[gnome-builder] gopls: port to using IdeLspService

commit b07b4c57213c4e7fe4e5711e0c18a27d0023bc38
Author: Christian Hergert <chergert redhat com>
Date:   Tue Dec 21 16:19:07 2021 -0800

    gopls: port to using IdeLspService
    There is still one thing that is slightly missing from this, which is to
    find the binary in ~/go/bin/gopls. I think now that various distributions
    have gopls as packages, we can rely on that.
    To improve this further (definitely yell if you use this!) we could add
    alternate search paths in IdeLspService.

 src/plugins/go-langserv/go_langserver_plugin.py | 114 +++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/plugins/go-langserv/go_langserver_plugin.py b/src/plugins/go-langserv/go_langserver_plugin.py
index e26cccac1..300823e0c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/go-langserv/go_langserver_plugin.py
+++ b/src/plugins/go-langserv/go_langserver_plugin.py
@@ -11,99 +11,27 @@ from gi.repository import Ide
 DEV_MODE = os.getenv('DEV_MODE') and True or False
-class GoService(Ide.Object):
-    _client = None
-    _has_started = False
-    _supervisor = None
-    @classmethod
-    def from_context(klass, context):
-        return context.ensure_child_typed(GoService)
-    @GObject.Property(type=Ide.LspClient)
-    def client(self):
-        return self._client
-    @client.setter
-    def client(self, value):
-        self._client = value
-        self.notify('client')
-    def do_stop(self):
-        if self._supervisor:
-            supervisor, self._supervisor = self._supervisor, None
-            supervisor.stop()
-    def _which_go_lanserver(self):
-        path = os.path.expanduser('~/go/bin/gopls')
-        if os.path.exists(path):
-            return path
-        return "gopls"
-    def _ensure_started(self):
-        # To avoid starting the process unconditionally at startup, lazily
-        # start it when the first provider tries to bind a client to its
-        # :client property.
-        if not self._has_started:
-            self._has_started = True
-            launcher = self._create_launcher()
-            launcher.set_clear_env(False)
-            # Locate the directory of the project and run go-langserver from there
-            workdir = self.get_context().ref_workdir()
-            launcher.set_cwd(workdir.get_path())
-            # Bash will load the host $PATH and $GOPATH (and optionally $GOROOT) for us.
-            # This does mean there will be a possible .bashrc vs .bash_profile
-            # discrepancy. Possibly there is a better native way to make sure that
-            # builder running in flatpak can run processes in the host context with
-            # the host's $PATH.
-            launcher.push_argv("/bin/bash")
-            launcher.push_argv("--login")
-            launcher.push_argv("-c")
-            launcher.push_argv('exec %s %s serve' % (
-                self._which_go_lanserver(),
-                "-debug" if DEV_MODE else ""))
-            # Spawn our peer process and monitor it for
-            # crashes. We may need to restart it occasionally.
-            self._supervisor = Ide.SubprocessSupervisor()
-            self._supervisor.connect('spawned', self._ls_spawned)
-            self._supervisor.set_launcher(launcher)
-            self._supervisor.start()
-    def _ls_spawned(self, supervisor, subprocess):
-        stdin = subprocess.get_stdin_pipe()
-        stdout = subprocess.get_stdout_pipe()
-        io_stream = Gio.SimpleIOStream.new(stdout, stdin)
-        if self._client:
-            self._client.stop()
-            self._client.destroy()
-        self._client = Ide.LspClient.new(io_stream)
-        self.append(self._client)
-        self._client.add_language('go')
-        self._client.start()
-        self.notify('client')
-    def _create_launcher(self):
-        flags = Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDIN_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE
-        if not DEV_MODE:
-            flags |= Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_SILENCE
-        launcher = Ide.SubprocessLauncher()
-        launcher.set_flags(flags)
-        launcher.set_cwd(GLib.get_home_dir())
-        launcher.set_run_on_host(True)
-        return launcher
-    @classmethod
-    def bind_client(klass, provider):
-        context = provider.get_context()
-        self = GoService.from_context(context)
-        self._ensure_started()
-        self.bind_property('client', provider, 'client', GObject.BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE)
+class GoService(Ide.LspService):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.set_program('gopls')
+    def do_configure_launcher(self, pipeline, launcher):
+        if DEV_MODE:
+            launcher.push_argv('-debug')
+        launcher.push_argv('serve')
+        # Bash will load the host $PATH and $GOPATH (and optionally $GOROOT)
+        # for us.  This does mean there will be a possible .bashrc vs
+        # .bash_profile discrepancy. Possibly there is a better native way to
+        # make sure that builder running in flatpak can run processes in the
+        # host context with the host's $PATH.
+        argv = launcher.get_argv()
+        quoted = ' '.join([GLib.shell_quote(arg) for arg in argv])
+        launcher.set_argv(["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c", quoted])
+    def do_configure_client(self, client):
+        client.add_language('go')
 class GoSymbolResolver(Ide.LspSymbolResolver, Ide.SymbolResolver):
     def do_load(self):

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