[gnome-software: 1/5] packagekit: Merge packagekit-refresh plugin into the main plugin

commit 8dc753ccda771767e059197ca3727c3a8d71e975
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Wed Dec 15 14:16:48 2021 +0000

    packagekit: Merge packagekit-refresh plugin into the main plugin
    There was no reason to keep it separate, and since commit 83f5653b, the
    packagekit-refresh plugin was no longer correctly matching with the
    packagekit plugin as the chosen management plugin of PackageKit apps.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
    Helps: #1472

 contrib/gnome-software.spec.in                    |   1 -
 plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit-refresh.c | 239 ----------------------
 plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit-refresh.h |  22 --
 plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit.c         | 174 ++++++++++++++++
 plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-systemd-updates.c    |   1 -
 plugins/packagekit/meson.build                    |  18 --
 plugins/rpm-ostree/gs-plugin-rpm-ostree.c         |   1 -
 7 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/gnome-software.spec.in b/contrib/gnome-software.spec.in
index 85f3908bd..8ab03c888 100644
--- a/contrib/gnome-software.spec.in
+++ b/contrib/gnome-software.spec.in
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
diff --git a/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit.c b/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit.c
index 9e4329499..41d8d8678 100644
--- a/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit.c
+++ b/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-packagekit.c
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
  * Supports setting the session proxy on the system PackageKit instance.
+ * Also supports doing a PackageKit UpdatePackages(ONLY_DOWNLOAD) method on
+ * refresh and also converts any package files to applications the best we can.
+ *
  * Requires:    | [source-id]
  * Refines:     | [source-id], [source], [update-details], [management-plugin]
@@ -66,6 +69,9 @@ struct _GsPluginPackagekit {
        PkTask                  *task_upgrade;
        GMutex                   task_mutex_upgrade;
+       PkTask                  *task_refresh;
+       GMutex                   task_mutex_refresh;
        GCancellable            *proxy_settings_cancellable;  /* (nullable) (owned) */
@@ -157,8 +163,18 @@ gs_plugin_packagekit_init (GsPluginPackagekit *self)
        pk_client_set_cache_age (PK_CLIENT (self->task_upgrade), 60 * 60 * 24);
        pk_client_set_interactive (PK_CLIENT (self->task_upgrade), gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, 
+       /* refresh */
+       g_mutex_init (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       self->task_refresh = gs_packagekit_task_new (plugin);
+       pk_task_set_only_download (self->task_refresh, TRUE);
+       pk_client_set_background (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), TRUE);
+       pk_client_set_interactive (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, 
        /* need pkgname and ID */
        gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "appstream");
+       /* we can return better results than dpkg directly */
+       gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_CONFLICTS, "dpkg");
 static void
@@ -196,6 +212,9 @@ gs_plugin_packagekit_dispose (GObject *object)
        /* upgrade */
        g_clear_object (&self->task_upgrade);
+       /* refresh */
+       g_clear_object (&self->task_refresh);
        G_OBJECT_CLASS (gs_plugin_packagekit_parent_class)->dispose (object);
@@ -209,6 +228,7 @@ gs_plugin_packagekit_finalize (GObject *object)
        g_mutex_clear (&self->task_mutex_local);
        g_mutex_clear (&self->client_mutex_url_to_app);
        g_mutex_clear (&self->task_mutex_upgrade);
+       g_mutex_clear (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
        G_OBJECT_CLASS (gs_plugin_packagekit_parent_class)->finalize (object);
@@ -3172,6 +3192,160 @@ gs_plugin_disable_repo (GsPlugin *plugin,
        return TRUE;
+static gboolean
+_download_only (GsPluginPackagekit  *self,
+                GsAppList           *list,
+                GsAppList           *progress_list,
+                GCancellable        *cancellable,
+                GError             **error)
+       GsPlugin *plugin = GS_PLUGIN (self);
+       g_auto(GStrv) package_ids = NULL;
+       g_autoptr(GsPackagekitHelper) helper = gs_packagekit_helper_new (plugin);
+       g_autoptr(PkPackageSack) sack = NULL;
+       g_autoptr(PkResults) results2 = NULL;
+       g_autoptr(PkResults) results = NULL;
+       /* get the list of packages to update */
+       gs_plugin_status_update (plugin, NULL, GS_PLUGIN_STATUS_WAITING);
+       g_mutex_lock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       /* never refresh the metadata here as this can surprise the frontend if
+        * we end up downloading a different set of packages than what was
+        * shown to the user */
+       pk_client_set_cache_age (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), G_MAXUINT);
+       gs_packagekit_task_setup (GS_PACKAGEKIT_TASK (self->task_refresh), GS_PLUGIN_ACTION_DOWNLOAD, 
gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE));
+       results = pk_client_get_updates (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh),
+                                        pk_bitfield_value (PK_FILTER_ENUM_NONE),
+                                        cancellable,
+                                        gs_packagekit_helper_cb, helper,
+                                        error);
+       g_mutex_unlock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       if (!gs_plugin_packagekit_results_valid (results, error)) {
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       /* download all the packages */
+       sack = pk_results_get_package_sack (results);
+       if (pk_package_sack_get_size (sack) == 0)
+               return TRUE;
+       package_ids = pk_package_sack_get_ids (sack);
+       for (guint i = 0; i < gs_app_list_length (list); i++) {
+               GsApp *app = gs_app_list_index (list, i);
+               gs_packagekit_helper_add_app (helper, app);
+       }
+       gs_packagekit_helper_set_progress_list (helper, progress_list);
+       g_mutex_lock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       /* never refresh the metadata here as this can surprise the frontend if
+        * we end up downloading a different set of packages than what was
+        * shown to the user */
+       pk_client_set_cache_age (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), G_MAXUINT);
+       gs_packagekit_task_setup (GS_PACKAGEKIT_TASK (self->task_refresh), GS_PLUGIN_ACTION_DOWNLOAD, 
gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE));
+       results2 = pk_task_update_packages_sync (self->task_refresh,
+                                                package_ids,
+                                                cancellable,
+                                                gs_packagekit_helper_cb, helper,
+                                                error);
+       g_mutex_unlock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       gs_app_list_override_progress (progress_list, GS_APP_PROGRESS_UNKNOWN);
+       if (results2 == NULL) {
+               gs_plugin_packagekit_error_convert (error);
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       if (g_cancellable_set_error_if_cancelled (cancellable, error))
+               return FALSE;
+       for (guint i = 0; i < gs_app_list_length (list); i++) {
+               GsApp *app = gs_app_list_index (list, i);
+               /* To indicate the app is already downloaded */
+               gs_app_set_size_download (app, 0);
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+gs_plugin_download (GsPlugin *plugin,
+                    GsAppList *list,
+                    GCancellable *cancellable,
+                    GError **error)
+       GsPluginPackagekit *self = GS_PLUGIN_PACKAGEKIT (plugin);
+       g_autoptr(GsAppList) list_tmp = gs_app_list_new ();
+       g_autoptr(GError) error_local = NULL;
+       gboolean retval;
+       gpointer schedule_entry_handle = NULL;
+       /* add any packages */
+       for (guint i = 0; i < gs_app_list_length (list); i++) {
+               GsApp *app = gs_app_list_index (list, i);
+               GsAppList *related = gs_app_get_related (app);
+               /* add this app */
+               if (!gs_app_has_quirk (app, GS_APP_QUIRK_IS_PROXY)) {
+                       if (gs_app_has_management_plugin (app, plugin))
+                               gs_app_list_add (list_tmp, app);
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* add each related app */
+               for (guint j = 0; j < gs_app_list_length (related); j++) {
+                       GsApp *app_tmp = gs_app_list_index (related, j);
+                       if (gs_app_has_management_plugin (app_tmp, plugin))
+                               gs_app_list_add (list_tmp, app_tmp);
+               }
+       }
+       if (gs_app_list_length (list_tmp) == 0)
+               return TRUE;
+       if (!gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE)) {
+               if (!gs_metered_block_app_list_on_download_scheduler (list_tmp, &schedule_entry_handle, 
cancellable, &error_local)) {
+                       g_warning ("Failed to block on download scheduler: %s",
+                                  error_local->message);
+                       g_clear_error (&error_local);
+               }
+       }
+       retval = _download_only (self, list_tmp, list, cancellable, error);
+       if (!gs_metered_remove_from_download_scheduler (schedule_entry_handle, NULL, &error_local))
+               g_warning ("Failed to remove schedule entry: %s", error_local->message);
+       return retval;
+gs_plugin_refresh (GsPlugin *plugin,
+                  guint cache_age,
+                  GCancellable *cancellable,
+                  GError **error)
+       GsPluginPackagekit *self = GS_PLUGIN_PACKAGEKIT (plugin);
+       g_autoptr(GsPackagekitHelper) helper = gs_packagekit_helper_new (plugin);
+       g_autoptr(GsApp) app_dl = gs_app_new (gs_plugin_get_name (plugin));
+       g_autoptr(PkResults) results = NULL;
+       gs_plugin_status_update (plugin, NULL, GS_PLUGIN_STATUS_WAITING);
+       gs_packagekit_helper_set_progress_app (helper, app_dl);
+       g_mutex_lock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       /* cache age of 1 is user-initiated */
+       pk_client_set_background (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), cache_age > 1);
+       gs_packagekit_task_setup (GS_PACKAGEKIT_TASK (self->task_refresh), GS_PLUGIN_ACTION_REFRESH, 
gs_plugin_has_flags (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_FLAGS_INTERACTIVE));
+       pk_client_set_cache_age (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh), cache_age);
+       /* refresh the metadata */
+       results = pk_client_refresh_cache (PK_CLIENT (self->task_refresh),
+                                          FALSE /* force */,
+                                          cancellable,
+                                          gs_packagekit_helper_cb, helper,
+                                          error);
+       g_mutex_unlock (&self->task_mutex_refresh);
+       if (!gs_plugin_packagekit_results_valid (results, error)) {
+               return FALSE;
+       }
+       return TRUE;
 static void
 gs_plugin_packagekit_class_init (GsPluginPackagekitClass *klass)
diff --git a/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-systemd-updates.c b/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-systemd-updates.c
index fcfc7c728..d8ac8979b 100644
--- a/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-systemd-updates.c
+++ b/plugins/packagekit/gs-plugin-systemd-updates.c
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ gs_plugin_systemd_updates_init (GsPluginSystemdUpdates *self)
        GsPlugin *plugin = GS_PLUGIN (self);
-       gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "packagekit-refresh");
        gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_AFTER, "packagekit");
        gs_plugin_add_rule (plugin, GS_PLUGIN_RULE_RUN_BEFORE, "generic-updates");
diff --git a/plugins/packagekit/meson.build b/plugins/packagekit/meson.build
index 07f570c12..de93a6f95 100644
--- a/plugins/packagekit/meson.build
+++ b/plugins/packagekit/meson.build
@@ -62,24 +62,6 @@ shared_module(
   dependencies : [ plugin_libs, packagekit ],
-  'gs_plugin_packagekit-refresh',
-  sources : [
-    'gs-plugin-packagekit-refresh.c',
-    'gs-packagekit-task.c',
-    'gs-packagekit-helper.c',
-    'packagekit-common.c',
-  ],
-  include_directories : [
-    include_directories('../..'),
-    include_directories('../../lib'),
-  ],
-  install : true,
-  install_dir: plugin_dir,
-  c_args : cargs,
-  dependencies : [ plugin_libs, packagekit ],
 if get_option('tests')
   cargs += ['-DTESTDATADIR="' + join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'tests') + '"']
   e = executable(
diff --git a/plugins/rpm-ostree/gs-plugin-rpm-ostree.c b/plugins/rpm-ostree/gs-plugin-rpm-ostree.c
index 01c2741e0..cd019bcc1 100644
--- a/plugins/rpm-ostree/gs-plugin-rpm-ostree.c
+++ b/plugins/rpm-ostree/gs-plugin-rpm-ostree.c
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ gs_plugin_rpm_ostree_init (GsPluginRpmOstree *self)
        gs_plugin_add_rule (GS_PLUGIN (self), GS_PLUGIN_RULE_CONFLICTS, "packagekit");
        gs_plugin_add_rule (GS_PLUGIN (self), GS_PLUGIN_RULE_CONFLICTS, "packagekit-refine-repos");
-       gs_plugin_add_rule (GS_PLUGIN (self), GS_PLUGIN_RULE_CONFLICTS, "packagekit-refresh");
        gs_plugin_add_rule (GS_PLUGIN (self), GS_PLUGIN_RULE_CONFLICTS, "systemd-updates");
        /* need pkgname */

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