[librsvg/rustify-rsvg-convert: 43/78] rsvg-convert: consolidate everything in main.rs

commit ae1047a8eaaee67d897bc6b59e1d5add62b4e365
Author: Paolo Borelli <pborelli gnome org>
Date:   Sat Jan 9 15:17:22 2021 +0100

    rsvg-convert: consolidate everything in main.rs
    The entire program is 700 lines, including tests, I think having a
    single source file is simpler.

 src/bin/rsvg-convert/cli.rs     | 347 ----------------------
 src/bin/rsvg-convert/input.rs   |  17 --
 src/bin/rsvg-convert/main.rs    | 625 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/bin/rsvg-convert/output.rs  |  17 --
 src/bin/rsvg-convert/size.rs    | 106 -------
 src/bin/rsvg-convert/surface.rs | 147 ----------
 6 files changed, 608 insertions(+), 651 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/bin/rsvg-convert/main.rs b/src/bin/rsvg-convert/main.rs
index d611dbca..381b32d0 100644
--- a/src/bin/rsvg-convert/main.rs
+++ b/src/bin/rsvg-convert/main.rs
@@ -1,26 +1,589 @@
 extern crate clap;
-mod cli;
-mod input;
-mod output;
-mod size;
-mod surface;
-use cssparser::Color;
 use gio::prelude::*;
 use gio::{
     Cancellable, FileCreateFlags, FileExt, InputStream, OutputStream, UnixInputStream,
 use librsvg::rsvg_convert_only::LegacySize;
-use librsvg::{CairoRenderer, Loader, RenderingError};
+use librsvg::{CairoRenderer, Color, Loader, Parse, RenderingError};
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+struct Scale {
+    pub x: f64,
+    pub y: f64,
+impl Scale {
+    #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)]
+    pub fn is_identity(&self) -> bool {
+        self.x == 1.0 && self.y == 1.0
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+struct Size {
+    pub w: f64,
+    pub h: f64,
+impl Size {
+    pub fn new(w: f64, h: f64) -> Self {
+        Self { w, h }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+enum ResizeStrategy {
+    Scale(Scale),
+    Fit(u32, u32),
+    FitWidth(u32),
+    FitHeight(u32),
+    FitLargestScale(Scale, Option<u32>, Option<u32>),
+impl ResizeStrategy {
+    pub fn apply(self, input: Size, keep_aspect_ratio: bool) -> Result<Size, ()> {
+        if input.w == 0.0 && input.h == 0.0 {
+            return Err(());
+        }
+        let output = match self {
+            ResizeStrategy::Scale(s) => Size {
+                w: input.w * s.x,
+                h: input.h * s.y,
+            },
+            ResizeStrategy::Fit(w, h) => Size {
+                w: f64::from(w),
+                h: f64::from(h),
+            },
+            ResizeStrategy::FitWidth(w) => Size {
+                w: f64::from(w),
+                h: input.h * f64::from(w) / input.w,
+            },
+            ResizeStrategy::FitHeight(h) => Size {
+                w: input.w * f64::from(h) / input.h,
+                h: f64::from(h),
+            },
+            ResizeStrategy::FitLargestScale(s, w, h) => {
+                let scaled_input_w = input.w * s.x;
+                let scaled_input_h = input.h * s.y;
+                let f = match (w.map(f64::from), h.map(f64::from)) {
+                    (Some(w), Some(h)) if w < scaled_input_w || h < scaled_input_h => {
+                        let sx = w / scaled_input_w;
+                        let sy = h / scaled_input_h;
+                        if sx > sy {
+                            sy
+                        } else {
+                            sx
+                        }
+                    }
+                    (Some(w), None) if w < scaled_input_w => w / scaled_input_w,
+                    (None, Some(h)) if h < scaled_input_h => h / scaled_input_h,
+                    _ => 1.0,
+                };
+                Size {
+                    w: input.w * f * s.x,
+                    h: input.h * f * s.y,
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        if !keep_aspect_ratio {
+            return Ok(output);
+        }
+        if output.w < output.h {
+            Ok(Size {
+                w: output.w,
+                h: input.h * (output.w / input.w),
+            })
+        } else {
+            Ok(Size {
+                w: input.w * (output.h / input.h),
+                h: output.h,
+            })
+        }
+    }
+enum Surface {
+    Png(cairo::ImageSurface, OutputStream),
+    Pdf(cairo::PdfSurface, Size),
+    Ps(cairo::PsSurface, Size),
+    Svg(cairo::SvgSurface, Size),
+impl Deref for Surface {
+    type Target = cairo::Surface;
+    fn deref(&self) -> &cairo::Surface {
+        match self {
+            Self::Png(surface, _) => &surface,
+            Self::Pdf(surface, _) => &surface,
+            Self::Ps(surface, _) => &surface,
+            Self::Svg(surface, _) => &surface,
+        }
+    }
+impl Surface {
+    pub fn new(format: Format, size: Size, stream: OutputStream) -> Result<Self, cairo::Status> {
+        match format {
+            Format::Png => Self::new_for_png(size, stream),
+            Format::Pdf => Self::new_for_pdf(size, stream),
+            Format::Ps => Self::new_for_ps(size, stream, false),
+            Format::Eps => Self::new_for_ps(size, stream, true),
+            Format::Svg => Self::new_for_svg(size, stream),
+        }
+    }
+    fn new_for_png(size: Size, stream: OutputStream) -> Result<Self, cairo::Status> {
+        let w = checked_i32(size.w.round())?;
+        let h = checked_i32(size.h.round())?;
+        let surface = cairo::ImageSurface::create(cairo::Format::ARgb32, w, h)?;
+        Ok(Self::Png(surface, stream))
+    }
+    fn new_for_pdf(size: Size, stream: OutputStream) -> Result<Self, cairo::Status> {
+        let surface = cairo::PdfSurface::for_stream(size.w, size.h, stream.into_write())?;
+        if let Some(date) = metadata::creation_date() {
+            surface.set_metadata(cairo::PdfMetadata::CreateDate, &date)?;
+        }
+        Ok(Self::Pdf(surface, size))
+    }
+    fn new_for_ps(size: Size, stream: OutputStream, eps: bool) -> Result<Self, cairo::Status> {
+        let surface = cairo::PsSurface::for_stream(size.w, size.h, stream.into_write())?;
+        surface.set_eps(eps);
+        Ok(Self::Ps(surface, size))
+    }
+    fn new_for_svg(size: Size, stream: OutputStream) -> Result<Self, cairo::Status> {
+        let surface = cairo::SvgSurface::for_stream(size.w, size.h, stream.into_write())?;
+        Ok(Self::Svg(surface, size))
+    }
+    fn size(&self) -> Size {
+        match self {
+            Self::Png(surface, _) => Size {
+                w: surface.get_width() as f64,
+                h: surface.get_height() as f64,
+            },
+            Self::Pdf(_, size) => *size,
+            Self::Ps(_, size) => *size,
+            Self::Svg(_, size) => *size,
+        }
+    }
-use crate::cli::Args;
-use crate::input::Input;
-use crate::output::Output;
-use crate::size::{ResizeStrategy, Size};
-use crate::surface::Surface;
+    fn bounds(&self) -> cairo::Rectangle {
+        let size = self.size();
+        cairo::Rectangle {
+            x: 0.0,
+            y: 0.0,
+            width: size.w,
+            height: size.h,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn render(
+        &self,
+        renderer: &CairoRenderer,
+        cr: &cairo::Context,
+        id: Option<&str>,
+    ) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+        let show_page = |_| self.show_page(cr);
+        renderer
+            .render_layer(cr, id, &self.bounds())
+            .and_then(show_page)
+    }
+    pub fn show_page(&self, cr: &cairo::Context) -> Result<(), RenderingError> {
+        match self {
+            Self::Png(_, _) => (),
+            _ => cr.show_page(),
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+    pub fn finish(self) -> Result<(), cairo::IoError> {
+        match self {
+            Self::Png(surface, stream) => surface.write_to_png(&mut stream.into_write()),
+            _ => match self.finish_output_stream() {
+                Ok(_) => Ok(()),
+                Err(e) => Err(cairo::IoError::Io(std::io::Error::from(e))),
+            },
+        }
+    }
+fn checked_i32(x: f64) -> Result<i32, cairo::Status> {
+    cast::i32(x).map_err(|_| cairo::Status::InvalidSize)
+mod metadata {
+    use chrono::prelude::*;
+    use std::env;
+    use std::str::FromStr;
+    use super::exit;
+    pub fn creation_date() -> Option<String> {
+        match env::var("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH") {
+            Ok(epoch) => {
+                let seconds = i64::from_str(&epoch)
+                    .unwrap_or_else(|e| exit!("Environment variable $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH: {}", e));
+                let datetime = Utc.timestamp(seconds, 0);
+                Some(datetime.to_rfc3339())
+            }
+            Err(env::VarError::NotPresent) => None,
+            Err(env::VarError::NotUnicode(_)) => {
+                exit!("Environment variable $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is not valid Unicode")
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+enum Input {
+    Stdin,
+    Path(PathBuf),
+impl std::fmt::Display for Input {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match self {
+            Input::Stdin => "stdin".fmt(f),
+            Input::Path(p) => p.display().fmt(f),
+        }
+    }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+enum Output {
+    Stdout,
+    Path(PathBuf),
+impl std::fmt::Display for Output {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+        match self {
+            Output::Stdout => "stdout".fmt(f),
+            Output::Path(p) => p.display().fmt(f),
+        }
+    }
+arg_enum! {
+    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+    enum Format {
+        Png,
+        Pdf,
+        Ps,
+        Eps,
+        Svg,
+    }
+struct Args {
+    pub dpi: (f64, f64),
+    pub zoom: Scale,
+    pub width: Option<u32>,
+    pub height: Option<u32>,
+    pub format: Format,
+    pub export_id: Option<String>,
+    pub keep_aspect_ratio: bool,
+    pub background_color: Option<Color>,
+    pub stylesheet: Option<PathBuf>,
+    pub unlimited: bool,
+    pub keep_image_data: bool,
+    pub output: Output,
+    pub input: Vec<Input>,
+impl Args {
+    pub fn new() -> Result<Self, clap::Error> {
+        let app = clap::App::new("rsvg-convert")
+            .version(concat!("version ", crate_version!()))
+            .about("Convert SVG files to other image formats")
+            .help_short("?")
+            .version_short("v")
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("res_x")
+                    .short("d")
+                    .long("dpi-x")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("float")
+                    .default_value("90")
+                    .validator(is_valid_resolution)
+                    .help("Pixels per inch"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("res_y")
+                    .short("p")
+                    .long("dpi-y")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("float")
+                    .default_value("90")
+                    .validator(is_valid_resolution)
+                    .help("Pixels per inch"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("zoom_x")
+                    .short("x")
+                    .long("x-zoom")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("float")
+                    .conflicts_with("zoom")
+                    .validator(is_valid_zoom_factor)
+                    .help("Horizontal zoom factor"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("zoom_y")
+                    .short("y")
+                    .long("y-zoom")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("float")
+                    .conflicts_with("zoom")
+                    .validator(is_valid_zoom_factor)
+                    .help("Vertical zoom factor"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("zoom")
+                    .short("z")
+                    .long("zoom")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("float")
+                    .validator(is_valid_zoom_factor)
+                    .help("Zoom factor"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("size_x")
+                    .short("w")
+                    .long("width")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("pixels")
+                    .help("Width [defaults to the width of the SVG]"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("size_y")
+                    .short("h")
+                    .long("height")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("pixels")
+                    .help("Height [defaults to the height of the SVG]"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("format")
+                    .short("f")
+                    .long("format")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .possible_values(&Format::variants())
+                    .case_insensitive(true)
+                    .default_value("png")
+                    .help("Output format"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("output")
+                    .short("o")
+                    .long("output")
+                    .empty_values(false)
+                    .help("Output filename [defaults to stdout]"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("export_id")
+                    .short("i")
+                    .long("export-id")
+                    .empty_values(false)
+                    .value_name("object id")
+                    .help("SVG id of object to export [default is to export all objects]"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("keep_aspect")
+                    .short("a")
+                    .long("keep-aspect-ratio")
+                    .help("Preserve the aspect ratio"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("background")
+                    .short("b")
+                    .long("background-color")
+                    .takes_value(true)
+                    .value_name("color")
+                    .help("Set the background color using a CSS color spec"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("stylesheet")
+                    .short("s")
+                    .long("stylesheet")
+                    .empty_values(false)
+                    .help("Filename of CSS stylesheet to apply"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("unlimited")
+                    .short("u")
+                    .long("unlimited")
+                    .help("Allow huge SVG files"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("keep_image_data")
+                    .long("keep-image-data")
+                    .help("Keep image data"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("no_keep_image_data")
+                    .long("no-keep-image-data")
+                    .help("Do not keep image data"),
+            )
+            .arg(
+                clap::Arg::with_name("FILE")
+                    .help("The input file(s) to convert")
+                    .multiple(true),
+            );
+        let matches = app.get_matches();
+        let format = value_t!(matches, "format", Format)?;
+        let keep_image_data = match format {
+            Format::Ps | Format::Eps | Format::Pdf => !matches.is_present("no_keep_image_data"),
+            _ => matches.is_present("keep_image_data"),
+        };
+        let background_color = value_t!(matches, "background", String).and_then(parse_color_string);
+        let lookup_id = |id: String| {
+            // RsvgHandle::has_sub() expects ids to have a '#' prepended to them,
+            // so it can lookup ids in externs like "subfile.svg#subid".  For the
+            // user's convenience, we include this '#' automatically; we only
+            // support specifying ids from the toplevel, and don't expect users to
+            // lookup things in externs.
+            if id.starts_with('#') {
+                id
+            } else {
+                format!("#{}", id)
+            }
+        };
+        let zoom = value_t!(matches, "zoom", f64).or_none()?;
+        let zoom_x = value_t!(matches, "zoom_x", f64).or_none()?;
+        let zoom_y = value_t!(matches, "zoom_y", f64).or_none()?;
+        let args = Args {
+            dpi: (
+                value_t!(matches, "res_x", f64)?,
+                value_t!(matches, "res_y", f64)?,
+            ),
+            zoom: Scale {
+                x: zoom.or(zoom_x).unwrap_or(1.0),
+                y: zoom.or(zoom_y).unwrap_or(1.0),
+            },
+            width: value_t!(matches, "size_x", u32).or_none()?,
+            height: value_t!(matches, "size_y", u32).or_none()?,
+            format,
+            export_id: value_t!(matches, "export_id", String)
+                .or_none()?
+                .map(lookup_id),
+            keep_aspect_ratio: matches.is_present("keep_aspect"),
+            background_color: background_color.or_none()?,
+            stylesheet: matches.value_of_os("stylesheet").map(PathBuf::from),
+            unlimited: matches.is_present("unlimited"),
+            keep_image_data,
+            output: matches
+                .value_of_os("output")
+                .map(PathBuf::from)
+                .map(Output::Path)
+                .unwrap_or(Output::Stdout),
+            input: match matches.values_of_os("FILE") {
+                Some(values) => values.map(PathBuf::from).map(Input::Path).collect(),
+                None => vec![Input::Stdin],
+            },
+        };
+        if args.input.len() > 1 {
+            match args.format {
+                Format::Ps | Format::Eps | Format::Pdf => (),
+                _ => {
+                    return Err(clap::Error::with_description(
+                        "Multiple SVG files are only allowed for PDF and (E)PS output.",
+                        clap::ErrorKind::TooManyValues,
+                    ))
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Ok(args)
+    }
+fn is_valid_resolution(v: String) -> Result<(), String> {
+    match v.parse::<f64>() {
+        Ok(res) if res > 0.0 => Ok(()),
+        Ok(_) => Err(String::from("Invalid resolution")),
+        Err(e) => Err(format!("{}", e)),
+    }
+fn is_valid_zoom_factor(v: String) -> Result<(), String> {
+    match v.parse::<f64>() {
+        Ok(res) if res > 0.0 => Ok(()),
+        Ok(_) => Err(String::from("Invalid zoom factor")),
+        Err(e) => Err(format!("{}", e)),
+    }
+trait NotFound {
+    type Ok;
+    type Error;
+    fn or_none(self) -> Result<Option<Self::Ok>, Self::Error>;
+impl<T> NotFound for Result<T, clap::Error> {
+    type Ok = T;
+    type Error = clap::Error;
+    /// Maps the Result to an Option, translating the ArgumentNotFound error to
+    /// Ok(None), while mapping other kinds of errors to Err(e).
+    ///
+    /// This allows to get proper error reporting for invalid values on optional
+    /// arguments.
+    fn or_none(self) -> Result<Option<T>, clap::Error> {
+        self.map_or_else(
+            |e| match e.kind {
+                clap::ErrorKind::ArgumentNotFound => Ok(None),
+                _ => Err(e),
+            },
+            |v| Ok(Some(v)),
+        )
+    }
+fn parse_color_string(str: String) -> Result<Color, clap::Error> {
+    parse_color_str(&str)
+fn parse_color_str(str: &str) -> Result<Color, clap::Error> {
+    match str {
+        "none" | "None" => Err(clap::Error::with_description(
+            str,
+            clap::ErrorKind::ArgumentNotFound,
+        )),
+        _ => <Color as Parse>::parse_str(str).map_err(|_| {
+            let desc = format!(
+                "Invalid value: The argument '{}' can not be parsed as a CSS color value",
+                str
+            );
+            clap::Error::with_description(&desc, clap::ErrorKind::InvalidValue)
+        }),
+    }
 macro_rules! exit {
@@ -81,16 +644,16 @@ fn main() {
                 .unwrap_or_else(|e| exit!("Error applying stylesheet: {}", e));
-        let renderer = CairoRenderer::new(&handle).with_dpi(args.dpi.x, args.dpi.y);
+        let renderer = CairoRenderer::new(&handle).with_dpi(args.dpi.0, args.dpi.1);
         if target.is_none() {
             let (width, height) = renderer
-                .legacy_layer_size_in_pixels(args.export_id())
+                .legacy_layer_size_in_pixels(args.export_id.as_deref())
                 .unwrap_or_else(|e| match e {
                     RenderingError::IdNotFound => exit!(
                         "File {} does not have an object with id \"{}\")",
-                        args.export_id().unwrap()
+                        args.export_id.as_deref().unwrap()
                     _ => exit!("Error rendering SVG {}: {}", input, e),
@@ -155,7 +718,7 @@ fn main() {
             cr.scale(args.zoom.x, args.zoom.y);
-                .render(&renderer, &cr, args.export_id())
+                .render(&renderer, &cr, args.export_id.as_deref())
                 .unwrap_or_else(|e| exit!("Error rendering SVG {}: {}", input, e));
@@ -166,3 +729,31 @@ fn main() {
             .unwrap_or_else(|e| exit!("Error saving output: {}", e));
+mod tests {
+    mod color {
+        use super::super::*;
+        #[test]
+        fn valid_color_is_ok() {
+            assert!(parse_color_str("Red").is_ok());
+        }
+        #[test]
+        fn none_is_handled_as_not_found() {
+            assert_eq!(
+                parse_color_str("None").map_err(|e| e.kind),
+                Err(clap::ErrorKind::ArgumentNotFound)
+            );
+        }
+        #[test]
+        fn invalid_is_handled_as_invalid_value() {
+            assert_eq!(
+                parse_color_str("foo").map_err(|e| e.kind),
+                Err(clap::ErrorKind::InvalidValue)
+            );
+        }
+    }

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