l-n));
+  }
+  if (x > 255 && x!=l)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+      tc[i] = l + (((tc[i] - l) * (255 - l)) / (x-l));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+    c[i] = tc[i];
+static void ctx_u8_set_sat (int components, uint8_t *c, uint8_t sat)
+  int max = 0, mid = 1, min = 2;
+  if (c[min] > c[mid]){int t = min; min = mid; mid = t;}
+  if (c[mid] > c[max]){int t = mid; mid = max; max = t;}
+  if (c[min] > c[mid]){int t = min; min = mid; mid = t;}
+  if (c[max] > c[min])
+  {
+    c[mid] = ((c[mid]-c[min]) * sat) / (c[max] - c[min]);
+    c[max] = sat;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    c[mid] = c[max] = 0;
+  }
+  c[min] = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = s[i];
+  ctx_u8_set_lum(components, blended, ctx_u8_get_lum (components, s));
+  int in_sat = ctx_u8_get_sat(components, b);
+  int in_lum = ctx_u8_get_lum(components, b);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = s[i];
+  ctx_u8_set_sat(components, blended, in_sat);
+  ctx_u8_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+  int in_sat = ctx_u8_get_sat(components, s);
+  int in_lum = ctx_u8_get_lum(components, b);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = b[i];
+  ctx_u8_set_sat(components, blended, in_sat);
+  ctx_u8_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+  int in_lum = ctx_u8_get_lum(components, s);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = b[i];
+  ctx_u8_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_u8_blend (int components, CtxBlend blend, uint8_t * __restrict__ dst, uint8_t *src, uint8_t *blended)
+  switch (blend)
+  {
+    case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:      ctx_u8_blend_normal      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_MULTIPLY:    ctx_u8_blend_multiply    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SCREEN:      ctx_u8_blend_screen      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_OVERLAY:     ctx_u8_blend_overlay     (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DARKEN:      ctx_u8_blend_darken      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_LIGHTEN:     ctx_u8_blend_lighten     (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_DODGE: ctx_u8_blend_color_dodge (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_BURN:  ctx_u8_blend_color_burn  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_HARD_LIGHT:  ctx_u8_blend_hard_light  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT:  ctx_u8_blend_soft_light  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DIFFERENCE:  ctx_u8_blend_difference  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_EXCLUSION:   ctx_u8_blend_exclusion   (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR:       ctx_u8_blend_color       (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_HUE:         ctx_u8_blend_hue         (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SATURATION:  ctx_u8_blend_saturation  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_LUMINOSITY:  ctx_u8_blend_luminosity  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_ADDITION:    ctx_u8_blend_addition    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DIVIDE:      ctx_u8_blend_divide      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SUBTRACT:    ctx_u8_blend_subtract    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+  }
+  switch (blend)
+  {
+    default:                    ctx_u8_blend_normal      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+  }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+__ctx_u8_porter_duff (CtxRasterizer         *rasterizer,
+                     int                    components,
+                     uint8_t * __restrict__ dst,
+                     uint8_t * __restrict__ src,
+                     int                    x0,
+                     uint8_t * __restrict__ coverage,
+                     int                    count,
+                     CtxCompositingMode     compositing_mode,
+                     CtxFragment            fragment,
+                     CtxBlend               blend)
+  CtxPorterDuffFactor f_s, f_d;
+  ctx_porter_duff_factors (compositing_mode, &f_s, &f_d);
+  uint8_t global_alpha_u8 = rasterizer->state->gstate.global_alpha_u8;
+  {
+    uint8_t tsrc[components];
+    float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+    float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+    if (fragment)
+      ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+ // if (blend == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+      ctx_u8_blend (components, blend, dst, src, tsrc);
+    while (count--)
+    {
+      int cov = *coverage;
+      if (
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER && dst[components-1] == 255)||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER      && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR              && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT  && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP      && cov == 0)
+        )
+      {
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+        coverage ++;
+        dst+=components;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (fragment)
+      {
+        fragment (rasterizer, u0, v0, tsrc);
+      //if (blend != CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+          ctx_u8_blend (components, blend, dst, tsrc, tsrc);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+      //if (blend != CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+          ctx_u8_blend (components, blend, dst, src, tsrc);
+      }
+      u0 += ud;
+      v0 += vd;
+      if (global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        cov = (cov * global_alpha_u8)/255;
+      if (cov != 255)
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        tsrc[c] = (tsrc[c] * cov)/255;
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+      {
+        int res = 0;
+        switch (f_s)
+        {
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0: break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:             res += (tsrc[c]); break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA:         res += (tsrc[c] *      dst[components-1])/255; break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA: res += (tsrc[c] * (255-dst[components-1]))/255; break;
+        }
+        switch (f_d)
+        {
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0: break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:             res += dst[c]; break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA:         res += (dst[c] * tsrc[components-1])/255; break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA: res += (dst[c] * (255-tsrc[components-1]))/255; break;
+        }
+        dst[c] = res;
+      }
+      coverage ++;
+      dst+=components;
+    }
+  }
+#if CTX_AVX2
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_avx2_porter_duff (CtxRasterizer         *rasterizer,
+                      int                    components,
+                      uint8_t * dst,
+                      uint8_t * src,
+                      int                    x0,
+                      uint8_t * coverage,
+                      int                    count,
+                      CtxCompositingMode     compositing_mode,
+                      CtxFragment            fragment,
+                      CtxBlend               blend)
+  CtxPorterDuffFactor f_s, f_d;
+  ctx_porter_duff_factors (compositing_mode, &f_s, &f_d);
+  uint8_t global_alpha_u8 = rasterizer->state->gstate.global_alpha_u8;
+//assert ((((size_t)dst) & 31) == 0);
+  int n_pix = 32/components;
+  uint8_t tsrc[components * n_pix];
+  float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+  float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+  int x = 0;
+  if (fragment)
+    ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+  for (; x < count; x+=n_pix)
+  {
+    __m256i xdst  = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(dst)); 
+    __m256i xcov;
+    __m256i xsrc;
+    __m256i xsrc_a;
+    __m256i xdst_a;
+    int is_blank = 1;
+    int is_full = 0;
+    switch (n_pix)
+    {
+      case 16:
+        if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] &&
+            ((uint64_t*)(coverage))[1])
+           is_blank = 0;
+        else if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffffffffffff &&
+                 ((uint64_t*)(coverage))[1] == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+           is_full = 1;
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0])
+           is_blank = 0;
+        else if (((uint64_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffffffffffff)
+           is_full = 1;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        if (((uint32_t*)(coverage))[0])
+           is_blank = 0;
+        else if (((uint32_t*)(coverage))[0] == 0xffffffff)
+           is_full = 1;
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
+    }
+#if 1
+    if (
+      //(compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER && dst[components-1] == 255)||
+      (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER      && is_blank) ||
+      (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR              && is_blank) ||
+      (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT  && is_blank) ||
+      (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP      && is_blank)
+      )
+    {
+      u0 += ud * n_pix;
+      v0 += vd * n_pix;
+      coverage += n_pix;
+      dst+=32;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (fragment)
+    {
+      for (int i = 0; i < n_pix; i++)
+      {
+         fragment (rasterizer, u0, v0, &tsrc[i*components]);
+         ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, &tsrc[i*components]);
+         ctx_u8_blend (components, blend,
+                       &dst[i*components],
+                       &tsrc[i*components],
+                       &tsrc[i*components]);
+         u0 += ud;
+         v0 += vd;
+      }
+      xsrc = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)tsrc);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if 0
+      if (blend == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL && components == 4)
+        xsrc = _mm256_set1_epi32 (*((uint32_t*)src));
+    else
+      {
+ //     for (int i = 0; i < n_pix; i++)
+ //       for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+ //         tsrc[i*components+c]=src[c];
+#if 1
+        uint8_t lsrc[components];
+        for (int i = 0; i < components; i ++)
+          lsrc[i] = src[i];
+  //    ctx_u8_associate_alpha (components, lsrc);
+        for (int i = 0; i < n_pix; i++)
+          ctx_u8_blend (components, blend,
+                        &dst[i*components],
+                        lsrc,
+                        &tsrc[i*components]);
+        xsrc = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)tsrc);
+      }
+    }
+    if (is_full)
+       xcov = _mm256_set1_epi16(255);
+    else
+    switch (n_pix)
+    {
+      case 4: xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16(
+               (coverage[3]), (coverage[3]), coverage[3], coverage[3],
+               (coverage[2]), (coverage[2]), coverage[2], coverage[2],
+               (coverage[1]), (coverage[1]), coverage[1], coverage[1],
+               (coverage[0]), (coverage[0]), coverage[0], coverage[0]);
+              break;
+      case 8: xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16(
+               (coverage[7]), (coverage[7]),
+               (coverage[6]), (coverage[6]),
+               (coverage[5]), (coverage[5]),
+               (coverage[4]), (coverage[4]),
+               (coverage[3]), (coverage[3]),
+               (coverage[2]), (coverage[2]),
+               (coverage[1]), (coverage[1]),
+               (coverage[0]), (coverage[0]));
+              break;
+      case 16: xcov  = _mm256_set_epi16(
+               (coverage[15]),
+               (coverage[14]),
+               (coverage[13]),
+               (coverage[12]),
+               (coverage[11]),
+               (coverage[10]),
+               (coverage[9]),
+               (coverage[8]),
+               (coverage[7]),
+               (coverage[6]),
+               (coverage[5]),
+               (coverage[4]),
+               (coverage[3]),
+               (coverage[2]),
+               (coverage[1]),
+               (coverage[0]));
+              break;
+    }
+#if 0
+    switch (n_pix)
+    {
+      case 4:
+      xsrc_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            tsrc[3*components+(components-1)], 
tsrc[3*components+(components-1)],tsrc[3*components+(components-1)], tsrc[3*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[2*components+(components-1)], 
tsrc[2*components+(components-1)],tsrc[2*components+(components-1)], tsrc[2*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[1*components+(components-1)], 
tsrc[1*components+(components-1)],tsrc[1*components+(components-1)], tsrc[1*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[0*components+(components-1)], 
tsrc[0*components+(components-1)],tsrc[0*components+(components-1)], tsrc[0*components+(components-1)]);
+      xdst_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            dst[3*components+(components-1)], 
dst[3*components+(components-1)],dst[3*components+(components-1)], dst[3*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[2*components+(components-1)], 
dst[2*components+(components-1)],dst[2*components+(components-1)], dst[2*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[1*components+(components-1)], 
dst[1*components+(components-1)],dst[1*components+(components-1)], dst[1*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[0*components+(components-1)], 
dst[0*components+(components-1)],dst[0*components+(components-1)], dst[0*components+(components-1)]);
+              break;
+      case 8:
+      xsrc_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            tsrc[7*components+(components-1)], tsrc[7*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[6*components+(components-1)], tsrc[6*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[5*components+(components-1)], tsrc[5*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[4*components+(components-1)], tsrc[4*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[3*components+(components-1)], tsrc[3*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[2*components+(components-1)], tsrc[2*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[1*components+(components-1)], tsrc[1*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[0*components+(components-1)], tsrc[0*components+(components-1)]);
+      xdst_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            dst[7*components+(components-1)], dst[7*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[6*components+(components-1)], dst[6*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[5*components+(components-1)], dst[5*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[4*components+(components-1)], dst[4*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[3*components+(components-1)], dst[3*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[2*components+(components-1)], dst[2*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[1*components+(components-1)], dst[1*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[0*components+(components-1)], dst[0*components+(components-1)]);
+              break;
+      case 16: 
+      xsrc_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            tsrc[15*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[14*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[13*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[12*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[11*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[10*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[9*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[8*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[7*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[6*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[5*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[4*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[3*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[2*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[1*components+(components-1)],
+            tsrc[0*components+(components-1)]);
+      xdst_a = _mm256_set_epi16(
+            dst[15*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[14*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[13*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[12*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[11*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[10*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[9*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[8*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[7*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[6*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[5*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[4*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[3*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[2*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[1*components+(components-1)],
+            dst[0*components+(components-1)]);
+              break;
+    }
+    if (global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+    {
+      xcov = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+              _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                 _mm256_mullo_epi16(xcov,
+                                    _mm256_set1_epi16(global_alpha_u8)),
+                 x0080), x0101);
+      is_full = 0;
+    }
+    xsrc_a = _mm256_srli_epi32(xsrc, 24);  // XX 24 is RGB specific
+    if (!is_full)
+    xsrc_a = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+              _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                 _mm256_mullo_epi16(xsrc_a, xcov),
+                 x0080), x0101);
+    xsrc_a = xsrc_a | _mm256_slli_epi32(xsrc, 16);
+    xdst_a = _mm256_srli_epi32(xdst, 24);
+    xdst_a = xdst_a |  _mm256_slli_epi32(xdst, 16);
+ //     f_s = CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1;
+    __m256i dst_lo;
+    __m256i dst_hi; 
+    __m256i src_lo; 
+    __m256i src_hi;
+    switch (f_s)
+    {
+      case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0:
+        src_lo = _mm256_set1_epi32(0);
+        src_hi = _mm256_set1_epi32(0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:
+        src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask); 
+        src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+        //if (!is_full)
+        {
+          src_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                   _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                   _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov),
+                   x0080), x0101);
+          src_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                   _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                   _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi, xcov),
+                   x0080), x0101);
+        }
+        break;
+        // res += (tsrc[c] *      dst[components-1])/255;
+        src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask); 
+        src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+        if (!is_full)
+        {
+           src_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                 _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov),
+                 x0080), x0101);
+           src_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                    _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                    _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi, xcov),
+                    x0080), x0101);
+        }
+        src_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                      _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo,
+                                         xdst_a), x0080), x0101);
+        src_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                      _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi,
+                                         xdst_a), x0080), x0101);
+        break;
+        // res += (tsrc[c] * (255-dst[components-1]))/255;
+        src_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, lo_mask); 
+        src_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xsrc, hi_mask), 8);
+  //    if (!is_full)
+        {
+          src_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                        _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                        _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo, xcov),
+                        x0080), x0101);
+          src_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16(
+                        _mm256_adds_epu16(
+                        _mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi, xcov),
+                        x0080), x0101);
+        }
+        src_lo = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                  _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_lo,
+                                     _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff,xdst_a)), x0080),
+                  x0101);
+        src_hi = _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(src_hi,
+                                    _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff,xdst_a)), x0080),
+                 x0101);
+        break;
+    }
+    switch (f_d)
+    {
+      case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0: 
+        dst_lo = _mm256_set1_epi32(0);
+        dst_hi = _mm256_set1_epi32(0);
+        break;
+      case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:
+        dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask); 
+        dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8); 
+        break;
+      case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA:        
+          //res += (dst[c] * tsrc[components-1])/255;
+          dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask); 
+          dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8); 
+          dst_lo =
+             _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_lo,
+                                    xsrc_a), x0080), x0101);
+          dst_hi =
+             _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_hi,
+                                    xsrc_a), x0080), x0101);
+          break;
+          dst_lo = _mm256_and_si256 (xdst, lo_mask); 
+          dst_hi = _mm256_srli_epi16 (_mm256_and_si256 (xdst, hi_mask), 8); 
+          dst_lo = 
+             _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_lo,
+                                    _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff,xsrc_a)), x0080),
+                 x0101);
+          dst_hi = 
+             _mm256_mulhi_epu16 (
+                 _mm256_adds_epu16 (_mm256_mullo_epi16(dst_hi,
+                                    _mm256_sub_epi16(x00ff,xsrc_a)), x0080),
+                 x0101);
+          break;
+    }
+    dst_hi = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_hi, src_hi);
+    dst_lo = _mm256_adds_epu16(dst_lo, src_lo);
+#if 0 // to toggle source vs dst
+      src_hi = _mm256_slli_epi16 (src_hi, 8);
+      _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)dst, _mm256_blendv_epi8(src_lo, src_hi, hi_mask));
+      _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)dst, _mm256_slli_epi16 (dst_hi, 8) | dst_lo);
+    coverage += n_pix;
+    dst      += 32;
+  }
+CTX_INLINE static void
+_ctx_u8_porter_duff (CtxRasterizer         *rasterizer,
+                     int                    components,
+                     uint8_t *              dst,
+                     uint8_t * __restrict__ src,
+                     int                    x0,
+                     uint8_t *              coverage,
+                     int                    count,
+                     CtxCompositingMode     compositing_mode,
+                     CtxFragment            fragment,
+                     CtxBlend               blend)
+  int pre_count = 0;
+  if ((size_t)(dst)&31)
+  {
+    pre_count = (32-(((size_t)(dst))&31))/components;
+  __ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components,
+     dst, src, x0, coverage, pre_count, compositing_mode, fragment, blend);
+    dst += components * pre_count;
+    x0 += pre_count;
+    coverage += pre_count;
+    count -= pre_count;
+  }
+  if (count < 0)
+     return;
+  int post_count = (count & 31);
+  if (src && 0)
+  {
+    src[0]/=2;
+    src[1]/=2;
+    src[2]/=2;
+    src[3]/=2;
+  }
+#if 0
+  __ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count-post_count, compositing_mode, 
fragment, blend);
+  ctx_avx2_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count-post_count, compositing_mode, 
fragment, blend);
+  if (src && 0)
+  {
+    src[0]*=2;
+    src[1]*=2;
+    src[2]*=2;
+    src[3]*=2;
+  }
+  if (post_count > 0)
+  {
+       x0 += (count - post_count);
+       dst += components * (count-post_count);
+       coverage += (count - post_count);
+       __ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, post_count, compositing_mode, 
fragment, blend);
+  }
+  __ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count, compositing_mode, fragment, 
+#define _ctx_u8_porter_duffs(comp_format, components, source, fragment, blend) \
+   switch (rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode) \
+   { \
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count, \
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+     case CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR:\
+      _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OUT, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_IN, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       _ctx_u8_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+   }
+/* generating one function per compositing_mode would be slightly more efficient,
+ * but on embedded targets leads to slightly more code bloat,
+ * here we trade off a slight amount of performance
+ */
+#define ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_format, components, source, fragment, blend) \
+static void \
+CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_##comp_format##_porter_duff_##source) (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS) \
+{ \
+  _ctx_u8_porter_duffs(comp_format, components, source, fragment, blend);\
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(RGBA8, 4,color,   NULL,                 rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(RGBA8, 4,generic, rasterizer->fragment, rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+//ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,color_##blend_name,  NULL, blend_mode)
+#define ctx_u8_porter_duff_blend(comp_name, components, blend_mode, blend_name)\
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,generic_##blend_name,          rasterizer->fragment,               
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,linear_gradient_##blend_name,  
ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_##comp_name, blend_mode)\
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,radial_gradient_##blend_name,  
ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_##comp_name, blend_mode)\
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_rgb8_##blend_name, ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_##comp_name,      
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_rgba8_##blend_name,ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_##comp_name,     
+ctx_u8_porter_duff_blend(RGBA8, 4, CTX_BLEND_NORMAL, normal)
+#define ctx_u8_porter_duff_blend(comp_name, components, blend_mode, blend_name)\
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,generic_##blend_name,          rasterizer->fragment,               
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_rgb8_##blend_name, ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_##comp_name,      
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_rgba8_##blend_name,ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_##comp_name,     
+ctx_u8_porter_duff_blend(RGBA8, 4, CTX_BLEND_NORMAL, normal)
+static void
+static void
+ctx_setup_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  int components = 4;
+  rasterizer->fragment = ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_RGBA8 (rasterizer);
+  rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_generic);
+#if 1
+  if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+  {
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBA8_clear_normal;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT &&
+      gstate->blend_mode == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL &&
+      gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+  {
+     rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBA8_source_over_normal_linear_gradient;
+     return;
+  }
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT &&
+      gstate->blend_mode == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL &&
+      gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+  {
+     rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBA8_source_over_normal_radial_gradient;
+     return;
+  }
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+    {
+      ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, rasterizer->color);
+      if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        rasterizer->color[components-1] = (rasterizer->color[components-1] * gstate->global_alpha_u8)/255;
+      if (rasterizer->swap_red_green)
+      {
+        uint8_t *rgba = &rasterizer->color[0];
+        uint8_t tmp = rgba[0];
+        rgba[0] = rgba[2];
+        rgba[2] = tmp;
+      }
+      switch (gstate->blend_mode)
+      {
+        case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:
+          if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY)
+          {
+            rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_copy_normal);
+            return;
+          }
+          else if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+          {
+            rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+          }
+          else if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+          {
+             if (rasterizer->color[components-1] == 0)
+                 rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+             else
+                 rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_source_over_normal_color);
+         }
+         break;
+      default:
+         rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_color);
+         break;
+    }
+    //rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_color; // XXX overide to make all go
+                                                       // through generic code path
+    rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+    return;
+  }
+    if (gstate->blend_mode == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+    {
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            return; // exhaustively handled above;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_linear_gradient_normal);
+            break;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_radial_gradient_normal);
+            break;
+          case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:
+            {
+               CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+               switch (g->image.buffer->format->bpp)
+               {
+                 case 32:
+                   rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_image_rgba8_normal);
+                   break;
+                 case 24:
+                   rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_image_rgb8_normal);
+                 break;
+                 default:
+                   rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_generic_normal);
+                   break;
+               }
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_porter_duff_generic_normal);
+            break;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+ * we could use this instead of NULL - but then dispatch
+ * is slightly slower
+ */
+inline static void
+ctx_composite_direct (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_composite_convert (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  uint8_t pixels[count * rasterizer->format->ebpp];
+  rasterizer->format->to_comp (rasterizer, x0, dst, &pixels[0], count);
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, &pixels[0], rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+  rasterizer->format->from_comp (rasterizer, x0, &pixels[0], dst, count);
+static void
+ctx_float_copy_normal (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  float *dstf = (float*)dst;
+  float *srcf = (float*)src;
+  float u0 = 0; float v0 = 0;
+  float ud = 0; float vd = 0;
+  if (rasterizer->fragment)
+    {
+      ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+    }
+  while (count--)
+  {
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov == 0)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        { dst[c] = 0; }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (rasterizer->fragment)
+      {
+        rasterizer->fragment (rasterizer, u0, v0, src);
+        u0+=ud;
+        v0+=vd;
+      }
+    if (cov == 255)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        dstf[c] = srcf[c];
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      float covf = ctx_u8_to_float (cov);
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        dstf[c] = srcf[c]*covf;
+    }
+    }
+    dstf += components;
+    coverage ++;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_float_clear_normal (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  float *dstf = (float*)dst;
+  while (count--)
+  {
+#if 0
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov == 0)
+    {
+    }
+    else if (cov == 255)
+    {
+      switch (components)
+      {
+        case 2:
+          ((uint64_t*)(dst))[0] = 0;
+          break;
+        case 4:
+          ((uint64_t*)(dst))[0] = 0;
+          ((uint64_t*)(dst))[1] = 0;
+          break;
+        default:
+          for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+            dstf[c] = 0.0f;
+      }
+#if 0
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      float ralpha = 1.0 - ctx_u8_to_float (cov);
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+        { dstf[c] = (dstf[c] * ralpha); }
+    }
+    coverage ++;
+    dstf += components;
+  }
+static void
+ctx_float_source_over_normal_opaque_color (int components, CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  float *dstf = (float*)dst;
+  float *srcf = (float*)src;
+  while (count--)
+  {
+    int cov = *coverage;
+    if (cov)
+    {
+      if (cov == 255)
+      {
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+          dstf[c] = srcf[c];
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        float fcov = ctx_u8_to_float (cov);
+        float ralpha = 1.0f - fcov;
+        for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++)
+          dstf[c] = (srcf[c]*fcov + dstf[c] * ralpha);
+      }
+    }
+    coverage ++;
+    dstf+= components;
+  }
+inline static void
+ctx_float_blend_normal (int components, float *dst, float *src, float *blended)
+  float a = src[components-1];
+  for (int c = 0; c <  components - 1; c++)
+    blended[c] = src[c] * a;
+  blended[components-1]=a;
+static float ctx_float_get_max (int components, float *c)
+  float max = -1000.0f;
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+  {
+    if (c[i] > max) max = c[i];
+  }
+  return max;
+static float ctx_float_get_min (int components, float *c)
+  float min = 400.0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+  {
+    if (c[i] < min) min = c[i];
+  }
+  return min;
+static float ctx_float_get_lum (int components, float *c)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+            return CTX_CSS_RGB_TO_LUMINANCE(c);
+    case 1:
+    case 2:
+            return c[0];
+            break;
+    default:
+       {
+         float sum = 0;
+         for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+         {
+           sum += c[i];
+         }
+         return sum / (components - 1);
+       }
+  }
+static float ctx_float_get_sat (int components, float *c)
+  switch (components)
+  {
+    case 3:
+    case 4:
+            { float r = c[0];
+              float g = c[1];
+              float b = c[2];
+              return ctx_maxf(r, ctx_maxf(g,b)) - ctx_minf(r,ctx_minf(g,b));
+            }
+            break;
+    case 1:
+    case 2: return 0.0;
+            break;
+    default:
+       {
+         float min = 1000;
+         float max = -1000;
+         for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i ++)
+         {
+           if (c[i] < min) min = c[i];
+           if (c[i] > max) max = c[i];
+         }
+         return max-min;
+       }
+  }
+static void ctx_float_set_lum (int components, float *c, float lum)
+  float d = lum - ctx_float_get_lum (components, c);
+  float tc[components];
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+  {
+    tc[i] = c[i] + d;
+  }
+  float l = ctx_float_get_lum (components, tc);
+  float n = ctx_float_get_min (components, tc);
+  float x = ctx_float_get_max (components, tc);
+  if (n < 0.0f && l != n)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+      tc[i] = l + (((tc[i] - l) * l) / (l-n));
+  }
+  if (x > 1.0f && x != l)
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+      tc[i] = l + (((tc[i] - l) * (1.0f - l)) / (x-l));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < components - 1; i++)
+    c[i] = tc[i];
+static void ctx_float_set_sat (int components, float *c, float sat)
+  int max = 0, mid = 1, min = 2;
+  if (c[min] > c[mid]){int t = min; min = mid; mid = t;}
+  if (c[mid] > c[max]){int t = mid; mid = max; max = t;}
+  if (c[min] > c[mid]){int t = min; min = mid; mid = t;}
+  if (c[max] > c[min])
+  {
+    c[mid] = ((c[mid]-c[min]) * sat) / (c[max] - c[min]);
+    c[max] = sat;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    c[mid] = c[max] = 0.0f;
+  }
+  c[min] = 0.0f;
+#define ctx_float_blend_define(name, CODE) \
+static void \
+ctx_float_blend_##name (int components, float * __restrict__ dst, float *src, float *blended)\
+  float *s = src; float b[components];\
+  ctx_float_deassociate_alpha (components, dst, b);\
+    CODE;\
+  blended[components-1] = s[components-1];\
+  ctx_float_associate_alpha (components, blended);\
+#define ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(name, CODE) \
+        ctx_float_blend_define(name, for (int c = 0; c < components-1; c++) { CODE ;}) \
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(multiply,    blended[c] = (b[c] * s[c]);)
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(screen,      blended[c] = b[c] + s[c] - (b[c] * s[c]);)
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(overlay,     blended[c] = b[c] < 0.5f ? (s[c] * b[c]) :
+                                                          s[c] + b[c] - (s[c] * b[c]);)
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(darken,      blended[c] = ctx_minf (b[c], s[c]))
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(lighten,     blended[c] = ctx_maxf (b[c], s[c]))
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(color_dodge, blended[c] = (b[c] == 0.0f) ? 0.0f :
+                                     s[c] == 1.0f ? 1.0f : ctx_minf(1.0f, (b[c]) / (1.0f-s[c])))
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(color_burn,  blended[c] = (b[c] == 1.0f) ? 1.0f :
+                                     s[c] == 0.0f ? 0.0f : 1.0f - ctx_minf(1.0f, ((1.0f - b[c])) / s[c]))
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(hard_light,  blended[c] = s[c] < 0.f ? (b[c] * s[c]) :
+                                                          b[c] + s[c] - (b[c] * s[c]);)
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(difference,  blended[c] = (b[c] - s[c]))
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(divide,      blended[c] = s[c]?(b[c]) / s[c]:0.0f)
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(addition,    blended[c] = s[c]+b[c])
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(subtract,    blended[c] = s[c]-b[c])
+ctx_float_blend_define_seperable(exclusion,   blended[c] = b[c] + s[c] - 2.0f * b[c] * s[c])
+  if (s[c] <= 0.5f)
+  {
+    blended[c] = b[c] - (1.0f - 2.0f * s[c]) * b[c] * (1.0f - b[c]);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    int d;
+    if (b[c] <= 255/4)
+      d = (((16 * b[c] - 12.0f) * b[c] + 4.0f) * b[c]);
+    else
+      d = ctx_sqrtf(b[c]);
+    blended[c] = (b[c] + (2.0f * s[c] - 1.0f) * (d - b[c]));
+  }
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = s[i];
+  ctx_float_set_lum(components, blended, ctx_float_get_lum (components, s));
+  float in_sat = ctx_float_get_sat(components, b);
+  float in_lum = ctx_float_get_lum(components, b);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = s[i];
+  ctx_float_set_sat(components, blended, in_sat);
+  ctx_float_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+  float in_sat = ctx_float_get_sat(components, s);
+  float in_lum = ctx_float_get_lum(components, b);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = b[i];
+  ctx_float_set_sat(components, blended, in_sat);
+  ctx_float_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+  float in_lum = ctx_float_get_lum(components, s);
+  for (int i = 0; i < components; i++)
+    blended[i] = b[i];
+  ctx_float_set_lum(components, blended, in_lum);
+inline static void
+ctx_float_blend (int components, CtxBlend blend, float * __restrict__ dst, float *src, float *blended)
+  switch (blend)
+  {
+    case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:      ctx_float_blend_normal      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_MULTIPLY:    ctx_float_blend_multiply    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SCREEN:      ctx_float_blend_screen      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_OVERLAY:     ctx_float_blend_overlay     (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DARKEN:      ctx_float_blend_darken      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_LIGHTEN:     ctx_float_blend_lighten     (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_DODGE: ctx_float_blend_color_dodge (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR_BURN:  ctx_float_blend_color_burn  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_HARD_LIGHT:  ctx_float_blend_hard_light  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT:  ctx_float_blend_soft_light  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DIFFERENCE:  ctx_float_blend_difference  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_EXCLUSION:   ctx_float_blend_exclusion   (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_COLOR:       ctx_float_blend_color       (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_HUE:         ctx_float_blend_hue         (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SATURATION:  ctx_float_blend_saturation  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_LUMINOSITY:  ctx_float_blend_luminosity  (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_ADDITION:    ctx_float_blend_addition    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_SUBTRACT:    ctx_float_blend_subtract    (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+    case CTX_BLEND_DIVIDE:      ctx_float_blend_divide      (components, dst, src, blended); break;
+  }
+/* this is the grunt working function, when inlined code-path elimination makes
+ * it produce efficient code.
+ */
+CTX_INLINE static void
+ctx_float_porter_duff (CtxRasterizer         *rasterizer,
+                       int                    components,
+                       uint8_t * __restrict__ dst,
+                       uint8_t * __restrict__ src,
+                       int                    x0,
+                       uint8_t * __restrict__ coverage,
+                       int                    count,
+                       CtxCompositingMode     compositing_mode,
+                       CtxFragment            fragment,
+                       CtxBlend               blend)
+  float *dstf = (float*)dst;
+  float *srcf = (float*)src;
+  CtxPorterDuffFactor f_s, f_d;
+  ctx_porter_duff_factors (compositing_mode, &f_s, &f_d);
+  uint8_t global_alpha_u8 = rasterizer->state->gstate.global_alpha_u8;
+  float   global_alpha_f = rasterizer->state->gstate.global_alpha_f;
+  {
+    float tsrc[components];
+    float u0, v0, ud, vd;
+    ctx_init_uv (rasterizer, x0, count, &u0, &v0, &ud, &vd);
+    if (blend == CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+      ctx_float_blend (components, blend, dstf, srcf, tsrc);
+    while (count--)
+    {
+      int cov = *coverage;
+#if 1
+      if (
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER && dst[components-1] == 1.0f)||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER      && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR              && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT  && cov == 0) ||
+        (compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP      && cov == 0)
+        )
+      {
+        u0 += ud;
+        v0 += vd;
+        coverage ++;
+        dstf+=components;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (fragment)
+      {
+        fragment (rasterizer, u0, v0, tsrc);
+        if (blend != CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+          ctx_float_blend (components, blend, dstf, tsrc, tsrc);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (blend != CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+          ctx_float_blend (components, blend, dstf, srcf, tsrc);
+      }
+      u0 += ud;
+      v0 += vd;
+      float covf = ctx_u8_to_float (cov);
+      if (global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        covf = covf * global_alpha_f;
+      if (covf != 1.0f)
+      {
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+          tsrc[c] *= covf;
+      }
+      for (int c = 0; c < components; c++)
+      {
+        float res = 0.0f;
+        /* these switches and this whole function disappear when
+         * compiled when the enum values passed in are constants.
+         */
+        switch (f_s)
+        {
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0: break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:             res += (tsrc[c]); break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA:         res += (tsrc[c] *       dstf[components-1]); break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA: res += (tsrc[c] * (1.0f-dstf[components-1])); break;
+        }
+        switch (f_d)
+        {
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_0: break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1:             res += (dstf[c]); break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_ALPHA:         res += (dstf[c] *       tsrc[components-1]); break;
+          case CTX_PORTER_DUFF_1_MINUS_ALPHA: res += (dstf[c] * (1.0f-tsrc[components-1])); break;
+        }
+        dstf[c] = res;
+      }
+      coverage ++;
+      dstf+=components;
+    }
+  }
+/* generating one function per compositing_mode would be slightly more efficient,
+ * but on embedded targets leads to slightly more code bloat,
+ * here we trade off a slight amount of performance
+ */
+#define ctx_float_porter_duff(compformat, components, source, fragment, blend) \
+static void \
+ctx_##compformat##_porter_duff_##source (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS) \
+{ \
+   switch (rasterizer->state->gstate.compositing_mode) \
+   { \
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count, \
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_ATOP, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_ATOP, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_IN, fragment, blend);\
+      break;\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OVER, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+     case CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR:\
+      ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_XOR, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_DESTINATION_OUT, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OUT, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_IN, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+       ctx_float_porter_duff (rasterizer, components, dst, src, x0, coverage, count,\
+        CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR, fragment, blend);\
+       break;\
+   }\
+ctx_float_porter_duff(RGBAF, 4,color,           NULL,                               
+ctx_float_porter_duff(RGBAF, 4,generic,         rasterizer->fragment,               
+ctx_float_porter_duff(RGBAF, 4,linear_gradient, ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBAF, 
+ctx_float_porter_duff(RGBAF, 4,radial_gradient, ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBAF, 
+ctx_float_porter_duff(RGBAF, 4,image,           ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF,           
+#define ctx_float_porter_duff_blend(comp_name, components, blend_mode, blend_name)\
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,color_##blend_name,            NULL,                             
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,generic_##blend_name,          rasterizer->fragment,             
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,linear_gradient_##blend_name,  
ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBA8, blend_mode)\
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,radial_gradient_##blend_name,  
ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBA8, blend_mode)\
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_##blend_name,            ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF,         
+#define ctx_float_porter_duff_blend(comp_name, components, blend_mode, blend_name)\
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,color_##blend_name,            NULL,                             
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,generic_##blend_name,          rasterizer->fragment,             
+ctx_float_porter_duff(comp_name, components,image_##blend_name,            ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF,         
+ctx_float_porter_duff_blend(RGBAF, 4, CTX_BLEND_NORMAL, normal)
+static void
+  ctx_float_copy_normal (4, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+  ctx_float_clear_normal (4, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_RGBAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  ctx_float_source_over_normal_opaque_color (4, rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_setup_RGBAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  int components = 4;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+    {
+      rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_color;
+      rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+      ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, (float*)rasterizer->color);
+      if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c ++)
+          ((float*)rasterizer->color)[c] *= gstate->global_alpha_f;
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    rasterizer->fragment = ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_RGBAF (rasterizer);
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_generic;
+  }
+  if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_clear_normal;
+  else
+    switch (gstate->blend_mode)
+    {
+      case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:
+        if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY)
+        {
+          rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_copy_normal;
+        }
+        else if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+        {
+          rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+        }
+        else
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+            {
+              if (((float*)(rasterizer->color))[components-1] == 0.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+              else if (((float*)(rasterizer->color))[components-1] == 1.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color;
+              else
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            break;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_linear_gradient_normal;
+            break;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_radial_gradient_normal;
+            break;
+          case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_image_normal;
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_generic_normal;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_color;
+            rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            break;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_linear_gradient;
+            break;
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_radial_gradient;
+            break;
+          case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_image;
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_RGBAF_porter_duff_generic;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float rgba[4];
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = ( ( (g->linear_gradient.dx * x + g->linear_gradient.dy * y) /
+                g->linear_gradient.length) -
+              g->linear_gradient.start) * (g->linear_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBAF (rasterizer, v, 1.0, rgba);
+  ((float*)out)[0] = ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+  ((float*)out)[1] = rgba[3];
+static void
+ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float rgba[4];
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = 0.0f;
+  if ((g->radial_gradient.r1-g->radial_gradient.r0) > 0.0f)
+    {
+      v = ctx_hypotf (g->radial_gradient.x0 - x, g->radial_gradient.y0 - y);
+      v = (v - g->radial_gradient.r0) / (g->radial_gradient.rdelta);
+    }
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBAF (rasterizer, v, 0.0, rgba);
+  ((float*)out)[0] = ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+  ((float*)out)[1] = rgba[3];
+static void
+ctx_fragment_color_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  ctx_color_get_graya (rasterizer->state, &g->color, (float*)out);
+static void ctx_fragment_image_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t rgba[4];
+  float rgbaf[4];
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = gstate->source.image.buffer;
+  switch (buffer->format->bpp)
+    {
+      case 1:  ctx_fragment_image_gray1_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      case 24: ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);  break;
+      case 32: ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      default: ctx_fragment_image_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);       break;
+    }
+  for (int c = 0; c < 4; c ++) { rgbaf[c] = ctx_u8_to_float (rgba[c]); }
+  ((float*)out)[0] = ctx_float_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgbaf);
+  ((float*)out)[1] = rgbaf[3];
+static CtxFragment ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:           return ctx_fragment_image_GRAYAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:           return ctx_fragment_color_GRAYAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_GRAYAF;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_GRAYAF;
+    }
+  return ctx_fragment_color_GRAYAF;
+ctx_float_porter_duff(GRAYAF, 2,color,   NULL,                 rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+ctx_float_porter_duff(GRAYAF, 2,generic, rasterizer->fragment, rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+ctx_float_porter_duff(GRAYAF, 2,color_normal,   NULL,                 CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+ctx_float_porter_duff(GRAYAF, 2,generic_normal, rasterizer->fragment, CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+static void
+  ctx_float_copy_normal (2, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+  ctx_float_clear_normal (2, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_GRAYAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  ctx_float_source_over_normal_opaque_color (2, rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_setup_GRAYAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  int components = 2;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+    {
+      rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_color;
+      rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+      ctx_color_get_rgba (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, (float*)rasterizer->color);
+      if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c ++)
+          ((float*)rasterizer->color)[c] *= gstate->global_alpha_f;
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    rasterizer->fragment = ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_GRAYAF (rasterizer);
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_generic;
+  }
+  if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_clear_normal;
+  else
+    switch (gstate->blend_mode)
+    {
+      case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:
+        if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY)
+        {
+          rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_copy_normal;
+        }
+        else if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+          rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+        else
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+            {
+              if (((float*)rasterizer->color)[components-1] == 0.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+              else if (((float*)rasterizer->color)[components-1] == 0.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color;
+              else
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_generic_normal;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_color;
+            rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYAF_porter_duff_generic;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+static void
+  float *dstf = (float*)dst;
+  float temp[count*2];
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+  {
+    temp[i*2] = dstf[i];
+    temp[i*2+1] = 1.0f;
+  }
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, (uint8_t*)temp, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+  {
+    dstf[i] = temp[i*2];
+  }
+inline static void
+ctx_swap_red_green (uint8_t *rgba)
+  uint32_t *buf  = (uint32_t *) rgba;
+  uint32_t  orig = *buf;
+  uint32_t  green_alpha = (orig & 0xff00ff00);
+  uint32_t  red_blue    = (orig & 0x00ff00ff);
+  uint32_t  red         = red_blue << 16;
+  uint32_t  blue        = red_blue >> 16;
+  *buf = green_alpha | red | blue;
+static void
+ctx_BGRA8_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  uint32_t *srci = (uint32_t *) buf;
+  uint32_t *dsti = (uint32_t *) rgba;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      uint32_t val = *srci++;
+      ctx_swap_red_green ( (uint8_t *) &val);
+      *dsti++      = val;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_BGRA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  ctx_BGRA8_to_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, rgba, (uint8_t *) buf, count);
+static void
+  // for better performance, this could be done without a pre/post conversion,
+  // by swapping R and B of source instead... as long as it is a color instead
+  // of gradient or image
+  //
+  //
+  uint8_t pixels[count * 4];
+  ctx_BGRA8_to_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x0, dst, &pixels[0], count);
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, &pixels[0], rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+  ctx_BGRA8_to_RGBA8  (rasterizer, x0, &pixels[0], dst, count);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_other_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  float *cmyka = (float*)out;
+  float rgba[4];
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:
+        ctx_fragment_image_RGBAF (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);
+        break;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+        ctx_fragment_color_RGBAF (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);
+        break;
+        ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_RGBAF (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);
+        break;
+        ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBAF (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);
+        break;
+      default:
+        rgba[0]=rgba[1]=rgba[2]=rgba[3]=0.0f;
+        break;
+    }
+  cmyka[4]=rgba[3];
+  ctx_rgb_to_cmyk (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], &cmyka[0], &cmyka[1], &cmyka[2], &cmyka[3]);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_color_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  float *cmyka = (float*)out;
+  ctx_color_get_cmyka (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, cmyka);
+  // RGBW instead of CMYK
+  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++)
+    {
+      cmyka[i] = (1.0f - cmyka[i]);
+    }
+static CtxFragment ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+        return ctx_fragment_color_CMYKAF;
+    }
+  return ctx_fragment_other_CMYKAF;
+ctx_float_porter_duff (CMYKAF, 5,color,           NULL,                               
+ctx_float_porter_duff (CMYKAF, 5,generic,         rasterizer->fragment,               
+ctx_float_porter_duff (CMYKAF, 5,color_normal,            NULL,                               
+ctx_float_porter_duff (CMYKAF, 5,generic_normal,          rasterizer->fragment,               
+static void
+  ctx_float_copy_normal (5, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+  ctx_float_clear_normal (5, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_CMYKAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  ctx_float_source_over_normal_opaque_color (5, rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_setup_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  int components = 5;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+    {
+      rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_color;
+      rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+      ctx_color_get_cmyka (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, (float*)rasterizer->color);
+      if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        ((float*)rasterizer->color)[components-1] *= gstate->global_alpha_f;
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    rasterizer->fragment = ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_CMYKAF (rasterizer);
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_generic;
+  }
+  if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_clear_normal;
+  else
+    switch (gstate->blend_mode)
+    {
+      case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:
+        if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY)
+        {
+          rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_copy_normal;
+        }
+        else if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+          rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+        else
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+            {
+              if (((float*)rasterizer->color)[components-1] == 0.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+              else if (((float*)rasterizer->color)[components-1] == 1.0f)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_source_over_normal_opaque_color;
+              else
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_generic_normal;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_color;
+            rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_CMYKAF_porter_duff_generic;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_CMYKA8_to_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, uint8_t *src, float *dst, int count)
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+    {
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c ++)
+        { dst[c] = ctx_u8_to_float ( (255-src[c]) ); }
+      dst[4] = ctx_u8_to_float (src[4]);
+      for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        { dst[c] *= dst[4]; }
+      src += 5;
+      dst += 5;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_CMYKAF_to_CMYKA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float *src, uint8_t *dst, int count)
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+    {
+      int a = ctx_float_to_u8 (src[4]);
+      if (a != 0 && a != 255)
+      {
+        float recip = 1.0f/src[4];
+        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+        {
+          dst[c] = ctx_float_to_u8 (1.0f - src[c] * recip);
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
+          dst[c] = 255 - ctx_float_to_u8 (src[c]);
+      }
+      dst[4]=a;
+      src += 5;
+      dst += 5;
+    }
+static void
+  float pixels[count * 5];
+  ctx_CMYKA8_to_CMYKAF (rasterizer, dst, &pixels[0], count);
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, (uint8_t *) &pixels[0], rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+  ctx_CMYKAF_to_CMYKA8 (rasterizer, &pixels[0], dst, count);
+static void
+ctx_CMYK8_to_CMYKAF (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, uint8_t *src, float *dst, int count)
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+    {
+      dst[0] = ctx_u8_to_float (255-src[0]);
+      dst[1] = ctx_u8_to_float (255-src[1]);
+      dst[2] = ctx_u8_to_float (255-src[2]);
+      dst[3] = ctx_u8_to_float (255-src[3]);
+      dst[4] = 1.0f;
+      src += 4;
+      dst += 5;
+    }
+static void
+ctx_CMYKAF_to_CMYK8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float *src, uint8_t *dst, int count)
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
+    {
+      float c = src[0];
+      float m = src[1];
+      float y = src[2];
+      float k = src[3];
+      float a = src[4];
+      if (a != 0.0f && a != 1.0f)
+        {
+          float recip = 1.0f/a;
+          c *= recip;
+          m *= recip;
+          y *= recip;
+          k *= recip;
+        }
+      c = 1.0 - c;
+      m = 1.0 - m;
+      y = 1.0 - y;
+      k = 1.0 - k;
+      dst[0] = ctx_float_to_u8 (c);
+      dst[1] = ctx_float_to_u8 (m);
+      dst[2] = ctx_float_to_u8 (y);
+      dst[3] = ctx_float_to_u8 (k);
+      src += 5;
+      dst += 4;
+    }
+static void
+  float pixels[count * 5];
+  ctx_CMYK8_to_CMYKAF (rasterizer, dst, &pixels[0], count);
+  rasterizer->comp_op (rasterizer, (uint8_t *) &pixels[0], src, x0, coverage, count);
+  ctx_CMYKAF_to_CMYK8 (rasterizer, &pixels[0], dst, count);
+inline static void
+ctx_RGB8_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (const uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[1] = pixel[1];
+      rgba[2] = pixel[2];
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+      pixel+=3;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      pixel[0] = rgba[0];
+      pixel[1] = rgba[1];
+      pixel[2] = rgba[2];
+      pixel+=3;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY1_to_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      if (*pixel & (1<< (x&7) ) )
+        {
+          rgba[0] = 255;
+          rgba[1] = 255;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          rgba[0] = 0;
+          rgba[1] = 255;
+        }
+      if ( (x&7) ==7)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY1 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int gray = rgba[0];
+      //gray += ctx_dither_mask_a (x, rasterizer->scanline/aa, 0, 127);
+      if (gray < 127)
+        {
+          *pixel = *pixel & (~ (1<< (x&7) ) );
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          *pixel = *pixel | (1<< (x&7) );
+        }
+      if ( (x&7) ==7)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY1_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      if (*pixel & (1<< (x&7) ) )
+        {
+          rgba[0] = 255;
+          rgba[1] = 255;
+          rgba[2] = 255;
+          rgba[3] = 255;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          rgba[0] = 0;
+          rgba[1] = 0;
+          rgba[2] = 0;
+          rgba[3] = 255;
+        }
+      if ( (x&7) ==7)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY1 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int gray = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+      //gray += ctx_dither_mask_a (x, rasterizer->scanline/aa, 0, 127);
+      if (gray < 127)
+        {
+          *pixel = *pixel & (~ (1<< (x&7) ) );
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          *pixel = *pixel | (1<< (x&7) );
+        }
+      if ( (x&7) ==7)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY2_to_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = (*pixel & (3 << ( (x & 3) <<1) ) ) >> ( (x&3) <<1);
+      val <<= 6;
+      rgba[0] = val;
+      rgba[1] = 255;
+      if ( (x&3) ==3)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY2 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = rgba[0];
+      val >>= 6;
+      *pixel = *pixel & (~ (3 << ( (x&3) <<1) ) );
+      *pixel = *pixel | ( (val << ( (x&3) <<1) ) );
+      if ( (x&3) ==3)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY2_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = (*pixel & (3 << ( (x & 3) <<1) ) ) >> ( (x&3) <<1);
+      val <<= 6;
+      rgba[0] = val;
+      rgba[1] = val;
+      rgba[2] = val;
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+      if ( (x&3) ==3)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY2 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+      val >>= 6;
+      *pixel = *pixel & (~ (3 << ( (x&3) <<1) ) );
+      *pixel = *pixel | ( (val << ( (x&3) <<1) ) );
+      if ( (x&3) ==3)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY4_to_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = (*pixel & (15 << ( (x & 1) <<2) ) ) >> ( (x&1) <<2);
+      val <<= 4;
+      rgba[0] = val;
+      rgba[1] = 255;
+      if ( (x&1) ==1)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY4 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = rgba[0];
+      val >>= 4;
+      *pixel = *pixel & (~ (15 << ( (x&1) <<2) ) );
+      *pixel = *pixel | ( (val << ( (x&1) <<2) ) );
+      if ( (x&1) ==1)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY4_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = (*pixel & (15 << ( (x & 1) <<2) ) ) >> ( (x&1) <<2);
+      val <<= 4;
+      rgba[0] = val;
+      rgba[1] = val;
+      rgba[2] = val;
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+      if ( (x&1) ==1)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY4 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      int val = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+      val >>= 4;
+      *pixel = *pixel & (~ (15 << ( (x&1) <<2) ) );
+      *pixel = *pixel | ( (val << ( (x&1) <<2) ) );
+      if ( (x&1) ==1)
+        { pixel+=1; }
+      x++;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY8_to_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[1] = 255;
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      pixel[0] = rgba[0];
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=2;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAY8_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[1] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[2] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[3] = 255;
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      pixel[0] = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+      // for internal uses... using only green would work
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (const uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      rgba[0] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[1] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[2] = pixel[0];
+      rgba[3] = pixel[1];
+      pixel+=2;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      pixel[0] = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rgba);
+      pixel[1] = rgba[3];
+      pixel+=2;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+CTX_INLINE static void ctx_rgba_to_graya_u8 (CtxState *state, uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out)
+  out[0] = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (state, in);
+  out[1] = in[3];
+static void
+ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = ( ( (g->linear_gradient.dx * x + g->linear_gradient.dy * y) /
+                g->linear_gradient.length) -
+              g->linear_gradient.start) * (g->linear_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_GRAYA8 (rasterizer, v, 1.0, (uint8_t*)out);
+  ctx_dither_graya_u8 ((uint8_t*)out, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+#if 0
+static void
+ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t *rgba = (uint8_t *) out;
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = (ctx_hypotf (g->radial_gradient.x0 - x, g->radial_gradient.y0 - y) -
+              g->radial_gradient.r0) * (g->radial_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, v, 0.0, rgba);
+  ctx_dither_rgba_u8 (rgba, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  float v = (ctx_hypotf (g->radial_gradient.x0 - x, g->radial_gradient.y0 - y) -
+              g->radial_gradient.r0) * (g->radial_gradient.rdelta);
+  ctx_fragment_gradient_1d_RGBA8 (rasterizer, v, 0.0, (uint8_t*)out);
+  ctx_dither_graya_u8 ((uint8_t*)out, x, y, rasterizer->format->dither_red_blue,
+                      rasterizer->format->dither_green);
+static void
+ctx_fragment_color_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  CtxSource *g = &rasterizer->state->gstate.source;
+  ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, &g->color, out);
+static void ctx_fragment_image_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, float x, float y, void *out)
+  uint8_t rgba[4];
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  CtxBuffer *buffer = gstate->source.image.buffer;
+  switch (buffer->format->bpp)
+    {
+      case 1:  ctx_fragment_image_gray1_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      case 24: ctx_fragment_image_rgb8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);  break;
+      case 32: ctx_fragment_image_rgba8_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba); break;
+      default: ctx_fragment_image_RGBA8 (rasterizer, x, y, rgba);       break;
+    }
+  ctx_rgba_to_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, rgba, (uint8_t*)out);
+static CtxFragment ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+    {
+      case CTX_SOURCE_IMAGE:           return ctx_fragment_image_GRAYA8;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:           return ctx_fragment_color_GRAYA8;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_LINEAR_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_linear_gradient_GRAYA8;
+      case CTX_SOURCE_RADIAL_GRADIENT: return ctx_fragment_radial_gradient_GRAYA8;
+    }
+  return ctx_fragment_color_GRAYA8;
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(GRAYA8, 2,color,   NULL,                 rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(GRAYA8, 2,generic, rasterizer->fragment, rasterizer->state->gstate.blend_mode)
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(GRAYA8, 2,color_normal,   NULL,                 CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+ctx_u8_porter_duff(GRAYA8, 2,generic_normal, rasterizer->fragment, CTX_BLEND_NORMAL)
+static void
+  ctx_u8_copy_normal (2, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+  ctx_u8_clear_normal (2, rasterizer, dst, src, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_source_over_normal_color (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  ctx_u8_source_over_normal_color (2, rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+static void
+ctx_GRAYA8_source_over_normal_opaque_color (CTX_COMPOSITE_ARGUMENTS)
+  ctx_u8_source_over_normal_opaque_color (2, rasterizer, dst, rasterizer->color, x0, coverage, count);
+inline static int
+ctx_is_opaque_color (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+    return 0;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+  {
+    uint8_t ga[2];
+    ctx_color_get_graya_u8 (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, ga);
+    return ga[1] == 255;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static void
+ctx_setup_GRAYA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  int components = 2;
+  if (gstate->source.type == CTX_SOURCE_COLOR)
+    {
+      rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_color;
+      rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+      ctx_color_get_rgba8 (rasterizer->state, &gstate->source.color, rasterizer->color);
+      if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 != 255)
+        for (int c = 0; c < components; c ++)
+          rasterizer->color[c] = (rasterizer->color[c] * gstate->global_alpha_u8)/255;
+      rasterizer->color[0] = ctx_u8_color_rgb_to_gray (rasterizer->state, rasterizer->color);
+      rasterizer->color[1] = rasterizer->color[3];
+    }
+  else
+  {
+    rasterizer->fragment = ctx_rasterizer_get_fragment_GRAYA8 (rasterizer);
+    rasterizer->comp_op  = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_generic;
+  }
+  if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_CLEAR)
+    rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_clear_normal;
+  else
+    switch (gstate->blend_mode)
+    {
+      case CTX_BLEND_NORMAL:
+        if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_COPY)
+        {
+          rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_copy_normal;
+        }
+        else if (gstate->global_alpha_u8 == 0)
+          rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+        else
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            if (gstate->compositing_mode == CTX_COMPOSITE_SOURCE_OVER)
+            {
+              if (rasterizer->color[components-1] == 0)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_RGBA8_nop);
+              else if (rasterizer->color[components-1] == 255)
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_source_over_normal_opaque_color;
+              else
+                rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_source_over_normal_color;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+              rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_color_normal;
+              rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            }
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_generic_normal;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        switch (gstate->source.type)
+        {
+          case CTX_SOURCE_COLOR:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_color;
+            rasterizer->fragment = NULL;
+            break;
+          default:
+            rasterizer->comp_op = ctx_GRAYA8_porter_duff_generic;
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+inline static void
+ctx_332_unpack (uint8_t pixel,
+                uint8_t *red,
+                uint8_t *green,
+                uint8_t *blue)
+  *blue   = (pixel & 3) <<6;
+  *green = ( (pixel >> 2) & 7) <<5;
+  *red   = ( (pixel >> 5) & 7) <<5;
+  if (*blue > 223)  { *blue  = 255; }
+  if (*green > 223) { *green = 255; }
+  if (*red > 223)   { *red   = 255; }
+static inline uint8_t
+ctx_332_pack (uint8_t red,
+              uint8_t green,
+              uint8_t blue)
+  uint8_t c  = (red >> 5) << 5;
+  c |= (green >> 5) << 2;
+  c |= (blue >> 6);
+  return c;
+static inline void
+ctx_RGB332_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      ctx_332_unpack (*pixel, &rgba[0], &rgba[1], &rgba[2]);
+      if (rgba[0]==255 && rgba[2] == 255 && rgba[1]==0)
+        { rgba[3] = 0; }
+      else
+        { rgba[3] = 255; }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+static inline void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB332 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      if (rgba[3]==0)
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_332_pack (255, 0, 255); }
+      else
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_332_pack (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2]); }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+static inline void
+ctx_565_unpack (uint16_t pixel,
+                uint8_t *red,
+                uint8_t *green,
+                uint8_t *blue,
+                int      byteswap)
+  uint16_t byteswapped;
+  if (byteswap)
+    { byteswapped = (pixel>>8) | (pixel<<8); }
+  else
+    { byteswapped  = pixel; }
+  *blue   = (byteswapped & 31) <<3;
+  *green = ( (byteswapped>>5) & 63) <<2;
+  *red   = ( (byteswapped>>11) & 31) <<3;
+  if (*blue > 248) { *blue = 255; }
+  if (*green > 248) { *green = 255; }
+  if (*red > 248) { *red = 255; }
+static inline uint16_t
+ctx_565_pack (uint8_t red,
+              uint8_t green,
+              uint8_t blue,
+              int     byteswap)
+  uint32_t c = (red >> 3) << 11;
+  c |= (green >> 2) << 5;
+  c |= blue >> 3;
+  if (byteswap)
+    { return (c>>8) | (c<<8); } /* swap bytes */
+  return c;
+static inline void
+ctx_RGB565_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint16_t *pixel = (uint16_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      ctx_565_unpack (*pixel, &rgba[0], &rgba[1], &rgba[2], 0);
+      if (rgba[0]==255 && rgba[2] == 255 && rgba[1]==0)
+        { rgba[3] = 0; }
+      else
+        { rgba[3] = 255; }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+static inline void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB565 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint16_t *pixel = (uint16_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      if (rgba[3]==0)
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_565_pack (255, 0, 255, 0); }
+      else
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_565_pack (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], 0); }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+static inline void
+ctx_RGB565_BS_to_RGBA8 (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const void *buf, uint8_t *rgba, int count)
+  const uint16_t *pixel = (uint16_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      ctx_565_unpack (*pixel, &rgba[0], &rgba[1], &rgba[2], 1);
+      if (rgba[0]==255 && rgba[2] == 255 && rgba[1]==0)
+        { rgba[3] = 0; }
+      else
+        { rgba[3] = 255; }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+static inline void
+ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB565_BS (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer, int x, const uint8_t *rgba, void *buf, int count)
+  uint16_t *pixel = (uint16_t *) buf;
+  while (count--)
+    {
+      if (rgba[3]==0)
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_565_pack (255, 0, 255, 1); }
+      else
+        { pixel[0] = ctx_565_pack (rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], 1); }
+      pixel+=1;
+      rgba +=4;
+    }
+CtxPixelFormatInfo CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_pixel_formats)[]=
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8, 4, 32, 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    NULL, NULL, NULL, ctx_setup_RGBA8
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_BGRA8, 4, 32, 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_BGRA8_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_BGRA8, ctx_composite_BGRA8, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAYF, 1, 32, 4 * 2, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYAF,
+    NULL, NULL, ctx_composite_GRAYF, ctx_setup_GRAYAF,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAYAF, 2, 64, 4 * 2, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYAF,
+    NULL, NULL, NULL, ctx_setup_GRAYAF,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_RGBAF, 4, 128, 4 * 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBAF,
+    NULL, NULL, NULL, ctx_setup_RGBAF,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_RGB8, 3, 24, 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_RGB8_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB8, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAY1_to_GRAYA8, ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY1, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_GRAYA8,
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_GRAY1_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY1, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAY2_to_GRAYA8, ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY2, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_GRAYA8,
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_GRAY2_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY2, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY4, 1, 4, 2, 16, 16, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAY4_to_GRAYA8, ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY4, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_GRAYA8,
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY4, 1, 4, 4, 16, 16, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAY4_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY4, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY8, 1, 8, 2, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAY8_to_GRAYA8, ctx_GRAYA8_to_GRAY8, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_GRAYA8,
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAY8, 1, 8, 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_GRAY8_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAY8, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8, 2, 16, 2, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8,
+    ctx_GRAYA8_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAYA8, NULL, ctx_setup_GRAYA8,
+    CTX_FORMAT_GRAYA8, 2, 16, 4, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_GRAYA8_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_GRAYA8, ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_RGB332, 3, 8, 4, 10, 12, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_RGB332_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB332,
+    ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_RGB565, 3, 16, 4, 32, 64, CTX_FORMAT_RGBA8,
+    ctx_RGB565_to_RGBA8, ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB565,
+    ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    ctx_RGB565_BS_to_RGBA8,
+    ctx_RGBA8_to_RGB565_BS,
+    ctx_composite_convert, ctx_setup_RGBA8,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_CMYKAF, 5, 160, 4 * 5, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_CMYKAF,
+    NULL, NULL, NULL, ctx_setup_CMYKAF,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_CMYKA8, 5, 40, 4 * 5, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_CMYKAF,
+    NULL, NULL, ctx_composite_CMYKA8, ctx_setup_CMYKAF,
+  },
+  {
+    CTX_FORMAT_CMYK8, 5, 32, 4 * 5, 0, 0, CTX_FORMAT_CMYKAF,
+    NULL, NULL, ctx_composite_CMYK8, ctx_setup_CMYKAF,
+  },
+  {
+  }
+CTX_COMPOSITE_SUFFIX(ctx_compositor_setup) (CtxRasterizer *rasterizer)
+  if (rasterizer->format->setup)
+  {
+    // event if _default is used we get to work
+    rasterizer->format->setup (rasterizer);
+  }
+  CtxGState *gstate = &rasterizer->state->gstate;
+  switch (gstate->source.type)
+  {
+      ctx_gradient_cache_prime (rasterizer);
+  }
+#endif //  __CTX_H__
diff --git a/gegl/ctx/meson.build b/gegl/ctx/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2e9a6d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gegl/ctx/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+gegl_sources += files(
+  'ctx.c'
+gegl_headers += files('ctx.h')
diff --git a/gegl/meson.build b/gegl/meson.build
index 42d29d65c..f6b77ce0a 100644
--- a/gegl/meson.build
+++ b/gegl/meson.build
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ geglInclude = include_directories(
+  'ctx'
 gegl_cflags = [
@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ subdir('opencl')
 gegl_headers += gegl_introspectable_headers

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