[chronojump] Clean warnings

commit fa5d054861fd90f91c93553ffdb936d913219727
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Mon Dec 20 12:16:09 2021 +0100

    Clean warnings

 src/execute/arduinoCapture.cs |  1 -
 src/execute/jump.cs           | 17 +++++++++++++----
 src/execute/run.cs            | 14 +++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/execute/arduinoCapture.cs b/src/execute/arduinoCapture.cs
index 3ca8bfb28..134fb63b3 100644
--- a/src/execute/arduinoCapture.cs
+++ b/src/execute/arduinoCapture.cs
@@ -238,7 +238,6 @@ public class PhotocellWirelessCapture: ArduinoCapture
                LogB.Information("AT Capture: STOPPING");
-               string str = "";
                //empty any pending port read to be able to read correctly the Capture ended message
diff --git a/src/execute/jump.cs b/src/execute/jump.cs
index 7feeb3a31..bc6200916 100644
--- a/src/execute/jump.cs
+++ b/src/execute/jump.cs
@@ -535,7 +535,9 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
        string tvString;
        string tcString;
-       string limited; //the teorically values, eleven jumps: "11=J" (time recorded in "time"), 10 seconds: 
"10=T" (jumps recorded in jumps)
+       //commented because it was assigned but never used
+       //string limited; //the teorically values, eleven jumps: "11=J" (time recorded in "time"), 10 
seconds: "10=T" (jumps recorded in jumps)
        double limitAsDouble;   //-1 for non limited (unlimited repetitive jump until "finish" is clicked)
        bool jumpsLimited;
        bool firstRjValue;
@@ -576,11 +578,14 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
                this.limitAsDouble = limitAsDouble;
                this.jumpsLimited = jumpsLimited;
+               /*
+               commented because it was assigned but never used
                if(jumpsLimited) {
                        this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "J";
                } else {
                        //this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T"; define later, because it can be 
higher if allowFinishRjAfterTime is defined
+               */
                this.cp = cp;
@@ -993,7 +998,9 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
                                limitString = jumps.ToString() + "J";
                        } else {
                                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
-                               limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, 
and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
+                               //commented because it was assigned but never used
+                               //limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in 
treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
                                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} 
seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());
@@ -1010,8 +1017,10 @@ public class JumpRjExecute : JumpExecute
                                //limitString = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
                                limitString = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T";
-                               limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in treeviewJump, 
and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
+                               //commented because it was assigned but never used
+                               //limited = limitString; //define limited because it's checked in 
treeviewJump, and possibly it's not the initial defined time (specially when allowFinishRjAfterTime is true)
                                //leave the initial selected time into description/comments:
                                description = string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Initially selected {0} 
seconds"), limitAsDouble.ToString());
diff --git a/src/execute/run.cs b/src/execute/run.cs
index 9e7364716..065ac1ac4 100644
--- a/src/execute/run.cs
+++ b/src/execute/run.cs
@@ -886,7 +886,9 @@ public class RunIntervalExecute : RunExecute
        double distanceTotal;
        double timeTotal;
        double distanceInterval;
-       string limited; //the teorically values, eleven runs: "11=R" (time recorded in "time"), 10 seconds: 
"10=T" (tracks recorded in tracks)
+       //commented because it was assigned but never used
+       //string limited; //the teorically values, eleven runs: "11=R" (time recorded in "time"), 10 seconds: 
"10=T" (tracks recorded in tracks)
        double limitAsDouble;   //-1 for non limited (unlimited repetitive run until "finish" is clicked)
        bool tracksLimited;
@@ -900,7 +902,7 @@ public class RunIntervalExecute : RunExecute
        private bool RSABellDone;
        private string equal;
-       private int countForSavingTempTable;
+       //private int countForSavingTempTable;
        //private Chronopic cp;
@@ -936,9 +938,11 @@ public class RunIntervalExecute : RunExecute
                if(tracksLimited) {
-                       this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "R"; //'R'uns (don't put 'T'racks for not 
confusing with 'T'ime)
+                       //commented because it was assigned but never used
+                       //this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "R"; //'R'uns (don't put 'T'racks for not 
confusing with 'T'ime)
                } else {
-                       this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
+                       //commented because it was assigned but never used
+                       //this.limited = limitAsDouble.ToString() + "T";
                        timeTotal = limitAsDouble;
@@ -986,7 +990,7 @@ public class RunIntervalExecute : RunExecute
                intervalTimesString = "";
                distanceIntervalFixed = distanceInterval;
                tracks = 0;
-               countForSavingTempTable = 0;
+               //countForSavingTempTable = 0;
                finishByTimeReturnedTrueAtThisCapture = false;
                //initialize eventDone as a RunInterval

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